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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4761435 No.4761435 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the upcoming anime adaptation for YU-NO will be worth watching?

>> No.4761440 [DELETED] 

what the fuck nice fucking cankles you tubelegs thot

>> No.4761442

bitch could work in a paper factory as the rollers

>> No.4761459

I don't know because the more modern Takuya looks like a weak little ladyboy.

>> No.4761674

The game isn't even worth playing

>> No.4761856

t. retard

>> No.4761860

>watching anime adaptions of a vn
Just how low does your IQ have to be to do something like this?

>> No.4762000

Shit character designs and too much material with not nearly enough time. It's going to be trash.

>> No.4762013

>50+ hour long VN watered down into a 13 hour long clip show
Yu-No without the banter and chitchat is pointless.

>> No.4762305

lol @ the faggots enjoying the 50 hour filler

no story in the world is good enough to be told over 50 fucking hours, especially not a waifu fapbait

>> No.4762309

Who are you to judge what's filler and what's relevant?
Either way, I really don't want to hear about people having bad taste from a retard who judges how good a story is based on how many twists per minute it has.

>> No.4762324

>please don't talk bad about my porn game

>> No.4762325

>I like some shitty fan translated henta game i so that makes my opinion better than yours

Why the fuck does anyone like this game? Are you that lonely that you have to fantasize about being a Japanese high school kid that can travel through time and have sex with all your teachers?

>> No.4762331
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>romance games

>> No.4762336

> shitty fan translated
I learned Japanese so I could enjoy these games more.

>> No.4762346

you sure did kiddo

>> No.4762373

>people who have played the game universally agree that it's a masterpiece
>people who have not played the game say "XD PORN GAEM XD"
got my noggin joggin, man!

>> No.4763794 [SPOILER] 
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Did Ryuuzouji know about the cavern under his mansion? Would he have saved Imagawa if he hadn't been mindbroken by Mr. Space Criminal?

>> No.4763818


You should always play the VN anyway as it will tell the whole story but some adaptions are good, Steins;Gate and Clannad come to mind. Adapting girl-route-based VNs is nothing like attempting to adapt YU-NO though, what with its quirky savestate-based gameplay and mind-bending timeline. It'll go about as smoothly as the hentai adaption.

>> No.4763832


You guys are just ignorant right? YU-NO's translation is literally as good as they get. Not only did it take years of work and research put into it but the translator had a direct line with the game's creator throughout. I know the autismos here argue against translation of any kind but you can't claim a single thing got lost in the text when the fucking guy who wrote it in Japanese checked it over and signed off on it.

I don't like Hardcore Gaming 101 and the mental patients that write most of their stuff but their article on YU-NO's development and translation is superb, give it a look.

>> No.4763847

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO.

>> No.4763859


The hentai is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of metaphysics most of the dick and titty references will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Arima’s Freudian outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from constantly wanting to fuck his mom, for instance.

>> No.4763879
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>It'll go about as smoothly as the hentai adaption
What are you on about? The YU-NO OVA from 20 years ago is a masterpiece. You need to have a very high IQ to understand it.

>> No.4763942

False. It's worth playing for the music and art alone.

>> No.4763945

>Are you that lonely that you have to fantasize about being a Japanese high school kid that can travel through time and have sex with all your teachers?
You can make the same argument about literally any book or movie. Why bother with stories at all, why not just go out and do it in real life.

>> No.4763956
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>literal high school harem waifu bait


>> No.4763982

I thought it was a beautiful game. So, Hiroyuki Kanno inspired at least one person. And what have you done with your life?

>> No.4763992

Nothing better than having to walk around in circles for hours and then holy shit for some reason I'm stuck in a locker where I didn't even realize that my teacher was in there too! And what? While she rubbed me off, outside the locker my other teacher, that I had an affair with, was getting raped. What a masterpiece of story telling.

>> No.4763996

The only reason that you thought it was a masterpiece is because you masturbated to it the whole time.

>> No.4764003

>but the translator had a direct line with the game's creator throughout.

>> No.4764005

I literally didn't masturbate once while playing it.

And what's your idea of a masterpiece?

>> No.4764009

Anon, stop replying.

