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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.86 MB, 1600x1200, EverQuest-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4684443 No.4684443 [Reply] [Original]

anyone still play this? any tips for beginners?

>> No.4684452

>game is built specifically to make you waste time
>takes you 60 minutes to reach a single location

>> No.4684987

>>takes you 60 minutes to reach a single location
Honestly sounds pretty great.

>> No.4685017

>take hour to reach your destination
>take hour to reach your corpse
>die again trying to loot yourself
>take another another hour to get to it
>body disapears half way there

>> No.4685030

MMOs in general are shit. Everquest was also shit.

>> No.4685082

Everquest was meh, the best MMO of that era was Asheron's Call. The official servers are down but there are undoubtedly fan servers.

>> No.4685120
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I play p99 casually (maybe 6 hours per week). If you're just starting play a class that doesn't need gear like an int caster or a druid. Iksar necro or wood elf druid is probably easiest starter.

You sound really bad. I have 3 >50 toons and I've died maybe 10 times, outside of raiding. Your body doesn't poof until 24 hours online/7 days offline.

Meh. Instancing ruined MMOs, that and the theme parks they turned into.

>> No.4685131

I play Project 1999

>> No.4685134

You sound like an awful fucking player.

>> No.4685634


>> No.4685741


So you've only died 10 times in an mmo?
sounds like a really shitty MMO that holds no challenge. Thanks for informing us Everquest is fucking dogshit

>> No.4685858


Play project 99 instead of live. Live is overrun with bot crews and 6 boxers and is a ghost town until you hit the upper 90's, at which point you'll realize just how out of whack the game balance is if you haven't already gotten sick of the pointless grinding.

>> No.4687329
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>dying in an mmo
hahaha git gud bitch boy

>> No.4687346 [DELETED] 


Don't play on Live, play on P99. I am in the #1 guild on P99 and have 3 60's. It's time locked at Velious, great community.

AMA if you need help figuring it out or have questions about the server.

>> No.4687353 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4687360
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, 132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't play on Live, play on P99. I am in the #1 guild on P99 and have 3 60's. It's time locked at Velious, great community.

AMA if you need help figuring it out or have questions about the server.

>> No.4687368

I have some basic questions, should I be looking for quest guides or should I just hail everything I see and write down on paper what they want then use p99 wiki maps to find my way? og EQ is new to me so I don't know how people normally do this. I played after they added all the easy features.

>> No.4687371

Also I'm playing erudite necromancer if you have any tips there

>> No.4687375

There's quests but normally they're for gear more than xp. 90% of leveling is just grinding and the other 10% is turning in stuff you got while you were at it. Like killing Drolvags for 15 levels and then using their teeth to get a free level out of it at some point. There's basically a tried and true route for leveling and it usually involves grinding to 15, Unrest, Mistmoore then a little outdoors grinding and then to KC and finally Howling Stones or Sebilis. Every class has unique ways of avoiding the route. Druids / wizards have quading, clerics / chanters have duos, monks have good solo ability, warriors are the toughest in the entire game but it's easy to get groups, etc. It's very unique.

>> No.4687383

Necros a great first toon cause you get a superb farming toon and it's not too gear dependent. I have a baby necro I play on the side too. Pinch your plats and stick to spells until you can do treants or sisters for cash and from then on you'll basically have enough plat to buy nice gear before any other class.

>> No.4687391

Also, forgot to add, learn to flop faction. Kill a mob to 1% then feign death and let your pet kill it to avoid faction hits. Sisters and treants give some faction hits that make druid ports tough for you until you can afford a Circlet of Shadows which is an instant invis clickie that necros abuse that if you use it quick enough, keeps you from getting aggro even after standing up from feign death.

>> No.4687408

Thanks, I thought xp mostly comes from questing. I'll look around for good necro leveling guides. I heard necro is great for soloing so that's why I went with it. So far it's been fun just walking around and admiring the detail and charming late 90's graphics.

>> No.4687419

It was some of the first 3D graphics of that era. Other games similar to it and offline were all just starting to use the Descent engine around that time so it was 3d world with sprites.

What you should do as a necro is as soon as you get Bind Soul, you should find someone who will take you to Kunark. Outside the Iksar city Cabillis, there's a dungeon called Kurn's Tower. It's a tower that features 90% skeletons. They drop bone chips, which is I'm sure by now you have found are very important for you. Well in Kurn's, you'll collect like 80 stacks of chips by the time you're 14 or so, then you can take them to Kaladim and turn them in for tons of free XP. Normally when I make a new toon, I buy 100 stacks of bone chips for 1k plat and walk my level 1 straight to Kaladim and hand them into the bone chip guy and get my toon to like 15-18. Many classes in Kurn's won't even want the chips since warriors, monks and shamans hang out there a lot and don't need the cash.

>> No.4687434

Was just reading the necro p99 guide, says to do exactly that. I think I'm gonna reroll as an Iksar.

>> No.4687447

Iksar HP regen is pretty dope just remember, he has to level 25% more than any other race. The trait is worth it though.. It makes you regen mana at 50+ like a crazy man and the racial downside of not wearing plate doesn't affect you at all.

>> No.4687456

Yeah that's what I read, this way I'll have major bragging rights at 60

>> No.4687463

Reminder: you don't die in everquest.
It's literally made for ages 4-8

>> No.4687484

Define die please.

>> No.4687494

get a boo boo that requires resurrection

>> No.4687504

live is garbage and p99 is shit where the entire endgame is controlled by a single guild full of the admins' characters

>> No.4687512

private servers are generally trash thanks to favoritisim.

so is it the fact that you can respawn that means you cant die, or can you literally not take damage from enemies? i've read about looting your own corpse, which leads me to believe death is entirely possible, while perma-death isn't.

>> No.4687516

These guys say its impossible to die in the game. meaning its made for babbies


>> No.4687520

The problem is with most professional MMO games ADMIN's are not supposed to play the game they work on as it creates conflicts of interest as they make friends in the game.

Private servers do not employ this rule because they are retards and can't really avoid it anyways as they arent really employees that are afraid of losing their 0 dollar pay check

>> No.4687530
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>implying this is somehow bad

do you travel m8 I once lost my body as a troll warrior in the ocean of tears and had to walk from qeynos

>> No.4687537

Did you really need to loot yourself that badly?
I dont even remember what all drops on your corpse.

