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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 454x533, sonicicecream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
468504 No.468504 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss/Post all the outlandish shit that companies more than willingly plastered their character's sorry mugs on, throwing their own integrity to the wind

I'm a little surprised that the Sonic Head Popsicles with Bublegum Eyes are still being made. Really never expected them to stand the test of time as much as they have

>> No.468535
File: 103 KB, 283x244, RIP AND TEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.468568


God, that sherbet is terrible. Eyes were always stale and rock hard, too.

I want a box, badly.

>> No.468597

And you know what, it I ever spot them in my local ice cream truck's display, I'll almost instantly buy them

Same with the TMNT popsciles

>> No.468615


I do, too. Nostalgia dies hard.

>> No.468624

god those things are disgusting.

>> No.468641

I kept buying them as a kid because the retarded looking face always made me smile.

I never ate the gumballs though, just the ice cream.

>> No.468654
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Those were disgusting. Sadly people praise this consumer marketing culture pushed hard as fuck on kids back in the day. Still do.

>> No.468665

I remember back in 2001 while in high school, working in a coffee shop/ice cream kiosk at a mall. I would get the promo labels for the Sonic popsicles (the kind you plaster on ice cream trucks and mark the price) and plastering them on my school locker and everywhere else. I think there is still one on my now broken Saturn. Anyways, while the popsicles we're particularly good, i do recall getting 4 of them, blending them up with a cup of apple juice to make a Sonic blue smoothie. Dared some friends to drink it, and those little bits of hard as rock eye candies were shredded into shards and cutting their throats as they drank it. We were stupid 16 year olds.

>> No.468673

*weren't particularly good

typo earlier!

>> No.468793

>those little bits of hard as rock eye candies were shredded into shards and cutting their throats as they drank it
Hedgehog spines.

>> No.468817
File: 221 KB, 576x359, 26J9FWL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this one, but too bad the gumball was never really much of a gumball since it broke apart and wasn't very chewy.

>> No.468943
File: 17 KB, 480x480, Sonic-Sega-T-Shirt_ROYAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of kids around town have been wearing Sonic shirts like pic related but without the Sega logo. It struck me as weird that they're still using the classic Sonic design for most of the merchandise. If it weren't for Generations the people wearing it would be confused about why Sonic looks "weird."

>> No.469353
File: 83 KB, 479x468, Super Mario Shasta World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember loving this shit back in the day. Upon seeing that's it's actually made by Shasta, I have to wonder how.

Favorite was Yoshi Apple.

>> No.469374

I used to get the Donkey Kong one, can't find a pic anywhere. Dat banana and chocolate.

>> No.469380

>Princess Toadstool Cherry
>Not peach flavoured


>> No.469405


Most people you see doing that are probably in their early to mid 20s. They all remember sonic.

>> No.469412


>not liking shasta

Do you even game? I bet you don't like Rush either.

>> No.469416
File: 108 KB, 531x626, cerealboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.469419

>be michigan

all we had was faygo ;_;

>> No.469429

I would drink the fuck out of Yoshi apple. I would drink it until my teeth rot.

>> No.469440


>> No.469441

What year was this? Lived in Texas throughout the 90s but never seen this. To be fair, I rarely saw Shasta anyway.

>> No.469432

Man I bought some Shata Cola recently because it was cheaper. It was horrible.

Why, Shasta, why have you changed?

>> No.469453
File: 56 KB, 374x344, sonic ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyes are never in the right place.

Also those ice creams sucked anyway.

>> No.469457
File: 413 KB, 1152x864, fridaynight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even heard of shasta until I saw this episode of Futurama.

>> No.469461

>calling her peach before the n64

Come on.

>> No.469463

Jesus, at least the Sonic one doesn't look like it wants to murder you

>> No.469485
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>> No.469501
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>> No.469507


Good, Sonic. You look pretty cool.

>> No.469508



Man, Nintendo only licenses out to the shittiest companies, don't they?

>> No.469572

That really is an awesome ass commercial, you have to admit

>> No.469591

Never heard of Shasta either

I also never knew what the hell Fresca was until I saw it on Scrubs. I've never seen it sold here until very recently

Live in Alabama, btw, so that probably has something to do with it

>> No.469660 [DELETED] 
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>> No.469717 [DELETED] 

>gotta cum fast
must be the best feeling condom ever

>> No.469714

DFW Texasfag here

I only ever saw Shasta at Minyards and even then that was more towards the late 90s.

I knew the product exist, but never saw it sold here.

>> No.469983

where you buy these anymore?

not to drink, obviously

>> No.470006
File: 321 KB, 1600x1200, supermario-bubblegum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys remember this ?
The Sonic candy was okay, but the gamegear bubblegum tasted lame...

>> No.470114

Yeah, I remember those. I bought one from the corner store circa 1997. The gum was pretty unremarkable and I remember playing with the game gear pretending like it was a real game gear because I didn't have a one. Man I was a pretty sad kid back in the day

>> No.470142

I got some that were genesis controllers instead of game gears.

>> No.470170

Is there anywhere to but these damn things besides ice cream trucks?

>> No.470178
File: 117 KB, 800x400, Gumball_Eyes_FTW_by_anniemae04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.470196


I'd love me some Toadstool cherry, if you know what I mean.

>> No.470225

It doubles as the santa one.

>> No.470248

peach was her name in the old nes days right?


>> No.470275 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 400x327, 6529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only experience with an Ice Cream truck, was buying a Pikachu Popsicle that was pretty much exactly like the Sonic ones. I tried to find a picture of it but they only one's I could find were all of Pikachu, the one i had was just his head, and instead of bubblegum eyes, it had two giant sprinkles for cheeks. it tasted like shit.

I also have some Pokemon Chap-stick from 1998 somewhere around here. My mom carried it in her purse for years, and never threw it away for some reason.

>> No.470304

Sup fewllow DFWfag.

Never heard of it until 2008-ish when I saw a box in my friends trunk. He said he bought fucktons of it at Sam's because it's cheaper than their bulk Dr. Pepper.
its just slightly sweeter off-brand Dr. Pepper

>> No.470442 [DELETED] 


>> No.470568

These popsicles look deliciuosly awfull

>> No.470649
File: 26 KB, 208x349, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond.. if anyone knows or has a hint

>> No.470658

I really wish I could find this stuff.

I just want it for MUH NOSTALGIA

>> No.470668

No idea
The "unopened pop cans from the 80's" market doesn't get enough action to figure out where to buy them

>> No.470684
File: 131 KB, 500x333, GIRLS 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they never got the pupils right and one would be way too high the other way too low making him look retarded

Also fuck sonic those things were disgusting, bought once never bought again.

Fudge bars were the delicious ones.

