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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 59 KB, 1358x658, 2345232132134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
477324 No.477324 [Reply] [Original]

ALRIGHT thank you for the sword, NOW WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO?

>> No.477329

due north

>> No.477347

Just turn off the game. Hand holding has spoiled you, clearly old games are too much for you to handle now.

>> No.477339

Jesus Christ, OP, fix your aspect ratio.

Also download the manual. Kids these days...

>> No.477348
File: 137 KB, 468x268, whats-been-lost-in-the-legend-of-zelda-20110225031038516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.477365


Ladies and gentlemen, the modern gamer.

>> No.477367

Settings -> Video, check box next to "maintain aspect ratio"

>> No.477374
File: 6 KB, 256x240, zelda_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The true sense of adventure comes from figuring out what to do by yourself.

>> No.477375

You're supposed to look at the instruction manual, which tells you exactly where to go.

>> No.477408

Start, y'know, exploring. You might find something.

>> No.477439

Just wanted a direction. Jumping right in to the world without a hint on where to go and getting completely lost was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game.
Found the first dungeon I think?

And why am I supposed to look at the instruction manual? Why couldn't the cave-man tell me something about the area?

Lastly, why does my sword stop shooting projectiles? Where are the energy resources if there are any?

>> No.477442
File: 269 KB, 1270x635, Aspect Raidou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.477473
File: 6 KB, 256x240, zelda_053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you met this guy yet OP? You can find him pretty near the start point. Once you have Dodongo, travelling is much easier.

>> No.477520

Nigga best be trollin...BUT

First dungeon: from start. one east, 3 norf, 1 west.

Sword shoots when you have full health

>> No.477556

Ran straight to the first dungeon but I'll check on him later.

Any more hot tips to make my experience the best it can be?

>> No.477564

>And why am I supposed to look at the instruction manual?
Do you think manuals must be filled with concept art?

>Why couldn't the cave-man tell me something about the area?
Because precious memory and exploration experience.

> why does my sword stop shooting projectiles?

Where are the energy resources if there are any?
Have you played at least one zelda game? Almost every 2D zelda game has energy shooting swords.

>> No.477587

Explore. There are not that many places you can reach with just the sword. Maybe about half the overworld at most, which when you consider that the entire overworld is just 128 squares or so, and each square takes about five seconds to cross from end to end at the most, means you're looking at about 5 1/2 minutes of hard exploration AT MOST before you find where to go next. If you stop to fight the monsters along the way, assume 20 minutes or less, even if you're a bad player.

You can't spend 20 minutes looking around, OP? Really? What are you even doing on /vr/?

>> No.477569

Close this thread.
Play Zelda.

Fucking teenies.

>> No.477591
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1359672473613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.477626

"Look up the instruction manual for details."

I'm not even kidding.

>> No.477639
File: 126 KB, 1000x386, z1manual-41-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THIS is for you faggots who said the game had zero direction.

IT HAS DIRECTION. But the directions are in the manual, you emulating used game fags.

>> No.477638
File: 6 KB, 256x240, zelda_033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know I should have maybe spoilered that, but some of the hints in LoZ are just so damn obtuse it's only fair to give some pointers to new players (especially lacking the manual).

Like this part later for instance. How would you figure out the reason you can't take the Dodongo to the fifth dungeon is because of the Medallion? I guess they called it the Hyrule medallion in the manual but still, fuck that.

>> No.477652


A time where instruction manuals weren't pointless...

>> No.477661
File: 540 KB, 400x300, well_done.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settin' dese foo's straight.

>> No.477662

If you were told exactly what to do at all times the game would be finished very quickly, it's not very long

Explore nigga, play it like it's 1987 and your only recourse is talking to the friends you don't have

>> No.477696

Wander around and kill enemies until you get money and bombs (Moblins drop the latter). There's a fairy who heals you if you go one screen north from the starting location, two east, and three north.

