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/vr/ - Retro Games

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465339 No.465339 [Reply] [Original]

any other parents on /vr/?

my kids are still at that very impressionable age and i'm finding that retro games are actually perfect for them at this stage (age 5-6). newer games tend to be overly complicated, less provoking to their imagination, and generally less rewarding in showing that persistence and hard work is what will ultimately lead you to victory.

i'm finding that my kids motor skills need some refining before they can take these games on for themselves, but playing through with them has been an absolute joy for both me and them.

>> No.465348



>> No.465356

strange, was getting 404 when hitting reply for some reason.

anyhow, i've been going through some retro games with my kids and it has been awesome.

we've played punch-out, smb, zelda, and pacman thus far. zelda was particularly rewarding as it really seems to help kids spacial/mapping/memory and exploratory skills.

>> No.465360

my six year old loves his snes, his favourite games ever are megaman x and lego batman 2. he doesn,t like the nes as much tho

>> No.465362

any other suggestions for games that would be great to play through together?

>> No.465363

If it tries to go back to the page before it's loaded in the index, it can't find the thread. Give it a second.

There's a few of us about. My daughter likes rhythm games like parappa and space channel.

>> No.465365

games with co-op like donkey kong country are good.

>> No.465442

Try some games from Humongous Entertainment.
They made some really great point-and-click adventure games that were at a good pace and difficulty for 5-10 year olds.
>Spy Fox
>Putt Putt
>Pajama Sam
>Freddy Fish

But as for your suggestion of games to play together, I have no idea. I've always been a solo gamer, I even play MMOs and Mario Party alone.

>> No.465457

I had #8 in OP.

And the ginger rascal is creeping me the hell out.

>> No.465469
File: 13 KB, 350x264, 350px-Spacewar-crop[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want games that:
>Provoke the imagination
>Encourage hard work and dedication
>Encourage motor skill development
>You can play together


Here's a link to a remake with tons of settings that you can change (acceleration, gravity, missile speed etc.)

I love this game, and I'm pretty good at it too.

>> No.466385


that looks pretty awesome, and similar to asteroids (which i adore)

>> No.466412

My 17 month old daughter loves playing though the old FF games with me. Running round the world map and getting into random battles keeps her occupied. Plus nets Daddy XP and job levels.

>> No.466418


>Bloody smartphones.

>> No.466443 [DELETED] 

ITT: Parents indoctrinating their children to become hipsters and plebs.

If one of you doesn't boot up chocolate D00M right and play it with the kids, you'll be driving your kids straight to reddit.

>> No.466457

Goof Troop

>> No.466537 [DELETED] 

>Oh look, an opinionated tripfag!

Don't see many of them nowadays.

If you want a shiny name tag that badly, and for other people to validate your ill- informed opinions and obvious cries for attention, then maybe YOU should go to reddit.

Oh and it isn't turning anyone into hipsters, showing our children the games we grew up with. Seriously, idiots like you just love to throw that word about with zero idea of its actual meaning. The irony of some wanker bitching about indoctrination and hipsters, only to then eschew that everyone should play a 'D00M' (so leet, lel!) source port that sticks as close as possible to the original game, is just side-splittingly delicious. You are the hipster, not the kids, not us. You're also out of your depth here kid. If you've no kids to talk about, and nothing constructive to add, then kindly piss off.

>> No.466568 [DELETED] 


get a load of this faggot

>everyone look at me i am insulting parents because no chick will ever let me stick my narcissistic neckbearded penis inside her!

goddamn virgin tripfags

>> No.466581


that's awesome, when i have kids i think i will hook them up with SNES. seems like the perfect retro system for kids, simple but good looking graphics for the most part (feeds the imagination like you said) and great games that are simple but don't extensively hand-hold so that its SLIGHTLY less 'insta-gratification'.

granted, i dont want my kids to spend as much time on vidya as i did growing up, but would love to see them experience some of the same games i did (i turned out OK)

>> No.466590

My 8 y.o. son likes M.U.L.E on the 64 and we play PCE Bomberman sometimes. He's more nto G1 Pokemon at the moment though.

>> No.466623


>> No.466627 [DELETED] 

i want to plow the chick the 18 over her in the back

>> No.466639 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 179x28, The Real slash V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls go here

>> No.468087

Parents should focus on cheap, retro games. Little Billy doesn't need 1080P 4 million polygon games, that's what a child's imagination is for. Less resolution means the kid fills in more of it with his/her own ideas.
The most fun me and my siblings had playing video games was with a Mattel Intellivision, and this is when the SNES was around.

>> No.468106

my 6yo daughter has on interest in retro games. she loves playing her ipod touch though

>> No.468108


>> No.468285 [DELETED] 

don't let your kids become pathetic nerds, teach them to love nature and outdoors

>> No.468797

Legend of the mystic ninja Goemon on the snes. It's a really fun adventure that's pretty hard and has co-op.

>> No.468821 [DELETED] 

Why not teach them to balance a love for both?