I don't need my food to look like Sonic The Hedgehog, I just need it to taste good.

But to be fair I did eat the legend of zelda cereal

>> No.470710

yeah, even if it was opened I'd be okay

I just want the peach one.. I'll look around

>> No.470714

Hey fuck yall

I bought these as a kid, and loved them.
The pikachu, the sonic, the demon mario. All.
only the gum was nasty

>> No.470720
File: 88 KB, 338x441, extreme acupuncture!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop cans

>> No.470863



That still sticks in my head to this day. Feels bad that I missed out on everything else, but I loved my mom and stepdad for buying this for my brother and me every fuckin' day.

>> No.470934

>Feels bad that I missed out on everything else

What do you mean?

I played an atari (which used to be my dad's) in 1985, a nintendo in 1989, and a genesis in 1994 which is decent but I never got a gameboy

Also I got the nintendo cereal a couple of times but most of the time I'd get cooooooooooooooookie crisp

>> No.471008 [DELETED] 

Yes amazing britbongs have internet

>> No.471025 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 500x300, Ultros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471047


All the other Nintendo food/drink items, I mean. Having one experience is great, but you know...

>> No.471089

Meh like I said I liked the cereal once or twice but at that age I always went with what tasted better rather than the cartoon stuff

I loved cooooooooookie crisp, and for ice cream I always got fudge bars instead of character ice cream

I always liked the hi-c ecto coolers though but they were just tasty beverages

>> No.471146


Other way around for me, anon. I was sick of Cookie Crisp and many other cereals(except S'mores), so when the Nintendo cereal came around, my bro and I were on it.

I do remember those ecto coolers as well...can't help but think they changed the mix halfway through its market run though, because it never tasted good after a certain point...

>> No.471149
File: 148 KB, 483x640, NQnqn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting these as a kid.

>> No.471163

>it never tasted good after a certain point

you grew up, anon

you grew up

>> No.471181

Fuck, I had that sonic and one of those Game Gears. I remember I also got a couple of Gameboy packs with gum/cards like the game gear there.

>> No.471194


>> No.471241


Pac Man and Donkey Kong Scratch off Cards, all the ATARI ads all over my school, the computer lab was filled w/ Atari computers, we got stickers, buttons, tshirts. every other commercial 82 - 84 was games. hell there was a cartoon block of rubiks cube, Pac Man, and Donkey Kong - even Q*Bert had a show- then it was KIDD FUCKING VIDEO !!!!!

>> No.471271



I've been trying find a picture of this shit for years but couldn't ever remember what company it came from.

My mom would always buy it for us when we went to the grocery store (dat vitamin C yo). That and the Kraft Mac & Cheese.

>> No.471285


I think Fresca is kind of an east coast thing. I never knew about it either.

>> No.471337


I had this t-shirt as a kid but it was black.

I had the Sonic plush toy as well. I begged my parents for it but they could never find one. Then finally it turned up at the Software etc. (what we had before gamestop) and she got it for me for a birthday/Christmas one day. I was elated.

>> No.471651


Like hell I did! I imagine what you MEANT to say was, "My taste buds changed," which is likely true. Ah well.

>> No.471729 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 427x349, pokemonpasta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471730

>Sadly people praise this consumer marketing culture pushed hard as fuck on kids

...Who, exactly? The huge crackdown on that sort of shit is exactly why there was a good ten seven or so years where cartoons just blew ass and the only thing decent for kids to watch was poorly translated animu because all American cartoons consisted of little kids on a playground doing absolutely nothing. It's also part of why Saturday morning cartoons are no longer a big thing.

>> No.471773


Nope, Ecto Cooler has pretty much always been the same, and lived on long after The Real Ghostbusters was not longer on TV. Eventually it was rebranded to a generic Hi-C drink, and then it was phased out. The only way to get it now is to make it yourself, or go find the Ghostbusters guys at conventions, they usually have a cooler of it.

>> No.471863


Don't forget the retarded morals they tried to instill at the end of every episode.

Like Inspector Gadget telling you to eat your vegetables or remember to buckle your seat belt or what the fuck ever else.

>> No.471876
File: 40 KB, 565x542, The Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now, to be fair, if it weren't for that, we wouldn't have "So now you know, and knowing is half the battle!"

>> No.471895

>It's also part of why Saturday morning cartoons are no longer a big thing.

You mean kids nowadays don't wake up at 6 am on saturday mornings to catch the lineup?

What the fuck's this world coming to?

I got up at 6 am to catch Mr. Bogus,
then watch the bugs bunny and tweety show
then my favorite sonic the hedgehog animated
sometimes I'd watch Super Mario 3 or World
then I'd move on to reruns of reboot
Bump in the night,
Ninja Turtles
Garfield & Friends

seriously saturday morning was a major event for me

What the fuck do kids do nowadays?

>> No.471910


They're too busy facebooking, texting, and forgetting to enjoy childhood.

>> No.471916 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 608x640, MOTHERFUCKINGTOGEPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me of something else.
Welch's had these cool as fuck jars once, and what was great was that you could clean them out once you ate all the jelly and use it like a cup.

What I hated the most was that the flavor of the jelly was fucking Grape flavored. I hate grape-flavored things, it reminded me of Dimetapp, but fuck it all, I wanted the Togepi and Squirtle jars.

>> No.471928

You mean they didn't have strawberry?


>> No.471930 [DELETED] 


God I wish they still had character labeled jelly jars. The world is just no fun now.

>> No.471943


..Reruns of ReBoot? Dude, ReBoot came out way, way after all of that shit, except Sonic SATAM and Bump in the Night. In fact, ReBoot was pretty much the last good Saturday morning cartoon for a long ass time, probably up until the WB's reboot of TMNT.

>> No.471939

Dunno about your kids, but mine get up at 7 am and turn on Spongebob or the Wii. Saturday Morning Variety shows are dead on the big 3, but that doesn't mean kids aren't having fun. They were doing that before we had televisions, y'know.

>> No.471960

lead paint.

>> No.471962


I don't have kids and hope to god I never do.

People tell me it's the "greatest thing ever" but I will call any of them a goddamn liar. I'm satisfied with my siblings having them for now because I don't have the burden of raising them myself.

>> No.471952 [DELETED] 

The psyduck one broke

>> No.471968

>lead paint
>on the outside of a jelly jar

Can lead diffuse through glass?

>> No.471973

Retarded children's tongues can.

>> No.471974 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x379, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471978


It's the 21st century.

If we can't find a way to get paint on jelly jars without the risk of lead poisoning we should just give up collectively as a species.