From the starting screen, go four east to the edge of the water and bomb the north rock wall. In here is the first heart container.

>> No.477701

>make my experience the best it can be
Start a new file and don't get the sword.

>> No.477721

Jeez, why would they include the Pol's Voice weak spot in a translated manual?

>> No.477724


What these anons said.

Also, ignore >>477473 Getting the Dodongo later actually nets you a really good reward in one of the later dungeons.

>> No.477730
File: 119 KB, 1000x385, z1manual-43-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's where the 2nd dungeon is.

I think I need to start doing instruction manual dumps of older games.

>> No.477735
File: 599 KB, 2400x862, 1363872839292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I post these two images every other day now.

>> No.477736

Just beeline to the Holy Cross at the cemetary. Once you have that you can just steamroll anything in the game.

>> No.477743
File: 490 KB, 2400x861, 1363872870142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These should get you off to a good start, OP.

>> No.477787


Yeah, you need like 12 hearts to get the magic sword

>> No.477782

You mean the Magic Sword? It's going to be a few levels before he can even get the White Sword.

>> No.477825

>mfw wasting time on this when ALttP2 has just been announced

>> No.477873

If you think Zelda's cryptic, try playing Zork. That game gives you NO clue what you're even supposed to be doing.

>> No.477903

Just get lamp and proceed from there. Not complicated. I never thought I'd live to see the day when people actually value the bullshit educational "hot to play the game" tutorials in the beginning of a game. But I guess the kids these days need them?

>> No.477912 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 400x300, grandpa_simpson_yelling_at_cloud_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I guess the kids these days need them?

way to be a bitter old fart

>> No.477921

It's an adventure game.
Be adventurous.

>> No.477929

Not really bitter. I'm just amazed. I remember a time when people used to complain about those boring intros nonstop. It's just culture shock for me.

>> No.477965

The last time I played Zork, I think I made it up to the dam or something before just giving up because I had no clue what the fuck I was meant to do, and couldn't seem to get anywhere interesting. Same goes for Colossal Cave, except I gave up once I got to the bit with the dwarf.

Old text adventures are pretty bullshit.

>> No.477968

I remember when people complained about unskippable tutorials.

Today people complain when there aren't tooltips constantly popping up to explain everything in detail all the time.

>> No.477998

Although to my credit, I've never once been eaten by a grue. I guess that's something.

>> No.478006


>> No.478021

The door is that way.

>> No.478030

Actually, if he knows where to place a couple of bombs and where to go to collect the White Sword, he can have it before the first dungeon no problem. Of course, it significantly lessens the difficulty of the dungeon, which may make it less interesting.

I've beaten LoZ so many times now, I usually just farm up my equipment first so I can breeze through the first 5 dungeons. I admit that when I tried going through those dungeons with nothing but the Wooden Sword, a Large Shield, and no Ring, it was quite a bit more fun than I remembered, but I guess that's because I practically have the whole game stored in muscle memory at this point and I wasn't letting myself get hit very much. Doing it with a Small Shield is probably the next challenge for me. A Small Shield and only the Heart Containers from the Labyrinths.

Hmm, maybe I'll go do that now.

>> No.478047

Yes, but it's clear that OP isn't big on exploration.

>> No.478050

The White Sword isn't too hard to get to, except there's a Blue Lynell guarding it.

>> No.478053

>Old text adventures are pretty bullshit.
Oh how wrong you are. Old text adventures are one of my favorite genres. I even wrote my own in TADS back in the day. It was pretty shitty but fun to write.

The thing with text adventures is that it really helps if you A) have played several so you know the conventions, and B) have a group of people brainstorming together to solve it. My whole family used to be involved in a text adventure. It was real bonding time. This was in the pre-internet days too so we'd be stuck on a game for months sometimes. The excitement when we cracked the puzzle though was a huge rush. I remember there were several moments like that for HHGG. Such a classic. Never did make it through Bureaucracy, sadly, since I had to go to college and they went on without me.

