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4624859 No.4624859 [Reply] [Original]

What's your unpopular Resident Evil opinion?

>> No.4624864

the ds version is best version.

>> No.4624869

It came out in 1996, instead of 1995

>> No.4624921

2 is the worst game in the series

>> No.4624925

Tank controls are good.

>> No.4624937

4: wii edition is the best game in the series. Fight me

>> No.4624947

I enjoy all of them. Even Gaiden and ORC to an extent. Umbrella Corps was a mistake though.

>> No.4624963

I do enjoy it alot.


There should have been an extra mode after you complete it with jill and chris where you get to play as barry and go through his story.

>> No.4624967

I enjoyed 6 more than all the others

>> No.4624973

CV>3 all day erryday

>> No.4624981

1 was boring crap that was vastly overrated compared to Alone in the Dark or Silent Hill.

2 is painfully easy and gives you too much ammo. It's almost the opposite of CV, which gives you barely any ammo and requires you to avoid enemies to save ammo for bosses.

3 was the best game in the series period.

The non-retro games aren't worth playing, unless you are just pissing around with Mercenaries.

>> No.4624986
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I respect your opinion... but im shocked at it

>> No.4624989

The alternate controls on RE2 N64/DC version make the game 1000% better. I don't know why these weren't default moving forward

>> No.4624996

I have zero interest in remakes

>> No.4625045

Code Veronica was the last good Resident Evil game(not counting the remake because it's basically RE1 with better graphics).

>> No.4625083

I think 2 was easily the weakest of the OG 3, if only because of how disappointing it was to go from the streets to RE1-2 electric boogaloo
not even the outbreaks?
you're a stronger man than me
I couldn't stand gaiden's gameplay or anything of ORC, but I did enjoy all of them

>> No.4625136

That I totally love f the same fucking thread popping up three times a month.

>> No.4625193

The whole series was subpar until RE4

>> No.4625218

I haven't played the Outbreaks yet. Although I heard good things about it from my brother. He's still into the Resident Evil games.

>> No.4625225

they're fun, but half the fun is locked behind a bunch of busywork with an emulator to get online play working

I'd say their single player is still pretty good

>> No.4625239
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>> No.4625246

The Dual Shock soundtrack is actually superior.

>> No.4625272

The games with the worst fuckin' camera, that shit is unplayable

>> No.4625290

I really, really enjoyed Code Veronica.

That's all I came here to say.

>> No.4625305

RE 1: The goofy ass dialogue made the game that much better

RE 5 and 6 are some of the best two player cooperative games I've ever played and I loved them for that.

>> No.4625336

Director's Cut Dual Shock Version has the best soundtrack in the entire series and is unfairly maligned

>> No.4625345

It took me _forever_ to find the ISO for this game, pre filesharing/applicable web hosts. I traded Gundam Battle Assault 2 for it, spent like 4 days finishing the download from a FTP I had to find myself, and only played it for 30 minutes before never picking it up again.

The shit we went through to pirate those days...

>> No.4625405

I definitely wouldn't call it superior than the original, but its honestly not a bad soundtrack on its own merits. It gets shit on a lot because the basement theme which isn't even that bad in context.

>> No.4625412

the guy who composed it was literally deaf.

>> No.4625415

So was Beethoven

>> No.4625507

No he wasn't, he got outted a while ago for actually not being deaf.

>> No.4625532

CV is not a good game.

>> No.4625583

Bringing Wesker back wasn't a good idea.

>> No.4625587

4 shouldn't be considered part of the Resident Evil series

>> No.4625589

And taking the credit for someone else's work. For some reason. It's not good music anyway.

>> No.4625597

to be fair mansion basement WAS one of his actual pieces

>> No.4625607

People who hate Code Veronica play the series for all the wrong reasons.
RE3 is mechanically the best RE game.
RE0 is not shit at all.
As good as REmake is it doesn't invalidate RE1, both should be played in order of release.
Waifufags are cancer and the reason why /v/ RE threads are shit.

>> No.4625613
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Fong Ling is best girl

>> No.4625616

Dead Aim is criminally underrated. Also way better than Memelaitons spinoffs.

>> No.4625623
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It was a fun game. I liked Bruce as a protagonist

>> No.4625629


So it's 15 years old now. Damn, I remember being in elementary school on a field trip day and buying a gaming magazine with the review of it.

>> No.4625652

More /tv/ related but it seems my most controversial opinion is that the animated RE movies are fucking shit and the first Milla Jovovich movie is better than all of them

>> No.4625660
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Honestly first two animated movies are pretty decent. The third, most recent one is pure garbage.

>lets recycle Chris's backstory from RE6 but with Leon!
>lets fuck up Chris's design!

>> No.4625698

The first RE movie is the only decent one. They're all pure garbage otherwise.

>> No.4625704

>that save room music

>> No.4625706

Unlike this guy I unironically like a lot of tracks from that version. The ones that stand out for me perhaps the most are the songs that play once the mansion has hunters. Its save room theme is also the spookiest of the franchise.


>> No.4625718

While the regular RE1 save theme is one of the best, I can also appreciate the eerieness of this.
DC soundtrack also has a better song when the dogs jump in that L-shaped hallway early in the game. Original has some horrible cheesy heavy metal midi sequence with double bass drumming.

Also the save room you posted was reused in RE3 for the musicbox puzzle.

>> No.4625734

What do you mean “unlike this guy”? It’s legitimately my favourite bgm of the entire series, that’s why I brought it up you poser faggot

>> No.4625737

After 1 the series just went full action.

>> No.4625764

I enjoyed the RE5 coop online and trolling the other player by crashing the boat repeatedly

>> No.4625776

4 is the only good one, the rest range from mediocre to downright abysmal.

>> No.4625819

>After 1 the series just went full action.
While RE2 and 3 have noticeably more enemies and more weapons and more ammo, that's not necessarily true. RE4 is when it truly went FULL action.

>> No.4625828

The animated films are ok to tie in with the games but I remember when the animated movies first came out and people on imdb were like "this is the movie they should've made in 2001!!" Like eat a dick, they could've used the exact same script but if they used live action actors fans would've hated it even more than the Hollywood one they got.

At least you saw Milla Jovovich's tits and bush in the live action one

>> No.4625867


I prefer code veronica X over the original.

>> No.4626164

I'll check it out when I get a chance.

>> No.4626194

Came to post this

>> No.4626207


>> No.4626209

This is just being contrarian.

>> No.4626237

The first live action movie was decent. It had elements from the RE1 and RE2 games. The second one was OK and had elements from RE2 and RE3. The rest were fucking terrible and are not worth discussing.

>> No.4626406

I find the movies' quality is comparable to how nude Mila gets in them. First one a lot = fairly enjoyable, 2nd one a bit less = not as good, nothing in any of the following films = dogshit

>> No.4626543

Wesker is the white blue eyed blond hero of the game, trying to advance science and human medicine, while Kristopher and Julie are like muslims trying to hold him back.

>> No.4626548

I liked the rest more than the original, and I watched the original in theater.

>> No.4626578

Resident Evil 3 sucks because of how many cheap instant deaths there are, combined with the fact that there at sections with no save points for half of an hour! Explosive barrels next to weak enemies everywhere, that is so poor. Fucking terrible dude, no excuse for that shit.

The first two games are FAR superior to Resident Evil 3.

>> No.4626584

I am a different anon and I agree 100%, RE2 is a bad horror game.

>> No.4626710

>I am bad at video games

>> No.4626789

Raid mode> mercenaries

>> No.4626808

The Dualshock Edition soundtrack isn't anywhere near as bad as people meme it out to be aside from that ONE song everyone posts.

>> No.4626846

Claire is best girl.

>> No.4627405

>RE4 is not worth playing
That's one of the most unpopular opinions I've ever seen tbqhwy

>> No.4627418

Yeah, i mean it is just as responsible for the state of games today as mgs, but it was so unique and amazing when it came out and it still feels pretty unique. Just cause some games have tried to mimic it, they usually fail, utter shit copy cat craptastic camel cunt.

>> No.4627419

resident evils stopped being resident evils after re4. now they're generic shooters.

