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File: 179 KB, 1280x720, pac man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4715579 No.4715579 [Reply] [Original]

Are you pro or anti emulation?

>> No.4715584


>> No.4715605

Emulation is fantastic.

>> No.4715614

Pro because being anti means beign an asshole and telling people what to do

>> No.4715617

a little of both

>> No.4715621

I'm pro fucking your mum

>> No.4715628

only niggers, spics, and filthy poors emulate. as a white man I'm obviously anti

>> No.4715631
File: 360 KB, 500x391, fio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer playing on original hardware or FPGAs whenever possible, but using emulators when I want to netplay something.

Fightcade 2 is a godsend and I can't wait for SNES netplay to get out of beta.

>> No.4715632

How could you be anti-emulation? I understand preferring to play on original hardware, but I can't imagine being against emulation in principle.

>> No.4715634

what the fuck is that faggot doing?

pro emulation cause all the hardware fags get so salty about it.

>> No.4715640
File: 165 KB, 476x401, 273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a white man

>> No.4715642

>as a ""wh*Te"" man

>> No.4715646

Destroying a Pac Man cabinet for YouTube views.


>> No.4715648

Pro because I like to actually PLAY retro games and wants others to play and enjoy them as well: Emulation offers that by the easiest and most accessible means. I don't give a fuck about owning decaying plastic and shelf collectors are scum.

If you like to collect and actually PLAY retro games, then cool, whatever. For me, the ability to play them is all I care about and emulation allows me to do that.

>> No.4715652

spic detected

>> No.4715657


Not anti. Real hardware is best. Emulation is great when real hardware is unavailable.

>> No.4715660

I'm for both.

Prefer the real thing but emulate if you have to.

>> No.4715670

Pro emulation, but only for most retro titles. I still buy new games, or official releases of previously japan only retro games. Maybe games that are seeing an official re-release for the first time in 20 years in an often neglected series.

But I emulate my heart out otherwise. I'm not paying E-bay prices.

>> No.4715686


if it's not a candycab i don't care
also LOL this retard bought his kids to akihabara and didn't know it wasn't kid friendly until after he got there

>> No.4715718
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 1468793021618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video doesn't really anger me rather I'm just confused why he feels the need to destroy it when it's very possible to look at what's inside without doing so. Guess the youtube audience wouldn't find it interesting enough.

>> No.4715723

I'm about as white as they come, what about my post sounds like a beaner to you?

>> No.4715727

Play some more shitty romhacks on nesticle, Pablo.

>> No.4715729

Oh, only niggers and spics use emulators. I see.

Go buy some dust collectors on ebay, faggot

>> No.4715734

I acknowledge it's imperfect and has many issues but at the same times there's really no alternative.

>> No.4715735


I enjoyed that video far more than I should have.

>> No.4715747


+ Game preservation becomes more widespread and pursued with emulation existing
+ Emulation is a great way for people to experience rare and expensive games, through official emulation like Nintendo's Virtual Console downloads or Mini series, the PSN Store, etc., or unofficially
+ Emulation allows for much higher resolutions, framerates, anti-aliasing, online play, different control schemes and many other improvements that aren't possible on original hardware.
+Emulation cultivates and fosters the ROM hacking community, which benefits original hardware users too.
+Everything can be on one device like a PC or Wii, saving a ton of spaces in game consoles, cables, games, controllers, etc.
+It's free

I mainly play on original hardware, although emulation is excellent too with a lot of advantages.

>> No.4715758

I try to play on console whenever I can because of emulation quirks on some systems, but I'm definitely pro-emulation and I don't know why anybody wouldn't be. Carts and consoles are not going to last forever, and while people are making repros and flashcarts nobody is making more consoles (shit like the Retron 5 that just emulates doesn't count) so as time goes on it's going to be harder and harder to play "legit." Emulation is necessary to keep older games alive forever.

>> No.4715792

I'm a fan of physical carts, but I have no problem with emulation. Why would I?

>> No.4715805

Pro, without doubt. You'd have to be quite a huge faggot to be against it, like, literally why. >>4715747 is a pretty good summary.

>> No.4715806

I think everyone likes emulation in some form. Something can be said about playing a game on original hardware, though. It makes the game feel more worthwhile to play for me.

>> No.4715851

Pro emulation but I prefer real hardware.

>> No.4715872

pro. original hardware is a luxury.

>> No.4715931

I've been playing on emulators since 1997.

>> No.4716354

im not watching that normie faggot

>> No.4717971

pro. hardware only lasts so long, and if people do emulation then there's less demand for physical hardware.

it benefits literally everyone

>> No.4717983

You'd have to be a really sad person to be anti-emulation.

>> No.4718023

Naw, it's perfectly logical to never play a game again whose creators and companies related to them are dead when a cabinet goes tits up.

>> No.4718035

I feel like a noob. 2004 here.

>> No.4718036

i emulated your mom op.

>> No.4718039

Donkey Kong Punch

>> No.4718042

That implies you dressed up as his mom not fucked her.

