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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 1200x1111, 1200px-Nintendo_64_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4546991 No.4546991 [Reply] [Original]

Which N64 games are decently emulated in 2018, and which ones won't work?

>> No.4547010

The more basic stuff like SM64 and Mario Kart 64 that doesn't perform any l33t hax0r programming tricks will work 100%. When you get into games like Conker and Indy and the Infernal Machine, all bets are off.

>> No.4547020

What about GoldenEye or Perfect Dark?

>> No.4547026

N64 emulation has improved greatly in recent years. Use GlideN64 or angrylion pixel perfect. Retroarch's very improved version of mupen64plus is the best way to emulate N64, but Project64 is alright too, just keep in mind the default plugins are awful.

>> No.4547028

Is it taxing on the CPU, or will a recent but mediocre laptop be enough for any of these emulators?

>> No.4547029

couldn't you make exe files which have the game and emulator in them with perfect presets for emulation?
Well... nobody would download exe files but that would be sweet, just like a pc game

>> No.4547030

I think OoT is the only game that can be well emulated. For obvious reasons over why the emulator was coded exclusively for it.


>> No.4547031


This ought to help a bit.

>> No.4547036

>perfect presets
Are you suggesting to try to automate the gameplay of an N64 game and play it on a ripped OS? Genius! Why didn't I think of that?

>> No.4547040

I haven't tried to emulate on a laptop in years so I'm not sure. If you use retroarch's n64 core, I imagine having the RSP set to HLE (default) rather than LLE would be easier to run though.
i recommend reading through the "Comparisons" section real quick

>> No.4547042

There's special plugins to play both at 60fps with kb+m controls.

>> No.4547057

meant for >>4547028

>> No.4547154

>intermittent flickering
>missing textures
>crashes frequently
>""works great""

Compatibility lists are shit and that goes 100x for anything N64 related.

>> No.4547332

>works great
who are you quoting

>> No.4547806

>Which N64 games are decently emulated in 2018
All of them. Angrylion motherfucker.

>> No.4547817

What is the best key binding for playing n64 emulator with a xbox controller?

>> No.4547835

Use x as c-up and a as c-left
both trigger as Z
Y and B as a & b
Left Stick for control stick (analog sensibility should be between 45% and 65), right stick for c-buttons
Shoulders as L & R
In PJ64, the controller plugin lets you add macros, use them for the C-Up, C-Left and the extra Z-trigger.

>> No.4547853

what the fuck is this shit

>> No.4547863

You can propose better?

>> No.4547881


>> No.4548348

Any other opinion of how N64 emulators perform on low-end laptops?

>> No.4548392


Conker plays fine

>> No.4548405

play retroarch mupen64plus and project64 with gliden64 instead of default plugins. if your laptop can't handle those, you'll just have to play the old shitty project64 with default plugins, which will run better, but it will be all the shit N64 emulation is known for rather than the new good N64 emulation. there aren't many options available so it should be very simple to test for yourself

>> No.4548508

Yeah, with half of the graphical effects missing

>> No.4548641
File: 1.67 MB, 720x7907, 0272018115510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but since the tread was made I'll piggyback. I've never played any N64 games before so I'm gonna start now plus I have new a phone that can handle the emulation, I'd emulate on my PC but it's apparently not powerful enough since it's just a basic desktop. Anyways my question is what games should I add to my library? I've already checked the recommendation charts but I'd rather hear it from you Anons :^).

>> No.4548662

just forget it
but Mario 64, F-Zero X, Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, Mischief Makers, and Super Smash Bros. are the best by far and then there's a huge power gap between them and all the other games
but since you're on a fucking phone you should just play Paper Mario since it's an RPG

>> No.4548679

i liked mario golf
you are not going to be able to play like 90% of n64 games on a phone. it's not a matter of performance, n64 games just require a controller. even a kb+m is pure garbage for them.
if you're going to insist on playing on a phone, any first person shooter game is out and most adventure and platformer games are out. also mario party is out unless you're ok with losing every single minigame. you could probably get by in paper mario, parts of pokemon stadium, harvest moon (kind of), and maybe mario golf.

>> No.4548926

I'll add GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and ISS 98 (if you like soccer).

>> No.4549158


but, no?

>> No.4549167

>Mario party 1, 2 and 3
>on a phone
>no goemon
>no sin and punishment
>not even fzero
>n64 emulation
>on a phone
You funny, funny man.

>> No.4549216


Do you have a controller to plug into or bluetooth sync with your phone? Otherwise there are exactly zero N64 games that are worth playing.

>> No.4549891
File: 144 KB, 1020x580, bluetooth-game-controller-for-android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do realize shit like pic related exists, and had existed for a pretty long time, right?

>> No.4549914
File: 192 KB, 409x277, sote_solowat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4551791

N64 games should be emulated on a bigger screen desu. Also how will you play 4-player GoldenEye with the lads like this?

>> No.4552000

I beat all of OoT using touch screen controls on a 5" phone.