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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4721705 No.4721705 [Reply] [Original]

What id your personal reasons for console warring?
Bad experiences with kids who owned the rival system?
Mom never bought you that particular system as a kid?
Share your stories.

>> No.4721718

Kamiya is absolutely right. You can really tell when someone had only one console though: they keep trying to tell you that “they had all the consoles” and “X is better than them all” when if you had all the console you’d realize that there are amazing games on all of them.

>> No.4721731

Is this being run through google translate or something?

>> No.4721736

No, those were originally in english. Online translators don't use "Cuz".

>> No.4721746

I look at how each console shaped the future and whether its a direction we should have gone. If one console has a lot of easy, casual friendly, story based games, that's kind of different from hard, skill based games.

>> No.4721782

I take that word with a grain of salt. Back in /vr/ times, "casual" wasn't a term. I remember the first times I read that word thrown around was in the early 2000s. 2003 probably.
"Casual" is a buzzword planted by the western journalism and company marketing teams in order to cater to more people, which then got turned around and used as a derogative by the average internet "gamer" poster.
Whether someone tries to reason about "hardcore vs casual", I remind them that Tetris is a game that obilerates any of these millennial buzzwords.
Most arcade skill-based games from the golden era would be considered "casual" by the modern guy who plays his competitive team-based ranked games online. "Lol go to bed with those score single-screen prehistoric shit, gramps".

>> No.4721791

If people having preferences offends you so much, 4chan isn't the website you should be using. Your marxist rhetoric of "you should like everything equally" is unrealistic, dull and inane.

>> No.4721806

>Most arcade skill-based games from the golden era would be considered "casual"

And they would be wrong. It's striking just how bad the average person is at Tetris let alone a game with a higher skill cap like Puyo Puyo.

>> No.4721809

Share your story, anon.

>> No.4721825

Yeah, kids these days are playing stuff like overwatch, lol, and whatever other fotm game comes out and is shilled a lot.
Puyo Puyo is having a sort of newfound niche popularity on the west, but it's still niche. The average person who uses the word "casual" (kids) would think Puyo Puyo is some casual gay shit, without even being able to chain a single puyo.

>> No.4721836

For example, of the 4th gen systems, I owned a SNES and Genesis, but can say Genesis was the better system in the end because I'm confident in myself and my opinions from my own experiences and judgment.

Stay triggered, nigger.

>> No.4721837

Casual isn't a difficulty setting, it's a measure of time investment and long term planning. You can jump straight in to Tetris but you can't jump into the middle of an XCOM game.

- Pick up and play
- Little to no long term planning
- Can be challenged at one's pace.

- Requires planning from the very start
- Often has permanent consequences like permadeath or mutually-exclusive choices
- You play at the game's pace, not yours.
- Unwinnable situations are to be expected, and it's your fault.

Binding of Isaac is considered somewhat difficult, but is not a "hardcore" game. Dark Souls is also noted for being challenging, but it's not hardcore either as the permanent consequences are a mild inconvenience at worst. Jagged Alliance 2 is considered an easy game, but can be considered hardcore in that death is permanent, you have a limited pool of mercs, and it's very possible to run out of money.

>> No.4721846

It's sad to see some console warriors jumping all offended because OP is making a simple thread asking for personal experiences.
Sure, we all were console warriors as kids. The problem is that some people who post here (and in any internet forum or place that talks video games or anything nostalgic), seem to be unable to let the console war behind. It's like they're defending their childhood and personal, subjective experiences, rather than actually wanting to debate and find new games through discussion, no instead it's all "anything I didn't play as a kid/teen is absolute shite"

>> No.4721848

Nobody plays nerd strategy games competitively other than starcraft and that's dominated by gooks.

>> No.4721849


I have literally never experienced more console war faggotry IRL than I have in this board

>> No.4721857

Competitiveness is not a factor. Any game has the potential to be competitive, and many of them are not hardcore as what happens on one map stays on that map with nothing to carry over. You'd have to do shit like "PvP Permadeath" for competitiveness to be hardcore, and I don't know anyone who does that.

>> No.4721859

Yeah, well, those words "casual" and "hardcore", whatever, I don't take them seriously. There isn't a canon definition for them, it's all very silly, and they're buzzwords that appeared in non-/vr/ times.

>> No.4721862

Duh, people don't really burst out with console war autism IRL, it's why you see all the worst shit on anonymous boards. How new are you?

