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4735820 No.4735820 [Reply] [Original]

Did Megaman Legends have floating islands? I'm not sure if I'm remembering it correctly. Also were you able to add stuff to your home base? Are there other retro games that let you do that?

>> No.4735962

Not that I remember. There were airships and a space station, but no floating islands.

>> No.4736003
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>> No.4736015
File: 68 KB, 453x604, 15246117884961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game looks so comfy. What does it play like? Is it worth a try? If so, PSX or N64?

Yes, feed me.

>> No.4736020

Kinda plays like ass but you get used to it. Tank controls, sometimes bad camera in corridors. It's fun, sometimes it's just a little tedious. Light exploring and puzzles.

>> No.4736026

What's the shooting like? What about the bosses? I mean, it's still a Mega Man title at its core, no?

>> No.4736068

Keep avatarfagging with an attentionwhore from /r9k/ you fucking retard.

>> No.4736120

You visit Roll to upgrade your buster arm with different interchangeable parts, you can also swap your right arm out for special weapons that can all be upgraded too. There's plenty of unique bosses. Absolutely comfy and enjoyable, it translated Mega Man to 3d great and the stylized graphics give it a timeless quality

>> No.4736127

does anyone else use the control setup that puts strafing on L1 and R1 instead?

>> No.4736142

I remember locking-on to shoot.

>> No.4736159

>it's still a Mega Man title at its core, no?
Not really. Shooting is okay, so are bosses. It's fun, the story is interesting, the setting is nice. Overall I like it. Most of the challenge comes from getting proficient at the controls.

>> No.4736774

>floating islands
tail concerto did


>> No.4736798

No floating islands. No home base per se. There is a van where you can save, upgrade special weapons and have roll make shit for you. But no upgrades to the can itself.

Buster upgrades are done in a menu at any time.

>> No.4737176

There are floating "Islands" that you traverse via teleport gates (boo!) towards the final boss in MML2.

>> No.4737210

It's comfy and great. Not very difficult (the final boss is a bit challenging but really only compared to the other bosses, and also there's a sky battle which is difficult only because the aiming system isn't designed for sky battles), looks great, has memorable characters and good voice acting.

I started MML2 (well, Rockman Dash 2) recently and it feels bigger and better in most ways so far but you really should start with 1.

It wouldn't say it's a Mega Man game at its core because the general atmosphere is very different. It's low on enemies and the bosses aren't as tricky. It's more like a Zelda game with shooting instead of swordfighting (although you also get a sword at some point but it kinda sucks).

Aiming can be a pain though. MML2 fixes aiming issues somewhat and is also a bit more challenging early on (like the frog boss is more difficult and also more interesting combat-wise than most things in MML1), but in MML1 the aiming is pretty awful. Lock-on gets you through much of the game but for the few battles where enemies are outside your lock-on range and also move in three directions it can get frustrating.

The Japanese PSP MML2 has a few tech demos included in it. The one where Tron ties up Roll and puts her in a box is great.

>> No.4737216

When it comes to retro games that let you add stuff to your home base and also have floating islands, Skies of Arcadia is literally what you want. The world consists of floating islands above a sea of clouds, and you pilot two (+ 2 other ones very briefly) different airships looking for treasure, unexplored lands, and also a bigass sky whale. It has both regular RPG-style dungeons as well as airship battles, and about halfway through the game you get your own customizable secret base and airship.

>> No.4737429

It's still criminal that Sega never made a Skies of Arcadia Online. What a perfect world for that kind of gameplay.

>> No.4737502

You can buy stuff for the Flutter (your home base and ship) in MML2. I don't remember if you could in MML1.

>> No.4737697

With all that, is the game's progression linear? If it is then it'd be a waste.

>> No.4737705

Literally the first thing the game tells you is that the world is mostly covered in water

>> No.4739583

2 had lock-on. 1 had a vague autoaim that sometimes worked when it felt like it.

>> No.4739653

You couldn't add stuff to your home base, BUT you could add new buildings to the town, slowly rebuilding it after a pirate attack.

>> No.4742230

Had it on a demodisc and ended up losing it somehow. Been trying to find it forever but all I could get while looking for it was MML. Was beginning to think it was part of my imagination or a dream.

>> No.4742235

>Had it on a demodisc
ha, me too. played the shit out of it. i remember it being an import demo in moonspeak and having to restart the actual console if i wanted to replay it because it wouldn't boot back to the main menu after the demo ended.

>> No.4742643

You can adopt cats. They eventually multiply. I remember being thrilled as a kid when I came back to the Flutter near the end of the game and I had about fifteen cats running around.

>> No.4742670
File: 728 KB, 2100x1536, n64_mega_man_64_p_30s6zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like MM64 better than MML? The draw distances are quite a bit better, though the colors and audio aren't as good.

>> No.4742673
File: 349 KB, 443x342, custom_cover__megaman_64_by_rockinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like MM64 better than MML? The draw distances are quite a bit better, though the colors and audio aren't as good.

>> No.4743596

It is linear in progression but imo it always felt like there's a lot to do in between story points. Especially once you get your own ship it feels like you have a lot of freedom. It never bothered me that much since nonlinear RPGs, particularly JRPGs were pretty rare back then.

Yeah, true. It's completely different in gameplay but in the early 2000s there was a game called Freelancer which gave you an open world space travel game. Lots of ship customization but unfortunately no home base.

>> No.4743631

I look like her and I'm a virgin. I'm a guy though.

>> No.4744206

No. PCSXR-PGXP should render MML64 moot now anyway

>> No.4744239

Why did you post this

>> No.4744253

This looks like mml2 but I have never seen this location. Is this in a port version?

>> No.4744256
File: 445 KB, 900x636, 1435029244887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4744261

It's beta Ruminoa city.

>> No.4744280

thanks brother

>> No.4744968

I didn't know this existed. I'll have to give it a look.

>> No.4745061


>> No.4745078

It’s pre-standard sandbox controls, so it controls funky. Past that, it’s a fun proto-sandbox.