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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4567135 No.4567135 [Reply] [Original]

Mednafen literally saved the PS1, Saturn and PCE emulation scenes.

>> No.4567138

beetles are gross

>> No.4567139
File: 2.22 MB, 640x360, GatackVsKuuga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gross, beetles are cool.

>> No.4567152

why are the retroarch cores for mednafen called Beetle
aslo even though mednafen Saturn is by far the best option for Saturn emulation it still has this annoying fucking input delay I swear

>> No.4567172

Call me when Mednafen adds high resolution, widescreen and cheat support.

>> No.4567174

Download the Beetle HW core, retard

>> No.4567185

Still no widescreen and cheats, try again.

>> No.4567194

>high resolution, widescreen, and cheat support
why would you want these things, especially cheats...play the actual game.

>> No.4567201

Because old JRPGs are cancerously grindy.

>> No.4567203


>> No.4567204

Then dont play them fag

>> No.4567206

But I like the combat, story and music, I just don't like the excessive grind.

>> No.4567209

Mednafen still has fast-forward.

>> No.4567210

But does it have no random encounters cheat? No.

>> No.4567216

no random encounters pretty much eliminates any chance of ever dying in JRPGs, the only remotely challenging thing about them is resource management while encounters whittle away at you

>> No.4567516

>...play the actual game
Might as well forego emulation with that mindset, genius.

Actually, this was probably bait. 2/10 for getting me to reply, not coming back to this.

>> No.4567551

The absolute state of /vr/

>> No.4567562



>> No.4567564

The point of emulation is high resolutions and enhancements in general.
Why the fuck would I emulate if I wanted pure experience? I have original consoles for that you shit eater.

>> No.4567569

>But I like the combat
>does it have no random encounters cheat?
top lel

>> No.4567573

Random encounters don't pose a challenge or strategy, bosses do.

>> No.4567574

More bugs like this please.

>> No.4567609

Depends on the game, random encounters can be very deadly in Dragon Quest games.

>> No.4567613

There are no Dragon Quest games on PS1 worth playing because superior versions exist on DS and 3DS.

>> No.4567618

>this doesn't cater to my manchild needs so I must shit on it
If having cheats is something you feel is mandatory, you really should find yourself a new hobby.
And, by the way, Mednafen already supports cheats, but I suppose your complaining also comes from your inability to drag a simple file to an exe.

>> No.4568003

Most of the time you spend on PS1 JRPGs are on loadings and unskippable cutscenes.

Don't believe me check the speedrun boards for PS1 games and see how they are a cutscene fast as combat is figured out.

Btw git gud and you don't grind on most of them.

>> No.4568005

But how do i use it?

>> No.4568056
File: 5 KB, 212x238, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they are a cutscene fast as combat is figured out.

>> No.4568070

Thank god for mednafen, epsxe just wouldn't fucking work. Depending on how I configured it it was either a black screen or unplayably slow emulation.

>> No.4568094

it worked on a fucking pc from 1995 i ran it on back in high school. you dont know how to configure it.

>> No.4568098

That's the thing, with Mednafen you don't HAVE to configure

>> No.4568107
File: 163 KB, 315x330, 1462957444362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mednafen is objectively better in every way. just letting you know you were configuring it wrong.

>> No.4568118

Notice anon said back in 1995, back then there was no PEPE OpenGL2 Plugin, you had to use a million different emulation hacks for each new game you threw at epsxe. And some games still didn't work no matter what you did like Harry Potter. It was hell.

>> No.4568123

no it was in a pc class where they made us take apart old pc's. think it was back in 2009.

>> No.4568240

>decide to try Sega Saturn in mednafen.

this is what happens when devs don't really care.

>> No.4568252

upgrade ur toaster lad

>> No.4568260
File: 227 KB, 1154x970, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use ssf

>> No.4568264

my toaster plays ssf just fine, which happens to run the bizarre rips I already have and don't want to download again. I shouldn't need a 3ghz desktop to run ps1 and saturn games. A dynarec will be just fine.

>> No.4568275 [DELETED] 

I've never used Mednafen extensively because it's configuration and compatibility support always sucked.

Yet I'm playing PlayStation, Saturn and PC Engine games fine without it.

