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File: 108 KB, 256x351, Super_Mario_Bros._3_coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
454396 No.454396 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird if I found this game more difficult than Lost Levels? I feel like Lost Levels was more about memorizing the levels and knowing what to do, while SMB3 requires more precise timing and it's harder to avoid/beat enemies.

>> No.454418


>Is it weird if I


>> No.454431

only thing I found hard in SMB3 was the ice world

>> No.454442



Dude what, come on.

>> No.454440

You mean the challenge is much more fun in SMB3 than in Lost Levels? Because it is.

>> No.455208

>he's going to tell me that 60% of SMB3 wasn't crafted by Lucifer himself

a few examples:





Are you squidding me?

>> No.455224


There are games that Lucifer had a hand in developing. Mega Man X6 is one of them. Super Mario Bros. 3 is not.

>> No.455259

SMB3 definitely felt like the cheapest to me. Often when you die it feels kinda bullshit, unlike in other games. Maybe that's just me though

>> No.455270

Try Umihara Kawase or NES Ghosts'N'Goblins if you want a game that will truly cause you to throw the controller at the TV.

>> No.455285

Whistlefag spotted

>> No.455306


Not him but the game doesn't even get remotely difficult until world 7.

>> No.455339 [DELETED] 

This is the first "throw the controller at the TV" level in the game


>fall into the drink and get fucked up by Cheep-Cheeps repeatedly

>> No.455361

Can't remember much about smb2j but 3 has a nice challenge curve, the first few worlds are very easy and then it starts ramping up around the latter half of 5.

I have a love/hate relationship with world 7, not even 8 gives me that vibe.

>> No.455385

Why is it I never had any problem with any of these levels?

Even the last platform of 5-9 where you have to jump off and onto the last one right on top of you only killed me twice

Maybe it's because I had mario experience since 1989 when I picked up mario 3

>> No.455403

This is the first "throw the controller at the TV" level in the game


>fall into the drink and get fucked up by Cheep-Cheeps repeatedly

>> No.455424
File: 24 KB, 2848x656, SuperMarioBros3Map3-8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dat level that is ALL MUNCHERS on top of pipes for like 2 miles and you have to run on top of them getting starmen as you go

That one gave me a little trouble, and so did the second boss bass level of level 3 but that's because I stubbornly took the bottom path at the end just for extra challenge (yes back in the day 3-4 neighborhood kids would gather at my house and we'd take turns playing mario)

>> No.455436

oh what I meant to say is that we'd challenge each other to take the bottom path of that level and make it out without boss bass eating us

Also no shortcutting through 8-2, you had to face the sun while jumping on note blocks

In the end we got really really good at mario because of this

>> No.455485


Are you me? This level was fucking hell on earth. I somehow always died here. I hated the fucking cheep cheeps that jumped up and killed you

>> No.455487

Ice world was a bitch last time I checked.

>> No.455589
File: 30 KB, 413x372, smb4smb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.455610
File: 46 KB, 330x357, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'll never get to play these beautiful levels again

>> No.455663

Its funny that you made this thread because I actually beat this game yesterday. I didn't use any whistles, I played through the whole thing, it took around 3.5 hours.

I didn't think world 5-9 was hard, I only died once to the fire-snake at the end. I could only beat 5-4 by fusing the raccoon suit and flying to the platforms on top. I tried to do the bottom route but it was too hard managing those spinners. I skipped 5-6 to go to 5-7.

I had a lot of trouble with world 8. I pretty much just cheated the whole way through by using P-wings and clouds.

I didn't really find any levels that I was extremely frustrated with until world 8- where I saved up all my p-wings and clouds.

>> No.455845

I need six hours to beat this shit with no warps

>> No.455861


This one also really sucks

>> No.455878


They're emulatable.

>> No.455951


>> No.455975


I think you have to download a save file that has them or something.

>> No.456029

I'm super fucking good at every Mario game 3 and onward, I can beat them with my eyes closed. But I still can't beat Lost Levels or even SMB1.

>> No.456050

Well then get to playing/practicing them, bitch nigga

>> No.456124

I kinda agree with you that 3 was harder than Lost Levels.
Think about it: the game is longer and has more stage variety, so of course it has more opportunities to throw curveballs at you. The only thing I can think of that Lost Levels could have over 3 in the difficulty department is the #-4 levels where you must follow a certain path. But 3 had mazelike levels too, I think...

