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4597179 No.4597179 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Street Fighter button designations
>Light/Medium/Heavy Punch
>Light/Medium/Heavy Kick

American Street Fighter button designations

Can anyone explain why the American versions of the Street Fighter cabinets went with such names?

>> No.4597205

Those are terms that the FGC uses. Everyone I knew call them light/medium/hard

>> No.4597214

More actiony and not as sterile. Seems more exciting and descriptive.
I don't have a problem with either of them though.

>> No.4597217
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It dates back to the U.S. localization of Street Fighter I.

>> No.4597218
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because americans are retards.

>> No.4597224

Japanese naming is a lot more intuitive.

>> No.4597256

Why do Americans use the imperial system of units?
Why don't Americans include the tax into the product's price?
What's with the whole tipping thing?

They're just weird like that.

>> No.4598434

>Industrialists in the 19th lobbied for the metric system to be NOT used because it would be too expensive to switch industry over. Now it's just there because why change?

>Because the retail price may be the same everywhere but taxes differ according to state (and even sometimes by city) and can change at the whim of the legislature. Also some places tax things differently. The US is a nation of nations, each State acting pretty much like its own little country. Its easier to leave the tax out of the base price.

>The tipping thing is because the country is run by corporations that do anything to skimp on paying their employees

>> No.4598437

it's a fighting game, they used fighting terms
don't see why this is hard to understand

>> No.4598684


It is infinitely simpler and more accurate to use the Light/Medium/Heavy designations than random terms which don't necessarily apply to every character

>> No.4598786

Forward always confused the hell outta me.

>> No.4598815

>What's with the whole tipping thing?

>implying that's an American only thing
>implying waiters in Germany don't live off tips, as their pay doesn't even cover their rent.

>> No.4600932

Don't lump Myanmar in with the US and Liberia just because they don't use the metric system. They don't use imperial units either.

>> No.4600963

The tipping thing is still not properly explained since in other countries they just raise the minimum wage but don't require tipping.

Also as for leaving the tax out of the base price, this creates situations where people might end up at the counter and be unable to pay the full amount due to having underestimated the price.

Tipping in Germany is not mandatory anywhere although it's common to add a few percent. Waiters in Germany don't 'live off tips' the way American waiters do.

>> No.4601590

>it's a fighting game, they used fighting terms
that's not what is hard to understand.
what makes no sense, and is thus "hard to understand", is why should a light punch be called jab for every character when most character don't perform a jab when that button is pressed.
Yet, ALL(or 99% of them) characters do perform a light punch when the button is pressed, regardless of the actual nature of the move, it could be a slap, a direct punch, a quick elbow hit, or anything else, but they're all quick hits given with their upper limbs doing light damage, hence Light Pnch is more suitable than Jab.
Same logic applies for all of the other terms, especially the kick ones, not all characters do a short kick when the LK button is pressed(heck, there's quite a lot of character who do a quick but long ranged kick instead), not all do a forward kick when MK is pressed, and literally almost none do a roundhouse kick when HK is pressed, yet all of them do a kick move which strength correspond to the light/medium/heavy terminology.
Even when shortened they make a lot more sense:
they're used everywhere, and they match each other, while
are used nowhere and they're confusing since the same letters(such as S and F) are used for 2 moves with different power.

light medium strong make sense and is unified for both punches and kicks, and can be applied to all characters in all fighters
the other terms are too specific to specific moves that never apply to all characters in all fighters

>> No.4601628

Because some localizers try too hard to be different just to be different.

>> No.4601634

>The tipping thing is still not properly explained since in other countries they just raise the minimum wage but don't require tipping.
How does that have anything to do with corporations wanting to skimp out on their employees?

>> No.4601650

why do American localizations of Japanese games PlayStation games reverse the X=Cancel O=Confirm notion even to this day?

>> No.4601683

My guess is that they originally operated under the premise that your thumb would naturally rest across the square and X buttons. As for why they still do it, probably because there's no real reason to change what the players now expect.

>> No.4601895

You can stop trolling now.
It's only recently that people started using light-medium-heavy anyway. If you were actually alive and physically spoke to people back then, you'd understand why jab-strong-fierce became the norm.

>> No.4601945

It constantly baffles me that they can't speak English and they all love Mega Man for some reason.

>> No.4601965

Something about cucks, I'm sure.
Because tax varies by state and product.
It was originally a loophole during prohibition, then took hold as a scam to underpay employees. I like tipping because it comes with perks and the entitlement culture is too strong to try no-tipping in the US.

>> No.4602346

I'm 36, so I was very much alive back then.

>It's only recently that people started using light-medium-heavy anyway.
Every KoF game used weak(or light) and strong in their How To screens[*].
Every single Street Fighter console port had the buttons labeled L/M/H in the option menu(even in the booklet they were called Light/Medium/Hard, with Jab/Strong/Fierce/ and Short/Forward/Roundhouse being only used in parenthesis, indicating an alternative name, not the primary, i.e. Light Punch(Jab), Medium Punch(Strong), and so on).
Both Street Fighters and Darkstalkers button prompts flyers always used 弱/中/強(Weak/Medium/Strong)
Every other fighting game back then used LP/MP/HP labeling too, the only place where Jab/Strong/Fierce were used was in american labels on the arcade sticks, and even back then people were confused as fuck by it.
So yeah, no, the use of light medium heavy is definitely not a recent thing.

imagine my surprise when as a kid i found out a KoF cabinet which instead of the usual A B C D labels under the buttons, it had Jab Short Fierce Roundhouse instead.
To this day i stil have no idea why it was like that since it was the only one like that, every other NeoGeo cabinet, even other KoF ones, always had A B C D.

>> No.4602370

I didn't like it when I heard it first or read faqs with combos that used such terminology since in my country it was always called light, medium and heavy punch/kick but it does make sense. I find it faster.

>> No.4602409

It’s a fact that average Americans have more take-home pay than average Europeans (big continent and lots of varying pay, I know) let alone those in poorer continents/countries, and tipping is a way to reward good service particularly if you frequent a place/service and get to know the employees. “Living off tips” is largely bullshit unless you’re an idiot that moved to a high rent area and thought bussing tables was good enough to keep you afloat. Also from what I understand other nations tip as well, but some like France include tips as an added charge in bills by default to guarantee tips for workers which invalidates the entire point of the act.
X = marked in, O = left empty. At least that’s how I always saw it.

>> No.4603090

The only times I've seen Jab/Strong/Fierce labeling used in-game were in western-developed ports like Super Turbo HD Remix and 3rd Strike Online.

>> No.4604315

East coast?