>> No.471987
File: 414 KB, 786x484, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471998

I mean I watched all those shows over the span of my childhood, from oh around 1987 to 1993, 6-12 give or take

This included a pretty eclectic bunch of cartoons, some not on saturday morning of course

I watched Mazinger Z, HeMan and thundercats when I was a little 5-6 year old, and scooby doo

Then I moved on to Ninja Turtles around 1989 I want to say

Then in the early 90's that's when I got into Sonic

Btw videogame shows in my eyes could do no wrong when I was little

Even captain N was epic as fuck to me, loved the Zelda Cartoon and was ACTUALLY DISAPPOINTED THAT OOT LINK DID NOT ACT LIKE THE CARTOON LINK (yeah I just now realize how horrible that would have been)

My childhood encompassed a lot of cartoons

Ducktales, Darkwing duck,

>> No.472028 [DELETED] 

>being born in 1981
>even existing in the 80s at all
>using 4chan
I shiggidy diggidy

>> No.472041 [DELETED] 


You're on /vr/.

Don't be surprised by the age of some of the denizens. This is the old fuck board if there ever was one.

>> No.472042 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm 32 so what

it's a retro board, you'd be surprised how many guys on this board are in their 30's

>> No.472052 [DELETED] 

and on the plus side this also means there's a lot of brotherhood here

I've noticed distinct lack of HURRR I'M BEING A NEWFAG AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME here

>> No.472048 [DELETED] 

>thinking all people who are on /vr/ are 20-somethings like you

No. Get out.

>> No.472067 [DELETED] 


I'm 24 and that post still struck me as odd.

When you see shit like the atari and colecovision being discussed you have to know there are people on here in their thirties.

>> No.472073 [DELETED] 

The average age of the board is about 21. By 4chan standards, that's pretty old.

>> No.472093 [DELETED] 

>thinking the guy you're talking to is in his 20s
>implying not 16

>> No.472082 [DELETED] 


I only had the Winnie the pooh ones... ;_;

>> No.472084 [DELETED] 

>When you see shit like the atari and colecovision being discussed you have to know there are people on here in their thirties

That would imply said consoles magically stopped existing in 1985

>> No.472105 [DELETED] 

>When you see shit like the atari and colecovision being discussed you have to know there are people on here in their thirties

And then again, if I went on /o/ and discussed 57 Chevys, does that mean I'm like 60?

>> No.472115 [DELETED] 


I wasn't attempting to imply that.

It's just that most people born after that don't give a shit about those consoles. That was back when a console couldn't come close at all to the quality of an arcade cabinet.

So I can assume this place is overflowing with hipsters or there are some older people on here. I don't make the standard /v/ assumption of considering everybody who likes games/consoles like that to be a hipster.

>> No.472124 [DELETED] 


Apples and oranges.

>> No.472127 [DELETED] 

Yeah but the newer kids weren't around in the Atari's heyday

In fact I missed its heyday as well because I was a drooling baby before 1985

The only reason I know Atari is because my dad owned one and I played pacman, indiana jones, word blaster, rubix cube, etc at the tender age of 5 or 6

>> No.472140 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gameboy Shampoos smelled awesome and were pretty fun and novel.

>> No.472154 [DELETED] 

Now, I was cognitive for the NES, Genesis, and SNES eras, and like I said you wouldn't understand if you didn't live through those system's heydays

I saw the dawn of 3d gaming, pushing aside the fake future promise of FMV games

I saw pokemon come and go but of course I never got into it because I was chasing skirts at the time

>> No.472149

>It's just that most people born after that don't give a shit about those consoles

Actually though, there's no good games on pre-NES consoles.

>So I can assume this place is overflowing with hipsters

There really isn't all that much discussion about 2nd gen consoles compared to NES and later for the above-mentioned reason. I mean, how much can you say about Galaxian?

>or there are some older people on here

Yes, about 3-4 manchildren who live in their mom's basement.

>> No.472161
File: 104 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameboy Bubblebath. It smelled awesome and it was pretty cool.

>> No.472163 [DELETED] 

eh, I dont know, /m/, /tg/ and /k/ might average out to be older than us.
I know for a fact that <21 is the minority on /k/, I think their average age is like somewhere in the 25-23 range. But the last time we had a census, some faggots reset their IP and voted as 12 year old girls, so that estimate is about a year-year and a1/2 old.

>> No.472175 [DELETED] 


You're being rather guilty of making those foolish /v/ assumptions I mentioned.

There are productive and self-sustaining members of society on this site, mind you. This place is not limited to the gutter dwellers of the world.

>> No.472178 [DELETED] 

/v/ is about 15-16. That's pretty well established. I'd think /o/, /g/, and /k/ may be the oldest boards. Perhaps also /out/.

>> No.472169 [DELETED] 

>The only reason I know Atari

Of course any schmuck can go on Wikipedia and learn all they want. But then they'll just find that gaming didn't really begin until the NES.

>> No.472186

I'm one of said hipsters and I sometimes enjoy discussing Atari era stuff although it doesn't get much interest compared to NES and up.

>> No.472187

>Actually though, there's no good games on pre-NES consoles.

River Raid mother fucker, you best check yourself son.

>> No.472190 [DELETED] 

>Of course any schmuck can go on Wikipedia and learn all they want.

ah but they'll never know the details like I do

Like for example do you know how to make it to where Atari Pacman has only 1 ghost?

Only those of us who lived through it know things like this

I can tell the fakers when I see them.

>> No.472194 [DELETED] 

>There are productive and self-sustaining members of society on this site
Does taking pics of your niece for a child modeling website count as productive?

>> No.472210 [DELETED] 

I bet you don't know why VIC-20 Pac-Man has detailed fruit in Levels 1-2 and colored blocks afterwards.

>> No.472203 [DELETED] 

>Like for example do you know how to make it to where Atari Pacman has only 1 ghost?

2600 or 5200 Pac-Man?

>> No.472206 [DELETED] 


>I saw this one thing on here one time so everybody does it

What the hell are you even on about?

>> No.472218 [DELETED] 

2600 I never played a 5200

Also my dad had the fuckhuge wireless controllers with a giant 1-foot antenna sticking out of them, heavy as fuck and gobbled batteries like crazy, and the signal didn't work right half the time and you had to constantly point it at the receiver

>> No.472215 [DELETED] 

>I saw pokemon come and go but of course I never got into it because I was chasing skirts at the time

that was the ultimate babe magnet, didn't you know?

>> No.472229 [DELETED] 

oh you mad the party van is coming to bust up your Captain Planet studio

But that's ok. We're all freaks and pedos on here.

>> No.472234

>The huge crackdown on that sort of shit
... what crackdown? Was there some cultural influence that led to this change?

>> No.472238 [DELETED] 

yeah see we don't care if you're 30 or 50, but it is silly when you try to take the moral high ground and pretend you're a normalfag (if you were, you wouldn't be here)

>> No.472245 [DELETED] 


Speak for yourself.