>> No.4687546
File: 138 KB, 301x659, Bandit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can warrior's solo?

On that same tangent can ANY melee class solo reliably?

What about the races how fun are they to play as say a race that doesn't suit that particular class but is still fun to try?

>> No.4687556

Yeah had a full set of "crafted" armor that I had spend a couple of weeks acquiring from various creatures because I didn't feel like buying them from the tunnels,so I opted for the old fashioned way questing

>> No.4687561

One of those posts says he's died nearly 10 times. The other two are shitposts. Are those the people you meant to quote? If so we're clearly talking about two completely different things and all I'm getting is confusion, so I'm just going to back out now.

>> No.4687575

>10 times in hundreds of hours of gameplay

>> No.4687613

Whether or not the game is easy wasn't the topic of conversation. I was confused by seeing some people saying death is entirely possible (however unlikely) and another person suggesting player death just flat out isn't possible.

So "you can't die" is your way of saying, "it's hard to die". All I wanted was a little clarity.

>> No.4687619

you ever eaten a dick my man?

>> No.4687650

A little up to 50 maybe. Warriors are unique in the sense they have no aggro spells. SK and Paladin have Blind and Poison Cloud, so if the fight just started, they 100% can get aggro. Warrior is just a fighter and he doesn't get anything cool to 55 and then he gets insane damage resistance skills that make the other two kinds of tanks pointless in raid or end game situations. Paladins in particular are very rare. Warrior relies on his weapons to draw aggro so things that proc blind or dots are his only aggro skills.

>> No.4687669
File: 14 KB, 480x360, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing in PvE to die so much? Its almost 20 years old, if you don't know how to not die I don't know what to tell you other than you're awful.

>> No.4687671

bully me not

>> No.4687672

Monk solos to 60 most of the time but they're good dps in groups too.

None of the races are bad but some are great for certain roles. Iksar best monk / necro due to regen, ogre best tank cause immune to stun when facing the enemy, halflings get a 10 or 20% bonus to XP, I don't remember so if you're wanting a fast level 60, halflings are good, for chanters gnome is good cause gnomes can see through walls due to the game being funky.

>> No.4687742
File: 1.06 MB, 1315x607, iddqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, after catching up you seem bad and mad. Why are you so caught up with dying=difficulty? EQ isn't great because its "difficult" (some parts of it can be, especially if you're soloing). Its great because of gameplay mechanics and its sandboxiness. If you really need help with not dying just buy a leatherfoot raider skullcap, or explain what got you all hung up.

This is pretty much accurate, but its just the natural outcome of no instances. You take the bad with the good.

When you die you pop up at your bind point, naked. You can get a rez from another player to regain some/most of the lost Exp and reappear at your corpse, or run back to your corpse. You need to loot your corpse to get all of your gear/items back. After 24 hours online/7 days offline, your corpse will rot.. but GMs will normally resummon it for you if you ask nicely.

(IMO) There isn't much favoritism on p99. If there is, it isn't blatant. There has been 1 case of a GM doing some real shady shit and selling gear off of banned characters. Besides that I don't know of anything worse than what I saw on Live when I was a nolifer.

>> No.4687806
File: 203 KB, 1200x900, DXrPtL5XUAAh80r.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awakened is not full of admin. The admins on P99 are insufferable faggots who don't even play EQ, they never did. Going to them for ruling on raiding content is like asking a blind man to identify a murderer. They are so fucking stupid. The reason Awakened runs the server is because we do what Aftermath does with half as many people and we do everything we can to prep everyone to do at least 2 jobs so they can stay busy and do successful pulls. I realize you are probably not even in Aftermath because you think Awakened has admins in it, the only admin on the server who played originally was Braknar and he was in one of the casual guilds. The admins hate the top 2 guilds and fuck us over really often. They're a bunch of salty try hard faggots who can't even get enough power IRL to make them less bloodthirsty ban-heavy pieces of shit they are today. Smaller guilds, one guy does something, the one guy gets banned. For us, one guy zones in and gets aggro by accident because of shit that happened in the time it took him to load the zone, IE there was absolutely no way to insulate himself, 200+ people get a 30 day raid ban. If the number 2 guild does it, they let that guild just kick the member and it's done. Awakened is straight up persecuted by these tiny dicked faggots.

Also if you're wondering why they fuck us over in Awakened, it's cause one of our members use to date the head GM and she left him for another player and that GM got salty as fuck and started banning the two of them over and over until the guy who ran P99 told him to knock it off. Sirken is mad cause he got cuckolded by an AW member and his girl joined AW.

I love how you fucking idiot casuals go 'HMPH! Another cycle where Awakened dominates everyone!' Well you simpleton, have you ever thought that there's no way in hell you could do it even if we gave you a week? We're just having fun and raiding, if you don't like it, join one of the 2 top guilds. Whiny bitch.

>> No.4687854
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>> No.4687874
File: 339 KB, 532x418, oofouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a copypasta, or are you unable to tell who is posting what? I got enough raiding on live, I don't care what you guys do.

Its a terrible habit, I can only apologize.

>> No.4687882

Well cool, thanks for the information and explaining the death mechanics. I might give p99 a shot within the next few days.

>> No.4687952

No it's not a P99 copypasta fuck P99 admins.

>> No.4687995
File: 22 KB, 716x480, Retribution (2006) Hazuki Riona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4688423

Made an iksar necro today grinding the bone fields and turning in bone chips for about 4 hours. Only made it to level 3 1/2. Is this normal? For about an hour I was learning the wiki and asking other players questions. A nice iksar necro gave me some good gear to help me out now I have a lot of mana considering my level. Should I be grinding something else other than bone field at my level? I was thinking of grinding it till 15. Which sounds like death.

>> No.4688505

I don't remember since I played an erudite necro (didn't know about int cap) but I hit 10 in a few hours just by killing mobs which weren't easy but also weren't tough.

