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4579206 No.4579206 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the peak of the Marvel Vs Capcom series?

>> No.4579208
File: 45 KB, 526x528, psylocke-mvc2-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supremely kino

>> No.4579212

obviously, yeah

>> No.4579219


>> No.4579225
File: 230 KB, 800x533, 1462205134328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. The only real competition it has is MvC1 which is basically a completely different breed of fighting game compared to 2, or CvS2 or TvC is you wanna drag them into the debate.

I'm not even mad MvCI killed the franchise. MvC3 already did it for me 8 years ago.

>> No.4579530

it straddles the fence between "completely broken" and "still fun to play" rather well. Hate the jittery animation style in the VS series, though.

>> No.4579535

I loved it but my friends hated me when I started playing Cable.
This game is incredibly broken.

>> No.4579546

I really liked Marvel Super Heroes 1, the gimmick with the gems was fun.
And Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter because it has a better roster than MvC1.

>> No.4579990

i wanna

>> No.4580681

No, the peak was CotH

>> No.4580841

Probably but the balancing is retarded. MvC1 is the best

>> No.4580846

>Biggest sprite recycling ever
>uninspired generic backgronds
>music that's good on its own but horrible for a fighting game
>horribly scaled sprites
>bad OCs just for the sake of having more characters
>barebones engine that's barely worked on just for the characters to move
>lazy fighting mechanics
>unbalanced characters
>not enough testing

Nah, it's just a glorified mugen.

The first MvC is still the best.

>> No.4580847

MvC1 is way better, yeah.

Marvel vs Street Fighter had the best announcer, though.

>> No.4580861

Yes, the graphics and the house music made it great

>> No.4580914

I agree with you in almost all points, but for some reason I had much more fun with MVC2 than the first game.
Anyway, the new releases of the franchise are poretty pointless without Akiman or Bengus character design, and without the fantastic sprite art of old Capcom.

>> No.4581285

T B H Yes fampai tho I love a majority of the games in the series (MVC I and MSH vs SF were meh) this is the peak. The game is broken but still the fact that its messed up makes it more enjoyable but i will say that MVC 1 had the better backgrounds.

>> No.4581306
File: 104 KB, 520x650, Mvc2-amingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad OCs just for the sake of having more characters
Nigga you best not be dissing my mexicactus.

>> No.4581337

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom > Capcom vs. SNK > Marvel vs. Capcom

>> No.4581339

as a fighter it isnt very good but for a casual fuck around its pretty good

>> No.4581343

>>music that's good on its own but horrible for a fighting game
Nah it's nigger music just like the wank they used for Street Fighter III.

>> No.4581354

Alpha 1/2 and SFEX series have the best SF music

>> No.4581484

I wish they'd just made MvC2 like 1. The generic 3D backgrounds, awful HUD and poor balancing made it worse all around. Not mad about the 4 button layout though.

>> No.4581512

The people who are saying MvC1 was more balanced than MvC2 do not know how to play fighting games. MvC1's top tier was one character War Machine. MvC2's was around 8. In 2, you'd build a team with 2 or 3 of those top tiers. If you only used 2 top tiers, your third could be someone with a good assist. This meant Marvel 2 had far more variety and balance in it's TEAMS, the only part of balance that matters, not individual characters.

>> No.4581708

everyone but warmachine was balanced and warmachine is a hidden character like shadow lady

aside from that its better

>> No.4581719

yes. being broke is what made this game great. you have to be autistic to learn all the little nuances to be great at his game.

>> No.4581727


No, MvC1 had tiers like every other fighter with more than one character. War Machine was just the best and if you weren't using him then your team was worse. Outside of War Machine, the game had all the balance problems most fighters fall into, as far as individual characters go.

Also do not insist that individual characters are the benchmark for balance, only your team matters, and MvC2 had way more viable teams AND they were more different and interesting than MvC1's.

>> No.4582195

>people say mvc2 sucks because of the balance
>mvc1 is way better
Yes, because Warmachine, Gold Warmachine and Colossus Assist doesn't exist

>> No.4583134

For me, it was the busted ass throws in Xmen vs Street Fighter. Lauded to be busted as fuck, but the wall bouncing mechanic in FighterZ reminds me of it pretty well.

>> No.4583160

Y'all need to stop talking about balance like it means shit in this series. EVERY GAME IN THE SERIES, EVEN CHILDREN OF THE ATOM, IS BUSTED AS FUCK.

