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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 792 KB, 500x500, CRADLE-SEPARATION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4710251 No.4710251 [Reply] [Original]

Topics of discussion:
Physical game mechanics (ideas or ones you like)
Rules innovations (ideas or ones you like)
Tournament highlights
Cherished pinball memories
Opinions on games
Snide nicknames for games you don't like
Whether or not "people still make those things"

>> No.4710321

I guess I'll repost this new Iron Maiden footage since it wasn't in the old thread for long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=456THtyKy7s

>> No.4711176
File: 89 KB, 557x447, Pinball Playground Panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Did you know Pinball FX 3 doesn't have staged upper flippers present in the game in any form? And I'm 90% sure that staged upper flippers are missing from the PS4 version of Pinball Arcade as well?

At least I'm pretty sure on both of those. FX 3 might have been fixed in the last month.

>> No.4711338

Someone is streaming Iron Maiden now, apparently. Spam filter is blocking me

https://www.twitch.tv SLASH coloradopinball

>> No.4711347

Are you talking about some sort of bug? I have FX3 and no problem with upper flippers.

>> No.4711435
File: 183 KB, 1280x923, Bobby Fischer playing Pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staging upper flippers is a way to hold the lower flippers up while not activating the upper flippers. It's present on all modern (physical) tables with upper flippers. You press the button in halfway. It's pretty important for optimal multiball play. Often you'll be cradling a ball in each flipper and need to shoot a jackpot. But the upper flipper will be up, and blocking the shot. Or you're cradling a ball on the lower right and want to shoot a jackpot with the upper right flipper but can't without risking the cradled ball.

>> No.4712324

So, is Pinball Arcade dead or not?

>> No.4712384

In what sense?

>> No.4712552

This channel has a lot of tournament footage, if you've already watched everything on the PAPA channel:


>> No.4713794

Pinball is not sports.

>> No.4714174

interesting stuff

>> No.4714201

I know for a fact that Zen started phasing out staged upper flippers in FX 2. I grabbed some of the later star wars packs and immediately noticed that wasn't happening, but older tables still supported it.

>> No.4714206
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1836, 20180414_135051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to play Iron Maiden at MGC yesterday and I had fun with it. Got a couple games in with a friend I bumped into there and my wife. I caught a small recording of my friend on the machine.

>> No.4714284

Looks good.

>> No.4714621

what? who said it was? it's still a fully competitive hobby you clueless fuck.

>> No.4714625 [DELETED] 

>dad bod
>pedo specs
>soy beard

Does he collect lego aswell?

>> No.4714643

Where's the shit talk?

>> No.4715012 [DELETED] 


>> No.4715586

Was the game on mute or is Stern making their games even cheaper?

>> No.4715603
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Volume was cranked way down low. Honestly most of the machines at MGC were real quiet. I think the Houdinis were the loudest tables in the hall.

>> No.4715693

I'm curious, was High Roller Casino from 2001 the last game with slingshots halfway up the sides, like you mostly only see on 1980s SS games and EMs?

>> No.4715797
File: 97 KB, 600x800, HIgh Roller Casino (Stern, 2001).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716605

I can't think of any after that.

>> No.4716615
File: 303 KB, 850x1100, 23f0d9c1a5a69e17de3d5d79db7d74557058e630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried the Stern 24 and CSI tables and they didn't seem that bad, but IPDB shit all over them. Why don't people like these tables?


>> No.4716651

The layout itself is fine, but the whole theme and sfx/music are just... yech! Six or seven out of ten seems fair to me.

>> No.4716718
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x2120, image-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hobbit has a single upper slingshot above the E-L-F drop targets.

>> No.4716760

I've played CSI once years ago and really don't remember anything about it. I've played 24 recently and thought it was fairly good, it is Steve Ritchie after all. Never seen the show, but the theme works well as a general "action movie" scenario. The sniper has got to be one of the goofiest gimmicks I've ever seen, though. I started laughing the first time he started spazzing out.

>> No.4716773
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, Pinball Summer 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what Pinball General actually believe

>> No.4716802

I did something like that the other day playing Pinbot. Makes you feel like a goddamn sorcerer.

