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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4713356 No.4713356 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many on this board not only oppose video game preservation, but get angry whenever it's brought up?

>> No.4713358

Because they're poorfags who hate collectorchads who can afford these games.

>> No.4713365

Because that's not true, what's actually happening is someone freaks out and gets angry because someone is emulating the game on an LCD with their logitech controller, as though that's a problem.

If preservation was even an important issue to anyone here, there'd be regular threads about it, instead there's just nitpicking about the way people play games.

>> No.4713369
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>> No.4713375

Those who oppose game preservation are massive faggots who jerk off looking at their genuine Earthbound cartridges while sniffing the game manual. How game preservation would interfere with this activity of theirs, I have no clue, though.

>> No.4713394
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I think it's more about people emulating stuff in inaccurate emulators and with sub-optimal hardware that make games look bad or sound terrible. Those rare ones who are actually against game preservation are probably collectors who are too invested into their collection both mentally and monetarily.

The former are bros who are trying to help you out, the latter are crazy assholes.

>> No.4713404

I'm afraid nobody in this fucking thread got your point OP. I'm legitimately sorry.

>> No.4713405

We had a thread about that undumped Beavis and Butthead arcade cabinet a few days ago, and some lunatic spent three days screaming about how we're all pirates for not wanting it destroyed in a fire or vandalized by Chicago's urban youth.

>> No.4713428

It's an old troll image.

>> No.4713441

Holy fuck I remember that thread. Good times

OP - the main issue that this board has is that numerous people on here are older people who want to feel the same nostalgia that they felt back in "better" times as a kid. It isn't just on here, go on /mu/ and look at the following vapor wave has or you can go on the various media boards on here and see people talking about 90's animes and other media.

When we were kids, we would have a ritual for every game. We would obtain it, take it out the plastic packaging, take it out of the box and see the manual and the game, then put it in the system hooked up to an old TV and power it up.

I couldn't care less about this because I have a great life. Others on here are desperate to feel something, and nostalgia helps them cope.

>> No.4713569

because 90% of "preservation" fags hide their shit from the public. They also, in my opinion, preserve the wrong stuff. Instead of just dumping ROMs and discs they should also take it upon themselves to scan manuals, boxes, labels, and other shit included with the game and then release those scans to the public without garbage watermarks.

>> No.4713578

To be fair, all this does is make it easier to create counterfeits. By not scanning, they're truly preserving its worth.

>> No.4713580

>preserving it's worth
Fuck off reseller scum. Any retard can identify a clone by taking the cover off anyway, and most disc based systems have copy protection anyways.

>> No.4713581

Define preservation. If you mean dumping of ROMs, I see no one angry about that here. If you mean some guy buying the only copy and keeping it in his basement for "preservation", then that doesn't preserve anything.

You need to be specific about what you are talking about. We can't read your mind and know how you meant your statement.

>> No.4713583

because they're poor

>> No.4713585

>its worth
Oh jesus shut the fuck up. I can't wait for the retro collector market to crash the same way the trading card and comic book markets did.

>> No.4713594

>I see no one angry about that here

I do. I've been yelled at numerous times on here for saying I want to play unreleased games or that I want undumped games to be dumped.

>> No.4713607
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Its actually the oposite bro. We've been harassed by shit american buyfags, so now we are shitposting so they can see how retarded it is in the end. You dont even play what you buy, I pity you boys.

>> No.4713609

You people keep saying that but it never happens. If you can't afford the cartridges get over it and play on an emulator, there's nothing wrong with them.

People who keep whining about how they want the retro market to crash are just as bad as the people who get butthurt about emulation except they are too poor to actually buy the cartridges they want to hoard. If you actually just wanted to play the games you would have no problem emulating, but you want to be a collector without having to accept the value that the collector's market has assigned to the original cartridges that you want, and instead hold on to this fantasy that in a few years you'll be able to scoop them all up at early 2000s garage sale prices.

>> No.4713612

You're going to get yelled at for everything here. Saying you like the N64 in an N64 appreciation thread can get you a mountain of hate. It just depends on who's around at the time.

>> No.4713624

This is some IMAX shit you're posting here anon.

>> No.4713629

I want the market to crash so reseller scum get fucked hard on unsold inventory.

>> No.4713635

>90% hide from public
No, half of them cross-post to ROM Shepherd. Also, I've found that other ROM sites like EmuFuckadise are too lazy to care to update anything.

