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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4608237 No.4608237 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a Turbografx 16?

I have never owned one, never played one, and have no experience with the system, but the other 8 and 16 bit consoles remain my absolute favorites. There are a few well-known gems on it that I know I would like to play (Rondo of Blood, Bonk, R-Type, Bomberman, Star Soldier), and probably more than a few other lesser-known hits. What does /vr/ think about it? Is it worth picking up? Any game recommendations if I do?

>> No.4608240

Keith Courage & Splatterhouse 1 are the only titles I have experience with on that console. Both were lots of fun. I know that the TG16 has a pretty big following. If your favorite titles are more along the lines of 8 or 16 bit, then I think you'd be ok investing in a TG16.

>> No.4608271

The TG16 is expensive as fuck and the cd add on is even more pricey so if you dont have a disposable income I would not recommend it.

>> No.4608308

The Super SD System 3 is gonna make TG16 much more accessible.
The device is still not cheap but considering the fact that it's replacing the need for the CD Add-On or a Duo, HuCards, CDs, an RGB mod and potential recapping.
I'd rather get a cheap little white PC Engine or CoreGrafX instead though unless you already have a TG16 since those are much cheaper.

>> No.4608407

Retardedly expensive and there are are only a handful of games for the system. Few of them are even worth owning. Luckily, some of the good ones have been ported down the line, or appeared in emulated collections for other platforms.

Not that PCE was a bad platform. It was just released in a very competitive market at the time.

>> No.4608408

Buy a PC Engine.

>> No.4608498

Go for a PC-Engine or CoreGrafx, they're way better priced.

>> No.4608523

I have a TG16 and a ton of accessories.

It's meh.

>> No.4608617
File: 32 KB, 598x448, PCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct answer. I have a few white PCEs, an RGB/Composite adapter I got for ~$30 on eBay, and a Turbo EverDrive. I got the ED two years ago, but the SD System looks fantastic and basically changes the game for PCE/TG16.

>> No.4608802

Daily reminder that if you need to ask strangers on the internets if it's worth buying a toy you should be saving your money to pay for food.
Also, there never has and never will be a reason to get a TG instead of a PCE.

>> No.4608839

Daily reminder going on a fucking hobbyist discussion image board to talk about decisions involving the hobby is a normal everyday use of a discussion board

>> No.4608874

>i know nothing about something, should i buy it?
>some e-celeb said it was the hottest underrated thing ever so now i want it

>> No.4608893

I bought a US duo back in 2003 or so just to play Rondo of Blood and it was a great decision. Of course that was before prices got stupid. I've since gotten a coregrafx and that's definitely the way I'd recommend if you're just getting into it.

>> No.4608954

>there are only a handful of games for the system. Few of them are even worth owning.

Not Including CD games or imports, off hand I can think of...
Aero Blasters
Air Zonk
Alien Crash
Blazing Lasers
Bloody Wolf
Bonk's Adventure
Bonk's Revenge
Bomberman 93
Chew Man Fu
Dead Moon
Devil's Crush
Dragon's Curse
Dragon Spirit
Dungeon Explorer
Fantasy Zone
Galaga 90
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Legendary Axe
Legendary Axe 2
Military Madness
Neutopia 2
Ninja Spirit
Soldier Blade
Super Star Soldier

>> No.4608962


Which is not a lot; and several of those are multiplat. PCE reputedly has some of the best home console adaptations of arcade classics, but not all of them are really worth having.

Also, one of the Crush pinball games was ported to Genesis / MD, and it got an exclusive sequel by Tengen too.

>> No.4608975

Aren't there a lot of PC 98 ports to this system? I'd get it just for that.

>> No.4609146

Literally no one except poor underage have ever asked anyone if buying a toy is worth it. The fact that your kind have infested /vr/ and do it every day doesn't make it any less retarded.

>> No.4609151
File: 71 KB, 480x420, tglse3_768x672_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the game for TG16 that's a remake/sequel of The Guardian Legend? Pic related, the original on NES

>> No.4609183

>Literally no one except poor underage have ever asked anyone if buying a toy is worth it.
Well, I'm pretty sure that's just wrong. If anyone is considering purchasing an old, 30 year old console that still regularly sells for more than $100 without any of the add-ons (and even more with games, since it sounds like he has none), it's not "poor underage" people.

>The fact that your kind have infested /vr/ and do it every day doesn't make it any less retarded.
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I'll reiterate his point: discussing and asking questions about old video game consoles on an image board dedicated to old video games is not only normal, it's what the board is here for.

Seriously, bro, how autistic are you? OP makes a thread asking about the merits of purchasing an old console with which he clearly doesn't have much experience, and your autism has you calling him a poor, underage retard. What, exactly, is your problem with this thread? You have no room to complain about other kinds of people "infesting" /vr/ if this is how you're going to respond to completely innocuous, on-topic threads such as these.

... and why are you even here if you insist on calling video game consoles "toys" in a derogatory manner? Do you even like games?

