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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-little-boy-playing-videogames-with-his-father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
444025 No.444025 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have fond memories of playing games with your father?

When I was a kid, my father's favorite game was Nigel Mansell GP. He would own that shit, get the best times in all circuits.

I kept trying to beat his scores until I was eleven, I guess. Then, one day, I did it, and I saw his eyes get moist by the vision of seeing his own son beat him.

>> No.445263

I never played with my father, but I not so fondly remember getting upset with him for distracting me in the last race of Sega Rally for Saturn, I was trying to get the Stratos for weeks!

I finally finished the game for the first time last week, almost 20 years after. It was glorious!

>> No.447220

>Then, one day, I did it, and I saw his eyes get moist by the vision of seeing his own son beat him.

lol your dad is a bitch

>> No.447235


After the apocalypse, you and your dad will be my punchmeat.

>> No.447246


My dad and I used to play Star Fox SNES a lot. Seeing Star Fox 2 in NP was a magical day...then it got cancelled. Then Star Fox 64 was announced and everything was gravy. We enjoyed SF64 a lot. And let me just say, since I was playing with my dad, those parts with James McCloud gave me some feels I didn't ask for.

>> No.447249


>> No.447260


My dad would never play video games, but now he plays Fifa all day. It's the only game he knows, so even when he's on the dashboard, we have to call the buttons 'shoot', 'pass', 'sprint', etc., to explain things to him.

My mom used to play Sonic and Donkey Kong Country with me though.

>> No.447264

>we have to call the buttons 'shoot', 'pass', 'sprint', etc., to explain things to him.

This is amazing.

>> No.447267

What kind of apocalypse?

>> No.447286

I have never played anything with my dad involving video games.

In fact our whole relationship revolves around being cordial to each other one week and pissed off at each other the next.

I never had a buddy dad. Not even bitter about it. Much closer to my mother and I always had a ton of friends to play vidya with growing up.

>> No.447291


Any kind.

>> No.447301


We don't know what he gets up to on there but he uses my little brothers account, and whenever my little brother gets time on it, he finds loads of hatemail. One of them was a voiceclip of a Swedish sounding person just singing 'goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!' over and over for about a minute.

>> No.447320

Not as many as I'd like, OP. He's in his 70s now and I think it's too late. I tried playing Jackal with him a year or so ago but he just died instantly. S/NES are the only consoles I have 2 controllers for, and none of the games I have suit him.

I remember he'd always call shy guys "George Washingtons", because to him that's who they looked like. I never saw the resemblance.

>> No.447328


Your dad sounds like a pretty cool guy. I wish mine made people ragequit.

>> No.447396

My dad and I played just about every PC game we could together. My fondest memories were playing Delta Force 2, Armored Fist 2, Doom 2, Quake, and Heretic 2 with him. Couldn't of asked for a better co-op partner.

We still play games nowadays, although not as often and nothing really retro.

>> No.447426

No, I don't. He was out working 6 1/2 days a week and when he was home we didn't interact much beyond the basics of a father/some relationship. We did go fishing one time but other than he did jack shit with me. He doesn't get video games anyway. I love my father but I have no fond memories of being with him as a child.

I have a little boy of my own now who's 1 1/2yo and he's going to have a very different childhood to me. I can't wait till his little hands are big enough to operate a controller and a mouse/keyboard.

>> No.447431


Uh, that would be son. Stupid auto-correct.

>> No.449252

My dad introduced me to games, but with the exception of Half Life he never played them much himself.
He rushed out and bought a PS2 though because it was supposed to be a more "adult" console, but after a couple of weeks of trying out different games he told me the PS2 was now mine because he hated using a controller and would rather use a mouse and keyboard.

He also didn't like multiplayer very much so I never played very many games with him even after I got my own PC.

>> No.449298

From numerous accounts my dad was some "bad ass" highschool stereotype that used to get high at the arcade and play games like pac man and donkey kong, then pick up chicks because it was the only youth hangout in town.

My dad bought a nintendo and around the time I was 2 let me play duck hunt. I couldn't into mario bros at the time so I mostly played Duck hunt with the dog laughing at me over and over.

Now, since then he hasn't really played ANY games, but when new super mario wii came out we beat it together a week before it came out. Great times.

>> No.449316

>He doesn't pirate

>> No.449313
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>when new super mario wii came out we beat it together a week before it came out

>> No.449330

Should read "back when new super mario wii was ready for release, we beat it a week before it came out."