>preserve retarded manuals
The amount of games on No-Intro & Redump wouldn't even be as high as it is if the litchrully 20 people dumping shit wasted their time on that garbage. Currently, we have one of the redumptards wasting money on PSX/2 demo discs and discouraging PC dumpers as a money sink.

Likewise, I don't see many LARPers at least trying to relocate any downloads for their Missing-in-Action dump lists.

>> No.4713645

If you want to play the games without paying collector prices there are plenty of options available. There are flash carts, reproductions, re-releases, remasters, and good old fashioned emulation. The only reason you need the original cartridge is because you enjoy owning it for whatever value you assign to it, and if the value you assign to it is less than what someone is willing to sell it to you for, you have the aforementioned options. If those options aren't good enough for you then you are in this hobby for the wrong reasons, just like the people who only care about how much a game is worth and not about actually playing them for enjoyment.

A valuable game is always going to be valuable and there will always be people who want to make a buck reselling commodities. The only people who are gonna get fucked will be the ones who bought 300 copies of Madden in hopes that the price would go up once the good games start getting too expensive.

>> No.4713648

>To be fair, all this does is make it easier to create counterfeits. By not scanning, they're truly preserving its worth.
You are one stupid mother fucker

>> No.4714505

>I remember that thread
>It literally happened a few days ago
Man, I wonder why.

>> No.4715023

>the same way the trading card and comic book markets did

you mean my amazing fantasy #15 reprint promo from the last spiderman movie isn't thousands of dollars?

>> No.4715129

i play retro games on a 1080p plasma because its the only tv i own with an s-video input. this tends to enrage people.

>> No.4715224

HOW can anyone LIVE like that?

Not the messy room, I mean with slanty eyes.

>> No.4715260


I was in that thread, and after doing some research I think that it is certainly dumped. It is owned by a collector and on loan to the arcade from the way the internet reads it. The arcade refurb'd and got it running.

The problem with that instance was that one of the standard "thoes types" DEMANDED proof that it was dumped. As if this is the place to make such demands, or even that we would have that info. It most likely is dumped, but not uploaded to the internet. I pissed him off by saying that the owner could run the thing through a wood chipper, and there is not a damn thing anyone could do about it. Game preservation is one aspect I respect. However, is this really a game if it is unfinished? How many other unfinished games do we fight to preserve? It was started by some angry guy who basically wanted to play it for free.
It isn't about preservation of the software to some people, it is about making their game folder bigger so they can impress whoever they capture and lock in their basement.

It was somewhat creepy how demanding that guy was.

>> No.4715481

seein the world in widescreen

>> No.4715502
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Looks kinda like he's wearing a Home Movies style jumpsuit.

>> No.4715627

>Why do so many on this board cry when people get sick of them constantly trying to justify their poorfaggotry?

>> No.4715639

putting them on your shelf to admire isnt preservation,

>> No.4715827

Only poorfags make that claim. I love the fact that I can emulate my old games and never have to touch the games that I own physically. It's safe from harm & damage. That's preservation.

>> No.4716010

no it literally isnt I have a shelf of pc engine games Im not preserving shit by having them dumbass

>> No.4717434


>> No.4717441

Pro tip. Most anons here that aren't just trolling are worse than YouTube autists.

>> No.4717469

I truly wish it would but I don't think it will. we've not even reached peak prices yet.

>> No.4717471

I'm very into the preservation of BS games, I'm just disappointed you can't perfectly emulate it through the town with no name.

>> No.4717794

>trading card
My Magic cards are only increasing in value.

>> No.4718245

If we had a harder way to hit the market by kicking even more womun out of the industry than GamerGate, we'd be a huge success.

>> No.4719549

he means dumping and sharing roms, idiot.

hoarding games away=letting them rot

>> No.4719574

Game preservation goes beyond dumping ROMs. Emulation is by nature inaccurate and "unofficial". It's a travesty that there is no industry-led effort to preserve arcade exclusives, unreleased games, and so on. If it weren't for MAME, a fan-made program, it would be virtually impossible to play hundreds of arcade games.

In the music industry you get reissues of classics all the time, in the film industry you have curatorial efforts like the Criterion Collection. In the video game industry you have absolutely nothing at a professional level. The closest thing you have are ports, which are a) console-exclusive and b) often bad.

The concern is that in a few decades from now a vast swathe of fantastic video games will be literally unplayable as originally intended because the consoles they were made for have all broken down, their arcade cabinets have all disappeared, no copies can be located, etc.

