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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 474x226, thI7HOJLG5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4568691 No.4568691 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, I'll just take the classic versions.

>> No.4568695


>> No.4568697

Port? The omes on psn are emulation.

>> No.4568705
File: 30 KB, 584x300, resident_evil_code_veronica_x_hd-1800358-600x300-584x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, given that PC versions of RE2&RE3 exist it wouldn't be too complicated porting these to Steam.

Also, would be nice to see C:VX HD ported to Steam as well because why not?

>> No.4569325

>porting a game thats already on Pc to Steam
>thinking capcom is that smart

>> No.4569351

Steamfags are the worst kind of cancer, their idiotic brand loyalty is worse than for any other company.
Why the fuck would you want it on steam when you already have a superior Dreamcast/Gamecube version and a real PC version? Oh right, it's not infested with your cancer online drm with steam cards and badges to show off how much of a fucking faggot you are to your online friends.

>> No.4569356

Anyone upscale the backgrounds in emulation?

>> No.4569405

Dumbass the pc versions run for like $70-90 used if not higher!

I don't pirate .

>> No.4569407

There are improved backgrounds for RE3 on moddb, for the pc version.

>well I am SURE AS FUCK not gonna pay them the money they ask for!!!!

Well if that is truly honest then there is literally no reason not to pirate.

>> No.4569483

If Capcom did port them to steam it would probably have no option to make the pre rendered backgrounds look good. Unless they do what they did with the HD remaster of Remake and RE0 and somehow make them look good.

>> No.4569525

Steam ports are mostly shit. Final Fantasy was butchered.

>> No.4569560

FF7-9 work fine on steam. WTF are you talking about? Is it because these games cost money and you'd rather be a cheap ass and pirate/ emulate?

>> No.4569564

Then play the PC versions that came out at the time instead.

>> No.4569570

I can't wait for the day Steam and every other DRM hell dies. Forever. To never return.
But I guess it isn't going to happen, if anything things are going to get worse.

>> No.4570530

I have a sneaking suspicion that the RE2make might include the original RE2 just for the hell of it.

>> No.4570535

>I can't wait for the day Steam and every other DRM hell dies.
I don't think DRM means what you think it means.

>> No.4570542

>Well, given that PC versions of RE2&RE3 exist it wouldn't be too complicated porting these to Steam.
IIRC the RE2 PC port is missing some content from certain console releases. For example, the highest quality FMVs are only in the Gamecube version and the N64 port has unique costumes.
As for RE3, I think it's got everything except for the highest quality FMVs, which again are only on Gamecube.
>Also, would be nice to see C:VX HD ported to Steam as well because why not?
Definitely. I own it on PS3 (back when I bought the RE4/RECV HD bundle) and I was so happy with it right away, game legitimately looks better and it's a shame it's not on PC yet, while RE4 gets ported on practically everything.

>> No.4570557

Imagine if Capcom released a PC version of RE2 with:

The High quality FMV scenes from the GameCube version as well as being able to skip the in game scenes.

The EX Files from the N64 version.

The extras from the Dreamcast and PC versions. (Hard and NIghtmare difficulties etc)

It would be the definitive edition.

Obviously never gonna happen but one can dream.

>> No.4570573 [DELETED] 

You can get the PS2 version for £2.50 on eBay, don't see the point myself.

>> No.4570798

>Also, would be nice to see C:VX HD ported to Steam as well because why not?
One thing does really bug me about that game and it's how it uses a lot of sounds and UI elements from RE2. I'd love to update that shit to RE3 sounds at least.

>> No.4570930

Re3 was the pinnacle (until REmake came along) if the series.

Re3 was more innovative compared to CV.

>> No.4571054

>Everybody Else
Speak for yourself faggot

>I don't pirate
Then you don't play. Poorfag

>> No.4571593

>Re3 was the pinnacle (until REmake came along) if the series.
I'm not sure if I agree. RE3 is my favorite of the originals but I also think RE2 is the best one. I like the dual campaigns and RE3 fell a bit short by recycling a lot of content from RE2 and only having a single campaign, it's a little underwhelming.

