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File: 19 KB, 342x292, YU-NO_Sega_Saturn_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4543973 No.4543973 [Reply] [Original]

Does the story actually make this game worth playing through to the end? I just got to a route end for the first time (Mitsuki's) and I'm intrigued, but the prospect of having to go through dozens more hours of trial and error pointing-and-clicking to explore all the routes and get the true end is pretty disheartening. I could just use a guide, but what would even be the point of playing the game then? Feels like I could have the same or even a better experience by just watching the game on youtube.

>> No.4543983

>Feels like I could have the same or even a better experience by just watching the game on youtube.
Welcome to every adventure and visual novel ever.

>> No.4544048

The experience of figuring out every single route is this game's strong point.
Once you get to the "true end" path, everything goes downhill.

>> No.4544104

You have an automap, learn to use it.

>> No.4544227

>A game is boring to you
>I keep playing for muh story
Dunno, anon.

>> No.4544532

It's a blueballing simulator. You can get everything this game has to offer, in a much more condensed and concise form (and with much better jokes too) from the VN by the same author, called DESIRE (you can play it via tss.asenheim.org). In fact, YU-NO is the THIRD iteration of nearly the same concept by its author (the second was EVE: Burst Error, which was basically DESIRE 2: 4 Times As Much Filler: Maltese Falcon Edition). And from iteration to iteration the amount of "I'll tell you later, gotta go", "Ooooh, I know stuff, I ain't gonna tell you, but I will hint upon it copiously" and "Ooooh, almost something almist definitely almost happened - and it almost probably almost means almost something" increases in geometric progression. With the jokes, and the music, and hentai, and some ispired texts being progressively less and less and less worth it, being buried under mountains of filler and cheapest intrigue imaginable. By YU-NO his style became simply an excersise at blueballing, nothing else.

>> No.4544565

That author' actual Magnum Opus is quite probably Xenon too. And for the time being, it remains fucking untranslated.

>> No.4544585

The playthrough on youtube is actually quite good.

>> No.4544597

>the experience of figuring out every single route is this game's strong point
I understand that's the core of the gameplay, but I don't find it to be fun or rewarding. You just have to click on everything and go through every combination of options because the game has arbitrarily decided that that's what you have to do (and you have to backtrack over a lot of text you've already read, thanks to the time travel). Why couldn't it just cut to the chase and give me the story directly like other visual novels do? I'm just not a fan of the adventure genre, basically, which is unfortunate, because I really like everything else about the game (art, music, characters, etc).

>Once you get to the "true end" path, everything goes downhill.
Oh, that's really unfortunate. If the ending of the story is as bad as you say then I'll probably just spoil myself on it and save myself the trouble.

Thanks for letting me know about that site! I've heard good things about Desire and EVE Burst Error so I'll check those out.

>> No.4544606

>Oh, that's really unfortunate. If the ending of the story is as bad as you say then I'll probably just spoil myself on it and save myself the trouble.
It's pretty divisive actually. Some people think the last route is amazing and a pleasant surprise, others find it tonally jarring and almost irrelevant to the rest of the story.

>> No.4544615

>Oh, that's really unfortunate. If the ending of the story is as bad as you say then I'll probably just spoil myself on it and save myself the trouble.
How about finding out for yourself instead of taking one anonymous user's word for it? Or are you an idiot?

>> No.4544617

Play Love Potion on that site first. It's quite shoddy, but short and, despite retarded protagonist and hentai-galore, pretty to the point. Xenon (which is the only untranslated game out of earlier Kanno works he's famous for) seems to be basically Love Potion 2 in concept.
Then play DESIRE (be sure to choose PC-98 soundtrack). Then EVE.
>I understand that's the core of the gameplay, but I don't find it to be fun or rewarding. You just have to click on everything and go through every combination of options because the game has arbitrarily decided that that's what you have to do
Well, in DESIRE trial-and-erroring was appropriate due to large quantity of good jokes in the first (main) route. You were basically fucking around, and almost every pointless action you nevertheless gave you something interesting or funny as a response. EVE and YU-NO however simply don't live up to the sheer density of content DESIRE was sporting (those "fucking around" jokes first and foremost), being also much longer games too. Besides, the third time around, it REALLY starts to get old, even without all the pointless filler which is neither informative nor funny (which, the filler, YU-NO has in FUCKING SPADES).

