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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4705859 No.4705859 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else want the only good virtual boy game to be remade/re-released?

>> No.4705871

I'm genuinely surprised Nintendo never tried adding it to the Virtual Console. Although it seems like Nintendo has a habit of not bringing things up that they consider to be "failures" except in mockery.

>> No.4705912

They were probably thinking about it for 3DS but seeing how it's not powerful enough to even handle virtual console they must have dropped it, then with N3DS they half-assed virtual console to only NES/SNES shit.

>> No.4705916

Hey, Telero-boxing was also really good.

>> No.4706178

Came to post "Hell yeah I'd love a Teleroboxer remake"

>> No.4706217

I love how smooth this game is in motion. the gameboy ones are an eyesore, especially 4.

>> No.4706263

Anon, the 3ds can play gameboy/c + nes titles. Only the n3ds has snes. I'm sure virtual boy could run fine on the original.
On a related note, wouldnt the 3ds' 3d effect be perfect for this game? You really brought up a good point. I'm sure the other first party titles would feel great on the 3ds.

>> No.4708485

I loved everything about this game except that shitty final boss. Played it for the first time late last year and it still hold up remarkably well, eyestrain aside.

>> No.4709976

There was a few other good titles on the Virtua Boy, like Teleroboxer, the game which perhaps best made use out of the system's gimmick. I think it would be neat if Nintendo re-released the Virtual Boy library (at least, the stuff they have/can get the rights to), and released it for the N3DS or Switch.

There really wasn't anything wrong with the games themselves, mostly, it's just that the system wasn't very well thought out from an ergonomic and advertising standpoint.
If you play the titles on an emulator, a lot of them are actually pretty good, or at least decent.
More, it's that few of the games actually feel like they were truly made with the system in mind, a lot of them feel like they were initially developed for the Gameboy Color, but then Nintendo hurried to have them shifted to the new system to make the launch library seem less paltry. Others feel like the devs struggled to think of a good way to make use of the gimmick.

Didn't quite work out. I think technology wasn't ready to make a system like this in the 90's. Also I miss Gunpei.

>> No.4709980
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Has there ever been a Wario game that was actually bad, honestly?

>> No.4710079

Non-outsourced? Not really, although there's mixed opinions about 3.

If we're counting every Wario game, though, Master of Disguise was sub-par, and Shake It wasn't very original or good. World was also kinda on the short side.

>> No.4710136

I couldn't get into 3, because I had just played 2 and was madly in love with it, then was disappointed that on the surface it was a bit like 2, yet radically different, and I didn't really progress past the second world or whatever.

I wouldn't call it bad though, that's just my caveman brain refusing to adapt.

>> No.4710338

The GBC wouldn't be produced for another 2-3 years. The VB behaves a lot closer to a GBA than the GBC.

>> No.4710394

I had a brainfart then. But like, that one puzzle game that's a bit like Kirby's Avalanche (at least at a glance), that one feels like it was something originally intended for another non-VR console but then just hurriedly adapted for the VB.

>> No.4712259

What's the problem with 3? Easily one of my favourite game for gbc, fuck regular Mario games

>> No.4713035

It's pretty slow at the start, since most of your abilities are locked away, and it's one of the backtrackiest Wario games. Time Attack mode is great, though.

>> No.4713341

There are several good VB games and you can emulate them amazingly on your VR headset.

You do have a VR headset, right?