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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 893 KB, 572x572, super-mario-64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4635726 No.4635726 [Reply] [Original]

>oh wow, i didn't know mario had been around since 1964

>> No.4635736

>mario 64 isn't open world at all but OoT is completely
>starfox is the same genre as virtua cop

>> No.4635809
File: 19 KB, 410x403, filterallnamefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

>> No.4635849

>Final Fantasy 7 is good
>I didn't know there were 6 other games before it but they're old, they surely suck

>> No.4635857

Nobody ever said that.

>> No.4635892

>Goldeneye aged like milk because the graphics are ugly and the controls sucks

>> No.4635908


Who even thinks that? Its well known that Mario 64 was called that because it was the 64th Nintendo game.

1964 was the year that Mario made his debut as the boss of the original Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.4635915
File: 3.22 MB, 480x360, F7E3D003-31F7-4382-B2AE-7A1169F7A465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What PU have you landed in?

>> No.4635937

That's right

>> No.4635982

true statement

>> No.4636040

>Super Mario 63 was better

>> No.4636063

>Story in video games isn't cancer
>Mario is good
>Zelda is good
>N64 is better than Saturn
>Music matters
>Graphics matter
>Text adventures are games

>> No.4636385

Not necessarily /vr/, but I once heard someone confidently call fps "fraps per second"

>> No.4636427

>Nintendo saved the gaming industry
>RPGs were invented in Japan
>Original Zelda is the first open world game

>> No.4636486

Wtf, i wrongly copypasted my text. This is the real one:
>Gameplay matters

>> No.4636495

text adventures aren't games because they're actually art

>> No.4636498

What's the first open world game? Ultima 1?

>> No.4636601

>Things you've heard actual idiots say

>> No.4636614

>>Things you've heard actual idiots say

>> No.4636619

>I'm gonna go post something on /vr/ now

>> No.4637696
File: 78 KB, 280x362, GTA3boxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really think the people that made Grand Theft Auto are nerds?

>> No.4637703

To be honest there's some not nerd programmers out there unfortunately. Hipster types. But GTA was definitely made my needy don't give a fuck anti political correctness nerds. Like some of us really

>> No.4637725


OP is a retard.

>> No.4637758

adventure games like kings quest were open world

>> No.4637772

goldeneye was fun because you have fond memories of being up all night at a friend's party wrecking each other

>> No.4637959

Yeah, everybody knows the number it's because it's the 64th game in the series.

>> No.4638709

this kid in school used to tell me you can see yoshi on the roof if you get all the stars

>> No.4638727

One I hear over and over again:
GTA 2 is 2D.

>> No.4638740

>Doom is 2D

>> No.4638780
File: 87 KB, 520x466, 1292123500755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm forced to wonder how many of these tales are true and how many are just fabricated. I suspect a majority are the latter.

>> No.4638860

let's see:
plausible if the person likes sports games
plausible, but seems simplified or restated
sounds very true, considering there are people who only know it from the fps counter in the fraps recording software.
plausible. trying to establish cool-kids-kinship with developers happens, though the more classic example is with radio personalities.
plausible. classic 90s rumors like a nude mode in tomb raider or the mystery of the truck next to the MS Ann in pokemon.
true, as I posted it
the term 2.5D created so much misunderstandig. Also people seem not to understand sprites in 3D games. Thus plausible.

>> No.4638884

But how did you see his post?

>> No.4638892

Heh, I agree my fellow Sega Master race guy. We’re the real cool kids. Nintendo is for babies who cry and want momma’s milky.

Why are Nintentoddlers allowed on this board? They're a fucking embarrassment and make real mature gamers like me look bad for even occupying the same board as me.

>b-but Nintendo excelled at making platformers!

Bullshit, Nintendo didn't excel at one god damn thing. I take that back, actually. They excel at one thing. Nintendo excels at being for bing bing wahoo babies and man children who run away when they see blood because they are immature babyfags and can't handle a deep, dark, serious game like I can. Sega and Sony had games that reflected the inner darkness of my soul from having two Christmases since my parents were divorced, while Nintendo did kiddy shit because nintentoddlers are fucking babies who never had to rough it in high school like real people, like me, who had to deal with bullies and preppy douchebags since they didn't understand my real power...

