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4744517 No.4744517 [Reply] [Original]

It was perfect.

>> No.4744518

Don't you mean FURfect?

>> No.4744520

The swimming portion sucks.

>> No.4744535
File: 2.40 MB, 800x379, 1457915594169984687[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insert a contrarian opinion about how edgy and cringy this otherwise mediocre platformer was

>> No.4744547

>destroy an established character and franchise for no reason
>get sold to Microsoft
>every veteran developer leaves
>Yooka-Laylee cringe is the best these has-beens at Playtonic can now do
This shit really was the downfall of Rare.

>> No.4744575

>destroy an established character and franchise for no reason
I think what happened there was similar to what happened with Scott and fnaf, people thought rare couldn’t make anything that wasn’t “cute and full of rainbows” so they made bad for day out of spite.
'n hey... maybe the original conker and his edgy drunk counterpart are cousins to one another? heh...well that’s my headcanon at least...

>> No.4744649

10/10 game.
The hardest difficulty in Beach mode is literally impossible. Sniper rifle fag keeps killing me from any distance.

>> No.4744652

The spite thing was a retarded move, though.

>more than one Conker
That's kind of how I deal with this tragic continuity error, too. I see them as two seperate series, since it makes no sense for them to be one (even with the cringe bullshit story Rare's given of how "Conker 'grew up' by Bad Fur Day")

>> No.4744659
File: 207 KB, 1920x1117, E89B8DF3-5E94-459E-A605-742F9306DF09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so rare took the ted approach?

>> No.4744670

No idea, but about 2:45 here is where I'm getting that: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dDnvVbdEs7c

>> No.4744672

That’s actually hilarious, though it would’ve still been better for them to be each their own. One can be the innocent moralfag and the other could’ve been the one that woke out and/or gave too far into his temptations.
this isn’t that autistic... I’m just bringing shit up from the surface of my head

>> No.4744676

All they had to do was to
A. make an original character and go to town with their drunken edginess that inspired this
B. Make both games and explicitly make it clear that BFD was a parody of TT

>> No.4744719

But no, they just had to force GORY DETAIL in it to foreshadow what their company would look like in the next few decades

>> No.4744731
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>> No.4744741

I would not trade our current Conker for Twelve Tales. The original Conker was a pretty generic cartoon squirrel.

I would have loved to have played Twelve Tales though, just not at the cost of BFD. Maybe Twelve Tales should have been a new protagonist. Timber the Tiger maybe? He was supposedly the island DKR took place on belonged to him and his family. Always found it weird that Rareware never had other plans for this supposedly character.

>> No.4746483 [DELETED] 


>> No.4746509

I agree, this is me putting more effort into talking about BFD than Rare put into writing it.

>> No.4746542


Playtonic really shouldn't be considered Rare, it's like two guys. If you check the credits the VAST majority went to work elsewhere in the industry after the buyout like Free Radical Design and a very select few, like Chris Seavour, are still there now. The Rare team has been dead and gone a very long time.

>> No.4746558

>Free Radical Design still exists
My point evidently still stands

>> No.4746696
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>> No.4746704

>butthurt furfag

>> No.4746749
File: 337 KB, 576x590, 1516046260411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twelve tales rom still hasn't been ''''''accidentally'''''' leaked
It gets me SEETHING

>> No.4746769
File: 3.26 MB, 640x266, 52B94FF4-26B3-424F-B815-46492F7BD565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes game for what it is while you cry about game for what it is
Who’s ‘butthurt’ here?

>> No.4746780

>h-how DARE you criticize my furfantasy chipmunk tits!

>> No.4746802

I'd squirt on them.

>> No.4746805


Nobody's going to debate you on Yooka-Laylee being bad, we all know. It's just a bit of a stretch to even bring it up, much less imply Conker, a game it has nothing in common with, somehow led to a few has-beens trying to cash in on Rare nostalgia fifteen years later. The downfall and the dissolution of Rare was the buyout. If you HAVE to pick a game it was Star Fox Adventures. Conker isn't even in the discussion.

>> No.4748586


>> No.4748603

>BFD had nothing to do with Nintendo distancing themselves from Rare
Is this fanfic general?

>> No.4750867 [DELETED] 


>> No.4751724


Rare were distancing themselves from Nintendo, not the other way around.

>> No.4751817

Banjo had the better gameplay. But Conker had the funnier style and story.

>> No.4751878

The ending was crap.

>> No.4752768

The whole second half of the game was.

>> No.4752790

Believe whatever dumbass thing you want, but Nintendo selling off most of their ownership in Rare prior to Microsoft buying them speaks volumes.

>> No.4753190

You know, I came here to shit on OP, but you took priority. Please kill yourself.

>> No.4753808

no u, that anon made a punny

>> No.4753980

The levels/goals are all repetitive "do X 3-10 times in a row". Besides the humor/visuals, what's fun about this game?

>> No.4755039

I hate n64 games. Banjo Kazooie is overrated shit and isn't even a real platformer. Platformers have obstacles and a path through the stage to an ending. BK is just a pseudo open world collectathon with no meaning to anything except collecting notes to open the next door to a pointless collectathon area.

