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4614725 No.4614725 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better science fiction game

>> No.4614735
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The Mechwarrior games, because they took a realistic/simulation approach common to flight simulators of the day but applied it to an entirely imaginary combat scenario. Stuff like walking into water or the map's ambient temperature affecting your firing rate was pretty cool.

>> No.4614792

Hmm... Half life?

>> No.4614895

Perfect Dark would be the correct answer.

Deus Ex had a cool setting and I used to love playing it as a kid, but going back to it now, the AI is simply laughable and the weapons just lack punch. It's hard to become engrossed in an epic cyberpunk world when the enemies are legitimately retarded and undermine any sense of tension or difficulty.

>> No.4614896
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>> No.4614907

Secret of Evermore

>> No.4614909


>> No.4614967

literally anything. deus ex is a fucking pile of shit and always has been. RPG is fucking aids, don't make me use the pasta.

>> No.4616709 [DELETED] 


>> No.4616715


>> No.4616740

let's see er.

>> No.4616743

well, is deus ex really sci fi? it seems like the politics were more important, and the science shit was simply there because of the commentary it was trying to make.

would you call mgs sci fi?

>> No.4616747

i enjoyed this.

>> No.4616939

Use GMDX. Fixes all of that but still feels like playing the same game (unlike Shifter for example).

>> No.4616968

Yeah, but isn't that basically a full overhaul, graphics and everything? Unless there's a way you can change the AI settings without the graphics?

>> No.4617074

posting question from another thread
appreciate any help

>> No.4617356

You sound like a big gay.

>> No.4617463

for you

>> No.4617839

>would you call mgs sci fi?
Fuck yes, Kojima didn't even know how genes worked in MGS1.

>> No.4617870

perfect dark

>> No.4619175


>> No.4619178

perfect dank

>> No.4619180


Perfect Dark's gunplay is clunky garbage and its take on cyberpunk/sci-fi is some Saturday morning cartoon shit.

>> No.4619183

Nakazawa's I/O, duh.

>> No.4620412
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>would you call mgs sci fi?

>> No.4620478

>science fiction
>Deus Ex's developers don't like to describe the series as science fiction - they think the label makes it sound too farfetched. Instead, they use the term "futuristic anticipation", and when Deus Ex's biggest problem (or achievement, depending on how you look at it) is how its vision of the future has become eerily accurate, you can see why.
Deus Ex is not a fun FPS to play like Perfect Dark but the storyline is more intriguing even compared with Mankind Divided.
>Perfect Dark came out the same year as Deus Ex and presented a future of sterility, gloss, and a ton of lens flare. In contrast, much of Deus Ex's world is slums and destitution.

>> No.4620482
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>would you call mgs sci fi?
You tell me, dumbass.

>> No.4620489


>> No.4620573

>Deus Ex's developers don't like to describe the series as science fiction - they think the label makes it sound too farfetched. Instead, they use the term "futuristic anticipation"

i'm glad to hear the nu-deus ex devs are incredibly pretentious on top of being borderline retarded. you could tell from the very first materials released about dx3 that these people were never going to make anything worth paying attention to. this jjb guy in particular is a stone cold moron.

but this thread is about dx1 so the opinions of these dumb french canadians are irrelevant anyway.

>> No.4621984

System Shock

>> No.4622040

is metal gear the same as aliens? metroid?

>> No.4622098

Unironically COD:Advanced Warfare.

>> No.4622101

Shadowrun for SNES

>> No.4622121 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4622387
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>nu devs who hijack great game series to destroy it.
This happens because these games don't belong to their creators but big company executives. That's why we have so many indies so that devs don't get their idea ruined by newfags.