>Re3 was more innovative compared to CV.
Absolutely. Really should've moved the series forward but felt like it was taking 5 steps back.

>> No.4571687

I felt like RE2 recycled from RE1 too. The RPD is basically a re-imagining of the Spencer Mansion. Same structure as the original both include the sewers/ undergrounds and labs. RE2 was more fast paced, linear, and action packed.

Also, RE1&3 had more variety in how you did things whereas the zapping system in RE2 was very fixed. I liked how in RE1 the player had choices. For example, exploring the mansion in a certain way could lead to alternate cut scenes and events. There was always a plan B in boss fights too. RE3 EXPANDED on this way more than RE2.

>> No.4571797

I don't want them ported to steam. not them specifically.

if they're gonna port something, give 2 and 3 the deadly silence treatment but don't destroy the backgrounds like deadly silence did.

>> No.4573812

Supposedly Capcom USA tried to get the PC versions rereleased years ago but the Japanese branch cockblocked them.

>> No.4573859

I just don't get it. Why wouldn't you want it cleaned up and released similar to how gog.com does it? If you update it a little bit and just sell it, people will buy it as long as it's cheap enough and compatible with current systems.

>> No.4574374

>highest quality FMVs
>only on GCN
The Sourcenext 2006 PC ports have the highest quality PC ports
Also, if any game need a definitive release, it's RE1
>Battle Game only on Saturn
>Arranged only on PS1
>uncensored intro only on PC
>uncensored Kenneth decapitation on on DS
>Dualshock score only in the Dualshock version and there is no option to switch for the original
>Rebirth Mode only on DS
>Multiplayer only on DS

>> No.4575830

I want BATTLE REALMS ported to PC!

>tfw not allowed to talk about Battle Realms on /vr/ because it came out in 2000

>> No.4577429

>The Sourcenext 2006 PC ports
Ah right, those. Really sucks they're Japanese only.

>> No.4578065

IIRC you can simply copy paste the video files from sourcenext to the original PC version, and you'll have the uncompressed videos in the original PC version.

>> No.4578440

Will Capcom ever release RE2&3 on Steam? The original PC ports are mad expensive.

>> No.4578448

After they didn't release the CVX remaster, but released the remasters of Remake and Zero, I have no idea what capcom is planning.
I would love to see all classic main RE games and the CVX remaster though.

>> No.4579282

Where do I even get that version from?
>Will Capcom ever release RE2&3 on Steam?
I wouldn't put it behind them. RE2make will sell like hotcakes for sure and I have a feeling they'll include the original RE2 in there in some form.

>> No.4580042

RE3 is my personal favorite, but RE2 is superior for what Resident Evil is supposed to be. RE3 actually marks the beginning of the decline.

>> No.4580165

>I have a feeling they'll include the original RE2 in there in some form.
I doubt it.
They didn't port RE1 for the 20th anniversary or the REmake remaster, despite there being a perfectly working PC version that just needs a bit of updating.
CVX HD didn't get a port despite being released on the 360, figure that one out.
2 and 3 likely won't get rereleased despite the existence of the Sourcenext versions, which were made to run on Vista or XP, and are the highest quality versions available for both games. All that is needed is for one guy to just go through and translate the text to English, and that can be done without even knowing Japanese as there already exists multiple English versions of both games.
The last port RE1-3 ever got was an emulation on the PS3 back when it launched. Same with Dino Crisis.
If they're going to sell Megaman Roms, why not just do the same with RE? I wouldn't mind if I could have a modern physical copy of all 3 games.

>> No.4580775

>despite there being a perfectly working PC version that just needs a bit of updating.
I actually have been playing that PC version and I have to say, I'm surprised at how well it runs, though it still needs a fan fix and adaptive half refresh rate vsync to run close to normal, but it's not perfect at all. I've experienced several crashes and at least two glitches, one of which game-breaking.

The first glitch happened when I was running around with the shotgun and at one point I got grabbed by a zombie from off camera or something, then all of a sudden I wasn't able to open my inventory until I picked up an item in the area.