>> No.468836 [DELETED] 

>Teach them to be a progressive hippy

Dude, you do know you can do something called being a parent and limit your kids recreation time, right? My kids will instead learn some kind of martial art or participate in sports when not studying or playing games. Not burn peace pipes with the communal elders while writing poems about the majestic deer.

>> No.468847
File: 30 KB, 1148x792, consumer_whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

>> No.468852 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 876x292, 4chan_son_xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oblig for parents

>> No.468853

good luck without any translation though.

>> No.468871

You sick fuck. That's child abuse. At least your giving him bitching music to listen to, but still dude.

>> No.468873
File: 51 KB, 430x320, legendofthemysticalninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an English version already.

>> No.468880 [DELETED] 

>people on 4chan
sage for sneak attempt at a pedophilia/CP thread

>> No.468903
File: 42 KB, 400x400, bonkers-candy-real-fruit-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a PacMan birthday cake for my first birthday... I didn't pay no damn copyright fee. I'd have been sued these days

>> No.468898

this. also get them into rpgs. pokemon is basically what kept me interested in reading when i was 4/5 and look at me now 15 years later im an introverted genius that has had 3 gfs somehow. wow!!

>> No.468909 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 600x659, IMG_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scored this weekend...


>> No.468906 [DELETED] 

>Oh and it isn't turning anyone into hipsters, showing our children the games we grew up with

you're just as bad as the faggot parents who tried to brainwash their kids into liking shitty dadrock bands

>> No.468914 [DELETED] 

My dad never did that

>> No.468921 [DELETED] 

i just turned 18. don't think i'm going to worry about kids for a while yet.

>> No.468924 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, that guy just has severe issues. I assume his dad used to beat him with the controller cords and never let him listen to Queen.

>> No.468937 [DELETED] 

if you have kids (well, girls anyway), plz post pics!

>> No.468931 [DELETED] 

I could cut myself on this edge

>> No.468947 [DELETED] 

Stop it faggot. Your sage not doing it for you, so now you have to bait? Piss off.

>> No.468949 [DELETED] 


>> No.468956 [DELETED] 

What? Fuck you!

>> No.468960 [DELETED] 
File: 608 KB, 2896x1944, DSC_6097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now... we are in a Retro board. I submit some fine cutting tools for the job.

>> No.468969 [DELETED] 

You mean their school portrait? I fail to see the harm in that.

>> No.468978 [DELETED] 

I think anon kind of was hoping for pics of them with less clothing than one normally wears in a school yearbook photo.

>> No.468982 [DELETED] 

They're both boys

>> No.468993

Back on topic, I'm going to play DQ5 with my son when he is about the age of the hero's first arc. Then i hope he plays it when he has kids.

>> No.468998

Lord, I would hope anyone with kids isn't browsing this place or they'll get taken away by CPS

>> No.469009

My dad never did that. I ended up liking shitty dadrock bands on my own. He only talked about the stuff he listened to as a kid when I was in highschool listening to that shit.

Only retro game my dad introduced me to was the original SMB. But that's only because it came out before I was born. His favorite game growing up was Donkey Kong on the arcade. But I was introduced to it because of DK64.

>> No.469015

My dad's old record collection is basically just classical and organ music; there's no rock in there.

>> No.469025 [DELETED] 


>> No.469037 [DELETED] 

welp this thread has become complete shit

>> No.469045 [DELETED] 

If I have any someday, I should open my own child modeling website.

>> No.469052 [DELETED] 


>> No.469054 [DELETED] 

Stop fucking samefagging.

Just hide the thread.

>> No.469059 [DELETED] 


>> No.469062 [DELETED] 

This entire thread was a shitty idea from the beginning

>> No.469063 [DELETED] 

Fathers of /vr/; how do you feel about the prospect of your children being raped? Please think about it. Thanks.

>> No.469115 [DELETED] 

This thread was doing just fine until virgins.

>> No.469142

Super Mario All-Stars and Kirby 6-1 I could see being a good start.

>> No.469425

Dad of four here. Years 9, 6, 4 and 2
the older kids love the hell out of the Genesis collection that came out awhile back. It's funny that the only time I've a "whoa" as a response to a game was when my sin saw Vectorman.

>> No.469454 [DELETED] 

>Dad of four here. Years 9, 6, 4 and 2


>> No.469481

Vectorman made up a good portion of my childhood. It's Wall-E but with extra awesome. Shame about the easy as shit final boss in the first game, though.

>> No.469509 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.469517 [DELETED] 

do you ever play "find the snake in Daddy's pants" with them?

>> No.469532 [DELETED] 

stop shitposting

>> No.469607 [DELETED] 

>having your daughter grind for you
I can't decide if you're parent of the year or an opportunist asshole.

>> No.469617 [DELETED] 

>having your daughter grind for you

Did you stop and consider how that sentence can be interpreted?

>> No.469629 [DELETED] 

No. But that just makes it funny.

>> No.469630

I was able to unlock huge amounts of upgrades in Hulk Ultimate Destruction for that same reason.
My kid would play for HOURS and when he was done I would spend the points he had racked up.