>> No.4721865

Well consider mine to be canon; "A measure of the time investment and planning required to complete the game, regardless of difficulty".

>> No.4721870

>What id your personal reasons for console warring?
Tbh I just do it to see angry burgers, though I honestly wish Genesis had less silly-looking games.

>> No.4721872

>though I honestly wish Genesis had less silly-looking games.
what do you mean?

>> No.4721881

Complaining about console warriors comes from underageb& who are jelly they missed out on the golden age of gaming and arguing with friends about which platform got the better games, and are cucked having to play classic games after their prime, usually on inferior emulation because they are too poor to afford real hardware and games since now the best ones are over $500 on ebay while people who were alive back then have their own collection. They can't relate to how it was back in the ol' days.

>> No.4721885

Every time I get a game that my friends like on a Nintendo console, at least one of them always has to say "this would be so much better if sony made it".

It happens, it's just not nearly as uncivil unless the other party actually enjoys being unpleasant to be around.

>> No.4721887

Not really, I grew up with both SNES & Genesis, and it's clear that Genesis fails quite hard when it comes to having decent games on it.

>like everything equally
I can easily still hate these systems and their devs equally, because self-censorshippers & Copyright crybabies plague the industry as well as Nintendo's BS-X garbage which was basically a prototype of always-online DRM.
Fuck them all, m8.

Everyone hides their power levels offline, breh.

>> No.4721924

Console wars was never a thing for me. We all knew everything had good shit except the original Xbox which was garbage and literally only had halo and only one fag in our class argued otherwise.

Today I believe all consoles are equally garbage because they are just underpowered PCs that serve as walled gardens and provide literally nothing in exchange and even have the audacity to charge you to use your own internet.

>> No.4721958

What games did you have for genesis?

>> No.4721975

I console war because Nintendo fanboys piss me off. They just can't let go of the SNES golden years and think the N64 is god's gift to mankind when in reality it really struggled against the Playstation. Right now there's a thread and one of the first replies is "quality>quantity" as if the Playstation has only shovelware on it.

Look, I like some N64 games and have beaten many of them, but there simply aren't enough games on the system to keep my interest as long. It's even worse if you want to collect hardware since there's less N64 cartridges to begin with and the Nintendo name drives the prices up on top of that. I also have a problem with the layout of the controller, but that's another issue really. Luckily emulation works well enough for most N64 titles.

>> No.4721980

>What is your personal reasons for console warring?
Well since there was no lasting console presence other than Playstation on where I live so I never console warred with another person IRL. No one gave two shits about where you played your games since the options were so limited. You either pirated shit on PC or pirated shit on PS1 and/or PS2. I was a poorfag growing up, so I always emulated games on shit tier PCs for the longest time. Maybe because of that I have no loyality to console manufacturers, I just like the games.

>> No.4721985
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>Luckily emulation works well enough for most N64 titles.

>> No.4722004


Goddamned right. Everyone's always going back and forth about what console is better.

>PSX had RPGs
>Nintendo 64 had great first party support
>Genesis had better arcade ports
>Lynx was ahead of its time
>etc ...

All they're doing is cataloging reasons why each console has something going for it.

>> No.4722008

>I console war because [I care about other people's preferences]

>> No.4722038

I hope this is falseflag.

>> No.4722042

this thread reeks of reddit

also op is a faggot

>> No.4722049

t. triggered console warrior who only owned one system growing up and can't let go of his limited taste.

>> No.4722076

No, YOU'RE reddit, faggot.

>> No.4722112

Sonic the Hedgehog 1 - 3 & Knuckles, 3D Blast, Spinball - I don't really care for them.
Bonkers = meh
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures = it's tolerable
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, Tournament Fighters - SNES versions were better
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & The Movie - SNES versions were better
Vectorman 1 & 2 - meh
Mortal Kombat series - had some on both, don't care for either
Rocket Knight Adventures - was neat
Ms. Pacman - meh
Cyborg Justice - meh, kinda neat
B.O.B. - meh
6-Pak - Columns was neat for 20 minutes and then stopped caring. Still haven't really gotten to the rest, yet.
G-Loc Air Battle - never touched it, looks meh

This was pretty cool despite not beating it.

Emulated things that I thought were pretty neat:
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Alien Soldier
Streets of Rage 2

Just about everything else I look up for Genesis makes me not care. Blaster Master 2 was bland, Landstalker kinda sucks, and SNES had both Lost Vikings while Genesis only had the first one. Of course, Genesis has like 1 Bomberman game, SNES has 5+, Genesis has Ys III which isn't that great while SNES has that + the other 2.

>Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama (Genesis)
Saw this name a few years ago...

>> No.4722117

Imagine going through your childhood years with just an N64, and then discovering when you'd grown up all the amazing games you'd missed out on from the 5th-gen.

That's the background behind half of the obnoxious shitposting on this board.

>> No.4722118

I was lucky enough to have friends who enjoyed video games, so we were happy with whatever the console was, just as long as there was something to play. I didn't experience the childish "war" until I came here.

>> No.4722125

Imagine only going through your childhood with just one system though.

>> No.4722143

I'll take 1 god tier system over a plethora of mediocre to bad systems.

>> No.4722145

I went to war for the Sega genesis but now as an adult I can admit the snes has the better library

>> No.4722149

That's fine we're talking PS, N64 and SS, I don't think anyone will ever attempt to say consoles like Jaguar or 3DO are better then the big 3 of 5th gen.
Although I had the 3DO and for the time it was impressive, but lacked support by developers. People who say N64 lacked 3rd party support never had it rough with one of these actual failed consoles.

>> No.4722159

>god tier system

Doesn't exist.

>> No.4722171
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, pcmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does.

>> No.4722178

SS was japan only m8

>> No.4722213

Most hobbies have people with strong opinions that they feel are fact and if you don’t the same taste they look down on you. Instead of wasting time arguing about different consoles and what was better you could be talking about games that are good. Sure some systems have better/worse specs, more/less good games, etc. For me I could say that the first two PlayStations are my favorite systems because they both have a majority of the games that I enjoy but that doesn’t mean that I hate or can’t enjoy other systems and other games. I guess I was lucky though that for most of my life I always had access to almost all of the systems and a PC so I had a chance to be exposed to multiple things as opposed to someone who was stuck with one or two systems most of their life.

>> No.4722218

Nah still sold more in the west than the actual failure 5th gen systems like Jaguar or 3DO.

>> No.4722234

I think he meant you either had to live in SEA or be an importfag if you wanted the most out of the Saturn.

>> No.4722242

>What id your personal reasons for console warring?
There was just one kid who owned a megadrive and kept banging on about how superior it was compared to the SNES. He was and still is a complete wanker and everyone just ignored him.

>> No.4722245

I'm from a shithole in south america and I got a chipped Saturn around 1997 and played lots of chinese bootleg copies for cheap (same price as PS1 bootlegs), of course most of them were japanese, I just couldn't play the games that required the extra RAM until I got the AR cart, many years later in the 2000s.

>> No.4722567

I've written down this story before but here goes again
>as a kid I owned a Famiclone and was really excited for the SNES after seeing footage of games and playing SNES at a neighbor's house.
>a year later finally get my SNES, I was the first kid at school to own one
>one of the kids, a year older than me, came to talk to me because he heard I was the guy with a SNES, he was curious about it, but he was also a Mega Drive owner and he said MD was better than SNES, or so he read on magazines
>Far from fighting, I became really curious about the MD, I only knew it as "that black console" that I saw at stores but nothing else
>after a few months of hype, I finally get a MD of my own
>I kind of become a Sega fanboy for a while, but eventually I realize both systems are equally great
>my friend remained a Sega fan but he kept coming to my house to play SNES
>fastforward a few years
>5th gen already roller around
>get a PS1 and N64
>friend asks me if he can borrow my SNES since I wasn't using it
>he kept it for months
>he and his older brothers even bought some games for it
>eventually sell their MD and buy a SNES of their own
>he becomes a hardcore SNES fan

>> No.4722704

Because it's fun and we're on the internet.

>> No.4722718

I had to make a choice. My parents were already miffed that I was asking for yet another system after they had 'just' gotten me an NES six years prior.
Genesis or SNES? I made my call. Got a Sega.
I had to defend my choice, not just to others in, my mind, but to myself as well since I knew that there was no chance at being a console idort.

I did have a GG and a Gameboy, though so that softened the blow.

>> No.4722963

OK, so basically you played 2 or 3 good games with a bunch of licensed shovelware. With taste that bad, no wonder you can't find a good game.

>> No.4722968

Doesn't really tell you anything unless you know what games he played.

>> No.4722982

i live to shitpost
i don't even know what my actual opinions are about anything anymore