>> No.4719712

>Game preservation goes beyond dumping ROMs
Truly. The most fascinating in /vr/ who wants everything dumped but its totally okay that 1000+ playstation titles that never left japan have the bare minimum info available in english if even that. Having a full playtrough with english commentary of all those games in a video platform is way more important than some undumped games. I find it funny how people can call themselves gaming historians or equivalent if they dont have decent japanese skill.

>> No.4719718

>Game preservation goes beyond dumping ROMs.
Sure, but that's absolutely the most important part.

>> No.4719791

Nobody on this board is involved in video game preservation, so why would you care about the opinion of anyone on this board on the topic?

>> No.4719806

when you say game preservation you mean plastic boxes and chips, or the programing within.

>> No.4719810

The game, not the cartridge.

>> No.4719857

Already mostly stated, but because you tend to get two situations:

1) Rich dude gets hold of item A, doesn't bother (or even DELIBERATELY doesn't bother to ) back it up and hordes it, meaning it gets lost forever when it inevitably gets run into the ground.

2) Well meaning type establishes large profile attempt to legitimately preserve games. The end result is publishers etc work directly with them, they get contacts to people who trust them, lots of rare games (prototypes) get dumped. However, due to this very legitimacy and closeness with publishers and the powers that be and the legal liability of breaking copyright laws on these individual's heads, these games can NEVER be released to the public. If you're REALLY lucky they might appear in some half assed compilation 10 years down the line (see SafeStuff, to an extent Shoutime, now Frank Cifaldi, etc) .

The sad reality is the work with the most meaningful impact is a combination of straight up pirating and pseudo anonymous releases for e.g. MAME. As soon as people get serious and legit the legal boot comes down.

>> No.4720008

>The sad reality is the work with the most meaningful impact is a combination of straight up pirating and pseudo anonymous releases
I don't see any problem here, this is exactly my idea of the best form of game preservation. I'm not interested in big companies hoarding the game files for themselves so they can hopefully make even more money in the future, that's disgusting. I'm interested in enabling anyone to play the good games of the past. I can download the entire NES collection in 5 minutes, and so can anyone else--this has a good chance of guaranteeing that these games will not be lost and people will get to enjoy them.

>> No.4720248

If that's the "concern" then there's no point being concerned. In a few decades most of the old games and systems that work today will still be working.

>DELIBERATELY doesn't bother to ) back it up
This is what emubabies actually believe

>> No.4722160

Not the OP, but I've dumped and shared several previously undumped things. I'd guess that counts as being involved in game preservation.

>> No.4723128

What have you dumped?

>> No.4724334


Is he a Canadaboo?

>> No.4724491

I obtained and dumped a pre-final Rockman X3 prototype around a year ago. I've also released a handful of other prototype things, mostly for Super Famicom/SNES.

>> No.4724540

That's because no one plays Magic anymore; it's just nerds playing at speculation.

>> No.4724542

Throw yourself off a bridge, my good man.

>> No.4724620

top kek

>> No.4725243

Is there a list of games that aren't roms/isos yet?

>> No.4725250

Undumped NES games


Undumped discs.


Undumped Bootlegs.


Also the Konami Q games and the Famicom study box cassette tapes.

>> No.4725252

There's also quite a few undumped arcade games. Like the Beavis and Butthead cabinet.

>> No.4725257


PC list is very primitive and only contains a limited portion with not much from Comiket including recent Touhous.

Random others not listed on redump's undumped PC wiki:
Bumper Wars
Safecracker (1997)
Safecracker (2006)
Rockman Dash 2
Minecraft: Story Mode
Ougon Musou Kyoku
Ougon Musou Kyoku Cross
Homura Combat
Homura Combat Blaze
Baldr Force series

>> No.4725260

are the undumped because of some tech difficult or is it just the price?

>> No.4725262

Apparently Hezbollah used to make PC games. Those are also undumped.


>> No.4725268

Lots of reasons. They're obscure and nobody knows/cares about them. They're in the greasy clutches of hoarders who refuse to dump them. They're sitting in an attic, draw, garage, somewhere and no one has found them yet. They're being sold for absurd prices which no one is willing to pay. They're sealed in some corporation's asshole and will never see the light of day.

>> No.4725270

For PC is mostly just a lot of uncharted territory.
For instance, Bumper Wars and the 2 Safecracker games are pretty cheap on fleaBay and go for $2 each.

