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File: 135 KB, 1024x855, DUktGIbWkAAILE3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4553183 No.4553183 [Reply] [Original]

So it's just over a week until this little bad boy is released. Who's getting one?

Also Analogue have confirmed they are working on a DAC so the Super NT can be played on CRTs.

Will we see cores for other 16 bit/8 bit consoles on the Super NT?

>> No.4553184

That actually looks pretty noice, I'm glad they dropped the meme "look it's a block of aluminum like apple!" case.

>> No.4553187

>Also Analogue have confirmed they are working on a DAC so the Super NT can be played on CRTs.
Why not just have the bloody thing output NTSC to begin with like the original SNES?

>> No.4553190

>Buying a meme hipster emulator box when SNES consoles are still as widely available as sand on a beach
Go take your piece of cheap chink plastic and shove it up your shilling butt

>> No.4553195

>Will we see cores for other 16 bit/8 bit consoles on the Super NT?
That's the $200 question

>> No.4553198

I will admit there is less of a point to this as SNESs are usually a lot more reliable and have better video output than the NES.

Also the SNES mini is hackable so if you want hardware but don't care about having the original hardware then I don't know why you'd need this.

>> No.4553214

I guess they want to have easy support for HDTVs or something.

>> No.4553225

Unrelated, but does the SNES have a strong homebrew scene like the 2600 or Dreamcast?

>> No.4553229
File: 122 KB, 1024x574, Stack of dead SNES CPUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will admit there is less of a point to this as SNESs are usually a lot more reliable and have better video output than the NES
The SNES's composite output is not as good as the NES's and as for reliability...

>> No.4553243

>24 dead chips
Okay, but that's nothing compared to the failure rate of NESs because of the dodgy loading mechanism.

I don't know about this because I can use SCART on the SNES.

>> No.4553246

>one silly cartridge connector that's trivial to replace versus proprietary chips that can't be replaced and which there is a fixed and dwindling supply of

>> No.4553252

>I don't know about this because I can use SCART on the SNES
You do know all SNESes output RGB? It's not exclusively a Yurpean thing.

>> No.4553257

Because it's more expensive to have multiple analog outputs as well as HDMI, they're trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible.

>> No.4553258

So do more SNESs die because of a broken chip than the NES?

Is the NES about to output RGB? Because I thought it was just RF which is what I presume the Analogue NT does better than original hardware by offering RGB.

>> No.4553260

>piece of cheap chink plastic
I don't think you actually know who Analogue are or what they do.

>> No.4553272

>So do more SNESs die because of a broken chip than the NES?

Earlier SNESes with (especially) the SHVC board and S-CPU-A have a high failure rate, it's believed that the manufacturing process had some defect that was corrected with the later S-CPU-B.

>> No.4553274


Like somebody actually cared.

>> No.4553276

The output quality of SNES video chips can vary grately. http://retrorgb.com/snesversioncompare.html

>> No.4553280

>in before faggots that think an FPGA is exactly the same as ZSNES hacks'n bugs edition running on a raspoo.

Oh no, I'm too late.

>> No.4553291

Nah, but it's why would you pay so much for this when the SNES is still fairly common on eBay and in thrift stores?

>> No.4553295

>all CPU or CPU A's
What about CPU B's or CPUN A's?

>> No.4553296


>> No.4553302

If you want to play on HDTVs it's cheaper than a SNES+Framemeister combo.

Hopefully it will also get an 'official' unofficial jailbreak to play roms from SD card thus also saving money on an SD2SNES/Super Everdrive.

>> No.4553303

Eventually, all of the old hardware is going to die beyond repair or be thrown out, trashed etc., and the only option will be FPGAs, so you might as well get used to them.

>> No.4553304

There are two reasons - first, because it has native hdmi output which will cost you more to get from your SNES, although once you have a quality upscaler you can use it for all your RGB devices but a marketable bunch of people want just that, a hard compatible SNES with HDMI.

Then, on the more deep enthusiast side of this=ngs it's also likely that like the NT Mini, this will have flashable cores that allow it to act as a variety of video game consoles with similar hard compatibility plus the ability to play roms directly from sd with soft compatibility equal to or greater than flash cartridges

>> No.4553305

But is the accuracy going to be worth the money though?

Why not just get a SNES mini and hack it? You get a decent emulator and a controller that is basically like the original. Playing it on a modern flatscreen TV is going to feel weird anyway.

>> No.4553308


If you'd bothered reading >>4553272

>> No.4553309

>Who's getting one?
Retarded trend-hoppers who think spending more on a clone than legitimate hardware is a good idea.

>> No.4553314
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nearly 200 us dollars!

i'll stick with og hardware.

>> No.4553318

FPGAs are miles above crappy emulators in terms of accuracy.

>> No.4553320

>Why not just get a SNES mini and hack it
A lot of games aren't compatible with the SNES Classic's native emulator.

Anyway, both products are aimed at two different types of consumer.

>> No.4553337

>costs more than the original Super Nintendo when it was first releases
>costs more than used Super Nintendo consoles in "like-new" condition
>have to use cartridges instead of loading roms anyway
>literally only exists to try and 1-up the SNES Classic Mini but does less and costs more
I refuse to believe that people are stupid enough to praise this thing and the company that made it, especially on /vr/ of all places. There is no way these people aren't paid marketers.

>> No.4553340

I get it, you're a marketer trying to sell FPGAs.

>> No.4553345
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>paid marketers
Why do you think Moot removed the viral marketing option from the report dialog? Try and report them now and you get warned or temp banned.
This place has been going to shit for years, it's no wonder he jumped ship.

>> No.4553347

Yep I'm trying to sell FPGAs to broke-ass anons on a shitty imageboard that hardly anyone ever visits. Nice call, retard.

>> No.4553353

It's because any post that wasn't overwhelmingly negative about something got flooded with "VIRAL LOL" reports and replies.

>> No.4553354

Yeah but it's going to be hardly authentic going through HDMI anyway.

>> No.4553356 [DELETED] 

All the hardware will die someday. Someday, you'll die too. Maybe now I'm a viral marketer trying to sell you an android body. Or maybe you should just kill yourself already, dipshit.

>> No.4553362

Wow guerrilla marketing is getting really mean.

>> No.4553371
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Of course, I'm sure that's it.

>> No.4553432

>Is the NES about to output RGB? Because I thought it was just RF which is what I presume the Analogue NT does better than original hardware by offering RGB.

Original front loader NES also output composite, through top loaders are rf only. If you're handy and want to do so there are NES RGB mods available. I'm not saying they are for everyone, but they are possible.

>> No.4553443
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>> No.4553521

Also I'm fairly sure it has FPGA instead of recreating the original chipset.

>> No.4553543

lol no.

>> No.4553583

Buying one for my wife's son

>> No.4553593

>the receiver is compatible with wiimote
So I could use my SNES-style pro controller that plugs into my wiimote with this?

>> No.4553595

No, FPGAs are worse.

>> No.4553605

Go to bed, Kevin.

>> No.4553710
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>> No.4553717

It's only 7pm

You can't tell me what to do, you're not my real mom

>> No.4553770

They're only doing tie-in controllers that aren't even included with the Super NT, you can use regular SNES controllers

>> No.4553826


Why the Mega Drive game backdrop?

Must be Joe from Game Sack.

>> No.4553903

I's buy something like this that could emulate

Intellivision/Colecovision/2600/7800/SMS games

>> No.4553914

It most likely will

>> No.4553917

Yeah, it's finally starting to look like a proper $10 famiclone.

>the loading mechanism is the console

>they're trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible

>> No.4553920
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>they're trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible.

>> No.4554406

You're an idiot.

>> No.4554493

I already have two original snes consoles.
Haven't even touched the snes in at least a year.
I play my nes a lot more anyways.
I think I'll pass.

>> No.4554505

Why not just buy an original SNES then?

>> No.4554514

With a combination of the SNES Classic built in emu and retroarch for the few it wouldn't run (and for all the other systems roms I put on it), I haven't run into a game that wouldn't work. Even GBA works great, I haven't experiences slow down and only encountered some slight sound issues.

>> No.4554515

We don't even know if the thing is any good yet. Stop buying into preorder culture.

The difference is that ZSNES is free.

No, it most likely won't. Much more lucrative to sell the cores piecemeal. Remember, Kevtris works for Analogue now, and they've been dead silent about additional cores. Presumably this one will be SNES-only, and they'll release a lower-cost version of the Nt Mini as well, so you'll need to shell out for both if you want the 8-bit cores. Want Genesis or PC Engine? That'll be another $200.

>> No.4554557

Not really, no. There are a few homebrew games like N-Warp Daisakusen but they're more novelties than "full games". The consoles you mentioned and the NES have a more active homebrew base. Hell, even the N64 has more homebrew content as far as I know.

>> No.4554757

Analogue have already said that the NT Mini is the final form of the NT, I doubt they're going to do a stripped down plastic retool of the same thing, just to make less money and cannibalizes sales of the NT Mini

The cores that kevtris released for the NT Mini were created by him and remain his property, Analogue doesn't own those, what he does with them is his own business. Will he port them to the Super NT? Maybe, we'll have to wait.

Analogue and Kevtris have been dead silent because the system hasn't released yet, any "pirate" firmware will be unofficial just like the last one. You may not remember, but when the NT Mini was released, there was no announcement of the new firmware until a couple weeks after release. I expect nothing to change in this regard, except people now have some kind of expectation that it'll happen unlike the first time

>> No.4554765

I really don't think Analogue would so transparently try to squeeze their clientele that way. It's possible, but if they intentionally leave a space in the market that way someone else will fill it.

>> No.4554787
File: 469 KB, 636x360, 681635c078c7b274d6e73c63e64fc713b71bfefa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered it the second the pre-orders went up on Christmas day! I'm looking forward to seeing what people can do with it, and the SD Card slot. I'm hoping Kevtris releases his firmware so I won't have to buy an SD2SNES, too.

>> No.4554843

Ill wait for the my life in gaming video on it before making a decision. They're usually pretty thorough. Skipped out on the nt mini after hearing the inaccurate sound.

>> No.4554886

Pure digital reproductions of partially analog sound chips like the NES's RP2A (and expansion audio in carts and the FDS)will never be 100% "accurate" although by the same token, even two different RP2As could sound measurably different. The SNES's S-SMP unit is purely digital (except for a single muting element I just now am reading about) so that should be much more accurate this time around. The Genesis on the other hand uses quite analog Yamaha sound chips which is why different Genesis models sound quite different and Firecore is so widely criticized.

>> No.4554903

>It is the definitive way to explore Nintendo's 16-bit era.
I think that would be the SNES.