Because of what this poster said

>> No.449387
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I told this story on here before, but my dad was phenomenally good at puzzle games like Wario's Woods, Bust a Move, Wrecking Crew, Tetris, etc. When it came to anything else he generally did okay, I mean he got the hang of SMB but anything beyond that level of difficulty gave him a hard time. I remember he just could not get Star Fox down at all, like he just didn't understand the spacial relation of the Arwing to the world around him, he also said it made him feel "dizzy". He did like to watch me play it though, and I enjoyed the audience.

He doesn't play games at all anymore, but he only played them back then because I liked them so much. He would probably pick up Tetris again if I prodded him into it. Maybe a small Tetris handheld will be a present for his birthday coming up.

Yeah we had some good times but I do think he does resent the fact I'm still playing games instead of moving on to other hobby. He can't stand the fact I don't like sports at all, although I can watch a bit of Hockey, but in general sports just aren't an interest for me.

But yeah, good times. I don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone but I try not to think about it too much.

>> No.449408

Me and my father played a lot of racing games together on the PS1 and later the PS2. Not a whole lot else, really. It just wasn't his thing. (I take that back, we played Risk a bit, too.)

My mother is another story. We played the Crash games, Super Mario World, and a fair number of platformers, and still do on occasion. She was also my introduction to arcade games through Galaga and puzzle games through Tetris.

It was other assorted family that introduced me to JRPGs (uncle, because he liked to spend copious amounts of time alone) and FPS (great uncle, because my dad didn't care for them and my mom got motion sick).

I've actually been thinking about getting a USB SNES pad and playing some of the Super Mario World rom hacks with my mother, since she's beaten the original a number of times.

>> No.449414

My dad bought us an Atari 2600 when I was five and I remember playing Air-Sea Battle, Combat and Outlaw with him. By the time I was 9-10 and we had a couple computers in the house, he didn't really have much interest in video games anymore.

>> No.449427

Mentioning the Atari 2600 brings back a sour memory.
My mother gave hers to me when I was younger and it had no adapters. Through some luck, I was able to use some RCA to Coax adapter and a Radio Shack power supply. Of course, I had to look up the polarity, and used it for other things.
She decided to take it to a friend's and I told her to check the polarity before using it...
She came back and said shit went down. I've been so pissed and half sure it's dead, I haven't tried to start it up again...

>> No.449430


Reminds me of my exposure history, where my uncle was really into FPS, and my aunt was just crazy about JRPG (still is). She's the only person I know that has every Final Fantasy game, even remakes and spinoffs. Though, she also has most of the Dragon Quest games too.

>> No.449439

He was really cool, liked RPGs before they picked up.

I really didn't like them but secret of mana changed all that.

He's now in his 40's but he recently got a PSVita for his birthday (from me) and he loves P3G

>> No.449449

my dad and I used to play blades of steel alot when I was younger. thats really the only game he would play and is maybe the reason I like hockey now

>> No.449462

That's really cool. I don't think my uncle was that dedicated, just played them (mixed with other things) to escape from life. Same goes for my great uncle, but something suggests he was a little more into Doom.

Has your aunt gone so far to import anything Japanese?

>> No.449483

Dad loved puzzle games. LOVED THEM.
his bedroom was devoted to puzzle games, he had a stack of games in case, a SNES, NES, Neo Geo, and Genesis all for playing puzzle games.

He was 10/10 bro. Still loves puzzle games to this date, and I've convinced him to keep his games CIB.
This was my favorite moment with him
>got N64 for my birthday from bro
>hell yeah
>3 controllers
>notice only game is mario 64 and pokemon puzzle league
>He walks in my room where my brother is setting it up
>h-hey wanna play pokemon?
>he starts a tournament, and starts whooping my brothers ass
>my turn
>the dificulty is set to 5
>after a long, painful 20 minute game he wreks me
thats not it
>one day he tells me to get in the car
>ask where we're going
>he immediately walks to the vidya
>Dad hands over so many 100 bills
>in his hand is the neo geo
>with puzzle bobble
>and metal slug
dad I love you :3, even though you hated metal slug puzzle bobble was fun.

>> No.449501

AT the twilight of the SNES era, mom and dad got me one. Mom couldn't handle the controls for starfox(she has no spacial awareness whatsoever.)

But dad, shit, he picked that up right away, and we'd tag-team routes together on a fairly regular basis. Only game he really liked, since he fuckin' loves space and sci-fi shit, but unfortunately during one of our moves the SNES was stolen, and we didn't play anything together again until just recently.

This is non-retro shit of course, but he loves Forza Motorsports and, of all things, fucking Dynasty Warriors. Warriors Orochi is his favorite, because Tadakatsu and Zhou Yu being OP as fuck.

>> No.449515


It's been awhile since I talked to her but if memory serves she has all the games on the PS1 (VII, VIII, IX, Tactics) imported. She probably has more than that.