Did /v/ or /b/ get too boring for you cupcake?

>> No.472241

I had some stuff like that, it wasnt a gameboy though. I think it was sanic themed, but I'm not sure. Sega had a lot of random Sonic stuff put out like that, bath products and the like. Makes you wonder how many kids rubbed their balls on a Sonic shaped luffa or something.

I've got some Sonic happy/kids meal toys I can take pictures of if anyone's interested.

>> No.472254
File: 56 KB, 375x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is about Retro video game merchandising, not a shitstorm on whose the retro video game Methuselah and who was wearing diapers when you were pushing quarters in the cabinets back in the day. STAY FOCUSED.

Now check out this awesome Mario Shampoo. He's rockin the clean funky fresh afro.

>> No.472250 [DELETED] 

note that he doesn't deny being a basement dwelling pedo

>> No.472262 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I know more retro game stuff than this guy

>> No.472257 [DELETED] 


To deny is to imply.

Stop trolling.

>> No.472272 [DELETED] 

Not that guy, but it was because he got paid a shit ton of money before the game was even finished, so he didnt bother with the rest right?
I dont know if thats correct or not, as I wasn't even alive back then.

>> No.472268 [DELETED] 


>> No.472279 [DELETED] 

meant to reply to

>> No.472284

>there's no good games on pre-NES consoles
What Americans actually believe

>> No.472285 [DELETED] 

You mean VIC-20 Pac-Man. Kind of. The original programmer quit and some other dude took over.

>> No.472293

You didn't even have consoles in the Atari era, Yurop

>> No.472303 [DELETED] 


>> No.472304 [DELETED] 

For example, why is the NES Double Dragon missing two player mode?

>> No.472298

vectrex doesnt count, as there's only a handful of games for it.

>> No.472329 [DELETED] 

Or what is the cheat code in Amiga New Zealand Story that gives you 30 lives

>> No.472336 [DELETED] 

I don't know

That's the kind of thing I'd have to research

I LIVED through the era, I didn't know why things like this happened

If I had to guess it would be because of hardware limitations or poor programming knowledge

I didn't own an amiga

>> No.472349 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 419x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.472350 [DELETED] 

>or poor programming knowledge

*BZZZT* We have a winner

This was only the second Technos game for the NES and the programmers were too green to attempt it (which also explains DD's high number of bugs)

>I didn't own an amiga

Neither have I, but...


>> No.472351

But that's wrong you retard.jpeg
Who say nigga there were good games you are just to young to remeber

>> No.472368

>there were good games you are just to young to remeber
I didn't say they were bad, just that there's only like what, 20 of them? Also, its not that I was too young, its that I didn't exist yet.

to get back on topic, anyone care enough to make me pull out muh sanic toy's? food grease smears are a package bonus!

>> No.472373

>mfw he also doesn't know why the Dumbwaiter and Electroshock levels in Atari Jumpman Jr were changed to Fire, Fire, and Sreddal on the C64

>> No.472375
File: 15 KB, 373x182, super-mario[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok ok keep your pants on asshole


these were my favorite mcdonald's toys ever

I had the goomba that jumped and Luigi but I tried so hard to get the jumping mario but I never got him :(

>> No.472386
File: 18 KB, 270x390, asteroidsxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 posts
>no halloween costumes

>> No.472392
File: 91 KB, 640x404, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do.
I had the Earthworm Jim with Pocket Rocket and Monster Pete Action Figures (they are in a storage shed.)

>> No.472412 [DELETED] 

Ah see you're not that good.

There are two kinds of retrogamers:

1. Guys who have an encyclopedic knowledge about games and technical aspects of consoles

>> No.472426
File: 20 KB, 375x500, Super-Mario-Bros.-Kraft-Macaroni-Cheese-Nintendo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis schtuff

>> No.472436
File: 74 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lgxid2lw2R1qfw6wlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nom

>> No.472442 [DELETED] 

Where do people who just like playing old games go?

>> No.472459 [DELETED] 

leave /vr/ and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

>> No.472461 [DELETED] 

>or there are some older people on here
>Yes, about 3-4 manchildren who live in their mom's basement


this thread apparently has an entire bunch of dudes born <1986

>> No.472484 [DELETED] 

Protip: It's two guys samefagging


>> No.472568 [DELETED] 

Protip: not everyone is as massive of a faggot as you are


>> No.472567 [DELETED] 

I would be the guy that lived through the period and played the games but I never did research on them or anything

>> No.472603 [DELETED] 

/b/ isn't exactly mainstream since nobody posts there after their first month on 4chan.

>> No.472706

Did you ever notice the Kraft shit shaped like stuff was always that much better than the normal pasta since the shapes grabbed more of the fake/real Kraft cheese powder? Loved this shit.

>> No.472719

Yes they were the best.

>> No.472729 [DELETED] 

These days. I remained there for two years from early 05 to 07. It went downhill fast. I stopped even visiting there around 08. Can't imagine anyone wanting to stay there long these days.

>> No.473237 [DELETED] 

>implying I was referring only to /b/
/v/, /a/, /vg/, /s4s/, /pol/, /b/, /r9k/, /soc/, /g/, /mu/, and possibly /sp/+/fit/+/fa/ but I've never been to those boards so dunno.
This kind of shit doesn't really happen on the other non-porn boards, like; /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /co/, and /diy/ to name a few.

I'm pretty sure /x/ has a lot of samefagging, but thats the nature of the boards topic, same with /w/ and /wg/.

>> No.473384 [DELETED] 

>not turtle soup

>> No.473437

Frankly, the state of Sonic popsicles and Sonic games are just about exactly the same.

>> No.473817

That shit had the best advert.

>> No.473825


I would pay so much for one of those mario noses right now. They were cherry flavored.

>> No.473929

do it fagget

>> No.474028

I also was shocked to see that. I was at E3 in 08 and flipped my shit when an ice cream guy came around downtown LA peddling ice cream. I had to fucking get one.

>> No.474036
File: 134 KB, 333x500, black ron pearlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too :|

>> No.474487

>You mean kids nowadays don't wake up at 6 am on saturday mornings to catch the lineup? What the fuck's this world coming to?

You can mostly blame 4kids and the wider acceptance of Satellite and Cable for that one

>> No.474513 [DELETED] 

Still doesn't stop people from thinking that the entirety of 4chan is just a bunch of loli licking douchebag manchildren

>> No.474959
File: 118 KB, 460x368, the-super-mario-bros-super-show-volume-1-20060125034112255-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't remember their original airings on saturday mornings, but anyone remember watching those Mario series on The Family Channel? The only thing worth watching on that network, ever.
They would put The Super Show/Adventures of SMB3/Super Mario World on at random every weekday around 5 PM, and I would always be disappointed if it wasn't SMB3/SMW. I hated those cheesy live action segments in SMBSS.
I flipped through a few episodes on Netflix recently, and, it hasn't aged well. At least that song is still fun to listen to, sort of.

