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4634161 No.4634161 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any bad fighting games for Dreamcast?

>> No.4634170

most of them that aren't moral kombat

>> No.4634178 [DELETED] 
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This but unironically.
King of Fighters sucks. Mortal Kombat Gold on the other hand was actually a fun transition to 3D.

>> No.4634613

GTFO stupid namefag

>> No.4634616

Is "mortal kombat was actually good" the new hot meme?
Can we start liking Syb Zero Mythologies, at least ironically now?

>> No.4634628 [DELETED] 

Mortal Kombat has always been considered a good series, anon. There's a reason it has ten main games. MK and Smash Bros are the only fighting games worth playing, I've already explained why many times.
And obviously Mythologies was shit, there's a reason it wasn't on the best console ever, the Saturn.

Go back to your broken "competitive" fighters only spics play.

>> No.4634632

I still can't figure out if you're genuinely retarded or just baiting.
Smash Bros. is different from other fighting games, it's in its own category.
MK is just a clunky fighter that uses a block button.
I was a MK fanboy as a kid, but looking back, it was because of the violence, the graphics ("realistic" at the time) and the fatalities, not the gameplay.

>> No.4634649

hi noob saibot

>> No.4634659

Vampire Chronicle was pretty underwhelming because it doesn't really do what it claims to do. Instead of actually being a true compilation/mix and match of the whole Darkstalkers series as advertised, it's really just an inaccurate port of Vampire Savior 2 with some incomplete, even more inaccurate facsimiles of the other games shoehorned in.

>> No.4634689 [DELETED] 

Smash Bros isn't different from other fighters. Anything you would want from this is present in Smash.
I always hear people haters call MK clunky when they've obviously never seen fast-paced matches of UMK3 or other games. The block button is better than holding back to block because it fixes the issue of cross-ups and shitty hitboxes penalizing players for defending. The gameplay is great because there are so many easter eggs implemented to keep matches fresh, be it a game of Pong, hidden characters, fatalities, animalities, babilites, friendships, or otherwise. Fighting games are a social genre, and doing a fatality will wow your friends more than doing advanced tech in some obscure Japanese fighter only other neckbeards care about.

I don't play MK at "high-level" but I always see fans of other fighters say stupid things like "it's balanced" to defend their precious weaboo games.

>> No.4634747

>I always hear people haters call MK clunky when they've obviously never seen fast-paced matches of UMK3 or other games.
I have, Scorpion's teleport, lol.
>The block button is better than holding back to block because it fixes the issue of cross-ups and shitty hitboxes penalizing players for defending.
Okay, you can stay there with your very unpopular opinion. Also, there isn't any shitty hitboxes in japanese fighting games. MK, on the other hand, has very weird, inaccurate hitboxes. You can practically uppercut anyone before they even come near you.
>The gameplay is great because there are so many easter eggs implemented to keep matches fresh
So, fatalities, or Pong actually matters when it comes to gameplay? Make me laugh harder, console war namefaggot.
Also, MK is clunky because it has unnatural input programming, there's no cadence or flow in the inputs.
MK is just fun if you're 12 and fatalities wow you. Otherwise, leave it in the trash.

>> No.4634817 [DELETED] 

>Very unpopular opinion
>Mortal Kombat has moved millions and millions of copies and had many sequels and spin offs.
Nice try.

>Also, there isn't any shitty hitboxes in japanese fighting games.
Just look at the custom character hitboxes in SC, nails in SF3, or Hulk's attacks in the vs. games to realize you have no idea what you're talking about, weaboo. MK fixes the hitbox issues by making crossups a non-issue thanks to the block button.
>So, fatalities, or Pong actually matters when it comes to gameplay? Make me laugh harder, console war namefaggot.
They're part of the gameplay, they're unique aspects, they're fun, they require memorization, they wow your friends. Fuck off virgin.
"Competitive" fighters are a joke, MK and Smash Bros at least embrace their status as social games and are fun to play with friends. Other fighters are a joke.

>> No.4635121

>MK and smash are the only fighting games worth playing
>fighting game
You arent even trying, MK is fun but to say it's the only fighter worth playing is autistic

>> No.4635132

hitboxes were savior 2, but the big deal was the game has a balance patch even though its an anniversary collection
like you cant bulleta infinite and fishman bubble is no longer unblockable

>> No.4636101 [DELETED] 

I didn't say it's the only fighter worth playing, I said Smash, which is a fighting game, is worth playing as well. Mad it's more popular than every other fighter?
Virtua Fighter is okay but that's all.

>> No.4636108

>replying to knuckles unironically
>march 10, 2018
It was already uncovered that Knuckles is Australia-kun. He's just fishing for (You)s, like never before. Report and ignore.

>> No.4636119

>doing a fatality will wow your friends more than doing advanced tech in some obscure Japanese fighter
No, it won't. It's just a cutscene move they've seen many times before. But for performing advanced tech you had to put in actual work.

>> No.4636121

read: >>4636108

>> No.4636343

Yes, third strike. At least compared to the CPSIII game.

>> No.4636621

Every single western wrestling game was horrendous on the Dreamcast. Each Acclaim WWE game was awful and Royal Rumble was a pitfall of shit. The ECW games also were crap (no wonder since they used the same engine as the acclaim WWE games).

The japanese wrestling games on the other hand... pretty much all of them are must-haves for the system. Fire Pro Wrestling D, Giant Gram 2 and Giant Gram 2000. Only Toukon Retsuden 4 was kinda meh (despite being an awesome PS1 series before), but that was a Yuke's game like the Smackdown or SD vs. RAW games after all. I feel when TR4 came out that's when Yuke's lost their "mojo". Too bad that to this day they're making those soulless rotten WWE games. Well the genre is dead by now anyways also thanks to Yuke's.

>> No.4637090 [DELETED] 
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The real Australia-kun here. Knuckles is actually my son, he's shaping up to be quite the fine young bloke, even if I do say so myself. I passed on everything I know about the art of shitposting to him, after all. Once he reached 18 I introduced him to the wonderful world of 4chan. I trust you will enjoy our stay.

>> No.4637097 [DELETED] 

>gays adopting children
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.4637132

I don't think wrestling games count as fighting games.