>> No.4544658

>are you an idiot?
I'm someone with a backlog of dozens of games and only a finite amount of time in which to play them. If I'm finding a game to be boring or a chore, then why stick around?

>Well, in DESIRE trial-and-erroring was appropriate due to large quantity of good jokes in the first (main) route.
Hmm, well I can give it a shot, at least. I'll check out Love Potion too.

>> No.4544694

>Why couldn't it just cut to the chase and give me the story directly like other visual novels do?
'Cause it's an adventure game.
These days people are retroactively classifying a lot of games as "novels" that weren't called that at the time.

>> No.4544697

I don't find it jarring, but since what made me a fan of YU-NO was the puzzle-solving game system, going into a really long non-interactive sequence was disappointing.

>> No.4544741

Don't expect much from Love Potion, it's quite a shoddily made and written game, Kanno's first pretty much. First and foremost it's just hentai piece full of corresponding fanservice. However, it has a consistent art-direction (built around BDSM), it's basically very fair and upfront about it is (and what it is not), it's short enough so that to end right where it starts to get really old, and it has quite a well done ending. So, it just is what is. If anything, it's unpretentious (while not without merits) - and that's what I primarily like about it. It IS silly though, so be prepared.
DESIRE is basically a blueprint for EVE and YU-NO.

>> No.4544752

Oh, and completing Love Potion prior to DESIRE will make its second route (the one everyone complains about) a bit more palatable, since you'll understand from what angle the author is coming from.

>> No.4544768

Regardless of how I feel about other parts of the game, I do think the soundtrack is fantastic.


>> No.4544873

>If I'm finding a game to be boring or a chore, then why stick around?
If you're finding a game to be boring, dropping it is fine.

If you're dropping the game because one anon said it gets worse in the second half, you're an idiot.

>> No.4544882

Is it good for anyone who isn't just looking for a fap? Aren't a lot of these games just cap material?

>> No.4544889

You can fap to it, but it will take hours to get there and frankly the HCG are worse than the regular ones.

>> No.4544898

The porn is a pretty minor part of the game (though there are constant panty shots). It's very much NOT for people who just want to fap.

>> No.4544995
File: 51 KB, 680x543, 1505078699326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some positive reviews:

>> No.4545165

OP here. I watched a good chunk of the epilogue on youtube and read a summary of it. I can understand why it's divisive, it seems like it does a complete 180 from the tone and atmosphere that made the early part of the game interesting. But I can also see how for some people it would be right up their alley.

The scene where you fuck your daughter is hot though.

>> No.4545186

Exodus Guilty seems to have been made in pretty much the same style as epilogue.

>> No.4545193
File: 225 KB, 640x906, 1514511839885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>divisive epilogue
Can't wait for the new anime to air so I can witness the reactions of the general anime audience.

>> No.4545828

OP again, I was just being retarded before because I didn't understand how to use the map and what the rationale for placing save points was. Now that I understand the system I'm having more fun exploring and doing the other routes. Sorry for the blog update, but this really is a beautiful game in many ways and I wouldn't want to scare people off from trying it.

>> No.4547713

What did you not understand? Also, jewel saves become pretty easy to understand if you think of them as one-use save states.

>> No.4547848

I wasn't sure if it was possible to lock yourself out of anything or not (it's not). I also assumed that placing jewel saves would be required to advance at some parts, but actually it just makes exploring different routes more convenient (even though they aren't strictly necessary, aside from the fact that you need to find all 8 jewels).

>> No.4547917

>"I'll tell you later, gotta go", "Ooooh, I know stuff, I ain't gonna tell you, but I will hint upon it copiously" and "Ooooh, almost something almist definitely almost happened - and it almost probably almost means almost something"
Is there a VN/Adventure series that isn't filled to death by those?

I mean lately I've been playing non-retro like Ace Attorney and 999 and now that I read this you really made me think

>> No.4547968

Danganronpa does it too to an extent. But at least in DR1 all the "twists" are so easy to figure out that it doesn't matter that the characters are holding back.