>> No.4764086

For visual novels?
Retro - Machi
Not Retro - Hayarigami trilogy

>> No.4764103

It's a great VN, the people who perpetually bash it are the ones who were too stupid to understand it, and shit on it to feel better about themselves.

>> No.4764428

lol retard

>> No.4765086
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It's a good VN with very enjoyable characters, very entertaining dialogue and a fairly interesting story with some great scenes spread throughout the game (I would also mention the great music but the topic at hand appears to be the game's writing.) However, I will say that I feel weird when I see people praising the game like it's the best thing since sliced bread. Not only are they acting like it's high art, when it isn't; they're also overselling it to people who haven't played it yet, which will only lead to disappointment as the game ends up not living up to their overblown expectations.

>> No.4765216

>Not only are they acting like it's high art, when it isn't
Why not?

>overselling it to people who haven't played it yet, which will only lead to disappointment as the game ends up not living up to their overblown expectations.
I can agree with that. A brief description of the game alone will tell you it's not everyone's thing, which is fine.

>> No.4766332

I wouldn't say the writing is amazing but at the very least it's very enjoyable. For instance the whole exchange between Takuya and Mio where she's all like "come to my house and I'll show you who's the fucking nerd" and things like that. However it does have excellent music (I honestly want someone to show me better music on a visual novel), pretty decent artwork and a good mix of settings. Perhaps I'm a little bit biased because anything that involves time and space fucking is interesting to me.

>> No.4766707

Maybe not high art, but I think it's a great example of what the VN medium can do when it's pushed beyond just "this is this girl's route. this is this girl's route. this is this girl's route." I guess it's technically more of an adventure game.

>> No.4766740

Should I keep playing this without a guide? So far I am. I am essentially on the first night of the summer classes (after the prologue, so still not very far) waiting to take a bath but I am nervous because I'm looking at the map and seeing all the branching paths I'm not taking that I didn't even know could exist. I haven't used any stones yet and I am assuming it is way too early to even consider using one.

>> No.4766754

To make it easier for you, the game has 4 main routes: Ayumi's, Mio's, Mitsuki's and Kanna's. Kanna's also branches out into Kaori's route later on.
There's a recommended route order to minimize backtracking and have a more natural plot progression. It's the first thing in the text guide that comes with the fan translation. I recommend learning that first before considering to use the full guide to get through the game.

>> No.4766765

Use the stones at a junction when the crystal flashes. As long as you have one left you can open the map, jump there and get the stone back. If you placed the last one you have to start from the beginning.
The map also shows where to find other stones so it's a good idea to scout around to expand your options.
Remember that your inventory is independent from the timelines so you keep what you have on you. Some items are expendable and it's helpful to place a save right before you pick them up.

>> No.4766817

Should I start over and save every time a crystal flashes? I saw it flash a couple times and I was like "whatever"

>> No.4766872

>Keep it in mind that this game does contain elements that could be very offensive to some. Download this at your own risk.

What?! Is there any guro shit?

>> No.4766876

Nudity, rape and death. Some ELF games contain guro but not this one.

>> No.4767073

Why would anybody find this interesting?

>> No.4767241

Do I need the Saturn mouse for this. I see it was bundled with it but I can't tell if its compulsory.

>> No.4767279

>You should always play the VN anyway as it will tell the whole story but some adaptions are good, Steins;Gate and Clannad come to mind.

What about Fate

>> No.4767308

I have never heard of anyone prefering the anime to the VN. That could just be because Fate is longer than the three Lord of The Ring novels combined and they don't want to admit they wasted all that time though. I only read the VN so I can't say.

>> No.4767339

There's nothing missable in the game and it's impossible to get stuck so if you wanted you could keep going without a guide, although it'll make things take longer probably. When you get to the end of a route, you'll automatically warp back to the point right after the prologue; this continues until you find all the stones (whose locations are marked on the map) which will unlock the true ending route.

There are a few cases where you can't get the stone on a particular route X without having an item from route Y, so if you go far enough down route X without having gotten the item from Y first and you didn't put a save gem in the right place then you'll have to do hella backtracking to go get that item and then get back to where you were on route X. So you might want to use the guide (it's a big map of all the routes and items that should be in the files you downloaded) to plan your course.