>> No.4554912

>buy a raspberry pi
>put higan on it

There, I just saved you 200 dollars.

>> No.4554923

Can a newer raspi handle bsnes accuracy?

>> No.4554926

They're buddies with Kevtris and usually go pretty easy on companies that give them stuff. They liked the Retron 5 for God's sake. Don't expect anything objective from them.

>> No.4554968



>> No.4554978

>visit store
>all colors out of stock

>> No.4554982
File: 358 KB, 500x357, 1505497040493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for being a faggot who would actually buy something like this.

>> No.4554984

There probably isn't an ARM CPU in existence yet that can run bsnes accuracy at full speed.

Maybe in ten years.

>> No.4555008

No it doesn't. The SNES is about at the point where the hardware gets too complex for bedroom programmers and game ROMs get too big and pricey (the minimum size of SNES games is 512k, a few go as high as 6MB).

>> No.4555118

>Kevtris works for Analogue now
No he doesn't, he was contracted for this and the NT Mini but he's not an Analogue employee.

>> No.4555135

>I ordered it the second the pre-orders went up on Christmas day!
Huh, I ordered mine the day pre-orders went up and that was on October 16th.

I already own the NT Mini and it's a great piece of kit. I'm really looking forward to the Super. I already own a real SNES and Framemeister so it should be fun to compare them. If the Super NT does get a Genesis core I might end up selling the Framemeister.

>> No.4555137

>Skipped out on the nt mini after hearing the inaccurate sound.

The sound is great, very close to the real deal. Or are you referring to the emulated FDS sound?

>> No.4555174
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, jwkv31hxglfg72xykfzt[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure he's talking about that clip of the mega man music. I wonder if Analogue releases a patch that adds even MORE audio mixing options if people will stop complaining about this extremely minor issue.

>> No.4555182

There are a few hardcore homebrewers with impressive games in the works, but completely agree about it being a nightmare system to work with. Other systems have a network of tools for different aspects of game development, but for the SNES this seems largely non-existent.

There are licensed games smaller than 512KB, but most go way beyond that. In these cases you'd just mirror the data as far as you need. There is no requirement set in stone or anything.

>> No.4555197
File: 64 KB, 480x813, IMG_3466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme really has dragged on far longer than I ever expected.

That people are legitimately writing off the NT Mini because of a minor issue affecting only one sub function of unofficial jailbroken firmware (that is completely negated if you use the RAM adapter and FDSStick) is completely mind-boggling to me.

>> No.4555340

Because purists feel threatened by something that could arguably be better than their own aging hardware.

>> No.4555541
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, rely makes u die.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the whole point of FPGA's to be cost effective? Why the fuck does this cost almost $200?

>> No.4555635

You may not believe it, but this IS the cost effective solution. FPGAs are not cheap

>> No.4556019

How do these potential cores work? Would I be better off just using an emulator?

>> No.4556026
File: 287 KB, 320x343, b171046aee74151f506ca85ab7372256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't like the retron 5, only one of the guys was okay with it simply for translation patches for RPGs, which I can definitely see the appeal of. He's gone on to say he doesn't play action oriented games on it on their livestreams.

>> No.4556047

Any chance of it getting back in stock?

>> No.4556049

A "Core" is basically the blueprints for the system in question. That core overwrites the core of the FPGA and restructures the system to run those games. When done correctly with a properly programmed core it should be functionally identical to the original hardware. Leagues better than any emulator

>> No.4556061

Depends on how long it takes to manufacture a batch. Knowing that the first run is gone I'm sure Analogue has already started to process the next one, so we'll have to see what kind of estimate they give

>> No.4556067
File: 55 KB, 716x403, rMln01h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Hope Kevtris does jailbreak it, won't have to buy other 16-bit hdmi consoles then, nor any everdrives for them.

>> No.4556123

>Leagues better than any emulator
In what way?

>> No.4556128

Latency. That's the only advantage of an FPGA over software emulation. Which, really, is more of a fault of modern multi-tasking operating systems than the emulator itself.

>> No.4556130

is it true bsnes got it down to 1 frame though?

>> No.4556140

Well, he has explicitly stated that he hasn't worked on any other 16 bit cores. At most, we'll get the same 8-bit cores that were available on the NT Mini. It would be stupid to expect more than that.

It could take years to develop a core for a specific system, especially the more complex 16 bit ones

>> No.4556143

There's still going to be latency since it's HDMI only. So you're paying 200 bucks for what...one less frame?

>> No.4556150

There isn't any latency inherent to HDMI. It's simply a video signal, just like analog video. Run the HDMI through a simple unbuffered DAC into a CRT and you'll have no latency at all. The latency comes from digital TVs that buffer the incoming video data for whatever image processing they perform.

>> No.4556158

It's also upscaling a pure digital RGB signal to 1080p without additional latency, which is a huge deal for retro games. Normally that requires another large expense (165 euros I think for the OSSC, which maxes out at 720p I think)

>> No.4556165

OSSC does 1080p now

>> No.4556175

Okay, good to know.

It's still an additional expense that most people don't have a use for without investing further in RGB SCART cables

>> No.4556179

It's no good for SNES anyway. Constant dropouts due to the garbage video output. I had to go back to my XRGB-3 and deal with the blur.

>> No.4556183

Retroarch claims they can get next-frame response times


>> No.4556387
File: 37 KB, 600x600, m06888_product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INB4 insults.

>> No.4556463

FPGAs are only cost-effective for low volume stuff, high volume you need to design an ASIC.

>> No.4556490

muh extra frame or two lag

>> No.4556505

My wife's son's xirlfriend is ordering one.

>> No.4556802

I almost purchased one of these but then saw the NES version was just composite quality over HDMI. Ew.

>> No.4556815

>Analogue have already said that the NT Mini is the final form of the NT, I doubt they're going to do a stripped down plastic retool of the same thing
They're retarded then, because not even enthusiasts are gung-ho about blowing $500 for a video game console designed for playing retro games. The AVS is much more appealing solution if you want HDMI and the original NES can be modded if you're autistic enough about picture quality.

>> No.4557183

Maybe, but their product line is synonymous with quality and people know it. They've sold out multiple times over the past year. The jailbroken firmware is not to be underestimated, it grants the unit a huge value proposition that is difficult to match. Yeah the AVS is solid for what it does and the price is easier to swallow, but if the NT Mini can simulate 15 different systems (I don't know the exact number), that's about $33 per system. The AVS only does 1 system, 2 if you're one of those cunts that defines NES and Famicom as different systems

They said in the past it wouldnt happen, but who knows, maybe they will change their mind and eventually release a slimmed down plastic unit later (NT Micro?) that does the same basic thing as the Super. If the custom firmware is just as capable on the Super as the Mini, it would be silly to not offer the same cheaper option in NES form.

>> No.4557203

I hope they don't

>> No.4557226

The NES/Famicom PPU was designed to exclusively generate composite video, it cannot output RGB. The modern RGB mods available are FPGAs you shove into your console so you can use emulator color palettes. The Analogue NT mini is an entire FPGA console so it can generate whatever for video. The original Analogue NT that murdered 100s of real consoles to create is basically just using the FPGA RGB mod one would stick in a real NES/Famicom.

>> No.4557234

They could just release a pin adapter to plug into the Super NT (or NT Mini for that matter) for it to read different carts while running different cores.

>> No.4557246

The NES literally can't do anything better, the NOACs they build those things on don't magically have RGB PPUs under that glop-top. Those HDMI Famiclones aren't great, but the scalers they use at least handle 240p correctly.

>> No.4557301

I personally wouldn't be opposed to that, as long as the pin adapters are inexpensive (10-20 bucks) and Analogue is willing to officially support/update the cores

>> No.4557430

Kevtris was prototyping pin adapters for the NT Mini some time ago, I'm not sure if they'll ever see the light of day as a commercial product though.

>> No.4557434

I'm not sure what's with the RGB mod obsession on NESes. The quality of the composite output on the toaster is above average and besides, game graphics were often explicitly designed around composite effects.

>> No.4557440

Give me a single example of an NES or Famicom that is true for.
Also, NTSC Dotcrawl is cancer no matter how clear the signal.

>> No.4557442

>I'm not sure what's with the RGB mod obsession on NESes

Hipsters and people who want to make $$$ selling RGB mods.

>> No.4557475

It's because we don't live in the 80s anymore and we don't have to put up with fuzzy images, washed out colors, ghosting and rainbow artifacts.

>> No.4557479

>It's because we don't live in the 80s anymore and we
...as he's posting on a retro gaming board.

>> No.4557498

There's nothing wrong with trying to get the cleanest output from a video game system. Yes the composite video is adequate for most, but some people just can't stand the smudgy look it offers and want to do better.

Not to mention some people can't afford to keep old CRT TVs around and base composite video hooked up to an HDTV looks absolutely abysmal

Different strokes for different folks. Some people are happy driving a 1989 beater Honda to work, some people want a 2017 Lexus. Both get someone from point A to point B, so why would anyone bother getting new cars? If someone isn't being an asshole about it what does it matter how they play games?

>> No.4557505

>and base composite video hooked up to an HDTV looks absolutely abysmal

Wait, why are you using an HDTV from 2005?

>> No.4557507

Literally every single game, the entire machine was built for it from the ground up. There's no arguing this point with the Famicom/NES.

>> No.4557510 [DELETED] 

You're right. I suppose I will also grow a mullet and wear a shellsuit then. How else can I enjoy these games if I'm not getting into the spirit of the era? Shitty fashion, shitty image quality - it's the only way forward.

>> No.4557517 [DELETED] 

Sounds like >>>/v/ might be more your style, hombre

>> No.4557712

I'm talking about the graphics of any of the games, not the console itself.
Once again the level of education of most of the people on here and their great reading comprehension shows.
I can at least see it being true for some stuff on the Mega Drive but saying the same about Famicom and NES is BS.

>> No.4557732

>I'm talking about the graphics of any of the games, not the console itself.
>graphics of the console itself
what did he mean by this?

The games were designed for the console, and the console was never intended to have better video than composite.

>> No.4557737
File: 104 KB, 621x486, Blas_Comp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are definitely games on NES that use dithering to achieve more colors. Blaster Master being a notable example.

>> No.4558557

But those are the exception, rather than the norm

>> No.4558559

chrono trigger is another.
however some games look way better in s-video. look at the backgrounds in castlevania 2 as a really strong example. however I always found RGB the ugliest of the 3 choices. it makes the colors wrong. if you want the clarity at least use s-video. again though, composite is good enough and even better in some games.

>> No.4558570

I've spent a bunch of posts trying to explain how NES graphics were tooled around composite effects and they look "off" when displayed with RGB.

