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4708518 No.4708518 [Reply] [Original]

I want to play every Final Fantasy game in order. What is the best version of each game? Hacks are on the table.

>> No.4708525 [DELETED] 

I dunno anon XD

>> No.4708537

Final Fantasy I (PSP)
Final Fantasy II (PSP
Final Fantasy III (PC/PSP) (imo play the nes)
Final Fantasy IV (PSP) Remake: (DS)
Final Fantasy V (GBA) (get sound fix hacks)
Final Fantasy VI (GBA) (get sound fix hacks)
Final Fantasy VII (PS4/PC)
Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) (PC sound sucks)
Final Fantasy IX (PC)
Final Fantasy X (PC/PS4)
Final Fantasy XI (Doesn't count imo)
Final Fantasy XII (PC/PS4)
Final Fantasy XIII (PC/PS3)
Final Fantasy XIV (Doesn't count)
Final Fantasy XV (Not a FF game)

>> No.4708539

ff1 on nes bro. Be authentic

>> No.4708543

I would add that if you have a PSP somewhere then it's a damn fine way to play the first 9, very comfy, GBA emulation is excellent and there's really nothing wrong with the PS1 versions of VII, VIII and IX.

>> No.4708545

Yes, play the version where half of the mechanisms don't work because of /vr/ autism.

>> No.4708546

part o the charm my man

>> No.4708564


>> No.4708592

PS1, PS1, NES, DS, GBA, BNW mod so SNES, New Threat mod so PC, PS1, PC, PS2, PS4 and stop giving a fuck about the series after this point for your own good.

>> No.4708596


>> No.4709120

If you honestly want to play them "in order", then you play the original versions in order of release. Jumping between different platforms of vastly different levels of quality is hardly a good way to experience them.

If you're just going to play the remakes there's literally no point playing them in order.

>> No.4709148

This with a few revisions:
VIII: play on PC with audio mods
IX: play on PS1
XIII: play on PS3, PC port sucks
XV: yes it is a FF game (as much as it pains me to admit), play on PS4 if you really want to, this is by far the worst one though

>> No.4709751


It's weird that someone wants to play the games in order, but at the same time goes back and forth between different years.

Here, OP:

- Final Fantasy (NES) / Final Fantasy Restored Hack (NES)
- Final Fantasy II En by Chaos Rush (Famicom)
- Final Fantasy III En by Chaos Rush (Famicom)
- Final Fantasy "II" (SNES) / Final Fantasy IV Namingway Edition Hack (SNES)
- Final Fantasy V En by RPGOne (Super Famicom) / Final Fantasy V GBA Script Port Hack (Super Famicom)
- Final Fantasy "III" (SNES) / Final Fantasy VI Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition Hack (SNES)
- Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
- Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Final Fantasy XII (PS2) / Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (PS2)
- Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)

Everything else is garbage.

>> No.4709761

is there a way I can get the smoothed backgrounds without having to convert FFVII to the 1998 version? I have it on Steam

>> No.4710083
File: 95 KB, 800x900, Rydia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got into the series very late and played iii to xii (miss me with xiii) on steam. sure, especially vi looks awkward on steam and graphic fags will say everything is shit anyways, but they were still very enjoyable.

also Rydia is best girl

>> No.4710118

1 (Playstation - Origins)
2 (Playstation - Origins)
3 (Famicom w/ translation patch)
4 (Super Famicom w/translation patch)
4 (Super Famicom w/translation patch)
6 (Super Nintendo)
7 (Playstation)
8 (Playstation)
9 (Playstation)

>> No.4710428
File: 117 KB, 670x896, c3a3f85c773a5c1524433da659f75a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you, my nig. Once I finish 8, I will have beaten the mainline series of games except for the MMOs, and the most recent 15. You might find it tedious to play them in order, but I'll list the versions as I beat them.

1 + 2 (GBA)
3 (DS)
4 (it's my favorite thing on the pissp. This is the way a port should be done)
5 through 9 (PS1)
10 through 12 (PS2)
13 (PS3)
15 (can't afford a PS4, so I'll get to it eventually)

>> No.4710439

15 is best on PC if you have the hardware, if not then the xb1x version is the way to go. It runs better. 15 really chugs hard on base PS4 and PS4 slim.

>> No.4710447

The PSP versions of 1, 2 and 4 are insultingly easy. Please don't play those.

>> No.4710448

With 12 get the PC/PS4 version instead, more stuff was added and obviously prettier HD visuals.

