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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.72 MB, 2994x2960, IMG_2941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4731549 No.4731549 [Reply] [Original]

show us your setups of all shapes, sizes and colors. bonus points if you show a game you've been playing recently

>> No.4731561

Nice setup, O-
>horizontal-only stand
>turned 90 degrees on its side
Fucking hell OP, I was gonna compliment your setup, and I'm sure you wanted to save a buck by not getting a swivel monitor that can do both horizontal and vertical orientation, but goddammit that triggers my autism, and ruins the otherwise good looks of that setup. No compliments for you, OP. (You) are, as usual, a goddamn flaming faggot!

>> No.4731610

meh, it doesn't bother me enough to get a new monitor. This is kind of a throwaway setup anyway, it's mainly used for pc games. The arcade stick just happened to be the perfect size to sit there, and the monitor has pretty low lag, so it plays mame great. I stopped caring about having the "perfect" setup awhile ago, and letting that stop me from doing stuff like emulating or sketchy setups like the pic in the OP.

there are many more things that could have triggered your autism had it been more severe, like the fact that I'm not playing on a crt, or on original arcade hardware.

>> No.4731637

that doesn't look stable. at least secure the monitor to something.

>> No.4731684

>cheapest possible speakers
>wilting plant
>left handed freak
>keyboard slide out tray not strong enough to withstand button mashing
>keyboard slide out tray can't slide in due to height of arcade joystick
>depressing scribblings on wall reminiscent of something out of the doom threads

>> No.4731768

you're right, my life really just sucks

>> No.4731785

>there are many more things that could have triggered your autism had it been more severe, like the fact that I'm not playing on a crt, or on original arcade hardware.

Or being left-handed?

>> No.4731802

yeah, and not to mention the hole in the desk just above the monitor, what kind of class-less piece of shit leaves a hole like that un patched. Also the keyboard is razer and all their products suck ass. And you can sort of see a mess of cables under the desk, learn cable management. And did you see the size of those drawers on the left, they're so ugly. And you probably can't see shit while playing being so close to that window. Terrible set up, it would impossible to have fun on it for me.

>> No.4731865

don't listen to them op I bet your plant loves you

>> No.4731872

At least remove the monitor mount before taking the picture dude. This is some Uganda office building shit.

>> No.4731896 [DELETED] 

man why do you have to be so mean to OP. dude just wanted to talk about battlestations and now you're actively making him feel bad about his life. fuck you /v/ermin scum

>> No.4731908 [DELETED] 

>implying /vr/ is a safespace
>implying 4chan is a safespace

>> No.4731924
File: 2.38 MB, 3202x3024, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the minimalistic nature of your desk, and the turned over monitor is interesting...i never seen something like that, how tall can a video game's screen get? anyways, i lol'd that your mouse and keyboard arent in the pull-out jawn of your desk and the arcade joystick is. priorities set my guy.

cover that hole up. get some resident evil. start a noise rock band. eat hummus.

>> No.4731927
File: 2.47 MB, 3024x4032, retrocollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the games

>> No.4731935

>boxed CoD
>figurines everywhere
>Pokeman merchandise
>probably a manchild

The only positive thing I can say about you is that you play shmups.

>> No.4731961

nah nah nah i dont have figurines everywhere i have one fucking shelf with the last few remaining objects from my childhood.. boxed cod you're just normie ree-ing and you own pokemon shit too if you are among the 90% of millennials.

talking about my shit as if i had 30 naruto figurines behind glass get the fuck out of here with that.

>> No.4731970

>talking about my shit as if i had 30 naruto figurines behind glass

That was oddly specific

>> No.4731975
File: 3.25 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN3959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my room at the moment, feel free to ask anything.

>> No.4731989

Making fun of CoD 1-4 as if they didn't, for the better, shape fps gaming to be more skill based. (ignoring console shitters auto aim)

>> No.4732016

not on 4chan it aint

>> No.4732035

Current setups are a shit i5 laptop with an xbone controller and some audio technica studio cans(cost more than the laptop) for home and a surface 3 with $10 ear buds and same controller for work. I have a pc I built with a ryzen 7 and a 1080 connected to a large low lag 4k tv but it doesn't do much for old games, I prefer laying out in my recliner and firing something up on my laptop. I have a trinitron and a ton of old games but it doesn't do that much for me.

>> No.4732037

ok here's your question: why is everyone and their sister namefagging on this board?

>> No.4732041

Finish your fucking drywall, damn.

>> No.4732060

CoD 2 is fine, but how is it more skill based than Quake or Unreal?

>> No.4732075

I was gonna say the same thing. Triggers me something fierce.

>> No.4732078

I've been doing it for about a month, get over it.

Will when I get the chance.

>> No.4732082

>RF adaptor on top of RF adaptor, on top of probably another RF adaptor
Holy shit, you're playing like retarded 10 year old me, before I realized what composite cables and splitters were

>> No.4732095

Yeah, I've been doing that for as long as I can remember. Know a better way that isn't composite? My composite switcher is maxed.

>> No.4732121

as a shmup fan, I gotta say that its one of the genres I would associate most with manchildren.

>> No.4732126 [DELETED] 

>implying not being a safespace means you are obligated to act like an asshole

also not your safe space, you acted like a piece of shit and you are being called a piece of shit. You piece of shit.

>> No.4732129

Good CRT collection

>> No.4732132 [DELETED] 

that wasn't me, but this is. shut up reddit faggot.