Isn't this "blueballing" thing sort of an unfair criticism though? Doesn't all plot-heavy fiction rely on this trope to some extent? One of the main reasons you're reading the story is because you want to see the twists, and in order to build up anticipation for the twists they must be hinted at but not outright revealed.

>> No.4547981

The problem with this game is not that it's a bad game or that the story is bad, though most ELF games are pretty low quality when it comes to the writing, but it's that it's one of the few visual novels that has been completely translated into English so it gets a shit ton of praise and hype because of that alone. There are plenty of much better visual novels out there, but unless you have a good understanding of Japanese you're not going to be able to play them. Sure there are some that are much easier to read that others, but some games have pretty advanced grammar and vocabulary that unless you really understand Japanese, you're gonna be stuck with a dictionary or with your phone; which is terrible because why the hell would you want to read something and have to stop every 30 seconds to look up a word.

>> No.4548208

What would you say it's better from the same time period? Nowadays you can make a case for several VNs, true, but back then?

And YU-NO is deeply praised even by the Japanese, which you can't really excuse as them lacking possible comparisons.

>> No.4548258

What I remember about DESIRE is an interesting concept that gets under explored and lost in all the t&a and cucking gong on. Doesn't help that the initial protagonist is pretty insufferable. Been meaning to play both EVE and YU-NO for ages, but if DESIRE is an indication of how those two games are.. not that DESIRE didn't stick with me a bit, just ends up being such a waste of potential.

>> No.4548342

>there are plenty of much better visual novels out there
Like what? If you go to https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/rireki_junni_median.php#list_header and scroll to the green list you'll see that Japanese users gave it a median score of 94, tying it for first place on the site and placing it one rank above Muv-Luv Alternative (the highest rated VN on vndb).

Also its influence on other important VNs like Steins;Gate and Muv-Luv is clear to see. So it's definitely earned its place as one of the best examples of the genre.

>> No.4548424

Yeah, but Kanno in particular basically skyrockets this very thing first from DESIRE to EVE and then from EVE to YU-NO, which is why I capitalize on it. Teasing seems to play a VERY important role in his works.

>> No.4548435

Nah, all of them SEVERELY underdeliver at the end of the day, compared to all the copious glorious promises they give away like candy at first.
And, at the very least, DESIRE does have MORE t&a and memelulz screwing around going on, than it does of outright boring filler and essentially nothing going on, like EVE and YU-NO do.
Also, protagonists in EVE and YU-NO are just as "insufferable" (although I really do like Al's fuckall "shitposter" attitude), just toned down (or more like diluted for longer playing time) somewhat. In other words, Al just delivers way more frequently.

>> No.4548448

I didn't think Takuya in YU-NO was insufferable at all. Maybe a bit dense at times, but after years of seeing mainly soyboy protagonists in post-2000 games and anime (even in supposedly raunchy anime like Shimoneta, the MC is still deathly afraid of sex), it was refreshing to see a protagonist who actually acted like a man and wasn't afraid to push his luck with women to get what he wanted. Maybe it would be less special if I played more H-games.

>> No.4548454

Every time I see that cover, I think it's a games for pedos

>> No.4548456

>Teasing seems to play a VERY important role in his works.
To the point where it starts to seem much less as teasing and much more as blatant baiting for attention.
Stuff like EVE's main twist having obviously been shoddily and hastily rewritten (youknowwho instead of Pat) at the last possible moment from a previous, utterly predictable iteration, that was obviously the initially intended one, doesn't help the overall impressions either. It's like for the guy the very process of creating intrigue (so that others would listen to him), of putting on airs, was way more important than actually saying something.

>> No.4548470

Well you do fuck your daughter in all its uncensored glory.

She's about 4 years old.

But due to genetic modifications she grows at an accelerated rate and has the body of a 20 year old so it's ok.

>> No.4548498

god-DAMN, man...

>> No.4548947

Desire had everything to be good but the story just turns to dogshit. It's like Kanno was trying to make something interesting with the game and his editor kept reminding him he was hired to make an eroge, so all sex scenes just feel forced, and are hardly relevant to the story.

Again, if you come into these games just to jack off, well that's fine, but honestly I just care for the adventure part of it.

>> No.4548958

As flawed as it is it's still way more interesting than 90% of visual novels released out there.