>> No.4755098

Lmao. N64 games are still a fucking blast. Go fuck yourself faggot. I bet you play rpg with menu fights.

>> No.4755213


>> No.4755228

Game sucks. Boring, linear, repetitive and full of dumb immature humour.
Nothing compared to banjo kazooie.
I had a copy of this game for my collection but I had not played it in ages. I just sold it and bought myself a SNES mini instead.

>> No.4755240

PS1 Platformers >>>>> N64 Platformers

>> No.4755273

>bought myself a SNES mini instead
thanks for showing how much of a retarded faggot you are

>> No.4755314

>Banjo Kazooie is overrated shit
This is correct.
>I hate n64 games
Eh, I don't blame you. There are too many garbage titles to wade through. Some of them we gave a pass to because it's what we had available.
It always looked like the idea was to take their cutesy Commander Keen/Jazz Jackrabbit clone that they'd turned into a Mario 64 clone and just do whatever the hell they wanted with it because the original idea was boring.

>> No.4755415

I already have 12 consoles and more than 400 games, friendo. I never play conker so I decided to resell it and get something more useful. Now I can play even more games on my hacked SNES mini. I'm sorry if you don't understand.

>> No.4755420

>Nothing compared to banjo kazooie.
will you do a comparison

I'm picking up a 64 soon, would like to know your opinion

>> No.4755975

>the ted approach
>many years before ted was even an idea

>> No.4756294

I played it on the Rare collection a few weeks back. It was ass.

>> No.4757754

who let these cocksuckers into the thread?

>> No.4758543

Just ordered this. I hope it's good, I've always been a tinge fascinated by it

>> No.4758925

It's pretty damn good. I like how it tries to distance itself from other platformers. I like how it breaks your expectations being in a happy world but with mature themes. I can see the people in this thread calling it unfunny but it does have it quirks, it just takes a little while to get to the punchline. Almost like you're working for it. The scalability of the world is also unique. Even though the areas feel dramatically different it flows together nicely. Overall it's a very unique platformer, I'd argue it's almost experimental with its equal focus on story-telling.

>> No.4758928

I recall it having a shit frame rate.

>> No.4758992

But human eye can't see more than 20 fps!

>> No.4759062

It was a clever deconstruction of all the cliché cartoony scotformers back in the day. Of course if you weren't a gamer in the 90's I can imagine how the humor could go over someone's head.

>> No.4759512

Young Conker

>> No.4759532
File: 136 KB, 800x797, 86318-ape-escape-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ape Escape > Any other 5th gen platformer

>> No.4759538
File: 126 KB, 781x903, Die Bait response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But human eye can't see more than 20 fps!
Go away troll.

>> No.4759539

>Being so autistic that you can't recognize obvious sarcasm

>> No.4759562
File: 102 KB, 790x1229, b29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.4759685

This game is so overrated. The only good parts are the cutscenes and multiplayer. The actual gameplay in single player mode is incredibly lackluster.

>> No.4759796

Thats what's fun about it. If you dont like the humor then thats that. The gameplay isnt anything special but the same could be said about most games.

>> No.4759885

only butthurt retards use that meme

>> No.4759893
File: 363 KB, 934x815, Conkers Safe Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only butthurt retards use that meme
Only butthurt retards respond to that meme.

>> No.4761434


>> No.4761583


Why bump this shitty thread?

>> No.4761608

Conker is too linear for me, Banjo Kazooie is more varied.
The levels in BK are structured better, and are less claustrophobic than Conker.
Also, the quality of the humour in Conker is questionable.

>> No.4761610

I legit thought that was an Undertale screenshot and I was about to get angry.

>> No.4761698

>Rare games
Pick one

I played through the chore that is Banzo Kazooie and quit at Rusty Bucket Bay because it sucks donkey dick.
>die in water
>have to find every fucking note and jinjo again
>try again
>die to the bullshit box boss
This game is shit loved by nostalgiafags. If you didn't lose everything on death maybe it wouldn't be so terrible.

>> No.4761714

You know what the key to that game is?
Git gud

>> No.4761723

It seems forgivable to me since they were still transitioning from several generations of gaming that are notorious for unforgiving consequences upon death (and everywhere else).

>> No.4762454
File: 124 KB, 801x997, A98EFA68-ECCB-4011-A740-BF5F5D93C8B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have issues. Seek help.

>> No.4763776

I remember watching one of the developers doing a live stream and talking about the game and how much Nintendo censored them.
For instance the pitchfork and paint can were supposed to do a KKK hanging joke. "Like of them klan lynchings" was changed to "Like one of them executions" and they changed the klan hood to a black executioners mask for the paint can.

>> No.4763831

not retro

>> No.4764017

Do you happen to have a link? I'm interested

>> No.4765586

I only played the Xbox version, and it was great

>> No.4765884

I kind of (almost) agree, I've truly loved Ape Escape from the very beginning. Played that game for days and days back the (.. and it's still fun to play imo)

>> No.4766192

That version is hated but it's mostly just because of the increased censorship and less "rarelike" aesthetic/graphics. It's a lot cheaper though so there's that

>> No.4766295

It was suppose to be the sequel but microdick fucked it all up