>> No.451172

my dad would play warcraft 2 and me and my bro would just watch. at the time we both sucked ass at the game so it was just cool to watch someone you was good at it

>> No.451361

My mom and I used to get serious on battle mode Mario Kart SNES.

>> No.451784
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My dad and us would (unknowingly) "LARP" sonic the hedgehog.

he'd be robotnik, i was sonic and my little brother was tails. we'd set up the furniture like a stage and try to defeat robotnik

>> No.451801

I played the DKC series and Secret Of Mana with my dad.
Nowadays he only plays mahjong, maybe I should try to see if he likes some other games on emulator...

>> No.452771
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that's great

>> No.452778

my dad would always kick my ass with eddie in tekken 3

>> No.452810
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>mfw no father...

Stop it /vr/ fellow... Stop it...

>> No.452817

I played with my dad, sure, but all my memories revolve around not being able to play because he was hogging the console/computer all the time.
My dad's a hardcore gamer in his 50's, it's surreal. I bet not many of you had the ending to Red Dead Redemption and Diablo 2 spoiled by your dads, haha.

>> No.452841

My dad and I played Donkey Kong Country together all the time. He helped me beat K. Rool. He was also pissed by the fake credits because of how long it took him to beat K. Rool.

To this day, it's his favorite video game.

>> No.452858

We used to play the Army Men series together all the time. I think it was the only game he liked. Probably something to do with the fact that his dad was a war veteran.

>that feel when I try replaying them and they suck horribly

>> No.452857
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My dad hates vidya.

I mostly played with my aunt and uncle, who still play vidya to this day.

>> No.452892


The old man brought me my first console 18 years ago. He's the one who got me into gaming. We still game together to this day. He's only 45, so he's still capable of kicking my ass at things.

>> No.453025
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My dad introduced me to vidya with Warcraft 2 and Command and Conquer: Red Alert. He owned an Amiga at once point too, but I was too young to use it then. It was thanks to him I ended up playing a lot of old classic RTS games. He also loved The Lost Vikings and Transport Tycoon.

He never really touched console games a whole lot though. He played the Tomb Raider games and that was about it. Because he was in the RAF he'd be on detachment a lot of the time, so most of my early multiplayer experience was with my younger brother or friends.

A few years back I introduced him to Oblivion. I lightly modded it and left him to his own devices, though he'd frequently ask me for directions. We'd end up talking about the game a fair amount on the days he played it and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it. I think he spent at least 150 hours on his High Elf warrior and almost plundered every single dungeon in the game.

Other than that though, his interest (or rather, his time available) in video games waned over the years. He'd always be interested in what I was playing.

He died last month.

>> No.453030

My dad is the one who taught me how to play video games, and who bought me my first system.

Up until about high-school he wasn't ever really home while I was awake. He would usually leave before I left for school and return late in the night/early in the morning (11-2 usually)

My dad LOVED Yoshi's Island though. So as a kid I would wake up late and watch him play Yoshi's Island. It was the most bonding I did with him until I was 16.

I love my dad, and Yoshi's Island. I've only beaten it once, but I've watched him beat it probably 5-6 times. Thanks dad. I miss you

>> No.457226
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I played games exactly one time with my dad. We rented Mortal Kombat II then watched Blade Runner. That was the last day I saw him, going on over 20 years now.

>> No.457263


That is exactly how I plan on bailing on my kids.

Sounds balla.

>> No.457265

Parents divorced, father wasnt in my life until 6th grade. saw him once a year before that. only remember playing a single game of some arcade fighting game where you play as classic giant monsters. He seemed to do it for me though, cause i kicked his ass.

>> No.457278
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Parents divorced in 3rd grade, once a year visits.
We weren't and aren't really close. It's a shame, because I look up to him even though he wasn't around. It's when we actually are in the same room that it all goes to shit and I wonder what I saw in him as a kid. We're like opposing magnets covered in sharkskin sandpaper.
I love him, but I can't be around him.

He showed me how to use his commodore and his atari, but he never played with me. I tried to get good at the games so he'd be proud of me, but he never cared.

Sure hope this rain lets up soon.

>> No.457309

I watched my dad beat Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3, Zelda, Zelda 2, Metroid, Gunsmoke, Contra, Punch-out.

We use to play the fuck out of Double Dragon, TMNT: Arcade, Guerilla War, Rampage, Paperboy

>> No.457316

Not sure, if I should mention this but, my dad now plays Skyrim on PS3 and World of Warcraft.

>> No.457321

That is how I remember my dad. He would buy the new consoles of the time for himself and give me the hand me down. Then we ended up getting PCs and played StarCraft and Quake 2

>> No.457325

How the fuck do you even play Paperboy

>> No.457330

My father never found an interest in playing video games. He was also horrible when he tried.