>> No.4548960

No offense but I disagreed with your opinion when you first posted it some months back and I still disagree with it now. Desire's plot is promising at first, but it all goes downhill with the Makoto route and beyond. EBE and YU-NO have much better stories and execution. Also, while you could make the case for YU-NO being a bit too similar to Desire at times, EVE has pretty much no similarities other than advanced genetic modification being a thing in both universes and there being two characters with the same DNA. Can you also list those "blueballing" moments? I only remember feeling that YU-NO wasn't telling me enough once, in Mitsuki's route near the end.

>> No.4548968
File: 108 KB, 640x400, YNG_0250B (Texture 0).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 5pb
>decide to re-release the original game along with your remake so newcomers can experience it
>instead of porting the worksafe Saturn version, you port the adult PC-98 one, even though you're porting the game to consoles
>have 2 options, either remove all the sex scenes entirely, or replace with the sega saturn cgs with a dithered 16 color algorithm slapped on
>you instead take option 3 and censor the game anew in the most amazingly retarded way possible
>end up with this
How can one company be so braindead?

>> No.4548975

I admit I don't play a lot of eroge centered visual novels, I'm more interested in more adventure type games like Snatcher and the like. So if Desire stands out that much in that world, I'd have to say the genre is in quite dire straights.

Yu-No is fucking amazing though, so I did have my standards too high going from Yu-No straight to Desire.

>> No.4548983

Holy shit this is fucking funny.
Is there a dump of all the edits?

>> No.4548992 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 360x270, 1517084037774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just saw this, didn't realize they changed her design in the Saturn version. It's still a retarded character but I guess it's a change for the better.

>> No.4549001

Yeah, now it's far more believable she evolved from kun-kun

>> No.4549005

Jack off or no jack off, my point is, DESIRE is consistently entertaining, at least, throughout the first route. It has density to it, you are constantly given not only a MOTIVE to keep playing (to uncover dem story secrets), but also a REASON to keep playing (because it just delivered and delivered and delivered and is likely to keep delivering - jokes, titillation, new events, etc., non-stop). EVE and YU-NO simply don't live up to DESIRE's standard purely from an entertainment angle, they move much more slowly, and the actually interesting content is progressively more and more diluted by "It's a chair"-worthy filler.

How much time passes between two consecutive sex scenes in Love Potion?

The same progression concerns not only sex scenes, but anything even remotely interesting in Kanno's games.

Moreover, by creating "I'll tell you later" brand of cheap intrigue, Kanno capitalizes endings in his VNs. However, DESIRE's ending is utter shit, and EVE's was rewritten into something more or less interesting (although not really all that related to the main storyline - which is the story of Suzuki) at the last possible moment (that "Oh no! The colors of her hair and irises change!" is just cringeworthy). It's evident, that the majority of both VNs were written without the shoddiest idea of what the ending would even be like, and when the time came to deliver on the empty "I'll tell you later" promises, what came forth was an equivalent of a fart. Which means, that whatever those VNs were created for, it was NOT the ending, the endings came last, the VNs weren't built AROUND them, they were built around SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY.

>> No.4549007

Yep. The whole ordeal surrounding this character was pretty fucking goofy, but I guess it's more digestible this way.

>> No.4549024

I can agree with your point, Desire does have a pretty strong ending, and everything is contingent on unpacking all the plot points and set ups to get there.
Even if I didn't like the game that much, I do have to add the caveat that the ending is pretty great.

>> No.4549036

>I can agree with your point, Desire does have a pretty strong ending
That's not quite what I was stating.
This is:
>However, DESIRE's ending is utter shit, and EVE's was rewritten into something more or less interesting (although not really all that related to the main storyline - which is the story of Suzuki) at the last possible moment (that "Oh no! The colors of her hair and irises change!" is just cringeworthy).
>However, DESIRE's ending is utter shit

