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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 78 KB, 900x694, Tamagotchi_0124_ubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4609992 No.4609992 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Tamagotchi?

>> No.4610002

The American Tama, and Tama Angel.

I used to be able to get a Tama Angel on eBay for $30, they're now $200

>> No.4610018

I have a couple of the Game Boy games, but they're depressing as fuck. Tamagotchis eventually die, and there's a harrowing cutscene to accompany their deaths. It's like the game wants to crush your soul and induce overwhelming remorse every single time, even if you've raised your Tamagotchis in the healthiest and most appropriate way possible.

>> No.4610021
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I only had bootleg tamagotchis.
And I didn't even discover it would grown into different forms according to its diet until many years later. What a waste.

>> No.4610041


I neve wanted mine to grow because I found the little baby form the cutest

>> No.4610043
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I liked Digimon more because you could battle them.

>> No.4610052
File: 455 KB, 3264x1836, tamafamalama 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine usually get on a rocket and go back to their home planet. In fact, back in 1997 we thought that was the goal and I successfully proved the most effective way to get it was through beating and force feeding

>> No.4610058

>Mine usually get on a rocket and go back to their home planet

I think that was done for American censors. Since I have the imported JPN GB versions, the Tamagotchis actually die. Their souls even depart from their bodies and woefully float around their tombstones while a sad theme song plays in the background.

>> No.4610062

>go back to their home planet

>> No.4610063

I like tamagotchi enough to know that the one in your pic is not a retro model.

>> No.4610079

I hate the new Tamagotchi designs, they look like hello kitties instead of weird kooky aliens.

Sucks that Bandai killed off that whole Tamagotchi LIFE thing. They had Gen 1, Gen 2, and Tamagotchi Angel emulators for your phone, with an option for big full screen colored version and the original LCD version.

They took that shit down ages ago because it didn't sell their stupid clothing line that had fuck all to do with tamagotchi. They put gen 1 back up for 99 cents but that's it, no gen 2 or angels.

Fuck all that anyway. Best way to relive the retro digital pets without actually buying those plastic toys is Digimon Unlimited.. hopefully that hasn't been axed yet.

>> No.4610081
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x1836, Tamafamalama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all three J versions (pic related) but I guess I'm busted. I haven't played all the way through even once - mainly because I haven't yet figured out how to make the V3 one make its notification sounds from the cart speaker which I think it's supposed to do even if the GB is off or e en if the cart is unplugged which is the novelty reason I got the whole set in the first place. If you can read moon and could write a guide for that version of the game's menus I'd be grateful

>> No.4610097

Well I guess Digimon unlimited is still around but somehow it's fucked up now and will freeze if you try to do anything, and the creator isn't fixing it. I'm sad now.

>> No.4610119

>If you can read moon and could write a guide for that version of the game's menus I'd be grateful
I don't have access to the third game, otherwise I could translate it for you. It doesn't appear to work in emulators either.

There may be an in-game menu option that turns the notifications off or on. I assume that there is more likely a setting that engages or disengages the realtime Tamagotchi feature altogether.

>> No.4610160 [DELETED] 

That's kind of what I figured too. The cheap ass button cell batteries I get at Dollar Tree are slightly too fat. That tends not to matter but not wanting to spend 10x as much to order the exact right battery and not being sure what all the menu options are is the catch-22 I've been stuck on for I think over 2 years now (lol that christmas ornament was from our 2015 tree iirc)

Since you're a GB Tama person AND moon literate I'll try to post some pics of the menus later when I have some me time.

>> No.4610161

That's kind of what I figured too. The cheap ass button cell batteries I get at Dollar Tree are slightly too fat. That tends not to matter but not wanting to spend 10x as much to order the exact right battery and not being sure what all the menu options are is the catch-22 I've been stuck on for I think over 2 years now (lol that christmas ornament was from our 2015 tree iirc)

Since you're a GB Tama person AND moon literate I'll try to post some pics of the menus later when I have some me time

>> No.4610180
File: 90 KB, 400x623, 4034955077_24ef3bfd29_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also was worried this physical switch was supposed to be all there was to it, but in the mean time can you decipher this huge daunting block of "DO NOT PUT OVERSIZED BATTERIES IN ME OR I'LL BREAK FOREVER" warning lookin box?

