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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4592860 No.4592860 [Reply] [Original]

Atari 2600 thread. Tell me your:

>Top five Atari games
>Top five Activision games
>Top five games from other developers

>Dodge 'Em
>Midnight Magic
>Radar Lock

>River Raid
>Robot Tank

>Communist Mutants from Space (Starpath)
>Dark Cavern (M Network)
>Jawbreaker (Tigervision)
>Laser Gates (Imagic)
>Turmoil (20th Century Fox)

>> No.4592869

wasent most of the atari 2600 library just shovelware?

>> No.4592920

Well yeah, but name one massively popular console where that isn't the case.

>> No.4593076

The activision games are the exception. They would even program the activision logo into the game itself.

Of all 2600 games River Raid probably has the most replay value.

>> No.4593709

I don't like lists but Yars Revenge, Demon Attack and Haunted House

>> No.4593730


>> No.4593771

The N64 is the exact opposite, almost everything third party is garbage.

>> No.4594414

Is the 2600 the most aesthetic console ever made?

>> No.4594503
File: 129 KB, 1600x1065, 145-Dactar-II-Video-Game-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dactar 007. Is it the coolest clone ever made?

Anyway, Activision:
>Keystone Kapers
>River Raid

>> No.4594561


Atari 2600 was before my time, but I did get a used one as a kid.

Anybody remember the MASH game? It had a pretty awesome helicopter rescue portion and a knock off of the game Operation on it. Aside from that I remember playing Adventure and Pac Man as well.

Pac Man on the 2600 was a mess. However, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.4594632
File: 2.99 MB, 480x304, Pressure Cooker (Atari 2600).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have one back in the day. The only exposure to the games of the 2600 I had through emulation. Either on the computer or some compilation on the PS2.

But of all games I really liked Pressure Cooker.

And I have the highest respect for the developers of those games. Even for 8-bit standards developing for the 2600 ought to be tough. 128 Bytes of RAM and no frame buffer whatsoever so you had to do the logic for drawing to the screen all by yourself. But just like the C64 the quirks of the 2600 hardware seemed to be very exploitable to all sorts of programming tricks, making the platform very flexible to a certain degree.

The Book "Racing the Beam" is a great read in that case.

>> No.4594702

I got late to the 2600 party too. What used to annoy me was finding out many games I enjoyed were ports of arcade games I wasn't aware existed like space invaders, pacman, donkey kong, kung fu master, pooyan, asteroids, missile command, jungle hunt. It feels like I've lived a lie. On the other hand because I got it late I've played hundreds of games on it and that makes really hard for me to choose favorites since I'd play a lot of different stuff in short bursts. There's also games I enjoyed as a kid like decathlon, bobby's going home and karate that I don't really like much nowadays and games I enjoyed mostly playing multiplayer like tennis, boxing, outlaw, freeway, fishing derby, sneek peek and sky diver.

I remember MASH. The surgery part was funny.

>> No.4594710

>>Top five Atari games
River Raid
Combat played with other people
Yars' Revenge

>> No.4594812

You never saw a DK or Pacman arcade?, those were staples in arcades

>> No.4594828
File: 3 KB, 640x400, marauder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who likes Berzerk should definitely play Marauder from Tigervision. The robots only appear when they're in your line of sight, you can pick up armor that lets you kill the robots by walking into them, and the game is centered around navigating a (simple) maze of multiple screens to find and destroy a power crystal and collect a time bonus. It's great fun.

>> No.4594851

No, I got it in 89. The oldest arcade cabinet I've ever seen and played was Elevator Action.

>> No.4596151

>>Top five games from other developers

There's barely anything once you get past the big 2.

>> No.4596156

Nearly every shit game for the system came out in its later years.

Once Space Invaders was released in 1981 the system EXPLODED and every company you could think of including ones that weren't even in gaming or even computers started publishing games for the system. THAT'S where the flood of garbage came from.

But if you stick to first party titles or anything from Activision then MOST of those are actually pretty solid.

>> No.4596159

N64 is probably the most consistent console that was actually successful. It only had like 300 games released in America and probably 1/3 of those are at least decent.

>> No.4596512

Off the top of my head:

>Night Driver
>Missile Command

>Fishing Derby
>Keystone Kapers
>Pressure Cooker

>Frogger (APh Technological Consulting)
>Tunnel Runner (CBS Electronics)
>Berzerk (not counting it as Atari even though they handled the port)
>Pinball (Zellers [unlicensed though technically])
>Q*bert (James Wickstead Design Associates)

>> No.4596571

I really enjoyed volley ball. The sun also set in that game too.

>> No.4596582
File: 262 KB, 684x888, IMG_2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 5 Atari games period:
>Frankenstein's Monster
>Journey / Escape
>Yar's Revenge

Unrelated: my boxed Atari Library hasn't grown at all in over a year, while I'm still picking up loose carts left and right all the time. What happened? Are there no more boxed Atari games?

>> No.4596595

Lots of river raid lovers here, I suggest you guys take a look at Fantastic Voyage.


>> No.4596662

I think I was in first or second grade (1991ish) the first time I remember playing a 2600. My best friend at the time was good friends with a kid from Laos. I remember playing Circus Atari at the Laotian kid's place one morning before school.
My favorite memory is playing Ice Hockey (Activision) with a buddy who played real hockey. This was probably around 2007. He was a site loser and kept losing. I had to let him win because every time he lost I was afraid he'd break my controller. I miss Mikey Flintstone.

That console is sexy as fuck. The video sucked though. I'm gonna look more into the console. I'd love to have one.
I have the wireless Atari joysticks in box, but they were stored with the batteries in them for decades. I need to fix them up and sell them to some hipster who thinks they're cool.


I haven't liked the design of a console (other than handhelds) since 16bit era.

>> No.4596667

Yes, and nothing else comes close. Shit has WOOD FUCKING PANELING!

>> No.4596823


Cardboard is more fragile than plastic.
This surprises you?

>> No.4598312
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>> No.4598313
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, Atari 2600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4598314
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, Atari 5200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4598316
File: 217 KB, 1920x1080, Atari 7800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
