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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4622954 No.4622954 [Reply] [Original]

Where did you buy your /vr/?

>> No.4622957
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>> No.4622976

Mike's and Lukie Games, why?

>> No.4623003

Kay Bee toys, Toys r us, K-Mart, Target and Funcoland when I was a kid. Local pawn shops and goodwills back in the early 2000's way before they priced stuff so I paid $2-$5 a game. Craigslist once in a blue moon if the deal was a steal. Never found shit at garage sales and never bothered with the flea market.

>> No.4623005


>> No.4623015

Electronics Boutique before the employees became insufferable man children.

>> No.4623019


>> No.4623020

There used to be a standalone unit full of 5 1/4" shareware floppies at the local grocery store, near the video rental counter. I can't find any photos of what such a thing looked like, but that was where I discovered a lot of early-90s PC games.

>> No.4623024

El Mundo del Juguete

>> No.4623074

Funcoland, Gamefellas, and Electronics Boutique.

>> No.4623082

Pretty rarely got games new, even back in the late 80's and early 90's. Most of the stuff my brother and I got was from FuncoLand, but once in a while our parents would let us get a game at Kmart, Sears, or Target. Was kind of weird that they even got us an NES in the first place, because I'm pretty sure my dad hated video games, or just figured they were rotting our brains. Only ever really got games as presents on like one birthday, and maybe on the Christmas where we got the NES. Lots of rentals though, so that was cool. And borrowing/trading games with kids at school.

>> No.4623097

>Never found shit at garage sales
I had a couple scores at them as a kid, one time got a decent stack of old Nintendo Powers for probably ten cents a piece, just a box full of them. Then another time, someone was selling off all their 2600 stuff. I think I paid two dollars for the console, a bunch of joysticks, and a box full of games. Was pretty stoked on that one. Don't even remember what happened to all that stuff though. Probably just garage saled it off a couple years later. The Nintendo Powers were well read, and probably torn to shreds and thrown out unfortunately, but its not hard to find scans online now, so not too cheesed about it.

>> No.4623135
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got games for our macintosh here
this became electronics boutique, then eb games, then gamestop, now a liquor store (a few years after an indie retro store opened up a mile away lol)

also hollywood video and toys r us sometimes

>> No.4623143

who /gamexchange/ here

>> No.4623163

I think there used to be one in my area. Completely forgot about that place. Going to check if it's still there.

>> No.4623169

It's gone.

>> No.4623192

Even back in the day, I was buying my games at the flea market. The rest was purchased at either Wal-mart or occasionally Target.

>> No.4623218

Why would I buy games from a store named after an insufferable namefag?

>> No.4623225

when they're the only game store in the mall and have the best selection of PC games besides

>> No.4623252
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Why would you buy anywhere else?

>> No.4623264
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>> No.4623265
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>> No.4623267

There was an independent videogame shop but it was placed in an alleyway that isn't accesses unless you want past a Blockbusters, which also offered games (for rent at least.) I bought a lot of PS1 games there, my brother told me that was where our Sega Megadrive games were bought from too. The shop went under but later so did the Blockbusters.

>> No.4623282
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>> No.4623301
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KB Toys, Babbage's, Sear's and Toys 'R Us

>> No.4623347
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I just turned 18 so retro stuff isn't something I grew up with. It's a little expensive, especially for some of the better games like Seiken Densetsu 2 and Mother 2 but it's worth it to experience some of the greatest games ever made.

>> No.4623379

Lots of places. Underage's didn't even exist when I started.

>> No.4623384

there was a huge compusa near my house growing up but i only ever went inside twice, once to buy half-life so i could play cs1.3 with friends from school, and once to buy a replacement keyboard after i spilled orange soda on it while playing cs1.3 with friends from school

god i miss compusa

>> No.4623517
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circuit city
Bargain Box in bumfuck ohio

>> No.4623543

Boots the Chemist, WH Smith, Toys r Us, various independent high-street newsagents

>> No.4623554

>have front door
>fuck u use the side door

>> No.4623561

as an architect this irked me. we design shit for a reason. from what i could tell, the only reason the guy makes people use the back door is because it was easier to put a checkout counter there. the "front entrance" is just filled with junk. lazy

>> No.4623584

Friends, yard sales, and EB games before they axed their PC/DC collection. Never heard of babbages (terrible name), I'm assuming it either isn't US based or was only in a specific area of the country.

>> No.4623594

That's not how you spell autist. I'm not even LARPing as an architect and I can think of plenty of reasons to do things the way they did.