The flash means that a route branch is coming up. Just click on one of your gems to set a warp point there and then you can warp back any time. It makes it quicker to explore different branches without having to go back to start every single time.

>> No.4767347

You (possibly big spoilers but not super-specific) have incestual sex with your biological daughter who is about 5 years old, but due to accelerated genetic aging she has the body of an 18 year old

>> No.4767353

Not worth playing in English. But that again, no visual novel is.

Basically lol EOPs.

>> No.4767360

It's foreshadowed pretty heavily in the prologue.

>> No.4767414

[spoilers]I guessed that the disappearing woman was his mother, rather than his daughter. So kinda close, but it was just a guess, I don't recall it being foreshadowed. It wasn't foreshadowed that you would fuck her either, unless you deduced that from the general fact that you fuck most of the major female characters in the game.[/spoiler]

>> No.4767968

well worth watching or not is irrelevant since I watch a lot of trash

>> No.4767978

when the fuck does it come out

>> No.4767983


Nah, VN's much better - seeing the action scenes in motion is cool but the story gets put through the ringer.

>> No.4768029

People said it was the greatest visual novel of all time, and I want to disagree with them, cause when I beat it, I didn't feel like it was the best one ever, but I cannot really think of a better one, either. It straddles the line between visual novel and video game, because this game actually does have puzzles and can't be beaten by just clicking endlessly. So, if that is the case, then it can be counted against things like 999 or Phoenix Wright.

The girls are pretty hot in Yu-no though.

>> No.4768037

Fall season seems like a reasonable estimate.
Expect that they time it with the Steam and Switch release of the game.

>> No.4768051
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You should try Kara no Shoujo (though it's not /vr/). It's basically like Phoenix Wright, except way more serious and set in the post WWII Tokyo. You're playing as an ex-cop private investigator in pursuit of a serial killer. You get to do point and click investigations and there's a lot of bad ends to walk into if you fuck up. There's a lot of choices to the point where some people think it's too complicated for a VN, but YMMV ofc.

>> No.4768091

Desire, Eve and Yu-No pretend to be these twisty sci-fi stories with tweeeeeests and intrigue, but the actual twist is that all the twists are tacked on as an afterthought, and at their cores, these VNs are straight-up melodramas about dem overwhelmingly complex womynz feels and dem men being utter dolts unable to comprehend the subtlety of woman's soul or some shit like that. Story progression is whimsical as fuck too, and the author clearly don't give a shit, while basically telling the reader about HIS emotions at the time he was writing his shit, about what the reader would actually feel like, having been led by the nose by copious unfulfilled promises of an interesting scifiish story. It's just this endless bla-bla-bla-bla-bla about author's feels, about womynz feels, about whoever the fuck's feels, interspersed with copious foreshadowing of "things to come" and cheap intrigue. The entirety of Kanno's style is not only blatant sentimentalist attentionwhoring, it's blatant sentimentalist attentionwhoring masked for telling a completely different (and arguably way more interesting to the reader, as opposed to the author) type of story. It's simply unethical. It's bait-and-switch. The bait is what author thinks the reader wants to read about. The switch is what author actually wants to write about. And the two are treated as mutually exclusive. So author throws reader a bone, a promise, some hint, a cool joke, then hewent droning on his shit noone cares about for hours, then he comes to senses, shit, noone is gonna keep reading it, more empty promises, some foreshadowing, "let me tell you a secret; oops, no time, gotta go, tell you later", then again, attentionwhoring and muh feels, again a semblance of something cool actually happening, again the switcheroo, and so on so forth.

>> No.4768103

You just described eden* which I read the last week. Hours upon hours of slice-of-lice, inner monologues and SO MUCH TALK about everyone's feelings. And then every few hours there would be some bait/foreshadowing/half told secret etc. Yet in the end it all amounts to nothing. No sci-fi shit is actually explained in a meaningful way.

I'd imagine a lot of VN's are written like this though. A paper thin story with many hours of mindless padding. I mean look at shit like Higurashi, the VN is exactly the same story as the anime, except with 10 times more club activities to sit through. In before "important word building" LOL.

