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4571306 No.4571306 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite example of adaptational retooling of a japanese game for western audiences?

(Use any criteria you feel like: originality, effort, cheesiness)

>> No.4571318
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9/10 the Americanized version is superior to the weeabo version.

>> No.4571746
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>> No.4571778
File: 53 KB, 754x353, Mecarobot Golf vs Birdie Try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the topic but the only one I can think of off the top of my head is this. I don't know if they didn't want to pay the license or they just didn't think a Japanese athlete would be recognizable in the West but to me, the robot discrimination element is far more interesting.

>> No.4572024


Cowabunga duuude

>> No.4572218
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>> No.4572231

I'm not a fan westernized games, but I'll admit that at Technos actually put some effort in their graphic changes. River City Ransom EX was just lazy and nowadays they just translate the Kunio games while tacking the River City name on them due to brand recognition than actual localization.

>> No.4572234 [DELETED] 

I can almost sense what must have gone in the meeting of the de-Japanization team.
"Yeah, and thinking about those crazy German censorship laws, just make all the characters robots just in there's going to be any violence in the game"

>> No.4572250
File: 151 KB, 490x325, 0ef[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when I was clipping that image I meant to make a Probotector joke but it slipped my mind

>> No.4572256

I can almost sense what must have gone in the meeting of the de-Japanization team.
"Yeah, and thinking about those crazy German censorship laws, just make all the characters robots just in case there's going to be any violence and blood in the game"

>> No.4572258

Sorry, I was just deleting my reply to fix a couple of things. Anyway, it's there ^

>> No.4572274

renegade is the best
fuck that gay japanese high school shit, I want to beat up gang niggas

>> No.4572314


Probotector is not really something to joke about though. The conversion was done pretty well, the new character portraits and sprites look really nice and gotta admit robots with big guns shooting other robots with big guns is fucking cool.

>> No.4572315
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Are the Kunio kun games the only delinquent beat em ups?

>> No.4572316
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>implying japanese version isn't objectively the best

>> No.4572496
File: 68 KB, 324x428, powerblazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power Blazer < Power Blade
EU/NA version is superior in every way, nearly everything was changed. Player has hilarious "knees up" run cycle.

>> No.4572607

Kenka Bancho for PSP is breddy gud

>> No.4573012

What was really changed besides changing the school uniforms into regular street attire? Were the restaurants' foods changed much? There seems to be a decent amount of stuff that must have been left the same--different times of sushi and whatnot.

>> No.4573796
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Turning the Yankii core concept into basically a crazy West Side Story fangame should be enough, but there's some more stuff such as:

- names of gangs, members, banchos and locations are also changed obviously
- some items are more affordable, such as the special move books
- 2 difficulty modes instead of 3 (easiest was removed)
- password saves which bosses have been beaten already; original JP didn't
- the optional "no friendly fire" co-op mode has been removed

>> No.4574653
File: 511 KB, 3840x3840, Kunio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4574681

DNM also had items referencing other Technos games, such as Famicom cartridges based on Renegade, Super Dodge Ball and Double Dragon, as well as a book based on Xain'D Sleena.

>> No.4577005
File: 5 KB, 256x194, riki-no-bouken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Belt for the Master System actually made the game look MORE japanese in comparison to the original version, in a silly, stereotyped kind of way

>> No.4577042


>> No.4577058

>american version
Hahahaha, nice one.

>> No.4577301

I wish games still practiced reskinning into completely new games for other countries

>> No.4577410

Yo-Noid on the NES was original Masked Ninja Hanamaru. Visuals were redone entirely, soundtrack was in part redone, and the only other major difference is with the bonus game (NES counts up, Famicom counts down)

>> No.4577461

Halo? Looks an awful lot like Galaxy Knights...

>> No.4577579


>> No.4577630 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4578219 [DELETED] 
File: 3.00 MB, 480x324, Power Move Pro vs. Toukon Retsuden.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did this countless times with many japanese wrestling titles. But I pretty much hated it. Either they replaced the original wrestlers with fantasy names (but mostly for whatever reason kept the move lists intact) or switched them out with some western garbage wrestlers.

Shin Nihon Toukon Retsuden 1 (PSX) Power Move Pro Wrestling (cheesy as fuck)
Zen Nihon Pro-Wrestling (SNES) Natsume Championship Wrestling
Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden (Mega Drive) Jesse "The Body" Ventura Wrestling Superstars (unreleased)
Fire Pro Wrestling A (GBA) Fire Pro Wrestling (replaced the japanese fighters with crappy western ones)
Final Fire Pro Wrestling: Yume no Dantai Unei! (GBA) Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (like the first GBA title but additionally removed the whole Management Mode in favor of more fictionalized western wrestlers)
Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 (N64) WCW vs. nWo: World Tour
Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou WWF No Mercy

>> No.4578221

But it's 3D.

>> No.4578229
File: 3.00 MB, 480x324, Power Move Pro vs. Toukon Retsuden.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did this countless times with many japanese wrestling titles. But I pretty much hated it. Either they replaced the original wrestlers with fantasy names (but mostly for whatever reason kept the move lists intact) or switched them out with some western garbage wrestlers.

Shin Nihon Toukon Retsuden 1 (PSX) --> Power Move Pro Wrestling (cheesy as fuck)
Zen Nihon Pro-Wrestling (SNES) --> Natsume Championship Wrestling
Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden (Mega Drive)
--> Jesse "The Body" Ventura Wrestling Superstars (unreleased)
Fire Pro Wrestling A (GBA) --> Fire Pro Wrestling (replaced the japanese fighters with crappy western ones)
Final Fire Pro Wrestling: Yume no Dantai Unei! (GBA) --> Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (like the first GBA title but additionally removed the whole Management Mode in favor of more fictionalized western wrestlers)
Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 (N64) --> WCW vs. nWo: World Tour
Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou --> WWF No Mercy

>> No.4578264

You're 3D

>> No.4578270
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Abarenbou Tengu or Zombie Nation? which one, /vr/?

>> No.4579446

The last big one I remember is Ouendan to Elite Beat Agents in the mid-00s, although it's debatable whether it was a reskin or some kind of weird overseas-exclusive sequel.

>> No.4579537

The one that looks like Vigo from Ghostbusters 2.

>> No.4581217

Consider it was supposed to be a Fist Of The North Star game at first, this is a huge negative, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4581347
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Well, BB came out a couple years before the source material reached any popularity out of Japan. Before that, I guess the publishers reckoned players would be confused by a game about Mad Max punching people to pieces

>> No.4581463

They also probably figured "why should we pay money for the FotNS license if it won't sell any more games since the audience haven't heard of it anyway?"

>> No.4581643
File: 3.43 MB, 2100x1563, 2363114-snes_actraiser_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changing God to The Master is the best thing to come out of NoA's censoring shittery.