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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 256x224, Fushigi no Dungeon 2 - Fuurai no Shiren (J) (V1.1) (NP) [!]_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4633618 No.4633618 [Reply] [Original]

Let me speak to you for a moment about our Lord and Savior, Shiren the Wanderer.
>Roguelike before it was cool
>Charming characters
>Tons of replay

Why haven't you taken the /shiren/ pill?

>> No.4633621

Warblarh Fatal Labyrinth did it first

>> No.4633623

I suck at this game. I can't consistently get past the floors with the bullshit samurai ghosts who turn enemies into over-leveled uber versions. What a bullshit gimmick to spam.

>> No.4633624

You have to go slow. This isnt Zelda, my friend. You have to let the Zen center you

>> No.4633630

Tell me more. Screens/info. Is it for snes? I'm on a roguelike kick, my PC is loaded with ADOM, nethack, etc. My snes mini is in the bedroom, so when I settle in, I can continue to block out my crippling real life anxiety with more RNJesus goodness. God is in the numbers.

>> No.4633635

Also, to add, coming off of the ADOM graphical version, I really respect Shiren for being relatively 'graphically advanced' for the genre.

I recently bought caves of qud, and I want to like it, it has many advanced systems..but for a donator backed recent day game, riding on the nostalgia factor of @'s and other ASCII seems sort of lazy if I can get the same experience for free by playing nethack with a tile set

>> No.4633642

*With more coherent graphics coming off of nethack, mind you

>> No.4633652
File: 94 KB, 480x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Genesis but I'm mostly joking, the games aren't actually that similar besides being console rogue-likes. Shiren is a hell of a lot more accessible.

>> No.4633658

Looks like it's in my genre, for sure. If I get a genesis kick this is definitely a game I did not know about before and would certainly play. Thanks

>> No.4633662

Accessibility isn't an issue for me. I am not good at any of the games I spoke of. But it's that struggle that feels good. Games today are sickening. I'd go so far to say I regret purchasing my ps4. I rarely use it.

>> No.4633670

>Roguelike before it was cool
Roguelikes were never not cool, fuckwit

>> No.4633676

unless you're scum

then you will never be cool

>> No.4633680

You're a heretic and you will be burned as a witch, faggot.

>> No.4633685

As opposed to story based RPGs where you walk through a corridor with your hand held.

>> No.4633686
File: 6 KB, 640x400, rogue_6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but fatal labyrinth is a pretty boring, barebones roguelike. If you want something fun in the vein on genesis look into toejam and earl.

Big shiren fan here by the way, sadly most of chunsofts other mystery dungeon games range from meh to bad.

Also if you like these but haven't yet and you want a nice challenge you should play Rogue.

>> No.4633689

I've been into nethack forever (never ascended) as much as I defend roguelikes rogue itself always sounded bland :p I really wouldn't know, I've never actually played the namesake

>> No.4633690

even the gg had a roguelike called dragon crystal. I think they made a sms version too

>> No.4633692

How's the Dreamcast Shiren? I keep hearing it's the best.

>> No.4633694

OP here, big Dreamcast fan too. I only heard about the ds/PSP rerelease. Nice.

>> No.4633696

Well I'm biased cause rogue was my favorite game when I was young and think it holds up in an interesting way.

These days I have been playing a lot of Powder which was originally gba homebrew.

Never played it, still want to though.

>> No.4633697

Tell me more about Powder? We seem to have similar tastes.

>> No.4633737
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-03-09-01-37-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fairly simple on the surface, just get to the bottom of the dungeon and get back out. It has an interesting god/class system where your class is whatever god you're following but they're all watching everything you do.

Lots of fun weird quirks and strategies to play with, decent challenge but not impossible. It's also fairly anti-grindy, gaining levels too quickly will fuck you over so you always have to be careful about what you kill.

It's free, runs on gba, psp, ds, android etc. Check it out if you like these games.

>> No.4633743

Is the N64 Shiren any good? Playable without knowing jap?

>> No.4633757

Sounds up my alley. Thanks for another one unknown to me!

>> No.4633771
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-02-15-00-59-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's short too, which I like. A winning game is usually 4-8 hours or so. Makes dying in funny ways less painful.