Comiket & doujin games require someone with Japanese connections willing to get them for verification. For example of another not listed, Densha de D:

Someone needs to edit the wiki or join their Discord and give them some more info, they know of vndb and many others, but adding them is time consuming.

>> No.4725271
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Unfortunately a lot of undumped games are in the hands of people who only see retro games as a business and don't give a fuck about preservation.

>> No.4725273

That specific one was redumped to the No-Intro section of ROM Shepherd 2 weeks ago if you want it.

>> No.4725275

Also, they seem snippy and require specific Plextor drives to dump PC CD images (not DVDs). There's someone there attempting to open source a similar disc drive before the Plextors go extinct.

>> No.4725348

>go to redump site
>hashes and no games
>go to no-intro site
>hashes and no games

Its same everywhere

>> No.4725379

It's a half & half thing. Redump & No-Intro host the hashes while most of the dumpers from both cross-post their shit to ROM Shepherd.

Check the Discord in the Reddit thread above.

Keep in mind that the entire archive spans 2+ petabytes so it's not an easy task to maintain it.

>> No.4725426

So you're the angry little man who was demanding all that shit in that thread. That was funny was fuck to watch.

>> No.4725430

No, this is the first I've heard of it. It just doesn't make any sense not to put it online. What if you have a fire, or you get hit by a truck tomorrow and your relatives don't know what you have. Seriously, it's a completely alien attitude to this that I struggle to understand why you would do this.

>> No.4725440
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I started that thread and I'm not the guy who just told you to kill yourself. Though you absolutely should.

>> No.4725446

This. Distribution is preservation. Keeping it in one place invites disaster. That's why works are digitised and put onto multiple servers in multiple locations in multiple countries, so there's no chance of it disappearing.

You need to have multiple back-ups and redundancies. Otherwise you're just one disaster away from losing it forever. And yes, it's unlikely, but the point is to keep these games in a playable state, not massage egos.

>> No.4725519

What if you're a well known company with many employees and resources instead of just one dumb kid?

No one just told me to kill myself. Are you also that retard from that other thread who thinks Anonymous is one person?

>> No.4725539

Mainly because if you get a copy of an undumped game,

>> No.4725605

Doesn't matter, that's why institutions share shit with each other, because what if your company goes bust? Suffers a flood, etc?

You're ego stroking. Not preserving. I don't even want to play the damn games, i just think it's stupid, and that's from a perspective of a published historian.

>> No.4725729

Uploading a ROM to mega doesn't make you a published historian larplet

>> No.4725963

Now what the actual fuck is this? I thought he was concerned about game preservation. He literally writes a fucking emulator. Why doesn't he dump the ROM? Now that I've read this, I'm pissed as hell.

>> No.4725969
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He buys games with donation money, dumps them for his private collection and then resells them.

>> No.4725970

But what does he do with them, jerk off to the hash values and the ROM files? And what does dumping undumped games and not releasing them have to do with a game preservation project? Why is this guy sucking his dick? I'm at loss here, help me out, I really don't understand it.

>> No.4725979
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Here's a screenshot of his alt account. Does that makes things clearer?

>> No.4726002

Now hold up there, Jesus fucking Christ, I looked him up, and I'm shocked. See I don't really give a damn if somebody gets off to the thought of imagining themselves as a cat, though it seems pretty stupid. What pisses me off is that--if I understand the situation correctly--he claims he's doing a """""game preservation""""" project, where he dumps games and he releases, wait for it, THE FUCKING HASH VALUES? I mean, that's, like, literally not good for anything for 99.9999% of users? And he stashes the rare ROMs for himself while calling it game preservation? And people buy this bullshit? Dude seems like a disgusting elitist and a liar. This isn't going to help preserve games, I've already expressed my views on how to do that >>4720008 here. We have decentralized systems, P2P, blockchain, whatever, we could guarantee that the games won't be lost, and people give this guy 400 bucks a month to play around to his liking. Sorry for rambling, but Jesus that's stupid.

>> No.4726005
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He's psychotic.

>> No.4726024

you make your own dump of the game and match hes hash.

>> No.4726027

It genuinely makes me sad that all of this shit is true.

But (1) why would I have to do that if someone has already done it and (2) since when is this game preservation?

>> No.4726043
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>> No.4726102

No, but writing a paper for a journal on Carolingian lay political theory and its development in the 820s and 830s does.