>> No.4718121

Pro emulation though personally I wont emulate anything under 6th gen because upscaling old 3D games looks like ass with all the stretched textures and I think CRTs are the best way to play low res games. Also getting an older pc to connect to a TV is effort so I just have the actual consoles.

>> No.4718159
File: 69 KB, 659x525, 768976890768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718163

I don't get why people got so upset about this. It's a fucking Pac Man cabinet. Pac Man is hands down the most common cabinet out there.

So some asshole destroys ONE. Big fucking deal. There are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of this cabinet out there. What's the difference between him taking a chainsaw to it and leaving it in his basement to rot for the next 20 years and become inoperable that way?

>> No.4718172

Monkey see, monkey do. I promise you, since that video was made, more jackasses with more money than sense copied the fuck. Things like that continue bit by bit for years until suddenly we'll we asking:"Where did all the damn Pac-Man cabs go? Why are the all the good ones 10,000 bucks now? Life is so confusing!".

>> No.4718178

Pac Man sold 400,000 units. It's not going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.4718184

>400,000 units is a lot!
>products sold into the millions still get scalper prices
And 300,000 are in rough shape or destroyed. The remaining 100,000 are being beat up right now with maybe 25,000 being cared for by arcades/arcade collectors. It's the same attitude that causes everything to skyrocket in value.

>> No.4718187
File: 1.87 MB, 500x281, 1519604914166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a moron, and this conversation is going nowhere anyway. Bye, bitch.

>> No.4718190

Man, punks these days are such cunts. Enjoy being poor and stupid your entire life.

>> No.4718209
File: 34 KB, 390x365, FE11ACAA-47BE-46C1-8A4C-78446BC3C71E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.

>> No.4718218

Pro, though I'm also pro-CRT so I'm basically stuck on the Wii for life. I'm surprised none of those retro gayman companies has much a cheap cable to let you output 240p from your modern PC.

>> No.4718223

>This video doesn't really anger me rather I'm just confused why he feels the need to destroy it when it's very possible to look at what's inside without doing so. Guess the youtube audience wouldn't find it interesting enough.

That's the weirdest thing. You don't need to slice the cabinet in half to look at the inner workings. You can just take the back panel off, and the coin op out and you see everything.

Whatever. The fucks retarded. It's a joke that useless channels like this get millions of subs/views.

>> No.4718230

I bet he's the kind of rich guy that stills eats at McDonald's and then throws the garbage out of his window in a park.

>> No.4718232

I'm not really pro or anti. I emulate sometimes but I prefer original systems with flash carts.

Some systems of mine are hybrid, the NESRGB for example, 100% real but the color palettes are emulated.

There's nothing wrong with emulation but try to make sure and use settings, displays, controllers that minimize input lag. An example, on my gba flash cart I have NES games. On the GBA, doing NES emulation, there is enough input lag on Mr. Gimmick that it's difficult to do a lot of the platforming sections. On my computer there isn't enough lag to matter or be even noticeable. On my NES flashcart there isn't added lag. That said, some games, especially rpg work wonderfully on the GBA emulating NES.

If space and money were no object, I'd have a huge collection. As is, I have about 30 NES games, mainly childhood games but I'm entirely satisfied with this amount. I have other systems and games but I'll just mention NES. I like looking at a stack of cartridges, but on all my systems I don't want the games taking up more than about a 6' x 4' shelf, kudos to those with large collections but for me personally this is the limit of what I want.

Flashcarts are pretty much the sweet spot for me. They take up less space and let you easily play romhacks (several are great). There's no lag and It's super easy to play them on my CRTs. I vastly prefer CRT just because no lag but mainly the sexy assed look they have.

I use a modded PS2 to play PS1 games, which is emulation, but really good emulation. Again, I have a mod chipped PS1 and about 50 real retail games, so emulation isn't necessary, but I find it more convenient than juggling discs all the time.

There is a really similar situation in Vinyl music vs. digital. Vinyl has great artwork and has a nice ritual to playing it. You can fit literally tens of thousands of albums on a single hard drive, they sound good, but it's not the same ritual as playing an LP.

Play games how you want, just play the games.

>> No.4718234

Damn son no need to get so upset over being wrong you're not even tied to a username lmao

>> No.4718240

I'm pro emulation unless Billy Mitchell does it, then I'm anti emulation for some reason.

>> No.4718254

1. GameStop has ordered the destruction of thousands of game copies. Go watch some dumpster diving videos.

2. The remaining cabinets are being hogged by collectorfags that don't play them.

3. No one wants to pay for shipping for these fucking things.

>> No.4718259

I really don't care. I play on actual hardware but whether or not anyone else does isn't my business.

>> No.4718581

I'm anti. What if your mother had decided to emulate you? You ever stop and think about that, smart guy?

>> No.4719468

Because he was lying about it and using it to cheat. You disingenuous piece of shit.

>> No.4719473

100% pro
software last forever
hardware doesn't

>> No.4719480

Emulation offers convenience of being able to play games on modern hardware, but can't beat the authentic and seamless experience of playing on the original hardware when you have a CRT setup.

>> No.4719483

>t. """""White""""""