>> No.4610316

The American Tamagotchi goes back to it's home planet.

The American Tamagotchi Angel dies and becomes a ghost at a gravestone.

>> No.4610338

I'm not a giant fan of compulsive time wasters, so no.

>> No.4610341

How the fuck does an angel die and become a ghost?

>> No.4610342

Yeah but no kid had a clue how battle mechanics worked.

>> No.4610352
File: 151 KB, 332x333, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It uses a CR2016 button cell. You probably purchased a 2025 or 2032, both of which would be thicker. Although those can fit in some GB carts.

If there's a Dollar Tree in your area, they should carry Sunbeam-brand CR2016 cells.

Be mindful of polarity. Once you unscrew the battery door, there should be a + and - sign indicating how the battery goes.

>> No.4610368

The retro equivalent of mobile pay to win crap, except not as obnoxious of course.

>> No.4610371

I paid a buck for the Gen 1 app recently, I was super into it for a couple weeks. It's kind of interesting to have your tamagotchi send you push notifications. Feels more urgent than a screeching beep would in these modern times.

>> No.4610401

Yeah, I mean I know how to install button cell batteries they just didn't have the exact right one. Maybe I'll check back they're often in low supply on them

>> No.4610535

I want muh gen 2. That's the one I had as a kid, I feel no nostalgia for gen 1.

>> No.4610595

I still play the first Tamagotchi Collection, I think the V1, got it around 2004. Haven't got the newer ones because..., well, my V1 just works.

>> No.4610649
File: 3.12 MB, 3264x2448, 20180224_213412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the menu I'm most confused by. It's behind a door shaped icon all the way to the right and I can't do anything at all on it

>> No.4610670
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, 20180224_213613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm concerned that it might be grayed because the extra hardware is either broken or not getting power from the battery, an in pic related causing the door to bulge slightly. They're all 1.5v though it's not like I would have burned it up or that it wouldn't be making contact since the positive terminal runs all up the side and there's no button cell batteries with reverse polarities I know of.

>> No.4610678
File: 3.01 MB, 3264x2448, 20180224_213247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dead end message also kind of puzzles me, buried under various link cable menus that all look basically identical to me - except this one that does nothing

>> No.4610698

Actually I guess it's the menu under that one and now it won't open at all and I'm almost positive that the battery is dead at least because it didn't save my Tama when I turned it off and my new one is being a little bitch because it's past his bed time or something. Guess I'll have to come up with a fresh battery and see if I can get any deeper.

>> No.4610702


This looks something like
>Leave game
>Go out

Not sure what that could be referring to since I don't know anything about the game.

>> No.4610707


Something like
>Breed opponent?

Then two choices, which seem to refer to specific Tamagotchi species
>Jibuchi Tamagotchi
>Yosonchi Tamagotchi

So I think it's asking you which Tamagotchi you want to breed with.

>> No.4610715

If you have a smartphone the Google translate app can translate text from photos

>> No.4610720
File: 16 KB, 913x793, Kana-Chart-01-005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note that NES and Game Boy ROMs tend to use a few squished characters that aren't necessarily machine recognizable. Since fonts were typically 8x8 pixels, some strokes couldn't entirely fit.

Of course, Bab's could just learn some rudimentary Japanese. It wouldn't take terribly long to learn just enough to navigate through the menus of most retro games.

>> No.4610765

How do you pay to win besides buying the thing in the first place?

>> No.4610772

That's a damn lie. For the most part I can do it contextually and have for... decades? (Jesus). Game boy games are just a little low res to be clear on some levels, like instead of icon ->A, B, C, or D you get Icon -> A (to 1 or 2) or B (to 1 or 2) which fucks me up more.