>> No.4549037


>> No.4549052

I think, foreshadowing mostly. "Why are you showing me this?", "Why are you mentioning this?". It's like the game gives you the impression that it's stuffed full with Checkhov's guns - and in the end, there are, like, 2 Checkhov's guns - and the remaining 198 are red herrings. Which would be fine, if a) those two Checkov's guns made a really loud satisfying bang; b) those 198 red herrings would each be entertaining in their own way, instead of ending just a pointless filler that leads nowhere. As it is, the majority of stuff in Kanno's games is mentioned for no reason, in shown for no reason, and doesn't lead anywhere. Which would be okay, if it wasn't at some point of the game or other, framed as a current THEME or a centerpiece of a particular scene. Meaning, it was specifically brought to my, player's, attention. It was emphasized in some way or another? Why? Because, well, further story development certainly doesn't give this any explanation whatsoever. And it didn't necessarily follow from the preceding events as well. So what gives? I mean, it's just confusing in that the further I delved into Kanno's works, in their chronological order, the less I saw any kind of point in what I read. At least, in Love Potion I can still pretend that the point is hentai fanservice, and in DESIRE I can still pretend that the point is fucking around jokes (like, reactions to the stuff you do INSTEAD of progressing storyline). Those two are obviously not the points of either EVE or YU-NO. And I simply don't get, just what the fuck is.

>> No.4549053
File: 56 KB, 556x620, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn what's going on with these images. Please tell me someone fucked up ripping them, because the color count is all over the place, lot's of random pixels. I can't honestly believe 5pb would be retarded enough not to keep it under 16 colors.

Also the aliasing in the edited areas is so bad goddamn.

>> No.4549056

Sorry I guess I'm just retarded. We are destined to disagree on every point.

>> No.4549058

Jesus christ.
So how do the Saturn/old Windows/new censored PC-98 versions work, do they just edit the sex out of the story entirely, or is it still implied to happen just with censored graphics?

>> No.4549062

The fan translation didn't care about the color count either for the edited images, so yeah

>> No.4549068

By edited I mean the ones where the text on them has been translated and shit

>> No.4549071

Yeah but those are directly ripped from the Saturn. I wouldn't expect a bunch of code nerds to do it. Honestly if I could have a guarantee from tlwiki that they'd replace the images, I'd do the 16 color edit myself. We could even workshop it in these threads, and slightly improve it together.

>> No.4549073

Oh those? Didn't notice that honestly. It was what, the one with the charts and shit?

>> No.4549081
File: 38 KB, 512x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about stuff like pic related.

>> No.4549084

Haha oh shit that is so fucking lazy. Even the font choices are so vanilla. Fucking Impact and Arial, for fuck's sake tlwiki.

>> No.4549097

Also, sure, EVE if stylized to the likeness of hardboiled fiction, like, Maltese Falcon and stuff, but the underlying, both gameplay (barring the character switching gimmick, which is not really all that consequential in the original version of the game) and narrative structure still seems to be remarkably similar to DESIRE's (call that author's style of whatever). So similar, rather, that it seems much more like reskin instead of work in different literary genre.

>> No.4549104
File: 34 KB, 512x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also replaced the photo on the screen with the image it's based on without reapplying the blur filter used. I realize that's kinda nitpicky, though.

>> No.4549112

Yeah it doesn't bother me as much. Although it would be so easy to just blur it and then use some dithering algorithm with the fixed palette to get a similar result.

>> No.4549123

Wait a second.
Meaning. Different people see different meaning in the same things around them, something like that?
Hold on, need to check something out.

>> No.4549131

Was there anything in EVE that was left unexplained?

>> No.4549141
File: 47 KB, 830x312, HxD_2018-01-27_21-11-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone know how to unpack these .ABL files located in the Saturn game? Seems to be called ABLINK.

I was just looking if I could get the movie files from the Saturn version, whatever codec the saturn uses, most players seem to be able to handle it from my experience.

>> No.4549162

I use an old ass tool called mamitool
Works with most of the yu-no ss formats, including ABL, with some exceptions

>> No.4549164

Probably should have linked the dev's homepage too:
There's a couple of pages dedicated to REing yu-no ss's formats

>> No.4549175
File: 10 KB, 498x313, mlist3_2018-01-27_21-30-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what the fuck, I wasn't actually expecting someone to actually know such an obscure thing, I just asked as a last hail mary. Thanks a lot Anon, now I'm gonna click every single button in hopes I find the extract button

>> No.4549182
File: 34 KB, 380x335, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this option

>> No.4549193

By the way, the extension for those files is .cpk. Ffmpeg's ffplay should play them just fine
FYI, ABL uses index numbers to identify extensions instead of the extension itself, so the dev had to figure out what the extension for each type of file is manually, and I guess he didn't figure it out for the cutscene files.