>> No.4638923
File: 63 KB, 400x366, Ow_the_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4638930

Ultima I is older though

>> No.4638932

hipsters are nerds, anon. this is something you really need to understand.

>> No.4638935

you can get on the roof without all the stars if you do a triple jump off a hill at the right angle. naturally, yoshi is not there.

>> No.4638987

Virtua Cop and Star Fox are both rail shooters, similarly to how both Chrono Trigger and Skyrim are RPGs and how both lions and dolphins are mammals

>> No.4639026

is rpg just defined by character progression?

>> No.4639045

i guess lots of simulation games also have character progression and we wouldn't call them rpgs exactly

>> No.4639071

If it is than Zelda and metroid are RPGs.

Actually so is Gradius.

>> No.4639137

According to Wikipedia:

>A role-playing game (sometimes spelled roleplaying game[1][2] and abbreviated to RPG) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[3]

Zelda games borderline cases because you do have a sort of 'character progression', although most of that progression comes from finding better items and more hearts whereas in RPGs your character advances by leveling up (either character level or individual skills/stats). Zelda II is an RPG, though. You could say that the Zelda series in general are not RPGs because the main character doesn't develop in any meaningful way - Link doesn't go through any major character arc -but this would also scrap many CRPGs and JRPGs.

Zelda is in any case a gray area. Categorizing it into the action-adventure genre is easy and correct though.

Metroid is not an RPG since there's very little plot in the game itself (although there's a good amount of lore). There's also no or nearly no NPCs. Possibly the Prime series, and Other M, fits the bill to an extent.

Gradius is not an RPG, since although you have progression there's no real narrative and you don't even control a character.

>> No.4639169

haha this is one of the most autistic posts I've seen on /v/ in a while, gj

>> No.4639209

i disagree, it was a prefeclty fine post

>> No.4639473

"The PS1 was the first console with analog controllers"
Fuck, this was years ago and it still triggers me

>> No.4639516
File: 501 KB, 1920x1080, 570_screenshots_2015-09-10_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even have photographic evidence of mine

>> No.4639530


>> No.4639612
File: 5 KB, 307x137, crapspersecond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf this is actually a fuckign thing

>> No.4639620

this is as bad as people who say 'turrent'

>> No.4639948

Instead of torrent? Or turret?

>> No.4639952


>Why do they call it "Final" Fantasy if it's the 7th game in the series?

>> No.4639981

>Yeah, Rayman M is cool, but have you ever played Rayman N? You can play as Ly.

>> No.4640136

I tell ya, peruvians should be banned from internet in general.

>> No.4640175

>Man /v/ has a solid understanding of the world and isn't reactionary idiots

>> No.4640187
File: 7 KB, 192x154, 1958391_674736752583620_74284876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about opinions that are silly
>"Hey, why don't I make a massive comment quoting everyone, confirming these are in fact debatable, and not answer a single one!"

Oh it's not bad, it's actually a TERRIBLE post. You could have even answered some if you did some fucking research, like the Doom one. Fucking hell.

>> No.4640201

Maybe they meant dual analogs?

>> No.4640578

Don't think so, they didn't even know the DualShock was released years after the console

>> No.4640630


>> No.4640807

>yeah but what of the other 775 Thracias

>> No.4640814

Rainbow 7 when?

>> No.4640816

Gta 3 is probably what brought vidya to the mainstream. I could be in possession of an old ass copy of gta 3 and not be a nerd because of it, it's a classic

>> No.4640819

>donkey kong is a secret playable character in super mario rpg

>> No.4640848

>FFVI reflects the socio-political atmosphere of Japan

>> No.4641212

>It's impossible to beat the last level in Doom 2 without using cheat codes
That idiot was me. :(

>> No.4642645

>OP actually isn't a faggot

>> No.4644353

actually it was Pong that did that, Anonymous.

>> No.4644379

Thank you, this thread really needed your seal of approval.