>> No.475003

im 37

song hurt then 25 yrs ago -

i ain't even gonna fire it up now.

-bye captain lou.

>> No.475052

"While we attempt to pull an inane resolution to this absurd situation out of asses go watch some Legend of Zelda clips."

Fuck I miss my childhood...

>> No.475124

You know what was weird? The guests they would have on the live-action segments of the series. Partially because the 80's had real-life celebrity guest stars for everything. Fucking Sgt. Slaughter was on both GI Joe and Mario. Would have confused the fuck out of me, or made me want a GI mushroom kingdom game.

>> No.475189
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 090812-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.475235


>> No.476104
File: 1.06 MB, 2536x3381, 1324961177637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.476129

that's creepy as balls

>> No.476130
File: 39 KB, 375x500, zLadder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.476139
File: 87 KB, 456x286, 1358644597464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.476157 [DELETED] 

northern monkey britbongs, get it right

>> No.476160
File: 524 KB, 1000x1200, Nintendo1991Calendar-09-August.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.479280

I kind of want that Wario one.

>> No.479982

Anyone have merch from the Nintendo Power catalogs?

I always wanted to buy a carrying case for my N64 games, but my mom was wary of ordering anything via mail back then so I missed my chance.

>> No.480198

Remember when Samus Aran was the scuba-diver ghost from Scooby Doo? And why the fuck do they put a Skree instead of a Metroid in this?

>> No.480548
File: 80 KB, 540x515, sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.480695

I can't find any pictures of them, but there were these really good ice cream sandwiches that promoted Super Mario World. They were with vanilla shortbread instead of chocolate, and they had detailed molds of the characters on them.

>> No.480731

I've still got mine, complete with the hat. That thing was the most un-plush plush ever created. You could murder someone with that head of his.

>> No.481370 [DELETED] 


How in the fuck did I miss the Pokemon ones? I used to get those cartoon jellies all the time as a child. The designs on these are actually pretty nice.

>> No.482079

>Bump in the night
>Ninja Turtles
I, oh my god. I, I think you just gave me an nostalgia attack.

On topic now: Anybody ever have those NES controller mints? Those shitty chalk like mints?

>> No.482173

The only things I can remember getting were a little GBA willed with gummies, I think, at Blockbuster. The cool part was, there were notches for holding a GBA game firmly in it.
Another thing was this hard candy I got at a gas station that was shaped like an H and came with a red plastic ladder, and you would put it on top and watch the candy fall along the rungs, kinda like >>476130
The thing that made you buy more than one pack at a time was the fact that the ladders stacked, so potentially you could make one taller than you were yourself and prolong the momentary joy of watching a candy fall to the floor as you tried to catch it right before it fell off.

>> No.483557
File: 37 KB, 320x240, merch41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had pic related.

You had a chance to win a Gameboy.

>> No.487891
File: 399 KB, 320x240, 0_0-0u0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real?

>> No.487963
File: 20 KB, 370x370, 1347584377578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rock eye candies were shredded into shards and cutting their throats as they drank it

>> No.488087

Also Alabama....
Shasta is a dollar tree thing. It' been relabeled Tiki Punch and other shit over the years. Fresca can be found at Mexican stores in the glass bottles. For some reason all of our US Fresca is a diet drink..

>> No.488169

Some of my favorite toys growing up. I still have Goomba and Mario, but lost the Parakoopa :(

>> No.488176

I only ever had Luigi and I think I still have some, somewhere. It was always fun to see the weird patterns he'd race in, because he didn't race in a straight line.

>> No.488232

Now those were delicious. I believe they made those in WWF wrestlers as well.

>> No.488297 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 720x960, imeanbulbasaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one gathering dust

>> No.488335
File: 27 KB, 256x271, sfwatch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ate enough cereal to get one :(

>> No.488338 [DELETED] 

I have a couple of those "gold" Pokemon cards that, I think, BK, gave out years ago. The cards came in the ball.

>> No.488369

>Eyes were always stale and rock hard
That's because they are chewing gums

>> No.488387

That's awesome anon!

>> No.488407

Man, that looks fuckin' delicious.

>> No.488420

This maccaroni cheese thing never got to germany. although kraft is a german company

>> No.488421
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x1840, 2012-11-09_18-35-39_262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to comment on the Shasta discussion earlier, in NY I saw it once in a blue moon, then I visited my sister in Phoenix and found this in Winco.

This picture doesn't fully cover it, also found Gorilla Munch

>> No.488438 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 946x557, 123854908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is about 4x more expensive, but it come with those little shit, so it sell like water in the desert.
In the Hue country

>> No.488443 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 453x390, tumblr_m82bp6MgnO1rxdlzto1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.488451

>yes were always stale and rock hard
>That's because they are chewing gums
do what i do buy one on ebay and then tell people you did

>> No.488449 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 531x354, 59996267[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coolest kid on the block with these

>> No.488454

I want some motherfucking pop-tarts now.

I swear to god these are why I'm fat now.

>> No.488482
File: 721 KB, 800x507, 800px-Srfx_diecast_f-type_car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always nice to see someone from my neck of the woods on here

Definately want to get those one of these days along with that rare as hell Stunt Race FX car

Also kind of surprised at how long this thread has gone on. Didn't expect it to be all that popular

>> No.488507

the jew that inked this deal probably made so much money


>> No.488585

Those were so awesome.

>> No.488706

These were awesome.
So fuckin awesome

>> No.489441
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1361580835584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every product in this thread

>> No.489482 [DELETED] 

My grandmother bought the sqirtile one because she saw it in the store and thought it looked "cute"
She still has is and uses it a drinking glass.

>> No.489490

Your grandmother has good taste.

>> No.489486

No, it was Toadstool.

>> No.489576 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 500x375, bkgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Gold "Cards" you could get from Burger King back around the release of the Pokemon Movie. I still have a few somewhere, but I'm too lazy to get them out and take pictures.

>> No.489723 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 720x960, A dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those!

That Gold Jiggly Puff!

>> No.489923 [DELETED] 

i had a Pikachu and a Charizard! damn i wish i knew where they were

>> No.489931

I got one of these for Christmas once as a stocking stuffer. I was so excited to take a bath that night. I remember it smelled pretty good too.

>> No.490348

I'm surprised. Maybe its because I'm a poorfag, but I remember drinking Shasta as long as I can remember.

>> No.490368
File: 52 KB, 475x288, Sonic Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting this. Shit was so cash.

>> No.490379 [DELETED] 

Those plastic balls you have there at the bottom are collectible, too, they were recalled after kids kept suffocating.