>> No.4732139 [DELETED] 

If you're so insecure you can't talk shit with adults while they talk shit back then go to a kiddie forum with your low t ass. The words another person says to you don't matter until you let them. Don't expect people to just pat you on the head and tell you it's ok, here or in the real world.

>> No.4732142 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4732147 [DELETED] 

Likewise, shitstain.

>> No.4732151

>whining about "manchildren"
>on a board dedicated to a medium primarily for children

>> No.4732189

What I ended up doing was getting a splitter that also supported S-video, so the slots were essentially doubled.

>> No.4732193

>gaming is a children's medium

The ESRB doesn't seem to think so

>> No.4732205

You're right. Teens.

>> No.4732235
File: 5 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the splitters I know work backwards, according to how yours work. You plug your console in, and it's output to a certain amount of TV sets that your splitter allows for. Unless you are talking about pic related, which I use a couple for my 2nd gens.

>> No.4732242
File: 29 KB, 302x351, i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4732258

Sorry, I said "splitter" when I meant my switch box also supports S-video.

>> No.4732262

Where's the Space Attack cab?

>> No.4732282

>wires are one way streets

>> No.4732369

With all the other machines, I'll get you a pic.

>> No.4732385

Continuation of >>4732369
Space Attack works, I am going to put the board back in right now.
That next machine is CPS3 Heritage for the Future I am working on, and since artwork for this cabinet is close to nonexistant, I have to make it, myself. Next to that is a Japanese Stratovox. I have a dedicated Shootout, but it's not in the area.

Hey, it works.

>> No.4732390
File: 3.41 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN3960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, I forgot the image.

>> No.4732527
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, AFB1B37F-A0B7-4912-84F0-4D57060ABC99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show us your setups of all shapes, sizes and colors. bonus points if you show a game you've been playing recently
Decided to throw all my set top-ish /vr/ into one image, though admittedly normally there’s nothing to the left of my CRT.

Sanic is fun, but it’s definitely showing its age a lot more than the other DC games I’ve played so far.

>> No.4732578
File: 29 KB, 599x448, BN34DJ_CcAAEX6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4732687

Cozy, but don't the controller cables get in the way of the telly?

>> No.4732798

>Sanic Adventure and Rocket Knight on a Nomad
My absolute fuckin' nigga

>> No.4732818

>buying a microscopic pvm
falling for the meme hard

>> No.4732946

That cab looks very authentic for having such a fishy looking board in it. Could it be a very very early rev?

>> No.4732954

Not sure, I guess it's possible.
The game comes with an operation manual.

>> No.4732989

Never in my life have I seen a transparent Sega PCB and those traces appear hand drawn. You should really post that on a more specialized forum.

>> No.4732995
File: 1.16 MB, 2016x2481, 20180422_021908-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4733015

>buying an overpriced flash cart when there are plenty of Chinese varieties that can do the job
>running it on a fucking model 3 of all things

Is this image bait? At least your taste in games isn't complete shit.

>> No.4733020

Not really overpriced it was like $60. The model 3 is great if you don't care about stereo or shitty add-ons

>> No.4733075

don't you have anything better to do than nitpick every single picture that gets posted in this thread?

>y-you should've gotten the chinese everdrive and saved 20 bucks! what an idiot!!

get a life

>> No.4733084

Which can be modded back in if you want it.

>> No.4733097

I think it can be modded to use 32x if I'm not mistaken. The model 3 has the best rgb quality too but that's debatable/up to preference.

>> No.4733189

he clearly doesnt care about quality. why not just get the shitty and cheap everdrive equivalent to match the shitty and cheap model 3?

>> No.4733234

Who cares?

>> No.4733245


You opened yourself to scrutiny when you choose to participate in this thread. No one is obligated to pat your ass and congratulate your retarded spending choices. If it bothers you that much, then stop participating.

>> No.4733273

Bro you're replying to someone else and honestly I'm not upset about your opinion in the slightest. $60 is nothing to me. You're the one who's getting upset and at least I'm contributing to the thread. You should post your setup.

>> No.4733348

I'm pretty sure a 32x mod is possible, but no one has really outlined the proper/decent way to go about doing it.

RGB is probably a bit debatable, but it's certainly extremely clean,

Audio, despite being mono only by default, is also about the cleanest you'll get from a Genesis; Though that is for better and worse for some.

>> No.4733396

I'll look into that.

>> No.4733434

and now your autism is open to scrutiny, I guess it's a fair trade. Feeling superior over video games in the way you are is a mental illness

>> No.4733909
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20180424_234651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is, I am trying to unlock everything in f-zero x right now.

>> No.4733912
File: 3.05 MB, 3024x4032, 1524639310378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit every fucking time

>> No.4733923

Nice dreamcast

>> No.4733950
File: 367 KB, 665x723, 20180425_010313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck yea, it was my older brothers launch console. I had it for about eight years with no cables or contoller and I just recently bought all that so now I am starting to play some burned games on it

>> No.4734037

He also bought a microscopic laptop.
There's no stopping this guy.

>> No.4734048

Exhibit A: Here we have once again the /vr/ cunt more concerned with aesthetics than function for he is not a player of any worth but instead pre occupied with collecting shit and having a trendy setup to show off how "hardcore" he is to his onions dad bod star wars man children cunt friends who secretly hate him.

ignore the vr cunt, i use a ghetto setup and a ps1 pad and i'll guarantee you that bitch doesn't have a single score or clear near my many. If it works you're good to go.