>> No.4716831

More like a conjurer of cheap tricks. Try doing this instead:

>> No.4717005

I've seen far worse themes. Does the generic TV action/crime show look really piss people off that much?

>> No.4717346
File: 374 KB, 793x599, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy with the aviators is too cool for school.

>> No.4718513

Literally me.

>> No.4718538

Hear me out:
Flippers that change steepness. In mid-game.

Also Twin Peaks and Dr Seuss and Pokemon

>> No.4718967

So a vertical Fireball. Can't say that it's terrible but anything like that needs to be well integrated.

>> No.4719682

My local place got iron maiden today. Nice.

>> No.4719690

My country not having pinball machines makes me so angry.

I don't have social skills so can't meet collectors to go to their houses to play.


>> No.4719697

Sneak in.

>> No.4719786


>> No.4720284
File: 2.71 MB, 450x800, TH 2.0 Game Over.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just received a replacement book screen for my Hobbit, so I figured I"d increase the pitch as well as flipper and shaker motor strength. Game's playing great now.

>> No.4720494

I wonder what would happen if you just were upfront about having bad social skills? If I was you I would say that I'm willing to compensate for having bad social skills by open to honest criticism and advice. What country?

>> No.4720717

What's your favorite Zaccaria table?

>> No.4720782

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I don't have very good social skills so please excuse me. Can I come to your house to play your expensive pinball tables, please?"

How can anyone say no?!

>> No.4720956

Honestly I'd accept just to give him the old hot Cosby.

>> No.4722404

Is it really that common to do mods on tables? What happens with a tournament, are there stock settings for everything?

>> No.4722420

Magic Castle or Robot.

>> No.4722440

They're not even mods but basic settings adjustments, but I wouldn't be surprised if major tournament scenes had specific settings, coil strengths, and pitches set up for the tables. Most tourneys disable EBs or don't allow players to play an EB should they get one.

>> No.4722458

How do i git gud at pinball (I mostly play video pinball)? Like if the object of the game were to make the ball go down the center out of range of the paddles I would Grand Champion of the world.

>> No.4722652

It depends if you're living in a high-trust society or not.

>> No.4722660
File: 329 KB, 500x500, BACK-FLIP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudging sends the ball in the opposite direction. Here's some gifs that show you different ways to "catch" the ball. http://www.deadflip.com/tutorials/
The three main skills for cradling are dead flip, live catch, and drop catch. You can find more videos on them on youtube. The most important multiball skill is the cradle separation. Once you know those, work on your aiming.

>> No.4722697


Holy shit that's awesome! Thanks Senpai.

>> No.4722774

No problem! Pinball is made up of three main families of skills: Defensive skills (catching the ball), offensive skills (aiming the ball), and rules knowledge. There's also a lot of tournament footage online; if you're interested.

Discussion topic:
If you were broadcasting an invitational pinball tournament on ESPN, which five (5) games would be the most entertaining (or least boring, more likely) for someone watching competitive pinball for the first time?
For me, it's:
Medieval Madness
Attack from Mars
Twilight Zone
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Batman 66 (casuals would love the LCD, presumably)

>> No.4722778

To be clear, this is being broadcast on ESPN 8. Not actual ESPN.

>> No.4722783

Dead flip is the easiest and I think the most important. Drop catch is the hardest. At least it is for me.

>> No.4722847

One more thing: Champion Pub seems like something casuals would love to spectate, but I don't think I've ever seen it played in tournament so I dunno.

>> No.4723026

Average viewers would have no fucking clue what was going on. You should include some EM tables that are easy commentate and understand.

>> No.4723179

What's the easiest way to play pinball online with others?

>> No.4723219

I'm sure it can't compare to real life, but what are recommended digital pinball games?

>> No.4723243

Pinball Arcade is the best if you want simulations of real tables. Pinball FX3 has original tables and is supposedly okay, but I haven't tried it personally. Pirate and try the games first before paying any money.