>> No.490387
File: 146 KB, 950x540, Idolmaster Do It Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a Knuckles one where he's surrounded by a cloud. If you have it too and post an image of it, I will be quite pleased.

>> No.490402

I tore that shit up.

>> No.490423
File: 183 KB, 1280x960, warioplush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cool.

>> No.490430

I want a taste at Sonic's meatballs, they must be tomatoish and juicy, spicy meatballs.

I'm so putting Sonic's balls in my mouth.

No wait, that was the joke. Hah hah hah.

>> No.490440 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, I remember that if you took the Pokeballs back to Burger King, they gave you free fries.

Must have been glorious fries in trade for them pokeballs.

>> No.490442 [DELETED] 

Shit nigga, you remember when KFC made those Pokemon plushies? I really want their Vulpix one.

>> No.490553 [DELETED] 

I had the Zubat one, my mom probably threw it away.

>> No.490567
File: 57 KB, 398x297, il_fullxfull.380954787_fnjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these at a flea market a while back. I collect retro Nintendo merchandise, and this is by far the most ridiculous thing in my collection. (pic is from etsy, not mine)

>> No.490585

It would be right at home with a Krusty the Clown endorsement.

>> No.490601


Angry birdies... EVERYWHERE, and nothing else

>> No.490602
File: 201 KB, 600x450, 1345348159484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading goddamn pokeballs
>for shitty BK fries
I feel sorry for any kids that actually did that.

>> No.490719

Made with real hedgehog?

>> No.490772


>> No.491778 [DELETED] 

As a kid I always wanted to have an original pokeball to roleplay. We didn't get them here at Burger King. I was mad

>> No.491859 [DELETED] 

This is just creepy.

>> No.492201
File: 13 KB, 158x190, Mariolbathtubrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492518
File: 12 KB, 322x248, DK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god! I remember this! My mom got this for me from AVON. It did smell good!

>> No.492559

>Dr. Shasta
>Mountain Rush
What is this, like bootleg soda?

>> No.492607 [DELETED] 


In elementary when Pokemon first came out, it sweeped my school with a fever unlike any other. We used to play Pokemon in the field during recess. And by Pokemon, I mean pretending to play as Pokemon.

We would pick a Pokemon and play fight as that Pokemon during recess. I was always Bulbasaur. I remember saying "Bulba! Bulbasaur!" loudly while my other friends would say "Squirtle squir!" and whatnot, then we would charge at each other pretend fight.

I remember some girls laughing at us once. When I look back at it, we must've looked retarded as all hell. All ten of us.

>> No.492657 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 260x260, 108884405-260x260-0-0_hasbro+pokemon+plush+beanie+baby+poliwhirl+61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my fondest childhood memories was on my birthday in Kindergarten.

It was an ordinary Kindergarten day until my mom walked in with one of these in the box with some balloons tied on it. I was so goddamn excited. It was my favorite thing and I would sleep with it for years to come.

I think that Halloween was when my brother and I both went as Poliwhirl too: we wore blue sweats with eyes and a the spiral cut out and sewed onto the sweat shirt. Shit was so cash

>> No.492671

>be 7
>at the pool
>ice cream man shows up
>little kid points to mario ice cream "MOMMY I WANT THE ONE WITH THE CLOWN"
>all of my rage
>sticks with me forever
>mfw I was only 7 and the kid was probably 4 but goddammit did it grind my gears

>> No.492675 [DELETED] 


>raging hard at a 4 year old
It's like you were destined to be here.

>> No.492690
File: 51 KB, 325x398, Super-Mario-Bros-macaroni-cheese-whatever-happened-to-25268750-325-398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a hick
>Live in the country and have a few friends
>Have an NES
>Friends don't have video games
>See Super Mario Macaroni and Cheese in the grocery store when I go shopping with my mother
>See Mario's cape
>Forever think of it as the Macaroni Cape
>tfw I finally played Super Mario World

I don't know why, but that whole experience blew my mind.

>> No.492710

Look at everyone having fun while Peach falls to her death.

>> No.492719


Toad merrily commits suicide after he hears his princess plummet to her death

>> No.492731 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 465x650, fake-pokemoncards-mrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are coming home from soccer practice
>tfw you stop at the local convenience store with your parents
>"Pick out a toy, Anon", you mother says
>You spy some Pokemon trading cards
>You never knew this shit existed until now
>You've played Pokemon Blue, but no one else at school had a Game Boy or the games
>Enamoured with your find, you choose the cards
>tfw you take them to school the next day
>tfw you're the coolest kid in school for one day
>tfw the next day everyone has a deck of Pokemon trading cards
>tfw everyone starts watching the cartoon and buying the toys
>tfw it turns our your cards were those were purple decoy cards produced by the Chinese
>tfw you single-handedly started a cultural trend in your town

>> No.492735

ya know, i've only played zero mission, not the original. i've unlocked the original in every fucking metroid that was out and included it at the time, but fuck was it hard. I always wanted to see what that kraid battle was like, but i'm the type of person who refuses to look stuff like that up on youtube.

>> No.492745 [DELETED] 

dem crunchy pokeman sprinkles

>> No.492740

>An adventure in every box

Is that so?

>> No.492746


It's in print! It's gotta be true!

>> No.492757 [DELETED] 

I wish i could go back in time and kick my own ass. My older bro had almost all of these, and I was a little shit and would steal them and end up losing them

>> No.492768

I've never felt more at home until i found this board, anon

>> No.492770


Shit I forgot all about these.

The two on the right are those homosexual new sonic ones so fuck that. I used to get the one on the left.

>> No.492774
File: 33 KB, 250x323, super telephonio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492779

ha. my lil bro had the mario kart phone

>> No.492780


I guess so if you wanted to prove that-

A. you were poor and shopped at payless shoes and
B. you were too retarded to tie your own shoes.

>> No.492781

That thing was fucking LOUD and I don't mean Mario talking

>> No.492782


Nah, you're fat because you have no discipline or self-control.

>> No.492793
File: 88 KB, 900x676, Wing_Cap_Mario_Plush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't run around holding it

>> No.492791


The west coast goes balls to the wall with Shasta.

The east coast has......Fresca or some crap.

>> No.492794



>> No.492802


I still have one of these collecting dust somewhere.

No, I didn't run around with it. I think it even still has the tag fully intact.

>> No.492807


I have the psychotic dog.

I didn't even like earthworm jim so it came as sort of a surprise on my birthday one year. If it hadn't been for the packaging I never would have know what game it was from.

>> No.492808

You've never been to a local/state supermarket?
This sort of thing is extremely common. They always have some sort of store brand.

>> No.492820
File: 61 KB, 582x436, smb_lb_th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad came home with this one day and I nearly shit myself.