>> No.4583319

I'd say that determining which one is the least broken is useful. It helps if you want to play some of them on Fightcade so you aren't even more shit on than usual if you're new or are rusty.

>> No.4583983
File: 462 KB, 500x775, Marvel vs Capcom 2_ New Age of Heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you missed it, here's the FT10 between Justin and Sanford from Versus 2018 last week:

>> No.4584138

>he calls jazz nigger music
What the fuck have I spent a decade drumming for

>> No.4584239

Should've learnt piano, the white man's instrument.

>> No.4585037

But black people play piano too

>> No.4585046

None play as good as Chopin though.

>> No.4585490

No, 3 is a much better game

>> No.4585516

yeah but ragtime is pretty great

>> No.4585517

War Machine is about as strong as Red Venom for the same reason: infinity combos
If War Machine didnt had a way to lock you up in the air he wouldnt be as threatening.

>> No.4585780

i have third party chink controller that acts like wiimote as well as classic controller, (works in WiiU Bayonetta) should it work with TvC?

>> No.4586847



>> No.4586876

>MvC1's top tier was one character War Machine.
I korean dog dare you to get on fightcade right now and say war machine is top. This is the fate of every "you don't know how to play x" argument.

>> No.4587637
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It is my personal favorite, even through the imbalance, it is just wildly fun. Maybe it is also my love of the Dreamcast which makes it more special to me. I have fond memories of playing it alongside friends, but what held it back for my circle of friends was a lack of random select. Eventually it just got to a point where my friends got frustrated with me claiming "it's all chip damage" and 'all [I} do was put them in guessing situations" such that they started dropping off from playing the game. THey'd just swap over to some other game like Wrestlemania 2000 on the N64 just to feel good defeating me, until I started learning the nuances of that game too. Still, I think we all had fun, just playing the games.

Super Turbo, Alpha2, MVC2, CVS2, Last Blade 2, Garou, and the DOA games are the most fun I've had with fighting games. Sadly these old bones just keep me from enjoying them to their fullest again.

>> No.4589694

nice collection there

>> No.4589719
File: 2.73 MB, 2304x1728, Since_we_emulate_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I think it was CVS2 that kept my circle of friends around together the most, before the inevitable moving away. The fighting games were very special.

Not the same person, but I liked using Strider+War Machine and Wolverine+War Machine. On original arcade hardware, due to slowdown (not present in the Dreamcast release), the chip damage was massive from War Machine's kick super (War Destroyer I think it was called) because every missile will count. It was even better when they choose to not guard or try to switch, because that's an instantly dead character. While the work was primarily done by fast characters like Strider (kick super covers a lot of area forcing opponents to guard) or Wolverine with his fantastic vertical dive kick causing a guess on which direction to guard, and letting War Machine's kick super do a lot of work. I won't call War Machine top, but he can hold his own okay, but war destroyer is hillarious (in a double War Machine team, can make the whole game on CPS2 flicker out to just the background flashes while massive chip damage occurs).

>> No.4589813


How are the ps1 port better in your eyes? I thought they sucked. Like I heard for MSH vs SF you had to pick the same character to get 2v2 going

>> No.4589862

>Hello /vr/ I'm a giant contrarian faggot who thinks cut animation and removing the tag system are exclusive features
You people who think enjoying gimped ports just in an attempt to be special need to be gassed.

>> No.4589912
File: 2.14 MB, 2304x1728, Thanks_Capcom_now_I_know_Psylocke_and_Rogue_are_best_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from the Saturn side of things, as that was my main console of that set of consoles at that time. Back then, the Vs. games on the Saturn were pretty close to the arcade and that was what I valued. It showcased the Saturn well to friends, and the gameplay was very fun as they were damn close to the arcade. The only way I could tell was the portraits for the characters were below opposed to on the side of the lifebars. However, I understand here in /vr/ not many like Sega systems, particularly the Saturn, and it is true we can now easily emulate the real arcade games in MAME, so there is no value to the Saturn versions. So that is how the Playstation versions stand out now. The Playstation versions are not arcade ports, but their own original 1 vs. 1 fighting game with assists. It is a dynamic that the arcade and Saturn versions do not have, a best of 3 rounds technical fighting game. Even better on the Playstation versions, if you want to play the tag matches, you just have to pick inverse teams (like a Ryu/Ken team vs. a Ken/Ryu team; a Ryu/Ken team vs. Ryu/Ken team means a Ryu vs. Ryu match with Ken assists). I only recently got the Playstation versions, and they do have added features other versions do not have. I honestly still prefer the Saturn versions over the Playstation versions, but the reality is the Playstation versions took the effort in being an original console experience rather than just replicating the arcade.