>> No.4558585

it should be blatantly obvious at a glance, even with no understanding of how the technology works. I don't understand why people use RGB at all.

>> No.4558594

I don't think reading comprehension is the problem here. You're just not expressing yourself well.

>> No.4558916


I'd rather just use a FirebrandX palette file on a NES RGB solution or an NT mini that mimics composite colors but drops the blurriness.

>> No.4558923

I'd rather just blend at the end in the display but the fact remains there are some examples of NES games that the developers intended to be smeared a bit.

>> No.4559749

Less than a week now

>> No.4560901

>you need to design an ASIC
No you don't. You take the FPGA design you used for prototyping and have it mass produced as an ASIC because they use exactly the same HDL. I'm socked someone who knows so much about ASIC development and production isn't aware of this. lol

>> No.4560930

You're a shill.

>> No.4560936

>this IS the cost effective solution
So I'd be cheating the system by buying a working Super Nintendo instead?

>> No.4560963

No, but you'd be spending twice as much once you factor in an SD2SNES and an OSSC.

>But I still have all my original carts and a CRT!
Then this product isn't for you.

>> No.4561906

I expect we’ll be seeing some reviews in the next few days. Hopefully MLIG will do an in-depth look. Their NT mini video was really handy for setting it up with optimum video settings.

>> No.4561912

I hope it gets back in stock. I'm getting pretty interested.

>> No.4561921

>No, but you'd be spending twice as much

A Super Famicom with Japanese cartridges isn't going to be that expensive. Japanese resellers aren't nearly as greedy as resellers based in the U.S. Although there are a handful of games that are way overpriced even in Japan, I could put together a suitable collection for less than I would pay for a Flash cart or whatever the fuck OP's device is. This is in fact how I've approached most of my retro library.

>> No.4561942

How the fuck did you move the goalpost from "why isn't there a more cost effective FPGA solution to playing SNES/SFC on an HDTV?" to "Japanese systems and games are cheaper than US versions"

>> No.4561947

>How the fuck did you move the goalpost ...
I'm not that other anon. I just jumped into the discussion to point out that original hardware isn't necessarily that expensive in some cases. So from my perspective, investing in something like OP's device really isn't practical or cost-effective. I can track down a Super Famicom and possibly all the individual cartridges I would want to own, and still pay less.

>> No.4561948

not that anon, but are most of the games you'd get in english then? Never seen a super famicon game before live

>> No.4561956

>are most of the games you'd get in english then?
I don't need any games to be in English. Games that aren't text intensive (e.g. platformers or simple puzzle games) usually have entirely English text regardless of region though. So I guess importing an SFC is still a valid consideration if you don't plan to play anything that involves a lot of text. Plus you have the added advantage of not having to play with censored graphics or missing content that was removed during localization, which unfortunately happened to a lot of SNES games due to Nintendo of America's weird policies.

>> No.4561996 [DELETED] 

i got it for 60 pound in the uk

>> No.4562585

Yes but the point is still that playing the system on a modern LCD TV is going to require so much extra hardware you might as well just get a Super NT and cut out the bullshit in the middle

Plus US games don't fit in the cartridge slot of an SFC, they're shaped differently. So you're screwed if you want to play a US cart on a Japan system without mutilating the slot to fit it

>> No.4562880

First review I've seen:


>> No.4562915

Analogue say they will be producing more so they should have more stock at some point.

>> No.4563149

That's a broken link. Sounds like you're bullshitting

Or they goofed and accidentally made the review public for a couple minutes before fixing it.

>> No.4563150

it's 403 (not allowed) wtf

>> No.4563165

>Yes but the point is still that playing the system on a modern LCD TV is going to require so much extra hardware
I guess that depends on what you mean by 'modern.' My sort of modern 720p LCD TV doesn't have any issues with older consoles and video lag. I don't use any hardware to upscale video signals. S-video scales very well and appears very crisp without any disproportionate pixel-to-pixel ratio. Composite is a little blurry since there's a forced filter that's intrinsic to that signal and can't be removed, but it doesn't have any issues that would necessitate the use of an upscaler.

>Plus US games don't fit in the cartridge slot of an SFC
I can't imagine why I would want to play any censored, dumbed down versions of my favorite SFC games.

>> No.4563173

Well, congrats, you have one of the weird older LCD TVs that supports 240p correctly. The fact that it supports S-video helps demonstrate how outdated your TV is. Your experience is extremely outside the norm.

>> No.4563185

Not him, but he's right. It was up on their site but they took it down because it broke embargo. Here's the cached version.


>> No.4563227

>Well, congrats, you have one of the weird older LCD TVs
It's only about ten years old from the manufacturing date. You're pretty much making shit up at this point, which tells me you may actually be a shill trying to convince anons that they need to make an unnecessary investment to play retro games. We've already demonstrated why you're wrong.

>> No.4563228

>no lag
kids lol

>> No.4563242

I figured as much. Man, what an unbelievably shitty review, I wouldn't be surprised if they took down the review to fix the numerous mistakes, regardless of the review embargo.

>The company's first product, the Analogue Nt
Very wrong. They made Consolized MVS systems/controllers before the NT

Wrong again, it costs $189.99 before shipping

>The SN30 is a Bluetooth version of the 8bitdo SN30 2.4G we reviewed for use with the SNES Classic
Okay, but why compare it to the recent one-off model for the SNES Classic rather than the regular Bluetooth SN30s they've been making for literally years? It's the exact same thing with a different plastic design to match the Super NT

>Since the Super Nt uses SNES hardware and cartridges rather than emulation to play its games, the presence of two clearly digital games on the system is a bit strange.
I don't even know how to address the stupidity of this statement.

>Its $200 price tag is high even compared with other enthusiast-level retro game systems like the Japanese Retro Freak
Again wrong about the price, and considering the Retro Freak "enthusiast level" is embarrassing.

I'm sure there's more mistakes that I missed, but jesus christ how horrifying. It's hard to believe that wasn't someone's first draft that they never intended to publish.

>> No.4563248

10 years is an eternity in the world of electronics. I stand by my statement that it's a weird, older LCD.

>> No.4563738

Regardless of how YOU feel about SFC games, you're addressing a primarily US audience with much easier access to US games. It's just not a viable solution for everybody

>> No.4563742

>What are flashcarts
>What are retranslation patches

>> No.4563752

are there any other NES examples, or is it exclusive to sunsoft games?

>> No.4563770
File: 30 KB, 256x224, Magician_NES_ScreenShot3[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magician was actually the first game that popped into my head. Yuro devs fucking love dithering.

>> No.4565380
File: 278 KB, 1400x1298, visteonDockableEnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So using the nt with an Everdrive would produce the best way to play snes vidya on modern tvs?

Somewhere in the thread somebody said you could play other systems on it, but I saw no mention on this page

Would you have to mod it or what? Or just not possible?

>pic not related

>> No.4565385

Wait a couple weeks after launch. Kevtris may release jailbroken firmware that allows you to use an SD card as a source of roms and eliminate the need for an Everdrive.

>> No.4565408

>The difference is that ZSNES is free, and also complete shit

Fixed for you, retard.

>> No.4565409

all of their stuff is already out of stock, how fast will they restock the store again? Did they mention this?

>> No.4565416

They tweeted that they will be producing more to meet demand but didn't indicate a timescale.

>> No.4565420

So your only real problem with the review is about the price being $10 off, and just that much sparked such a hostile response?
Unless you're the one making money from this clone console, why would you even care that much/

>> No.4565423

ah okay thx for info

>> No.4565424

Super Everdrives are among the least expensive retro flash carts so if you're super anxious then it's not that huge a risk but yes a lot of us are anticipating unofficial cores to be released that not only load roms from SD but also change the fpga to stimulate other consoles. The NT Mini already does this and it has a smaller fpga in it that can't do SNES (and is 2.5x the price). I'm optimistic that the Super NT will soon do all this plus some 16 bit systems..

>> No.4565524

Looks like I gotta hold out and be patient.

>> No.4565543
File: 961 KB, 512x444, Choujikuu Yousai Macross Scrambled Valkyrie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume the videos they are posting on their twitter are games running on the NT itself?

>> No.4565819

That's what they said

>> No.4565865

ROMs from SD card is quite a bit harder for SNES than for the 8 bit consoles as it requires a huge amount more RAM, and would require implementing all the enhancement chips possible, both of which would likely take more FPGA space than the SNES core itself.
Being compatible with a flashcart is much easier, it just needs the SNES core to be pretty close to timing accurate and everything should just work like it does on a real SNES.

>> No.4565875

I don't think anyone would expect implementation of Super FX, and SA1 probably would be a bit of a stretch but it doesn't seem outrageous for it to function as well as a $40 flash cart. The NT Mini supports more mappers than the N8 does and the N8 is a much more expensive flash cart. Maybe you know more about the technical specifics than I do though.

>> No.4565882

The RAM is the expensive part, for full NES you'd need about 1.2-1.5MB on the FPGA, which can be done with ~$20 FPGAs, for full SNES you'd either need to go up to an FPGA that can fit ~7MB, which gets you to more like $100+ chips, or add an external SRAM chip, which is only useful for ROM loading from SD, so if they had it, it'd definitely be an advertised feature.

>> No.4565908
File: 140 KB, 1200x800, unnamed.0-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loading a rom internally IS an advertised feature so the question is how exactly it's doing it and how similar function might be implemented through "unofficial" firmware.

>> No.4565921

Where do they say they're loading ROMs internally? The easy and cheap way is to just run from the cartridge directly, just like the real SNES does.

>> No.4565925

It includes an internal, "director's cut" version of Super Turrican.

>> No.4565954

Which is a reasonably small, non memory mapped, no special chip ROM that could be included on the FPGA directly, no need to load from SD. Or could even be a cheapo flash or EEPROM chip on the board.

>> No.4565982

We'll see soon I guess

>> No.4566006

>stimulate other consoles
What ever gets you off in your rape dungeon

>> No.4566039

you're overdoing it.

>> No.4566209 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 234x198, Stallone omfg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread again?

no-ones going to buy your overpriced peice of shit.

>> No.4566341

I picked one of these up hoping for NES and Sega Master System support. If it doesn’t come I’ll probably sell on eBay and make a profit too. Really hoping for it though. I don’t want to mod either of them for HDMI, and having a way to play all my games in one place is so fucking desireable. Would love a PS in the future from them so long as they all still support the other systems.

>> No.4566345

epic facepalm bro

>> No.4566360

They’re literally sold out.

>> No.4566367

Implementing a Playstation on fpga is still beyond current technology

>> No.4566375

It’ll get better, FPGAs are the future.