>> No.4726337

yeah, looks like the kind of faggot that'd play field hockey

>> No.4726832

>No results found
Keep on LARPing. Also, read up on preserving 820s and 830s electronics. It's going to be on the test.

>> No.4728107

To prevent it, if you scan, you should also add watermarks, to truly inform and preserve.

>> No.4728498

because most of /vr/ are neets

>> No.4729076


Fucking brainlet, the problem IS collectors who are against ROMs.

>> No.4729089

>Why do so many on this board not only oppose video game preservation
Hoarders browse /vr/ too

they get mad when you talk about the rare stuff they own. If it's undumped and you talk about it I guarantee they'll show up to call you poor, greedy, virgin and all sorts of insults. They're mad because once people can play the games nobody will pay will want to talk to them anymore

>> No.4729216


Undumped games might be permanently lost forever. If it's undumped in this day and age, its probably stupidly rare.

Those thousands of japanese playstation games? Once they are dumped and shared, they are there forever and can then have commentary made at a leisurely pace.

Its like comparing archaeological work being done in the field (finding and dumping undumped games) vs what is being done in a museum (creating commentary and translations), except on the museum side, infinite copies of the stuff being studied can be made for zero cost.

Both are important, but getting stuff saved into a place where It can be looked at and shared I think is the far more time sensitive task. For example, simply getting a hold of one of those games that never left japan and backing it up onto a hard drive is the most important step. Translations and commentary and play throughs can come later.

You fucking weeb.

>> No.4729228

Until your shitty house burns down or your basement gets flooded that is.

>> No.4729393

Anon, now's not the time for buzzwords, you both make a fair point, considering without a basic knowledge of Japanese at least, it's objectively harder to get a hold of those games in most cases. it's not NECESSARY to really handle the rom dumps and other such things, but it's important.

Never heard about those, is there a list somewhere for those games?

>> No.4731497

Anyone have a decent guide to manual scanning? I have a few from the 5th and 6th gens I want to share.

>> No.4731575

I think this is because of a few reasons. The first being that video games are not considered a form of art like music or film, which is actually really important because that mindset is what drives people to archive older music and films. Art is so important to our society that historians, consumers, and most importantly art students, really like to have a historical archive of older works from which to see the evolution of their craft. Having hundreds of years of already written music to study from is a great boon to anyone studying music, especially if they want to be professional musicians. The same goes for students of any art. The arts also inform historians.

For video games, they're still considered entertainment and most people won't play a modern game with graphics that aren't up to snuff, let alone games that are decades old. Some people might go on their console's store and buy ports of older games, but most won't have the motivation to seek out physical copies or ROMs to play games that are considered "obsolete". To most people, the only classic games out there are the ones that are already well preserved, like Pacman or Mario.

There's also the legal issues involved with freely distributing games that are still owned by currently existing companies, of which they still have no real motivation to archive in the public domain because they could still be making them money. And it's not like video games are so important (aka an art) that it would be worth giving out freely. If these companies really cared about archiving they would have already made their own official emulators and sold ROMs for them that are PC based.

>> No.4731737

Breh, the full collection of PC-98 titles is 70GB in the (terrible) compression format of .zip. If anyone does some kind of horrid Let's Play 'documentary' in 1440p for one stupid little RPG, it'll probably take up the same amount of space.

>33GB vid

I'm so turribly sorry most don't care about preserving some faggot's fancy Let's Play shit or wasting any time downloading it. The entire GoodNES & NonGoodNES sets right now combine to a 1GB compressed archive that extracts to 10GB with ~40k ROMs. It ain't my problem anyone who LARPs about the importance of these pretentious vids that I'm never going to watch can't even come up with any sort of actual effort to start doing it and would rather dedicate their time to watching & uploading shit on fucktarded YouTube and whining on 4chan. It's even amusing considering everyone would just be uploading to JewTube which would continue to just take down your dumb vids anyway, as you can tell by the number of Longplays on that site with that nice big 'ol X right the through the TubeYou logo.

>> No.4734260

There's so many old PC eroge on there that are basically impossible to find a download for, it's in the hundreds. Someone needs to get on this.

>> No.4734467
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This is (mostly) Redump's Discord from the Reddit link above. ajshell1 has 700+ dumps, and these cult members only now decided to beg Dear Leader for wiki access.

I don't even want to help them, anymore. These faggots are pathetic.
I'm not begging some WikiCult for access.