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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4682464 No.4682464 [Reply] [Original]

For its price I think the GB Boy Colour is actually the best Game Boy to start with if you have never owned one before. The screen is bright, the colors are good, and has good contrast and response time, and also the build quality is remarkably similar to Nintendo's own on the original GBC. I love my modded DMG and GBA, but that came at the cost of additional work and expense for the parts.

Short of a Gameboy player with all the trimmings, I'd say it's the best way to experience GBC games on "real" hardware. And I say "real" because it's a full hardware clone and not a system on a chip.

>> No.4682486

Nice advertisement. I hope typing it out was worth the pennies.

>> No.4682497


Best way to play gbc games is on a game boy advance, even if it's not retro

>> No.4682505

Not OP but gbc games color looks all weird and too dark on a gba, even sp. His thing looks like a hunk of junk though.

>> No.4682523
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I have both a modded GBA and a GBBC and I prefer the GBBC for playing GBC games. The screen area is bigger than on a GBA, and the form factor gives me muh nostalgia quotient.

I even did a front light mod for my original Gameboy Color but honestly I was kind of disappointed with the results. For the cost of parts and materials I could have bought a GBBC with change to spare, and the GBBC is a much better experience all around.

I still hold out hope that a viable, seamless GBC backlight screen kit will eventually appear on the scene, but I don't know when that could be. Even if it were to cost $100 I'd probably still spring for it, but the GBBC is the next best thing until then and I only paid $30 for mine.

>> No.4682528

Yeah the front light mod doesn't look bad. I only saw them on unmodded ones. I just use a psp these days.

>> No.4682531

If I want to play gameboy games in the wrong aspect ratio I'll use my PSP

>> No.4682563
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Here's a comparison between my modded GBC and my GBBC.

In all the GBC mod isn't bad but it does take a bit of work and you are probably going to end up with dust specks in it, even if you do it very carefully. I think people have had better results with a GBA SP front light, but that makes expense a bigger problem. I gave a modded GBC to my brother and he liked it just fine, although once I got the GBBC I kind of just boxed up my GBC and haven't played it since.

>> No.4682567

Yeah, one is dim and ugly the other is bright but squished. Meh, I'll stick with psp.

>> No.4682575

PSP is not a bad option, especially on the go. Sucks that the super nintendo emulation is a bit slow but it's still plenty playable.

>> No.4682583

Yeah it's shit for Snes and GBA could be better. It works well for other stuff though.

>> No.4682585

I somehow managed to play through all of Super Metroid on my PSP. Not sure if I would have the patience for that nowardays with how choppy SNES gameplay could be sometimes.

>> No.4682658

Just buy a GBA with a modded backlight or an Gameboy SP lol.

Those two options can play both GBA and GBC games.

I'd actually say skip the GBC and go straight to the GBA for an intro to handheld games...much more hits on the GBA than GBC.

If you want the nostalgia factor then sure, but i sure as hell don't miss those long car rides trying to use the GBC headlight to play games at 3am lol

>> No.4682672

Its that screen. The screen just seems so goddamn wrong.

>> No.4682701
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Actually the aspect ratio isn't any worse than on the Super Gameboy, which is an official piece of Gameboy hardware. Granted you can correct it on the Framemeister but that was not an option in the 90s for the millions of kids who owned one of these.

>> No.4683803

I read somewhere that there are two versions, is true?
what differences do they have?
how do they recognize each other?

>> No.4683819

I think that's just regarding the built-in games.
There are some that have none and some that do have some NES/Fami games preinstalled

>> No.4683820

Get a fucking AGS-101. Unless you want to play a game that uses the IR port and actually use that IR port, at which point the GB Boy is worthless because the IR window doesn't even have an IR device in it.

>> No.4683827

>I still hold out hope that a viable, seamless GBC backlight screen kit will eventually appear on the scene
Impossible due to the color screen. The only reason the original GBA has a backlit mod is because you're just putting an AGS-101 screen in it. A backlight mod in the same way that an original gameboy or a pocket can be modded isn't possible. An entirely new screen would have to be made to do a backlit GBC mod.

>> No.4683828

You do know that the chinese have started producing new 101 screens themselves as well though?
Why do you think there was such a long drought with prices rising like shit for these screens and then suddenly they're everywhere again?
If the chinese start smelling enough money they might throw up an assembly line for some GBC screens

>> No.4683830

That's just resuming production on an already existing product. They'd need to design a completely new product to get a backlit GBC screen.

>> No.4683834
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, IMAG1688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great advertisement OP
I love mine too

>> No.4683848

The son's wife loves it on his Gaming Room!

>> No.4683857

So if I want all the games on it, can I use an SD card or do I have to get a flash cart?

>> No.4683862

Flash cart you filthy pirate.

>> No.4683871


This. Just use an AGS-101. Even an AGS-001 if you're real hard-up on choices.

>> No.4683872

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>> No.4683946

oP, I own a modden N3ds and that's all I need for all of my Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advanced needs.
The correct screen ration (as opposed to the GB Boy's stretched screen) is the ultimate deal sealer for me.

>> No.4684346

Yaaaar~ Harrr me matie, many thankie.

>> No.4684380

You should easily be able to find an AGS-001 for the same price as a GBB - and probably an AGS-101 with a little diligence which I can't possibly imagine worse by any objective metric

>> No.4684386

GB boy has a stretched image. I wouldn't use one if it was free. It's shit

>> No.4685516
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Honestly I'd just shell out the full like $90 to get everything for an AGS-101 modded OG GBA and roll from there.

>> No.4685636

But an AGS-101 should only cost you like 40 bucks, and 20 minutes to solder a wire and shave down your case a bit.

I don't understand why people would buy a pre-made one. It's not a NES RGB mod, it's one wire.

>> No.4686154

A viable backlit GBA mod does exist but it is not available. The guy who made it got sick and isn't selling them anymore, and he is reluctant to sell his designs and/or research to someone else.


Hypothetically someone out there like McWill could design a similar solution but it's a lot of work to get there.

>> No.4686157

finally someone realizes that this was a stealth Team Mini thread.

>> No.4686262
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And then a GBA costs $20-30 (I can't find any local sellers that don't bump it to $40)
I also personally want to get a custom shell, and the full kit for that is ~$50

>> No.4686421

My AGS-101 AGB-001 ended up costing me around $100. (I put it together myself.)