He's only played with me...once.

>> No.457335

My father never really cared for games, except for the 20 minutes he spent on the Wii Sports bandwagon.

It's a shame, because he's more than a bit of a motoring enthusiast, and he'd probably appreciate Gran Turismo even more than I do.

>> No.457351

Rain is glorious.

>> No.457361

I always had to let him win because he'd get furious if I beat him too much. Not even joking!

>> No.457368

When I was younger my dad would play the first GTA, super mario kart, maro, donkey kong, and a whole host of other games with me, and he'd play games like siphon filter on his own. And then on day he just stopped.

>> No.457380
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Chopper Command was my dads favorite. We'd take turns trying to beat each others score. Good times.

>> No.457392

Game of pretend is all we played together.

>> No.457398

My dad couldn't handle anything past the NES. Even then I know he didn't really like playing and just played with me sometimes because he knew I enjoyed it.

>> No.457401

>Be less than a year old
>Father hears about some five year old that can program computers on the radio
>Grabs me from my playpen
>Sits me down in front of his old PC
>Tries to teach me how to play Q*bert
>Being less than a year old, I wasn't interested in playing video games and didn't understand them
>He becomes frustrated and puts me back in my playpen

That was the last time he ever played video games with me.

>> No.457468


Your father is a dumbass.

>> No.457503

Yeah, he really liked Contra, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Desert Strike and quite a few others.

But thanks for reminding me that he was found dead after being missing for 2 years OP.

>> No.457584

Not really together, but we both played them. Actually he plays more games than I do. Sometimes I wonder how many times he's been to /v/, he has to know about it.
> tfw there is no way to ever bring this up

>> No.457645

I think my dad and mum were better at games then I was in the early years.
They played every SMB game on the SNES and my dad beat every single one, even the Special levels in SMW.
Donkey Kong 1 to 3 were also favourites.
They didn't really transition to 3D games, but they occasionally play some games on the Gamecube and Wii.

>> No.457664
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>tfw parents never played vidya with me
>when I was at my friends house his father always helped us, talked with us about vidya.

>> No.457690

Tons, OP. My dad was my introduction to gaming and he still games to this day. He doesn't really play consoles anymore but he plays more PC games than I do, by far.

The only person in my immediate family who didn't (and still doesn't) play games is my mother. She thinks they're a stupid waste of time. Oh well.

>> No.457687

I got really sick as a kid when I was in third/fourth grade and they thought I had a brain tumor or something. I had to stay up all night, no sleep and I think no food. I basically spent that entire night playing Mario Paint and with them as they slept in shifts. I seem to recall recording it on VHS but hell if I know to where that VHS disappeared.

Other than that, my father would play games with us every now and then, and charted the card games in Super Mario 3. My mom loved Donkey Kong Country but couldn't beat beyond the first stage. I think she just liked watching us play it.

>> No.457709
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My father was a drunken asshole growing up, the only game I can remember him playing was Zelda 2 but I don't think he ever beat it, or if he was even capable of doing so seeing as how often he got drunk and stumbled around.

He was most certainly not a bro. He'd start out every single day throwing up from drinking too much the night before, hell, sometimes he'd still BE drunk from the night before because he drank so late into the night. He'd start drinking in the afternoon, stay drunk all day and generally act like a jackass to everyone around him. I didn't really have much of a childhood, in fact, thinking back on it, the main reason I played games as much as I did was to avoid interacting with him. All he used to do was hang around with his idiot drunk friends and not work while my mother went off and busted her ass supporting the family.

I'm still not sure what to feel about him, seeing as how he had a more fucked up childhood than I did, considering both his father and brother killed themselves and he was also in Vietnam.

>> No.457773

Holy shit, your dad is awesome.

>> No.457793
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>> No.458078
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I do, OP. We didn't play much, but once he unlocked all the cars in Destruction Derby 64 overnight, and when I woke up, he left the console on for me to play with them. He would also play Pokémon Puzzle League with Mom, and those tournaments were nice to watch.
When I wasn't born yet, I know he bought a Master System for my cousin, played some NES with my mom, and would occasionally play some Arcade and also Atari 2600. But he started to play less and less over the years, and cocaine addiction started to get the best of him.
He can't play for shit today, the last thing he actually played was GTA IV. And he can't steer without pressing the analog and honking the horn.

Dad was the shit. Handsome, well dressed, well spoken and all around a great guy. Today he looks like crap, and does nothing but sitting in front of the TV with lifeless eyes, sleeping and ocasionally getting out to get his high.
I don't hate him, I hate cocaine for taking his awesome form away from my family, and replacing him with this broken man.