>> No.4627508

This is not unpopular opinion

>> No.4627606

Maybe this is why RE4 didn’t leave an impact on me.
I enjoyed it well enough but i just... couldn’t really see how it gets praised to high heaven when its a middle of the road shooter with style.
Then again i started with RE1.

>> No.4627625

Same here. I'm the one who posted >4624981 btw. I played it, I enjoyed the first third of the game, but then it just had too many escort sequences and QTE's. The gunplay is good enough that most people forgive it, but I can't. Mercenaries is good solid fun in RE4, I can't find any fault in that part of it.

RE3 is the best in terms of gameplay and mechanics, and I do like it the best, but CV gets special credit for the lack of ammo helping add to the terror of the respawning enemies.

>> No.4627638

But RE4 wasn't a Resident Evil

>> No.4627682

Parasite Eve 2 is superior to the PS1 RE trilogy

>> No.4627726

5 is great and Sheva is a fantastic AI partner.
3 sucks and is specifically the reason we never got another game like the first ones.
The fart symphony from RE1 Director's Cut is completely fitting with the campy tone.
Leon A is the best scenario. HUNK a shit, Akuma is best.
4 is kind of boring.

Is that enough unpopular opinions?

>> No.4627727

No, those are just shit opinions.

>> No.4627742

Out of all Resident Evil games, Dino Crisis 2 was the most impressive one, since they created a very good action games, using PS1 hardware, with minimal control problems, all while using slightly revamped-tank controlls.

Regina is also hotter than any RE girl.

>> No.4627750

While that is an interesting discussion to be had, I don't think you are right.

Being able to move and shoot at the same time doesn't automatically make it better than not being able to move and shoot. RE3 has considerably better gameplay than Dino Crisis 2 - and I really love both of those games. In fact, I think Dino Crisis 2 is better than Dino Crisis 1. In RE3 you have a dodge system, you can aim up and down. In Dino Crisis 2 you can run and gun, and you can also jump, or I guess its better to say glide/dodge sideways but you can't aim up or down which makes the whole thing a bit too arcadeish. Enemies in Dino Crisis 2 don't have weak spots and its all the same where you hit them. They don't have complex animations, decapitations and whatnot which makes for arguably less satisfying gameplay. This was compensated with kill points, and more importantly - No Damage bonuses which are the most satisfying thing about the game. Dino Crisis 2 is also composed well with nice pacing and fuckton of different mini games that keep the game fresh until the very end but mini games aren't core gameplay so it's unfair to include them, even more as turret sections would not even be a welcome addition to RE3 (or any classic RE). But also, Dino Crisis 2 has a fatal flaw which are the endless respawns of enemies when you reenter any given area. I am still not sure if this works within the context or not. RE3 has no major flaws whatsoever. You could argue that its "too X compared to Y" but it's a perfect RE from the gameplay perspective.

Dino Crisis 2 is simply too different in nature to be compared to RE, all they got in common are prerendered backgrounds if you really think about it. That being said, both of those games are in my top 10 ps1 titles and should be played today by everyone.

>> No.4627769

But Resident Evil was never considered specially campy. That's more like nowadays, because the graphics obviously have "aged" and doesn't look as scary, and also because of the Jill Sandwhich meme. The game was meant to be more serious than it looks, and playing myself as a teenager back then (18 years old) I was pretty scared.

It has some humor and a B-movie feel, but I believe that the campiness has been a bit blown of proportion with the pass of time (Like Symphony of the Night).

>> No.4627771

Not retro but Resident Evil 5 is really amazing in 3D.
It seems like every cutscene in the game was setup to show off some 3D effect so if you play the game in 2D you will be wondering where there is a slime monster falling from the ceiling on you face while looking up, or why there is a 4 second close up of glasses spinning at your face.
I especially liked how the boss on boat was. how the snake heads came out of the background to attack you.
It's like a 6/10 game in 2D and a 9/10 game in 3D.

>> No.4627780

RE1-3 was to be considered fairly believable back in the day. It's the internet fedora culture that got into those games a decade after that thought they were intentionally campy.

>> No.4627821

I wouldn't say that the dodge system in RE3 is something that benefits that game greatly, it's honestly something that's hard to grasp and hard to use due to how situational it is. Sometimes you'll be able to avoid a zombie bite and straight up tank a Nemesis rocket and sometimes it straight up won't work. Tying its usage to the aim button is also not the best thing.

DC2's enemy spawns are finite, they just empty up after you clear the area a couple of times. You actually need to clear them completely and farm for points if you want to reliably finish Hard mode, which could be seen as a flaw I guess.

>> No.4627830

Look up dodge tutorials on youtube, people pull off a dozen and more in a row successfully. Like most good game mechanics its hard to learn properly but once you master it its great.

You can also dodge by using R2 in conjuction with the main aiming button iirc.

>> No.4627839

I agree if we're counting REmake as its own thing rather than another version

>> No.4627843

I might get on that next time I'll be replaying RE3, thanks anon.

>> No.4627845

I like 7 better than Code Veronica. I'm not sure if this in unpopular actually. I just fucking hate Code Veronica but I see it lumped in with the 'classics' a lot as if it's worthy of praise

>> No.4627846

I love jills tits and ass and jill.

>> No.4627847

The whole soundtrack is a downgrade bro

>> No.4627848

The water purification puzzle is what stops RE3 being best in series after RE1

>> No.4627851

he said "unpopular"

>> No.4627969

it ~almost~ makes sense.
honestly? I thought those dumb "pipe" puzzles in dino crisis 1 were awful but once I figured them out they were piss easy, but the water purification puzzle is just set up in such a way that you've gotta be some sort of supreme being to understand it

>> No.4627974

I was 20 when it came out, and it was obviously not Troma-tier camp but what I'm saying is that if it was meant to be taken seriously then they fucked up and the director's cut is a course correction to a more consistent tone.

>> No.4627975

You guys fucking retarded or what?
It's a simple logic puzzle that doesn't take more than couple of minutes to solve at worst

>> No.4627980

puzzles that small that require "a couple of minutes" to solve aren't very good puzzles man

>> No.4628296

I honestly think Survivor is one of the best lightgun games on the PS1 and wish other lightgun games had expanded on the idea of an off-rails shooter

>> No.4628301

You should only play the episodes Shinji Mikami was involved into since they are the ones with actual creativity. The rest is cash grab garbage.

>> No.4628304

That's a fact though, it's not like Super Mario Bros. where the US release date is a complete mystery and has an intense debate around it.

>> No.4628415

Your face is a downgrade bro.

>> No.4628843


>> No.4628864


seconded, love dem tank controls

>> No.4628876


It would have been scary if the knife was not so handy to finish off regular zombies with its multiple hits to conserve ammo.

>> No.4629370

mercenaries 3D is my favorite RE game

not him but RE6 did have the best mercenaries mode in terms of gameplay.

I'd argue that 4 & 7 are worth checking out if you aren't a purist.

which version of raid mode?

I'd rather they went with romero's script for the movie but if you think the alice movies are better than the CGI ones you're crazy.

>> No.4629568

I love 4 and have never finished another RE game

>> No.4629574

Tank controls are the essence of resident evil. Remove them and it’s no longer a resident evil game

>> No.4629597

RE4 is not only the best one, but a top 10 game all-time in any category.

>> No.4629601

It's the best one, by far. A true classic.

5 and on are pretty crap.

The pre-4 ones are great, but overrated a bit due to nostalgia.

4 was the sweet spot.

>> No.4629609

>not him but RE6 did have the best mercenaries mode in terms of gameplay.

Ah crap this is the first thing I've ever read that made me want to get RE6. I love Mercenaries, it is so fun

>> No.4629612


Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend

>> No.4629621

I agree with you 100% on Romero's script but if you actually believe that any of those animated films would not have been looked at as pure Uwe Boll level dogshit (worse than the first Alice film at least) if they were live action instead YOU are the crazy one.

>> No.4629659

Technically it's not even a Lightgun game because the lightgun support was removed before the launch because of the Columbine.