>> No.478074


>> No.478068

You can't get it right away. Master using it and you can have it.

>> No.478071

>A Small Shield and only the Heart Containers from the Labyrinths

That was how I got to the 4rth dungeon and started to look for a faq, because fuck this shit

>> No.478080

It's easy to avoid. If it's standing right in your way, leave and come back until it spawns in the lower left corner of the screen. Then it's just a matter of walking past while it wanders around shooting at nothing.

>> No.478083

>This was in the pre-internet days too so we'd be stuck on a game for months sometimes

wtf man. are you like 50 or something?

>> No.478103

I'm 23 and we didn't have any Internet at home until 1999.

>> No.478104

OK well I lived in a rural town so internet took a while to get there too. You city dwellers probably had it a few years earlier. I'm talking circa 1992.

>> No.478097

You need five heart containers, which can be easily done before the first dungeon.

>> No.478112

oh ok then.

>> No.478129

>having a group of people around to play a text adventure
I think I'm beginning to understand why they're a dying artform.

Also, didn't HHGG have a really bullshit trick where you die if you don't pick up an item near the start?

>> No.478130 [DELETED] 


gtfo back to /v/

>> No.478125

Easily? Maybe if you have a guide or you're replaying it for the 4th time. Not easy for a first timer.

>> No.478136

I'm 20, and my family didn't have internet until about 5 years ago.

>> No.478153 [DELETED] 

u mad bro?

>> No.478172


>> No.478174

Not that I recall. Getting the babelfish was a challenge, and there was a pretty good trick where you started the game with an item that you didn't realize was an item until it was needed half-way through and you spent hours looking for it only to find it was in your inventory the whole time.

>> No.478183

I might be thinking of a different game, then.

But yeah, I've heard the babelfish was pretty crazy.

>> No.478195

I know we had it around 1992. Though we also had dialup service provider since the early 80s. It's not the internet but it's access to information. Some people used BBS so that potentially had more information, though you'd really have to find a BBS that catered to it or people on BBS' that discussed that shit. Others didn't use the internet and got shit from magazines, hotlines or just a large group of friends.
There was usually info floating around somehow.

>> No.478203

/vr/, /vg/, /v/, same user base, ie shitposters.

>> No.482528


>> No.482746

>was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game
get out. Seriously. Go back to Legend of Edgy: Twilight Sparkle
>hand holding was what we weren't expecting from a LoZ game

>> No.482765


>> No.484894


>> No.484948
File: 100 KB, 598x520, 1366229464622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.484978

Doesn't the recorder kill them in this version?

>> No.485005

I love you

>> No.485018
File: 27 KB, 518x480, Get Out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jumping right in to the world without a hint on where to go and getting completely lost was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game.

>> No.485027


>> No.485031

>Jumping right in to the world without a hint on where to go and getting completely lost was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game.

>> No.485156

Is "people struggling with LoZ and running it with an odd emulator filter" a /vr/ meme now?

This is like the fifth thread I've seen that's fit that description.

>> No.485209

How many fucking times do we need to have this kind of bait thread for you fuckers to learn to ignore it?

Retards don't even use /v/ as their personal walkthrough (or they didn't start entire threads for it at least, not before /vr/ came about, without also inviting general discussion about the game and or series).

Note how the way the OP is typed makes it appear to be the type of person who wouldn't surf the internet far past facebook. Note how it's always the same fucking 3 or so well known games posted with this shit, and never anything else. Note how the conversation in these threads always follows the same fucking pattern of "WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO READ THE MANUAL HERP DERP".

This isn't some "modern gamer" actually being retarded, this is someone trying to troll or someone who thinks it's a LOL SO FANNY JOKE MODERN GAMERS AMIRITE.

