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4730157 No.4730157 [Reply] [Original]

>creates their biggest competition due to terrible business decisions
How does Nintendo repeated colossal blunders and get away with it?

>> No.4730165

They have to be onto something because if anyone but nintendo had made the mistakes they have, they would only be a 3rd party software developer by now.

>> No.4730167

How does Japan have this garbage language and get away with it?

>> No.4730168

They're financially stable enough to fail for a long time. Sega didn't have their kind of money.

>> No.4730191

They’re English words written in Japanese, so...

>> No.4730231

fpbp this is actually it

Nintendo is SO good at creating novelty and marketing it that they can afford to fuck up now and then since they REALLY succeed when they succeed

>> No.4730245

Nintendo fanboys gave them a free pass, but hypocritically bashes Sega for their mistakes. Console warring is a mistake.

>> No.4730252

Nintendo made the right choice. They wanted to remain their own, separate company, not become a Sony subsidiary. It has worked out for them, they dominate the handheld market and have occasionally released successful consoles as well.

>> No.4730279

The terms of the deal wouldn't have made them a part of Sony. It just gave Sony license to manufacture the CD add-on, as well as manufacture their own dual SNES/CD console. That's why it fell through.

>> No.4730347

One of these companies just launched a hit new system, the other is now a hit-or-miss third party developer.

>> No.4730439
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They didn't, the whole story is a ruse. Nintendo used their prestige to catapult Sony into the game industry because they're both yakuza/deep state fronts and videogames are Japan's most powerful weapon.

>> No.4730495

Big if true

>> No.4730527

In the initial deal, sure, but it's not a coincidence that the existing Nintendo Playstation has Sony branding and ONLY Sony branding all over it, an agreesive takeover and buyout was an inevitability if Nintendo had stuck it out.

>> No.4730541

Incidentally, in an interview that mentioned Sega's tendancies to kidnap relatives of third party developers to incentivize them to support their platforms, or locking their own developers in crunch rooms for days until they got something done, one developer mentions this point

>all Japanese game developers, except maybe nintendo and namco, were involved in some way with the yakuza in the arcade days or after that.

>> No.4730553

Nintendo was involved with the yakuza long before the arcade days. Their whole original business was making the cards used by the gambling clubs which developed into yakuza.


>Jake Adelstein asked two current members of the yakuza how they interpreted the company's moniker. Their opinion was exactly the same. It's apparently commonly thought that the "nin" (任) in Nintendo is the "nin" from "ninkyo" (任侠) or "chivalry". According to Adelstein, "The yakuza don't think of themselves as criminals, because they argue that they are ninkyo dantai, aka 'humanitarian groups'." The concept of chivalry, or "ninkyo", is synonymous with the yakuza. "Whether true or not, they claim that the 'nin' (任) character in 'Nintendo' (任天堂) comes from the word 'ninkyodo' (任侠道) or 'chivalrous way', which is how the yakuza think of themselves," says Adelstein. "Like many things, only the founder really knows. But two yakuza I spoke with both shared the same opinion: Nintendo began by providing cards for gamblers, and many yakuza groups began as associations of gamblers called bakuto. Nintendo was expressing thanks to their customer base with their name.

>> No.4730564
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Also it's pretty significant that Nintendo's HQ isn't far from the old Imperial Palace in Kyoto (which is probably still the real current deep state capital, since the move to Edo/Tokyo had a lot to do with the invasion of foreign banks and trade companies and shit). Konami has a headquarters LITERALLY NEXT DOOR to the palace, where they hold all their important meetings, and there's a train line which practically connects it to the Nintendo HQ.

>The original Nintendo headquarters is located in a part of town that's the turf of the Aizukotetsukai, one of Kyoto's oldest and most powerful yakuza groups. Now in its sixth generation, the Aizukotetsukai were established in Kyoto in 1868, over a decade after the U.S. "black ships" arrived on Japanese shores that opened the country to the West. The group's founder Senkichi Kousaka, aka "Kotestsu Aizu," was an infamous gambler and swordsman in his day.