>> No.4710449

who would even bother with final fantasy hallway? Especially when ya got DUAL ORB 2

>> No.4710453

To be fair only chapters 9-14 are the hallway levels. At least it is an improvement on the 13 trilogy where 100% of the games are going down hallways.

>> No.4710460
File: 443 KB, 1270x1600, 744e0d4ee49f3b9ecdfce748a8620a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I (Gameboy Advance - Dawn of Souls)
II (Gameboy Advance - Dawn of Souls)
III (Nintendo DS)
IV (Playstation Portable)
V (Playstation - Anthology)
VI (Playstation - Anthology)
VII (Playstation)
VIII (Playstation)
IX (Playstation)
X (Playstation 2)
XI (doesn't count)
XII (Playstation 2)
XIII (Playstation 3)
XIV (doesn't count)
XV (Playstation 4)
XVI (Playstation 4)
XVII (Playstation 5)
XVIII (doesn't count)

>> No.4710486

Anyway is fine as long you don't play the ps1 version of IV,V, and VI Unless you like load times.

>> No.4710497

>XVI (Playstation 4)
>XVII (Playstation 5)
>XVIII (doesn't count)

U wot

>> No.4710515

This post should be stickied

>> No.4710762

To point at how laughable /vr/ is?

>> No.4711725


I think the GBA versions of 4,5 and 6 are also fine. I agree it would be silly to like, NES 1, PSP 2, DS 3, SNES 4, you're jumping around to some many ports. You really see the progression of the series if you don't jump up too far in ports. FF3 is a big example of this.

also 11 has private servers now that recapture the magic of the ps2 era. So thats fun too.

>> No.4711903

>XVI (Playstation 4)
>XVII (Playstation 5)
>He does't know.

>> No.4711907

That's okay anon. I play JRPG's for the story not the gameplay

>> No.4711909

Yep, like the turbo button for millennials that can't exercise patience on anything and want tl;dr of everything

>> No.4711918

the original already played itself, I can see how the fast forward would improve the game by reducing walking through the pointlessly huge and lifeless environments like the sandsea

>> No.4711921

>Play a game that lets you tweak your character's behaviors
>"waah it plays itself"
Then don't buy it and play something else

>> No.4712036

>not playing in the proper order

FF 1, 2, 3 - The very distant future
-- FF 1 - The actual end of the series
-- FF 2 - A major conflict that occured before FF1
-- FF 3 - The aftermath of the events in FF2

FF 4, 5, 6
-- FF4 - "Original" FF story, the crystals were created in this game
-- FF5 - The aftermath of the events in FF6 (Galuf's world is really the esper world)
-- FF6 - Aftermath of the FF4 events. The modern technology in FF4 is replaced with steam power when the summoners and mysidonians go extinct. Esper world is discovered

FF 7, 8, 9
-- FF7 - The very distant past. The ancients make prototypes to the crystals called materia
-- FF8 - Centuries before the events of FF7, humans are simply able to draw magic from the environment
-- FF9 - After the events of FF7, pollution settles as mist, but this is cleared up by the time FF4 occurs(when mist is centralized to a single cave)

FF 10
-- FF10 - Centuries before FF8

>> No.4712052
File: 167 KB, 600x300, 215551275_9naxe-l-2[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find it funny that you complain about millennials in your post, when FFXII was tailor made for the let's play generation

>> No.4712057

This is possible the most objectively correct post I've ever seen. I *do* have my doubts about FF Restored though, as it changes a lot of the original gameplay (the original was broken, yes, but it is still the *original*) and it has a retranslation by someone who isn't even Japanese iirc (so it's essentially just a re-edit).

Everything else is perfect though. As much as I love the GBA script translation of FF6, playing it in higher resolution and with proper sound quality is just so much more rewarding (the colour/sound restoration patches for the GBA version still aren't quite up to the same level of quality as the SNES) and having the consistency of a single, professional translation with all of its flaws fixed is a lot better than playing some random RHDN autists translation.

>> No.4712103
File: 19 KB, 228x221, 03FC773F-1428-449E-84C9-E37C2AEE9297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFXII was tailor made for the let's play generation
What are you talking about? FF12 was from 2006, before let’s plays were even a thing (INB4 obscure LPer on some random obscure website who had like 1500 viewers at most). Do you mean generation z? Because they were still snot nosed little toddlers when this game came out, I highly doubt toddlers have the were-with-all to be playing FF12. 12 was a good game and the last of the good FF games. After this point FF dies.