>> No.4768116

It's not mindless padding though. First, Kanno is good at that sort of mindfuckery. I described what I think his gimmick is very crudely, in very broad strokes, the actual texts are constructed way subtler than my descriptions above might indicate. It's like he tries his best not to be caught by the hand. Second, the inane crap feels earnest, like the author is sincerely and VERY insistently pushing some sort of equally inane agenda. In other words, the "paper-thin story" isn't the actual point, and "padding" isn't the actual padding, but rather the actual point of the story.

>> No.4768246

You are an idiot.

>> No.4768249

Stopped reading after two sentences. Could you sound any more insecure? Idiots like you are worthless.

>> No.4768251
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>> No.4768272


>> No.4768275


Yes, that's the only answer you are getting. Yes, I am not gonna bother with an attempt to come up with a comeback. You write like self-important trash, I treat you as a self-important trash. And you are free to think whatever you fancy in regards to my persona, I don't really care either way.

>> No.4768279

>You write like self-important trash
Differnt guy here. Do you understand how ridiculous replying to a one line sentance that was mocking you for writing an unnecessarily long sentence with this is

>> No.4768286

No, I do not. And there were three sentences there, not one.

>> No.4768293

I meant paragraph.

>> No.4768309

Please for the love of god go the fuck back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
>the story doesn't go anywhere because it focuses on the girls
The story is slowly revealed as you go through each of the girls' arcs, the fuck is this retard saying? It sounds like you read the wiki entries for these games, got hyped up, and then played for an hour before giving up completely. You know what a fucking vn is, right?

>> No.4768312

I don't think you're an idiot, you factually are one, and you're further proving it. I can tell you're a sad, insecure existence.

>> No.4768316

These people need to stop reading VNs and start reading classic literature because they don't seem to enjoy the strengths of the VN medium.

>> No.4768317

Because you don't know how to use spoiler tags.

>> No.4768341

>the strength of vn
Big ass anime titties and a cat being fine too?

And mollusks not being a bad translation

>> No.4768350

>Big ass anime titties and a cat being fine too?
I get that you joking but honestly yeah pretty much.

>> No.4768450

I'd also agree with that. Even the best VN's still focus on the "dating experience" part first and foremost while everything else takes the backseat. If you break it all down, the whole setting and premise in a VN is usually just an excuse to have a cute girl pout at you. Mou ... onii chan tte ba~

Of course there are VN"s without any dating sim elements at all, but they're very rare and are usually borderline adventure games.

Way too much fucking lost potential in this medium, if you ask me. The idea of a voiced and illustrated book is pretty awesome, but what's the point if 95% of the time it's used for your average animu waifu bait.

>> No.4768470

Dating sim isn't a synonym for galge.

>> No.4768472

I'm already beating it at least 5 times a day I don't need more.

>> No.4768474

I used "dating sim" in case somebody brings up otome VN's as a counter argument. Those are just as bad, with the whole world revolving around the female protagonist and most of the writing being syrupy melodrama.

>> No.4768478

Are there any retro otome VN?
Only retro otome series I know is Angelique which is a dating sim.

>> No.4768483

Did you play Snatcher?

>> No.4768495

I would argue that personification is the unique strength of the media. In which case a larger than life cheerful girl or pouting girl enhancing a story is the apex of the medium. I'm not a child and don't need illustrations in my books. I need big anime titties. I will now attempt a postmodernist analysis for shitposting purposes.

Applying Mcluthans theory on media leads me to hypothesize the ultimate goal of the VN is to introduce personification to make it feel like you are interacting with characters in a story. A story that encourages masturbating is the ultimate method of turning a book from "cold media" into "hot media"

Baudrillard who expanded on Mcluthans ideas would probably say that it is necessary to make the girl as appealing and real as possible to enhance the mediums seductive qualities but ultimately making the characters realer and more appealing also makes them more one dimensional. As you masturbate to the characters you lower them to sex objects thus lowering their sign value. This may lead to the ultimate theory of visual novels that you aren't supposed to masturbate to them.

TL:DR the medium is the massage. The message is masturbate to big anime titties or conversely don't.

