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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 256x224, Legend_of_Makai_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4701778 No.4701778 [Reply] [Original]

What are some action platform games with rpg elements? Im looking for games similar to monster world or adventure island 4. What are the really obscure ones?

>> No.4701782

>What are the really obscure ones?
The ones nobody knows about

>> No.4701784

Mother fuckin' Faxanadu.

>> No.4701830


>> No.4702059
File: 4 KB, 256x240, zombie hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie Hunter.

>> No.4702127
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i've been playing front mission : gun hazard and i think it might be what yer lookin fer. if you do happen to play it, forego any grinding and play around with the subweapons, theyre the bread and butter. shotguns are easy mode, so if you like any modicum of challenge, dont use that shit. fantastic ost and aesthetic. also Brenda is the woman standing behind the great man (thats you, if you play it)

>> No.4702135

Seconding the Cadash recommendation. If you’re playing on console the Mega Drive version is best.

>> No.4702157

Gemlike and hidden, as it were

>> No.4702178

yeah man thats actually one of the games I intend to play, I wanna really be in the mood for it so im actually waiting to play it. The game looks like total sex but I really wanna be in the mood to sit down and put some time into it. Im kind of feeling something fantasy themed though, great suggestion nonetheless thanks.

great game yes

nice that one screen looks kinda cool, famicom I assume?

I have the pc engine version and the megadrive version. I will probably just emulate the arcade version on my raspberry pi if im going to play it though honestly

>> No.4702212

Adventure Island IV
Super Adventure Island 2

>> No.4702240

River City Ransom is a beat-em up game with rpg elements

>> No.4702396

No Popful Mail? Damn, /vr/ what happened to you?

Sorcerian, Zelda 2, Battle of Olympus, Clash at Demonhead, Ys III, War of The Dead, Romancia, Golvellius, Legacy of the Wizard, Magician, Wizards & Warriors

>> No.4702461

> action platform games with rpg elements

Only one of those I ever played was Xardion

>> No.4702464

Castlevania: Spectral Interlude for the glorious ZX Spectrum.

>> No.4702615


The arcade original is the only way to play.

Genesis version is complete shit.

PCE version looks charming, but still gimped up the ass.

The arcade game is the real deal. I recommend starting with the Ninja. He's the best character and my first 1cc. A lot of newbs think the Priestess is the best character, but that's not true. I've 1cc'ed the game on the more difficult Japanese version a thousand times. Ninja is the best by far. And for experts, the Priestess is actually an annoying character because of her slow attack speed.

>> No.4702619

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

>> No.4702632
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>> No.4702647

The Goonies II for NES

Also strongly recommending Xexyz and Dynowarz for NES

>> No.4704140

Cadash. If you play console, pick pc engine

Ys III is a lot of fun and has a bazillion ports that all play similar but look and sound different from each other. It's more linear than Ys I&II so you don't need to know japanese except for a few menus. The X68000 is the best overall, and pce has nice redbook audio

>> No.4704170
File: 16 KB, 320x240, cadash9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Genesis version is pretty okay actually. The levels are exactly the same and the graphics are very close, it's just they cut 2 player classes (Ninja and Priest), so you're left with only the boring Mage and Warrior. Oh and it's also missing the plant boss.

The PCE version however is mostly a new (inferior) game made from scratch. I wouldn't bother with it. Shitty sprites, levels cut up into small chunks etc.

Basically if you go with emulation then play the arcade version obviously, if not then the Genesis one is fine too.

>> No.4704483
File: 170 KB, 640x480, 39964-Mega_Man_64_(USA)-1511659072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4704631

> Demons Crest
> Actraiser I & II

>> No.4705006

The Genesis version has a bunch of messed up mechanics that is REALLY noticeable the first time you play it, if you're accustomed to the arcade game. For instance, the hit boxes are completely fucked, both on enemies and yourself. Enemies will chase after you down a cliff. And a lot of other annoying shit that never happens in the arcade version. In terms of mechanics, the PCE version is actually closer to the original.

My opinion to people: If you don't have access to MAME for whatever reason, then don't bother with the ports at all.

>> No.4705729

WTF are you talking about? They gutted 90% of the game and playable characters on the megadrive.

>> No.4705747

Emulate the arcade for best version. Mame.