>> No.4730607

To be honest, that was just a prototype.

>> No.4730619


>Sony is going to buyout Nintendo

Don't use words you don't understand.

>> No.4730635

>get away with it
I wouldn't say that. They took some big fucking hits. Virtual Boy, sales getting cannibalized by PSX, and eventually getting absolutely destroyed in the home market in Gen 8.

>> No.4730654

That makes no sense.

>> No.4730664

Oh, okay then.

>> No.4730678

It doesn't matter. Nintendo still made major mistakes, which is why they have a hard time taking the crown away from Sony to be the number 1 console maker. Sega made the smart decision to become a third party developer to save their company and now we're getting Shenmue 1 & 2 on PS4 & Xbox One. I'll tell you what Nintendo's mistakes are...

1) Suing Galoob over the Game Genie. This action caused people to hate Nintendo and support the competition(Sega).
2) Censoring games. This action caused people to hate Nintendo and support the competition(Sega again)
3) Getting Sony involved with making the Nintendo CD(a.k.a. Nintendo Playstation). This led to Sony becoming a major competitor.
4) Making cartridge based game system instead of CD based system during 5th gen. This led to Sony outselling Nintendo in both games and consoles. Third party game publishers such as EA and Squaresoft dropped support for Nintendo, which not only caused Nintendo to lose a lot of their loyal fans, but it would also insure that Nintendo never ever regains the number 1 position in console sells(Wii doesn't count because the majority who bought a Wii were casuals that wanted Wii Fit).

>> No.4730680
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200 Sony Super Disc PlayStations were made. I wonder if there are any more out there somewhere just waiting to be found?

>> No.4730692

too bad its just like every other playstation and has NO GAMES.

>> No.4730710

some home brew ones were made after the bios dump

>> No.4730801

You know what an artificial duopoly is, right?

>> No.4730808

>Wii doesn't count because I said so
Spoken like a true Sega and Sony fanboy

>> No.4731285

False, I'm just delivering facts. But it seems to upset your Nintendo fanboy ass. Especially since you refuse to acknowledge that casuals are the reason the Wii is a hit. It's well documented. Hence why the Wii U failed, despite trying to appeal to casuals again. Only hardcore Nintendo fanboys bought a Wii U.

>> No.4731343

>Only hardcore Nintendo fanboys bought a Wii U.
You're forgetting about Sm4sh.

>> No.4731347

Terrible business decisions? Could you imagine how shitty the great n64 games would have been if they were full of fmv and loading screens?

No thanks.

>> No.4731404

And yet Nintendo is still turning profits and pumping out systems while you're here bitching about how it's not fair that precious little Sega failed. Nintendo had 2 real commercial failures over 3 decades, sega had the cd, 32x, nomad, saturn and dreamcast in less than 1. I'm not big into Nintendo, but when they make mistakes they bounce back instead of digging a deeper hole.

>> No.4731419


Virtual Boy and what else?

>> No.4731425
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So sega's incompetence was on such an unfathomed plane that even their competitor fucking up left and right couldn't save them? Sounds about right. Also nice preemptive goalpost moving on the wii sales.

>> No.4731432

You can't really count the Dreamcast as a failure if they just decided too stop it.

>> No.4731438

Ha no, that was not what broke the camel's back.
It was the clause that gave Sony royalties and rights to every single piece of software ever released on the SNES-CD. Basically from the time the contract was signed Sony already wanted to be a first party collecting licenses and shit with Nintendo, or FROM Nintendo's own developers.

If that came to fruition, just like the PC Engine was obsoleted by the CD add-on, so would be the regular SNES for Sony's add-on. The problem wouldn't go away a generation later either, Sony still had patents on the CD distribution format.
And if Yuzo Koshiro and other composers are to be believed, when Ken Kutaragi designed the sound chip for the regular SNES, it was obtuse enough to require developers buy Sony support to be able to write their sound drivers, so it's not like if left to their own devices Sony would not milk their opportunity dry.

Yamauchi was incompetent and did not read the fine print well enough.
Sony's executives went the honorable confidence way about it.
It was Ken Kutaragi who rocked the boat for his personal ambitions, which paid off for him.