>> No.4629663

Director's cut was more of an improvised edit of the game to make up for the delay of RE2. New handgun, new cutscene camera angles, tweaked enemies here and there and that's it. Script is the same, dialogue is the same, camera angles in cutscenes aren't exactly "directed", they are still static.. I don't get any difference in tone.

>> No.4629701

All I can say is I'm glad the live action series is gone.
Maybe someone else can try to make a better, more game accurate take on it now.

>> No.4629721

It's a great game, no doubt. It just doesn't have a real relation to the previous games. It's essentially a new game series Capcom made and put the Resident Evil name on.

Including RE4-6 in discussions about Resident Evil just makes for worse discussion of both because you're trying to talk about two totally different sets of games as if they're one thing. One is a survival horror series, one is a third-person shooter. Apples and oranges.

>> No.4629752

I take it you didn't watch """the final chapter""" because it's left open for another one for some reason.

>> No.4629867

>It just doesn't have a real relation to the previous games
being overdramatic

>> No.4629897

The music, did you not read my original post?

>> No.4630359

Not at all. The story elements are cobbled together and the gameplay is a complete genre change.

>> No.4630410

>What's your unpopular Resident Evil opinion?
RE3 is best RE

>> No.4630417

I recall they were already working on a reboot of the film series so that's always something to look forward to

>> No.4630958
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If we don't count anything after Nemesis that is.

But who in their right mind can regard RE4 and after as part of the series, really..

>> No.4631223

I have. And it was satisfying to see those credits finally roll.
I mean, the story was all over the place, and the editing was terrible (that scene where she's hanging upside down under the tunnel was the worst display of jumpcuts I've ever seen)

>> No.4631774

None of the versions of Resident Evil 1 on PlayStation or Saturn were very good at all. Before you accuse me of being too young to understand the impact at the time, I should say that RE2 and RE3 were my first RE games and I got them when they debuted. RE1 was my third RE game and it just felt like a chore. Now, on the contrary, REmake is tied with RE2/3 as my favourite RE game of all time. REmake was what RE1 SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN, and not just because of better graphics and sound. It's a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.4631778

All RE games should have pre-rendered backgrounds (Outbreak being the ONLY exception since it's online).

>> No.4631803

Resident Evil 1.5 should have been completed and released as Resident Evil 2, followed by one sequel on PlayStation and then an end to the series.

>> No.4631971

it really is though.

>> No.4632369

I'm not saying that the CGI movies are what the live action movies should've been but i am saying I'd rather have something that actually ties into the games over a generic 2000s style action movie with the characters from the games guest starring.

>> No.4632383

>It's a great game, no doubt. It just doesn't have a real relation to the previous games. It's essentially a new game series Capcom made and put the Resident Evil name on.

the only mainline RE game that this describes is RE7 and even then they eventually released a DLC to tie it in to the other main games (because DmC & bionic commando scared capcom away from the idea of reboots)

4,5,6 & both revelation games use the settings, plot threads & characters from the previous games.

>> No.4632395

I'm glad people are talking about the low difficulty in RE2. Granted I came from REmake which I've heard is one of the harder games, but I can count the number of times I died in 2 on one hand.

Does it balance out more in 3?

>> No.4632401

its boring and shit and pretending its awfulness is somehow good doesn't actually make it so

>> No.4632418

I'm gonna kick your ass
also arrange mode was tight as fuck and only available on director's cut

I would've preferred 1.5 over 2 to be honest but I think the N64 version of 0 would've been 20x better than the 0 we did get

the difficulty depends solely on 2 things:
whether or not you fight nemesis every time
and whether or not you're good at using the dodge

if you're bad at dodging and insist on fighting nemesis on hard mode to get them sick new guns, you're gonna have a rough time

>> No.4632431

they should do another REmake
>in fact I believe they might

>> No.4632432

and Zero?

>> No.4632435

They should have stuck with the fixed camera angles and pre-rendered backgrounds

>> No.4632436

I'm glad it sounds like there's a new mechanic I have to learn to get good at the game. RE2 is a fun ride but I was a little disappointed with how I blew through it.

>> No.4632474

in fact i'd like to see more survival horror games in general bring this back

>> No.4632597

I am confident that it will make a comeback in indie games just as pixel platformers have started making a comeabcki

>> No.4632602

>4,5,6 & both revelation games use the settings, plot threads & characters from the previous games.
The way they use it is meaningless. RE4 could be a standalone game and the plot would lose nothing whatsoever from it. Just using the name of a character from a previous game (and then reinventing the character completely) doesn't tether RE4 to RE2.

>RE4 opening cutscene starts with "Umbrella died on the way back to its home planet" tier exposition that removes all relevance to the previous games
>game then follows its own overarching story that is nothing like any other game in the series
5 has more relevance thematically but as a continuation of RE4's style, both in its gameplay and its approach to story and characters, it doesn't feel like a sequel to any of the original games. It just feels like they recycled names.

>> No.4632998

Survivor is kino

>> No.4633179

RE4 has Leon, Ada, Wesker and they mention the Racoon city incident quite a bit. Its definitely related to the previous games.

>> No.4633236

Id rather have a tie in or something largely original and that's what the first film was. They didn't start with the cameos til the second film.

>> No.4633536

we heard you lad

>> No.4633586
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>It has characters with the same names as the ones from the other games
It's like saying Mario's Time Machine should be considered a proper Mario game to be discussed alongside SMW, SMB3, SM64, etc. For all intents and purposes, it's a different game series with recycled characters.

>> No.4633609


>> No.4633725

are you really gonna let your autism for derail the thread?

first you went on a tangent about how there's nothing connecting 4 to the rest of the series and when you were proven wrong you so now decided to double down and bring spinoffs from mario into this because you skipped the non QTE cutscenes & avoided all of the notes

just admit that you were wrong.

>> No.4633730

Emblems are my favorite part of the series.

>> No.4633736

0 is my favorite despite everyone's hatred of it.

>> No.4633753

But why?

>> No.4633773

>Best main characters
>Controls better than just about every pre-4 title I've played
>Some of the better boss battles in the series
>I want a mansion but I don't want 'the mansion'
>I genuinely enjoy the two-character mechanic
>The fucking story was stupid as shit tho
Also Rebecca is qt 9.5 waifu for laifu

>> No.4633790

The first thing I said was 4 had no real relation to the rest of the series, which I explained after to mean that they just used names from the previous games while, from the very beginning, severing ties to the series' plot in order to set up its own, which works just as well if you've never played another Resident Evil game before, which many people who played RE4 hadn't. Your response to this was to restate "but Leon's in it." You're being stupid on purpose.

>> No.4633802

>best main characters
rebecca's cute but billy's kinda meh
>controls better than blah blah
I dunno, 1-3 had some really tight controls
>some of the better boss battles of the series

>> No.4633976

That I enjoyed Code Veronica more than 3 in spite of the rampant stupidity featured in CV.

I like CV, but I will be the first to admit that the game is pants on head silly.

>> No.4634214

Every game in the series was trash until 4 came out.

>> No.4634219

disregard that, i suck cocks

>> No.4634259

Resident Evil 3 should not be a numbered title.

>> No.4634596

I think Ashley Graham's giant ears and oddly British (but not ugly) face were cute and added a sort of awkward charm to the character. She wasn't a rampaging sex bomb, but she wasn't supposed to be; she was the president's awkward teenage daughter, and she looked and sounded the part, and it was cute.

>> No.4634710

> she was the president's awkward teenage daughter

>> No.4634769

i don't really like tank controls but i like fixed camera

>> No.4635739

>Ashley is the childlike daughterfu at 20
>Meryl Silverburgh is Solid Snake's love interest at 18
Those wacky nips

>> No.4636685

Meryl married Johnny though.

>> No.4636695

irl its that tank controls aren't even that bad
on /v/ its that re4 is the best re

>> No.4636709

I find it funny that people who fellate RE4 tend to hate tank controls not realizing RE4 used them as well

>> No.4636713

Not in a traditional sense though.

>> No.4636832

I prefer to not look at Kojima's "Springtime For Hitler" as canon

>> No.4636852

B.O.W.s are a dumb plot idea.
They are supposed to be more advanced weapons, but are defeated by normal humans every single time, no matter how big or how powerful they are meant to be.
Therefore, humans are actually the toughest bio weapons.