He was once like a Gyarados, you know? Fucking awesome. Today he is like a Magikarp, useless.

>> No.458162

my dad liked mario 2.
he kind of looks like mario and is a plumber so i always thought he would know all the secrets and how to play, like it was a plumber thing.

>> No.458175
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He's never been a fan I guess. I vaguley remember him playing, or at least watching us play MSR for the Dreamcast, but that's it., my mother has never played it, she knows enough not to throw them away, but she has never played, but she has watched, and given us advice for some vidya (she even called Metal Gear Solid a messed up game, and thinks the developer is really weird, which is true I guess)

Still, my dad hates vidya, and hell here's a story about him.

My mum told me this one.

>Be somewhat young
>Have 2 brothers older than me
>They get a Mega Drive for Christmas about a year before the saturn because my mum bought it for them, dad doesn't care
>Next Christmas
>Mum buys a Saturn and puts it away for Christmas
>Christmas eve
>We're all asleep
>Dad has gone to the airport to say goodbye to relatives etc.
>She sets out everything during the night
>Can't find the Saturn
>Looks all over the house
>Dad comes home
>Mum asked him has he seen the saturn
>"Oh yeah, the kids already had one so I gave it to our relatives who were leaving at the airport"
>my mother's face when

She wasn't poor or anything, but the Saturn was pretty expensive at that time.

My dad is still stupid today, he wants me to throw out all my games in my collection. No putting them away, not selling them, but throwing them out, like they're rubbish.

He has no idea about the value these games have in price and entertainment.

>> No.458187

He would only play Doom on his laptop. So I asked if he could figure out how to play two player with me on it, and he set it up on another computer. We played up until episode 3 on the medium difficulty when my parents got divorced and he sold his computers and Doom to pay for rent.

>> No.458191

>"Oh yeah, the kids already had one so I gave it to our relatives who were leaving at the airport"

Jesus H. Christ

>> No.458195

I remember playing Sarge's Heroes 1 and 2 with him as a kid, along with the PC classics like Doom and Wolf.

Now he's just a CoD player.

>> No.458201

I vaguely remember playing DKC on the SNES with him.

That's it though. I don't really remember too much about my childhood.

>> No.458203

I didn't. I tried to make them play something like mario but they said it is too hard.

>> No.458221
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My dad never played any video games. Every Christmas when I asked for a new game, my dad would say something like, "You haven't grown out of that yet?" This happened even when I was like 8.

>> No.458229

The Post-Cyberapocalypse.

Now shut up and slam.

>> No.458257

Dad didn't really play much. As far as I know, my dad was into the Atari 2600 in '81 after spending over 6 months in a hospital and needing something to pass time. Growing up, he got into 16-bit fighters with me, so we spent hours and hours playing all the Street Fighters and Mortal Kombats on Super NES. I owned the Genesis versions, but my dad hated them. Hated the graphics, the sound, the controller, my dad really hated the Sega Genesis and Sega CD. Years later, we'd play Street Fighter Alpha 3 a lot of Dreancast, but he couldn't get into the Vs. series at all on Dreamcast. On a related note, my mom did not care for video games, but I have Samba De Amigo with 2 sets of maracas, and my mom and I would play that for hours! She loved the game!

>> No.458361

My father used to play NES with me and my sister, but once he hit 35 he stopped. He said he was too old and his hands wouldn't work as fast as he wanted them to. But he was great back then, to this day he's the only one in my family to have beaten Startropics and Zelda II.

When Megaman 9 came out a few years ago, he came into my room as I was playing it so I showed it to him. We spent the whole day playing Megaman 9 together. Seeing his face light up like it did back then, it was something very dear to my heart.

>> No.458403

sorry to hear that man, at least you have some good memories.

>> No.458404

My earliest gaming memory is playing through Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis with my father and my older brother. We got all the way up to the final level, the inner-most circle of Atlantis, and realized we hadn't saved all day (we'd reached Atlantis and spent the entire afternoon playing through it), and thought "hey we should save now." We managed to find a game-crashing glitch, that impressed the friends I have at Lucasarts, because we saved during a very specific cutscene. We lost 6-7 hours of work, and neither my brother nor my dad would return to the game for a few years (I continued to hammer away at it, running the other paths the game presented you with) until I reached that scene again, and called them both in so we could all finally finish it, as we had tried to years earlier. My dad's never played any other game, but we still revisit Fate of Atlantis together every few years.

>> No.458475


I have Paperboy 2. It's fun as fuck. Even though it's kinda why my friend and I used my sling shot and a pinball to break a kids window Still. What a fucking game. I wanna play it now.