Magic? I think not.

>> No.4568294

Mednafen is kinda trash.
There's a shitload of PS1 emulators already.
Saturn emulation is idiotically CPU intensive.
I've been emulating PC-Engine fine since the early 00's.

There's no reason to use Mednafen over other emulators and it certainly didn't save shit.

>> No.4568301 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 645x729, 1513769975225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no reason to use Mednafen over other emulators

>> No.4568314

Nice shitpost.

>> No.4568321 [DELETED] 

says the mouth breather telling people to use shit emulators

>> No.4568328
File: 33 KB, 480x336, 1508180773604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking SAVED Saturn emulation from retarded devs and closed source jap shit
>saved ps1 from epsxes garbage plugin bullshit and lolspeedhacks
>saved PCE from shitty paywalled jap emulators
Absolutely fucking based, I'm not even memeing.
Here's hoping they keep optimizing Saturn and maybe work on Dreamcast, since inolen went full jew and killed redream before it even got good.

>> No.4568383

Epsxe has fucked vsync/frame pacing in Windows 8 or higher and you have to exit the game to change anything but controls. Lacks a sharp bilinear option with non integer scaling as well.

SSF is laggy as shit, has less compatibility than Mednafen, and requires fucking Daemon Tools to get Redbook audio playing as well as having a similar integer or blurfest thing going on.

Pirating MagicEngine was for awhile but now we have an open solution that runs great on everything. Shitting in Mednafen is hardcore brainlet shit.

>> No.4568393

... and Virtual Boy...

>> No.4568396


>> No.4568412

Mednafen sounds like a drug you'd hear about in an "if you or a loved one" ad. Just sayin'.

>> No.4568421

>ssf is laggy
>fucked vsync/frame pacing
>pirating magic engine
holy shit that is retarded. ootake has been better for years.

>> No.4568438

Agreed. There are alternatives to PS1/Saturn/PCE, but when it comes to Virtual Boy your options are Mednafen or complete garbage.

>> No.4568546

>The point of emulation is high resolutions and enhancements in general.
the point of emulation is to create a working replica of how a system performs

nobody fucking cares if you want to play Mega Man Legends at 4K with 2xSai, that's not what this thread is about

>> No.4568601

is there a cooler sport than beetle fights?

>> No.4568602

the only way to play VB is on a 3DS or VR though, for the authentic experience

>> No.4568604

except some VB games exist independently of the VR gimmick which is just slapped on superficially

>> No.4568605

Fun fact: it's actually an acronym and stands for "My Emulator Doesn't Need A Frickin' Excellent Name"

>> No.4568609

>epeensxdee 2.0.X
>cannot get it to function no matter what
>works flawlessly with the exact same plugins and config
I know I'm a mong but this one has me stumped

>> No.4568667

cutscene fest*

>> No.4568673 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Are you an official Mednafen shill?

>> No.4568739

So if mednafen is so good how do I get the fucking thing to not use fake fullscreen? I want to use 240p@120hz on a CRT monitor with original visuals to get a close to authentic visual experience.

>> No.4568763

your opinion is correct (sarcasm font)

>> No.4568765

>the garbage translation of 7 3D is better than the masterpiece on the PS1
I hate africans

>> No.4568779

up, down, down, X, B, Z
at menu screen
slows down the rotating thing

>> No.4568880

>since inolen went full jew and killed redream before it even got good.
Huh? What did I miss?

>> No.4568938

Redream is closed source and pay to download now

>> No.4568940

>pay to download emulator
I feel dirty just acknowledging that concept

>> No.4569212

SSF was fine and still is. What saturn games were you emulating in 2005? I finished dozens. were you crying coz you couldn't work out how to mount an iso?
There's an option to toggle that.
>The point of emulation is high resolutions and enhancements in general.
>Saturn emulation is idiotically CPU intensive.
SSF runs on a toaster laptop.
>SSF is laggy as shit,
Get rid of aero, unless you're on (((windows 8/10))) like a good goy
>has less compatibility than Mednafen
No it doesn't, it's still behind in compatibility, but only just.

>> No.4569219

>SSF was fine and still is.

Please stop spreading lies in this thread.