Here's how you deal with confusion in games. In ANY goddamn game, /vr/ or not.
Step 1. Explore in game as much as possible. Play for your goddamn self and find your own answers. That's what anyone fucking reasonable does.
Step 2. Check the instruction manual, if one exists
Step 3. Go to a fucking walkthrough site like gamefaqs and look up some for your game
If that can't help you, then move onto another fucking game.

These threads add literally nothing to /vr/, and only contribute to the further shittifying of our board.

>> No.485248


What filters do you use threads also seem to attract horrible autists who can't be content letting other people use whatever they want to use, and who get offended when anyone uses a different filter set up.

>> No.486009


I agree. Those used to be really nicely done.

>> No.486573


>who can't be content letting other people use whatever they want to use

>> No.486612

>That entire first paragraph
People like you don't belong here.

>> No.486615


>Not just downloading corresponding manuals online for your emulators

Eat shit manchild retro game collector

>> No.486624

Not that anon, but if they ask what emulator is best and then argue when you don't name the one they're thinking of, that's kind of hilariously obnoxious.

>> No.490607

That's a really cute aspect ratio OP.

>> No.491198
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, HD Zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that's cute, then this must be even cuter

>> No.491208



>> No.491780



>> No.494403
File: 184 KB, 640x640, 1358931114149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494552

What gets me the most isn't the aspect ratio, nor the filter. It's the fucking PlayChoice-10 RGB palette. Those fucking colors hurt my eyes.

>> No.494579
File: 13 KB, 256x223, zactual2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to ruin the experience by knowing beforehand where to go you may as well just play the BS-X version.

>> No.494601

Its a start

>> No.494624


>> No.494662

Wherever you want to. Hyrule is your oyster.

>> No.494839

I didn't have to read the manual back in the day. Drew my own map. Shit was cash.

>> No.496101

Apparently the secret way to kill Pols Voice was to use a microphone peripheral that was never released in America, so they made it arrows over here.

>> No.496123
File: 81 KB, 400x300, famicom_controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>microphone peripheral
Try the standard built in controllers.

>> No.496125

Well, the second one anyway.

>> No.496215

goddammit, did I forget to try the arrows on those bouncing fuckers? I'm sure I tried everything else and then just went Welp I guess I'm out of luck not playing on famicom and hacked them with a sword. Takes time and care not to lose health in those rooms packed with polses...

>> No.496229

How did that work? Did they get stunned or die when you spoke into the mic while close to them?

>> No.496293

I don't know if OP is joking or not, but this is exactly the attitude that killed Zelda. I played Twilight Princess a few weeks ago and will briefly summarize my experience:

>1 hour until I even get the sword because I am forced to herd goats and catch cats among other stupid shit
>get to use sword for 15 minutes before I lose it and become a wolf
>don't even get to enter the first proper dungeon until the 3 hour mark

And just before that point:

>monkey steals my lantern in the swamp
>shakes its visibly nude ass at me as the camera zooms in on its gyrations
>Midna has to come out and actually tell me I should try to follow the monkey, like it wasn't already painfully obvious

The whole game was on rails. I played for 9 hours and not once did I experience anything resembling freedom. Sure at one point there was a giant field, but as far as I could see there was nothing I could do in it but go to the next town the game wanted me to go to. I don't know if it opens up later or not, but after 9 hours my hands hurt so much from the game refusing to loosen its grip on them that I quit.

>> No.496303

> I don't know if it opens up later or not,
Sidequests start to show up after like 3 dungeons, but otherwise nope. Its all on rails. And with SS its worse.

>> No.496304


they just explode.

>> No.496403

Holy shit, that rules.