>> No.459731

Dad wasn't really much of a gamer at all throughout my childhood, but he did always sit down and play a game or two of Columns on the Mega Drive with me. They were some pretty cool times.

I don't get why the older generation seem to be alienated by video games, and especially if they grew up with it too. Pretty gayyyy.

>> No.462109
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That's like the vidya equivalent of me telling my grandmother to "Click on the blue ball with the foxtail around it for your Internet." True story

>> No.464889

Dad never let down the damned whistling race music from Super Mer i oh 64

>> No.466759


>> No.466836

I have a few, but will stick to this one.

When I was young, we didn't have much money. We had to save up our money to buy game consoles. Me and my brother would pool money to buy consoles, and all we had was a super nintendo. My dad knew this, and while at a garage sale, he found a 3DO in goddamn perfect condition with a bunch of games for 20 bucks. He bought it for us as an early christmas present.

Most of the games that came with it weren't that great, but we had Road Rash, Escape from Monster Manor and Killing Time to keep me busy. I would watch my dad and brother play Escape and Killing time, but could never play them myself, because I was a little scaredy cat. Oh I would try to play them, but i'd get too scared and back off after about an hour.

Until one day my dad was playing Escape from Monster Manor, and told me to take the controller while he went and did something. I was scared but didn't want to tell him, so I played it. I don't know if you guys ever played it, but there was a catacombs level in the game where giant green spiders would fuck your shit up. Of course I was left in this level. I only barely knew how to deal with them because of watching my dad and brother, and I kept playing because I didn't want to disappoint my dad. I kept failing the level and freaking out because I was using up all my dad's free lives. My dad sat down next to me and told me, "Son, you need to stop running away from them. They catch up to you too fast and corner you, just fight them." and for the next few hours, me and my dad were wracking our brains as to how to get out of the level. By the time it was well over my bed time, we completed the level, and I was overjoyed that I could do it. My dad gave me a high five and told me that I need to go to bed now, and that I could play it in the morning. That morning, my dad was waiting for me at the 3DO, Monster manor ready. Ever since then i've been a junkie for horror games.

Thanks dad. You're the best.

>> No.467349
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My mom used to play Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World with me when I was really small. I guess she kind of taught me how to play. They were probably my first "real" video games. My dad seems to hate video games, except for when he sometimes jokes about Call of Duty which I have no interest in.

My parents are basically the exact opposite of me, it's kind of a pain especially when it comes to hobbies, politics, etc.

>> No.467937

My dad would occasionally play Alone in the Dark which was tense as fuck as he would usually die from skeletons or other mysterious things.
Later on he would play DOOM which I would get into but really suck at since I didn't use mouselook.
Eventually I enjoyed playing a few Starcraft games with him. It's thanks to him that I am computer-proficient and have a love of old games.
Now he doesn't do any of that. He's just a boring old fuck that drinks wine and wants to be the perfect suburbanite.

>> No.468096

That's a sad fate that many people suffer. They go from being cool gamers to being lame COD players. My sister used to play fallout, fallout 2, sims, etc. Now it's just COD.

Also, once someone plays COD no other games are good enough, they get that whiney little bitch tone on and say "The graphics aren't that great" even for games that are intentionally supposed to have not ultra realistic graphics, like cel-shaded games and shit. Fucking COD faggots, their brain somehow goes missing after mindlessly playing it forever.

>> No.472420

My dad totally loved Xcom enemy unknown, aka Ufo defense

>> No.472513

My dad never gave games a chance. One of my absolute earliest memories though is my mom playing Rampage with me on my NES. Shit was so cash. The only gaming memory with my dad is the only time I think he's ever played. He saw me playing one of the PS2 era Maddens, so I asked him to play. He absolutely trashed me and then never played again.

>> No.472531

My family's first video game system was the SNES. My dad was a bit of a Gulf War buff, and he aced the fuck out of Super Battle Tank and Desert Strike while I dicked around in plain old Mario Kart.

I distinctly remember him also finishing Star Fox, sadly he always lost a teammate on the way. ;_;

>> No.472549

Apparently, the only thing whiner than COD players is people who hate COD players.

>> No.472784

>12 years old
>Playing vanilla Diablo 2 with the old man
>Hardcore characters, high 70's
>My Necro rubberbands into a pack of enemies
>I'm fucking shattered
>Dad can see I'm genuinely upset
>Says "Once more unto the breach." I didn't even know what the fuck that meant at the time
>He leap attacks into the pack and fights to the death
>Permadeath for a HC Vanilla level 79 Barb because he didn't want to play that character without me
>Fast forward 12 years later
>Dad dead in real life for some years now
>Playing Diablo 3 (yeah, yeah) HC with a friend
>We get overwhelmed and he dies in act 3 Hell
>Just a quiet curse in teamspeak, I know he must be shattered.
>"Once more unto the breach."

