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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 800x600, c64c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
452090 No.452090 [Reply] [Original]

Commie thread time

>> No.452271

>using an LCD display
Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.452290

>Never Twice The Same Colour
Ameriblob detected

>> No.452307

how do you know it's NTSC

>> No.452327

>thinking 50Hz is acceptable

>> No.452332

LCDs have no flicker so irrelevant

>> No.452340

The size of the borders. On a PAL C64, they would be much bigger.

>> No.452487

>makes rude comment for no reason
eurotrash detected.

Seriously though friend, fuck off back to /b/ with retarded shit like that you fucking dickbeard.

>> No.452516

Then you go and call him eurotrash? Perpetuate the cycle of shitposting.

>> No.452659

Everyone knows the burgers couldn't program the C64 and Amiga for shit even though they created the things.

>> No.452686

Go to bed, Muhammed

>> No.452694

At least I'll always have affordable health care

>> No.452710

That's a clean 64C. The few that I've seen for sale around here were beat up, missing keys or were very, very yellow.

>> No.452735

I got a steal on my C64, but finding a good deal on a floppy drive has proven tough. Plus, the things are gigantic.

Can NTSC C64s be modded to play PAL games? I have a monitor that will accept both PAL and NTSC.

>> No.452748

is there any difference between the C64c and the breadbox?

>> No.452760

>Plus, the things are gigantic

Rather than use an original model 1541, you may try the 1541-II

>Can NTSC C64s be modded to play PAL games?

Only if you swap both the VIC-II and clock crystal

>> No.452765

C64c has a revised kernel ROM and an 8581 SID instead of the older 6581

>> No.452786

at least it's a 4:3 type

>> No.452972

Can someone explain JiffyDOS to me? Do you need to have it installed on both your disk drive AND your C64?

>> No.452986

I don't know anything about that one

>> No.453005

>using a 50Hz or 60Hz LCD for games

That flicker is the only thing letting 60fps motion look tolerable.

>> No.453035

Ok I'll get back to you when I can walk into Best Buy and purchase a new Trinitr...oh wait no they don't sell those anymore.

>> No.453045

Too bad the C64 had no memorable games that weren't on other systems

>> No.453059

>implying it's impossible to get CRTs
>implying 120Hz LCDs can't do black frame insertion

>> No.453090

>inb4 some Yuro says how awesome Giana Sisters was

>> No.453103

Is it too hard to make one of these work? I was thinking on buying one if it's not too much of a hassle to find the right parts, getting data inside it, etc.

>> No.453110

That's a nice looking set-up OP, mighty sleek-looking. I've been seeing if I could find a nice cheap commodore nearby, but there aren't too much floppy drives going around where I live. Maybe I'll visit my sister over the summer, she still has her's hooked up.

>> No.453109

The traditional way of transferring data to 1541 drives is an X1541 cable which connects to a PC parallel port (it doesn't work on USB)

>> No.453160

Of course C128s are preferred if you can find them

>> No.453180

Do 128s run 64 games? Is there any advantage doing so?

>> No.453208
File: 108 KB, 650x522, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do 128s run 64 games? Is there any advantage doing so?

>mfw reading this


Kindly do your research first before asking things like that

>> No.453272

apparently the answer is "yes".

>> No.453347

Dreadfully sorry, did not mean to interrupt the orgasmic back-and-forth going on in here...

Ok, so yeah, apparently it is 'Yes', and 'No' respectively. looking at the C64 Mode portion of the text, it's pretty technical, so I thought maybe someone could've given a more useful or concise answer, like Yes, and the colours are more vibrant, load times are shorter or Don't do it, Commando and Sentinel won't work.

Thank you and have a nice day.

>> No.453367

C64 mode is for all intents and purposes the same as a real C64

>> No.454787


>> No.454813
File: 82 KB, 175x182, 1337498397856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise my floppy drive is out of alignment or some shit. What do I do? I can't read Conan ;.;

>> No.454830

My 128's keyboard died decades ago, while both of my C64 that are OLDER's keyboards still work fine. Nowadays my 128 is resting in my closed while I use my C64.

Also, didn't the 128's have the new sound chip which as I recall sounded worse/different?

>> No.454825

What peripherals or accesories (if any) are essential besides the computer itself?

>> No.454836

A 1541 drive and joystick are enough to run almost 90% of C64 games.

>> No.454839

>C64's that are OLDER
wow, don't know how that ['s] managed to jump all the way over there.

>> No.454932

you shouldn't have spilled Coke into it

>> No.454949

Nothing was ever spilled on it.
It just got worse and worse after time went on.
Nowadays, if you press down on a key really hard until your thumb turns red, it MIGHT register.

By the way, the model I had had a separate keyboard.

>> No.454976
File: 28 KB, 568x260, c128d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.454986

Enjoying your Kebab and prayer mat mate?

>> No.454992

Yup, that's the one.
I know the C64's keyboard was mechanical, was this one as well? If it is, a different technology? Maybe that explains why it got so bad over time.

>> No.455021

I don't know anything about the C128D's keyboard and I'm not even sure if they sold them in the US or if we only got the flat model.

>> No.455045

Here in Britain, the C128s were nearly nonexistent

>> No.455049

The thing was pretty much useless without a disk drive and Brits didn't have them anyway.

>> No.455083

The filters of the two chips are very different, which makes 6581 songs sound pretty shitty on 8580. On the other hand, 8580 has working mixed waveforms and bugfixes and apparently didn't have some bugs or unique differences between single units (like the strenght of the filter).

>> No.455145

From what I understand, there's no emulators that get the SID exactly right

>> No.455187

I was interested int his some time ago, someone was making a cool FPGA based device to reproduce the sound. He died. :(

Anyway, if I weren't a drunk with a million other projects it sounds like it would be cool as shit.

>> No.455239

Also for that matter, none of them get NTSC mode accurately except CCS64

>> No.455307

Wow, I didn't even know the difference was that big! The second one definitely reminds me of the typical sound of my 128, though I had never really noticed the difference before.