>> No.4723303
File: 263 KB, 1280x1024, TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro Pinball series. Timeshock! and Big Race USA are absolutely essential. Fantastic Journey isn't quite up the standards of TS! and BRUSA, but still pretty great.

Uh, I don't know... Sure, Pinball Arcade has a shit-ton of real tables, but the physics are ass. To be honest, if you want to simulate real tables, I'd get Future Pinball and hunt down fan-made table recreations instead.

Pinball FX3 I haven't played myself, but that series is firmly in the vidya side of the spectrum rather than trying to be any kind of simulation with its otherwordly table elements and gimmicks. Seems to be pretty well liked, but based on watching gameplay footage, I can't help but getting slight "babby's first" vibes from the FX series; seems the tempos are quite lax and the flippers seem to be placed really close to each other on most tables. The approach doesn't seem to be arcade challenge at all.

>> No.4723309

>but the physics are ass.
In what way exactly? Sure, it doesn't play like physical tables, but then again, no game does. How is it worse than Pro Pinball?

>> No.4723348

Can modern science explain why live catching works?

>> No.4723382
File: 122 KB, 600x337, ss_a338404b53f27efa642e7c4ce98a9d33241845da.600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally bit the bullet and bought this thing. It's in pretty good shape, even in early access. Fun table with a lot of shots and the physics are pretty good (not perfect).


>> No.4723442

20 bucks for a single table from literal nobodies is pretty steep price.

>> No.4723454

I know, I figured I could just refund if it sucked, but it's pretty good. I'm going to keep it.

>> No.4723571
File: 129 KB, 300x300, DeadFlip-LIVE-CATCH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In what way exactly? Sure, it doesn't play like physical tables, but then again, no game does. How is it worse than Pro Pinball?
In PA, the balls feel strangely floaty, as if they're not steel balls with proper momentum but something else entirely. It also feels like there's no friction is modeled between the ball and the different kinds of playfield components. For example, handling the balls with the flippers feels off because the balls seem to roll on them the exact same way as on every other surface on the table.

Also, many PA tables feel like they have quite a few "scripted" spots. Like for example shots of certain strength WILL go up ramps or do complete orbits whereas the ball wouldn't do that if it behaved purely on the physics modeling alone. Feels really odd when you start noticing the situations when the scripting kicks in and balls get sucked up the ramps.

There also seems to be spots where the ball always behaves exactly the same way, e.g. balls ejected from scoops (usually there's slight variation on real tables) and rolling down entry ramps to upper playfield sections (it feels the ball always comes down these ramps at the same speed and angle.

The controls, namely nudging, doesn't help exactly help with immersion either. At least on the version I tried a while ago, keyboard nudging was completely useless, since it was totally "digiltal" nudging - no matter how you pressed a nudge button, it always resulted in a full-force nudge (as opposed to, say, Pro Pinball, where the length of the nudge button press determines the strength of the nudge. Guess they got proper, controllable nudging for analog pads...?

Try them out and compare. PA has free trial and the 3 PP tables GOG are cheap.

>Can modern science explain why live catching works?
Pic related. When the flipper is activated at the right monent, it transfers to the ball the same amount of kinetic energy as the ball has at the moment the two meet. Result: the ball stops.

>> No.4723573
File: 2.71 MB, 360x240, f7f4d1d22b19de4acfba58cb55bfc400a3b2c8dc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the flipper is activated at the right monent, it transfers to the ball the same amount of kinetic energy as the ball has at the moment the two meet. Result: the ball stops.
Transferring kinetic energy to something should make it move faster, not stop. The only physical explanation is that the paddle somehow completely absorbs all the kinetic energy of the ball, but I'm not sure how.

>> No.4723578
File: 64 KB, 600x702, 4CB65D8C-F0BF-4D0B-8425-1E435FB314D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I git gud?
I currently own the Corvette one

>> No.4723613
File: 336 KB, 500x500, DROP-CATCH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live catches are about equal and opposite reactions. Newtonian physics, nothing more.
- Ball travels down.
- Flipper is activated.
- Flipper applies to the ball the equal amount of energy it has, in the opposite (more or less) direction as the ball is traveling.
- Ball's kinetic energy is negated -> ball stops.