>> No.4569234

There are Front-End GUIs available that make configuration easy.

>> No.4569241

This is interesting. Is this an extended trend? Hacking a jrpg to remove random encounters and enjoy exploration, story and bosses without the annoying combats? I never thought about that because it made me felt bad

>> No.4569606

please tell me clearly what mednafen does better than SSF

>> No.4569619

Running like trash.

>> No.4569697

>i still use a core 2 duo

>> No.4569716

I run an i5 with a 1050ti and some 3d games still run like utter shit. It's the emulator's fault, since SSF runs them almost perfectly (except for the odd unrecoverable black screen).

One of the few games I ran on Mednafen with good results was Assault Suit Leynos 2, and it still had a few odd slowdowns that were not present on SSF.

>> No.4569718

That is weird I have a 5 year old i3 and I can run mostly fine. Your videocard doesn't matter, btw.

>> No.4569904

have you tried updating your drivers?

>> No.4569929

are you using a first generation i5

>> No.4570027

Is Saturn emulation actually any good?

>> No.4570053

if you have an older computer use SSF
if you have a newer computer use Mednafen

it's really that simple

>> No.4570075

How is the N64 and gamecube emulation scene right now?

>> No.4570087

I bet most of the people that cry about compatibility still download garbage rips from memeparadise.

>> No.4570128

I only play FLAC ROMs.

>> No.4570204

and why?

>> No.4570235

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.4570309 [DELETED] 

I think what he means is, it's not as in depth, as in, it lacks options.

>> No.4571529


>more updates
>open source
>no japware GUI
>lessy buggy
>on par or nearly on par in terms of game compat

>> No.4571532

>more updates
and they do what?
>lessy buggy
that's not very clear. name the bugs
>on par or nearly on par in terms of game compat
name 1 game i can play on mednafen that i can't on ssf

>> No.4571541

I'm not following SSF anymore but back in the day you had to manually enable emulation hacks to get Panzer Dragoon Zwei to work, that might have changed in recent versions though, but it was there. While Mednafen might not be bugfree or pixel perfect there's nothing to configure, it just wekrs.

>> No.4571561

>that's not very clear. name the bugs

SSF will randomly crash, and the GUI will do weird things. The bugs are mostly related to the program itself. Very typical of Japware.

>> No.4571594

mednafen and ssf are about equal accuracy, but ssf is not an option if you don't emulate on a CRT because it doesn't have a libretro core and you need black frame insertion. true unless you emulate on a CRT

>> No.4572008

Wow, so many dumb excuses not to use a superior emulator and stick it to me. Also, yes it does and yes it does, and you still have to use Daemon Tools like a chump. Fuck you.

>> No.4572325

Mednafen is the best emulator ever made. Period.
With Mednaffe it's the most functional multi system toy with the best interface and overall the least bullcrap from a whole bunch of dogshits that can't stretch to fullscreen, show that stupid notification when saving/loading states, associate themselves with the rom extensions without any warning or simply trash your %appdata%/%Temp%/Local/Temp/Documents folders with their useless files which can be easily be managed in their own folder.

Right now it wipes the floor with ePSXe, Yabause and MagicEngine. BASED Ryphecha.

>> No.4573706

Praise be to Recaptcha.

>> No.4573729

I'd like this as a port for ipad without the need of retroarch.

>> No.4575206

>without the need of retroarch.
pretty much the worst part about modern emulators. but people will praise retroarch and suck off the creators so I full expect this to get downvoted.

>> No.4575213

dowvotes you

>> No.4577826
File: 956 KB, 1987x3056, fate_the_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... this is good.

>> No.4578043

>except some VB games exist independently of the VR gimmick which is just slapped on superficially

You say this as if there are more than 6 vb games in total

>> No.4578046

read the config docs

>> No.4578064

Mednafen dev has gone missing since Sept 2017.

>> No.4578067


>> No.4578083

Ive gotten several Guardian Heroes and Bomberman rips that have music in SSF but eithet won't run at all or have the music missing in medafen.
What do?

>> No.4578090



Last update in Sept. Usually updates are weeks or a few months separated. This is the biggest difference yet. Plus Mednafen dev gas been missing from irc.



>> No.4578101

Even for mds/mdf files?