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File: 100 KB, 930x524, ultima8_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4729140 No.4729140 [Reply] [Original]

>At this very moment, Britannia burns
>At this very moment, Britannia burns
>Hark, is that the sweet song of lemon days in my ear?

>> No.4729148

Why did they make this game a platformer?

>> No.4729261

>Why did they make this game?

>> No.4729271

>Why did they make this game in only 6 months?

>> No.4729284

If you install the patch it pretty much drops the platforming aspect. Just point wherever you wanna jump.

With the patch its a relatively fine game but otherwise it's unplayable.

>> No.4729302

Best Ultima. I understand people claiming 7, I like 7, but this game is beautiful and wondrous.

>> No.4729320

>Britannia didn't even burn
WTF guardian, blueballing me for two games

>> No.4729348

I just want Lost Vale to leak.

>> No.4729374
File: 21 KB, 320x200, sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4730576

Is that the expansion? Any articles or screenshots of it?

>> No.4731240
File: 133 KB, 570x745, LostV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was an addon like Forge of Virtue or Silver Seed. The wiki has some screens http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Ultima_VIII:_The_Lost_Vale

>> No.4731248

>avatar goes around with that stupid bucket on his head the whole game

>> No.4731427

They spend a lot of effort on the animation and didn't want to repeat that for more than one model.

>> No.4731783

I also really enjoyed it.
I played it as a kid and was too dumb to actually solve problems so I set myself the objective of collecting every single item in the game and dropping it into the river. I figured by a process of elimination I'd eventually find whatever it was I needed to complete the game.

>> No.4732215
File: 132 KB, 640x400, Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really know where you are going, Avatar?

>> No.4732492

The art direction, music, and atmosphere really are top fuckin notch in this game

>> No.4732705

as a kid , all I did was find creative ways to kill towns people, guards, and especially the queen using the flask-bombs without getting insta-killed by that damn mage.

Found a way to kill him too, and broke the game. good times.

>> No.4732857
File: 124 KB, 968x628, ultima 8 sucks starter kit 2-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do cuckolds hate Ultima 8?

>> No.4732865

They got lost in the catacombs

>> No.4733014
File: 1.83 MB, 2016x1512, Mouse_destoryers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Only the Avatar can master these four elements and ... oh wait, no, fuck you Avatar, this place is one of the Guardian's worlds. You only learn Earth after unspeakable acts defying your virtues, as water is hereditary, fire will fuck your shit, and the air titan just teases and uses you only to peace out without ever bestowing you any powers. It was a bit surprising to me, maybe because the manual described air spells and all, but no this world is oppressive ... and it is interesting because of that.

I never got the patch, I only got the speech pack. I kinda stopped playing PC games a bit after waiting forever for an expansion or sequel to 8. I originally thought Diablo was a completed version of 8, when I joined my friends at an internet cafe.

My introduction to the series is the 7 line of games, and they are some of my most favorite games. Even with the crack of the original SoundBlaster proceeding any voice samples, playing with large booming speakers turned up was enough to startle me when the Guardian speaks.

You! You're my hero! That's hilarious. I couldn't figure that out, as I thought they were protected by story. I tried to kill the Queen, she's the only water bender, and that's enough to kill in one shot, and she's even protected by the damn fire guy. It is satisfying that the queen dies horrifically by story if I remember correctly, a wonderful bloody body on her bed.

>> No.4733241

The US version of the Diablo Battle Chest came with Diablo 1?

>> No.4733268

Honestly, the atmosphere and setting in the game are INCREDIBLE. The gameplay just sucks. If they had removed the jumping that alone would have made it a better game. You can get the "Gold" version on GOG that comes with the fix patch and the speech pack.

I wouldn't go that far, but I can understand the cult following that it has. It's definitely underrated, even if I do like the early 90s Ultimas MUCH better.

>> No.4733275

It looks and sounds NICE. The atmosphere is also among the best of any RPG.

>> No.4733335

SO the platforming aspect can sort of be fixed, but what about the shitty inventory?