>> No.4566376

What I really want are those MD carts in the background.

>> No.4566378

The future of the past but yes.

>> No.4566702

3 days remain

>> No.4566734


I'm thinking the Super NT will only have support for SNES ROMs when it gets the unofficial firmware.

I think Kevtris only gave out the extra cores for the NT Mini in an attempt to make the $400 price a little more bearable.

Unless the NT Mini will cease production I don't see it happening.

>> No.4566840

PS1 is definitely within the capabilities of modern higher end FPGAs, but with the abundance of cheap real consoles it's probably not going to be economically viable for quite a while.

There's a somewhat active project of reverse engineering the PSX hardware at gate level, which could eventually be enough detail to make an FPGA reimplementation much easier.


>> No.4566871

If that is the case, I hope they at least make a cheaper version of the NT mini with plastic casing.

>> No.4566967


>> No.4566973

This guy

>> No.4566991

FPGA projects typically don't make any attempt to replicate the original gates though. A lot of the time you can model something closely, fill in the blanks yourself and end up with something that behaves exactly the same anyway.

>> No.4567497

b-b-but doesn't a FPGA magically make everything perfect? Millions of memelings know you're wrong.

>> No.4567529

You get the occasional hardcore autist in denial who believes it, but really it's just wilful ignorance. None of them would know what perfect meant if it broke into their home and ejaculated all over their collection.

It doesn't really matter though. Games don't suddenly stop being fun because of inconsequential shit like what you play it on.

>> No.4567565

The Mini already has a plastic casing. I'm hoping that a cheaper, better version of the NT Mini is exactly what this Super NT is - ready for mass production

>> No.4567584
File: 572 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about? The NT/Mini has always had an aluminum body

>> No.4567724
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 171213-nt-mini-spot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm! Amazing how plasticky they manage to get them looking. I guess that's one big cut to the cost of the Super right there then.

>> No.4568101
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1468, IMG_3680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new editorial on Polygon about the Super NT and Analogue as a company. Lots of decent info in there and a good read


What I found most interesting is how much of a Sega fan the CEO is, he even hints at that being the next FPGA console, so I'm more hyped than ever.

>> No.4568390
File: 52 KB, 365x500, 516WXRPZWYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Super Game Boy 2 compatible with US game boy carts? If so, I could get this for playing them on the Super NT.

>> No.4568415

Game Boy carts don't have regions, so yes.

>> No.4568420

Yes it is compatible. There's no region locking on any GB/GBC/GBA

>> No.4568434

this shit better be dumped

Factor 5 is just a holding company at this point.

>> No.4568457


>> No.4568473

Really hope they go for netpune style design (and functionality)

>> No.4568559


I'm sure it will.

The holder of this Turrican ROM did not want to release it to the fans for free. He waited until he found a company to pay him for it.

>> No.4568663

I see RAM chips, you autists might be getting your wish of being able to flash it for SD ROM loading at least for games without extra chips.

>> No.4568767

Well I don't think anybody questioned the existence of RAM chips, they already stated that it was using the same FPGA setup as the NT Mini, just simplified to take out the analog audio/video and extra controller ports. The extra RAM is crucial for other functions that don't involve ROM loading, like cheat codes, UI overlays, higher resolutions, etc.

>> No.4568797

Separate chips wouldn't be necessary for those, there's enough embedded RAM in the FPGA.

>> No.4568823

Pretty sure I saw an interview with Kevtris where he remarked on the extra RAM in the NT Mini enabling more features that would have been otherwise impossible (even outside of the extra cores/ROM loading). The RetroUSB AVS has the same FPGA but lacks the extra RAM which is why it was limited to 720p and no extra cores.

But whatever, this is pointless nitpicking because we know the Super NT is capable, all we need to do is wait a little while longer to see what happens

>> No.4568843

Higher resolution shouldn't need more RAM unless they're going for interlaced out support, they only need to store one line of video at the original console's resolution, not a whole frame at output resolution.

>> No.4568860



>> No.4568898

It’s out of stock anyhow fags. Shouldn’t you shill this shit when I can actually buy one?

>> No.4568910

TLDR: the Super NT shouldn't be anymore accurate than Higan, but it will have lower latency because Higan doesn't run on a real time OS.

>> No.4568929

There's no guarantee it'll be as accurate as Higan, either. We literally have no idea until it's out and people can run tests on it.

>> No.4568976

No-one ever ran tests on the NT mini despite it being out much longer and the system having a million times as many comprehensive test roms available. The NT mini still has known problems with certain mappers anyway.

I don't follow e-celebs, but didn't the "we've had the SuperNT since December" guy specifically mention he'd found bugs in normal play that were later patched? That jumped off the page when I read it.

>> No.4569003

don't believe his lies. https://byuu.org/articles/fpgas-arent-magic/

>> No.4569004

Woah this game looks fucking rad.

>> No.4569046


>> No.4569090

looks pretty cool. and it takes original controllers too. it was even nice to see byuu commenting on it. I hope someone buys one for him.

I'll probably get one when they're stocked.

>> No.4569101

will they ever mass produce so i can go out and buy one at walmart?

>> No.4569123

No. They'll do another few batches then discontinue them permanently like they always do.

Speculation is that next will be Analogue GenT then a SuperNT reboot if you're lucky.

>> No.4569131

>I'm in the credits on the Super Nt device for a reason: emulation is built on the shoulders of giants.

He's playing with his joystick while patting himself on the back

>> No.4569143

Why is he so fucking defensive?

>> No.4569154

the input delay in nestopia and bsnes libretro cores have gotten so fucking input optimized the input delay difference is negligible for this. a pc engine/turbografx one would be much nicer...since that still has noticeable input delay in emulation

>> No.4569168
File: 5 KB, 493x407, retroarchvsrealsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4569180
File: 5 KB, 483x292, retroarch+raphnetadaptervsrealsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4569193

he spent 40% of his life on something that is going to be obsolete

>> No.4569196

why does that say raphnet if the controllers are retrolink?

>> No.4569206

>The Super Nt is a fine product, produced by a fine engineer: but please stop with the grandstanding accuracy boasts. They're patently false, and they're disparaging to the people doing the real work of preserving our gaming history
He's not wrong.

>> No.4569208

the 'classic ctrl' is using a raphnet adapter

>> No.4569210

He spent over a decade fighting people who made out ZSNES was literally perfect. People were making translations that crashed or were corrupt on the real thing but worked 100% on ZSNES. The whole SMW subculture of the romhacking scene were in denial about their hacks never working on a real SNES.

It was a long time before flash carts were common so no-one gave a fuck. Most of them just couldn't grasp that anyone would want to play a game on anything but an emulator. If you typed snes emulator into google you'd get a hundred sites that recommended ZSNES.

After many years of whining he has an emulator that doesn't just do the basics right but also passes all the extreme edge cases. If ZSNES proved anything it's that you can get very high compatibility without doing anything right.

Now comes along a new solution that a bunch of tech illiterates are claiming is automatically perfect because it has lower latency and uses a FPGA before the damn thing is even out yet.

Then you have the VeriSNES guy who spent five years dissecting every emulator and bugging everyone for help only to turn around, claim he did it all himself and demand a million dollars for his Higan2FPGA clone.

tl;dr, byuu is autistic on a level way beyond any of these other guys who will probably quit when they reach 99.5%.

>inb4 t. byuu

>> No.4569251

>My LCD's internal upscaler is fine guys!
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4569253

That's not an issue with the OSSC, at least on current firmware. I've been using mine on a SNES with Retro Access cables and it works perfectly fine at line4x mode. Only times I've had dropouts is with Genesis/Megadrive on line5x.

>> No.4569272

>8bitdo controller
those have never been good

>> No.4569279

>aren't even included with the Super NT
So I'd be paying $190USD for a sufamiclone that doesn't even come with fucking controllers?

>> No.4569430

You know, all this talk about rom loading and extra processing chips got me thinking

What if Kevtris discovered a way to load roms in a way that was able to take advantage of the enhancement chips in an inserted cartridge? Like, for example you could insert the cartridge for Doom or Stunt Race FX and load the rom for Star Fox 2, and somehow it could use the processing power from the cart's FX chip. Is this something that's possible or am I just a retard? I realize this is a pipe dream but if anybody could figure out a way to make it work it would be that guy. It would be an ingenious method to cut down on the FPGA requirements

>> No.4569462

>Is this something that's possible
Short answer: no.

Long answer: the only chips this might be possible with are the DSP chips, which the Super Everdrive and SD2SNES already support anyway. Other expansion chips are not accessible from the console side at all.

>> No.4569620

Due to shaky translation and wishful thinking a lot of people believed the Super UFO could do this. It couldn't, except in the cases of rom hacks of the same rom as the inserted cartridge so for example you could run a translation of Super Mario RPG with a Japanese Super Mario RPG cart inserted but you couldn't run Starfox 2 with Starfox inserted. I don't know exactly why this was the case but it was.

>> No.4569621

Has the super turrican Director's Cut been dumped yet?

>> No.4569654

The only units in the wild right now are for reviewers. Nobody is going to risk their credibility and leak roms before its release. Wait for the system to be released and in peoples' hands before asking about that

>> No.4569664

2nd wave of preorders opening around 11am EST


>> No.4569690

>We're opening up round 2 of pre-orders in about 45 minutes.

>Eastern time?


>> No.4569698

From the site:
>All pre-orders placed after Feb 5th ship March 1st.

So it sounds like a much shorter restock period from the NT Mini, which makes sense with the simpler plastic design

>> No.4569705


It depends on the display. I have a Sony 4K and it tends to only like 5x. Genesis, Saturn and PSX work fine but not SNES. Shame because Reverse LPF helped the sharpness a lot.

>> No.4569998

I bought it. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.4570725
File: 115 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some people are willing to showcase the difference between Higan and the SNT. Should be interesting to see what differs and where improvements can be made in future updates


>> No.4570815

A very well written post considering you're to young to remember how we hoarded ROMs before flash carts were a thing

>> No.4570848

If anyone discovered a way to magically transfer shit from one chip to another without wires it would indeed be world changing. inb4 b-b-but muh iphone.

It's because the there's nothing to "pass though" Things like the SFX do the processing on the cart and dump the results into a buffer that the console reads to make pretty (ugly) pictures.

>> No.4571078

Okay, on the slim chance you actually know more about this topic than the nothing in your post, how is it that the Super UFO can run a romhack of the inserted enhancement chip game that it can't run without it inserted?

>> No.4571086


>> No.4571131

I'd imagine it would depend if the enhancement chip is entirely accessible from the cartridge slot and doesn't have its own memory access to the cart behind it.