>> No.4688510
File: 426 KB, 1850x2628, 123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Field of Bone is amazing. It goes from like level 1 to level 10 or so in just the pit. The downside to it is you gotta be careful and attentive cause the level 1 shit is poking around right beside all the level 10 shit. Field of Bone is a little slower than most areas but it's got a huge diverse range of levels. Once you get to where you're able to con shit in the pit at white and be able to just go from mob to mob, it speeds up a lot. For now you gotta be picky. In Kurn's, it's all about a 5 level spread and it's easy to get a 3 man group, so go in there and check out people's levels and group in trios until you can solo the skeletons on the first floor.

It speeds up, early on it's tough but FoB is regarded as a good place to level. If you're around level 3, try the spider cave. It's dense and you can grind up a level in an hour or so.

Here's a little map of the flow of FoB for you, go here in these orders as you level and try to focus on as many white mobs as possible, yellow might be too taxing until you get a reliable fear. Once you feel like you can do Birynai in the pit, you should be able to enter Kurn's. The reason you should go to Kurn's ASAP is it has a ZEM - Zone Experience Modifier. So a skeleton in Kurn's nets 130% xp rather than the base outdoor zone of FoB. Google Zone Experience Modifier and you can see where the admins are promoting you to do the most. Every now and then it changes to get people to try other zones.

>> No.4688515

Why did anyone ever say this in the first place? I recall there was some sort of reason and that it used to be a fairly popular term for a brief period.

>> No.4688653

AC was my first mmorpg. I tried EQ and found it awful compared to AC. Half my guild were hardcore EQ players who never went back to it after trying AC.

>> No.4690227

It was making fun of WoW's cartoon characters initially, then newfags just started using it.

>> No.4692229

"Toon" has been around since the Realm Online in 1996. Not everything is about your WoW inferiority complex.

>> No.4692259

My brother. Were you on Darktide? I have never seen a more fun pvp mmo experience.

>> No.4692346

>Source: 2 people who played that game back then and think they are responsible for coining it

>> No.4692527

Or just look up any mmo before WoW came out and see people using the term

>> No.4693476

I played ultima Online in 1997-2009
Nobody EVER called their characters "toons".

They called them "chars" "alts "Mules".

The first time I heard that gay term was in star wars galaxies

>> No.4693567

>be bad
>be mad
>do dumb things
>act like its the games fault
on the other hand
>but I remembered to bind close
>get body back with some thinking
>or be an invis class and not think and jack it while running back
>but then many invis classes can bind themselves almost anywhere
Back when I was 15ish playing this game I didnt even die multiple times getting a corpse. Also it takes 24 real hours (account logged in) for a corpse to disappear. rez timer expires in 3 hours

>> No.4693570

t. kid that nu-everquest

>> No.4693573

did you have a stroke and thought that made sense when you typed it?

>> No.4693574

t. nu-fag

>> No.4693579

Oh so you got caught lying about corpse disappearing and now embarrassed hoping to get the last word using the Regards meme. or worse yet you used someone elses greentext you seen years ago and applied it here to appear like an oldfag

>> No.4693583


Damn you are so new its not even funny anymore.

Lurk more dude if you cant understand /our/ speech you reddit fuck

>> No.4693608

its sad at this point at how much you are pretending to be an oldfag

>> No.4693609

t. guy that couldnt understand this post

>> No.4693615

its still sad and you trying to get the last word in it wont help

>> No.4693619

Let this be a lesson to you, never EVER reply to one of my day old posts trying to talk shit OR YOU WILL GET HIT famalam


Seriously though stop trying to bully me fags

>> No.4693626

not even trying before, at least a few minutes ago you were sticking to your guns which has a mild level of respectability.

you are now ranger levels of sad.

>> No.4693629

>try to give you break because I feel sad for your patheticness
>you continue on

Okay reddit

>> No.4693630

I knew you would get the ranger joke.

>> No.4693632

Check me out, I'm hole guy Im a new meme

>> No.4693636

well now you are just acting like a paladin

>> No.4693687

Started up a free account on live on Firiona Vie a few days ago, I'm up to level 45. It's definitely not classic EQ, but it's not too terrible for killing time. There are even leveling groups if you look for them, although it's not really any more efficient than just having your tank merc solo everything. I'm not really that interested in endgame, but I figure if I level high enough I can solo a lot of the classic content that I never got to see back in the day.

>> No.4694686

I played eq from 1999-2003 (quit for ff11 and then wow, then back to p99). People called them toons all the time, and people complained about it all the time.

>> No.4696345
File: 397 KB, 600x600, even donny is freaked out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing live

for what purpose?

>> No.4696816

I remember like a decade ago seeing some specification documents for EQ's zone files that were reverse engineered by the community so zones could be loaded up and viewed in 3rd party tools. I'm trying to find those documents, but not having any luck. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.4697168
File: 235 KB, 1372x927, ao007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking nostalgia. Played this briefly with some friends back in HS around 99, remember my pentiumII/voodoo banshee choking on it. There was nothing like it at the time everything was so mysterious and fun. We moved on to anarchy online when that came out, now that was a damn good mmo.

>> No.4697198

there are two kinds of people

travelers, and people who just want to hit the tourist destinations and get their shitty t shirts

>> No.4697330

>be kid when AO comes out
>played a monk in EQ and it was awesome
>want to be a Martial Artist in AO
>but I want my breed to be Nano Mage
>screw it, roll a Nano Mage Martial Artist
>character is irrecoverably gimped from character creation but I kept playing it anyways

>> No.4697334

I'd be maybe interested in P99 if training mechanics were implemented. I still fondly recall the stories of that one bard who ran around fucking everyone over. I never played original EQ and I joined FFXI like one or two patches before they also removed training so I only got to experience the magic of trains in Valkurm Dunes/Yuhtunga Jungle for a brief period of time.

>> No.4697553

You can train the whole zone to the entrance in P99, if you feel like the newb group at the zoneline is lacking in excitement.
Really large outdoor zones have some sort of maximum travel distance for mobs, though it's pretty far.

>> No.4698876

Here's what you're looking for, EQ Zone viewer.


>> No.4698995

I've been considering getting back into Project99 but I just can't bring myself to. IT's too boring and lonely after level 15/20/25. It just seems like a big hassle to find good groups and the groups are always meh. Someone gave me some platinum and good gear but I still just feel alone

>> No.4700627

I think some of the mobs were bugged or outright never appeared

>> No.4700692

I meant the specification for the map files so tools like that could be written, not the tools themselves. I mean, I could open the files up in a hex editor and try to figure out the format myself since they aren't compressed or encrypted in any way, but that'd be a serious time investment.