>> No.4549205
File: 55 KB, 530x307, explorer_2018-01-27_21-47-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you are goddamn saint. Now excuse me while I convert all this bullshit to webm

>> No.4549246

if I had the skill and autism I'd reverse engineer yu-no's engine and make an open source version of it that runs on more platforms and is more customisable.

>> No.4549258

Do it. Release your inner autism child. The one thing that gripes me with windows version are the fullscreen options.

>> No.4549284

Somebody should make a patch that greys out verbs/options/hotspots that have been exhausted and produce no new messages. It would make all those mandatory pixel hunts much more tolerable. From what I've heard, the remake (and its PC-98 DLC) has this.

>> No.4549331
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Alright, test test

>> No.4549337
File: 317 KB, 320x152, YUNO02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great success

>> No.4549340
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>> No.4549346
File: 1.80 MB, 320x152, YUNO04.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549348
File: 266 KB, 320x152, YUNO05.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549350
File: 2.81 MB, 600x360, KOJIROU PUNCH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saturn ports of eve burst error and desire make far better use of their cutscenes, imo

>> No.4549352
File: 495 KB, 320x152, YUNO06.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549358
File: 810 KB, 320x152, YUNO07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't recall Takuya being this much of a chad in the windows version.

>> No.4549363

Doesn't he have an autistic rage after Amanda suggests eating kun-kun's corpse?

>> No.4549367
File: 1.32 MB, 320x152, YUNO08.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have just blocked it out. That whole subplot was such forced melodrama.

>> No.4549371
File: 564 KB, 640x360, papa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remake version

>> No.4549376
File: 2.57 MB, 320x152, YUNO09.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, even in the epilogue they made him look like a wimp? He should be like all grown up and buff and shit

>> No.4549384

>tfw there's no cutscene of the scene where the wind blows up ayumi's shirt, but takuya gets something in his eye and misses the panty shot by a hair

>> No.4549385
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>> No.4549391
File: 2.38 MB, 320x224, YUNO11.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549393
File: 471 KB, 320x224, YUNO12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549438
File: 2.88 MB, 320x168, YUNO00_PART1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to split the intro video in 2 parts, it was over the 2 minute limit.

>> No.4549448
File: 2.70 MB, 320x168, YUNO00_PART2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.
I still can't believe how much this intro video just spoils the whole game. The PC-98 version is quite tame, and actually serves as a clue for one of the game's main puzzle, but this, it's just spoilers. What the hell were they thinking.

Although it does show quite vividly that it was Kanna who was behind Koudai in the clock reflection, in the original game its kept ambiguous.

>> No.4549672

The latter on Saturn, haven't played the new Playstation one
This is different from, say, the Saturn version (and subsequent first Windows port of that) of EVE burst error which cut (most?) of the sex entirely.

>> No.4549727

Ok. I asked because in >>4548968 it looks like they're completely rewriting that scene since it's supposed to be, you know, Takuya there, and not a tree.

>> No.4551249

For me the epilogue was actually the part that made me like this more than any other VM to be honest.

>> No.4552056

I still like the game but like I said the language barrier is the major reason that only Westerns are still talking about this game when there are plenty of other great sound novel/visual novels/adventure games out there. Now don't get me wrong, the writing in this game is actually pretty good for a hentai game and the time travel mechanic with multiple plot lines was pretty unique for that time. But there are still some really good games that came out before it, or around the same time that are better. A few games are Otogirisou (92) and it's succesor Kamaitachi no Yoru (94) Ballade for Maria (95) Mugen Hoyo (95) Gakkou De Atta Kowai Hanashi (95) Mikan no Rupo (96) Ugetsu Kaidan (96).

I'm judging the game from a writing perspective as a visual novel/sound novel/adventure game; not solely as an eroge.

>the other top #1 game there is White Album
Also overrated.

>> No.4552591

I think Spike Chunsoft said they'll translate Kamaitachi no Yoru at some point. (The original game, not the AKSYS rewrite)

>> No.4552671

>>the other top #1 game there is White Album 2
>Also overrated.