But the first glitch cost me an entire no save run. There's a room with 2 blocks and a stepladder that you have to push around. The boxes are meant to gas holes and the stepladder is placed on a button that activates the gas. Somehow I got stuck at the bottom of the stepladder and couldn't move away. I suspect it's because I tried to go up the ladder just as Jill was meant to play her "hurt" animation, which caused the game to stick, as when you're on top of step ladders you can't move forwards and backwards, only rotate.

Then there's the random crashes. Also during a no save run, this time as Chris, the game crashed right after I checked the hole on the ground after killing Yawn. Fuck that. Game crashed a few other times before as well and it will always crash if you switch out (to a different window or desktop) and switch back in.

>> No.4581137

By perfectly working, I meant usable.
It's a port for Windows 95, of course it'll be a bit shit. If worse comes to worse, Capcom can just port an emulated version of the PS1 version.

>> No.4581202

>By perfectly working, I meant usable.
But it's not perfectly working, is it. How is "usable" in any way "perfectly working?"

>If worse comes to worse, Capcom can just port an emulated version of the PS1 version.
For consoles, fine, but on PC? Unacceptable.

>> No.4581206

>How is "usable" in any way "perfectly working"
It works. That's how
>but on PC? Unacceptable
Mega Man Legacy Collection would like a word with you.

>> No.4581210

>It works. That's how
You're an idiot.
>>but on PC? Unacceptable
>Mega Man Legacy Collection would like a word with you.
I never bought it. Not a Megaman fan.

>> No.4581216

The Legacy Collection may as well just be a NES emulation of the first 6 Mega Man games.

>> No.4581228

There are PC versions available. Just play those.

>> No.4581387

>Unless they do what they did with the HD remaster of Remake and RE0 and somehow make them look good.

RE1 remake backgrounds were upscaled and sharpened to remove blurring.

For the RE0 remaster they actually had the source files archived, they're 1440p resolution before being scaled down to 640x480 for the GC version, the PC version is using these untouched source files, that's why RE0 looks so great on PC.

>> No.4581572

Do you guys have the optimal settings for the dolphin emulation of these two? Im replaying the series and just beat 1 on psn (shit version cause of the music but still fun) My RE2 looks great except for these weird black lined see through boxes everywhere, dont know what setting that is

>> No.4581626

>except for these weird black lined see through boxes everywhere
Turn off Antialiasing. If that works and you have an Nvidia GPU, go into its 3D settings for dolphin and turn on FXAA, that might work without giving the black lines.

>> No.4581763
File: 2.02 MB, 640x480, 1513817981974.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does the dodge mechanic actually work? Often it is unresponsive

>> No.4581771

>Ticks, basically reskinned Hunters with new sounds and attacks, but new content nevertheless, Saturn only
>Two PC exclusive weapons
>Two PC exclusive costumes
>Two Saturn exclusive costumes
>Three Director's Cut exclusive costumes
>Three DS exclusive costumes
>Apparently more zombie sounds, Saturn only

I'd be all for a definitive trilogy compilation, but emulated PS1 versions or ports that are basically just that with better backgrounds/FMV copy-pasted into the games - I have no interest in that shit. It's been 22 years, not 2.

But I think we'd probably be more likely to see fans build an open source re-implementation of the classic engine than to see Capcom release definitive editions.

>> No.4581779

Capcom doesn't know how much money they could make by porting the original Director's Cut release and just selling the other stuff as DLC. I'd be fine with that if I could turn them on and off.

>> No.4581810

While aiming press fire anytime right before being attacked. It has to be RIGHT before getting attacked, so sometimes it is hard to get the timing right. It is easier to dodge with the knife equipped, just so you know. I'm too scared to try a knife only challenge though.

>> No.4581881
File: 46 KB, 540x671, CF3847ED-9D77-4C69-8497-94854D5C0C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam is for fucking faggots. Every single one of you is a faggot.

>> No.4581991

You don't need to hold aim and press action, that's just an alternate input for other kinds of dodges in conjunction with the D-pad. You can simply press Aim at the right moment.