>> No.4636858

Need tank controls with fixed camera. People probably don't realize every first person game uses tank controls.

>> No.4636860

Part 2 and 4 are the best in the series.
Fight me faggots.

>> No.4636868

it's bad

>> No.4636881

A zombie alone still takes more bullets to bring down than a human, and even if you kill them, there's a very real danger of them mutating into a crimson head and then a licker. Also they became stronger with each entry in the game, Tyrant in RE1 is much weaker than the Pursuer or the second Tyrant.

>> No.4636934


>> No.4636949

>the Pursuer

>> No.4636954

read the OP, anon

>> No.4636962

Nemesis, Pursuer is his official moniker.

>> No.4636970

They changed the title to Resident Evil instead of Biohazard outside of Japan. Just like Mega Man /Rock Man and Balrog/M. Bison

>> No.4637004

Biohazard is cooler name.

>> No.4637052

like i said if you didn't skip cutscenes or read the notes we wouldn't be having this argument in the first place.

>> No.4637101

>.............. But Leon's in it
Like I said, you're being stupid on purpose.

>> No.4637129

This. Should have just kept the name

>> No.4637593

I prefer Resident Evil. Biohazard sounds too blunt & generic, like the names they give games in movies
>"I'm playin Robo-Killer 7!"
"Resident Evil" puts in makes me think of the mansion full of zombies but also the evil conspiracy behind it.

>> No.4637635

i think that 2, while great, is really overrated

>> No.4637638

all of the wesker wank was a bad thing

>> No.4637709

Wrong. All of the RE movies are dog shit.

>> No.4637764

RE4 and beyond are the worst ones. RE1 is better than RE2.

>> No.4637805

I would strongly agree with this.

>> No.4637828

Devil May Cry 1 is the best Resident Evil

>> No.4638198
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I hate them all. Fuck tank controls.

>> No.4638665

RE1-3 are the best.

RE1 - Great foundation for the series. The best atmosphere out of the classic trilogy. Also, The Spencer Mansion serves as a puzzle itself in that the player must strategically maneuver within it.

RE2 - Essentially takes RE1's layout and streamlines the gameplay. It's a tad more linear and more action oriented. Without a doubt, RE2 features the best storyline and characters.

RE3 - At times can be the most overwhelming and frightening RE game because of Nemesis. Environments are more open than RE1 & RE2. RE3 is the most technically advanced and progressive entry out of the classics. Controls/ Movement feels more refined, there's the quick turn and dodge feature, etc.

>> No.4638720
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re4 is garbage

>> No.4638743

I have no fucking idea what is happening in the background of the original box art for RE1 which OP posted.

>> No.4639024

I've played all of the RE main series (except for 6 and 7) and the PS2 spinoffs and I think the new "alternative", directional or 3d controls (whatever you want to call them) included in the remakes and re2 n64/DC are better than the original tank controls.

This is coming from someone who bought RE in 1996 for ps1. The new controls simply make the game much more enjoyable to play. For those whining about it being "too easy", just play the game on the hardest difficulty.

>> No.4639078

Nah you're just retarded and get autistic that they changed style.

RE4 is an ammo-intense shooter. It emphasizes action, you have far more enemies thrown at you and the aiming is more demanding.

While you're at it why don't you tell us how Half Life 1 sucks because it doesn't have a lot of puzzles and they give you lots of ammo.

>> No.4639153


It's fun garbage though tbf, like sometimes you just want to gun down lots of spaniards y'know?

>> No.4639165

>the game where you can craft 64+ magnum rounds


>> No.4639168

but only if you don't craft any other ammo

>> No.4639172

I found it fun for a while but started feeling bored somewhere during the castle part and never finished it
I remember it feeling longer than any RE that came before it

>> No.4639189

RE4-6 should've been subtitled spinoffs (think survivor, revelations), not numbered entries.

>> No.4639201

>RE4 is an ammo-intense shooter. It emphasizes action, you have far more enemies thrown at you and the aiming is more demanding.
And the emphasis is on shooting an enemy in the knee, then nailing them with a melee attack that knocks them down and the group around you back. This way you wipe out enemies with a bullet or two, and you easily regain that ammo from the enemies themselves. You only run low if you dump ammo into enemies and never melee anyone. Compare that to the /vr/ RE games, where using the knife took more skill than "hit button when game tells you to", and did little damage instead of knocking enemies away from you. RE4 is an action game with RE slapped on it, RE3 is a survival horror.

>> No.4639212

I mean, what would've been a main game then?
the outbreaks?

even then, CV is a subtitled game and is still a main game

>> No.4639216

4 is crap

>> No.4639230

>I mean, what would've been a main game then?
>the outbreaks?
No. A game that continues where CV left off. A survival horror game that deals with the downfall of umbrella. RE4 just skipps this altogether for its own thing. 5 and 6 continue this trend. These games are a lot less connected that 0-CV.

>CV is a subtitled game and is still a main game
That's because it continues the story that was set up and executed in Re1-3.

>> No.4639445
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I don't really have any and mostly agree with the all the average sentiments about the series. Rebecca a best.

>> No.4639869

Hey you like this police station, well prepare yourself to walk through this thing a billion fucking times in different "scenarios".

>> No.4640459

What's wrong with RE3?

>> No.4640460

You ever wonder why they stopped making games like the original 3? Because 3.

>> No.4640926

dude what
do you just expect the series to be almost exactly the same every entry? capcom took chances because obviously the same game over and over grows stale, so they made a lightgun game, a game like the original 3 but with less technical limitations, and then finally REmake

they all sold terribly, and the outbreaks were so reliant on a gimmick that not everyone was even aware of that it might as well not have mattered

of all the weird contrarian opinions, why are you focused on 3? "everyone hates 4 for killing the series but the REAL series killer was 3!" no it was REmake bombing because they made it exclusive to a console nobody wanted

>> No.4641014

>the next game that came out was CV

>> No.4641162

But 3 was the best one. Also, your point falls under minimal scrutiny, because the following 3 mainline games all played like the first 3, and the Outbreaks played like the first 3 but with online.

>> No.4641723

>exclusive to a console nobody wanted
I think this was what did it. That time is a little fuzzy but 4, REmake and 0 were all GameCube "exclusives" with only 4 getting an eventual ps2 port right?

>> No.4641735

yeah, but REmake and 0 did get ported to the wii in like 2007 or so, which I didn't even know existed until a few years ago
meanwhile RE4's been ported to every major console except the xbox since its release

>> No.4642281

3 > 2, and 3 is in fact the best in the franchise
6 was fine, adult Sherry was a great idea
Sheva is the second best RE girl (Jill is best)
Shinji Mikami didn't have that big of an influence

>> No.4643121

you're an OK guy, anon
I never really got the dicksucking of 2, like I love it but it's just more of RE1
sure it seems a lot more like a fun action movie than 1 or 3 but it's just... the mansion again

>> No.4644173
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it has a completely different atmosphere from RE1

>> No.4644179
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RE 2, 3, 4 shouldn't be in the resident evil series and be named something else, like zombie action shooter.

Furthermore it is noticeable that REAL RE games are not numbered:
Resident Evil, Resident Evil Code Veronica

>> No.4644230
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I like the artwork on the character models from the first 3 games.

>> No.4644231
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>> No.4644296


>> No.4644314

i have to agree. since 4 isnt even resident evil beyond leon and ada being in it, much the same way as re7's only ties to the franchise was chris

but my unpopular opinion is that gaiden is pretty good.. its a gameboy game, yet people expected it to be re1 complete...

>> No.4644316

which was supposed to be #3...

>> No.4644324

I enjoyed RE: Survivor

>> No.4644815
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Gotta blast!

>> No.4644843 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4644850

Re7 was good but it wasn't Resident evil

>> No.4644851

this but everything after code veronica

>> No.4644859

this myth again?

>> No.4644862


The movies are better than the games.

>> No.4644990

Everything after 0*

>> No.4645026

the outbreaks were after 0 and CV

>> No.4645032

How are the CGI movies?