Looks like I'm going to have to find a fresh battery to really get this cart beeping though which is fine since /vr/ is slow as shit.

This weekend I'm not getting a day of the wife being with her parents though. We're just going up for the day tomorrow so I can pick up a $30 '00s PC rig that I hope to install directly into my Bally Sente SAC-1 cab since it comes with a 20" CRT I hope will be caged and drop right into the 19" mounts so I can move the 13" that's in it now into my CPS1 cap that's monitor pcb got extra cracked during its most recent move.

Wish me luck, good or bad depending on your attitude on me. It's hard to tell.

>> No.4610817

You can't, which is why I said it's less obnoxious. It's the way the game makes you wait and then demands your attention whenever it feels like it, and the fact that it's all about raising a thing. Newer ones just have prettier visuals and feature the option to not wait by paying.

>> No.4610824

Why? They put a picture on there for kids like you who can't read

>not always having at least half a dozen 2016s
wew lad

>> No.4611579
File: 25 KB, 670x655, 1393708814624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This weekend I'm not getting a day of the wife being with her parents though.
Given the regularity of your posting on /vr/, I'm surprised to learn you have time for a spouse.

If you can find time to shitpost on /vr/, you can find time to polish your moonrunes so you can wing all those retro imports on your backlog.

>like instead of icon ->A, B, C, or D you get Icon -> A (to 1 or 2) or B (to 1 or 2) which fucks me up more
You'll love Bomberman Quest.

>> No.4611873

It's "Choose your breeding partner" - "own Tamagotchi" - "someone else's Tamagotchi"

>> No.4611973


It doesn't say this. It's literally "breed opponent" and then two nonsensical options that are likely the specific names of Tamagotchis he has.

>> No.4611983

Please learn more Japanese before embarrassing yourself online.

>> No.4611984

>jibunchi and yosonchi are "nonsensical options"
Just stop posting.

>> No.4612227


I'm quite sure these are not words, Anon(s). Feel free to point me to a dictionary entry that indicates otherwise.

I could break down the menu for you if for some reason you think I misunderstood something.

>ブレード (buriido)
Breed, or bleed. Of course this doesn't mean 'bleed' in this case.
>あいて (aite) + は (wa) subject marker
Opponent, another party (which is indicated as the active subject of the sentence)

Thus "Breed opponent" or "Breed with (the) other party"

>じぶんち (jibunchi) + の (no) possessive marker or preposition 'of' + たまごっち (tamagotchi)
'Jibunchi' Tamagotchi
>よそんち (yosonchi) + の (no) possessive marker or preposition 'of' + たまごっち (tamagotchi)
'Yosonchi' Tamagotchi

>> No.4612260

>ブレード (buriido)
You posted the katakana for "breedo" (Blade), you know.

>> No.4612274

Jibun = your own
Yoson = another's (person)

>> No.4612281


Oops. I did. I had to type that out manually, so yeah.

>> No.4612293

>Jibun = your own
>Yoson = another's (person)

But why are they suffixed with -chi? That's what leads me to believe these are the given names of Bab's Tamagotchis. If you translate it from the context you're proposing, it's literally saying 'Oneself-chi's Tamagotchi.'

Is there some kind of pun mixed in here that I'm not getting?

>> No.4612303

No, you just don't know anywhere near as much Japanese as you pretend to.

"nchi" is short for "no uchi", and means "'s house". If you want to be super fucking literal, "Jibunchi no tamagotchi" means "The tamagotchi of your own house". Pets are often described in this way.

This shit is Japanese 101 tier. Stop pretending you know Japanese just because you can read kana and toss it into Google Translate, you're looking like a complete idiot here.

>> No.4612319


The Tamagotchi games (in Japanese) automatically suffix your Tamagotchi when you name them so there names become (whatever)chi. Hence it appears Bab's has confusingly named his Tamagotchis 'Jibun-chi' and 'Yoson-chi.'

I'm sure I could be wrong here, but that's no reason to act like a complete jackass about it.

>> No.4612338

How long have you studied Japanese, anon?