Also, the variety of power-ups you had at your disposal in 3 didn't always make the game easier. And if they did, they only benefited you for 1 stage before you most likely needed a new one.
The Frog suit would help in an underwater stage in World 3, but the next level would be on land.
The Hammer suit would help clear a castle stage in Ice World, but then you have to switch back to Fireflower to melt ice blocks.

They really dropped the ball in World where the Cape/Feather was clearly better than Fireflower

>> No.456157

3 is only harder because it's it's longer, you have to endure more levels without running out of lives. But you have far more control over Mario where Lost Levels requires extremely exact jumps to account for momentum/wind and you can even screw yourself into a situation where you can no longer make a jump because the screen doesn't scroll backward.

Plus SMB3 allows you to store powerups, so even if you get stuck you can probably attempt the stage powered-up a number of times before running out.

>> No.456181


I'm finally back. Cool that this thread is still alive.

Anyway, no, I'm not a whistlefag. I just beat the game for the first time a couple weeks ago. The game throws lives at you like they're pesos and the levels are very very short. Often times you can sprint and jump through levels and avoid most dangers.

I'm just saying I ended up with more than 70 lives by the end of the game, only dying on a couple levels in World 7. Lost Levels on the other hand, not so much.

>> No.456193

I was able to beat SMB3 before I could beat the first one as a kid. Without whistles (I actually thought whistles made it harder since you'd end up in World 8 with no powerups or extra lives).

SMB2J is just fucking brutal. It's definitely not one of the hardest games on the console or anything, but it's the hardest Mario game, period.

>> No.456201

that is exactly how i am. from 3 on there has not been a mario game (platformer) that i cant beat in under 2 hours.

i cant even get past the first world in the lost levels

>> No.456961
File: 135 KB, 480x360, super-mario-bros-3-virtual-console-image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I was just playing this game and don't want to make another thread about it, but...

I have realized, I don't remember the last time I actually played SMB.3 on its NES version.
Probably the last time I actually played my good old purple cart (I had a Famiclone) of SMB. 3 was before I got the SNES, that's like more than 20 years ago, shit.
Anyway, since I got the SNES, I played All-Stars, and I just forgot many things about the original NES ver.

I just want to say, this game is beautiful. It's weird but it has some kind of texture, I can almost feel like I can touch and chew the things in the game.
The physics on this game are also great.
And I was analyzing the maps... you know that last hidden map part of World 2? ever seemed weird how there was a path to follow, but no level except for the fire bros? I realized that path is there for the fire bros, the CPU needs some space when they do that "stepstepstep" thing (I love that sound effect... that's another thing I love about the NES version, dem sound effects! they're lovely, I don't know but I think I like this more than the SNES remake. The drums are great especially... I remember SMB3 included a special sound chip to do these particular good drums. Is this true? anyway I'm not playing the cart, I'm on the wii's VC.

Also for some reason, I never realized you can actually see the green dancing little guys from the map of world 1, on the levels themselves. I remember I was disappointed you couldn't "enter" one of those, as in a level, or boss fight or something. I expected them to be very chill anyway.
But they are on the levels, pic related! I don't know why it passed me by as a kid, maybe because since they weren't dancing, I thought they weren't the same things.

>> No.456979

The All-Stars SMB3 is gaudy as hell. Too lush.

>> No.456986


I cleared world 6 with little to no effort two days ago. There are a couple stages in world 7 that can get ridiculous. I've been half tempted to use a power P on some playthroughs. The only level that requires you pick up one star after another? It requires near-perfect timing and if you don't hit every block just right you're dead.

I've had less trouble in world 8, which strangely enough isn't actually that hard for me for whatever reason.

>> No.456993


It makes it significantly harder to clear world 8 without power-ups. I horde them completely until I reach the latter portion of world 7.

>> No.457004


>running out of lives

Man, the game practically throws lives at you. You just have to use proper timing in a sprint and you can get a star at completion almost every time. That and collect coins with intense greed.

>> No.458921
File: 19 KB, 300x309, RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my sister would meticulously stop and collect every fucking coin