>> No.4645036

Compared to RE4-6 and Revelation games, it definitely was. Compared to 0-CV, it was a simplified spin on that formula. The elements are all there, but the linearity, scripted events, lack of different and non-boss monsters hold it back.
I will gladly take another 7-like game as a numbered entry over those games. They are alright, but they really deserve to be nothing more than spinoffs.

>> No.4645048

first one is boring, second one is fun as fuck, third one is an awkward mess that still remains enjoyable but probably not for the reasons the director intended

also 4-D executor is a neat little short story about UBCS dudes doing UBCS stuff

>> No.4646116

1. The characters you play in RE games are heads and shoulders above the rest of humans in terms of skills.
2. Zombies still have the ability to fuck up entire cities

>> No.4646120

Let's jam!

>> No.4646316

I like 4 better

>> No.4646553


>> No.4646774

Rebecca and Billy fought a proto BOW and an accidental BOW. Everything else was meant for causing havoc in a warzone
The only BOWs Chris and Jill fought were Hunters, Plant 42, Cerberus and the T-002, and they got lucky with the T-002. If Brad didn't have a rocket launcher, they would've been done for.
In RE2, the T-103 was only there to get a G-Virus sample. It's meant for retrieval and warzones, and if there was more than one, Leon would've been raped. It survived falling and laying in lava for what, half an hour? Shit's strong.
The accidental BOW in G-Birkin was overpowered and was only killed by being in the heart of a military grade train explosion.
Nemesis actually did finish off Jill, but Carlos managed to find a cure.
And remember, all of these people were at one point soldiers or members of a smalltime SWAT team, and went on into full military service or secret agent service.

>> No.4646910

I mean, for 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, yeah
but leon was a rookie cop and claire was a 19 year old girl
to be fair a majority of the BOWs you fight are accidents or prototypes/failed experiments
most of the tyrants are prototypes too, save for the T-103s and their cousins from damnation

I think what RE really needs to do is stop making BOWs be so on-the-spot, bring back more refined enemies, something we haven't seen in most games past 4 outside of the super hunters from REv1

>> No.4647490

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis as it came out was completely unnecessary and only made the plot of the first two games more convoluted than they needed to be. Part 3 should've just been Chris, Jill and Barry investigating Umbrella in Paris.

>> No.4647612

Dude.. I suck at RE games and suck at games in general and also I cry out like a little bitch everytime a zombie is chasing behind me and even I am probably better than you it sounds like

>> No.4647643


>> No.4647649

Resident Evil 4 aka Call of Resident Evil 1 was the beginning of the down syndromification of the series and is one of the greatest tragedies in video game history. Capcom in their infinite wisdom released a spooky zombie game on a console for children and as a result of extremely poor sales of REmake they came to the wrong decision that the classic RE formula was flawed and needed to be changed. So in their infinite wisdom they dumbed the series down and turned it from a resource management survival horror series into a run-and-gun shoot the fuck out of everything explosions and 360 quantum kicks action game for brainlets. Sigh... thankfully RE is back on track with 7 :)

>> No.4647650

every nemesis fight is like, directly near a save point, and they're almost all avoidable
the only instant death enemy other than nemmy is the worm in the sewers which has a save point like 2 areas away

any other instant death and you're just not very good

>> No.4647685

This, except RE4 was a great game in its own right.

>> No.4647691

If you earnestly think the "combat" in the classic games is more compelling than RE4 and not just the means to deplete your resources then you are the brainlet

>> No.4647702

I want to touch Jill's butt.

>> No.4647707

Where did he imply that?

>> No.4647709

I have been boycotting this series for over 20 years now because I consider it an Alone in the Dark clone.

>> No.4647712

True. If Emily Hartwood looked like Jill Valentine literally no one would give a fuck about RE

>> No.4647727

I was just thinking about this earlier. It's crazy how similar RE1 is to Alone in the Dark. RE1 is AitD with guns.

>> No.4647763

Combat in the classic RE exists to deplete resources and I love every second of it. Dodging shit start to finish and only taking shots when needed feels to elegant. I don't really know why but I love it.

>> No.4647843

The entire series sucked and the only people I knew that liked them were autistic.

Special shout out to tomb raider and silent Hill fans and twisted metal. Fuck you white trash bitches ya trailer park faggots.

>> No.4647847

'Magine being this retarded

>> No.4647972

you can in the DS port of RE1
rebecca's and chris's too

>> No.4648146

>played RE4 in 2007
>never played RE1-3 until two years ago
>think 1-3 are infinitely better
>must be dat nostalgia

>> No.4648158

>all these posers pretending like their brave for saying the originals are the best and everything after was worthless, the contrarians chalice of 4chan and /vr/

RE4 was a good game and a natural evolution of the previous games. To say otherwise is to say that you hate everything Capcom did with RE after RE1. From as early as RE2 they worked to make the series more action packed and full of setpiece moments, jamming RE2 full of weapons and ammo and advertising the game based on all the new ways you had to kill enemies. They maintained the camera angles and puzzle based progression out of formality and mechanical continuity, but the heart of its creators sought bigger and better action as early as game 2, if not even from the first game.

To think, there are those who bitch about RE4s action when RE3 introduced contextual(!) dodges, something RE4 didn't even have. RE4 isn't even that different mechanically from the previous games, the biggest change is the change of POV, but besides that you had the same 4 way tank movement and contextual interactions from a shoulder perspective and static shooting, the other big difference being the change from a simple 3 directional aiming to a more precisely controlled aim which of course changed the nature of progression for the game.


>> No.4648159

I still love RE2 and RE3, prerendered action games are a unique sell that few games captured as well as they did and I would like to see more of, but people who say they hate RE after 4 are confused or don't even know their own definitions. Although coining the term survival horror, RE lost interest in the mechanics of survival horror from RE2 onward. The only coherent way to hate RE4 is if you hate RE2 and 3, they all worked as hard as they could to progress to RE4. The only consistent opinion is to either love RE1 and hate the rest of the series or hate RE1 and love the rest of series(for people who engage in extreme internet binaries of course, for people who don't shit themselves over changing series, its perfectly possible to love RE1-4) If you want a consistently survival horror series you're after Silent Hill 1-4.

>> No.4648164

when you think about it, dino crisis 2 was the ultimate evolution of classic RE

it just couldn't get any more solid than DC2, unless they allowed for keys to be used whenever you examine the object you need to use the key on

>> No.4648169

>misrepresentative sample on what RE3 puzzles were like

RE3 and the rest of the classic entries were braindead in terms of puzzles and were more their to challenge inventory management and to provide downtime between enemies. Anyone claiming puzzles in RE were ever a serious thing are either liars or announcing their educational disability on the internet.

>> No.4648183

>oh well you ONLY get 64+ magnum rounds


>> No.4648185

RE3 is shit and it already started killing survival-horror in RE.
Steve from Code Veronica is a fine character.

>> No.4648210
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>Steve from Code Veronica is a fine character

>> No.4648213

Don't you mean RE2?

>> No.4648226
File: 11 KB, 210x240, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 movement was still restricted and kept enemies and ammo scarce.
RE3 added fucking action elements and a
shitload of ammo and enemies.
Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4648230

>RE3 added a shitload of ammo
>and enemies
>multiple rooms in RE2 that just drown you in enemies
bud, RE2 was already an action game because it straight up gives you a 200-round submachine gun

>> No.4648234

>RE2 kept enemies and ammo scarce

Has it been a while since you played RE2? RE2 is the most famously ammo heavy RE of all the PS1 games. You get a reloadless machine gun, flamethrower and electric rifle in a single run, +100 shotgun rounds. I'll give benefit of the doubt and assume you are just mistaken.

>> No.4648237

Horse shit that it's a natural progression.
The progression from 1 to 2 is just that 2 had more enemies. The progression from 2 to 3 is the ability to dodge and the more frequent boss encounters due to Nemesis. Then CV removed dodge and returned to a slower pace with fewer enemies. Then Zero came out and was slower still, more like RE1 again.