What isn't overrated for you?

>> No.4552693

Once you get all the pearls, then you can sit back and stop caring.

The true end is bad, but everything else is not.

>> No.4552697

But you need the true end to get the good ends.

>> No.4552737

True end is only bad because it was rushed. If elf let Kanno write all that he wanted it would have been far better

>> No.4552772

Why is it that VNs are almost mandated to have porn in them, but nobody ever complains about it and says that it's out of place or that the developers were pandering? Meanwhile regular games and anime are crucified for even the most minor things.

>> No.4552778

Is there any reason to play this rather than Virtue's Last Reward?

>> No.4552826

What kind of weird question is that, why not play both?

I prefer Yu-No but they're both good adventure games.

>> No.4552904

Except everybody will tell you that the sex scenes in the epilogue are all forced as fuck.

>> No.4552943

YU-NO isn't written by Uchikoshi "The Hack That Repeasts The Same Twist Every Time" Koutarou.

>> No.4553024

Speaking of him, he actually wrote an eve burst error sequel called eve new generation. Has anybody played it? If the EGS scores are anything to go by, it might be really good.

>> No.4553069

The game that needs to be translated is Machi because that game is a fucking masterpiece (though they are translating its successor) It’s unfortunate though because you’d miss a lot of the nuance going from Japanese to English but I don’t think that I’ve played a VN that is better than that game besides the Hayarigami trilogy.

Stuff that is not about high school masturbation daydreaming

>> No.4553075

>Stuff that is not about high school masturbation daydreaming
Does the presence of sex make a work inherently worse for you?

>> No.4553117

It doesn't seem to be easily hookable, and there are, like, 250 script files in the resource .dll file. Haven't gotten to extracting all of them yet.

>> No.4553119

Are you trying to hack/tl the game?

>> No.4553129

Nah, just trying to have its texts in parseable form.

>> No.4553178

Oh, good luck with that anon.
I myself have script rips of YU-NO (elf classics version), EVE burst error (Win 95 and the 2003 remake's PC port of the PC-98 version), and EVE Zero (PS1)

>> No.4553331

There is Xenon rip with translation of the very beginning on some github page. Google it, if you need it. Might take some time, but it should still be there.

>> No.4553751

Your perception is warped by the current English usage of "VN" as a synonym for "eroge." It's like standing in the women's smut novel corner of the grocery store and asking "why are novels mandated to have smut in them?"

>> No.4553786

Does anyone really use the term "VN' like that anymore? Steins;Gate and Danganronpa are both very popular with English speakers, people call them VNs, and they don't have any sex scenes.

>> No.4554037

/jp/ has a thread called "エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General"

>> No.4554041

People use VN to mean a lot of different things, but it seems eroge is one of them, e.g. what people mean when they say "the Japanese VN industry"

>> No.4554045

Really fills me with confidence there.
I don't deny that the connection between VNs and porn is still strong, but from my examples it's clear that people acknowledge that VNs can be something besides eroges.

>> No.4554428

Why not just learn Japanese?

>> No.4554905

I am not using VN as a synonym for eroge, and the issue is that porn will be inserted into a VN even if doesn't belong there, and then if the VN gets popular enough they'll release an all-ages version that removes it.

>> No.4555616

Porn game makers make porn games.

>> No.4557175

I still remember dropping my head and my headphone falling onto the floor when he finally decided to fuck her.

Looking back, I was against that shit but honestly in his shoes what would you do. You've got this girl who loves you to bits, and it's all she wants and neither of you know what'll happen tomorrow. The only thing holding you back is your own morals.

It was a tough choice, and I still don't know if he did the right thing.

>> No.4557184

Fine, keep denying reality.

>> No.4557191

DESU it's pretty clear the incest scene was fanservice (she has grown giant tits, for fuck's sake), but in context it's treated with just enough tact that it can be rationalised as the author trying to morally challenge the audience. OTOH I also hate it when people reduce that scene to "OMG gross he fucked her", ignoring the complexities.

>> No.4557198

Yeah, I had that in my mind as well.