>> No.4700710
File: 577 KB, 480x476, 1515402381603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want to be a tank, you have to go ogre for the frontal stun immunity or else you're a shitter
>if you want to be a shaman, you have to go Innoruuk worshipping troll for the snare clickie or else you're a shitter
>if you want to go monk, you have to go iksar for the regeneration and AC bonus or else you're a shitter

I'm all for race choice being a huge part of your character, but come on you can't just make the choices that one sided.

>> No.4702009

Tried to get started on Agnarr a few days ago but there are absolutely no groups under level 50+. Lots of multiboxers running multiple characters in perfect sync with one another despite being a "true box" server or whatever, though. Guess there's not much point in trying to play there unless you got in at the start.

>> No.4702390

The original p99 meme

>inny necklace
This is how I know you're shitposting

>iksar monk
All the best monks on the server are human, not sure what you're smoking. Iksars do have better stats though

>> No.4702961

>being immune to stuns isn't vital for a serious tank
>adding a snare to the shaman's spell lineup doesn't improve their ability to solo by 10x (not to mention Iksar shaman can't even equip JBB making them objectively trash in classic all around)
>stats aren't the only thing that matters in a game where everything is based on stats and the skill ceiling is your ability to mash a couple buttons on cooldown

Nobody cares about your orc hill exp group composition, kiddo.

>> No.4703056

Why do I need fsi when I can just empty a mallet and never worry about aggro? Who cares about fsi when you're corner tanking anything that matters?

>snare necklace
6 second cast time for 12 seconds of snare. Its a toy, don't act like its gamebreaking.

AC and Regen are killer, but iksar=no deceiver mask, and fashion>all

>orc hill
Ohho you sure showed me!

>> No.4703080

>t. has never experienced content past guk

>> No.4703110

Lol, I remember in 2003 my uncle was playing this and my little faggot gamer ass was like "holy shit, this guy is a nerd!."
Keep it up, op!

>> No.4703490

>orc hill to guk in one afternoon
not classic

>> No.4704160
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>not going female troll warrior

>> No.4704238
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it hurts knowing I'll never be able to hunt this slime in project 1999,the backpack it drops is amazing

>> No.4704707

EQ is dogshit but not because it's easy. Yes you can grind characters to high level by grinding on low blue mobs the entire way but you don't have to play that way. EQ is very challenging if you are playing some variant of the classic game and are willing to take on the challenges available.

>> No.4704713

I haven't played the game for 20 years but no matter how good you are, making any mistake deep in a high-level dungeon can result in wipeouts. Many mobs can kill casters in a 1-2 rounds.

>> No.4706352

best theme


>> No.4707931

People take way more chances these days and know what they're doing/how things work. Yes, soloing in PoM or HS you're going to wrack up the deaths. But the average group on p99 has a way easier time than back in 1999.

>> No.4707968

Managed to find some partial documentation on the .wld format of the zone meshes. I ripped the .s3d files off my original Everquest CD, which appear to be archives that include the .wld file, textures, objects, and animations for each zone. Writing an importer to get these loaded into UE4 now. Would be fun to see Kelethin rendered in a modern engine.

>> No.4708051

Classic EQ's difficulty is mostly about group/character building and resource management. There's not really any twitch gameplay so fights come down solely to your group's composition, equipment, and sustainability. In a modern WoW-like MMORPG, you go all out all the time, mana/stamina/whatever management is usually built into your rotation, and difficulty comes from pulling off that rotation while doing fight mechanics.

Basically, if you're sufficiently geared and your group isn't a shit composition, and assuming nobody in your group is a complete retard, you're going to win the fight. Wipes would only come from unpredictable shit like getting trained or exceptionally bad luck with resists, death touches, etc...

Of course, that's talking about the game mostly in retrospective where you know everything about every zone and mob in the game. Obviously the real difficulty came from pioneering through new content as it's released. Well, that and dealing with all the glitchy and broken shit that riddled EQ.

>> No.4708086

I never even bothered with this game, too busy playing DUAL ORB 2

>> No.4708140


>getting banned because you pulled the whelps


>> No.4708179

What exactly was 989 Studios thinking with the endgame? I doubt they expected everything to be monopolized by a handful of elitist guilds and your ability to play the game becoming dependent not on your ability to kill the bosses or even respawn timers but instead the amount of competition on your server to kill the dragon the second it spawned. So many mechanics in the game seem like they expected much smaller communities on each server. I remember one of the developers back in the day saying they were surprised by players camping rooms in dungeons.

>> No.4708202

>thinks awakened is the #1 guild on p99
lmao at the delusion.

>> No.4708264

Jesus, the updated character models are hideous. The originals might've been low poly and low resolution, but at least they had an aesthetic to them. These are all generic, ugly, and sameface.

>> No.4708320
File: 877 KB, 858x471, iksar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evil fucking psycho who wants to enslave your race and dominate the world
>Pepe had a child with a cartoon dinosaur, happily eats lettuce out of your hand

>> No.4708656

Just wait until you see Freeport, it's like they just straight up copy/pasted an EQ2 zone into EQ

>> No.4708682

this game is freally immersive and i love how many skills there are but it's a bitch to get into, not very user friendly

>> No.4709021

i have a 58 wiz on p99 but i dont play much anymore.

>> No.4709276
File: 451 KB, 1024x749, freeporteast-dismal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nu-freeport is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen in a video game.

>> No.4709846

Introducing soy to Cabilis was a mistake.

>> No.4709876
File: 423 KB, 615x498, Klowleg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're telling me at least the frogloks are cool looking

>> No.4710189

Frogloks looked decent since they were a brand new race and a major selling point for the expansion so they got a lot of focus. The updated models for old races are literally trash. They don't just look bad aesthetically, it's like they're not even based on the same concept for most races. And oh god, the animations for most of them are so bad.

Really, the entire game kind of has a piecemeal look these days. Not just old content and new content, but just model to model can look like they were designed for entirely different games. Not a whole lot of art direction. When I played live from original to Velious I remember the assets being a lot more coherent.