4 came out of left field and not only was completely over the top in its action, but the entire genre of game changed. Survival Horror is essentially point-and-click adventure style gameplay but with more control over your character. The point of the RE games was to explore an area, collect items, solve puzzles, and figure out how to advance towards the end, with combat just being an added challenge. RE4 is a straightforward 3rd person shooter where the goal is to kill waves of enemies that the game throws at you.

>> No.4648257

>The progression from 1 to 2 is just that 2 had more enemies.

And more weapons, and plenty of ammo to use them all with aplomb. Not to mention that Re2 introduced more setpieces and scripted scenarios than RE1 and RE3 added yet more.

The only way to advance that RE2 and RE3 are these intense explorative puzzle games is to avoid using any evidence from the actual games. They had exploration, limited inventory and adventure game controls, but problem solving had been seriously de-emphasized ever since 2 onward. The very design philosophies of the game seek more enemies and more encounters, RE3 was adding exploding barrels and contextual dodges after all, pretending like it was alone in the dark is either just being disingenuous or unintentionally demonstrating a struggle with hole-shape puzzle solving. The puzzle items served as inventory checks frankly ever since the first game.

Pretending like RE2 and RE3 were intellectual slow burn experiences is just dumb and disingenuous. The only way for you to preserve such binary tastes would be to hate RE2 and RE3, because they certainly didn't have any challenging resource management.

>> No.4648274
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>Pretending like RE2 and RE3 were intellectual slow burn experiences is just dumb and disingenuous.
I'm not, but you're pretending that they were anything like RE4 and that RE4 (or RE5? RE6?) was somehow the logical conclusion of the series' gameplay.

Again, for 2 games they added more enemies and with that more ammo, then dialed it back again for another 2 games. Even the prototype version of RE4 showed relatively slow gameplay with few enemies. For the two games you're using as examples of increasing action, the core gameplay was still the same. You may hold the opinion that they're dumbed down, but that's irrelevent.

RE4 on the other hand plays nothing like the rest of the series and is so majorly about mowing down enemies that the game even displays how many kills you got at the end of each chapter.

>> No.4648275

Are you talking about New game+?

>> No.4648281

did you somehow miss the submachine gun?

>> No.4648756

>bud, RE2 was already an action game because it straight up gives you a 200-round submachine gun
That doesn't make the game anymore "action" especially considering it's a larger weapon that takes up more space and is extremely limited in ammo.

>> No.4648826

It's basically Alone in the Dark if Alone in the Dark wasn't shit.

>> No.4648834
File: 86 KB, 500x313, 01.+Jedna+z+pierwszych+i+najlepszych+gier+survival+horror[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AitD with guns.

>> No.4648902

Agree. Capcom it's a company which has been making action games since their beginning. It's more natural to them and their speciality, that probably explains better the series evolution.

>> No.4648997

The electric gun was such shit though

>> No.4649124

RE4 shifted mechanical elements no doubt, changing the progression to a series of arenas rather than looping through an area with new key progression items(although again RE was moving away from this from early as RE2, turning linear after the police station and RE3 the whole way through) and of course the change in perspective. But even though you're getting caught up in the superficial presentation in things. What's going on in the gif isn't that different from what I was already doing through most of RE2, only its now over the shoulder and there is more directional aim. The control scheme is even the same, only granting extra aim control with the perspective. Is it really that bizarre and startling that Capcom might conceive of letting the player aim guns left and right or were you hoping that Capcom would never humor ideas possible outside of the constraints of a PS1 for 20 straight years?

>> No.4649142

>But who in their right mind can regard RE4 and after as part of the series, really..
You're right, and that's all for the better considering RE4 deviates from its predecessors by actually being a good game.

>> No.4649228

are you, by any chance, the guy who didn't know the shotgun/bowgun appeared in the police station if you didn't pick it off kendo?
you're right, the game outright giving you up to 2 fully automatic guns with a possibility of a reload with 200 rounds each that can stunlock just about anything if you're competent enough at puzzle solving is extremely limited ammo

>> No.4649556

"RE4 is a completely different game than the classic RE, right guys?"


>> No.4649596

Only the early village sections work somewhat okay with fixed camera angles.
Later sections would be terrible with them, and the Castle and Island parts would be outright unplayable with the exception of the Ashley section

>> No.4649649

I agree
The video is just to show how similar RE4 to the classic RE games (and to me, it is as classic as the old ones) in terms of gameplay

>> No.4649880

Seeing how compatible the early section of RE4 is with locked camera angles makes me wonder if they were experimenting with that style of gameplay all the way up to the final prototype of what RE4 would eventually become.

>> No.4649984

Any game would "look like Resident Evil" if you fixed the cameras like that. Having human enemies surround you with pitchforks and hatchets is unlike Resident Evil.

>> No.4650026

>What's going on in the gif isn't that different from what I was already doing through most of RE2
If all you mean is shooting things with a gun, sure. The situations in which you're firing your gun are very different though. In RE2, zombies are mostly an obstacle that you shoot to get out of your way. In RE4, you're going room to room with the goal usually just being to kill armed human enemies, is many cases after a cutscene has caused them to flood into the map or the doors in the area all lock until you've killed everything. That's basically the whole game. It's great, and I've probably played it more than all the other games in the series combined, but it's not the same type of game as the previous entries, and that becomes clearer as the game goes on.

At one point you're taking cover behind a box Gears of War style while a big guy with a chaingun shoots suppressive fire at you and other soldiers flank you from the sides.

>> No.4650027

Really? You're going to take the qualities that define Resident Evil to that literal a level? Was RE2 not a true Resident Evil game because it starred a new cast of characters that was not Chris or Jill? Because I've seen people apply this logic to later entries down the line.

>> No.4650049

You've never seen anyone say that when Resident Evil stopped featuring zombies and instead had human enemies, which dramatically change how the game is played, that it stopped being the same game? I've been seeing that since the game first came out

>> No.4650067

CV is best RE

>> No.4650247

All the zombies got nuked by the end of RE3. Where would we get more? Another accident happens and we do it all over again, no new inclusions or mechanics so as to not anger RE autists?

RE autists have the most bizaare parameters for what counts in RE. A game can have tank controls, inventory management and backtracking and a host of slow, monstrous enemies that primarily attack with melee attack and it wouldn't be RE because "uuuh where's Jill or Chris? I didn't hear Umbrella mentioned I refuse to touch this."

Not to mention that RE1 already broke this rules already with a variety of enemies that weren't zombies, and somehow this autism must to be obeyed to the letter of the law of no new enemies.

The las plagas enemy is also one of the most consistent follow ups to the body horror themes and aesthetics of the RE franchise while providing something new and mechanically engaging.

>> No.4650789

>All the zombies got nuked by the end of RE3. Where would we get more?
You understand how the zombies were made, right? They didn't just spawn from Raccoon City like demons. There's zombies as far as the antarctic. Go play Code Veronica. Hell, play 6, there's zombies again in that one a decade later. The nuke didn't wipe out the virus.

>RE autists have the most bizaare parameters for what counts in RE.
Zombies are kind of iconic of the series. Not just in appearance but again, it changes the gameplay considerably. Zombies as an enemy mostly are there to get in your way. They shuffle towards you and grab you. The human enemies in RE4 act completely differently, forming plans, setting traps, using tactics, even using guns by the end of the game. Due to this, it doesn't feel like you're playing a Resident Evil game.

Hey look, there's a part where you're riding in a mine cart. That means RE4 is just like Donkey Kong Country, right?

>> No.4652069

if you play as Jill and not Chris you're a bitch

>> No.4652074

I just like to look at girls
you only play as rebecca for like 3 minutes in chris' scenario so it's not as good

>> No.4652261

mercenaries mode is better than the actual game

>> No.4652387

Anyone who doesn't play as both at least once is a fool.

>> No.4652410
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quick question, i notice that sometimes i get one-hit-killed as jill from full health with one zombie bite that seems to last forever. (4+ bloodsquirts in the same attack, or whatever)

i heard you are supposed to mash something to make it go away quicker, what button is that? x? R-bumpers? (playstation or dreamcast, i have both.)