>> No.4633784

Yes. ADOM has been crushing my soul. Possibly why I find Shiren refreshing. Its heartbreaking, but alot more briskly paced. Both have their merits.

>> No.4633792

This and Brogue are my favorite roguelikes. I really like the intense item management style.

Lol. If you can't kill something, run away.

Also these can be the most farmable floors. The Rice Changer family can be instakilled by throwing a rice ball at them. So first you drop everything you care about, then you stand in front of a Rice Changer until you have extra food, then you go kill Evil Soldiers until the Rice Changer is huge, then you instagib it and go up a bunch of levels. (But there are enemies on these floors that punish exactly these two strategies, you need to be careful about this shit.)

>> No.4635341

Shiren is fucking cool, Fatal Labyrinth is kinda junky, and you deserve a bump.

>> No.4635906

Sorry but you don't really understand what roguelike is and what is their history. They were cool back in the 70s already while you were not probably even born yet.
True roguelikes are something what you don't seem to have even a remote idea about of.

>> No.4635909

Another /vr/ citizen who don't really belong here. I bet your "retro" gaming is about Gamecube and Gameboy Color... You should educate yourself about real history of computing and gaming in general. You can't just assume things and throw your opinions around without any real basis, this simply makes you appear stupid and uneducated.
This is simple article but it doesn't go too much into the depths of mainframe computing. 1970s was also a goldmine of original gaming concepts which are still in use today.

>> No.4635912

My favorite roguelikes

Infra Arcana

I have played hundreds of roguelikes but these ones always bring me back.

>> No.4635934

but Brogue is so bad

>> No.4636451

I saw a new one on PSN. Anyone know if that's any good?

>> No.4636540

Saw that too. Not good enough for forty fucking dollars for a 3 year old game.

>> No.4636543

You're a retard.

>> No.4636851

>the irony of this statement on this board

>> No.4636870
File: 109 KB, 713x555, Torneko.mp4_snapshot_04.03_[2018.03.10_12.29.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of nowhere I've been seeing people talking about roguelikes everywhere.
That's fucking amazing.
I'll eventually make my way to that, I've been playing this for the last two weeks.

>> No.4636874

Digital copies don't run out.

>> No.4637048

Lol children

>> No.4637179

What? You must be nuts. The caves of qud tileset is perfect for the game it is. You are also misinformed it isn't a donation backed game and never was. It started as a free ASCII game and then moved to steam with its new tileset and weekly updates.
Regardless I can't help but think you have poor taste if you think Qud has a bad tileset. It just completely fits the tone and gameworld.

And sidenote I really do not like nethack tilesets. It feels wrong in some way.

>> No.4637182

How is that? I've heard a lot of people talk about Shiren but not much about that one.

>> No.4637301

Well, I liked it enough to make a video encouraging other people to try it too.
It's got a smooth learning curve. After you see the ending credits it's when things get real.

>> No.4637336

Brogue is incredible. It isn't my favorite roguelike but what it does to simplify the formula is really elegant. Removing as many redundancies as possible while keeping interesting strategies.
Why do you think it is

>> No.4638014

its a slot machine that tells you an hour later whether or not you won. if you're willing to replay a seed it's fine, it's a great game. If you want to play it like a real roguelike, then it's awful and unfun and feels like the game is choosing your fate for you.

>> No.4638418

Have you considered getting good?

>> No.4638498

Which roguelikes do you think are good?

>> No.4638624

I'm good enough that I don't even consider it to be a worthy challenge to win and I care only about lumens and stupid self imposed challenges. This is why I do not enjoy the game. There are things about it that I do like however, like the visual aesthetic and interface choices, or the item ID game.

Other than Shiren which is the best; Infra Arcanum, DCSS, PCB, and QoQ were all ones I had fun with.