>> No.492848
File: 3 KB, 224x225, Coin Sweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in September last year, I went to Euro gamer (britfag here), and they had pic related for sale. They had others as well, including a Star, and a NES controller, I think they may have had a 1up as well, but I'm not sure.

Britian never seems to get some retro vidya sweets as far as I know, only thing retro around here are the Ice Cream trucks that are called "SUPER MARIO" and have pictures of Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser on the truck.

>> No.492854 [DELETED] 

we have shasta over here. the fruit punch shasta is the best flavor.

also, is it me or does pokemon have 0 integrity and is easily the most marketed franchise ever?

>> No.492856

They have loads of those in Forbidden Planet in London. Theres Zelda Shields and Various Pac-Man characters and Atari Joysticks filled with candy too.

>> No.492861 [DELETED] 

I've got one of Dratini. Love that thing to death, but to be frank, I'd would have loved to have had one of Ditto even more

Also have this huge ass Bulbasaur that I won at a Carnival

>> No.492862


You have a chav movement instead of a hipster movement. As hated as hipsters are they really brought retro gaming to the forefront in the states.

Enjoy your adidas jumpsuits and false gold chains.

>> No.492864
File: 168 KB, 640x480, 5223893155_ef419261e1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a super mario walkman, can't find a picture of one online anywhere.

I used to have one of these Mario helicopter car things too.

>> No.492873
File: 56 KB, 582x436, lunchbox_smb2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE the early mario merchandise and art

I had this lunchbox but it broke


>Mario playing Zelda 2 in his spare time

>dat holding an NES controller like a WiiMote

>> No.492886



>> No.492891

Shame it's obscured.

>> No.492901
File: 340 KB, 1500x1125, il_fullxfull.211824139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah! I had this version, and was the envy of all of first grade (for some reason I was the only one that had one.)

>> No.492920
File: 114 KB, 820x720, ocimage.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to collect these. Each of the cards had a scratch off game related to the various titles. My favorite one I recall was probably Punchout.

Really simple stuff, but then again I was such a little Nintendo whore back in the day.

>> No.492925
File: 118 KB, 900x1500, u feel mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ha, that's cool, I should check it out.


Oh no, we're getting the Hipster Movement now, but not for vidya, or if it is, it hasn't passed the Gameboy Color yet, the chav movement died down when Argos started to price that shit a bit higher.

>> No.492926


I knew I didn't dream it, I think there was a pretty good version of it on one of Nintendo Powers that dealt with Zelda 2

fuck, why is it so hard to find

>> No.492929

I had the 88 or 89 version. shit was cash

>> No.492927

Oh, I didn't realize someone had already posted one. MARIO LUNCHBOXERS UNITE. We definitely reigned over the recess area (when it wasn't closed off because of black widows)

>> No.492935

Fuck me running I used to own one of those! Best watch ever. Damn thing broke and got thrown away though. I miss that watch.

>> No.492941 [DELETED] 

I wonder how many older sisters and mothers sprayed that over their clits.

>> No.492953 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 303x312, timf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492984 [DELETED] 

me too

>> No.493018

The Nintendo Cereal System.

>> No.493087

Ah, WinCo. That's where I always got my Shasta cola.

Mountain Rush is better than Mountain Dew.

>> No.493124

>>liking Mario 3 and Mario World over Super Show

They all suck now though.

>> No.494115 [DELETED] 

Oh man, the best Burger King toys were the Pokemon ones. Mostly because there were a shitton of them

>> No.494136

Did any of you guys have this? My half-brother had it, and I remember having fun fucking around on it when I was a kid,

>> No.494139
File: 55 KB, 500x428, Zelda Watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, I forgot the pic.

>> No.494551
File: 39 KB, 440x739, Nelsonic-SuperMarioWorld[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but as a young bully I beat up a kid and took his super mario world watch

it was fun to play

>> No.496315


>> No.496416 [DELETED] 



>> No.496431 [DELETED] 

No this is Tony

The guy I stole it from is named Kevin

Back in the 4th grade I was a bigger guy but now I see him on Facebook and he's like twice my size lol

wouldn't fuck with him now

>> No.496438

I had this kickass Mario choose your own adventure book. It had something to do with a radio station making people switch brains.

>> No.496440

I got one of those at a zoo I went to.
One of the eyes was in the center of his forehead, and the other was in that center spike of hair.
Apparently they have really crap quality control for these things.

>> No.496448
File: 170 KB, 400x400, wtf am I reading mexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read that

Yeah have you ever been so confused that you turn into a mexican clown?

>> No.496478

I loved that book to death. If I knew where it was I would go read it again right now. I remember getting freaked out as a kid at the ending where Luigi gets his brain switched with a goldfish and is trapped forever.

>> No.496504

I've bought two parakoopas and a goomba at the Goodwill before for 50 cents each. The didn't work but were pretty nice to have.

>> No.496532

I'd buy it for a laugh.

>> No.496520 [DELETED] 

That's where I first heard about Pokemon, and Vulpix was the one I got.

>> No.496562 [DELETED] 

I still have my Gold Charizard Pokeball.

>> No.496563

>you'll never have a plush lugidildo

>> No.496568 [DELETED] 

Wasn't there a Mewtwo one?

>> No.496565

I guess I could call it a... Luigildo?

>> No.496591

I still have the normal Mario one. I remember seeing the Wing Caps, but I can't call to mind if I owned one.

>> No.496598 [DELETED] 

Those things were so great and I lots of the different kinds. It bums me out that my mom gave them away, I at least want a clefairy or my ratty old squirtle that I took everywhere and his teal skin became grey. Oh well, some less fortunate kids had those bitchin' toys after me.

>> No.496662 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 550x730, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pokemon Snap cabinets at Blockbusters that printed stickers of pictures you took was the coolest shit ever. I've still got the squitle and charmander cards that me and my bro had respectively.

>> No.496705
File: 45 KB, 600x449, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Famicon universal T.V. remote from a Japanese vending machine.

>> No.496738 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, toadally forgot about that. I still have stickers stuck to random things around my house from that.

>> No.496749

I had one of those.

>> No.496820 [DELETED] 

I had a Charmander one up until last year when somebody threw it away. I never ate the jelly. It resembled Motor oil last I saw it.

>> No.496821
File: 27 KB, 412x352, 1351972813862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god why does that make me laugh so hard

His forehead is longer than his entire body

>> No.496828

These were the best ones
>dat tasty frosting and crunchy sprinkles

>> No.496847

There was one kid in my 2nd grade class who had a lunch box with that exact Zelda 2 art on it.
Back then I didn't know what it was because I grew up with a playstation

>> No.496875

No, food just tastes to good, smoking, video games, I manage that all in moderation. But pop-tarts, man, an explosive flavour and then it's gone leaving you desperate for more with shit loads of calories per pop-tart. I ate so many of those fuckers. Once I cut out pop-tarts and started taking synthroid I lost forty pounds in a few months.