>> No.469648 [DELETED] 

that's ok. i mean this is a website full of pedos and other sick fucks.

>> No.472928

having seen the 'memories of gaming dad' thread here >>444025 i can see this will likely be a great way to bond with my kids.

>> No.472987

Kirby Super Star

>> No.473090

>freddy fish
also oregon trail op

>> No.473123
File: 135 KB, 769x595, 9de1a233-28d0-49e0-af6c-4ad9eb599627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.473130

those guys just can't get enough pacman damn

>> No.473148

Holy crap that cover is fucking rad, I love it

>> No.473858

Mario Bros. Timing and pattern recognition.

>> No.473886

I'm not a parent, but I'm a teacher. I use older arcade games like Pac-Man during break periods with my students. It's good for bonding with them and also teaching about socializing and sharing, but mostly I do it because it's a good way to unwind between periods when there's not quite enough time to go outside and run around. It's also fun to watch them get better at the games. We also play QWOP sometimes.

I was a bit surprised to see how many of them knew just how old Pac-Man is.

>> No.473936

>schoolkids playing QWOP
holy fuck, i cant stop laughing.

>> No.473949

They were obsessed with it for months. Some of the kids got really, really great at it and we had to time their turns rather than see how long they could go without falling down. I'm not too bad at it, either, I just get bored with it quick and like making the dude fall on his face.

I'd have them play other games, but all the other ones are too gory for school, let alone elementary.

>> No.473957

>I'd have them play other games

By "other games" I mean "other games like QWOP." Someone suggested Happy Wheels but not with all that blood and gore.

>> No.474185

QWOP at school.

Teach, do you love torturing those poor kids secretly or something like that?

>> No.475607


Heh, you know, you should bring in a Wii or something to school and set it up on the final day, and have a tournament, in brawl or melee with your students.

Back in 1999 or so, my teacher did that and for an hour and a bit, everyone had a SoulCalibur tournament on the Dreamcast, pretty good times, didn't win though, fucking rigged shit, somehow got the teacher in round 2.

>> No.475639

My son's turning into a bit of a gamer...

His Nanny had gotten him Batman 2, but he's gotten tired of it already.

I've been trying to find something for him to do on shitty rainy days... I remembered when my mom would go out and rent us an NES...
I wanted that for my son, so I installed an emulator and found a wireless controller for him to use.

He's loving it... Especially Super Mario and Double Dragon.

>> No.475720

you should do art projects with your sun.

>> No.475735 [DELETED] 

OMFG! I had those sheets pillowcase and blankets as a kid.! O_O wow nostalgia bombed

>> No.480639


We used to have snes Mario Kart battles in one of my classes. I believe we even set up a tournament what with one of those cheap plastic trophies and all. Can you guess how popular that teacher was?

>> No.481535

My son is 12 days old and he can't even hold a dog bone NES controller. Should I express my concerns that he may be developmentally disabled to my pediatrician at our next appointment?

>> No.481560

Go with kirby
It works with kids,with adults,men,women.
Everyone loves kirby

>> No.481606

introduce them to one of the hardest games in history
>Donkey Kong
>I think it was 80% of players would never beat the first level. No matter how many quarters they put in

>> No.481704

>80% of players never beat the first level

How could they fail at Donkey Kong? There are only 3 levels, and they're all pretty easy once you know what to do.

I thought it was generally accepted that Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby is the hardest game in existence.

>> No.484791

>>Home Run Derby

What? You can replay old matches and grind the fuck out of your stats.

>> No.484830

Not a parent, but my younger cousin (5) loves 2D Sonic games. Especially those where Tails follows you around.

>> No.486040

>3 levels
You must have played the NES version. Try playing the arcade version. It's harder. If you ever play DK64, you have to beat the arcade version to beat that game.

>> No.486056


Be ever vigilant, he might be a sonic aspie in the making.

>> No.486113

I'm 24 in next 2 days. Parent-guys, how much older than me are you?

Please don't say you're younger...

>> No.486121

Another thing you can focus on is money management and basic economics. A blockbuster game is often 80$ - I shudder to think at what sort of adult will result if a child just casually drops that much money whenever he/she wants some gratification.

You can teach your child a lot about hunting for bargains and starting with rudimentary budgeting basics with something interesting. A really big market with young kids too is various iOS apps - the cheap 1$ kind - look at the success of Angry Birds and the like.

>> No.486131

If you're primarily retro-gaming on a PC via emulation, or playing old PC games, kids can also pick up a lot of basic computer science skills with a little guidance (certainly DOOM and Warcraft II were big incentives to learn how to use DOS back in the day).

>> No.486169

Not a parent but three-time uncle.

My nephew loves the shit out of my old SNES. Doesn't even look at the Wii and PS3.

Classics never lose their appeal, and kids are remarkable in looking past pretty graphics to pick something they enjoy DOING, rather than just looking at. Obviously, Mario, Donkey Kong & co being fairly simplistic games not overloaded with padding helps the young ones, too.

And yes. Proper retro gaming -> Original console.

>> No.489742

I'm 36. My first kid is the 12 day old.