>> No.4710294
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>hire ogre mercenary
>randomly generated name

>> No.4711156

It's weird on live just face rolling through these old world dungeons clearing the entire thing with your merc for xp. Dungeons seemed huge and complex back in the day, but it turns out most of them aren't actually that big and the layout is kind of straightforward.

>> No.4711162

why dont they put it in p99?

>> No.4711194

>anyone still play this?
Not really, no. Pretty much a handful of 40-somethings that started investing in it before the advent of World of Warcraft, which effectively buried this game.

>> No.4711210

My first shot at a MMO was KAL Online back in 04. Several people said toon. After that I went to Lineage II, people still said toon.

>> No.4711376

Back on Xegony from 99-02 I almost never heard anyone say toon in-game. Everyone said char. Alt was used for alts. Mostly only saw toon used on forums.

It's funny the way the word "mob" has stuck around even into modern MMORPGs. That goes way back to early MUDs.

>> No.4711974
File: 668 KB, 685x527, shellfist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they went from celestial fists to just jamming your hand into a seashell...

>> No.4713543

Daybreak was able to recover my old account info from like 2001 using nothing but my old cd keys and what I could remember from my billing details. Kind of surprised that it was still around after all these years and the game changing hands multiple times.

>> No.4714328 [DELETED] 

Haven't touched EQ since early 2000-ish. Had a 15 something wood elf druid, literally all I remember of the game. I want to play classic p99 to see if the magic is still there. Is it possible for someone like me who remembers pretty much nothing? Want to play a wizard I think, I remember liking the caster class. Guess I'm asking, is the community total noon friendly?

>> No.4714332

Haven't touched EQ since early 2000-ish. Had a 15 something wood elf druid, literally all I remember of the game. I want to play classic p99 to see if the magic is still there. Is it possible for someone like me who remembers pretty much nothing? Want to play a wizard I think, I remember liking the caster class. Guess I'm asking, is the community total noob friendly?

>> No.4714394

There's plenty of people to help you out, especially if you join a guild. Let me know when you start on p99.

>> No.4714432
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>those graphics

>> No.4714438

It's not that hard if you're completely new like me. If you've ever played a mmorpg before, obviously all the basics are here. I've been using youtube videos and general EQ guides I google searched and got along pretty fine. Like I said, knowing some basic mmo lingo and concepts helps, but not necessary. The biggest thing about EQ is the time sink, depending on what you consider, the game can eat up a lot of your free time waiting around for certain mob spawns or generally traveling to point a - b. Good luck, I'll hit you up too if you decide to join up. I got a level 31 necro.

>> No.4714610

You mean Fansy the Famous Bard? Theres multiple things Fansy did to change the game, or at least the Sullon Zek server.

>> No.4714649
File: 1.12 MB, 320x289, whathefuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when logging into 2016 everquest after not having played since kunark

>> No.4714683

Yes, uninstall.

>> No.4715818
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, goawaypodnobodylikeyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logged in for the first time in 17 years. Apparently my monk's been hanging with Guard Fireblight this whole time.

>> No.4715852
File: 280 KB, 829x595, upgrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left are the shoes I was wearing, right is something that dropped after killing a few gray orcs. Really makes you think.

>> No.4715960

Yeah you kinda missed the boat on project99. It was fun its first couple years

>> No.4715967

>Buy now
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.4715982

Some kind of transmog slot? Don't know, lots of shit doesn't make much sense. I'm on a free account so I don't know if marketing shit like that if you're paying. Most annoying shit by far is the window that pops up ever 15 minutes or so begging you to subscribe, regardless of whether or not you're in combat.

>> No.4716167

#1 banned guild

>> No.4716191

>original cities are completely empty
>figure maybe everyone is hanging out in PoK
>it's also a ghost town

Only zone I can find with people in it is the bazaar. And they're all afk or offline bots or something, I don't even know.

>> No.4716237

Not only did the probably expect smaller communities, but they also probably didn't expect that many to even reach the end game in the first place.

>> No.4716261

>"yeah, and then a giant dragon spawns and the greatest warriors on the server all come together to defeat it!"

>> No.4716635

How come everybody always talks about EQ and nobody ever talks about DAoC?

>> No.4716642
File: 141 KB, 1000x438, ruinsofkunark_products_001-1000x438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find these covers by Keith Parkinson in higher res?

>> No.4716706

I heard that SOE burned the originals right before they shit all over the game. Something about "no survivors".

>> No.4717043
File: 101 KB, 419x360, 1509121653182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoWbabies will never know this feel

>> No.4717338

So I tried live for the first time since 2001. This tutorial dungeon is pretty stupid. Game feels dead and lonely, afraid to leave and find even more dead classic zones I used to love (EC tunnel). Thinking about playing p99 instead this weekend, when I have more time to commit to it.

>> No.4717659

it could be the server you're on POK is usually jam packed when I look around

>> No.4717661

I've been thinking about trying to get those on p99 but as a warrior that mostly plays solo & is only around lvl 30 I'm not sure it's worth it

>> No.4717664

EQ2 did it better.

>> No.4718176

It's a shame what they did to the Iksar with the Luclin models. My favorite race turned into reject ninja turtles.

>> No.4718349

>tfw you will never be an uber twink in CB with your FBSS pwning the noobs

>> No.4718839

>walking through lowbie zone
>weird looking rock
>click on it
>get teleported to some dungeon
>immediately triple attacked by a skeleton for 14,000 damage a hit


>> No.4719024

Luclin models were a mistake.

>> No.4719049

They kept the old models in to pretend like you have an option, but none of the armor models added afterwards worked with the old models so you were effectively forced to either use the Luclin models or live with eternal tints of the original cloth/leather/plate skins.

I mean, I don't really mind that they updated the models, but it's the fact that the updated models looked worse than the originals in every way. Things are supposed to look nicer when you add more polygons, not worse.

>> No.4719140

The Luclin models were repulsive.

>> No.4719319

Vanilla EQ and Kunark were, imo, the greatest games ever produced.. basically made MMO's what they are today.

People have it easy today where everything is instanced, back then you had bully guilds run whole servers which added an extra dynamic.

I've gamed my entire life, will never have another experiance like Kunark EQ.

