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File: 175 KB, 800x796, 38534-trespasser-the-lost-world-jurassic-park-windows-other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4614406 No.4614406 [Reply] [Original]

Was I the only one that played this? This thing is never talked about here. This thing had in 1998:

>Realistic physics
>Fully interactive world
>Huge levels
>Top tier graphics for 1998
>A spinoff that would have made a great Jurassic Park movie
>Perfect mix of FPS, survival horror and puzzles

Anybody else play this? Its still perfectly playable to this day and even runs on windows 7/10

>> No.4614436

Ive heard this game inspired half life 2 physics and that NO pc could run this game at release.

>> No.4614463

Ya this thing was a slide show on my computer back in the day. Had to run it at 320x240 for years before getting a better rig lol

>> No.4614525

I played this back when it was released. It was both revolutionary and a fucking mess. It was ahead of its time in good ways and bad ways. The engine was too much for the hardware they were targeting and 3D acceleration didn’t help performance. They had a realistic physics engine that was too glitchy to actually use for any puzzles. When you stacked boxes, they would slide around on each other and get kicked when you tried to jump on them. The open world of the island was really cool to be in, but the dino AI was dumb and the world was sort of sparse. The game modeled your arm holding weapons that were modeled in 3D, but it was creepy how your arm could get twisted in ugly ways just by moving the mouse and your character around.

For someone like me who loved dinos and loved the book/movie, it was the greatest thing but also kind of a cruel joke.

>> No.4614545

I agree with everything you said, but it still remains one of my favorite games of all time. I don't think the world was sparse though, the world had interesting mini cities and administration buildings to explore

The dino AI wasn't too bad, the raptors were pretty well designed, but ya the other dinosaurs were right the fuck out of her. They could be easily avoided.

>> No.4614571

I had a ton of fun playing it as a kid, probably because I was too autistically focused on the dinosaurs to realize how everything kinda barely works. The only things that frustrated me at the time were the complete lack of friction and how hard it was to use the keypads with your tentacle arm.

The funniest glitches I ever encountered were in the level where you'd start off on a big hill running from raptors. Your lower body is just a totally uncontrollable rolling polygon that can reach really incredible speeds, so if you jump while running down you can launch yourself a thousand feet forward. I would do this for like an hour at a time because I was retarded. I would just throw myself as far as I could without killing myself and then saunter back up to the top while raptors traipsed around like idiot dogs. Later in the level there's a voice clip where Anne goes "Dinosaur park! What a great idea!" which for some reason was really prone to repeating itself non-stop, so I would be soaring at supersonic speeds, listening to that stupid soundbyte until I died. I'd do a similar thing in Chaos Island, the JP RTS, where I'd click on Ian Malcolm a million times just to make him say "I-I SUPPOSE" forever. I really can't justify any of this behavior.

An inconsequential piece of trivia I know is that the guy who made Aliens TC got recruited by Dreamworks to work on Trespasser, but I'm pretty sure he's not actually in the credits.
Another is that the build of the game that was used for the official strategy guide does not match the one that was commercially released, so basically you're fucked.

Very fond memories. I still have the big box. It's got a cool texture.

>> No.4614715

yeah, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, just wandered around.

Fun fact the programmer of this was the lead for the original XBOX

>> No.4614795

Yes, I played it back in the late 90s. My friends and I got a hearty chuckle at the terrible gameplay that the inclusion of your character's huge tits tried to distract you from.

>> No.4615657
File: 39 KB, 640x512, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge tits

>> No.4615667

the forgotten LGS game

>> No.4615803
File: 77 KB, 599x337, trespassertattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they needed some way of displaying health without a HUD breaking the immersion.

>> No.4615825

Even to this day I've only ever played the demo of Trespasser, which was ages ago, and even though being left without feeling any real need to get the full version, I could even as a kid see and appreciate what it tried to do, despite being borderline unplayable.

A game that was WAY ahead of its game, crammed to the brim with groundbreaking gameplay innovations and mechanics, but woefully crippled by going over-budget, being overambitious and ending up being rushed to the market.
- Advanced physics modeling in an age when everybody else still had scripted everything? Check
- Huge, sprawling outdoor levels? Check
- AI that reacted to its surroundings instead of being all scripted? Check (though it had to be massively cut back for release)
- Advanced manipulation of gameworld objects? Check (though the controls were objectively horrible)
- Actual aiming down the sights of guns? Check (again, didn't work out that well...)

>> No.4616343

Probably one of the best "lets plays" of a game I've ever seen. Its more documentary in how it showcases things than it is pure entertainment. This intro video shows exactly what I mean.

>> No.4616543

I do love that series. Kind of shows you what can be done with the Let's Play format which makes it all the more disappointing with what is done with it.

>> No.4616678

I had it when I was a kid, but I was too much of a pussy to actually get past the first raptor. Having played it as an adult, I really enjoy playing it, I find it a fun little thing to do if I need to kill time waiting for something. Yeah the puzzles are usually stacking boxes and AI is stupid, but for some reason I can forgive that. Of course I play it now with the ATX fan patch, so maybe that's why I don't hate it more, I think it makes it more stable. I just wish there were more mods for it.

>> No.4617484

>still perfectly playable

if playable you mean booting it up and running around then sure, but it was never a good game, though you can hardly blame it for not being ambitious. I played it back in 1998 because I was a dino kid but I got fucking terrified by the first raptor sneaking up behind me and didn't dare play it in honest until like a year later. Surprisingly I remember it running pretty well on my Windows95, probably at around 25-30 fps in software rendering and low res.

I also bought Moto Racer 2 at a later date and actually got an extra copy of this game for free with the purchase. The game was selling virtually nothing so apparently some retailers pretty much gave the game away when you made another purchase. I sold that copy to my neighbor friend and together we explored this game and slowly started to beat it, sharing knowledge and showing off eachother's progress whenever we came over to eachother's house. I remember I got a bug at the end of level 5 where you're supposed to give electricity to the door so you can pass to the next stage by starting up that Cray XMP computer, but it never worked. I still managed to beat it by hoisting that giant, super heavy steel beam by the wall over the electric fence and climbing over it, and somehow survive the fall.

>> No.4617496

I recently played it and it's full of amazing ideas that they just weren't able to iron out, I really wish we could get a Jurassic Park game like this but actually working.

Havin Hammond's dialog during the game was such a brilliant way to tell a story of a person stranded alone.

>> No.4617497

Was a fun "game", bought it somewhere in 2003, the entire experience feels like you're playing a beta game and you can imagine how it will be improved.

Sadly it never was, and we never actually got a sandbox Jurassic Park experience.

Imagine that though, having to deal with keys and locks and finding supplies and avoiding the raptors and random T-Rex encounters and shit.

Kinda like JP on Snes but bigger.

>> No.4617512

They'd designed so many incredible AI systems to govern dino behaviour, including things like hunger and mutual defence.

But, because they couldn't get it quite right by the time the release deadline hit, they said "nuts to this", and just cranked the "aggression" all the way up on every creature.

>> No.4617516

I can't believe this LP is a decade old now. It's as old now as Trespasser itself was when it was recorded.

>> No.4617519

I have a friend who's streamed this multiple times and I fucking adore it, despite never playing it

it's so dumb but it looks so good

>> No.4618071

I want more games where you look down and see huge tits.