>> No.499191


>> No.499250

I'm playing SS right now actually. I just got up, took a drink and now I'm on the title screen

>The first hour is just walking around to different tutorials
>Finally get a sword
>After using your sword for 5 minutes and doing that bird race, the next two hours is walking around to different cutscenes
>3 hours in and something finally happens
>You get Fi and get to go to the surface
>Now, every single thing you do will be commented on
>Things you just learned or things that are incredibly obvious will be repeated to you
>If you take too long to do anything Fi will chime in and tell you what to do, thankfully she doesn't tell you EXACTLY what to do like midna
>On the surface, get introduced to the dowsing mechanic
>To make sure no one ever has to put effort into searching or exploring, you can dowse and be shown exactly where you need to go
>If you get low hearts, she comments, even though there's loud beeping, your health bar is flashing and shaking, and link is glowing red, that your health is low. as if you couldn't figure it out

I could go on forever. Every zelda is just downhill from here
There was a faint glimmer of hope with spirit tracks though, there was no obnoxious helper fairy and you had to do dungeons completely by yourself

>> No.500368

You know what I always wanted to do it to look at the code for the NA version and see if they took out the portion corresponding to the blowing. I doubt they did. If not, I'm sure it would be possible to jimmy a paddle 2 into receiving blowing input. Would rule.

>> No.500493

Another option would be to hardmod a NES to use a Famicom Controller 2. Potentially expensive, but potentially worth it.

>> No.500606

anybody have experience hardmodding like this?

>> No.500703

That's a much condensed version. And frankly I think it works better to play BSZ after Z1 rater than the other way around.

>> No.500920

You can use Ocarina codes to get rid of some of Fi''s more obnoxious warnings such as your health and batteries running low, as well as to speed up text so you can skip through the bullshit faster. There is also a code to get rid of Fi completely, but unfortunately it also basically reverts things to before the race in Skyloft, Link has his intro clothes, and a few other things get buggy. I think you have to turn it off when entering dungeons or some shit.

>> No.500980

Anywhere you want

>> No.501426

Currently replaying Zelda 1, I forgotten how much shit the 2nd quest threw at you. On level 5 I got hit by a RED orb, and then died. So now I have no sword until I find a blue orb to get hit by, or reach the triforce piece. Only other weapons I have are bombs and the bow and arrow, and the blue candle. Fucking hell. What sort of asshole thought it would be fun to place a shitton of red orbs on the level with all the wizzrobes?

>> No.501687

Twilight Princess guy here from yesterday, holy hell that is unbelievable. I've heard SS was bad but that really takes the cake. There shouldn't even be tutorials in a Zelda game. Half the fun is just going out in the wild and experimenting with what you can do. What is there to even teach anyway? You have a sword, you slash at things. At this point I've pretty much given up on 3D Zeldas, but I'm not sure about LttP2. I hope it's not bogged down with text and 3 hours of "help".

>> No.501707
File: 128 KB, 726x569, wriggled my joeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.501719
File: 40 KB, 600x450, sad frog on a rainy day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got Zelda the day it came out
>the condition I left the map in when I was a kid
>don't even know where the original box is anymore
>instruction manual is in tatters

I hate myself.

>> No.501741

So, you guys say: "WOW I'M SO HARDCORE" but in fact you guys play this with the manualWalkthrough

>> No.501760


I know how you feel. you should see the state of my Eartbound player's guide

>> No.501761
File: 11 KB, 606x340, I MAKE NAVI LOOK LIKE A DEAF-MUTE SECRET SERVICE AGENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jumping right in to the world without a hint on where to go and getting completely lost was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game.




>> No.501794

So, what's the fucking point in playing this with the Walkthrough?
I finished this without the manual.

>> No.502241

Who is that? Looks like a Link made of water.

>> No.502271

JP 3DS version is bitchin', you can use the Mic to do the same thing.

Shame they didn't keep it in the US 3DS version, would've been great to finally be able to kill the fuckers the right way.

>> No.502567
File: 336 KB, 650x874, fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fi from Skyward Shit. Shoves compulsory tutorials down your throat every 10 seconds. She pops up uninvited to repeat what an NPC said immediately after they say it to you, beeps and notifies you every single time your hearts are low in case the fucking beeping didn't make it clear, and sets fucking waypoints on the already-linear map for you to follow.

