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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4732992 No.4732992 [Reply] [Original]

What are some retro JRPGs that have a GOOD English script and translation.

>> No.4733091
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Pic related

>> No.4733124
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>> No.4733130
File: 137 KB, 640x480, 26-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Breath of Fire IV.

>> No.4733153

FF7 with the re-translation.

>> No.4733173

where 2 download?

>> No.4733198


>> No.4733203

It's incomplete?

>> No.4733205

No, but it is severely autistic.

>> No.4733207

Deal with it.

>> No.4733214

Very very few if any at all mainly because the amount of information you can express in Japanese using the same amount of bytes (and screen space) is much greater.

If I had to pick ONE it would be Vagrant Story no contest.

>> No.4733217

The sad truth that you have to accept is that most retro JRPG's are basically kids games, and as such nobody really cared to make quality translations for them in the West. JRPG's only started getting meaningful stories post-Mother 3.

>> No.4733221

too bad the starman translation of mother 3 is so garbage and nobody knows about the other one

>> No.4733225
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>screen space
Variable width fonts (basically normal Western fonts) fix this issue. See pic.

>> No.4733230

I'm going to tell you that I really really like the original terrible font and terrible localization of SoM and that that doesn't actually solve the problem when compared to a language that can have single character words.

>> No.4733256

>other one

Which one? Link?

>> No.4733260

how mom lost her virginity.rar

>> No.4733270

>inb4 WD shilling

>> No.4733358

I don't think anyone has issues with FFIX.

>> No.4733386

All of Square's English localizations are pretty bad. European localizations are even worse. FF9 is no exception.

>> No.4733389

If GBA is considered "retro", then the Final Fantasy ports received some really solid English scripts.

>> No.4733397

They're even worse than the PS1 scripts.

>> No.4733398


>> No.4733407

the legend of zelda games are pretty good jrpgs

>> No.4733460

>If GBA is considered "retro"

>> No.4733674

>JRPG's only started getting meaningful stories post-Mother 3.

Name 3.

>> No.4733682

slightly incompetent translations are part of the charm

>> No.4733701

Here's the correct link: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=14914.0

Personally, I loved the retranslation. You can ignore all the other mod junk if all you want is to run the new translation and have it work.

>> No.4733708


This is probably one of the biggest scam translations I've ever seen. Almost nothing in the script is a re-translation, it's more like someone reworded the English script and made up a bunch of random shit as they went along. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'translator' doesn't speak a single word of Japanese.

>> No.4733780
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>> No.4734147

Scam? I fail to see how anyone was bilked out of any money with this. Anyhow, care to give some examples of why this translation is so bad?

>> No.4734779

Didn't we just have this thread?
Anyway as I said in the last one, I've always held this translation in high regard. It has some obvious typos because it was rushed, but semantically and grammatically I think it is a great example of conversational dialogue.

>> No.4734787
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>> No.4734794

wew the one on the right reeks of modern gaming where they fucking give you a checklist of tasks and you advance by following all the glowing pointy arrows

It'd be fine if they didn't bold the text describing the mountain

>> No.4734821

Breath of Fire 2’s translation is infamously terrible. From “Yes” and “No” being swapped to the game asking you to equip a fishing lod and bait, the writing in the game is bad even by Capcom’s low standards. The game itself is supposed to have a really interesting plot, but the text deteriorates to a point towards the end that nobody can really make any sense of what’s going on.

>> No.4734826

As an autistic kid who couldn't even communicate in my own language at the level of bad Japanese translations, it didn't really make a difference to me

>> No.4735074

What're you talking about? I love BoF2's translation. Especially when I equip my BSwd and SldBwl with BlndedAR

>> No.4735076

>The game itself is supposed to have a really interesting plot
it doesn't, I can assure you, it's definitely not

>> No.4735198

I think the one on the left looks better.

>> No.4735303
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The black label version with the typos is also the only version that's not censored by the hurt-feelings police, so enjoy it.

>> No.4735357

>literally copying the text from rhdn

>> No.4735373


Spanish VIII and IX are top tier

>> No.4735447

Bwahaha no. FF7 was worse because by Sony interns and done from English, but everything else was done by translators fluent in Japanese and surpassed even the English versions, obsessed with emo-fying every MC with a dick to appeal to whiny edgy teenager shitstains. None of that in FIGS translations, and in addition they are brilliantly written.