>> No.4719324

I always repost this guys comment whenever an EQ thread pops up as it's bang on:

Originally Posted by wavesport001

Don't get me wrong, you're right about WoW - it's the best MMO in it's generation and nothing has come close to topping
it - but it's using a formula that was basically created by EQ (which was the first graphical MUD). It is influential in
a sense that it influences people to play it - I'll agree with you there, but it's not necessarily influential or
innovative as far as video games go. You see, every now and then there are games that come along and tread new ground,
break the mold, and start an entire genre. EQ was one of those games. Everquest was an experiment started by Verant studios
under 989 studios - an offshoot of sony. It was a little known and underfunded project. Noone expected EQ to be nearly
as successful as it was. EQ wasn't the first MMO, Ultima Online gets that claim to fame, but it was the first to basically
take MUD's (text based online rpg's that people used to play in the 90's over the internet and telnet) and give them 3d
graphics. Everything you see in WOW - the text interface, party system, loot system, the idea of rare loot (not really
implemented in UO), massive dungeon raids, etc, was all borrowed from EQ. I'm not saying EQ invented it all, because it
took a ton from MUD's, but EQ was the first game to take it mainstream and make it profitable. Once other companies saw
the success of EQ they began cranking out their own MMO's: Asheron's Call, Dark Ages of Camelot, Shadowbane and eventually
WOW. WOW basically took the torch from EQ, as the original developers had left sony and the game started to lose it's
veteran players. So, while I agree WOW is an awesome game (I've played it a ton myself) it is not as innovative as EQ
because it hasn't really broken any new ground. Even instanced dungeons, as you mentioned, were implemented in EQ in the
Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion before WOW's release.

>> No.4719325

If you were playing EQ between the years 1999-2002, consider yourself extremely lucky. Imagine thousands of people thrown
into a completely unfamiliar world together and forced to try to cooperate and work together. Remember, there had never
been a game like this before. If you had never played MUD's (and once EQ started gaining popularity most of the new players
hadn't) then it was an entirely new gaming experience. Imagine being among the first people to play a FPS. Only you're not
playing it by yourself - you're playing it with thousands of other people that you talk to every day and become friends
with. You all experience this new phenomenon together and try to figure it out. Everquest, up until the Shadows of Luclin
expansion (the one after Velious) was an amazing, semi religious experience for it's players. All the rules, customs,
etiquette and other things that people take for granted in MMO's these days were just being thought up, developed and
considered. Everquest was amazing not for how refined a game it was, but for how unrefined and savage it could be. If you
died, it wasn't uncommon for you to run 30 mins in pitch blackness to recover your corpse. Often you would ask your friend
to grab all your items and money off your body for you and hold it for you! There was no in game map either. You had to
find your way using landmarks or the awkward coordinates system. If you wanted to go from one island to another, you took

>> No.4719327

a 30 min (real time) boat ride. Hard to imagine in today's MMO's. There was a sense of community and real roleplaying that
ceases to exist in todays arcade style games. People would regularly gather in public places and drink and talk just for
the hell of it, for hours on end. To sell items you would sit in a tunnel for hours a day spamming the same for sale
message to the whole zone. People would "camp" a certain rare spawn for up to 24 hours straight in order to get an item
they needed to continue a quest, only to have their kill stolen by a mage who was sitting next to them invisible the
entire time! It's hard to explain, but I miss those days, and so do most people who played back then. Sadly, we can't go
back to those innocent times.

>> No.4719362

first time playing on p1999
what race/class combo should i play
i dont want to play necro or mage cause i dont like having pets
was thinking of a dwarf paladin

>> No.4719371

Whatever you have fun with playing. If you're new there's obviously new player friendly race & class combos etc. Are you looking to solo, group, play around all of the above?

>> No.4719378

yeah i've never played this game before
yes im looking for both solo and grouping up
i've heard that paladins outside of raids usually tank, and that they're pretty good for soloing

>> No.4719531

Ex paladin here, in my experience the solo capacities of paladins weren't that good. They make excellent tanks in groups if you get the armor right.

A class that can solo and group as well would be the druid. Solo outdoors, ok healer indoors. Make friends by SoWing them or porting them around.

>> No.4719609

Druids are mediocre at soloing and essentially one of the bottom picks for groups.

>> No.4719662

I'm pretty new as well. I did play a little eq back in 2000, from what I remember the best solo class was the bard. Not sure how newbie friendly they are. Necromancers can solo too, if you're interested in a caster class. But remember though, your race effects npc disposition to you. So if you go say Iksar Necro, you're going to be kill on sight to most of Norrath.

>> No.4719812

Well you can obviously tell I never played a druid. But if you're looking for a class that can do soloing and grouping then you'll have to make concessions in EQ. Your druid isn't going to be as good a healer as a cleric. Your druid isn't going to solo as well as a necro.

I'd hesitate to advise a beginner to start with an enchanter.

>> No.4720263

Make a buddy with a healer and you can duo decently enough and pick up a third no problem.

>> No.4720268

Druids are great soloers for someone who is casual or new. You can solo every way possible (root rot, quad kite, charm kite, snare and nuke), port for easy traveling, and you don't need any gear until the mid 30s.

>> No.4720395

>essentially one of the bottom picks for groups
In my experience, people tended to be stupid about class preference for pickup groups. If you're fighting anywhere that group composition matters at all, odds are that Druid's ability to prevent runners with snare will be highly valued. Most pickup groups were way overpowered for the content they'd chosen and apart from having healing, haste, and clarity, using class to filter additional members was an imaginary optimization. Whether any unknown player would help or hinder the group was entirely a gamble that had very little to do with class.

The real issue with Druids during the Kunark and Velious era is that they were easily the most popular class and tended to attract many low-quality players.

>> No.4720447


EQ started "toons" as well as ruining mmos

>> No.4720561

>tfw your merc carries you from 1 to 60 in 5 hours and your skills are all at 0

Macro time

>> No.4721030

Are Rangers really so useless as everyone makes them out to be?

>> No.4721860

They're a good newbie class but get outpaced by other hybrids later on. They can fear kit now with Velious.

>> No.4722810

Yes. On top of that, exp penalties are shared by your entire group, so not only are you screwing your party by inviting a class that's subpar and is going to slow down your kill rate, you're also screwing your party by imposing a hybrid penalty that straight up reduces all exp gains.