>> No.4768497

Try this link:


Visual novels with a female protagonist released before 2000 and translated into English.

>> No.4768505 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4768516

What kind of retarded shit is that. The best VNs don’t even deal with dating or high school tier sexual fantasies.

>> No.4768524
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>worth watching

>> No.4768563


In fact you could compile a smaller list of VNs that DO and are somehow still good. I might play those types when the desire to fap prevails but the strength in the medium is when the tropes are turned on their head, generally speaking.

>> No.4768578

>The best VNs don’t even deal with dating or high school tier sexual fantasies.

Like what? Name 3 that aren't Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk/Last Window or 999/Zero Escape.

>> No.4768632

I'l give you a clue. Less than 3% of VNs are translated.

>> No.4768646

>the best VNs
>not translated

Now that's just unlikely, unless you're talking about some very recent releases.

>> No.4768661
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VA-11 Hall-A, Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, Sekien no Inganock, Dies Irae, Wonderful Everyday Down the Rabbit Hole, Song of Saya, Danganronpa.

>> No.4768672

These are typical waifu bait VN's, anon. Some are literal porn games like Saya no Uta. Can't go 30 minutes without an explicit porn scene in that one.

Dunno about VA-11 Hall-A, but it's atypical in that it's Western made and is mostly vaporwave inspired. Haven't played it yet.

>> No.4768686

Kamaitachi no Yoru
Zakuro no Aji
Baroque Syndrome
Geten no Yume
Yasokyoku I & II
Getsumen no Anubis
Tantei Stories
Tantei JiJingu Saburo
Shisha wa yobu yakata

Just a few off the top of my head.

>> No.4768689
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>> No.4768692

>Dangan Ronpa
Let's not get too excited there, fella.

But seriously, people who think that all VNs have emphasis on dating over story are just completely uninformed, and likely don't want to become informed. It's not an easy genre to get into, with the best works in the medium generally lasting 20 hours minimum and in extreme cases 100 or more (Baldr Sky, for example). But saying the story is wasted because girls take the stage is just wrong.
Sure, the format of a game usually consists of a bunch of separate stories, each focusing around one of the female characters, but it usually goes way, way beyond just dating or fucking them. Anybody who played F/SN would laugh in your face if you said it had a focus on dating. The only reason it looks like that from the outside is because the actual story content has been discussed to death, and all that there is left to argue about is who the best girl was.

>Saya no Uta
>porn game
That's a pretty dopey statement. Maybe 5% of that game is sexual content. If you're gonna hone in on any of those games for its content, it's SubaHibi, which has one storyline that's just hours and hours of rape to the point where you're just rolling your eyes and not even feeling shocked anymore.

>> No.4768696

*storms into this thread*
Who keeps blowing that fucking whistle? Keep it down in here!
*slams door angrily*

>> No.4768739 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4768878

If you like the game that’s great but I always say that a good majority of the VN players in the West don’t understand Japanese so of course they are only gonna know about localized games. That and most of them can’t keep their hands off their dicks so it’s not like they have any interesting play something that’s actually interesting, like your pic related, because it’s not a dating/sex/rape fantasy story.

>> No.4768885

>VNs are straight-up melodramas about dem overwhelmingly complex feels

Isn’t this the case for most of them?

>> No.4768898


Notice a pattern yet?

>> No.4768926

>The story is slowly revealed
That's exactly my fucking point. The reveals act purely as a bait. The VN isn't actually about them in the slightest.
>It sounds like you read the wiki entries for these games
I have completed Love Potion, DESIRE (which I liked due to all the Al jokes and general fuckery around), Eve (which is where I started to get suspicious) and I have dropped Yu-No mid-Mio-route (after completing whatever the fuck that teacher chick was called as well as Ayumi). Then I downloaded a save and started on epilogue, because it promised something different. Then, after hours of still sitting in a fucking hut and the main protagonist acting like a hysterical woman because muh feels, I stopped reading epilogue as well. The more I read on Kanno's works, the more it became apparent to me that the author simply wastes my time with progressively greater and greater amounts of his bullshit. Simply put, his VNs are flowery and overwritten, the more so, the further down the line we get. Moreover, the further down the line, the more apparent it becomes, that his VNs are actual exercises in artsy, flowery and overwritten prose, and whatever theme he tackles, it is just an excuse in order to show the reader just how good the author is with expressing feelings through words. It's masturbatory graphomania that doesn't have any actual point, all the while tricking the reader to think like there is. It's meandering. It's meaningless. It's unfocused. Author only goes back on track (before sidetracking to yapping about his tangents and "look, how I can write smalltalk") in order to ascertain that the reader remains hooked and continues to read his nonsensical verbiage.