>> No.4571218

SNES can only do 240p and most of the early models display a notably blurry signal. People who don't want a huge CRT and play SNES games on their LCDs have a great option in this. Pricey, sure. But it's the best signal in the game before hitting OSSC or Frameister levels of sperg.

>> No.4571372

Super Mario RPG for example presumably does the text on the SNES, so no need to change the ROM as seen by the SA1.

>> No.4571374

SNES can do 480i, but this was very rarely used.

>> No.4571465
File: 54 KB, 244x272, 1366930251634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 shipping to Eurostan

>> No.4571470

>SNES can only do 240p and most of the early models display a notably blurry signal.
Does that count for every region? Or just certain models?

>> No.4571476

Everything that isn't a 1CHIP.

>> No.4571528

+ customs

>> No.4571547 [DELETED] 

>wawawa front loader waawawaw *sharts*
Just get a fucking AV Famicom.

>> No.4572290

Wait so these cost FUCKING $40 to ship within the US?

Nah, not paying almost 1/5 of an items total cost in shipping...

>> No.4572356

1. buy SNES
2. buy SD2SNES
3. stop whining

>> No.4572362

Where the fun did you hear that, are people actually charging that much? That’s closer to the price of shipping a large CRT than anything, possibly more.

>> No.4572367

That’s what I get for phoneposting.

>> No.4572379

To be fair, it probably varies depending on location. When I preordered last year it was only about $30, but I agree it is pricy.

I think a lot of people these days are spoiled by Amazon and such, the gigantic companies with logistics departments and huge bulk shipping discounts. It's easy to forget how expensive it is for an independent company to ship everywhere in the world without that kind of leverage. I'm not excusing them because it shouldn't cost more than $20 to ground ship to the continental US.

>> No.4572462

regardless, if something is close to $200, it shouldn't be $40 to ship in the same country.

I can buy a SNES on ebay now, that's bigger in every other way and spend no more than $20. Just round this bitch off at $200 and offer free shipping.

>> No.4572475

I can buy some random shit off ebay with 5 dollar 2 day shipping

>> No.4572506
File: 88 KB, 638x826, usps-priority-mail-box-size-guide-4-638[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USPS has a variety of flat rate packages that most eBay sellers use but probably aren't available for massive commercial shipments. Still, it's ridiculous for a professional company in 2018 not to offer "free shipping" at least to the continental US by factoring whatever shipping they need to charge into the item's price. $40 is certainly enough to discourage some buyers when they see it tack on at the end but I guess with boutique items like this it doesn't matter since they'll sell out just as surely at $190 as they would at $250

>> No.4572527

it wasn't a flat rate box

>> No.4572763

So has anobody actually tested is this fucking thing can run chip games AT ALL?

every inbreed fucko out there like that grotesque lardass ReviewtechUSA got his manmurries in a twist over this thing, and among many others, NEVER occurred to him, hey, what about the chip based games?

>> No.4572770

eBay also has deals and price agreements with parcel services just like Amazon and other big companies

>> No.4572771

You're a special kind of idiot aren't you? Have you read/watched a single review of the thing?

>> No.4572773

how about just answering the question anon asked instead of just being an shitposting jackass.

>> No.4572790

It's a stupid question, phrased badly. Special chip games are the first questions everybody has and it's confirmed to work in every review/article. Literally google search any review

>> No.4572995


>> No.4573068

Byuu sounds like someone that has no knowledge of how FPGAs work and is incorrectly applying his knowledge of emulation to FPGA. In a way, his defensiveness reminds me a lot of other developers defending their flaws in emulation and essentially attempting to ignore progress.

And claiming FPGAs are 'just emulators' is highly disingenuous.

>> No.4573145 [DELETED] 

You sound like someone who has no knowledge of how either FPGAs or emulators work, and have drunk the marketing Kool-Aid.

Byuu is absolutely right, there's nothing magical about FPGAs that make them necessarily more accurate than software emulators. They CAN be more accurate than software emulators, and software emulators CAN be more accurate than FPGAs. It depends on the knowledge, skill, and effort involved in developing them.

>> No.4573162


The dude is being a weenie. These two things are not mutually exclusive, they can both exist, and it should be possible to appreciate both without ego and arrogance. BSNES will always be great for development and debugging. Super NT will always be great for playing games on a modern display.

>it runs at 60hz instead of the proper 60.09hz of a real SNES
Wrong. It can run at 60.09hz too.
>no support for video filters, save states, real-time rewind, netplay, MSU1, etc
Wrong. Lots of video options, and scanlines too. MSU1 (and SGB!) both work fine.
>It is not a perfect transistor-level replication of the original hardware.
It's probably perfect. In RetroRGB's interview with Kevtris about the Super NT, he talks about how the cores were smoke tested by directly comparing to the originals.

>> No.4573182
File: 17 KB, 1250x703, 1491252858562-30-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4573184

Being able to play games perfectly is not the same thing as a transistor-level replication. The Super Nt is obviously not the latter. Trying to develop that would be a massive waste of time and resources for little or no practical benefit.

>> No.4573194

>Wrong. It can run at 60.09hz too.

enjoy your stuttering

>> No.4573220

In framebuffer mode it drops 1 frame every ~10 seconds. I wouldn't really call that stuttering. Of course, you could always clock the thing at 60hz and have zero lag and no dropped frames either.

>> No.4573224

or use dynamic rate control instead

>> No.4573225

thx u kev

>> No.4573298

Should we make the transistor level replication of the 2-chip or the 1-chip SNES?

>> No.4573406

>smoke tested by direct comparison

There are games that behave 1:1 on ZSNES and a real SNES, direct comparison is good but it doesn't cover all the bases. It's like how there are shitloads of N64 emulators, all of which run SM64 but fail catastrophically on a lot of other stuff.

The thing about byuu's emulator is that it passes exotic test roms that are designed to fail on everything except the real thing. Most of the time it won't matter much but very rarely a game will crop up that does weird shit no-one expects and all recreations will fail.

This might not ever get proven one way or the other. There seems to almost no overlap between people who'd want to verify the accuracy claims and those who already accept it at face value and actually buy the thing.

I mean what possible reason could there be for the people selling it and reviewers or hangers-on who don't know any better to claim it's perfect or better than Higan which has been around for 15 years and has been strenuously tested already?

>> No.4573720

Is the Super Nt replicating a 2 chip or 1 chip SNES?

>> No.4573723

It's replicating Higan.

>> No.4573724

What's Higan replicating?

>> No.4573730

Whatever Byuu wants it to.

>> No.4574149

To actually answer your question, the FPGA was designed around the original 2-chip model. There isn't any blurriness/sharpness issue from in the original console because that was an artifact of the digital-to-analog conversion. Everything is being output in a pure digital signal.

See RetroRGB's interview with Kevtris for more detailed info:

>> No.4574260

I think it's pretty cool but unless they're going to put out another """""jailbeak""""" firmware I can't justify the spend.

>> No.4574440

My Life in Gaming feature with Kevtris interview


>> No.4574492

Thank you. I still have my old 2chip SNES, but it's PAL, so even if I clocked it to 60Hz, it would be an imperfect 60Hz

>> No.4574530
File: 3.55 MB, 4896x3672, DSCN0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never heard of Borti's multi region board?
Once installed you can switch to real 60hz with a simple button combination.

>> No.4574542

I haven’t. My understanding was that the only option is a supercic mod, that makes it something like 60.1hz, which can cause a stutter. I don’t want to take that chance. Are you saying the borti board doesn’t cause that?

>> No.4574562

The board does have a SCIC on it.
Once populated all you have to do is solder it onto the pins on the bottom of the cartridge port and solder a few additional wires. It also used a red/green LED to display what mode is activated red: NTSC, green: PAL, orange: auto-detect.
If installed properly the SNES will output a proper NTSC signal just like a real NTSC console.

>> No.4574580

This sounds very interesting and will require further reading. Can it remove the blur that you get with 2chip models?

>> No.4574581

I can't believe anyone still listens to anything this asshat has to say.

>> No.4574602

No, the signal's already that blurry once it comes out the of the PPUs internal DAC.
There's really no way to improve on that. If you want a sharper image you'll need a 1chip console.
With a bypass RGB amp and a scaler you can really get a picture that looks almost purely digital out of a 1chip. 2chip not so much.
That's why, unless the SD slot gets a more functionality, i'll stick with my SNES mini that i've pretty much done everything to make it perfect on.

>> No.4574657

Understood, I’m still thinking to do a 1chip board swap into my childhood snes. Get the better image and true 60hz in one hit

>> No.4574848

>my SNES mini that i've pretty much done everything to make it perfect on.

What have you done to it? I'm curious what mods. I've put a voultar RGB bypass in mine and it looks amazing.

>> No.4574960

has any one gotten theirs yet? I havent recieved an email or any thing about it being shipped. I got it for my fiance.

>> No.4575006

Already got mine.
Waiting for the jailbreak cores and the and the DAC dongle already.
I love it.

However, I still prefer my actual Super Famicom, especially since I can play it on my BVM while the Super Nt needs to wait for it's DAC.

>> No.4575062

I didn't get mine yet.
I already pre-ordered mine.
And I am really hyped.
I loved My Life in Gaming's video on it.

>> No.4575081

Are you high or something?

I mean, it's cool if you are, I'm just curious

>> No.4575085

No, just drunk.

>> No.4575147

>but probably aren't available for massive commercial shipments

Yes they are. They get even cheaper shipping if they do it right. They're being ass hats and charging way to much.

>> No.4575180

For what it's worth I never got an e-mail about it either, and I preordered day 1 (order number in the 4000s). I logged into my UPS account that I made years ago and forgot the password and the shipment was in there, scheduled to arrive next Wednesday. You can also tweet at them with your order number and they should get back to you with a tracking number at your e-mail address, lots of other people did that.

>> No.4575195

I guess he an krikz are just buttmad that the SuperNT can emulate the chips and the SD2SNES cant.

>> No.4575204


>> No.4575221

So this thing can be made to play Super FX games without the cartridge?
Does that mean SD2SNES will never do SFX due to lack of power?

>> No.4575246

>So this thing can be made to play Super FX games without the cartridge?
No, it can't play anything without the cartridge. Well, it can play Super Turrican, but that's it.

>> No.4575283

We don't know if it can do that yet until the new firmware is unlocked. For now it is dependent on the cartridge to play the game, let's not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.4575287

alright cool. thanks.

>> No.4575292

at the very least, would be sweet of an option to run IPS/DELTA patches on our cart games, like, imagine if someone makes an SRAM/password patch for Plok, and since i own the cart, why not? instead of rely on the Everdrive.