That said Sony's executives were willing to renogiciate the deal to nurture a longer term Nintendo relationship that didn't feel like a scam, but Yamauchi's idiotic stunt not even his own teams still developing for the SNES CD during that announcement sabotaged those efforts from both sides beyond repair, and he still got into a worse deal with Philips where he still made the same mistake and got into more trouble he had to buy his way out from, a few CD-i crapware at a time.

>> No.4731451

1) Sega also sued some unlicensed developers over things like the copyright string. What really did Nintendo in, was their mediatized anti-competition practices.

>getting rentals outlawed in Japan
>sabotaging the Genesis and the already struggling PC Engine to the point they got hit in the US by anti-trust laws
>their limitation on overseas releases
>their overpriced cards and requiring pubs over-order carts that lead to several publishers like Enix US and Taito US to go bankrupt
>forcing pubs to use smaller carts
>deciding some games should be failures by cutting down their print run below profitability
>telling japanese devs repeatedly it's their way or the highway in newspapers ensuring they left them the first chance for PC Engine and then PS1

2) So did Sega and for the same kind of stuff (just check Streets of Rage and Crusader of Centy among others) in less severe 4Kids fashion, but the real event that cemented Nintendo in the mainstream was Mortal Kombat 1, a million seller that bombed on Nintendo consoles because guess what.
Then Sony adds made up swearing to translations to show we're totally kool (they still have their own censorship guidelines, just less obvious about it - just look at Linda Cube, Policenauts, etc) and Nintendo allowed Ogre Battle 64 but that was too little too late to change PR.

3) amen to that. i think it started with the sound chip even.

4) nintendo tried to get enix, square, hudson to support the 64dd but they didn't care so they nuked it. I doubt the few remaining jp devs who banked on 64dd were thrilled by that.

>> No.4731478

tehehe dont accept aserious answer

>> No.4731646

If you guys are so smart, then go and start your own vidya business. Take down Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft and lead the market with your infinite business knowledge.

>> No.4731784


These are that rare? My uncle gave he his about 6 months ago. I have it in our storage unit. It had a couple games with it but I thought they were just some burned shit since they didn't have any atwork on them, just kind of a printer label type thing.

Are they worth anything?

>> No.4731786

what a clever and original joke

>> No.4731789

I know I shouldn't reply but I have to mention the groan I just emitted right now was quite audible.

>> No.4731825

>How does Nintendo repeated colossal blunders and get away with it?
Whenever the fuck up something, they just whip out another big selling Pokemen, Mario, or Smash Bros. game and carry on as usual.

>> No.4731834

Despite business errors Nintendo does make good games. Strong software keeps even a lackluster system afloat.

>> No.4732118

64DD, all the money and time into R&D with nothing to show for it. The famicom disk system was a hit but technology was progressing slower at that point and the market was much different.

Even then, that's after 4 consecutive and they were struggling to see the returns needed to maintain the company when they put the DC to bed. Not turn a profit, but even to break even. Shenmue didn't help, even though I'm glad those games were released. You could have the greatest product in the world but if no one wants to buy it you won't build an sustain an empire on it. Also, nintendo didn't have the same type of communication breakdowns and rivalry between their japan and us divisions. I think that if Sega didn't produce the genesis add ons and released the dreamcast a year later with a dvd player and proper online they'd still be in the game. I loved the idea behind the Nomad but they didn't have the hardware back then to make it work well. Carrying $50 worth of batteries on a 3 day trip to play on a washed out screen wasn't too appealing. Nintendo made bank off of the advance just from the nes and snes ports. I bought one for those and the backwards compatibility alone.

>> No.4732172
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>>getting rentals outlawed in Japan

Wait wait wait wait, rentals were illegal in japan due to the rentals of LP's music and piracy of PC games over there, but sadly they use that as a hook up gateaway to extend that to regular console games as well, despite the fact that those are more hard to pirate.

Is like the motherfuckers didn't use their thoughts beyond their noses.