Literally ruins the entire game. Think Navi but 10,000 times worse. This comic isn't even exaggerating, she actually does this shit.

>> No.504521

I like to imagine she's like Dorothy from Big O, that she's actually a master troll who's just pretending she doesn't know how annoying she is.

>> No.504550


I liked Skyward Sword

>> No.504652

at least navi had the idea to revisit saria and could be ignored

>> No.504661

Wherever you like until you find something important.

That's what makes it great.

>> No.504668

>Jumping right in to the world without a hint on where to go and getting completely lost was not what I was expecting from a LoZ game.
That's a pretty depressing statement when you think about it.

>> No.504679

Your experience will be the best it can be if you just play the game and have fun.

That's exactly how I went in to LoZ a long time ago, and it still ranks as the most rewarding vidya experience of my life.

>> No.504683


Not really. LoZ1 is kinda the only one that does this. Even Zelda 2 has barriers you can't make it past.

>> No.504692

I dunno, I handled without a guide or a manual.

>> No.504697

I actually regret reading manuals as a kid because of things like this. Going in fresh and figuring stuff out on my own is fun.

>> No.504725

I wish I could play LoZ fresh for the first time again. I want to be lost in the wonder and amazement of finding new things and exploring again.

>> No.504750


Play a Zelda 1 ROM hack. I've heard good things about LoZ: Outlands

>> No.504753


Also, Golden Axe Warrior, if you haven't already.

>> No.504754

As part of recent changes in my attitude towards life I've decided to go play all those games that I've thought were too hard or unfair, starting with Super Mario Bros. and the Legend of Zelda. I'm having a blast. LoZ is a really incredible game. Only ongoing gripe I have is the hitboxes, never sure what will/won't hit.

>> No.504778

Just remember something important. The RED orb enemies take away your sword until you touch a BLUE orb, or a triforce piece. Yeah. Avoid the red fucking orbs like the plague. I don't recall many in the first quest, but they are in the 2nd quest.

>> No.504823

Don't try to suck them up or they'll get mad and chase you.

>> No.504824

Thanks for the warning, I've actually seen that mentioned a few times. I'm not completely unspoiled, but much of my knowledge of this game comes from watching my cousin play it maybe 15 years ago. Which is interesting, because it's like I'm accessing all of this corrupted memory.

I was really tickled when I went back to the second dungeon after beating the third and picked up the magic boomerang, something I hadn't experienced in any other Zelda game.

>> No.504856


Go to hell.

>> No.504880

I did, too. But Fi is awful, and a Zelda with a real need to explore and discover would be nice to have again.

>> No.504886

And I find that depressing.

>> No.504915

Oh, I forgot to add. starting in the 3rd dungeon (not the first two for some reason), anytime you come across the boss door of a dungeon, she stops you dead in your tracks to comments on how big and sealed it is, and that there's probably something important in it and you should look for a key. drove me mad

>> No.504917

>Legend of Edgy: Twilight Sparkle
Thanks anon, now I have to get an ass implant because I actually laughed mine off

>> No.504936

I'm trying too. for every good thing I find in the game there's an extra 30 piles of shit waiting for me in the next room.

Before the 4th dungeon in that minecart section, I had a lot of fun on the first cart until it I noticed it wasn't responsive and I spent 2 hours on the next rail because I kept falling off on sharp turns.

>> No.504948

OP dont ever play StarTropics, you dont have the intelligence or the instruction booklet for it. dont use GameFAQs you scum

>> No.504953

Something I like about Zelda and other older, simple games is when you come across a puzzle, you usually only have one way to solve it

I'm playing skyward sword, and every so often I find a puzzle that clearly has multiple solutions that would make sense, but of course there's only one thing the game will let me do

>> No.504960

God damn it just start walking and you'll eventually be where you need to.

Holy shit I knew this when I was 8

>> No.506474 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.506480
File: 22 KB, 646x508, Zelda Classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should download Zelda Classic