Even better, play a japanese rockman x3 cart with the patch that makes Zero playable.

>> No.4575305

I got mine today and just finished messing around with it for a few hours. I'm very impressed, so much so that I'm going to sell my XRGB Mini. I'll do more testing tomorrow, but this is exactly what I've been looking for.

>> No.4575389

what makes this an improvement over the original SNES.. (besides "free games" etc)

>> No.4575392

HDMI output. That's it.

>> No.4575421
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, tumblr_p0vzplZygb1r62irro1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanna know if this thing is getting support for loading roms off the SD card, otherwise, it's almost worthless to me.

I know it supports flashcarts, but can the FPGA built in simulate the special chips these cars can't even run?

The lower price is nice and the case design is far superior to the ugly faux-Apple design of the NT Mini.

>> No.4575426


HDMI video output and a guarantee that repro carts and flash carts won't fry this particular console with different voltages.

>> No.4575430

>can the FPGA built in simulate the special chips these cars can't even run?

No. It will have the same compatibility as the flash carts.

>> No.4575435

No one knows the answers to those questions at this point. Time will tell, but I'd advise against buying one with the expectation that those things will be supported.

>> No.4575761

The visual stuff is listed in the youtube video's description.
Basically a complete recap, a power bypass cap on the 7805, a THS7374 RGB amp as bypass for the onboard one and the mod that required a lot of balls: Lifting the pin that supplies voltage to the internal DAC on the S-CPUN and putting a resistor between the pin and 5v which fixes the DAC fucking up the brightness levels.
Apart from that it has the tabs removed and borti's multi-region board.

>> No.4575847
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Well, nice to know that people in Europe already have their systems I guess. Meanwhile, many orders in the US don't even have a tracking number to follow or have to wait a week+ to get their system. I feel like I paid for international express but received the equivalent of Amazon's "no rush" free shipping

>> No.4575849

Your fault for buying into a meme.

>> No.4575865

But does it make the electrons move through reality?

>> No.4575904

It moves nostalgia atoms directly from the circuit board to your brain

>> No.4575912

How can the electrons be real if reality isn't real?

>> No.4576162
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>> No.4576186

I’ll be picking one of these up for my wife’s son, can’t wait to bond over some classic games such as Star Fox and Zelda!

>> No.4576356

I keep seeing this meme, and I love it. It really makes me laugh every time.

>> No.4576404

If it turns out not we can't just play ROMs off an SD card with the Super NT, should I get a Super Everdrive or a SD2SNES?

>> No.4576416

You should wait. It took a few weeks for the unofficial firmwares to be released for the NT Mini then every impatient person who bought an N8 felt dumb since the firmware actually has somewhat better mapper compatibility and arguably better FDS sound emulation.

>> No.4576640
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Systems like Super NT and the fact there are RGB and HDMI mods for most consoles I care about really make me think about finally getting rid of my old CRT TV in favor of a modern HD TV for sake of convenience and that space my CRT TV currently eats up. However I have never owned one, know nothing about them apart that they aren't as good for retro gaming as CRTs are. However if I decide to go that route what should I be looking out for when choosing a HD TV? Out of LCD, LED and Plasma which is the least worst for retro gaming? Are there any specific specs I should look out for? Does the "game mode" some TVs have make difference? I currently could get a Panasonic TH-42PX70E cheap if I wanted to, is it any good as far as retro games are concerned?

>> No.4576719

>$40 shipping
>5 days to get here
bullshit desu

>> No.4576745

Ideally, you would want a modern 'Gaming Monitor', and not a television set.

>> No.4576746

the main reason i'm not buying this is the shipping, fucking $40 GTFO, obviously trying to hit margins while advertising at a lower price.

>> No.4576942

Plasma is beautiful and even has a bit of CRT style bloom but they're so heavy and power hungry that they're no longer being made. Now's a good time to pick one up though as there are people getting rid of them. I picked my 60 inch up for a steal and it'd only been dropped once.

>> No.4577002

I wil wait for a good while, since I got a few carts. But just in case unofficial firmware really doesn't come out, which would I get?

>> No.4577449

Doesn't that ruin the whole scan lines thing. I mean I have a snes mini hooked up to my HDTV but for the classic shit I ain't about to mod everything so I just picked up a trinitron today for $15. Fucking faggot gave me a remote that doesn't work.

>> No.4577603

SD2SNES supports more enhancement chips and larger ROMs

>> No.4577743

Just get a Super Everdrive and Jap copies of Rockman X2 and X3 unless you REALLY want to play english translations of two or three mid-tier RPGs, Satellaview games or MSU-1 hacks (that add multimedia to existing SNES games)

>> No.4577747

>more and larger than zero (so far)

>> No.4577931

>SD2SNES supports more enhancement chips

> BS-X memory map / Satellaview base unit registers (clock)
> ST-010
F1 ROC II: Race of Champions
> Cx4
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
> MSU1
Daikaijuu Monogatari II.
> OBC1
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge


> and larger ROMs
biggest game is 48mbit, superED supports 56mbit. meh.

>> No.4577984

I'm so salty that I missed my chance to pre-order the SFC version.

>> No.4578030

Its time we put this shit to the pepsi challenge once and for all. We need to setup an original snes, one of these overpriced fucks, and higan in blind play test and see if anyone can tell which is which. Same controller, same tv, same game but the device stays hidden.

>> No.4578038

Unless you use something to scale the original SNES up and take a 1-chip, anyone who isn't blind on both eyes will be able to tell which one is the real thing.

>> No.4578040

was no one else triggered when my life in gaming said "Hee gan"?

>> No.4578049

Probably not, because that's how it's pronounced.

>> No.4578050

if you're a weeb

>> No.4578054

And guess what byuu happens to be.

>> No.4578057


>> No.4578228

I'd say the biggest draw is instant loading. SD2SNES loads games as quick as the original cartridges whilst the Super Everdrive can take a minute or two for some of the larger games.

>> No.4578236
File: 2.05 MB, 2048x1520, IMAG0504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a 720/768p plasma.

The previous owner of my Pioneer Kuro PDP-428XD practically paid me to take it away despite it being in almost mint condition. Besides the panel resolution being ideal for minimal upscaling artefacts on 240/288p retro systems (which it handles correctly btw) it has a very effective game mode resulting in <1.5 frames of lag measured with test suite.

Couple those factors with basically every input type being available (RF, composhite, S-Video, RGB SCART, YPbPr, HD-15 VGA and HDMI) and probably the best motion handling, colour accuracy and black levels (it is fully ISF calibratable) ever seen on a flat panel display to date and you have an extremely effective all in one gaming display.

Pic is direct input from Mega Drive II via RGB SCART with no external upscaler whatsoever.

>> No.4578370

Plasma, buy you'll have to buy used. I'm honestly thinking of hoarding them in case something happens to my current t.v. I have a dry basement that isn't really used a whole lot so space isn't an issue.

I can't say with newer LCD/LED/OLED or anything, but playing on an early LCD tv gave me motion sickness like a bastard. Plasma has never done that. I think it's either something to do with refresh rates or motion blur.

>> No.4578403

Kevtris made this right?
Who the fuck is to say he knows everything he's doing or knows every little quirk of every SNES interaction?

>> No.4578410

Who the fuck are you to say he doesn't?

>> No.4578412

Kevtris designed the board and programmed the whole thing, yes. The only people saying it's perfect are his braindead worshippers.

Reviewers found bugs which were reported and fixed. Someone in the AA thread has reported Rendering Ranger R2 crashes at the title screen and there's some StarFox2 repro that doesn't read input properly.

Anyone still claiming FPGA consoles are perfect reproductions should kill themselves already.

>> No.4578576
File: 10 KB, 256x223, noted, thanks!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I'm going to bite the bullet and buy the TV I mentioned on my post which unless I'm missing something is a 768p plasma TV. Given that I can get it for cheap and even have an option to sell it to my parents if I find it disappointing there is very little for me to lose here.

>> No.4578807

why use this thing (or even original hardware for that matter) over an accurate emulator?

>> No.4578832

For "authentic experience" on (modern) TVs?

>> No.4578848

it all comes down to OCD doesn't it. I've never seen anyone able to demonstrate how a unit such as this, or original hardware, behaves differently than an accurate emulator.

>> No.4578865
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>I've never seen anyone able to demonstrate how a unit such as this, or original hardware, behaves differently than an accurate emulator.
True dat. I have played NES and SNES games longer than most people on this board have been alive and honestly apart from some sound effects not sounding right I'm unable to notice any timing differences or notable graphical glitches 97% of time when playing the games on any decent emulator. One thing none of the emulators seem to ever get 100% right is the color palette but things like FirebrandX for NES is close enough.

>> No.4578868

Less latency, for one. A hardware solution (provided it isn't just an emulator running on a small-form PC) doesn't need to go through all the hoops that a typical PC application does in order to render things on your screen. It might be fairly small, but I can notice if something is a frame or two off because of my fighting game history and experience.

It's also more hardened to future changes. Imagine if one day Byuu stopped working on Higan, followed by Windows deciding to reinvent the wheel for the third time. Eventually all software becomes deprecated either due to security issues or compatibility issues. Hardware that's well-taken care of will always behave consistently.

It's also important for people who want to make romhacks or homebrew to target the original hardware. There are a fair amount of romhacks for SMW that only work in ZSNES because they were developed using that as their way of playtesting.

>> No.4578909

There is no such thing as an accurate emulator.

>> No.4578967

Not sure what you're getting at with the byuu/windows both dead analogy. Higan is open source C++ which could be retargeted at pretty much any platform without much effort.

>> No.4578985

Any software, even those written in C++ can run into compatibility problems depending on the OS. It being open-source helps stave off issues that classic games in C++ encounter, but it would still require people to actively maintain it.

>> No.4579006

looks fucking terrible. Enjoy your burn in

>> No.4579075

Does it matter that an emulator isn't 'accurate'?
It's never stopped me from enjoying SNES games on a PC

>> No.4579168

>One thing none of the emulators seem to ever get 100% right is the color palette
This doesn't apply to the SNES because it's just straight RGB values. NES emulators have color issues because the console works in NTSC, not RGB.

Any color differences in SNES emulators is just down to display calibration.

>> No.4580030

then congratulations, you have very low standards

>> No.4580436

DF Retro vid

nah, I just like fun

>> No.4580512

higan can't playback audio correctly in fullscreen? lol. So much for spending half your life on something.

>> No.4580778

byuu won't like that, he can't handle any criticism of his baby.

And to think he was complaining in his blog post that no one was acknowledging Higan and his work general in the Super NT reviews.