>> No.4644389

>Things you've heard actual idiots say


>> No.4644424

Fraps, the movie capture program, was named after FRAme Per Seconds. So fraps per second makes as much sense as saying mph per hour.

>> No.4644876
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw these filters never worked for me

>> No.4644879

kill yourself

>> No.4644891
File: 65 KB, 371x372, 1516579954621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "Nintendo fan is still upset that Sega has fans so he acts like the most insufferable Sega fan in hopes of making them all look like assholes" post

>> No.4645224

Both my eyes & soul hurt after reading your post.

>> No.4646096

The post doesn't vanish, it's just as if you'd clciked it and selected hide.

You can still see the name, timestamp, number, and the links to replies.
The only things missing are the image and body of the post.

>> No.4646114

>>Final Fantasy 7 is good
I say this all the time, come at me faggot.
>>I didn't know there were 6 other games before it but they're old, they surely suck
Nobody says this except for barely literate drooling mouthbreathers in the youtube comment section

>> No.4646125

The doom guys, why don't they get tired ever. Not even jrpg generals last that long.

>> No.4646149

Doom still gets mods and jrpgs hit a peak on the ps1

>> No.4646256

regular "WADs" keep the momentum going i guess.

what regular generals are on /vr/? I can only think of these three

>Might & Magic

>> No.4646421

Earthbound is good

>> No.4646475

There used to be saga generals too.

>> No.4646645

I miss the shmup thread, before all the fags ran away to /vg/.

>> No.4646690
File: 67 KB, 142x255, 1445681907867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's impossible to beat Contra without the Konami Code xD"

>> No.4646742

there are too many good non-retro shmups

>> No.4648075

>The Legend of Zelda on NES is open world

>> No.4648154

besides cave sh3 shit, list some noteworthy shmups on non-retro arcade pcb's

>> No.4648215
File: 25 KB, 410x403, filterallnamefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You checked this box, right?

>> No.4649724
File: 721 KB, 1600x1066, need this for later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a hug anon?

>> No.4649754

it is you fucking retard

>> No.4649987

technically every game is open world since you can explore the entirety of it within the bounds of what the game allows, ie the entire world of the game

>> No.4650030

People here in fact does not understand what an "open world" really is
An open world game, like gta, its precursor urban chaos, nu-fallout/elder scrolls and such have a single gigantic map and not many interconnected by loadings or chunk of that, often in a persistent world. definition is quite ethereal, since games like morrowind or skyrim are still a big cluster of dungeon and houses

>> No.4650043

>why don't they get tired ever.
Because rather than constantly circlejerking they actually create content for Doom while circlejerking inbetween that.

>> No.4650076

My aunt once asked me if I owned a Nintendo 63 as well. Hue.

>> No.4650084

Roller Coaster Tycoon
I don't really keep an eye out for these threads, so most of them might be long gone. I know B/S/T is dead and pretty sure repairs thread is too.

>> No.4650148

>>Text adventures are games
Fuck you.
Sega USA and Sony USA (PS1 up to early PSP era, until Ace Attorney's success) were believing this shit and literally denying visual novel type of games, and even tactical rpgs occasionally, from cert over this.
Earlier in the NES era it was used against the RPG genre as a whole.

I have a pretty high tolerance to retarded assholes, but not for anyone LARPing as Bernie Stolar - may you rot with him

>> No.4650165
File: 53 KB, 379x384, 142000250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about how you think visual novels of all things could have saved Sega

>> No.4650304
File: 167 KB, 1200x1773, 1452705991663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not, unless you define hipster as "person who likes anything that isn't mainstream." Nerds earnestly enjoy niche topics, hipsters only flock to them for the sake of contrarianism. People who sincerely love retro vidya have a nerdy interest, people who buy Earthbound for $200 on eBay so they can put it on a shelf and show it off because "I'm such a nerd XD" are hipsters.
Of course hipsters will claim to not be hipsters, and people will call people actually interested in any niche hobby hipsters regardless of if it's true, so you can't really pin a person down as one or the other outside obvious cases. It seems the only way to avoid hipsters is to go so niche that it hasn't even registered in the hipsters' minds as existing.