I also am a sucker for a lot of roguelites, like Chocobo's Dungeon 2, Azure Dreams, Ehrgeiz or Tobal's adventure/rpg modes, Dark Cloud, Dicing Knight

>> No.4638672

Call me a heretic if you want, but my latest time sink is Elona (Eternal Leagues of Nefia)
Its a roguelike similar to ADOM but perma-death is negotiable with Elona; you can pretty much do anything in Elona as a result of this restriction being removed.
I've dumped around 20 Hours into my character in the last 2 weeks off and on.
The Trooth did a wonderful review of it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl6cxTIBS-I

>> No.4638683

Can you really call Chocobo Dungeon a roguelite? It looks like just a very forgiving regular roguelike to me. Then again I keep seeing a lot of varying interpretations for both labels, it's hard to get a proper consensus.
For roguelites I kinda understand modern games with roguelike elements (random maps, maybe hidden IDs, permadeath "for the current session" but with a shared user profile for unlocks/upgrades, not turn based), or at least that's the definition I keep hearing nowadays.
What's your take?

>> No.4638684

Elona always failed to capture my interest, there's something "off" about it and can't quite tell what.
How do you suggest approaching it?

>> No.4638692

If you don't even know the Berlin interpretation then you don't have a right to take part in this discussion.

>> No.4638760

This guy is being a bit of a dick, but is right. The chocobo, pokemon and most other of the chunsoft mystery dungeons share roguelike elements, but are very very different kinds of games. "Roguelite" is a fine term to use so long as you don't confuse one for the other due to similar names.

>> No.4638770

Elona is like a blend of a single player MMO with roguelike elements. It really appeals to a certain type of player, which is great but it's never been one I liked all that much either.

One of the great things about rogulikes and it's kin especially these days is that so much is born out of homebrew by fans that it's evolved in all kinds of interesting directions. So there's something for all tastes.

>> No.4638817

Shiren can be a roguelike though, so long as you don't carry over items and stuff, or if you make an arbitrary challenge to beat it first try.

Most Chun Roguelites have a self-contained roguelike mode dungeon though, usually 100 floors deep.

>> No.4638824

Fair enough.

>> No.4638995
File: 18 KB, 256x224, 71-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Shiren is much more a traditional roguelike. It's the offshoot series, even Etrian MD that go off in a different direction. And to be fair to note, a direction that has garnered them many fans. But I have noticed most people either like "traditional" roguelikes or Mystery Dungeon style "roguelites" and rarely both. To me Pokemon MD feels like a roguelike with all the fun sucked out of it.

I am a long time but fan of MD2 Shiren though and have often felt lonely on this board trying to shill it to others to give a try.

>> No.4639000

Looked up the "Berlin interpretation" only to find out that it's nothing but autistic people being autistic.
By the way it's described there's not even any point in making any other games as they'd either end up not being "roguelikes" or being all the same game.
Sure, call games with roguelike elements roguelites if you'd like, but damn, there's no need to be that anal about the whole thing.

>> No.4639027

Good. You can safely assume the genre isn't going to appeal to you and move on to something else. Time saved!

>> No.4639035

Not the genre, the fanbase.

>> No.4639073

More than almost any other, it's a genre that arose from and is mostly made by it's fanbase. Your assumption that there's no point making games within the genre is way off by the way, but there us good chance many of them wouldn't interest you.

That's why I said usually rogue and roguelike fans rarely have a lot of crossover with roguelite fans. But just so long as everyone can find what they like it's all good.

>> No.4639843

Is DoomRL actually any good?

>> No.4639876

You're a fucking faggot. Not all roguelike fans are like this fucking autist.

>> No.4639886

It's pretty cool. Def. different for the genre. Big doom fan though. Btw, real roguelike doom? Look into something called Oblige. Random gen doom levels/chapters/ etc

>> No.4639985

I haven't really played Doom since the 90's but that sounds awesome.

>> No.4640069

How is it a slot machine? I haven't played it.

>> No.4640208

I've often found that this sort of irrational anger about something that doesn't really concern the person is usually based in the cognitive dissonance they experience when they encounter concepts too complex for their shallow mind.

>> No.4640473

The Berlin interpretation is descriptive, not prescriptive, and is perfectly accurate for the time when it was made.

>> No.4640484
File: 25 KB, 256x224, fushigi-no-dungeon-2-fuurai-no-shiren-japan-en-by-aeon-genesis-v1-0-mysterious-dungeon-2-shiren-the-wanderer001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played this game in years. Started up a new file and playing in between other things.

>> No.4640737

If you need someone else to tell you that you're playing the right definition of something, then you're the weak minded one you Faggot. The Berlin interpretation is outdated.

>> No.4640751

Fucking great.