Drop catches, on the other hand, are about energy absorbtion with the flippers.

>> No.4723619

>Ball's kinetic energy is negated -> ball stops.
You can't negate kinetic energy, only absorb/transfer it. You're mixing up kinetic energy and momentum.

>> No.4723640

Yeah, I transferring is what I meant.

Hmm, based on this, I think I'm convinced on energy absorption:

>> No.4723647

It's just unintuitive how the complete absorption happens only if you flip at the exact right timing, but not if you held the flipper up the whole time.

>> No.4723656

Yeah, especially when it also depends a lot on how much 'slop' there is on the flippers.

>> No.4723663
File: 105 KB, 400x525, timesilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1 to jackpot, how's your dong expansion status?

Also, twf it's unlikely you ever come across the chance of playing a physical TS! machine.

>> No.4723750

Looking good so far.

>> No.4723821

What is the hardest shot in all of pinball?

>> No.4723902
File: 311 KB, 1458x1458, vfmOSsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds of this happening?

>> No.4724160

I have to admit to not being a big fan of Timeshock's layout or rules, but that looks sick.

>> No.4724171
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x3872, Playfield-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's the absolute hardest, but the hole in one shot on No Good Gofers is pretty damn tough and you will get goosebumps if you land it.

>> No.4724390

I overlooked this game because of the theme. Hitting gofers in the face is great.

>> No.4724534

Yeah. I didn't think much of it from first glance of the playfield and theme, but it's one of my faves now.

>> No.4724863

Seriously dude check out Zaccaria. I never see anyone talking about it, but it's awesome. It's a sim of these electro mechanical tables from this Italian company, so the rulesets are more on the simpler side, but the gameplay is great. It has a ton of options to tweak the physics too, so you can configure it to be as realistic or arcadey as you want. Even though it's "Early Access" the game is basically totally completed.

Seriously Zaccaria's awesome. I wish I could play the tables from pinball arcade in the Zaccaria engine.

>> No.4724865

Is the recent remake of Time Shock on steam worth getting? I have the GOG one, so I'm wondering if they made any improvements to the remake to make it worth picking up.

>> No.4724952
File: 243 KB, 500x500, LOOP-PASS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck loop passes. I've never been able to do one that didn't end in immediate disaster.

>> No.4725269

BSD. Ultimate ruleset stacking combined with punishing shots. Imagine a good color commentator going nuts if somebody maxes out the super jackpot during all three multiballs.

>> No.4725639

In a similar situation but with only moderate or slower ball speed, it's often possible to catch the ball by not holding up either flipper, letting the ball bounce off the left flipper and over to the right, bouncing off that too. Then activate right flipper to catch the ball.

>> No.4725678

Too risky if the ball is coming from an angle such as in the image.

>> No.4725685
File: 1.64 MB, 1101x1200, TS_U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say yes. Gameplay-wise the remake is practically identical (as you'd expect), but adds online leaderboards for all your e-peen expanding needs, and it looks fucking phenomenal, with resolution options up to 4K.

>> No.4725721
File: 492 KB, 692x577, acceptance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no Ultra Big Race and Fantastic Journey

On that note, has anyone played The Web? I haven't, and heard it's notably weaker than the other three.

>> No.4725776
File: 14 KB, 351x355, medieval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what do you guys think about the remakes of 90's Bally/Williams pins?
I love the "HD" Color upgrade displays they have, heard Monster bash is probably the next one to come out, can't wait to see the color dots for it

>> No.4725806

I think it's fine that they're remaking those games but I'd be more willing to save up cash if they'd do Big Bang Bar or Kingpin. I don't want to pay $7000 for a game that I can pay the same and get an original. Also color DMD made me want to buy a Baywatch.

>> No.4725813
File: 366 KB, 1200x800, IMG_20180420_211556302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no Ultra Big Race and Fantastic Journey
I sure how they'll get around doing those too, but to be honest, I wouldn't hold my breath, considering the time TS! Ultra took.