Couldn't help but tear up as I watched the old grizzled Barb from D3 leap into his last battle, given that he bore a striking resemblance to the much younger one my departed father played in the previous game.

See you in Valhalla, you old crazy bastard.

>> No.472807

The only videogames my dad ever played were Cricket Captain 2002 and V8 Supercars 3 Australia
But the latter was great fun with him for the 10-15 minutes it lasted.

>> No.472885

interesting thread. being a father now, i am seeing this from the other side of the equation... thread here: >>468080

my parents had absolutely no interest in video games. i can see from this thread though that a shared interest such as this can be an extremely effective means of bonding and interaction.

>> No.472891


linked wrong thread...
parents on /vr/ is here:

>> No.472962
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>> No.473035

>dad used to flat out ignore me
>bailed on family
>keep trying to spend time with him
>i'm like eight or nine, i didn't know at that age why he wouldn't like me
>saved up all the change i could find for one of our weekend visits
>go for visit
>"dad, i brought some money so we can rent super black bass and fish together!"
>he took my money and bought cigarettes with it

This is the day my childhood died.

>> No.473048

You don't play COD, you just button mash, really. I used to play it with my brother, just to sub in when his friends were unavailable, and all I would do is run around the goddamn map nonstop, stabbing fuckers. They'd rage, and he'd pick them off when they broke out of cover to get me.

I quit playing for good when I got 23 kills, no deaths, on goddamn WASTELAND, AND I DIDN'T MOVE SIX INGAME FEET THE WHOLE MATCH. I WAS OUT IN THE OPEN. And I never claimed to be good at the game! It's just EASY.

Too bad Battlefield is now COD. It used to be amazing, the battles I was in, in 2142 and Desert Combat...

>> No.473052

Mine died when my parents abandoned me. At least I got to keep my NES!

>> No.473062
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>tfw no father figure
>tfw watch fathers and sons forming strong bonds in movies and cartoons
>tfw I hear about moments like this
>tfw I had to find role models in video game characters and 80's cartoons I watched on VHS tapes

>> No.473107

My dad introduced me to 90s PC games and I couldn't thank him more.

I was raised on Descent, Might and Magic, Magic Carpet, Unreal Gold, SHOGO Mobile Armor Division and Subspace Continuum.

Thank you based dad.

>> No.473121

You better have decked him when you got a bit older.

>> No.473126

Also Diablo. Diablo actually made me the gamer I am today.

>Angry and opinionated

>> No.473184

I watched him die. Good enough.

>> No.473213

My dad was never around when I was a kid. When I do spend time with him, he usually drops me off at his apartment and let me and my brother play SNES games while he was out working. Even now my dad has kids with his step-wife, I share that bro-sis bond with them when I bring an old console or play some emulated roms.

>> No.473224

>super black bass

Is that game any good? I remember seeing it on sale when I was a kid.

>> No.473225

My parents never allowed video games in our house
When I was 7 (in the wonderful year 1999), I won 3rd place in a floppy-disk throwing contest at a computer fair, and won a gameboy color with Pokemon yellow

and that is literally the only reason I am here today.

That purple gameboy was my only source of video-gameage until my parents bought my brother and I a Dreamcast the christmas of 2004, 3 years after it had been discontinued
and then I just got into the retro scene on my own, I just enjoy the games so much more.

>> No.473239
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>have TV in bathroom because fuck you and it was quiet and i could concentrate
>playing Sonic 2 on Genesis while sitting on the toilet not taking a shit
>about to beat Robotnik for the first time ever
>dad walks in noticing my feat
>walks towards toilet without noticing me
>unzips and takes a piss all over me
>i pull the Genesis remote and the system falls
>game freezes
worst fucking day ever.

>> No.473258
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>Playing brother's gameboy on the shitter
>Sweet AC/DC power converter
>Funny smell
>Shitty brother's friend - his little brother lights couch on fire
>I jump out 2nd story window
>My Gameboy gets melted downstairs
>Finish my metroid2 game years later

Fucking little fucking kids...FUCK!

>> No.473262

It was pretty awesome if you like fishing games. Surprising amount of depth for a 16 bit fishing game.

>> No.473278


Can vouch, only dreamcast has better.

>> No.473363

I was letting my friends two year old daughter play Kirby 64 earlier today. She kept yelling "KERDEY" while jumping up and down in game and moving slightly to the left and right. Later, we were all playing Mario Party and Wario apparently scared here because she was covering her eyes and crying when his face appeared on screen.

