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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 250x288, SystemS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
462068 No.462068 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/ I started playing system shock 2 and I love it. I think it's the old 3-D graphics that really bring me in. Would you recommend some great early 3-D games for the PC?

>> No.462085

Quake 2

>> No.462098

NO. Quake 1 is infinitely better.

>> No.462112

Now downloading!

>> No.462182

Shadow Man


>> No.462206
File: 200 KB, 596x477, syd_mead_shipwreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Resource based/Horror/Immersions sim games like the System Shock/Bioshock series out there?

>> No.462215

Shogo MAD. Came out around the same time as Half Life so not many people played it on release. It is a hybrid of western FPS and anime. There are even portions where you pilot a mech. If you like FEAR you may be interested in it because there are some minor tie ins with the games that has caused some speculation on whether or not FEAR is a prequel to Shogo.

>> No.462297
File: 131 KB, 362x450, Deus Ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically...an FPS/RPG?
Well, try Deus Ex.

>> No.462341

Oh dude I love Abandonia. Used to use it all the time when I had my crappy old P3 with 32mb graphics desktop... I think I downloaded and tried nearly every game.

>> No.462868

not similar but i liked vampire the masquearade

>> No.462924
File: 160 KB, 1680x1050, 2013-04-15_00021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you enjoy System Shock 2, you might want to try Thief 1 and 2 aswell. Although the gameplay is pretty different, they're on the same engine as System Shock 2 and you'll probably notice some similarities.

>> No.462950


Oh System Shock 2, why did it have to end that way?

>> No.465640

Thief Dark Project/Metal Age

I tried Red Faction again, it was ok.
Chasm: The Rift
Descent 1 & 2
G-Police (Emulate,needs source port)

>> No.465684

G-Police. God damn. I wish someone would mod the PC version with:

Good controller/joystick support
Hi-res support
Infinite view distance

I know i'm dreaming so for bonus points, include "weapons of justice" to the list.

>> No.465687

By mod I mean make a source port, sorry.

>> No.465801
File: 615 KB, 1936x1056, montezuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Montezuma return ?

>> No.465878


Ultima Underworld 1 & 2

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Arx Fatalis


>> No.466045

Is there another way to play it other than using a VM or DOSBox?

>> No.466084
File: 1017 KB, 468x356, 1363500297176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.466098

Everyone's always talking about SS2, but how is SS1?

>> No.466117
File: 64 KB, 1024x768, battlezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BattleZone. It's like an RTS except you're actually on the battlefield, in first person. Aside from commanding your forces you can pilot various vehicles or even go on foot and try to snipe enemy pilots (you can also eject from your vehicle which launches you high into the air). The interface and controls are very slick, and I don't think even the graphics should be much of an eye sore to a modern player.

The game is available for free and I think it's patched for modern systems and everything.


There's also a sequel.

>> No.466123
File: 62 KB, 640x422, AngelwatchFog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, System Shock 2 is one of the most aesthetically unappealing games ever made. Irrational didn't know what the hell they were doing with the dark engine. Now, Thief The Dark Project and Thief II the Metal Age? A true testament to beauty in both design, art, audio, and interactivity. Few games compare to this, and even today it holds up in a unique fashion. If aesthetically appealing brush based geometry and old style models is your thing, Thief IS your game.

>> No.466137

It's a complex game far ahead of its time, even (or especially?) by today's standards The only downside is the clunky controls. System Shock Portable adds some sort of mouse aiming or freelook, but I haven't played it yet.


>> No.466148

Now, that level is legitimately one of the best levels ever made. Life of the Party is remarkably designed. My god. There's two entire levels in one, my first time playing I spent, I shit you not, 3 and a half hours. In ONE map. Then I got inside Angel Watch and spend an additional two hours in the same map.

That's 5 and a half hours for one level. Looking Glass Studios are unparalleled. Their designs aren't just great, they're fucking transcendent. They're beyond just game mechanics, they're emotionally evocative and compelling.

>> No.466157

okay I'm not OP but fuck everything I'm downloading thief

>> No.466158

nvm, I found a way, but it's pretty buggy.

>> No.466162

Enjoy, Taffer. Make sure you get Tfix for Thief Gold and Taffer Patcher for Thief 2.


and to whet your appetite.

>> No.466169

The city is very large and full of buildings to enter and secrets to find, yet nothing there is related to completing your objectives. You could ignore it and just run straight to the tower. Nowadays that would likely be unthinkable.

>> No.466176

nowadays you'd have a giant pulsing and glowing arrow urging you to press forward, an NPC with the text 'follow' hovering over their head moving ahead of you yelling at you to move along, and a trusty radio man yelling at you to stay on track and hop along, Cassidy. And any attempts to stray from the path would be met with an invisible wall conveniently hidden by geometry that would be easily scaled otherwise.

>> No.466183


Probably one of the ugliest 3D PC games, you'll love it.

>> No.466202

Or everything would be quest-related, like Hengsha in DXHR, and you'll eventually take a guided tour of the entire level.

>> No.466215

so true, DX:HR felt like questing an MMO.
fucking terrible game, nothing like the original.

>> No.466218

The only good parts about the game were the elements blatantly inherited from the original. Everything Eidos Montreal had to think up was just bad.

>> No.466256

This game's pretty fun yo. It's a shame the look controls are so floaty and that it's so fucking short.

>> No.466586

>playing DEHR with all the easy mode shit turned on

>> No.467048

What you're saying that System Shock 1 is aesthetically appealing? Is this a variant of "brown and bloom is immediately bad?"

>> No.467063

Nah, I don't think he's actually come to the point where he could say that SS1 is beautiful, I think he lost his point somewhere in the middle of the first line.

>> No.467079

But Irrational didn't know what the hell they were doing with the dark engine. They admitted it themselves, didn't even know the polygon limit.

>> No.467118

The controls take a little getting used to, but the game plays better without mouse look.

You wouldn't play Wolfenstein 3D with mouselook, nor would you play Doom with it either. It's just not how FPSes were played back then.

SS1 is a brilliantly complex, rewarding experience.