>> No.4623597

i always used flea markets and to this day I still go to find some deals.I mostly use ebay and yard sales now.

>> No.4623752
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>57 part binary
>missing part 41

>> No.4623757

They had the best fucking PS1 selection. But once 6th gen came around the quality started to drop drastically - a giant double-aisled display case of vidya got slowly relegated to like half an aisle sans case. It was sad, and then the store out-right closed a couple years after.

>> No.4623760

Funcoland as far as I remember. Where did my parents buy them for me before that? Best buy and Meijer?

>> No.4623763

>tfw no pars

>> No.4623815

Everything PC related I got at Software ETC off Route 22 in Springfield NJ. Just down the road a bit was Funcoland where I'd get everything console related. Eventually the Software ETC turned into a Gamestop and then I moved away, I've no idea what's become of it now.

>> No.4623880
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>> No.4623980
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Game Crazy in the corner of hollywood video


>> No.4624025

I remember my local Kay Bee Toys at North Gate Mall. Went there so much as a kid that I can vividly remember pretty much the whole store. Mostly got toys there (like Jurassic Park, Spawn, and Mighty Max) but I did get Spawn for the Super Nintendo and a Dino Crisis strategy guide for 99 cents. Fun, carefree times.

>> No.4624106

But you can expirience them all for free

>> No.4624108

as a lad? EB games, gamestop, the occasional visit to sam's club? with their PC games
a couple years ago? the exchange, flea markets, and it's about games

now? ebay and flea markets mostly

>> No.4624110

GameCrazy was the last time I remember a chain store giving retardo deals that no where could match. The GCU from Best Buy is pretty good. But not trade in 3 sort of old games and get 2 newer games as almost an even trade.

>> No.4624113
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>> No.4624114

that's not how you play castlevania on the gameboy

>> No.4624115

That was the last surviving FuncoLand. Closed in 2014 and became Gamestop.

>> No.4624120

I could and I did emulate for a long time but after my friend showed me his PVM I had to get one and use original hardware. I've heard flashcarts emulate inaccurately as well so I avoid those, plus they damage your consoles.

>> No.4624121

Macintosh sucked.

>> No.4624129

BestBuy, Circuit City, CompUSA, GameCrazy, Blockbuster, EB, Gamestop, Funcoland, FamilyVideo, Mediaplay.

I bought a ton at Media Play growing up. PC stuff like Doom, Duke3d, Starcraft, Unreal, Quake. To console games like Twisted Metal and Bloody Road. I think our local store closed 6 months before Halo 2, so the local EB games had put a sign out from telling MediaPlay customers to go there for Halo 2. The line on launch night was stupid long.

>> No.4624131
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Every since nes, snes game i bought growing up.

>> No.4624135 [DELETED] 


>> No.4624187
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I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, so it was either this or Shopko

>> No.4624201
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But OP, we were all buying MODERN games back then.

>> No.4624203
File: 94 KB, 500x348, mediaplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in the literal middle of nowhere country so when I moved to the city this place was a safe haven of fun and entertainment.

>always having huge sales
>Music CDs 20-60% off regularly
>Could get PSX games for 5.99$ in 2003
>anime VHS selection

I was actually there for the stores liquidation and bought everything I could.

>> No.4624207

I'm jelly of that mach 5

>> No.4624208

>framed gba games
>underage younger than the game he's holding

>> No.4624209

Theres a used game shop near me that bought that kiosk in your picture.

>> No.4624216

>i heard retarded bullshit and believed it, plus my brain is damaged

>> No.4624226
File: 401 KB, 1200x900, branded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK hollywood video.

>> No.4624228

You can tell it's an American store...

>> No.4624304

Ohh shit, ive never seen tjis. Was it only at your local hollywood video?

>> No.4624349

I've heard of discussion of the branding elsewhere by other anons, not sure. Also, blockbuster used the shitty stickers on the sides as well, which, if you attempt to remove them, will leave a smaller wavy sticker underneath as well as some of the nastiest sticker residue I have ever seen. I've stopped bothering to remove them from my carts altogether.

>> No.4624425

WTF does 'Babbage' mean? Sounds like the name of a frumpy old lady.

>> No.4624435

OG Gameboy games were purchased on Toys R Us

>> No.4624443

The blockbuster void stickers are not that bad. Just use a little bit of goo gone, a scrubbing pad and it comes right off. Wipe up the goo gone residue and it's like it was never there.

