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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4620930 No.4620930 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4620934

I've always wondered why no one stopped the production of a game they knew wasn't finished

>> No.4620945

Costs a lot of money to finish it, potentially can recoup some of their losses if they just go ahead and release it. Kids are dumb and will buy it regardless of if it's finished or good or whatever else.

>> No.4620956
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>thinking game developers have an issue with releasing unfinished games

>> No.4620959

>solve my maze

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4620961
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Hold my beer.

>> No.4620975

Superman 64 is probably the only case were the unfinished beat is better than the "finished" game. There was probably some bad shit going on behind the scene here.
At least it gave us a meme game.

>> No.4621002

Where is the goddamn title? Is the box unfinished too?

>> No.4621004

What does it mean?

>> No.4621014
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Fight me.

>> No.4621025

>collector's edition

>1-4 players
Really? How is that?

>> No.4621095

The multiplayer of course.

>> No.4621102

Who the fuck doesn't know Superman?

>> No.4621665

I think this cover is really cool

>> No.4621683

Its time to let it go anon, grow up and stuff you know

>> No.4621687

Awesome game. Fucking annoying seeing underaged shitters parrot ecelebs that it's bad. You can tell when one appears since they only go on about muh rings even though that part is pretty fun too if you don't suck ass at video games.

>> No.4621702

>we can cancel it, or we can make a bunch of sales from suckers before word of mouth gets out

>> No.4621708
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>> No.4621854


>> No.4621863

what the fuck was his problem?

>> No.4621939
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>that underground subway level

>> No.4621949

Would any of you like to expound on your opinions?

>> No.4622334

I didn't expect a Superman game to just be called "Superman" by that point in time. It should have had a title like Adventures of Superman, or Superman vs Lex Luthor, or Superman in VR (that was the plot, right?) or something.

>> No.4622341

Interesting mini-documentary about the game's production.


>> No.4623546

What wer they thinking?

>> No.4623937
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>> No.4624373

Instead of discussing this abortion of a licensed game, we could be watching Superman TAS.

>> No.4625005


>he doesn't know about the multiplayer

>> No.4627132

>An utterly hopeless, consistently appalling leper of a 'game'. Bordering on the illegal.

Reviewers back then were fucking savage.

>> No.4627739
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>> No.4628596

I miss it. Now all of them are paid off and the absolute worst they'll say is a game is average.

>> No.4628716

If I recall, the title is on the back of the box.

>> No.4628729

Oh for fuck's sake man I know it's cool to go against the crowd but there are limits

>> No.4628736

I mean how often do games this bad get shipped these days?
I'm not saying never, but most of the time they bother to get that shit out of alpha

>> No.4629169

Probably time constraints/an obligation to get it out on time.
Notably, the beta of Superman 64 seems MORE functional than the final product.

>> No.4629260

>The Lord of The Rings

>> No.4631534

Fucking nintendo power gave this game something like a 7/10

>> No.4631553

Companies already bought the stock because it had Superman in the title. It doesn't matter if people buy it, they still get their money from shipping the game. It's the game stores that get fucked over if bad word of mouth comes out around a game

>> No.4631567 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 640x443, superman-(u)-(m3)-nintendo-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but I'll explain why Superman: The New Superman Adventures is a good game.

Superman: The New Superman Adventures being a bad game is a narrative that was only pushed by e-celebs and online critics due to their biased preference towards Marvel. There's a reason why Superman was one of the best selling N64 games and most of the target audience rated it an A. Even some critics at the time gave it good scores like NMS at an 80%.

Some positive reviews:
"Superman". Nintendo Magazine System (77): 33. August 1999.

http://www.ign.com/articles/1999/07/09/superman-flies-off-shelves (also note that the vast majority of the game's audience admitted to enjoying the game at the time with 70% considering it at least a 9/10 game)

Noticed that Wikipedia is run by biased Marvel fanboys so it lacks all of the good reviews on the table and mostly just lists negative reviews that often came about from long after the game's release.

Really, it was the perfect adaptation of Superman you'd expect that satisfied Superman fans of young and old at the time, people are only asshurt because they expected the man of steel to go around beating goons to death like this was a shitty game like Final Fight, made by Japs who don't understand the morality of superheroes.