>> No.4712129 [DELETED] 

There is a patch which fixes all of that completely, Final Fantasy Restored. http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1631/

The new font can be weird, but there's a patch which brings back the original. http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2269/

>> No.4712138
File: 207 KB, 220x259, 1503990835047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in the holy fuck did you get this from? Please tell me it's not your own headcannon

>> No.4712152

let's plays started around the same time FFXII cam out on something awful, they became popular later so congrats to squeenix for being visionaries I guess. The game was rightly panned when it came out
>12 was a good game and the last of the good FF games
nah, FF died with the merger

>> No.4712198


You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Let's plays begun around 2004, in 2006 they were really fucking popular, two years later that faggot Pewdiepie built his channel on these.

>> No.4712205


My mistake, it was more like 3-4 years later, but still, in 2006 let's plays were already pretty popular.

>> No.4712210

>PSX Tactics
>not PSP with slowdown fix patch
You are no herald, ser! You are a pretender!

>> No.4712215

I was reading a lets play of Drakengard before FFXII came out. I never really got into them when they came out in video format.

>> No.4712218

He's making it up, FFX leads to FF7 because kid genius Shinra was able to use Vegnagun's technology to draw energy from the farplane and this eventually allowed for space travel, and the Shinra Power Company was founded on The Planet centuries later.

No seriously.

>> No.4712273

I think it's more in the cort of personal opinion for FFT. Objectively PSP's script is better, but some may be put off from the game specifically by the localization style. Then again, some may be put off by the older one for spelling mistakes.

Arguably they both suck eggs.

>> No.4712278


>> No.4713018

It's from an old /v/ thread

>> No.4713408

What character is this and from what FF?

>> No.4713425


>Suggesting the god-awful port of FF9 on pc

If you have a PS3 at all, just pick up any and all versions you can on it through the online store.

>> No.4713663
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, s6-7c1f82e212dbae7ffb41f3338e787051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the PC version of FFIII any good?

>> No.4713898

Why VI on PlayStation? The loading times are tedious and the graphics aren't that better.

>> No.4714224

>Final Fantasy IV Namingway Edition Hack (SNES)
Is this worth playing over Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, especially in terms of translation?

I'd also suggest FFT PSP and The Zodiac Age over the originals, but everything else sounds fine.

>> No.4714247

This topic is common. Someone, please make an infographic of it

>> No.4714304

Play FFV with the advanced custom classes hack.

Really opens up each class for you- lets you change out Attack and Item for more job abilities.

>> No.4714364

Honestly? I wouldn't know. When it comes to translation, it's probably best to play the PSP game. Regarding FFT, it's probably a good idea to play the PSP too, I was simply suggesting what to play if you wanted the "originals".

Only reason I mentioned "International Zodiac Job System" is because it wasn't a port, but a new version of XII.

>> No.4714435

hoh, boy we don't talk about the pc version, literally the hardest final fantasy game

>> No.4715120

Because that's the one I have, and I'm not going to buy it again.

>> No.4715645

Why? Isn't it the same as the DS version?

>> No.4717260

Nice troll list faggot.

XV is by far in a sense the most FF that FF gets if you know the history of Square. Square was a heavily failing company in the age of PC console gaming, during their final stretch of being in a office and getting paid to scratch their ass, Square pitches the idea of an epic quest filled with goblins, ghouls, dragons, swords and the like. FF1 pays homage to taking western influence by including the selext a job out of 6 for ff1, directly relating to a game of D&D with friends. You are stuck with these heroes and grow with them, juat as how the sprites for end game jobs are 'adult' looking. FFXV is the product of a company to big to die yet too engulfed in their own backlash ti make a simplistic enjoyablw gamw so they take 10 years to try to put together something that will satisfy the core of fans. XV wasnt meant to be a great game, it was just meant to be a final fantasy, just as they should be. It came out after massive feedback of FF sucking when fans had basically given up hope on the company, albeit it being merged now, its still the same idea. Just make a game is what it came down to. Have fun with it. Who cares if it wasnt this genre defining piece of excellence? What matters is that the game came out and that they gave us what they could, just like FF1 all they did was try when failure was all around them and you have the gall to say its not even FF? The hell?

>> No.4717339

What I like most about PSP/WotL Tactics is the larger roster size. But yeah the translation is a mixed bag. I don't like the fakespeare style but it's generally more articulate and nuanced. The worst aspects of the original translation were in a lot of the throwaway dialog like job reports from your generics and such.

And like any other major retranslation we now have multiple names for various characters, items, characters, and abilities. Though it's not as bad as the FF6 situation.

>> No.4717536

>PSP Tactics
>no sweet random chants for spells and special attacks

>> No.4717764

They removed those in WotL? ?