>> No.4612345

You're on an anonymous imageboard trying desperately to defend your honor on the slightest off chance that the people trying to correct you on something you know perfectly well you have an extremely poor understanding of are wrong. All you're adding to this thread is misinformation and confusion. You need to stop.

>> No.4612557
File: 620 KB, 2048x1536, gftrdytj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been toying around with the idea of building a tamagotchi like device for a while.
But I suspect that if know the mechanics it wont feel as alive. Not to mention that I'm not a kid anymore.
Gonna keep toying around with this because programming graphics on these devices is really fun.

>> No.4612929

I never got the slightest feeling tamagotchi felt "alive". It was always clear to me they were just something to occupy aspies time. So I can't say what's required to make you feel that but I can say that the average junior programmer could write something in a few pages of code that would create mechanics that no one could understand without debugging the running code. And if you built it on something like an ESP you could have the internet and whatever environmental input you wanted to make it even more dynamic. Or you could, you know, just write an app like everyone else.

>> No.4612937

>Or you could, you know, just write an app like everyone else.
of course, but then, what's the fun? apps have become so fucking borig

>> No.4613019
File: 15 KB, 576x471, 20111228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a textbook example of this.

>> No.4613389

>what's the fun?
I could say the same thing about LCD modules. I designed LCDs and games that used them in the 80's so this isn't some cool new things for me. An LCD module designed for people who can't solder excites me about as much as velcro shoes. 99% of the things people "make" with these involve plugging a prebuilt module into a prebuilt board and running some sample code to show a picture. Some serious clockboy tier shit. Content is far more important than what technology is used to deliver it.

>> No.4613597

>le old oldfag brags about his oldfaggotry

>> No.4613648


Wow that sucks. This is the first I've heard of it and it looked fun as heck. Managed to hatch an egg but it stopped responding to button presses after I fed him and now it won't boot at all.

>> No.4613659

Somewhat off topic question (but we've derailed pretty bad already), at what point will you find it worth it you wear a HUD in public?

>> No.4613687

Never understood the appeal of these things.

>> No.4613742

You get the satisfaction of keeping something alive and watching it flourish

>> No.4613817
File: 39 KB, 319x324, gigadog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4613868

When the last person who might notice that sort of assclownery has died and the rest of the world is staring down at their phones. So maybe next week?

>> No.4613963

When it was actually working it was sick as hell. It was an accurate recreation of the pendulum V-pets, but you could choose from any egg you wanted, even some that weren't available on the actual v-pet, you could fight random enemies by scanning bar-codes and QR codes, battle online, and the eveolution tree was incredibly huge for each egg.

This is actually a pretty big loss.

Supposedly the creator is still working on "Androgochi" which is basically the same thing but legally safe. Used to cost two bucks, but now it's free, unfortunately it also doesn't work. But supposedly it will eventually, the dude only works on it as a hobby, so it's not something he pours his life into.

>> No.4613965


I remember this thing... it was an okay substitute for Tamagotchi, but why would you want to raise a fake dog? If you're gonna raise a fake pet, it should be something you cant get in real life... I lost mine in a walnut orchard.

I remember having some knockoff dinosaur version of it and I loved that fucking thing, but unfortunately, it too was victim to shitty child behavior and was eventually lost.

>> No.4613968

They were fun as an amusement for a while.

>> No.4615526

Fuck off with this high horse bullshit

>> No.4615643

>all that mad
Is that high horse named trigger?

>> No.4615663
File: 12 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTg2MTc3MzUzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDA4OTQ2._V1_UY317_CR9,0,214,317_AL_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4616631

>tfw the only other person on the board old enough to get the reference is the worlds most annoying tripfag

>> No.4616660

go boom somewhere else

>> No.4616663


More like is that CHOCOBO named MIDGAR!

>> No.4616751

I think everyone that played Hugo's House of Horrifically Bullshit Trivia has that permanently imprinted in their brain.

>> No.4617236

So cute

Could be. I mostly remember him from TV and times I met him.