Sage for blog-shit.

>> No.497119

I had SO MUCH of these. I'd get them every time I went to the store. Little plastic gamegears and cards everywhere.

>> No.497176
File: 198 KB, 720x960, your deepest nightmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.497194

Someone was selling one of them on eBay a few months ago if I remember right.

Why are Japanese vending machines so cool? Famicom remotes, hot as fuck coffee, pairs of panties, they have fucking everything.

>> No.497221 [DELETED] 

Nintendo should send you a thank you card.

>> No.497263

Wow, you are so delusional.

>> No.497271

I was a 1-2 pack a week smoker,but I cut cigarttes out entirely and now I just smoke a pipe once or maybe twice a week, sometimes not at all.

>> No.497343

How the hell does something like this happen?

>> No.497416
File: 1.11 MB, 403x600, marioadyo7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario bubble bath comic

>> No.497427
File: 28 KB, 261x451, MarioMomotaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario as a badass gangsta.

>> No.497430
File: 62 KB, 575x363, supermario_bubblebath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pic of bubble bath Super Mario products.

>> No.497445
File: 110 KB, 450x379, 7-nail-art-cartoon-graphics-super-mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a product, but it's craft.

It's somewhat a product. Just for creepy nostalgia.

>> No.497523

You could be. Or maybe 40s if you said in your post, I remember my dad driving one. Depends on the words you used. People here describe their first console, or fun times as kids. It's safe to assume most people on here are pretty old by 4chin standards.

>> No.497542

>Taking a bath with clothes completly on
>Mario actually scrubbing his back through his overalls
>Princess ruining what's likely an expensive royal dress

>> No.497576

that princess bubble bath makes me feel comfy for some reason

>> No.497594
File: 698 KB, 1275x1754, Nintendo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all the hipster haters with poor memories, the Nintendo cereal was DELICIOUS.
I grieved when it disappeared from the market.

>> No.497605
File: 27 KB, 300x279, Rare-Nintendo-Super-Mario-Princess-Shampoo-Revlon-300x279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.497608

Mario looks like some kind of proto-Weegee.

>> No.497631

Holy shit you're rite.

>> No.497645

It makes me horny because I'm imagining Peach taking a bath.

>> No.497664

I bet there was once a kid who fapped in the bathtub looking at the bottle and imagining that.

>> No.497675

There was really nothing special about it, aside from the fact that you were eating Nintendo-related child kibble.

Still ate that shit up, along with that TMNT cereal with those silly "ninja nets"

>> No.497834


>>Actually though, there's no good games on pre-NES consoles.

thank fuck someone is not afraid to say this, I've always thought that

all those Atari 2600 games and shit are dated to the point of hilarity, it's like playing a game on a calculator, only pure unbridled nostalgia could make those games in any way appealing

>> No.497898 [DELETED] 


shit, I remember those, I might even have some laying around somewhere, but I can't remember where exactly

remember they recalled the plastic pokeballs because kids could suffocate with them? (some dumb fucking kids)

>> No.497904 [DELETED] 

Fucking everything good and fun got recalled because of dumb fucking kids.

>> No.497912
File: 175 KB, 350x408, Cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true.

What about these delicious bites?

>> No.497919

Sadly, I never got to partake in these. I am too young to have tried them (born 91).

>> No.497925


I remember it tasting like ass

>> No.497937

You mean... you didn't?

>> No.497939
File: 12 KB, 307x200, KiSS Doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first fap was to those KiSS dolls.

>> No.497946

My first fap was to Rouge in SA2 I would go to the chao garden and jump around. Those jiggle physics

>> No.497951
File: 32 KB, 480x640, $T2eC16ZHJHEE9ny2sYlJBRZLfkK4Tg~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my first fap was to the underwear section in this

>> No.497952

oh man...

mine was april from TMNT, but KiSS dolls were probably the first porn (ish) thing I ever got.

>> No.497953

kiss dolls,my fucking nigga there were adult kiss dolls and you could unlock their hidden features somehow

>> No.497962

Right click + cut. Made even the most impossibly clingy pairs of panties come off.

>> No.497973


what the fuck is this? I didnt have the internet as a kid

>> No.497984

Virtual paper dolls. They were once very popular with the anime community. My sisters first got them for the Sailor Moon ones. When I was 12 or so, I discovered the glory that was undressing them.

>> No.498571
File: 34 KB, 300x241, ucc_coffee_evangelion_cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.498575

Sometimes I'm glad the 90s are over

>> No.498582

>Mario helping a kid wash his hair
Oh my god, so creepy let's make an imagemacro of it!

>Peach doing the same
Nothing, it's normal

>> No.501810

There was another way too but I forgot how to do it.

>> No.502047

No way, I would never get this. Nope. No way at all. Who the fuck am I kidding, I'll take ten Reis.

>> No.502096

There was a Bowser one, too. I dont think anyone bought one, but I always wanted it

>> No.504731

/r/mra please go.

>> No.506183
File: 55 KB, 620x387, 164889-ogorki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.506201

I have a Battletoads three-ring binder I found at GW a few years back.

>> No.506219
File: 19 KB, 250x164, 250px-Burger_King_Shield_Spin_Link_Toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had one of these things and I was so mad because why the hell would Link want to kill the Deku Princess

>> No.506249 [DELETED] 

Since we're doing brutally silly marketed shit, maybe you guys can help me

>A pokemon "ball in the goal" game
>Was in plastic shaped like a GameBoy
>It had a removable cart in the back which was Electobuzz (I think), and if you took it out, you couldn't play the game

>> No.506256 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 215x280, 1335979869584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.506267 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 480x640, 84413_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably thinking of these from Burger king, there were a ton of different ones

>> No.506315 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 345x585, PokemonPokeBallBlasterCharmanderCharmeleonCharizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure this is what you're talking about, but it kinds sounds like this.
It came with some pokémon figurines, you were supposed to knock them over with the Gameboy shaped toy that launched a ball on a string.

>> No.506318

Wait, those are DS games in the background.
Those bottles there are probably quite the collector's item.

>> No.506345

>have battle damaged earthworm jim with ejecting chest or whatever
>lose all the removable parts instantly

>> No.506640
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my collection.
Just added the Mario Candy Containers and Mega man E-tank just because.

>> No.506668
File: 573 KB, 800x600, IMG_1229[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Super Mario Bros watch like that

>> No.507186


I still have my box, that where I keep the grass. I had a nes controller too but it got lost

>> No.507290


I have the full set. It was from Nintendo Power. I didn't get the plush multicolored Yoshi set though.