>> No.4723085

They're fine, but >>4722810 will never let you in his group.

>> No.4723132

Neither would most players. You'll be permanently stuck in shitty groups full of other rejects.

>> No.4723170

I thought I'd try this but it looks like shit and the gameplay is stone age levels of bad.

How's Champions of Norrath? That actually looks like it could be fun.

>> No.4723184

most players are idiots. One thing I loved about EQ was that you can log everything like kill rate, mana usage rate, and total damage output. I consistently found an inverse correlation between people who cared a lot about class composition of their group and those who didn't. Unless the group was lacking an enchanter or bard, or in some cases a good tank and/or healer, it was impossible to predict the success of the group based on class composition alone.

Pre-Velious it's true that hybrids imposed an XP penalty on a group so you did have to kill more to get the same experience.

>> No.4723194

You sound like a fag desu.

>> No.4723198

We've all heard the classic of calling alts toons, but has anyone else here hear someone refer to their character's level as seasons?

>> No.4723270

Yes but only the most severe roleplay fags. 'Toons' was, unfortunately, rather common on message boards.

>> No.4724208

paladin's get special perks against undead which is like 50% of every enemy you'll fight

>> No.4724357

they have tracking m8,you need to find that one mob with a special weapon drop their your go-to class to find em & smash em down

>> No.4724738 [DELETED] 

I was a part of a roleplaying guild back on live during kunark/velious then up to luclin. Most immersive experience ever had in a video game. I should really give p99 a shit.

>> No.4724740

I was a part of a roleplaying guild back on live during kunark/velious then up to luclin. Most immersive experience ever had in a video game. I should really give p99 a shot.

>> No.4724743


No need with MQ2 and SEQ.

>> No.4724778

I've been planning on trying it ever since this thread was posted. I even downloaded the game already. But for some reason I keep pushing it aside.

>> No.4725019

>using third/party software

Why ruin the "experience" for yourself anon

>> No.4725075

I only play Pharaoh (1999).

>> No.4725103

>rangerfag so mad he's samefagging with made up anecdotes

Ideal groups earn ideal experience, your claim that a group with a better composition would earn less exp is retarded. Unless you were playing at 2am in a shitty zone to go along with your shitty class, you'd find that exp tended to be highly competitive.

>> No.4725413

>brainlet begs the question
>Unless you were playing at 2am in a shitty zone with your shitty class
I never played a ranger I'm just a datafag who likes to ridicule dumbfuck morons who think it matters to their overcamped, primetime Sebilis/Guk/Karnor's group whether their DPS slot has a Ranger or not.

>> No.4726432

Class XP penalties were removed on Project 1999 three years ago (replicating 2001 patch that did the same back in the original game)

>> No.4726440

>caring about the game experience on a 20 year old elf dating simulator

I sell pixels to fat ass sperglords on P99. I dont give a fuck about the playing experience.

>> No.4726862
File: 291 KB, 432x548, Dark Elf with Crystal Staff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elf simulator

>> No.4727507

My friend used to roleplay as a girl on his dark elf back on live. He made so much money and was constantly showered in plat and gear.

>> No.4727703

Back in 2000 I got a guy to give me a FBSS on a naked level 1 wood elf because he thought I was a girl. It was so easy back in the day before webcams were common. I mean, you can still do it using stock cam footage, but that's too much effort.

>> No.4727709

Jesus, live is a train wreck. Their 10 hour downtime for an update that basically just changed some UI graphics turned into 20 hours and now they just pulled all the servers for an emergency fix. I'm betting that nobody even knows how the engine works at this point. They should just port the whole thing over to Unity in the next expansion.

>> No.4727713

the eternal thirsty virgin

>> No.4727726
File: 9 KB, 175x217, 1500762233625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night time
>screen is pitch fucking black even with ultravision
>increasing brightness on your LCD monitor doesn't help like it did back with CRTs
>option menu has an "increase gamma" option that washes out the entire screen but does make everything slightly more visible
>enabling it shoots up the brightness at the system level and effects all your windows and monitors instead of just the game

It's bad enough that you can even do fullscreen window mode without 3rd party tools, but the fuck is up with hacks as an official feature?

>> No.4728149
File: 163 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2018-04-21-18-45-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That P99 server has some strict name policies.

>> No.4728154

It's pretty much the same as Live's policy.

>> No.4728164

P99 red bans people for calling people Erudites.

>> No.4728193

Maybe some people don't want obnoxious racism in their games. Real life is bad enough.

>> No.4728197 [DELETED] 

get fucked you SJeW nigger basedboy

>> No.4728202 [DELETED] 

fucking wordfilter I said s o y b o y

>> No.4728250

Erudite detected.

>> No.4728263 [DELETED] 

Get lynched nigger, no one cares about your feel feels.

>> No.4728270 [DELETED] 

fuck off kike

>> No.4728282 [DELETED] 


We /vr-pol/ now.

>> No.4728284 [DELETED] 


>> No.4728286 [DELETED] 


>> No.4728307


It's called enforced roleplaying. They want you to choose a character name that fits the period and setting of the world as if your character were a real entity. Plenty of MUDs used to enforce this back in the day, and still do.

>> No.4728314

Since when was erudite a slur?

>> No.4728315


>> No.4728327

One time in Gfay/Crush on Rallos Zek a group of us named a bunch of Erudites Nooga Nogga Nukka Niika shit like that and had massive pvp fights until the GMs force name changed us.

>> No.4728330

Since on Red99 when they started banning people for blatant racism and disbanded Holocaust. And when we made swasticas out of corpses.

>> No.4729009

I don't know if it was a mainstream meme, but my guild used erudite like that back around 2000.

>> No.4729085

>he didn't min/max his aggro generation on his tank by spamming beg on cooldown


For some reason the like 1 point of aggro it generated was deemed overpowered and removed around Velious, I think.

>> No.4729141

>one time went to the QEYNOS SEWERS at low level
>ended up in the plane of fear
Can someone tell me why this happened

>> No.4729164


>> No.4729381

You probably used MQ2 and typed /zone pofear

>> No.4729496

It's hilarious how much cheating went on back in classic that normies aren't even aware of even today. So much stuff that should've been server-side checks were all done on the client. Hell, for like a year trading no drop items was a purely client-side check that could be bypassed with zero effort.

