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File: 110 KB, 640x438, n64_jet_force_gemini_p_tswlqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4647357 No.4647357 [Reply] [Original]

So, how was this game really?

>> No.4647365


Came outta nowhere.

Flew completely under the radar.

For its time, absolutely awesome.

>> No.4647379
File: 60 KB, 640x480, JFG_club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really good. You absolutely need to change the control scheme to "Expert" on the menu though, it makes the gameplay a lot better.

>> No.4647403

I swear I'm pretty sure JFG inspired Halo in some things

>> No.4647410

Maybe. It's more likely both games borrowed a whole fucking lot from Starship Troopers.

>> No.4647434

>Lots of secrets
>Vela is hot
>Blast bugs
>Multiplayer is fun
>Flying doggo
>Bug juice bar

>Must 100% to fight final boss
>Finding all bears sucks
>Running out of jetpack

I have nostalgic memories of it, would recommend /10

>> No.4647446

From what the Rare guys mention on the video on rarereplay, they were mostly inspired by old sci-fi stuff they grew up with, as well as general robot/spaceship toy catalogues and even old anime. It's also heavily inspired in early shooters like space invaders, which can be seen in the formations of the aerial enemies mostly.
JFG actually has cabal elements to it too, most boss fights are cabal-like.

>> No.4647461

aesthetically, I'd guess Halo was very heavily influenced by Tribes. the low-grav moon jumps seems influential too, though the gameplay is completely different apart from that

>> No.4647505


I just bought this a few days ago with a bunch of other N64 games (and picked up the Jet Force Gemini player's guide as well, because it was there and cheap). Haven't played it yet, but it sounds like I need to get started.

Also, this game is cheap as fuck right now. I picked up mine for $5.00

>> No.4647531


>> No.4647675

Fond childhood memories before the depression. Looking at the box art makes me smile.

>> No.4648314

I loved it back when it was new. I haven't replayed it since, however.

>> No.4648332

Finding tribals is gays as fuck. Also it plays much nicer on the Rare Replay collection but it's a good game.

>> No.4648475

>Also it plays much nicer on the Rare Replay collection
It runs at a better framerate, but if you want to play it on a CRT to avoid input latency you're left with a smaller screen due to borders.
Also, I found aiming is better with the N64 stick than the Xbox's.

>> No.4648490


It would be good, except it's a collect-a-thon

>> No.4648492

You can play about 90% of the game without caring about collecting stuff.

>> No.4648508

One of the best 3D platformers for the 64.

>> No.4648517

It's one of those games I really want to like but just can't. The graphics, music, and general aesthetic of the game are great, but the controls are dogshit and the gameplay is a bit underwhelming. If I had grown up with it as a kid I might be more kind to it, but I played it for the first time back in 2009 and have tried to pick it back up many times since, and I always quit a few hours in because it just bores the living shit out of me. You wander through these corridor-like environments killing enemies until a door unlocks, rinse and repeat. It just isn't all that fun, and like I said, the controls are steaming trash. It's certainly not a bad game by any means, you should try it out especially given how cheap it is, but personally it just wasn't for me.

>> No.4648527

You should give it another go by setting the controls to "Expert" on the menu as the first post itt said.

>> No.4650650

Yeah, I've always used expert, but that doesn't make them any less shit. Switching items AND moving with buttons, aiming with right trigger and shooting with left... it's all ass-backwards. If they had given me the option to customize the controls it would be way better.

>> No.4650693

>Switching items AND moving with buttons
You switch weapons with A and B which are the big face buttons, and move with the C unit buttons which are smaller and work as a second d-pad.
>aiming with right trigger and shooting with left
It's not the right "trigger", it's the R button, and you shoot with the Z trigger, feels natural to me.
Wait, you're playing on Rare Replay on the Xbox, right?

>> No.4650705
File: 426 KB, 634x477, 1440399454123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact is, you're just incapable of acclimating to control schemes that deviate from modern standards. The game's controls play fine, we had no problem in 1999.

>> No.4651254

Definitely worth it. The music alone is amazing. The drones are fucking spooky for me though, I've had nightmares because of them.

I heard about Space Invaders influencing the attack patters but I never realized till you mentioned it that it's the Aerial enemies that are the oens that do it. I thought they meant that in how the drones would rush from cover to open to shoot and back again.

>> No.4651679

No retard, actually I'm perfectly acclimated to older controls seeing as Perfect Dark, Doom 64 and Quake 2 on PSX are among my most played games of all time. The "fact" is that there are good controls and bad controls, and JFG has bad controls. Forcing the player to use left-handed mappings by default with no way to customize the controls is autism. Stop being an apologist for bad design.