>> No.4580981

>1 line of pixels misaligned on an obscure SFC game
>patched within an hour of posting the video



>> No.4581008

you post is self defeat.

>> No.4581087
File: 106 KB, 635x668, I has a question....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Super Game Boy works perfectly on Super NT.
There is a flash cart for Game Boy / Game Boy Color.
Does this flash cart work on Super NT via Super Game Boy?

>> No.4581149

The Super GB is essentially all original GB hardware in cartridge form. The Everdrive GB works fine w/Super GB on a real SNES so it should work fine on the Super NT too.

>> No.4581159

Fixed on Super NT too:


>The other fix is for mega lo mania. The shield graphic had two wiggly scanlines at the top and middle. This was due to the faster sprite reading for 64 sprite mode (even without this turned off, it still reads them "fast"). The fix was to simply slow it down to normal speed when not in 64 sprite mode. The game uses 64 huge 64*64 pixel sprites to totally cover the screen, and then bankswitches the graphics at the top and middle using hdma. By reading the sprites too fast, it was fetching them before the bankswitching could happen. I am clueless why they did it this way. When the "stars" around it animate, the game turns it into a mode 7 screen (with sprite overlay for the lines) and the issue goes away, which is why it seems to "fix' itself partway thru the intro.

>> No.4581350
File: 153 KB, 420x486, OpHSNa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I love the SNES, I would kill for a Sega-equivalent of the Super NT
>Same case as Model 1 or 2 or at least something styled similarly
>Genesis/MD, MS, SG-1000, GG, CD, and 32X all baked into an FPGA with highly accurate simulation
>The ability to play games from an SD card right from the start
>Analogue out in addition to HDMI out

>> No.4581379

>Sweet, I finally found an US to European Plug Adapter from so I can finally try out the Super NT that arrived on Friday!
>Hmm... what game should I try it out with?
>Try out out some games to find out there doesn't seem to be any notable differences to the real SNES.
>Eventually boot up Sim City for old times sake.
>Vertical resolution randomly keeps changing in map select screen and on edges of the actual maps.
Does this happen to anyone else when playing at 720 60 resolution? Changing to 1080 60 seems to fix this but 720 60 seems to scale better to my TV.

>> No.4581712

Same here, SG-1000 and SMS compatibility would be amazing. Analog out isn't going to happen going forward, not when they can sell you a separate box for it.

>> No.4582047

>I finally found an US to European Plug Adapter
You can power the Super NT with any usb phone charger. You could power it from your PC's usb port if you needed to.

>> No.4582103

Post about it in this thread and Kev will probably look into it:


>> No.4582115

This would be a lot more useful, I agree. It's hard to get really high quality video out of the MD and SMS, and the CD drives aren't getting any younger or cheaper.

Add in some other 68k-based systems like the X68000 and Amiga, and I'll buy ten.

>> No.4582119

I don't understand. The single main advantage of the fpga is latency and they don't even do any input lag tests across the different platforms?

>> No.4582321

Maybe this is a stupid question, but seeing as you need a European power cable, are your games PAL? Did you select the correct region in the menu and select the correct refresh rate?

>> No.4582472

My phone charger only outputs 1,5a, I know it probably would have worked but I wanted to play it safe.

I have both PAL and US games and both PAL and US SNES. However I also have SD2SNES which I used to play Sim City and noticed it has some 50hz/60hz settings and one of them was set to auto which I set to 60 after noticing it. I will fuck around with the settings on my SD2SNES, Super NT and TV later today and if the feature I noticed persists I'll post about it on thread >>4582103 mentioned.

>> No.4582909
File: 94 KB, 228x248, 1513628887800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As great as it looks so far, the Super NT looks like it's only worth it for those who have a bunch of games already. Personally, I can't really justify the current prices of SNES games, and even if I did, I have no space to collect.

That and the absurd price of shipping despite being based in the U.S., lack of controller and the fact that you need the already lacking flashcarts to load roms at all are real turn offs.

Makes me just wish for an SD2SNES with a hardware revision that can support all those special chips they originally promised.

>> No.4582940

> So much for spending half your life on something.

From start to finish, Kev's SNES took something like 10 months to complete. No wonder Byuu is shook.

>> No.4582942

I have a pi with over 17k roms so I don't care.

>> No.4582943

Kevtris is a beast, but it's not really comparable. He was working full-time, with the benefit of all of Byuu's documentation and assistance. It certainly would have taken much longer if Higan didn't already exist.

>> No.4582949

You know what pisses me off?
All these fucking HDMI Retro Consoles and none of them offer Digital 240p output(which HDMI does fucking support). Some people out there have BVM's which support HD SDI and could easily make use of this to obtain the ultimate image quality.

>> No.4582953

HDMI also supports variable refresh rates now, so there's no good reason not to include an option for real 60.0988 Hz output rather than this buffered tearing garbage.

>> No.4582954

>All these fucking HDMI Retro Consoles and none of them offer Digital 240p output(which HDMI does fucking support). Some people out there have BVM's which support HD SDI and could easily make use of this to obtain the ultimate image quality.

They're going to release a DAC, 240p won't be an issue.

>> No.4582956

HDMI is technically the most authentic signal you can get since it's the original digital signal. Shame not one of these HDMI mods out there support Digital 240p Output without upscaling it.

>> No.4582960

Obviously I'm not sure, but I've got a feeling that might be a little overblown by Byuu. Why bother the gatekeeper when you've got a logic analyzer on your desk?

>> No.4582962

was byuu this butthurt when the original nt launched? Or does he only care about snes?

>> No.4582963

To be honest the whole color palette thing makes RGB/Digital on NES pointless. Fucking Nintendo and their backwards thinking in the 80s. They never should have made the PPU analog composite NTSC garbage.

>> No.4582967

>chrono trigger is another.
No it fucking isn't

>> No.4582996

This would be a lot harder
Just recreating the audio components would be a nightmare

>> No.4583002

Missing the point you fucking retard
RAW Digital 240p >>>>>>>>>>>> Analog 240p converted from Digital

Always has, always will. Period.

>> No.4583005

That's HDMI 2.1 correct?
I think that hasn't been broadly adopted yet but you're right

The only emulators that get refresh rate right is MAME in combination with G-Sync/Free-sync. There's less lag than in original hardware because of this since it doesn't require V-sync which adds more lag.

>> No.4583009

how did mame developers know that gsync would be invented in the future?

>> No.4583010

You just said you wanted to play on your BVM.

>> No.4583012

>There's less lag than in original hardware
Wut. Do you think original hardware uses V-sync or something?

>> No.4583018

Some BVM's support HD-SDI doofus

>> No.4583020

They didn't. It's just the way the thing is coded makes it easy to use with G-Sync.
Compare that with Higan where G-Sync doesn't really work because the interface is shittily designed

>> No.4583023

They do use V-Sync
V-Sync in 2D games isn't anywhere near as offensive as in 3D games however. The difference in lag between V-Sync and G-Sync in this case is negligible but it's there

>> No.4583025

Also see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CeZ0xbtfDo

>> No.4583034

>audio begins at levels only dogs could hear
>jack up volume to 2000%
>half way through, inserts a credit
>ear drums are shattered

why do youtubers do this?

>> No.4583036

No, you idiot. In old 2D consoles the graphics are generated as they're output in real time. There's literally no frame buffer to write to. It's impossible for MAME to have less latency than the original hardware unless they're somehow modifying the games read input differently or something.

>> No.4583040

You're fucking stupid

>> No.4583043

just give me the Super Turrican Directors Cut rom finally.

>> No.4583045

I'm not the one attributing nonexistent magical properties to emulators.

>> No.4583049

They synced to the blanking interval so they didn't need buffering like 3D games.
G-Sync/Freesync eliminates the need for that entirely so it shaves off that bit of lag.

Endgame would be
Original Hardware modded with HDMI 2.1 for VRR support but I doubt it will ever happen

>> No.4583052

>G-Sync/Freesync eliminates the need for that entirely so it shaves off that bit of lag.
No? They're still reading and reacting to input once per frame. The only thing G-Sync does for you is make sure the monitor's refresh rate is in line with what the game is outputting so you don't have to use an external buffer to avoid tearing. Lowest latency is still always going to be real hardware on a CRT.

>> No.4583057

Is it not out yet?
How long did it take for the StarFox 2 rom to be dumped?

>> No.4583061

It was V-Sync deal with it.
Only difference is that it didn't use a buffer since it was dealing with sprites which were far simpler than 3D models

>> No.4583065

You have no idea what you're talking about. Because they don't use buffers it's literally impossible for MAME to have lower latency. The best it can possibly do is match real hardware.

>> No.4583092

I also recall reading that Higan has noticeable input lag, and that it's better to use it via retroarch to reduce it

>> No.4583468

>this one-upsmanship about imperceptible delay
Real retro hardware can use interrupts to draw shit on top of other shit mid-frame. Computers are so powerful they can just change their framebuffer mid-draw to accomplish the same sort of effect.

With retro hardware, the worst possible visible consequence of doing this is some flicker which isn't much of an issue, especially on CRTs. On computers though it can lead to a shift in the rest of the frame which we perceive as tearing, which most people feel is more noticeable and disruptive.

On the other hand, computers just get more and more and more powerful, capable of doing ever increasingly outrageous feats, sooner or later even shaving down shit like input delay below that of the original hardware. Eventually it should even be possible for them to recalculate entire frames with every write to framebuffer to eliminate tearing even without using vsync so yes it's possible for emulators to reduce latency below that of original hardware

The biggest obstacle to this that people tend to be oblivious to is USB. controllers. USB ports have a polling delay that old school controllers don't. When using a USB controller you'll never reduce delay below original. The only way to do that is using an unpolled input like a PS/2 port, or an unpolled FPGA input

Buy my new PS/2 SNES style controllers only twenty-nine ninety-five!

>> No.4583507
File: 32 KB, 638x480, time to kill myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a G-Sync display, but i'm so annoyed how almost no emulators work with it properly and how no developers seem to give a shit. Glad Mame is my primarily emulator since it works fine with it. I just wish RA worked with it. Some claim it does but scrolling exibits stutter on my end no matter what jerry-rigged settings I use.

The only emulator optimized for G-Sync is WinUAE but i'm not really that much into Amiga gaming.

>> No.4584381


Huh. That's something.

>> No.4585093

It's interesting, but I wonder if there's other games that make good use of the feature

>> No.4585297
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>> No.4585310


>> No.4585315

Don't forget the $40 for ground shipping within the same country.

>> No.4585431

I'd say it's worth it if it was like $50 but for fuck sake you could get a scalped SNES mini but better than this shitty emulator box. Hell, you could hack a $10 Wii and get some component cables. At least then you'd have a multitude of other emulators.

