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4774920 No.4774920 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4774956

Either grind up good equipment and stockpile items in the warehouse and make it a complete cake walk, or go in raw each time and accept that it's a crapshoot whether the game will give you the right items to make it to the end or not.

Have fun.

>> No.4775059

How many floors are in this game?

>> No.4775821


>> No.4776007

>some kind of SNES JRPG that looks like vomit
How do I know you're a millennial, OP?

>> No.4776025

Ain't you wrong about that

>> No.4776059

grandpa mad at the kids these days

>> No.4776112

I can reach the boss without warehouse every time. There is a small chance of not being able to kill it, but only 1/10 times or so. SFC is easier than DS because its more random loot table lets you get good stuff early. Just play more, OP.

>> No.4776351
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Are any of the Shiren's as intricate as, say, NetHack? Or are they around Torneko's degree? Do they have lite elements?

>> No.4776549


No they are all very simplified compared to Nethack etc.

>> No.4776559

>How do I know you're a millennial, OP?
Probably because 95% of the people on this board are.

>> No.4776570

Know if any intricate roguelikes that I can emulate?

>> No.4776580

You can just get Nethack, Angband, and Crawl (preferably the stone soup variant) for your PC of choice. All the major roguelikes are open source except for like ADOM (and even that one has tons of ports).

Chocobo Mystery Dungeon on the PS1 is a good console roguelike though.

>> No.4776602

Thanks but I'm restricted to playing on phone and for some reason Android doesn't have Wine.

>> No.4776604

Android doesn't have wine because wine isn't an emulator. It's a translation layer for Windows API calls. You still need an x86 processor to use it.

And I'm pretty sure Nethack, Angband, Crawl, etc have all been ported to Android and are on the play store for free.

>> No.4776605

This is true, I'm just finding the interface a real bitch to deal with.

>> No.4776638
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Powder is a decent middle ground. It's designed to be played moblie and isn't as intricate as Nethack but is much more complex and interesting than Shiren and has a very fun class system. It's also fairly short which makes dying a lot (which you will) easier to take.


Ironically the Android version isn't on his site but just Google for it, I think the link I found came from a reddit thread or something.

>> No.4776659

Learn from every death. You didn't die from RNG, you died from an avoidable mistake. Spend a minute or two analyzing the death and how it could have been prevented. Never die with items in your inventory, that is one of the worst things you could do.

>> No.4776682

>How do I know you're a millennial, OP?

I'd guess through projecting anon? Either that or autism.

>> No.4776683

I'm the guy that's posting in /rlg/ lately about Powder. It's alright I guess. I'll see if maybe one of the later versions on other platforms are emulateable on Android.
I too could only find the link on reddit.

>> No.4776684

Well they were made for kb&m. Try sproggiwood instead.

>> No.4776691

I've never actually gone there for the forum I just remembered that was where I found the link.

What are your thoughts on it? I like it because it's simple like Rogue, just get down and get out but it's complex enough I keep coming back.

>> No.4776720
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It's good. I've been playing mostly mage, tend to be some bullshit deaths around depth 6. The number of times I've played Barbarian, I felt I can barely get to depth 3 before the bullshit deaths start happening.
Oh great, 118 is the latest version on all platforms including Android after all. What a shame.

>> No.4776726

That seems really earlyto be dying. Though I've found barbarian one of the hardest classes to win with. What is usually killing you? What counts as a bullshit death?

You may be leveling too much is my first thought, that's one of the things that will fuck you over very fast.

What is even new in the new version? This one seems fine to me.

>> No.4776741

There is no newer version, is what I'm saying.
Mostly random named enemies taking me down in one hit or a stun chain with the mage. With barb, usually enemies that are only slightly higher-level, barbs lack escape methods early on and have less ways to identify inventory.

>> No.4776751

Oh and what's this about over-leveling? Should I be avoided fights rather than engaging?

>> No.4776776

Ohh never attack a named enemy unless it's of a very weak type compared to you and you have a lot of options. They can turn out to be crazy powerful.

And yes, in roguelikes in general but Powder particularly you should be careful about what you kill. For one, you will often run into enemies stronger than you but also the more levels you gain the stronger the monsters will be. Also any time you kill something, often something stronger spawns to replace it. That's one of the reasons I usually avoid attacking non-aggressive monsters.

I take it you've at least learned not to fight kiwis and bats right?

>> No.4776815

Hah kiwis only if I'm at least lvl 3. Bats I usually take on for a chance at some sweet quicken, they rarely kill me even at lvl 1.
I know to avoid stronger named ones, but there's the occasional one that appears outta nowhere and smacks your girlfriend's ass.
Och, so there's level-scaling, silly me for not realizing.

So last round I got revenge'd by a cockatrice's petrify. Should I just not face them unless I have preserve?

>> No.4776821

Preserve won't do anything. Stone to flesh, an acid potion or an amulet of unchanging will all help you out but I usually just avoid them.

It's not exactly level scaling, but what spawns depends on what floor you're on, how many hit dice you have and how long you've been on a given floor. I like to keep very low level if I get the chance (book of hruth) and will sometimes get as far down as floor 11 before gaining a level. Makes things dangerous at first but can save you in the late game.

>> No.4776838

Holy crap, so you just explore, loot and try to flee from aggro enemies?

>> No.4776847

If I have Endure Hunger, yeah. I put off as much killing as possible till deeper down. Otherwise I do kill stuff, but am careful and try to go relatively slow.

You can win crashing through killing everything too, but it's hard and the last levels and the way back up can be rough.

>> No.4776895

I'll give it a shot and report back, thanks.

>> No.4777078

Good luck! Patience and carefulness are virtues in this game.

>> No.4778037

never played shiren. this sounds like terrible game design

>> No.4778986

As roguelikes go it's really not great, but it is one of the better of the chunsoft games and good for getting people into the genre.

>> No.4780165

What loot do you absolutely need to collect?

>> No.4781987

Blastwave scrolls. All the blastwave scrolls.

>> No.4782572

>Never die with items in your inventory, that is one of the worst things you could do.

This is very true and one of those things that seems hard for some to learn.
Everything is useful somehow.