>On that note, has anyone played The Web? I haven't, and heard it's notably weaker than the other three.
I have, though not in a while, as it's a bit of pain in the ass to get running properly on modern Windows versions.
While it's not bad at all for a mid-90s pinball game, it's by far the weakest in the Pro Pinball series. The physics are nowhere near as good as on the following installments, the the table's theme is kind of generic, the voice samples rather uninspired, there's far less animated mechanical parts on the table, etc.
The advances made in pretty much all aspects for Timeshock are something quite mind-boggling. Basically one giant leap from a pinball game to pinball machine, except there's no physical game around.

If you get the chance to try it out without paying through the nose, The Web is definitely worth checking out, if anything, for the sake of seeing where the series started. Just don't expect same levels of refinement as on the last three PP games.

>> No.4726046

This table makes me cringe like no other. Absolute garbage tier theme.

>> No.4726154

What I love is just how fantastic the build quality is.

>> No.4726205

Hey, at least a Kingpin remake is in the works by another group.

>> No.4726284

Yeah, good point.

>> No.4726289

See my post further up the thread.

This is a good point. 2001 seems like it would be the simplest EM to understand. Something with lots of drop targets, at any rate. It might be tough to see if they were up or down on the overhead view. Fireball would be the flashiest.

>> No.4726295

It would be great if there was some way to do a HUD for what the current multiplier is. Like with use of a ROM, for instance.

>> No.4726298
File: 370 KB, 972x1296, Rollover Buttons (Apollo).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard Medieval Madness in good condition goes for more than 7000 dollars.

>> No.4726364

idk what prices are like nowadays but I'd regularly see people selling AFM's or MM's for 10K+

>> No.4726581
File: 135 KB, 1024x683, image-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the pre-production backglass on Grand Lizard look so much better than the art they went with? It's not every table you see a guy uppercutting a baboon in the face.

>> No.4726660

Yo, does anyone know how to get b2s to work on that Ghostbusters vpx table?

>> No.4726836

HD DMD makes my PP go Wee Wee

I can't think of a harder shot. It's a shot that can't be done consistently by anyone, as far as I know.

>> No.4726851
File: 662 KB, 800x1330, 20180420_212009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help I'm trapped

>> No.4726912
File: 339 KB, 1116x1152, Spiderman Home Edition Backglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea. You guys are gonna love it. Here it is:

A pinball machine that scores in base 16.

>> No.4727013


>> No.4727053

Spidermans leg is like 6 feet long

>> No.4727263

Screw you, Jeff Goldblum.

>> No.4727424
File: 98 KB, 512x683, image-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This table is so fun despite the boring theme.

>> No.4727660

He looks like a young H.P.Lovecraft.

>> No.4727664

Dammit i have seen that movie way back in the 90's thanks to USA Up All Night.

>> No.4727668

I miss those Sword and Sorcey themed pinballs back in the day. Sorry but the Game of Thrones pinball doesn't fell into that category.

>> No.4727856
File: 1.40 MB, 933x640, Dr Dude Before and After both panels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they both weren't so fond of Jews.

>> No.4727995

I want to fuck that lizard.

>> No.4728040

>Is the recent remake of Time Shock on steam worth getting?
absolutely fucking YES.

>> No.4728058

It's a Lawlor 24 is Steve Ritchie game

>> No.4728071
File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 20180311_191242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4728159

Played about ten games of iron maiden today. The game kicks fuckin ass.

>> No.4728368
File: 34 KB, 272x369, Look how cute little HP Lovecraft was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not young enough.

>> No.4728409
File: 436 KB, 1200x1599, catacomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we need more like that. Unfortunately it isn't at all popular anymore.

>> No.4728413

Stern needed competition, a good kick in the pants to git gud again.

>> No.4728432
File: 577 KB, 1600x900, SWP_Rogue_One_Screenshot_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on building a digital cab so I've been trying out a few. Visual Pinball is a pain to set up but there's litterally thousands of recreations and original tables, and the physics are fantastic. Pinball FX2/3 is a lot more "video gamey" but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The tables are fun but some of them feel small/cramped.

>> No.4728468

This shit is so cringe, but the table's ok.