>> No.4640786

Frankly you don't understand the genre or why it's definitions are the way they are at all. Each is important to creating the overall experience, which is why it's been defined as such.

Obviously it's not something that appeals to everyone, but those who it does really, really like it. Also no one us asking you to agree or like the same things. Just to not lump other types of games in with these.

>> No.4640802

DOOM, Duke Nukem, And Half-Life are all very different games. But First Person shooters nonetheless. Rogue-like. A game like rogue.
Duke is like DOOM, Half-Life is like DOOM.
But if you're playing Half-Life do you not respect and appreciate the origins in which it came from?

Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.4640813

You sound upset for no reason. Genre deffinitions exist to help people find the kinds if games they like. The core elements if what makes something a roguelike are pretty specific because it's those things working together that produces a particular kind of experience which is what most fans of the genre are looking for.

Games that take one or two elements and run with them in a different direction are all well and good but they also invariably lead to very different kinds of game experiences.

No one worth listening to will insist one is a more valid type of game than the other, it's just helping find the kinds of games that appeal.

>> No.4641709

What if we were to make a list of what elements must be present for it to be considered a roguelike, what would it be like?

>> No.4641724

>Infra Arcana
mah desu.

I love it, that lovecraftian theme is just so fitting. If you like the insanity mechanic of IA, check out golden krone hotel, it has a pretty cool vampirism mechanic.

>> No.4641764

if it doesn't have an ASCII display mode it's not a roguelike

>> No.4641896

Google the Berlin interpretation of you are genuinely curious.

>> No.4641925


>> No.4641940

He said roguelikes were always cool...

>> No.4641946

Found the faggot

>> No.4641947

You didn't understand it. It isn't guidelines. It isn't rigid.
It is a set of things that commonly make up roguelikes. You use it to judge a game on it's level of roguelikeness. Less to say things absolutely must follow these rules.

Also you haven't played many roguelikes if you think because they closely follow the berlin interpretation they play very similar.

>> No.4641950

You are literally describing the Berlin interpenetration.

>> No.4641953

Oblige is cool but it will never replace a good map wad.

>> No.4642029 [DELETED] 

Were you there, do you have a stake in this precious Berlin interpretation? Last I checked the Germans couldn't even win a war, fagboy

>> No.4642107 [DELETED] 

It's a turn based game that lacks the ability to restore a save (exception: quick-saves). If it does not have both these features it is not a roguelike in any way.

"Roguelight" is a word that when used to describe a game instantly discredits the person using it and gives you permission to call them a faggot.

This is the only acceptable placement.

>> No.4642109

It's a turn based game that lacks the ability to restore a conventional save.

"Roguelight" is a word that when used to describe a game instantly discredits the person using it and gives you permission to call them a faggot.

This is the only acceptable placement.

>> No.4642115 [DELETED] 

So you're some kind of fucking commie, huh? The fuck out of here, 'comrade'

>> No.4642187
File: 388 KB, 593x519, 1520831747439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys like Shiren, though? Playing this made me also buy the Vita version

>> No.4642190

This series is fucking garbage

>> No.4642205 [DELETED] 

You're an idiot who obsesses about feminine affectation instead of science

>> No.4642364

Explain fuccboi

>> No.4642421

Random environments, permadeath, non-modal, situations bleed across the environment, resource management, item identification.

I don't think the turn based and grid based descriptions are as vital as the Berlin interpretation makes them. Non-modality is crucial, and situation bleed is an extension of that. In roguelikelikes, FTL is modal, Isaac prevents enemies from moving between rooms (no situation bleed), and Spelunky passes these two criteria.

I don't think item identification is absolutely necessary to the roguelike formula, but I do think it's one of the features most distinctive to the genre proper (like bottomless pits in platformers; they're not necessary, but it'd be odd to see them missing).

>> No.4642607

There's more to it than that. What makes up a roguelike is well understood for anyone who cares to inform themselves.

>> No.4642609


>> No.4642967

Perhaps, but there's something I really like about randomly generated maps and scenarios. Playing the billion maps that have been custom made since never peaked my interest in picking it up again, but somehow randomly made ones do.