>> No.4650507

the only true open world games in my opinion are actual sandbox games like simcity and minecraft

>> No.4650515

visual novels are shit, they're like the retarded cousin of if

>> No.4650521

>text adventures
>visual novels
Who the fuck plays this kind of trash? Go read a book faggot. Leave the real games to me.

>> No.4650528

hipster is a youth subculture (well maybe not so youthful any more lol) centered around a certain style of fashion and musical taste. they're nerds just liek goths are/were nerds

>> No.4650530

sometimes it's fun for books to have a certain degree of interactivity (beyond what cyoa offers anyway)

>> No.4650531

"Doom is better than duke nukem because it has less hit scanners"

>> No.4650537

think of it this way: do you think the people who go to /mu/ aren't a bunch of faggot nerds just like you? lol

>> No.4650590

They're more like tryhard losers imo. >>4650528
It's like the dominant sub culture right now for the last decade. What is more popular than hipster right now I honestly can't think of anything

>> No.4650604

pop music? superhero movies? ..video games?

>> No.4650607

nerd culture is what's popular now. nerds always get to things before they become popular. it's almost like.. nerds are the TRUE hipsters

>> No.4650614

That's all normie though normies are shapeless things that conform to what other normies do, fuck is capeshit ever gay though

>> No.4650620
File: 6 KB, 228x221, pepetired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody says this except for barely literate drooling mouthbreathers in the youtube comment section
Anon you are fucking naive if you think average everyday people AREN'T this stupid.
>Coworker is a big casual so we don't often talk about games
>Has played FF7 though so we start to talk about that
>"Wait, there are seven of them?"
>"Well yeah, I mean it's got 7 right on the cover."
>"I thought it was 'Final Fantasy Vii'."
>Honest to God pronounces the 'VII' as 'Vigh'.

>> No.4650640

dumb frog poster

>> No.4650664

>Things that didn't happen thus making OP the idiot

Nice try, but you're not funny, Don't quit your day job collecting welfare

>> No.4650672

>hates Mario and Zelda
>favors the Saturn

Well, aren't you the obvious hipster faggot.
Still salty about picking the losing side, eh?

>> No.4650678

No! I love Sony and Sega!
Born alone, die alone.

Keep your pathetic hugs to yourself. heh... Now, get out of my way, before I am forced to remove you.

>> No.4650686

>not just a bunch of contarian hipsters still bleeding from the ass because Sega is just a series of failures.

>> No.4650713

JRPG's had a severe drop in quality every year after 1997. It's all the same shit now.

Doom, still has a healthy community.

I don't like either, but Japan really needs to get its shit together.
The same faggy, tired anime shit over and over, with zero originality.

>> No.4650717

The last few Sega hipsters are dying and people are enjoying Nintendo because it is simply better.

>> No.4650718

>the faggot that comments on every post and makes the thread a chore to wade through because he left his shit stains everywhere.

I really hate people like you.

>> No.4650721

i could make each comment an individual post if you'd prefer

>> No.4650728

I would prefer if youkill yourself

Seriously, your post had no meaningful input and it was just a nuisance.
It must really suck being you, having absolutely no purpose and when you spew your opinion, it is just an annoyance.

If you quit posting on 4chan, I can guarantee that the quality of this site would go up.

>> No.4650741


>> No.4650778
File: 72 KB, 220x336, huff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the switch outsells the ps2, I'll be surprised knowing Nintendo is finally on top of the video game industry once again. And i'll be drinking your tears. Now come on anon. Bring it in.

>> No.4651079

Not retro but...
>"Metroid Prime has a bigger game map than Skyrim, In metroid prime you explore an entire planet while Skyrim is just a country"

>> No.4652259

>I didn't know there were 6 other games before it but they're old, they surely suck
I doubt anyone actually thinks this

>> No.4652338

I had a friend who hated Nintendo and considered himself a ""hardcore gamer"" despite having never played Mario, people are fucking retarded

>> No.4652491

>plausible. classic 90s rumors like a nude mode in tomb raider or the mystery of the truck next to the MS Ann in pokemon.
watch a fucking playthrough