>> No.4652424


>> No.4652452

I just autisitcally mash all the buttons, seems to work

>> No.4653835

bump for this question, even if slightly off topic

>> No.4653853

its shit and it has stupid tank controls

>> No.4653952

>RE4 wasnt the greatest.

I mean "shoot farmers, get machine gun ammo". Great inmersion, yeah...

>> No.4653997

>developers have stated it multiple times

>> No.4654231

What does immersion have to do with anything? Does a key take up the same space as a rocket launcher?

>> No.4654245

This. Fuck immersion fags. If a game is immersive, that's great, but it isn't a requisite for good gameplay and immersion usually comes from good gameplay and not realism.

>> No.4654250

The rocket launcher takes up a shit load of inventory space in RE4. You cannot afford to carry it around during long periods of time in the game

>> No.4654264

He's talking about the older games, autismoid.

>> No.4654446
File: 716 KB, 2560x1440, Pistols_Zombie_Resident_Evil_3_Regina_Jill_522982_2560x1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE1 for PS1 is the scariest game ever made, i still have nightmares with it (i didn't knew english at the time, so i didn't noticed the bad acting, i even found pretty scary how Richard says "it's not an ordinary snake, it's a monster!"). The REmake is less scary.

Director's cut soundtrack is superior, even mansion basement works in context.

Carlos is more likeable and funny than Leon. Leon is a meh character.

>> No.4654449


Not him, but fuck you both, i should be able to carry a lot of keys in my pockets, a shotgun in my hands and a handgun in a holster. Resident Evil unrealistic inventory system is a mistake.

>> No.4654565

spic begone

>> No.4655024

After watching the intro cutscene for 3, I always wanted to play a game that took place during the initial hours of the outbreak and was far closer to being a squad tactics shooter or RTT than any other RE game we got.

I still love the series, but a part of me still feels unfulfilled. I haven't tried They Are Billions yet but it doesn't look like it will do it for me. I still want an RTT game that is basically Jagged Alliance in Raccoon City.

>> No.4655104

And people who tend to shit on RE4 claim that it doesn't have tank controls

>> No.4655149

Wait, people actually take issue with RE inventory? I've never had a problem having room for what I need. Its pretty basic space/resource management.
>oh a key? try ever locked door.
>oh this thing looks useful for the puzzle in the room I was in earlier.
>I don't know what the fuck this does, into the box it goes.

>> No.4655543

>High secured area
>"Oh look, the town merchant"
Great inmersion, yeah...

>> No.4655574

5 is the best one

>> No.4655668

That poster didn't use the word immersion right. Immersion is required to enjoy a game, because a game is a set of rules separate from the rest of life that we voluntarily participate in, and immersion basically means to take something fictional (i.e. the set of rules) to be true. If you deny the rules of the game, i.e. you aren't immersed, then you can't play the game by definition.

That said, video games can have a deeper roleplaying aspect to them than games like sports or board games. If you play video games primarily for that, stuff like enemies dropping glowing loot can be off-putting. It's complex.

>> No.4655705

The only one that I had an issue with was Resident Evil zero. Dropping key items around the map got old real quick.

>> No.4656942

The comics were good.

>> No.4656951

It hasn't aged at all.

>> No.4657090

The water sample puzzle wasn't bad.

>> No.4657109

>6 are some of the best two player cooperative games I've ever played and I loved them for that.
came to post this. I fucking hate 5 but 6 was so much god damn fun with a friend

>> No.4657113

>The pre-4 ones are great, but overrated a bit due to nostalgia.
no fuck off you underage dweeb

>> No.4657132

REmake is a candidate for best game ever made.

>> No.4657735

I don’t think it’s accessble enough. Younger people can’t get into it

>> No.4657865

>implying this isn't a popular opinion
It, 4 and 7 all get this line

>> No.4658468

If we could get into RE1 when it came out and we were 13 at the time then modern kids can definitely get into REmake.

>> No.4658480

Director's Cut >> REmake

>> No.4658503

It was a top game on twitch for weeks after the re-release. I watched a ton of streams during this time and most people loved it. Only frustrating thing was watching people play with "modern" controls and constantly running into walls/zombies when this is easily solvable with tank controls.

Really wish capcom didn't cave and include that stupid control scheme.

>> No.4660089

how else would they attract the autismoids who can't handle change or the normies who didn't start playing games until 6th gen?

>> No.4660114

Resident evil 6 its awesome in its own way, also is better than 5

>> No.4660117

>see pic
so it was an improvement

>> No.4660403

justify this.

>> No.4660580

5 is my favorite

>> No.4661029

>no casul defence weapons
>better music
>more atmospheric with old tech
>Jill sandwich

>> No.4661105

> Director's Cut
> Better Music

I bet you mean the dualshock version too

>> No.4661145

I agree. Too bad, the level design of RE6 is a mixed bag of ok to terrible outside of mercenaries.

>> No.4661204

I remember playing RE4 back when it iriginally released. I had played the jap demo first, so i was thinking the whole game would be leon baricading doors, jumping out windows and basically just be a 5 hour long version of the first village area. I was hype as fuck for that.

Well, it turned out to be a 9 hour long hallway filled with millions of rounds of ammo and the same single enemy type rehashed everywhere. A few minorly decent boss battles, the (at the time) biggest flop of a final battle in any game ever (RE7 has it beat, btw) and the plot had nothing to do with Resident Evil.

As a fan of reaident evil games, i was let down more than I had ever been by RE4. It was not the game i wanted, it trivialized the plot of the rest of the series (herp, umbrella went bankrupt. No big confrontation, evil plan or final battle to tie everything up. Derp), it is simply NOT a Resident Evil game in any way, other than Leon, Ada and Wesker's presense.

To me, resident evil is a horror series with exploration, puzzles, inventory managment and limited ammo. RE4 was an ultra linear, brainless shooting gallery, set in a hallway that badely had a horror theme at all. Period.

Mercs mode was pretty fun, and IMO the literal only reason to own the game at all.
Anyone who thinks differently can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4661207

Sorry kid, but internet forums in 1998 were talking about how campy RE1 was.

>> No.4661242


RE is better than REmake in every way, but graphically and voice acting. In every way that matters, it is the superrior version. No matter what version

RE2 is a great game because of the scenario system adding replay value

RE3 has the best gameplay of the entire series. It also has the best replay value and most potential for challenge runs. As such, it's the best entry in the series over all.

CVX is a good game. Not great, not terrible. Just good.

REmake was a mistake. They should have made an original entry instead of wasting time retreading.

Zero is just like CVX. It's just good, and that's all.

RE4 is fun, but very poorly laid out. It's also got the same basic plot as super mario brothers.

RE5 is fun if you like action games.

Revations is a great novelty 3DS game, but a shit poor console or PC game.

RE6 was great on paper. A 20 hour long RE with 7 playable characters and an ability system similar to an RPG. the execution sucked ass.

Revelations 2 is a boring waste of time with a couple neat ideas in it.

RE7 is the biggest novelty game ever made. Once you beat it once, you realize how shallow and boring it is upon replaying. The VR element being the ONLY redeeming quality the game has.

>> No.4661252

I tend to rub my thumb across all the face buttons, whilst mashing the shoulder buttons

>> No.4661262

I agree with everything except the REmake criticism. It's not like they just buffed the graphics and moved on, they did take their time and create a great game. Best looking console game of that generation too.

>> No.4661686

Yeah, practically every aspect of the REmake is dripping with quality. It holds up great even today.

>> No.4661687

that i want Resident Evil 2 Remastered to have first person view also... whenever i say that i get attack by rage.

>> No.4661905

The only RE I played was the 1st on the Saturn. I never see people talk about this version though. What are people's opinions on it?

>> No.4662248

I though revelations 1 was pretty cool. The cruise ship reminded me of the mansion in RE1. The flashback actions sequences were totally out of place though. Revelations 2 was a little bland, but wasn't bad by any means. Zero is the worst of the classic RE games, the partner system is completely unnecessary.

>> No.4662580

Probably one of the best versions thanks to the unique enemies and the Battle Game. People shill Deadly Silence, but Saturn is better.
Play the Dreamcast versions of 2, 3 and CV if you can find them. Easily the best versions of each game, and CV will make sure that you can never take Wesker seriously after he gets his shit kicked in by the main villain

>> No.4662609

This. Especially CV.