>> No.4643449

I bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.4643729

I once got a seed where I got a staff of fire and it was the best thing available so I had to enchant it to survive. I ended up with a golfbag of fucking staffs and no way to possibly make use of them all without anything I actually needed because the game doesn't balance any of the randomization and there's no meta-game other than just fucking dealing with it. You are a dirty filthy slave to the rng when you play that game and it has the audacity to fucking randy hall your shit every 5 minutes

>> No.4643806

>"Roguelight" is a word that when used to describe a game instantly discredits the person using it and gives you permission to call them a faggot.
You seem really angry about this.

A roguelike is a game that is mechanically like Rogue. This is why the Berlin Interpretation, because Roguelikes are a persisting genre that exists in a specific design form. People still make Roguelikes right now.

A roguelite is a game that has borrowed historical gaming design concepts from the roguelike genre and in some way deviated far enough from the game rogue that it's no longer appropriate to call it roguelike, It's not derivative of "Rogue" it's derivative of roguelikes, it's a game that's like roguelikes. The identity of it is different.

>> No.4643830 [DELETED] 

Well thanks for proving my point about how people that use it instantly lose all credit. You've manged to take normal words and reduce them to buzz words. You can't even speak properly.

>> No.4643852

Sorry that people trying to re-define things for no real reason isn't more appealing?

>> No.4644329

That doesn't sound so bad, you just have to adapt more.

>> No.4644365


Somebody needs to do a fan-translation for the nintendo 64 one.

>> No.4644405


>> No.4644605

This but I have never liked the term roguelite since it implies a simpler or easier kind of game. Even though that is usually the case, it's also not the case many times. Dwarf Fortress is a good example.

>> No.4644806

>This but I have never liked the term roguelite since it implies a simpler or easier kind of game.
Does it really though anon. Is lightness automatically associated with weakness and femininity, or is someone psychologically beating the little girl inside you to death while you wring your hands and accept the shame like a dog, dissecting yourself to fit into their comfort zone?

>> No.4645172

yeah, I really wish Fatal Labyrinth had more meat
but apparently it's just a slightly polished up Meganet download title (so it had to be pretty small) put on cartridge
and classic Rogue is definitely loads of fun

>> No.4645309

>A roguelite is a game that

Roguelite was a term invented by reddit. You know where you need to go back to.

>> No.4645312

Your grasp of English is pathetic.

>> No.4645313

>Dwarf Fortress is a good example.

Adventure mode is 100% roguelike. DF is a roguelike with fort/town sim added in.

>> No.4645519

I tried it, but it's too easy to die and then you have no weapons so you're guaranteed death, so I'd rather just play DCSS, since that game at least lets me play for 20 minutes before fucking my ass.

>> No.4645803

Wow you suck.

>> No.4645992


>> No.4646313

Have you tried Toejam and Earl?

>> No.4646334

try not being completely shit

>> No.4646413

Gotta just pray to rngesus

>> No.4646447

How the fuck do you even die in the first 20 minutes of Shiren?!? Do you just blindly attack everything you see??? How can anyone be that bad at a game?

>> No.4647879

>roguelite players

>> No.4647930

Saying that is like sitting down on a slot machine, hitting the bonus on your first dollar, and calling the guy next to you a sucker. It's all about perception

>> No.4647934

>first 20 minutes
More like first 2...one of the first few enemies kills me...are they putting bosses right at the start of the dungeon or what? I should be able to at least clear the first area with not much of a challenge to get used to the game before it ramps up the difficulty.

>> No.4647945

I was this. Mellow down. Zen out. Take a step. Call your mom. Fight a monster. read the news. Sip the synthesis of rogue and jrpg in like the finest wine it is. Enjoy your failure. The life of a Wanderer is never set in stone

>> No.4648017

Yeah you suck or are trying to play it like an rpg. Trying to kill everything you see will never get you anywhere in a roguelike. These are strategy games about tough decisions, not mindless grinding loot games.

If having to be careful about how you deal with enemies and tricky situations and the always present chance of dying doesn't appeal, then it's deffinitely not the genre for you.

>> No.4648025

He's being a dick, but maybe true. Many roguelites ( eg most Chunsoft games, dark cloud etc) are like grindy rpgs just with random maps and encourage thoughtless play.

>> No.4648471

You regenerate your health if you sit still for enough turns. Hold the skip turn button down until you're at full health after every battle.