>> No.4585440

>This store accepts Etsy gift cards
Of course it does.

>> No.4585450

USB polling isn't a significant issue, most retro consoles are also using a polling system running once per frame, USB can be polled up to around 1000Hz. For comparison, in the best possible case a SNES controller can be polled is around 200Hz, Gamecube around 150Hz, NES around 250Hz. I don't know of any retro console that uses controllers with interrupt support.

The updating mid frame is an issue if you're aiming for minimal lag, but isn't a concern for tearing, in an accurate emulator the framebuffer is built up in sync with the code execution. It is however an issue if you want to minimise lag.

>> No.4585463

get the retrousb nes clone. it's fpga, it's hd, it's accurate, it's goood.

>> No.4585470

The point of fpga's is to interact with the original cartridge hardware the same way a console would. An emulator would just dump the rom from a cartridge and then make a guess of what additional chips it's using and emulate those.

>> No.4585571

what about dosbox?

>> No.4585615


opinion discarded

>> No.4585814

It's also not SNES

>> No.4585838

>> and larger ROMs
>biggest game is 48mbit, superED supports 56mbit. meh.
It lets you play Star Ocean though. The SD2SNES doesn't support the S-DD1 chip but there was already an "unpacked" hack for emulators back in the day. This hack works, tried it. But it's a big rom.

>> No.4586218

I haven't touched Dosbox in ages. I think I saw a brief mention somewhere saying it worked maybe. I think there games that ran in 70hz or something.

>> No.4586240

You're 100% free to enjoy your poor emulation (SNES mini) and very perceptible input lag (Wii).

>> No.4586316

Well, as I said to start with we're shaving things down to the point where it's mostly a technical/philosophical discussion and/or pissing contest but I suppose you're right. Beginning in the third gen, console controllers did start using a protocol. That's probably why to an extremely experienced player the arcade version of something like SF2 feels ever so slightly snappier than the console version, even optimized to the max.

>> No.4586573

This thing sure is a hidden gem.

>> No.4586831

Precisely what I was thinking. Also, now that Sega has Retro-Bit officially making new (Bluetooth) Sega controllers we might see them be paired with the console. Could be pretty fucking kick ass.

>> No.4586879

This. The Genesis is actually worth buying physical hardware for because you can just use an everdrive and have access to 99.99% of the library without having to worry about any extra chips that you can't emulate.

An everdrive is okay for the SNES but there are so many great games that use chips that it's much more worth while to just emulate it on a computer or virtual console (switch when?); that is of course until there is some kind of solution to the chip problem.

>> No.4586881
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>very perceptible input lag
Check out Super Saiyan Goku over here.

>> No.4586947

He's probably using it in interlaced mode on an hdtv not in game mode with a non-oem classic controller

>> No.4587334

I'm not holding my breath, Retro-bit has made some rubbish controllers over the years. Unless Sega is helping them craft official molds and overseeing the process I have very little hope it'll be anything as good as 8bitdo

>> No.4587338

8bitdo is now the standard of quality? lol

>> No.4587535

Even the arcade version will be polling 60Hz, interrupt driven inputs aren't really useful on a console that's aiming to complete everything within a field, which is what all the retro consoles up to ~5th gen did.

>> No.4587585
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I had forgotten about this. I was doing so much "overtime" because people were getting sick over the winter, and must've drunkenly thought it was a good idea if more cores are released. So far no cores but the base one. The $40 shipping within the US sure made me feel bad.

>> No.4587639

I thought you didn't have any money?

>> No.4587687
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I don't. Therefore, my buyer's remorse. I thought to treat myself, I'd build a J-Win98 machine with half of my tax return and save the rest, but now I remember I no longer have anything left when the Super NT arrived. For the same price after shipping it is almost the price of a Roland MT32 and an AV Famicom that I so desired, or a NES and an AV Famicom that I desire. Worse part is that I don't have any HDMI TVs so I do not know what I was thinking when I preordered, maybe in hopes for the 8-bit cores to be released so that it covers the NES and AV famicom cost.

>> No.4587889


>> No.4587986
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>mfw my Super NT is on the vehicle for delivery today

Happy Valentine's Day to me

>> No.4587996

At least i can run ZSNES on DOSBOX!!!!
You cannot run FPGA on dosbox

>> No.4588049
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Oh no, how will I ever cope

The horror

>> No.4588509
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Why would the arcade version need to poll its inputs? They're dedicated

>> No.4588519

Piece of shit emulator, buy HDretrovision cables and play like a man

>> No.4588787

It's polling the IO chip they're connected to.

>> No.4588804
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>first jailbreak firmware is already out
Fucking A. I already got the controlles and SD card. Now to wait until March for my order to ship.

>> No.4588823

Got mine in today. So far the thing that's impressed me the most is how clean the audio output is.

>> No.4588883

It's pure digital output, it couldn't get any cleaner. But yeah, it sounds so crisp compared to my real SNES. No background noise or anything.

>> No.4588904

Source? I haven't heard anything from Kevtris on this

>> No.4588924


>> No.4589256

hopefully only a matter of time before turrican is dumped

>> No.4589314

>Unofficial firmware

While I appreciate the community for stepping up and patching in these features, I think I'm perfectly fine waiting for Kevtris to do the firmware his own way. And if he ends up not releasing his own patch then I'll always have the unofficial stuff to fall back on.

>> No.4589323

>implying that firmware wasn't made by Kevtris anonymously

>> No.4589336

This. The Super NT firmware is encrypted, isn't it?

>> No.4589347

Is the FPGA powerful enough to simulate special chips in addition to the base SNES hardware? If not, then that's going to severely limit what roms can be played.

>> No.4589349

That's right. The only way any firmware gets flashed on the Super NT is if Kevtris approves of it.

Obviously the jailbreak firmware was made by him and published using a third party just in case companies get uppity about emulation or competition (see: Nintendo).

>> No.4589357

How do you know that it's encrypted? Just because I don't understand how to reverse engineer a firmware patch doesn't mean that someone out there can't do it.

Besides, I don't see how Nintendo could touch them. They never complained about the NT Mini

>> No.4589380

Super NT has been out for a week. The jailbreak is based on the 4.1 firmware that came out a few days ago. I find it hard to believe that someone reverse engineered ketris' hardware and software in that short of a time. All this shit is closed source and owned by Analogue. Now that kevtris is an analogue employee, it's probably safer for everyone to keep his name away from the jailbreak stuff.

>> No.4589391

why does it have to be some huge secret? Just fucking release that shit or don't

>> No.4589409

Only those involved know for sure. Legal shit? Not wanting to step on anyone's toes? Don't want to cannibalize sales of their other shit if they make more? Who fucking knows. All that is for sure is that kevtris is not allowed to comment on jailbreak stuff.

>> No.4589467

I would honestly want pure digital 240p 60.09hz via HDMI modes on both the Analogue NT Mini and the Super NT.
Just use HDMI to HD-SDi converters on a BVM and it will work it's best.

>> No.4589510

It would be cool to have the ability to test a rom over usb on these systems.

>> No.4589519

Other features I wish these systems had: Rom dumping, debugging, etc.

>> No.4589525

he forgot another positive, the ability for a physical system to directly use the original cartridge chips, such as the superfx etc.

>> No.4589798

Saves are very inconsistent on the jailbreak firmware at the moment. Only a few of the games I've tried to play have saved. I'm going to the menu after saving like it says, but it either doesn't write the file properly or it doesn't load it.

>> No.4589896

Seems to be a common problem. An update should be soon.

>> No.4589914

Yes, it is. So far no one seems to have specifically tested chip games, or at least not posted results. I expect the DSP is probably(?) working since people are probably going to play Mario Kart first thing. Will be interested in someone checking Super Mario RPG or some other SA1 game since there's existing FPGA code for it, just not implemented on most flash carts. Along these same line of logical leaps one might assume SuperFX is NOT working since if someone was playing Starfox 2 on it they'd probably be talking about it.

>> No.4589916

For some reason I can get all chip games to work in retroarch EXCEPT Mario Kart. It just freezes on the Nintendo logo and It's been like that for years. But on Higan it works for some reason..

>> No.4589945

Byuu is such a fucking faggot, holy shit. You can tell he feels threatened because he's spewing this horseshit instead of improving his emulator.

>> No.4590048

I'm interested in a lot of fan translations and romhacks. How many of them work on Super NT with the jailbreak? Anyone tried some yet?

>> No.4590356

the fuck? Star fox works on super nt with jailbreak?

>> No.4590358

It depends, some of them are still only ever going to work on broken-ass emulators like bZSNES.

>> No.4590365

He's talking about emulators. If Starfox runs from SD in the Super NT it would be a big deal.

>> No.4590427

Wish there was a list of what works and what doesn't. Guess I'll just have to try them myself. Most should work, provided they don't use special chips, I would think. I do prefer a lot of more recent ones.

>> No.4590685

I saw someone play the DQ3 translation on the jailbreak with no issue. If that works, likely many others will.

>> No.4591298
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>> No.4591378

>no component video output

Trash. Wii is still king.

>> No.4591403

Honestly, they should have done two models; one with just HDMI and one with all the outputs like the NT mini

>> No.4591412

Analog video DAC is coming, be patient. They've promised it will support all formats of analog video output from composite to RGB.

>> No.4591417

It's pretty much trash without native analog output. I can emulate just fine on a modern display with any modern device (FPGA is emulation despite their bullshit marketing on their website). Converting an HDMI signal back into an analogue signal adds significant latency, and again, if I'm going to do that I can do that with any modern device.

I'd love to retire my Wii for analogue emulation, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen any time soon.

And how would that work? A second model? Or a shitty HDMI-to-analog converter?

>> No.4591427

Analogue have already said that it's a device that plugs into the back of the unit. It shouldn't add any significant delay because it'll just be a pass through for the video from HDMI. Just because existing converters mess with latency doesn't mean that their in-house developed solution will be as sloppy. I presume they will put out firmware to output proper native resolution when the time comes. Kevtris has already said that it should work with the Super Scope no problem

>> No.4591464

What's left to improve?

>> No.4591476

>Another fancy emulated rom box
Piss off i got roms PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.4591563
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my life in gaming did a video that went into detail about the supernt, answers alot of questions anons are asking about

>> No.4591695
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>> No.4591946

thanks my life in gaming™ man

>> No.4593253


>> No.4593698
File: 35 KB, 700x700, 1416181580228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulator box

It is not "emulation" it is "hardware simulation". Learn the difference, it could save your life.

>> No.4594417

>b-b-but byuu told me they're the same on reddit