When I put the N64 away, she walked up, pointed to it and said, "Kerdey" again. I'll probably play with her some more tomorrow.

I have a daughter of my own, roughly the same age, Whom I would love to spend time with, teach her to play vidya, or even just talk too, but am unable to because I had to let her grandfather on her mothers side adopt her so she could get some good medical care. They never even let me see her anymore.

>> No.473530

That made me chuckle. Hope your dad is well, anon.

>> No.473585

Streets of Rage, i remember the first time we ever made it to the end, Mr X offered one of us to become his right hand man and my dad accepted. i dont know if any of you have ever done that in co-op before, but basically what happens is he makes whoever agreed to be his right hand man fight the other player to prove their loyalty. i had never felt more betrayed, i shouted at dad "but why!? we were going to win! we were going to finish the game!", he said to me "but now i get to be a crime lord, i dont care about you", i fought him with tears in my eyes, and lost. Dad felt pretty smug, until Mr X opened up a trap door underneath him, dropping him all the way back to the start of the final level. I shouted at him some more, "why did you trust him! we were going to win! hes the bad guy and you ruined it!", he couldnt even make it halfway into the last level on his own with 1 life left, and we game overed. It took us a few days to get back up to Mr X, and this time we fought him, and won.

After that we would complete it at least once a week.
One say we were perusing the local game shop, and we saw SoR2. We were both blown the fuck away and bought it instantly.
After that we used to complete that at least once a week, i remember lamenting being unable to play as Adam, and he stuck with Blaze. It was a shame Mr X didnt pull any shit like he did at the end of the first one, it was a very memorable moment.

>> No.473639

I'm very glad you had that much to share with your father, anon.

>> No.473746
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>> No.473770
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That is better than this...

>> No.473775

haha, yeah it was a bit like that.
he was always a very cynical and blunt man. some of his catchphrases included "get a grip", "deal with it", "thats life" and "life is shit, and then you die".

though he has changed a little now he is out of the closet.

>> No.473789


Are you fucking serious?

Your dad is gay?

You must have inherited his genes man.

What a double gaysituation we got here.

>> No.473824

Best dad ever.

>> No.473861

A gay dad? So did you like, come out of a guy's butt or something?

>> No.473910

read my post again. my post said that he has changed since i knew him as a child, because he is out of the closet now. which means when i was young, he had not admitted to the world he was gay, and was trying to lead a normal life.
i and my sister are a by-products of that.
i dont think its anything to do with genes. regardless, i am not gay myself. i would know by now if i was. ive hung around enough gay bars and clubs with him, getting drunk, to be exposed to it enough to know.

on the topic of vidya, he does not play anymore. though he was insane at columns and soviet strike.

>> No.474040
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My dad was the one that played most of the games on our NES when we got it. I remember him beating Legend of Zelda and one time I almost got my hand ripped off because he told me to get a pen to write the password down for Willow, which he had been playing for almost 3 hours, some how I hear "reset" and I press the button. Lucky me the game doesn't reset till you let go of the button. So I had to stand there crying with my dad yelling at me all the while still trying to find a pen.
On the flip side, I had been playing Simon's Quest for a few days and was finally getting close to the end. It's mid summer and I'm up at almost dawn to get this fucker beat. Dad wakes up, grabs the paper and quietly sits behind me reading while I almost rip my hair out getting close to the end. "Don't forget to grab some laurels" he casually remarks. I grab some and troop down to Dracula's basement and get ready for what I figure is going to be an epic fight. Short term invincibility on I lay into Drac as he forms and fuck his shit before he get's a shot off. I've beaten Castlevania 2. It's the first game I've ever beaten. I'm so happy, jumping up and down. My dad lowers his paper congratulates me on saving the world from evil, and hands me a box. I'm so wraped up in beating this damn game. . . .I forgot it was my birthday.
"I think you might be ready for this one"
inside is a copy of Castlevania 3 and a birthday card for "Dad's little vampire slayer"
Years later I would found out he was actually terrified that I would rage quit the game that morning thus making his card make no sense lol.
Cake and ice cream come latter that day but I will never forget the first game I ever beat, and my dad for being there to see it happen.

>> No.474070

oh he also beat mega-lo-mania. if any of you guys played that.

>> No.474315

He is honing the kid's skills unknowingly...

>> No.474392

I remember I would always get my shit wrecked by dad in any racing game, as he did and still does play racing sims, as well as classic FPS (Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc.).

Then one day, I challenged him to a game of Sega Rally, somehow, our Wal-Mart had a machine.

Lancia Delta Integrale.
3 laps.

I fucking won.