>But I think we'd probably be more likely to see fans build an open source re-implementation of the classic engine
You know what, I've been wondering how come there aren't any Resident Evil style indie games.

>Steam is for fucking faggots
I've used Steam for years and I've never fucked a faggot. Where do you get your information from, sir?

>> No.4582510

>I don't pirate .
If the game isn't being sold by the publishers anymore then why not? They clearly don't care if they're not even bothering to get your money.

>> No.4582520

/v/ if you wanna spam your shitty memes that's fine but please keep it on your board I specifically don't go there to not see this crap everyday.

>> No.4582536

>soyboy maymay

>> No.4583248

>If the game isn't being sold by the publishers anymore then why not?

>> No.4583261

>I've used Steam for years
>I've never fucked a faggot.

Those are mutually exclusive, fukboy.

>> No.4583263

That's not even English.

>> No.4586667

Once again, one potentially interesting thread ruined by angry cucks who can't keep their limp dicks in their pants. I wish you stupid pussies would get raped by the black dick you love fapping so much to and die choking on their AIDS jizz.

>> No.4587991

>cancer online drm
while it's not every game (valve games are an obvious example) it is actually possible to play games you buy on steam without steam

>> No.4587994

Thank christ, you're the first person I've seen mention that it's the publishers who get fucked and not the devs in the ethical pirate argument.
You literally just restored a quantum of hope in this board for me.

>> No.4588004

Steamfags are the fucking worst.
You can play the game on PC just fine, but you insist on throwing money at valve. Why? Because you hate your privacy, or you like having your access to your games restricted?
Steam is going to have a monopoly on PC gaming soon.

>> No.4588235

>implying it already doesn't have one
It already does. GOG, Origin and Uplay are still seen as alternatives, despite how big and less buggy they got (especially Origin). The fucking irony is that steam used to be a lot worse and it still is in some aspects (I'm looking at you store "curation").
There are also a lot of people who think only of steam when someone mentions PC as a platform. Some of them even go as far that they see downloading a seperate 200MB(!) client instead of using steam a fucking inconvenience. I've also seen the >muh friends list thrown a lot for this and keep in mind that we're living in an age where running multiple things at once, even while gaming, is a non issue.

>> No.4588534

>Steamfags are the fucking worst.
Can you objectively state why? Also, worst compared to what? What is the best in your scale? Can you quantify what exactly makes something better than a, quote unquote, "steamfag"?
>You can play the game on PC just fine, but you insist on throwing money at valve. Why?
Possibly because their platform is the easiest and most reliable to use. Maybe it's just brand recognition. Maybe it's their crazy discounts every few months. Ask any person who uses steam and they will tell you why.
I use it because it's what I prefer the most, but I also use GOG and their Steam-equivalent Galaxy is entirely optional. However, my friends use Steam but not GOG Galaxy, so I use Steam primarily to stay in touch with them. Furthermore, nobody I know uses Origin or Uplay, both of which are terribly slow, unreliable, ugly, and the little exclusives they have are miniscule. The only few games I have on Uplay were bought through Steam and it's incredibly bullshit that in order to play them I need both Steam and Uplay to run them and this isn't valve's fault, it's Ubisoft's awful DRM practices. Meanwhile on Origin I also have a couple games that I only own there, mainly because they were part of a Humble Bundle, except for Peggle, which is the only game I ever wanted to buy that's on there and for whatever reason isn't on Steam. Origin is not as bad as Uplay but it's pretty close.
>Because you hate your privacy, or you like having your access to your games restricted?
You can play any game you own on Steam in offline mode. I have no idea what kind of restrictions you're talking about otherwise. Do you think you HAVE to be online to play them or is there some other form of restriction that you think exists? Are you one of those anti-DRM people who actually don't know anything about it?
>Steam is going to have a monopoly on PC gaming soon.
How soon do you think? It sounds like you don't know anything about how big and practical Steam actually is.

>> No.4588543

Steam should only be for valve games.

>> No.4589258

what sucks is that capcom clearly still has the RE1 source code SOMEWHERE considering they made deadly silence