>> No.4631572 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 600x914, superman holds back his full speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However I have some only personal points of my own I'd like to use to defend the game since I played it at launch and enjoyed it very much.

Superman: The New Superman Adventures perfectly portrays the struggle of being Superman. The comics state he has to hold himself back on Earth, to not go at full speed because the sonic booms would ruin the environment. In the video game, he could just fly to the end of the city effortlessly, but he would ruin it in the process. Instead of taking the easy way out, the devs made it more true to the comics even if it wasn't as conventional and safe as they had hoped. Flying through the rings demonstrates practice of his self-control to the player and discipline; going all out would be exhilarating but also comes with consequences. Next, the game throws the player into situations where they need to have split-second reactions with are no continues to save them. Again, this puts the player into Superman's mindset. Superman has no second chances; he can't just reverse time at will (barring certain incarnations of the character such as Christopher Reeve's portrayal) and he always needs to think fast. Finally, the visual style is very cartoonish and everybody remembers what it looks like, the animation of Superman flying around especially. It was truly like playing an episode of the cartoon. And guess what? He didn't go around beating the shit out of people in the cartoon 24/7 either.

>> No.4631575 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 600x914, superman holds back his full speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However I have some personal points of my own I'd like to share to defend the game since I played it at launch and enjoyed it very much.

Superman: The New Superman Adventures perfectly portrays the struggle of being Superman. The comics state he has to hold himself back on Earth, to not go at full speed because the sonic booms would ruin the environment. In the video game, he could just fly to the end of the city effortlessly, but he would ruin it in the process. Instead of taking the easy way out, the devs made it more true to the comics even if it wasn't as conventional and safe as some (read: e-celebs) had hoped.

Flying through the rings demonstrates practice of his self-control to the player and discipline; going all out would be exhilarating but also comes with consequences.

Next, the game throws the player into situations where they need to have split-second reactions with are no continues to save them. Again, this puts the player into Superman's mindset. Superman has no second chances; he can't just reverse time at will (barring certain incarnations of the character such as Christopher Reeve's portrayal) and he always needs to think fast.

Finally, the visual style is very cartoonish and everybody remembers what it looks like, the animation of Superman flying around especially. It was truly like playing an episode of the cartoon. And guess what? He didn't go around beating the shit out of people in the cartoon 24/7 either.

>> No.4631576 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 533x800, greenlanternscontructs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the fact everybody refers to it as Superman 64 tells me all I need to know; nobody who hates on it has actually played it or was familiar with it at the time (There's another Superman game on the Commodore 64 for fuck sake, why isn't that called Superman 64?) so they're just parroting e-celebs who suck dick at video games so they complain as if it's the games fault they can't even get past the rings.

Not to mention that Superman haters are rampant on the internet and biased as all hell. Nobody complains when you have to go through rings in other superhero games like Spider-Man 2 which is universally beloved, yet it makes no sense for Superman to do it? He's flown through Green Lantern constructs all the time, it actually fits in this game a hell of a lot more than Spider-Man 2 but nitpicking shit you know nothing about is just easier than being honest with yourself, I guess

>> No.4631608


That's not true, retailers can force publishers to sign contracts to reimburse unsold stock in the event a poor sales before allowing the game on their shelves.

Games carts or discs (unused) do NOT make money for retailers in the first place, the profit from new games is pitiful, they do NOT allow valuable shelf space to be used on games that create a loss. The same goes for the consoles themselves. Retailers only make money on peripherals, where they actually get a large cut of the profits.

It has been this way since the NES.

>> No.4631614

Cart size: 64Mbit

Lol fuck

>> No.4631621

pretty much this.

outside of the occasional game that's borderline unplayable you don't really get that many bad games anymore.

the worst that comes out nowadays is average.

>> No.4631709

Obviously they can get reimbursements but I was just saying that the publishers are getting paid for shipping it, not in-store sales. The game just has to do adequately enough for it to be kept on shelves.

>> No.4632630
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>> No.4632636
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>> No.4632820
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>> No.4633148

The writers for that magazine are kinda cool. I thought intelligent and brave people all lived in caves now.

>> No.4633232

You think devs don't know when their game is shit?

>> No.4633267
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>He was sailing now
Thank you for bringing such joy into my day.

>> No.4633301
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>> No.4633859

More like STUPOR Man ah ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.4633979

go back to facebook