>> No.4624467
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Turned my frown upside down, don't you know.

>> No.4624487

fat retard kids with helmets

>> No.4624527
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same, and Lynx and Genesis
that ticket section... I have to go back

>> No.4624575

Toys R Us
I also bought the used games from the local Video Vault whenever they decided to change the console selections.

>> No.4624580

This thread just reminded me of that barrage of Gramps threads a while ago that ended in him making an ass of himself on fucking /pol/

Good times. Anyhow I would say the flea market.

>> No.4624592

>Framed video games
>acting like owning EB is a big deal
for fucks sake EB isn't rare. It's just expensive because of retarded resellers.

>> No.4624623

Funcoland for console gaming, Egghead was where I bought any PC Games I had

>> No.4624629


I bought my first gen Pokémon games and Zelda II at Toys R Us. I’ll never forget grabbing the piece of paper and taking it to the cashier and having him get it out of the store room. Things were so much easier then

>> No.4624642


Mah nigga, I remember when they had a "trade in 3 qualifying* games and get an extra $5 credit, -each-" deal. I took some cash I had and a few games, went to gamestop and eb, bought as many bargain bin games as I could, and took them to gamecrazy to trade in.

They were acting like I stole them and were inquisitive as to why I was trading in multiple copies of stuff like mgs2 or whatever other cheap stuff I had. I bought up as many high-tradein value games as I could, and repeated once more. At that point, I had to shift to a different set of stores and ended up going to a different gamecrazy. Although I had traded in within the last hour, my 2nd mass trade set off some flag in their system and they once again asked why I was trading in a bunch of dupes, I replied honestly, but at that point I had used up a bit of gas and time so I had to call it there.

Ended up getting a new ds when it was still $149 and quite a few games... Good times.

*non qualifying games were stuff like sports(>2 years since release or something), demos and anything not on gba, xbox, gc and ps2

>> No.4624710

Yea... I know

My brother convinced my parents to buy it instead of a Windows 95 computer because "they crash less".

Then we got a bubble iMac for the same reason. I played a lot of fucking StarCraft.

>> No.4624729

I bought that genesis power ranger fighting game from funcoland. Game was okay!

>> No.4625050
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>be local neet/wageman
>go to college
>acquire business degree
>turns vidya collection into a store

Ten years and going strong. May not have the largest selection of games but the prices are always fair.

>> No.4625059

I've been to dozens of stores like these over the years, and they really vary in quality. There's one with super bare bones stuff, you can go in and buy a retron and SMB3 and that's it, and it's been there for over 10 years- and then the one with a gigantic PS2 selection goes under. Sometimes I regret walking in these places because there is absolutely nothing of interest in there unless you want to pay absurd prices on old common games. Also sports games pile up in these places like tumors.

>> No.4625132

>be local neet/wageman
You can't be both of those things, idiot. If you're a NEET you're not employed or in school... if you're a wageman you clearly have a job.

>> No.4625447
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What was the photographer doing by censoring the Left4Dead posters?

Seems kinda silly since you can still clearly see the boxes/logos/ADs for the consoles & guitar hero games.

>> No.4625467
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I fucking loved FuncoLand. When the one near me went out of business, they had a huge sale for the last week. I went there and dropped like, $90 on NES/SNES games and got some great stuff: FF1, Zelda 1+2, Megaman games I didn't have already (1, 2, and 6), Ninja Gaiden, Chrono Trigger, and a bunch of other titles for the NES that were less than $2. After that, NES games became bullshit in prices. Even for a lot of the more common titles. Glad I got the ones I did when I did.

Pic related. Some of my collection.

>> No.4625641

What did he do on /pol/?

>> No.4625653

A Hawaii pawn shop, but shit was selling NES Megaman for like 80 bucks.

>> No.4625657
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>tfw you will never get to browse PC games at CompUSA again.
those were comfy days, even if I didn't have the specs for over half of them.

>> No.4625721
File: 629 KB, 1496x974, loja-COMPUSA-eletronicos-Miami-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting tons of great bargain bin PC games at COMPUSA and similar stores back in the late 90's/early 2000's. Last time I looked in the software section in an Office Max all they had were shitty slot machine games and other shovelware like that.

>> No.4627489

It's named after Charles Babbage. He invented the first mechanical computer. You could store software for it on stiff paper punch cards. Basically he invented software, so they named a software store after him.

>> No.4627516

Is there anywhere in the the Sydney city area that sells retro games and consoles? I want another Dreamcast.