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4721932 No.4721932 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best party and why is it three fighters and a white mage?

>> No.4721942


>> No.4721950

4 fighters only

>> No.4721961

Fighter Blackbelt RedMage WhiteMage

>> No.4721964


>> No.4722000
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>4 fighters only

>> No.4722006

I was always partial to Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage. You have your main physical damage dealer (Fighter), your main magic damage dealer (Black Mage), your main healer (White Mage), and your jack-of-all-trades, master of none that can support all of the other three roles (Red Mage).

>> No.4722027

Red Mage/Red Mage/Black Mage/Black Mage

>> No.4722031

Maybe if you are doing randomizer shit yes, cause you are utterly fucked for healing with this setup.

>> No.4722036

>cheese in a ton of cash
>buy a ton of potions
It's not perfect, but it'll get you quite a bit of the way along. Just gotta nuke the enemy before they get you. I'm sure this party would be FREQUENTLY heading out-of-dungeon to rest and recharge spells/MP (depending on version).

>> No.4722078

RIP thief

>> No.4722101

As far as the original FF go, Fighter, Black Belt, Red Mage and White Mage is my favorite party.
This is mostly because there aren't good equipments for everyone, having more than 2 fighters sounds like a bad idea, since only one of them will get the Xcalber, while the others will be stuck with shitty swords.
There's also the Masamune, that will make even your White Mage fucking strong, I usually give it to the Red Mage.

The remakes introduce more weapons though, and apparently Ninjas become even stronger than Knights.

>> No.4722128
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Fi/Fi/RM/WM is better than 3x fighter, because FAST/Haste access, and RM > Th and BM.

the blue color paletted people suuuucked

>> No.4722191

that's not fighter/black belt/white mage/black mage.

>> No.4722192
File: 379 KB, 1668x2000, jesh-pasiliao-red-mage-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my man gets it. this party owns

>> No.4722247

I like fighter/blackbelt/blackbelt/wm. You can fucking stomp shit on the cheap

>> No.4722296

>female red mage

>> No.4723040

I went with this too, on my last playthrough and boy was it easy.
Agreed that a 3rd fighter won't get to tank many hits, is a pain to outfit and lacks in spells. Heck I'd rather have a BB in the 3rd slot, but RM is superior.

>> No.4725317

For sheer powergaming, any mix of Fighter and Red Mage is best, accept nothing less.
Red Mages are competent fighters on their own and the final tier of spells in either Black or White tree is something you can live without.
White Mage > Black Mage too, by pure mechanics.
If you want, you can throw in a Black Belt, but the Black Belt doesn't really get uber until level 32, and there's plenty of freebie weapons and armor for all your guys, so playing this party isn't as expensive as you'd think.

>> No.4725342

I'm partial to Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage and Theif myself.

>> No.4725554

4 white mages
Everything else is for casuals

>> No.4725561

Because it's a boring, bad game so the party that can clear ut the fastest lets you stop playing the soonest and is therefore the best.

>> No.4725564

I did Warrior, Monk, White Mage and Black Mage. Each class were particularly useful in different stages of the game, but towards the end, Warrior and Monk performed a lot better. Had a lot of trouble with Black Mage, I think Red Mage would be a better choice but BM was very convenient at some parts of the game.

>> No.4725574
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>> No.4725575
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>> No.4725583

If you want to read a fuck ton of shit on various FF 1 and 5 runs, this site is great.


>> No.4725773


Woah I hadn't seen 8-bit teather in years, now that's a trip down nostalgia lane

>> No.4725812

>tfw never played the original FF
What's the best team to use if you're a beginner?

>> No.4725820


>> No.4725832


Also dude, that's a joke that took 9 years to play out, 9 years, now that's dedication.

>> No.4725902

Maybe but it's so fucking boring. My favorite is Red Mage/Black Belt/White Mage/Black Mage

>> No.4725927

Nine years of setup. And he said it wasn't just a reference, he wanted to do it like that from the start. For a final gag — pretty freaking good.

>> No.4725948

Fighter, Black, White, Red/Monk

>> No.4726056

Why do people not use the Black Belt? To me they are horribly OP and only take a Fighter to be able to use the stuff find.
I never bother with a Thief.

>> No.4726075


>> No.4726094

>Why do people not use the Black Belt?
I made the rookie mistake of thinking that "unarmed < weapon" on my first attempt and my BB was doing fuckall for damage with nunchucks. I restarted somewhere around Elfland and replaced him with a Red Mage.

It was a couple years later that I played again, deleted my old save, and another BB landed a spot in the party. I forgot to equip his weapon and found out about his unarmed damage.

>> No.4727047

This, but with Black Belts instead, all named after DBZ characters.

>> No.4727059

I went with 2 fighters 1 white mage and 1 black male. 2 tanks backed up by healing support and devastating magic is a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.4727067
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>1 black mals

>> No.4727069

Goddamnit, now I fucked up too.

>> No.4727201
File: 2.82 MB, 822x720, FE4_Miracle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all have a link to a downloadable archive of all this? I went to reread it a while back only to find some pages were lost.
What's the artist doing nowadays anyway, any current fun comics? Hell, any webcomics you guys are currently enjoying? I'm severely lacking in good stuff.

>> No.4727232

WebToon has some solid Korean stuff (translated)

>> No.4727267


I know he did Atomic Robo, not sure what the writer is doing now.

>> No.4727269
File: 4 KB, 128x128, Blackmage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 black mages
1 monk

>> No.4727459

Uh, his site's still up and everything:

>> No.4727476

Heal spells aren't as useful as they seem, especially since magic power doesn't scale in the pre-GBA versions of the game. Red mages can use Cure spells just as effectively as white mages, and you later get access to magic equipment that can spam Heal as many times as you want.

Three fighters and one red mage would be tactically better since the red mage has superior equipment access over the white mage.

>> No.4727895

Three black mages, one white mage


>> No.4727906

When I was a kid I really had no clue so I did the 4 fighters. They were easy and the weapons and armor were plentiful. But buying 99 potions every 5 mins was meh.
>muh memory
Don't black belts become extremely OP once they promote? You can cast speed on one and they do 25-35 hits or some shit. Someone remind me.

>> No.4727921

>Don't black belts become extremely OP once they promote?
Yes and no. Their bare-handed attacks can deal damage in the thousands, but their defenses still suck. Due to an oversight, I think the BB is set to gain more magic defense than the promoted master, which means it's a good idea to hold off on class promotion if you have a BB in your party.

>> No.4727934

>forgetting that white mage is female

>> No.4727949

whatever helps you think it's not gay, anon

>> No.4728027


Black Mage
White Mage
Red Mage

>> No.4728108

I headcanon the white mage/wizard as a qt trans girl. :3

>> No.4728118

This does not hold true for any updated version of FF1 - it is in your best interest to get BB to Master as soon as possible in these cases.
His defense naked outclasses having gear equipped past level 48ish as well as it becomes his class level x 2. The only reason to equip gear on him at that point would be to buff special defenses against status effects but I personally don't see the point as having a huge class level already inherently reduces the chance of those attacks succeeding. Keep in mind that in order for a poison/stone/deathtouch effect to work, they do actually have to hit you.

>> No.4728123

You do that a lot and you're always wrong.

>> No.4728136
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Fucks given: 0