I ran a bot for a few months that I parked in gfay that would immediately loot any containers or cash dropped on the ground anywhere in the zone. It was extremely common for people to transfer items to alts by dropping bags of gear in a "super secret hiding spot" on their main then quickly logging into their alt and picking it back up. Unfortunately for them, all objects in a zone were broadcast to the clients of all players in the zone regardless of distance, and looting range checks were purely client side. Luckily, lore checks were also client side so there were no issues bypassing that, otherwise holding all those FBSSs would've been tough. I think I ended up making about 400k plat off that exploit, mostly unattended. And that account never got banned, either. I loved it when you'd get a panicked would-be twink screaming in ooc about how he was going to kill whoever stole his shit.

>> No.4729512

Theres a ton of hacks I used. No Drop in the shared bank slot, ghosting and no delay, putting 0 delay shurikens in the primary slot, endless quiver with those shurikens worked too.

The devs were pretty stupid with that, and hack detection was mostly based on reports, but you could also check for hidden GMs to stop your exploits. Everyone on PvP servers warp and map hacked it was a requirement to have hack on those servers.

>> No.4729532

They actually had automatic detection for excessive speed hacking, but not for speeds normally obtainable through buffs. Permanent SoW speed was pretty safe since it wouldn't trigger the detection or draw any player attention. I suppose it would've made soloing a lot more convenient on some classes, I tended to stay away from active exploits like that on my main account though as a precaution.

One thing I know a lot of people who got banned for was a permanently out of enemy attack range exploit. I'm guessing it misreported player coordinates to the server so the server thought you were out of range of the enemy, while range checks for your own attacks are client side so those went through yes, that means you could attack a mob from across the zone with exploits, which was pretty effective for pulling open world rare spawns since you could target them from anywhere through radar. They probably relied on reports for that, but since it was so blatantly obvious it wasn't hard to get caught.

>> No.4729556

no i was a noob i didn't even know how to play
the only thing i know is wanting to go kill some shit in the QEYNOS SEWERS, and some how ending up in the plane of fear

>> No.4729582

Ghosting allowed you to step outside of your body and say run up to Nagafen be able to hit him, he would try to attack your Ghost, but your body would really be at the zoneline.

There was another way to drop yourself off inside of walls and do the same thing pretty much.

>> No.4729629

>development on EQ starts in 1995 by Sony Interactive Studios America, a Sony studio part of Sony Online Ventures
>in 1998, Sony Online Ventures becomes SOE, SISA is renamed 989 Studios
>in early 1999, 989 Studios abandons PC gaming to focus on consoles
>some employees at 989 Studios break off from Sony and form a spinoff company called Verant Interactive, that somehow inherits the EverQuest project
>Verant releases EQ in 1999
>SOE buys Verant in 2000
>Daybreak buys SOE in 2015

Man, EQ got shuffled around a lot. How the hell did Verant end up with the rights at release, though? The game should've been owned by 989 Studios which was owned by Sony, so I doubt they just let them take the game with them when they left. My original CD doesn't even mention Verant, it has 989 Studios stamped all over it, so the CDs and boxes must've all been manufactured prior to Verant taking over.

>> No.4731103
File: 13 KB, 418x359, 1496750667876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feign death
>log back in
>pull stragglers
>feign death
>log back in
>pull single

pro monk 1999

>> No.4732336
File: 60 KB, 572x510, Jack Russel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4733056

Meanwhile everyone else sits around waiting for their chance to /assist and /autoattack or nuke.

>> No.4733723

I just started playing on the Imperium Solo Emu server. Its a blast.

Make's me wish I could find the original soundtrack though. Any of you guys know where it can be dl'd from?

>> No.4733908

Very doubtful that happened to him, unless maybe he was playing the beta? Qeynos was their first zone, maybe some errors still existed in that.

EQ is almost WoW easy now. Live servers you can FD and it tells you when mobs forget you so you can stand up, sad thing is they removed split pulling by doing that. Mage pets, and Monks do too much damage for Classic on their Classic Servers, and they put in some old items, but wont put in Manastones. P99 at least had the limited time shit in. Their Classic version is fun, and very populated, but it isnt straight Classic they do have a lot of QOL improvements still in. Which I expect WoW to do too, and its probably the reason Blizz is doing it. They saw EQ revive themselves over the concept and want in on the dollars now, with QOL improvements.

>> No.4734130

>you can FD and it tells you when mobs forget you so you can stand up

Irrelevant since quitting the game immediately made them forget you. It was always a dumb mechanic anyways. The camp is going to get split one way or another. If they didn't want monks to be the ones splitting it, then they should've completely changed FD so it was impossible to use as a pulling tool. If they didn't mind monks pulling, then they should've changed FD to behave more predictably without relying on /q.

Real groups just pulled the entire zone and had the bard kite it while their group picked off mobs one at a time, though.

>> No.4734193

>Real groups
>outdoor zones
Well no shit FD pulling is not used as much if you can kite in wide open spaces. But that's a rather short list of interesting zones pre-Luclin.

>> No.4734245

A bard can kite even in a relatively small room, anon. I had a Karnor's group once where the bard had almost the entire zone chasing him in circles in the prep room.

>> No.4734812

best theme coming through


>> No.4735759

Thats my favorite wood elf face too

>> No.4735775

Im kind of interested in soloing with a rogue but i have no idea how feasible it would be. I know i've read theyre much better suited for groups

>> No.4735791

You can do it on live servers, especially with decent gear/regen and potions. The preluclin expansions probably not so much without some money invested in gear like a Fungi tunic and a good dagger.

>> No.4736991

Apparently EQ is changing ownership yet again, sort of.

The guys making Pantheon should just buy up EQ, drop Pantheon since it looks like shit anyways, and reboot EQ using the Pantheon framework. Hell, they could even reuse the original assets, it'd give it some of that trendy retro charm. They wouldn't even look that bad rendered in a decent engine and with some shader effects.

>> No.4738402

EQ had some amazing music, too much of which you had to go out of your way to hear


>> No.4739618

anon the lads making pantheon ARE the original everquest staff