The ps2 version of CVX is decent and all, but it feels a little unoptomized and the colors are washed out. The DC runs the game perfectly. Nice colors, no frame rate issuea. It just works.

>> No.4662612

I recommend original CV because of the original cutscenes.
But, you're right on the colours. PS2, GCN and PS4 look washed out, PS3 and 360 are too damn bright

>> No.4662617

To each their own my man. But it IS an unpopular opinion thread.

My problem with Revelations is that it feels like a watered down RE4 mixed with watered down RE2, and a watered down version of the dodge mechanic from RE3. Plus piss easy, generic tps segments.

Revelations 2... IDK, honestly. It's just so fucking bland and pointless feeling. Only RE i have never beaten, and even as a huge fanboy, i have no intention to ever beat it. I just can't get into it at all.

Zero IS indeed toe worst classic RE. It's still a good game though. Omly thing that bothered me about it is how ultra linear it becomes in the last third of the game.
Also, most of the time you can just take one character wherever you're going, so hating on the partner system just reflects on your own playstyle.

Kind of like people w>>4662580
ho hate RE5 because Sheva wastes ammo, when she only uses the ammo you give her, and only certain kinds, and in a specific order...

>> No.4662619

I got you. But i seriously notice some fucking frame rate issues and weird frame shadowing shit in the newer versions. Especially on HD tvs.

The DC version just runs perfectly and has no obvious issues working on the hardware.

>> No.4662624

Don't know why I'm mentioned in your post, but I hate RE5 because internal issues caused shit like Sheva replacing Barry, ditching the multiple ending idea where Jill could actually die, and getting rid of the heat and light mechanics.
I think the X port was outsourced with the only thing being directly done by Capcom and the director of CV being the new cutscenes and Steve's hair.
Then the HD and PS4 ports were outsourced and nobody fixed actual issues and instead added glowing fire and more shadows

>> No.4664717

it's got one unique enemy outside of battle game and the battle game is one mode exclusive to the saturn, out of 3 exclusive modes

rebirth and arrange are both better than battle game, with maybe master of knifing being below battle game. there's no reason for anyone to play the saturn version outside of playing a weird port, like the game.com version of RE2 or the zeebo version of RE4, except it's a lot more expensive than either and the benefit is really just an epeen extender

>> No.4664727

Sorry. Drunk post, lol. Have no idea how that second linkngot in there...

Also,.despite.my drunken antics, my points still stand! >_>

>> No.4664774

I hate pre-rendered backgrounds.

>> No.4665339

fuck you too

>> No.4665404

Zombie Wesker makes the whole game worth it man

>> No.4667353

I remember reading about what they originally had planned for RE5 and was greatly disappointed with the changes they made and why they made them. My biggest grievance is what they did with Jill.

>> No.4667358

What was the original plan? I only remember hearing about the game not being coop and having those heat mechanics anon >>4662624 mentioned.

>> No.4667384

how is this even possible?

>> No.4667394

sheva replaced barry real early on, but then the game became co-op way late because of muh racims, which people made fun of at the time because you went and slaughtered an entire spanish village in 4 and nobody cried, not to mention mowing down south american zombies in one of the chronicles games but neither side really knew nor cared about them
blonde jill, apparently, was a long time coming.
image apparently related, from that batch of CV concept art

super early on was a concept where chris and barry go to africa and fight monsters, apparently barry must've been scrapped early on but there was supposed to be a merchant-type character which was removed entirely but might've been the dude who gets beheaded
sheva was going to be a side character and the game was going to be single player, but people started shrieking about racism and sheva became a co-op partner
there was also going to be heat mechanics, apparently enough dark places to warrant a mechanic that made shit real bright when going from dark to light places and dark with going from light to dark

chris was also going to be a bit less roid rage-y and had what was basically leon's gun but a little more customized

shit, I still remember the trailer and ending up kinda satisfied with the game, as dumb as it was

>> No.4667396
File: 443 KB, 1378x1936, 010-Jill-Valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot the alleged jill image

>> No.4667403

I like 5 a lot because it was the last game I played through co-operatively with a friend in the same room on the same screen, and I don't think I'll ever do that again.

>> No.4667408

capcom still likes people who like to play splitscreen couch co-op, but they like to fuck up the splitscreen and add gross empty spaces, which I guess is a result of resolution fuckery

>> No.4668046

I didn't mind Jill being blonde, but I hated that she spent most of the game as Wesker's slave and didn't even get any payback at the end.

>> No.4668105

it was kinda shitty they fucked her out of payback but I guess someone wanted chris to be the big coolman mascot along with leon, so chris and his cute partner got to deal the finishing blow

although jill did hand them the rocket launchers to do the deed so I guess there's that

>> No.4668175

they're best with save-states and invincibility cheats

>> No.4669986

why is RE4 so loved? I don't play zombie games because I'm a pussy

>> No.4670103

it was just a really good game I guess

>> No.4670352

Fun gameplay mechanics, lots of charm and personality, lots of content, good upgrade system, good length, etc

It was very well made

>> No.4670554

Babby's first RE game on babby's first console

>> No.4670558

my first RE game was director's cut on PS1 in 1999 or so and I loved the shit out of RE4, man

RE4 was just a good, solid game

>> No.4670721

Tank controls are crap and sparse ammo isn't challenging, it's just gay.

>> No.4670734

There should be a whole documentary around the first release of the NES in North America. iirc there were people who went around literally selling the units out of the trunks of their cars to toy stores as demo units. I don't know if SMB was included in the games available to those people but their stories must have been fascinating.

>> No.4670745
File: 697 KB, 1401x1394, 1517525961363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is autistic level satysftying
as background eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zl5vpy__dQ

>> No.4670772

The so called "tank controls" were one of the best ones devs could use in the early 3D era and are still good nowadays, "tank controls sux!!!" is a meme done by people who are bad at games and/or who think everything must control like Gears of War or it's bad game design, reee.

>> No.4670776

This. I really enjoyed it.
Yes it was dumb action, but I had loads of fun with it.

>> No.4670793

>Light mechanics
I remember hearing about that. Like, they spent a lot of time on research for it. Something to do with light dilation, going from somewhere really light to somewhere darker made everything go really dark before it adjusted.

>> No.4671108

And when you went outside it'd be really bright before you could see again, and I bet a post-game costume unlock would've been one with sun glasses that removed the light mechanics.
There was also stuff about heatstroke and that you had to find shade. Makes you wonder what RE5 would've been like. I already think it's the best of the action games, but with this cut content, it might've been better than some of the classics

>> No.4671712

That just sounds stupid
>There was also stuff about heatstroke and that you had to find shade
Why would that be fun?

>> No.4672539

He took 3 hunter and 1 stinger swipes and was still in the green. Are enemies weaker in the Japanese version?

>> No.4672545

Rebecca isn't clever.

>> No.4673712

While I don't remember the specifics, I remember reading in the past that Japanese versions of RE games are easier than international versions.

>> No.4674536

RE games are harder in the west to, apparently, make it so that you can't just rent it, beat it, then return it

so if you truly want ez mode RE, you just play the japanese versions

>> No.4674552

Even as a kid reading reviews I never understood criticism of tank controls in horror games. They're only SLIGHTLY burdensome in something with faster enemies like Dino Crisis 1 but even then, just get fucking gud.

>> No.4674557

I actually really like 5 and 6 and think they're among the most playable FPSs in the last 10 years.

>> No.4674569

>I think they're among the most playable FPSs in the last 10 years.
That's weird, since they're not FPSs

>> No.4675068

wow fucking die

>> No.4675528
File: 206 KB, 700x323, re4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Still has the best levels and atmosphere

>> No.4675632

I hate to admit it but I had more fun with 6 also.

>> No.4675957

>best anything
Atmosphere was shit after the village and levels were shit halfway through the castle

>> No.4675963
File: 12 KB, 474x266, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*inhales green herb*

>> No.4676685

The best save theme is from the underrated Resident Evil Dead Aim though i like serenity very much too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH8tnGrbrT0