HIS VNs ARE FORMALISTIC EXPERIMENTS, YOU MORON. THE SAME AS, SAY, FUCKING KAFKA OR, SAY, SUZUKI'S "RASEN" AND "ES". My problem with Kanno's novels specifically is that the author flat-out lies about them having any literal meaning, the promise of which at the end of the day serves only as a hook.

>> No.4768951

In other words, it is apparent, that the point in reading Kafka is, in fact, reading KAFKA.
At the same time, it is very much NOT apparent, that the point in reading Kanno is, in fact, reading KANNO, as opposed to reading, say, Yu-No specifically. In other words, the actual point of his works in the medium of communication he establishes between himself and the reader, not the content of what is conveyed to the reader through this medium. The style is factually far more important than the themes discussed. However, the content level conveys just the opposite, that that very content is, more important than the format of communication. That there is a meaning, that is meant to be understood, and that that meaning is important. In other words, if you pay any attention at all to WHAT is said in his novels, as opposed to HOW it is said, you get immediately tricked into perceiving his novels for not what they actually are. Having suspended your disbelief, having once bought a promise of being immersed into an internally consistent fictional virtual reality, you fall into an elaborately constructed trap.

>> No.4768965

If anything, the only consistent common thematic thread to his prose seems to be somehow connected to the meaning AS SUCH, as a general concept.

>> No.4768967

That's fine, dude.

>> No.4769079

I simple man. I play YU-NO. It fun, complicated but not too complicated and it sometime make pee pee feel good. Like YU-NO.

>> No.4769194
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Honest thoughts on Nasu?

>> No.4769210

I liked F/SN but I'm hesitating to play Tsukihime with all its rape.

>> No.4769826

>>>/a/ weeb

>> No.4769849

There's like one rape scene, is optional, and leads to a bad end.

>> No.4769857

Three rape scenes in the game, actually, and two are very important to the plot. One being Yuuki's appearance and the other being a foreshadowing of the reasons behind the entire plot.

>> No.4769859

>Otome game
>Waifu bait

>> No.4769864


>> No.4769870 [DELETED] 

You sound mentally ill.

>> No.4769872 [DELETED] 

Doesn't know how to write believable characters.

>> No.4769879

His audience doesn't want believable characters, his audience wants people wielding ridiculous realty-breaking powers against beings so powerful that the very idea of dying is alien to them.

>> No.4769901
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this guy gets it

>> No.4769942

I played Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya and I'm sick of Nasu's "style" already. Not sure if I will ever play F/SN at this point.

>> No.4769945

This guy has been posting this garbage on YU-NO threads the past couple of months and it's really pissing me off.
Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.4770218

I will shut the fuck up once I fully "get it" and come up with an explanation that would fit Kanno's style in an obvious and undisputable way to a t. And before that happens I fully intend to continue throwing my half-baked hypotheses on Kanno's style around. Because, ultimately, just as my style pisses you off, Kanno's style is pissing ME off, and I intend to get to the bottom as to why.
And, if anything, my apparent tackling Kanno as the worthy rival and master mindfucker, not to mention comparing him to Kafka and Suzuki, could really be appreciated more. Because, at the end of the day, that's some actual respect. I fully acknowledge that so far his writing style simply flies over my head, which effectively means for me, that the guy was smarter than me in a specific and tangible way, evidenced in his writings, and that I still have something to learn something from them. And you know what? At least, I am DOING something, my mental hymnastics and my hypothesizing, that is, not just reiterating "Ooooh YuNo so super much nostalgia would totally bang Eriko".