>> No.4729715
File: 235 KB, 768x1024, sopranos stern 2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the ugliest 2000's Stern table? It looks so garrish. I can't stand the playfield art and the mix of drawings and photos looks tacky.

>> No.4729758

Pinball FX3 and that other Pinball game are on the Switch. Which is better with actual physics?

>> No.4729787

FX3 doesn't even bother trying to have accurate physics.

>> No.4729809

As I recall, FX3 physics are better. You can't do a cradle separation on the other one (Pinball Arcade). Also, I remember less "vacuuming ramps" on FX3.

>> No.4729941

>Is this the ugliest 2000's Stern table?
I don't know about Stern tables in particular, but that's just flat-out ugly af, period.

There's the mixing of drawings and photos you already mentioned, then there's no color scheme of any kind to be found, the graphical design lacks direction and cohesion, etc. etc.
I get the feeling the design process must have consisted of just a brainstorming sessionsof coming up with all possible Sopranos elements and memorable props, and then they were all just crammed onto one table. Ugh.

>> No.4729950

It's real ugly, but a great game.
>HBO spinner

>> No.4729989

Both have pretty garbage physics but FX3 wins out on account of at least not having scripted ramps IIRC.

>> No.4730173

And not being based on real tables, so it doesn't matter as much.

>> No.4730471

Some of them are direct ripoffs of real tables. Clone Wars is Gladiators.

>> No.4730525

I do like that they add some toys that bear inspiration/are lifted from real ones, like the Banzai Run backbox playfield in Paranormal or the WOZ outlane bumper in Return of the Jedi.

>> No.4730938

>Future Pinball
Isn't that now abandoned?

>> No.4731078

Some users are still releasing updated physics models. Latest is 2.7 I think.

>> No.4731082

How does it compare to Visual Pinball?

>> No.4731085

Still sucks compared to VPX but it's better than before.

>> No.4733665

This week in cool innovative ball locks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5CSpCv24RI

>> No.4733686

Cool photo of the goat.

>> No.4733951

Pretty neat

>> No.4734970

Here's a discussion topic: What are the odds that pinball machines will still be mass manufactured in 2050, and is there anything that could plausibly be done to increase the chances of this happening? There is a chance that there will be some sort of human extinction or massive change in the structure of civilization by then that will make pinball production impossible. Please feel free to not include that in your probability estimate.

>> No.4735304

Everything will be VR by then.

>> No.4737218

I don't think you'll see a large manufacturer like Stern by then but I think new games will still be getting turned out by smaller companies. Think more Spookys and Jersey Jacks competing with each other with the same number or so of games total but a much bigger variety. Homebrews are becoming much easier to do on the programming side or even just contract that out if you have a real knack for designing fun games.

>> No.4738292

When's the next major tournament?

>> No.4739026

I was interested in buying a pinball table but am turned off at the prospect of constant maintenance.

Is it possible to be a pinball table owner and not be handy or mechanically inclined?

>> No.4739063

not unless you have a friend nearby who will do it for you, a love for the maintenance and mechanics of the machine goes hand in hand with the ownership and hobby.

>> No.4739082

Pokémon pinball is th best pinball game because it changed the rules from getting the high score to getting all the Pokémon.

>> No.4740474
File: 92 KB, 800x536, Total Recall Pinball Cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you can afford someone to come in a fix them, than it's possible. I don't know how much that would cost. I guess it depends where you live.

>> No.4740491

What makes that any better than most pinball nowadays, where advancing the story tends to also be the best way to score?

>> No.4740743

You could also get one of those virtual pinball cabinets with pinball fx 3, Visual Pinball, and the rest of those programs. If you're not a stickler for the real thing, then it's a great value.

>> No.4740961

Now that's a design you don't see every day. I presume the upper playfield would have probably worked so that each player controlled one flipper?

>> No.4742056

Are all the machines at a pinball expo free or do you have to carry around a bunch of quarters?

>> No.4744070

that looks really cool

>> No.4744269
File: 212 KB, 768x1024, furie hi c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rather obscure conversion for Flash makes the art 10,000 times better.