>> No.4651698

>No retard
You missed a comma.

>> No.4651701

Lmao nice comeback you dense cunt. Tell me more about strafing with c buttons.

>> No.4653840
File: 402 KB, 600x849, JFGstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The music alone is amazing

>> No.4653846

It's another 65% game that deluded n64 hidden jemz users like to present as a solid game. Not up there with the solid 10 objectively good n64 games

>> No.4653862

I hope these 10 games you're thinking of are Bomberman 64, Bangai-O, Wonder Project J2, Ogre Battle 64, Snowboard Kids 2, Getter Love, Custom Robo, Custom Robo V2, SRW64 and Virtual Pro Wrestling 2

Also nah, JFG is great, best Rare game on the system.

>> No.4653882

every single game you listed is 100% garbage. congratulations.

>> No.4653890

Nice opinion

>> No.4653892

it was worse than donkeykong 64. and that's saying a lot. rare just could not help themselves back then but to release shit-tier title after shit-tier title.

65% is far too generous for this pile of shit.
> deluded n64 hidden jemz users like to present as a solid game
I get the feeling here at times that some users of this board that write shit about n64 were not even born when it was released, found a bunch of shit titles everyone hated in the 90s and think "zomg! this must be a hidden gem because nobody talks about it". there's a reason: because it's trash.

>> No.4653906

no, fact. having a look at metacritic.. which is generally spot on with title releases..

> bomberman64, bangai-o, wonder project j2, snowboard kids 2
not even in the top 70.
> ogre battle 64

im not going to bother with the rest.
100% garbage: confirmed.

>> No.4653943

>if a game isn't on Metacritic, it's shit!
Metacritic doesn't even list most of those games, it's western-centric and also modern-centric.
Are you sure you are on the right board, anon jr.? Here, let me help you:
>it was worse than donkeykong 64.
Well, according to anon jr., if metacritic means anything, DK64 has a 90 score on it, so being worse than DK64 isn't that bad.

Seriously though, stop shitposting.

>> No.4653946

There is no way you could have typed this pile of dog poo while thinking it was all a completely legit post. You figured you'd get the old Nintendo fans riled up for a bit of a laugh didn't you? Nobody could have that bad a taste and that altered a version of reality. The idea that you just come here and hear people talking in detail about the great games of the N64 and you just dismiss it all in your mind.

>> No.4653960


>> No.4653996

>it was worse than donkeykong 64.

DK isn't a bad game though, it's padded and tedious but not bad

>> No.4654080

Back in the day, me and my friends thought it was absolutely amazing, an instant classic. It's just a bit too hard to figure where to go sometimes. Still have it in perfect condition, my N64 collection is pretty dope.

>> No.4654202

>Bomberman 64
>Ogre Battle 64
These are some of the most critically, commercially and player praised games on the N64. You are as close to objectively wrong as possible, in addition to being the bearer of shit taste.

>> No.4654416
File: 161 KB, 1890x1417, e55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad you need to own the special ed console of the generation to get that

>> No.4655701

I'll have to try that. Picked the game up a few years ago and tried it 3 different times and just quit because of those dogshit controls

>> No.4656487

then get a xbox one X

>> No.4656503

I liked it, it was the only few games me and my brother could co-op play the story mode.

>> No.4657052
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special ed console but in tacticool black and a shiny new hat
>that will be $500 sir
Can we get it as a Microsoft Store exclusive at least? Forza and Gears did it

>> No.4657054

You are trying too hard.

>> No.4657107

Rare's best game on the N64 (other than GoldenEye 007) is Blast Corps.

I really like JFG, but the 'awesome' music is actually extremely anticlimactic because you get 10 seconds of awesome strings then basically 3 minutes of silence.

My favourite parts of JFG were the boss fights, they were a good challenge.

>> No.4657358

To this day I have no idea how Rare was able to get CD quality audio on a Nintendo 64 cartridge. They were technical wizards.


As for the game itself, I guarantee it would be considered one of the greatest games on the N64 if not for the mandatory Tribal collectathon.

Also, the game gave me nightmares for years.

>> No.4657370

My first experience with this game is a bad one. The previous owner decided to turn off the music in the options. Who the fuck does that

>> No.4657372

A faggot.

>> No.4657425

You got that right

>> No.4657527

The Xbox One is shit, and the only exclusive I want to play on it is the Rare Collection, a bunch of ancient games. I loved my 360 previous gen but they managed to squander their lead and shit all over themselves.