>> No.4770221

>reiterating "... Eriko" literally for years.

>> No.4770224

Good job taking his bait, that'll show him. I'm sure that will hold him back from writing more drivel.

>> No.4770320

Maybe if you stopped talking about the same fucking game over and over again he would stop. Oh right, I forget, most you don’t understand Japanese so it’s not like you can really talk about other games.

>> No.4770406 [DELETED] 

*cums in ur mouth* SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.4770413

You are the only faggot on this board talking about "eop" bullshit. Reevaluate your life

>> No.4770853

what's so hot about moe slime blobs?

>> No.4771149

The male characters stay somewhat true to the original. Why make some breasts smaller and others bigger though?

>> No.4771202

>I'm sick of Nasu's "style"


>> No.4771564

He's right though. Fuck monolingual burgers and bongs. Jap media is much more interesting and fun in the original language.

>> No.4772224

>he's right
You mean (you), don't you?

>> No.4772372

Yeah, reading a translation is like eating a burger somebody else already ate, digested, and shat back out.

>> No.4772531

I was playing LoZ: Minish Cap the other day. There was a Minish character whose description read: the wings he's got are the trophy from a fight with a cucoo. But the character is obviously holding a single feather, there aren't any wings. That's when I realized that "wing" and "feather" are the same word in Japanese, and the translators just didn't bother figuring out which one it was here, even though it's immediately obvious from the character's appearance. And this is a fucking Zelda game, first party, big budget.

>> No.4773463

I really miss those PC98 color palettes...

>> No.4774261


>> No.4775080

A bit of nostalgia, I grew up on E/C/VGA systems, not PC-98 though. But mostly because there is some thing in them that looks...sexier.

>> No.4775345
File: 28 KB, 192x252, o0639039711995288823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.4775571


>> No.4775580

Came from the home page to say holy shit an anime adaption really?

>> No.4775584


This is probably just an oversight. From what I remember reading, translators in those days were often working from externally provided scripts, with little context for scenes or situations. After they finished, the text would be inserted into the cartridge by a programmer. I can imagine that this sort of thing would be easy to miss if QA wasn't paying attention.

>> No.4775590
File: 138 KB, 426x600, yu-no.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want the SAO audience

>> No.4775635

ah fuck

>> No.4775652

He's good other then his terrible sex scenes writing.

>> No.4775839

>not ctrling through sex scenes

>> No.4775953
File: 81 KB, 640x400, chrome_2018-05-16_00-23-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing good at all about the writing, but the voice acting is great. That's pretty much the only reason it's "worth playing," along with the fact that it's influenced so many other games.
I do agree with
>lol EOPs

>> No.4776046

>nothing is good about the writing
>btw i played the game so long scouring for so much extra hidden shit that i maxed out the clock ingame and kept looking for more dialogue and tidbits
Is your excuse that "entertaining doesn't mean good?"

>> No.4776062

No I'm just autistic and have to 100% games.
Also played it because of its historical value and so I could see if people were retarded calling it great/the greatest thing ever, so I wasn't going to drop it no matter what and still kept a shred of hope that it could get better in the later routes. I didn't say there's nothing good about the game just I don't think the writing and story are very good. It's good in comparison to the average moe trash of course though.

>> No.4776395

>No I'm just autistic and have to 100% games.
man I just could not live this life
i start over a half dozen new games a week and stop playing most of 'em by the next
it's rare i finish stuff, don't think i've ever '100%' anything

>> No.4776397

also thank you for rounding out and clarifying your opinion and sounding more like a reasonable person

>> No.4776651
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has played pic related?
Its screenshots gave a vibe of a proto-YU NO

>> No.4776736

To 100% YU-NO doesn't take that much at all, just making the proper save points not to waste too much time. But it's stupid because you're going to spend most of your time skipping through text.

>> No.4776850
File: 23 KB, 466x106, garbagecan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VA-11 Hall-A

>> No.4777198

The plot twist gets foreshadowed with a joke about morning wood.

>> No.4777203

I dunno, Len's was really good, unless someone else wrote that.

>> No.4777952

Umineko, Steins;Gate, Chaos;Child, and a few others are most certainly worth playing