On one hand, Barret's lines and the swearing was made up by Squaresoft USA as a way to say we're not bound to Nintendo censors anymore this translation is the real raw uncensored shit.

On another hand, the hurt-feelings police is indeed out for the blood of classic JRPGs to sanitize them and FF7 is no exception. That Honey Bee Inn humor segment where Cloud has shit happen to him for example is only politically correct if it's an endorsement of drag fag culture praising and promoting it, not the comedic segment it was originally. FF9 Quina needs gender neutral pronouns (the madness spread to the official translators where moogles no longer refer to selves as kupo but xir xem xor xnand), and so on.

I read some "fan" of Terranigma unironically saying the Nintendo translation is too offensive and needs to be retranslated to be more PC. NINTENDO. NINETIES NINTENDO.

>> No.4735483

The problem is the localizers in the US offices. Twenty years ago they were "don't give a shit" Gen X'ers. Today they're "THAT HURT MY FEELINGS AND MY FEELINGS MATTER" millenials.

So they change shit to censor it like with FF7, they change shit because they decide they like shit their way instead of the orignial way (FF15's Cidney versus "Cindy" the localizers changed her name to, or how they re-named FF9's "Loss of Me" to be "Rose of May" on later FF9 soundtracks), and so on.

>> No.4735485

From my experience working with fan translations most of the “translators” don’t understand anything but basic grammar and guess the meaning or just make up their own shit most of the time; so you’re not too far off

>> No.4735559
File: 91 KB, 500x446, you-sure-are-fuckin-stupid-read-a-book-nigger-4499904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/v/ crossboarders once again sharing their revisionist commentary about the state of vidya localization. Bonus points for failing to understand what a millennial is. Protip: Everyone on this board is one.

>> No.4735871

Indeed. Just look at the Great Ace Attorney fan translation and how many millenials threw a fit how that game stepped in Meiji era victorian racism did not change all the japanese names to made up English ones and cram some jokes around those names to make them fit even more, and ofc racism in current year even in that context is bad so remove it pls thx will retweet so that more people try "convincing" you. You know, all those things that Capcom preferred cancelling the game than altering it beyond character (and then go crazy some more with names like Sheylok Harlems)

When that did not work out, it was time for plan B. Oh the humanity, the fan translation is using a 4 kb font file from the English games that's the intellectual propriety of Capcom Co. Ltd (TM) (R) (C) and therefore it's time for this translation to cease existence. Totes legitimate protecting the copyright and abiding by law, not the salty PC police yet again at that new mantra "if i don't like it, it must not exist"

Watching the Fire Emblem Fates drama unfold was funny. After so much drama over the official translation and people daring to do restoration patches for it (including story content about a war camp nintendo didn't give a damn about) the retranslation efforts from scratch themselves were sabotaged with one project cancelled, and translators receiving threat mails to stop associating themselves with "icky" "problematic" "hateful" projects.

>> No.4736271

I've beaten it with the retranslated patch and no, the plot is not interesting in the slightest

>> No.4736392 [DELETED] 

what game are you talking about, stupid ass?

>> No.4736995

First time I've seen retard used in a game.

>> No.4736996

You must not have played many of the WD translations then

>> No.4737241

I've never touched a Working Design game.

>> No.4737262

>Before beginning, I didn’t have very high expectations for Breath of Fire II. The screenshots I had seen over the years showed poor writing, and the game has become synonymous with “bad 1990s game translation”. As a result, I also had very low expectations for the game itself. It turns out that the game is actually surprisingly good – it’s got solid gameplay and it has nice variety in its story. But most of all, it brings up themes that few other games were dealing with at the time: religion, clashes between religious values, discrimination, self-sacrifice for the greater good, and the moral issues that come with authority are just a few that still come to mind as I write this two months after finishing the game. I’m sure there are many more.

>> No.4737919

It has a lot of themes, yes, but doesn't really tell a story that well.

>> No.4738035

That's only because you played a shitty translation.

>> No.4738521

lol i have a black label, what were these lines changed to

>> No.4738529

FFVII translation was fine. The actual dialogue was good. It had a few typos and mistakes, but if "This guy are sick" really made you go, hmmm what could she mean?, then you have bigger problems to worry about.

>> No.4739257

Surely you jest. People will take your opinion as granted over thousands of other ones from people who have played the game as well just because you are being assertive among a group of 10 board visitors.