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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 382x261, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4762218 No.4762218 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about this being like Zelda with more rpg elements
>plot is asinine
>characters are not interesting
>world is generic
>lol wait 5 seconds between swings or you do fuck all damage
>hitboxes are unclear, sometimes weapons miss even if they definitely were on the enemy's sprite
>"intuitive" ring menus are obnoxious to navigate

the "secret of mana" is that this game is surprisingly mediocre

>> No.4762230
File: 36 KB, 384x384, 59C1697F-707A-4821-96AD-1B8E8629CA5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How DARE you disrespect based Nasir

>> No.4762232

/vr/ action RPGs are almost never good. The tech just wasn't there. What Secret of Mana has going for it is Square production values, but anyone who looks past their nostalgia will realize it's a polished turd. I admit this fully, having spent $50 on the Seiken Densetsu Collection for Switch. I love it anyway.

>> No.4762237

>Secret of Mana: good
>Legend of Mana: better
>Final Fantasy Adventure: best

>> No.4762241

I love the sprite in this game, she is cute and spunky.

>> No.4762243


>> No.4762247

I finally played it earlier this year to see what all the fuss is about and I just couldn't get into it. The menu system is garbage, the combat is whack, your partners are retarded, and navigating is painful. I think I stopped playing in that village of mushroom people, it's just not a great game.

>> No.4762252

I feel that the best thing this game has going for it is the box art

>> No.4762294
File: 40 KB, 878x592, megaman_captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When going back to some old games and replaying them as an adult, Secret of Mana has somewhat fallen out of favor with me.
I remembered being annoyed at enemies' invulnerability frames that lasted for an eternity even back in the day. But for some reason, I thought the story was better (besides "your mother is a tree and your father is a sword", those were always ridiculous). I remembered wrong.
The game barely has a skeleton of a story, and the fact that Secret of Mana is made from scraps of an abandoned project really shows. Even the 40% Woolsey had to cut probably wouldn't make this any better.
And you can totally notice that they had to rush it, too. After the Empire, the game is just Sage Joch telling you where to go next. What a joke the Moon Palace is.
That said, I still don't think the game is terrible. But the only thing it has that is on a level with, say, Chrono Trigger, is its OST.

>> No.4762304

Call me a scrub, but whenever I attempt to play this I'm always put off by the janky as hell first boss battle. Is there a way to do it "right"? Even the devs must have known it was bullshit, because you can not die, so I just end up brute forcing my way through it.

>> No.4762313

I hate that basic attacks have cool down.
I hate that the enemies almost always seem to have a delayed reaction to your attacks.

>> No.4762407

>Even the 40% Woolsey had to cut probably wouldn't make this any better.
It helps a bit. Yeah, the game suffers from having huge chunks of planned plot axed completely, so the last third of the game is a mess of rushed plot points that were obviously meant to have more to them, but the poor translation just makes the already-messy plot even muddier and harder to understand. A lot of important dialogue is so badly worded it's impossible to understand what the fuck is even going on at times.

The recent remake is retranslated from scratch and makes a lot more sense.

>> No.4762436

Agreed, I've probably put 6 hours into this game because I though it might pick up but it never left the station.

>> No.4762460

>mana games
>zelda games
>ys games

>> No.4762463

>retro ys games
>bumper cars

>> No.4762464

>>hitboxes are unclear, sometimes weapons miss even if they definitely were on the enemy's sprite
It's an rpg. Your characters have a hit stat. Only the boy has high accuracy with all weapons.

This is not a game about fantastic storytelling and characterization. It's like a fairytale picturebook, the visuals are beautiful, the music is enchanting, the plot is a thousand years old and every character is a cliche.

It's a romping chilled out pinata simulator that you're meant to play with someone you simply enjoy spending time with.

>> No.4762465

Sprite is a boy(hermaphrodite).

>> No.4762470

Much more fun than mana/zelda especially with magic in ys ii

>> No.4762479

i don't know about "right", but the fastest and easiest is to stay close, directly in front of it. it chooses attacks based on your position, and being close baits its standard attack, which you can dodge or tank and hit it right away instead of getting frozen/unconscious/stunlocked with his undodgeable spells.
>hitboxes are unclear, sometimes weapons miss even if they definitely were on the enemy's sprite
what you do not smell is called iocane powder. some enemies and bosses have an evade chance, just like you, which negates attacks. but the game doesn't indicate whether you missed the hitboxes or the evade rate procced; you just whiff.
(some bosses also have a guard state or portion of their body which also blocks attacks, but that makes a clang sound)

>> No.4762505

Thanks Nasir

>> No.4762518

Guess I should look into that some time. A remake is always an opportunity for a retranslation, but I thought I heard at the time that at least the English version is mostly the same.

>> No.4762579


>be you
>shitty life
>better hate on something loved
>phew, made it through another day!

>> No.4762831

don't ever say anything bad about Secret of Mana again

>> No.4763271


>not playing the game solely for the amazing soundtrack

Plebian detected.

>> No.4763310
File: 2.00 MB, 1482x1080, Secret of Ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4763329
File: 139 KB, 674x600, seiken2st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related exists, and the entire thing is on youtube https://youtu.be/mGK3usiX31s

and while the soundtrack is definitely the best part of the game I liked music from other snes games better, like ff4-6

>> No.4763343 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 823x720, manabeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765159
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1416588595128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