>> No.4590523

>However, I understand here in /vr/ not many like Sega systems, particularly the Saturn
What the fuck gave you that impression
>using this a metric for preferring shitty ps1
They still feature cut animations. They're hideous.

>> No.4590527

Holy shit wrong lol. Log onto fightcade and come get raped in mvc1 room.

>> No.4591246

Yes. Between Marvel Infinite and Street Fighter V, it's clear that Nu-Capcom doesn't understand what made their old fighting games so great

>> No.4592106

The e-sport spectator pandering with the cheap comeback systems is such bullshit.
Honestly, they should have stopped making these games when they did. Bringing them back with IV the way they did was a mistake.

>> No.4592109

Fuck off nigger it's clear you don't understand shit about fighting games.

>> No.4592110

Explain 1 (ONE) thing about what he said that is wrong. Spoiler you can't.

>> No.4592170

There have been plenty of high level players that have complained about the excessive comeback mechanics, not just me, and those weren't /vr/-legal fighting games I like. What don't I understand?

>> No.4592172

those weren't in the*

>> No.4592524

Cool. Out of curiosity, what is the Team Scrub vs. Santhrax/Matrix matchup?

>> No.4594829

As a complete casual it’s the one I like the most. These days it’s all about ESPORTS PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT TREAT GAMING LIKE A JOB but all I want is a fighting game where I can have fun just fucking around playing with friends. MvC2 is great for that. Large roster, casual but fun music, it’s just a fun game.

>> No.4594836

If you're a casual who is overwhelmed by using 6 attack buttons, sure.

>> No.4595182

>all I want is a fighting game where I can have fun just fucking around playing with friends
Every game is like that. For a week or two. Then they all quit. So unless you literally just want to play with your friends every once in a while, you have no choice but to learn the basics at some point. Blame tourneyfags for convincing most devs that single player doesn't matter.

"Comeback systems" have been around since at least Street Fighter 2. Would not be surprised at all if it were also in the original, but even that game's too shitty for people to care about. There was plenty of randomness too.
Nobody that actually plays fighting games cares about comeback mechanics because they're not the ones getting hurt by them; it's the other casuals that are getting shafted. The youtube forum crawling is way worse than that, but good luck getting anyone to understand that one.

>> No.4595192

How is SFII even comparable to how overpowered the comeback stuff is in SFV? What comeback mechanics are you speaking of?
The randomness factor was pretty much confined to SFII IIRC, it was mostly dropped in later games from the 90's.
I've seen serious tournament players complain about the comeback mechanics in SFV.

>> No.4597278

I hate all the MVCs because superjumping is an obnoxious mechanic and they had to rework so many preexisting characters to accommodate their stupid moon shoe mechanic

>> No.4597556

Are the arcade machines for mvc2 still a thing? I can never seem to find them yet I’ll find others like MvC or Marvel Super Heroes more often

>> No.4597559


MvC2 introduced 3d into 2d fighters which would eventually metastatize into the cancer of today

>> No.4597568


>2 sentinels

is this a feature of the cancerous xbox versions?

>> No.4597884

>>4580846 #
>Biggest sprite recycling ever
And? How is this a bad thing
>m-muh lazy
>uninspired generic backgronds
One of the best backgrounds of any fighting game
>music that's good on its own but horrible for a fighting game
Shut the fuck up faggot
>horribly scaled sprites
>bad OCs just for the sake of having more characters
How are they bad?
>barebones engine that's barely worked on just for the characters to move
>lazy fighting mechanics
Dumb retard why don't you kill yourself
Nice namedrop you pseudo intellectual faglord

>> No.4597885

Jeez anon, way to be aggresive and a contrarian.
It's ok to like the game as well as it's not to, don't be a kid.

>> No.4597952

>And? How is this a bad thing
Just look at the Darkstalkers sprites. They were NOT made for a game that played this fast. In the original games, they had relatively long animations that MvC2 had to chop down to a couple of frames and play at super speed. As a result, they all look jerky.

>> No.4597983

>Was this the peak of the Marvel Vs Capcom series?
I have a friend who has requested a recorded version of the "I'm going to take you for a ride" song be put into his casket with him when he dies to ensure that he is really dead. He has requested that it play the song on loop and be buried while it plays.

>> No.4598710

If you drop your FGC name I will.