>> No.4609492

Doe3s the shell on the Super SD fit a TG16 or only the PCE revisions?

>> No.4609528

>discussing and asking questions about old video game consoles on an image board dedicated to old video games is not only normal, it's what the board is here for

But /vr/ is not a buyer's guide. We can't make arbitrary decisions for you or anyone else. OP needs to do his own research rather than asking a bunch of strangers to wipe his ass for him.

I don't understand you kids these days. The Internet contains a wealth of resources to help you research just about anything. You have all this information at your disposal to help you make informed decisions, yet your first instinct is to run to social media and ask a group of total strangers to dictate your opinions and choices for you.

Protip: Does OP understand how to use a search engine? I'll assume as much. So the first thing to do would be to load up a database of TG16 titles and meticulously go over the platform's library to determine whether or not the quality of titles available might justify such a purchase. Problem solved!

>> No.4609536

Compile made a few shooters for the PCE but never a Guardian Legend remake sequel... That would have been awesome though!

>> No.4609567

Add Cowloon and Parasol Stars to that list bro.

>> No.4609579


You are adorable

>> No.4609605

god am I a retard. I meant to type Coryoon.

>> No.4609730

Wow.... "Research" you say? Interesting... I wonder if opening a discussion among like-minded individuals who share a common interest and are knowledgeable in the hobby into which you are inquiring would qualify as research. Hmmm... I guess it probably would, huh?

Seriously, why did this thread trigger your autism so bad? Or are you just so new that you think that just because OP asked a specific question that discussion in the thread MUST be limited to directly answering that question? Look around you... aside from your autistic fit, this thread has become a general discussion about the TG16, which is perfectly fine and acceptable for this board: The first few guys talk about the price and the comparative choice of getting a PC-Enginen instead, the next guys start to talk about the library of games, etc.

It's basically a TG16 general thread, which could very well be part of OP's research. Protip and daily reminder: quit being an autistic retard

>> No.4609737 [DELETED] 



>> No.4609739

>Protip: Does OP understand how to use a search engine? I'll assume as much. So the first thing to do would be to load up a database of TG16 titles and meticulously go over the platform's library to determine whether or not the quality of titles available might justify such a purchase. Problem solved!

You remind me of the guy on /diy/ that literally just posts Google and Youtube videos for how to do things people want to talk about.

>> No.4609809

it's worth getting, if you get the pc engine instead.

expect a strong library of shooters, ports and rpgs. platformer library is okay, only a handful are legendary such as Parasol Stars, Rondo, Bonk 2 and New Adventure Island.
>several of those are multiplat
some multiplats were better on pce than genesis

offhand, i can think of Monster Lair, Double Dragon 2, Forgotten Worlds, and Truxton

some i guess, but if that's your main reason you're a degenerate weeb

>> No.4611148

All the "should I buy"/"is it worth it" threads are cancer started by poor underage. It's not discussing old games. It's tards fantasizing about owning toys they can't afford. Anyone with half a brain and spare change just fucking buys the shit.
I call toys toys because I'm mature enough that it doesn't make me uncomfortable. They're things I play with and I enjoy them. But I don't get all bent out of shape and self conscious if someone calls them what they are.

>> No.4611181

I went through every turbografx rom and I could barely find 3 games I liked.
Some of the games that are supposed to be such great arcade ports are fucking boring. Strider for example. I guess I'm really not into the type of games on this system.

I liked the Neutopia and Bonk stuff.

>> No.4611217

All of these are available on the PC engine for much less than their TG16 counterparts, along with a bunch of other Japan exclusives you don't need to know moon to be able to play.
>bomberman 94
>bikkuriman world
>gomola speed
>cross wiber
>psycho chaser
>mr. heli
>toy shop boys
>the best home port of xevious
>aoi blink
>honey on the road
>honey in the sky
>atomic robo kid
>jinmu denshou
>marchen maze
>heavy unit
>saint dragon
>final soldier
>dragon saber
>rabio lepus special
>genji tsuushin agedama
>SCI special criminal investigation
>sonson 2
>genpei toumaden
>valkyrie no daibouken
There's plenty more but that's what I got off the top of my head

>> No.4611389

It's basically nothing but 2D scrolling shooters. It's also prohibitively expensive. I'd say emulate or don't bother at all.

>> No.4611613 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4611628

Don't. Get a PC Engine instead. Games are far better, more and cheaper that way. Or just emulate the damn thing.

If you're gonna buy one otherwise get some soldering skills, you're gonna need em to recap the damn thing every now and then.

>> No.4611632

Recaps are really only necessary (at least for now) on CD-ROM units, I've never had an original or CORE PC Engine standalone unit need any work besides a blast of canned air.

>> No.4611797

>It's basically nothing but 2D scrolling shooters. >It's also prohibitively expensive

so you've never even owned one? nice generalization

if you get a Duo-R or RX there shouldn't be any issues. There also is that new SD System 3, which attaches to the back of a regular pc engine and emulates everything including Arcade card games