>> No.4648514

You know, roguelikes are one of those genres where you need to read the manuals or how to play the game before you play it. And pay attention to it while doing so.

I was playing >>4636870 and it took me 2 hours to clear a dungeon. It's how those games play.

>> No.4648650

This is bad advice since you will soon run out of food. Only rest when you need to.

>> No.4649183

It's good advice if you can't get past 20 minutes into the game.

Also Shiren generally has enough food that if you rest between fights and are otherwise efficient, you'll get through the main game just fine.

>> No.4649209

Rogue's not bad. It's horribly unbalanced and a lot more luck-based than modern roguelikes, but it set the standard, and even as a preteen girl playing it in the 90's, it was easy for me to understand why this game was (and still is) considered such an important classic.

>> No.4649220

please stop

>> No.4649456 [DELETED] 


Sorry, what I meant to say was "Rogue suggs and for casuals, let's mage a million more threads about DOOB, huhuhuh RIB AND DARE :DDDDD"

>> No.4649462

You were not a girl at any point during the 90s, you did not, socially, ever go through the trials and adjustments that they did. Don't fucking taunt me you attention whore.

>> No.4649663

It was much the same for me but in the 80's. We'd finally got a computer and my uncle gave us a big stack of disks with games on them, jumpman, qbert, Zaxxon, spyhunter etc. Most of them I got bored with after 10 or 20 minutes, but one was Rogue and I became obsessed with it partly because I never had any idea what was going on. I didn't even have a manual. But I would play it for hours. Then it wasn't till many years later that I discovered Nethack and even longer shiren and others.

She had the spirit of a girl, it's how she remembers it. :) for the freak out though.

>> No.4649713

I actually got to play the game finally because there was a shield when I spawned into the first dungeon, then I killed a few dudes and found a club, then made it to the second village fine and took a break there.

I'm not bad at these games the RNG just fucked me like 5 times until it didn't...I mean if you spawn in with 3 guys right there from the start you're just done and that happened multiple times.

>> No.4649994

>if you spawn in with 3 guys right there from the start you're just done and that happened multiple times
Do you know to walk away until you're in a corridor and only one can attack at a time?

>> No.4650021

It was a wide open space with them all around me from the start...I tried running but just ended up dead...like I said, the RNG will just fuck you and you have to just go over and over until you get a good start.

>> No.4650147

Is there much of a difference between the SNES and NDS versions - at least, enough to warrant playing one over the other? I would prefer to play on a larger screen but not if the NDS version is much superior.

Also, is the vita version good?


>> No.4650302

The DS adds extra dungeons (which are bad), the ability to go backwards in the first 14 levels (which you shouldn't do), touch-ups to the graphics and sound, extra monster levels (this is nice), and removes some brokenly powerful items from the item pool. It's generally better, but not massively so.

It's also not clear to me whether you were supposed to be able to clear the FFP dungeon without using one of the removed items so that's a bit weird in the DS version.

>> No.4650596

What version are you playing? I get what you're saying, but it's hard to believe. I can barely even remember the last time I died on the first few floors of Shiren, and I've played that game a fuckton. (DS version mostly, SF version some)

>> No.4650706

you could probably starve if you had no idea what kind of game it was

>> No.4650972 [DELETED] 

I've been a girl since I was conceived in the womb. I didn't """become""" a girl at some arbitrary point in my childhood development, this is a TERFy strawman.

>> No.4651949

SNES version.

It tells you you're hungry, though...I didn't know you had to eat food until it popped up.

>> No.4652379
File: 42 KB, 480x463, 1521257561195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vita version is great, but the last time I even tried to breath word of it in this thread I got banned from VR for a day and my post deleted from this thread, despite being on topic and within the confines of this fucking thread.
Fucking retards

>> No.4652382

Pretty sure the faggot being anal about the definition of roguelikes is a mod

>> No.4652413

Is it really so hard to understand why genre distintions are good and useful?

>> No.4652418

If you understand them correctly and use them to further discussion, but you're just a tool wanting to look smart.

>> No.4652431

Show me the posts where you think that was happening.

>> No.4652510

There is no Vita version. The Vita game is a port of a sequel that was originally released on DS only in Japan.

>> No.4653343

The way these guys are playing staying alive long enough to starve would be a victory

>> No.4653572
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>> No.4653575

I love the way it feels to "live" in the world of Shiren. The life of a Wanderer

>> No.4654116

Bump for best roguelike. didn't know anyone else played

>> No.4654429

Anyone walking along the path of the Wanderer tonight?

>> No.4656986

Best is a stretch but it's deffinitely solid. Probably the best made for a console.

>> No.4657076

It's like a non shit looking version of Elona...sorta

>> No.4657128

you can't prostitute yourself to wolves in shiren

>> No.4657167

Except Elona is fucking garbage

>> No.4658779

What the fuck is with this game? I'm trying to play it but no matter what god I follow the others fuck me up. Burned to death with no warning?

>> No.4660086
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What's your least favorite monster family?

>> No.4660467

probably any of the ones who can shoot you from off screen

>> No.4661389

All night monsters

>> No.4663875

How I wish this thread hadn't derailed as it did.
So, what's the most "roguelike" roguelike out there I could play? The one everybody would agree that it's 100% roguelike? No fucking ascii graphics though, there's no excuse for using them over anything else.

>> No.4664029

play DCSS with tiles and win with no spoilers (read the in game help files), on an online server, so you can prove you did it

if you look at the wiki or the forums then you didn't really win by yourself, you cheated (most people cheated)

>> No.4664084

Where and how did it derail? Serious question.

>> No.4664314

Semantic faggot mod wanting to be a fag

>> No.4664319


>> No.4664848

Not him but literally where is that happening? Are you really still pissed about deffinitions? Or ascii?? None of it makes sense.

There are plenty of recommendations in the thread, just look for what seems most fun. That's the point after all.

It's almost impossible to not anger any of them unless you go agnostic. But each of the gods has specific punishments, so you can plan for who you're pissing off. If you're a barbarian melee killing everything in site just plan to get burned and poisoned. But being adaptable is also important, if you don't have something to deal with it you might want to switch it up.

Also keep to a low level if you can. Only kill what you need to. Not only to avoid pissing off the cleric god, but monster spawns are based more on hit dice than dungeon depth. If you level too much too early, the last few floors and the way back are a mass of ghosts, liches, soul suckers and shit.

>> No.4664894

How the hell do I get powder on a Vita?

>> No.4664907

Huh I'm afraid I can't help you if there's not a port already, I don't know about the vita much. Can it emulate PSP? Or GBA? It was originally GBA homebrew.

I just play it on my toaster of a phone these days. Not great on a touchscreen, but works fine.

>> No.4664969


Thank you for the recommendation. I am trying to get into the genre ever since Hearthstone did something inspired by it.

Spelunky may be a phenomenal game, but the way the game punishes you for really tiny mistakes is really exhausting. I've tried Streets of Rogue, but exploding items out of nowhere is kind of bullshit. I think for me to get into roguelikes, I'd like to be able to at least see my mistakes as I'm struggling.

>> No.4665247

>no ascii graphics.
Look I know its a preference but there is an excuse.
As others have said in this thread (probably) ASCII is like reading a book. You see a g you imagine a goblin. If you see a muddied sprite of a squat green dude you see a muddied sprite of a squat green dude who might be a goblin.
That said Nethack has a tileset, although ive never used it, and it is as roguelike as they come as well as being very good..

>> No.4665418

What about the genre is appealing to you? That might help find a game you like.

>> No.4665498
File: 41 KB, 800x544, brogue-font.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with him. Graphics are nice but ASCII can be beautiful. And most RLs are done by a handful of nerds in basements, a lot of the tilesets they have made just look worse.

>> No.4665649


It's really strange, but at first you have to use the cursor to see what everything is. Once you're proficient at the game and play enough ASCII, you actually start to imagine a goblin instead of a G. It's up to your imagination what a goblin or kobald etc. looks like.

Honestly it takes a while to get to this point, some get to it sooner, others never do. Once you do, you really start to appreciate ASCII even more. It gives you information and the 's' (snake) you imagine in your mind is much more detailed than a tileset could be.

Roguelikes take a lot of work from the end user to get into, but they are so deep that the learning curve is worth it for me. The turn based aspect lets you really think over situations and take them at your own pace. Even though it's turn based, you can still get overwhelmed very quickly depending on the situation.