The only reason I was against it was because of my own morals, as well as the MC's. We taught that this shit is wrong, but in a world where she doesn't understand that it's wrong, and she loves you just like a man would a woman and the whole "love is love" thing getting in the way, it's hard to say.

Plus, you pretty much raised her from a baby to an adult. You saw her as a kid and it skewed your perception of her as a woman really. You weren't thinking about what she felt, but rather how wrong it would be.

>> No.4557210


>> No.4557296

It's not like I was shocked or anything, things like this are to be expected in these types of games, but I still fucking shrugged at the whole affair Everything about it is forced. I can understand the Electra complex in a way that it can make sense to the story and the characters motivations, but they don't really need to play it out in such a literal way, unless of course it's a eroge which in that case they'll immediately want to jump into it.
In the end they treated her as a final boss in an eroge, to fuck where no man has ever dared to fuck before, and the whole circumstances are twisted around so it can seem kinda okay and understandable in a limited capacity.

>> No.4557318

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO.

>> No.4557696

It's not like we know what exactly he did, since the scene ends abruptly before any penetration happens. Maybe the author himself was unsure about the scene.

>> No.4557805

Anon, did you play the Saturn version?

>> No.4557808

English translated elf classics version. IIRC, she just sucks on her nipples and that's it.

>> No.4557809


>> No.4557820 [SPOILER] 
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I don't know Anon, sure it cuts shortly after this but I don't think it's that ambiguous

>> No.4557845

In all versions, it's the only sex scene that cuts away before it starts graphically describing how the girl's vagina felt. Not that it matters too much. It was clear where things were going.

>> No.4557862 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 640x400, 1517433366749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all versions
There was a video showcasing all of the remake's CGs and Yu-no's sex scene was not in there. Funnily enough, the PS4/Vita port of the PC98 version has it but censored, obviously.

>> No.4557870

Oh right, I forgot about that. By "all versions" I just meant, that was the maximally uncensored version that existed.

>> No.4558007
File: 416 KB, 2048x1536, DPc5K4hUQAQ6aRr.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even SS Love 2 sounds better than Remake Love 2
How did Keishi Yonao do it?
SS: https://comfy.moe/lhgjoj.ogg
Remake: https://comfy.moe/ztxjql.ogg

>> No.4558387

Love 1 and 2 are my favorite songs in the whole soundtrack. Such a beautiful and atmospheric melody.

>> No.4558428

Is the whole remake OST up on youtube or something

>> No.4558452

I don't want every game I play to have to always be about sex. As said in some of the others posts here, most people confuse visual novels with eroge specifically (beacause a large majority of the PC adventure/visual novel games are eroge) instead of realizing there are a lot out there that aren't pronographic at all and actually have really good stories.

>> No.4558468

>I don't want every game I play to have to always be about sex
Then you're in luck, because the vast majority of video games have little to no sexual content. Even among visual novels, you have sex-free options like Steins Gate, Danganronpa, and Zero Escape. So what's the problem? Is it just that some people think that visual novel = eroge? Why does it matter what they think?

>> No.4558492 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1517453086240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, finally made it to the epilogue. It feels kinda weird knowing what lies in store for her...

>> No.4558537
File: 2.81 MB, 514x360, 1458953406037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YU-NO is definitely overrated, but I would argue that it's still an important game to play through at least once. The way it conceptualizes jumping through timelines and the overall first half of the game is really brilliantly done.

But the developers toss out everything that made it good for the sake of a frankly shitty twist. It was made worse for me because I went into the second half shortly after I found Yuuki's corpse after he fell down the pit. After all that time spent invested with the cast it was frustrating.

It's half of an 8/10 game and half of a 3/10 game. I would've preferred a no-ending compared to that shitty epilogue.

>> No.4558640

What is this YU-NO thread doing outside of /jp/?

>> No.4558720

It's a video game and it's retro.

>> No.4558748

>tons of games out there
>lists 3 non-retro pleb tier localized vns

What's next you gonna recommend 999? Just because I don't want every game to be about what amounts to 30 year old virgins interpretation of sex, doesn't mean that I don't play or enjoy game that's have pornographic content. Actually learn about the genre before you open your mouth next time retard.

>> No.4559296

Anon you have anger issues, there's nothing in that post that should trigger such nerd rage.

>> No.4559298

Yu-No threads are a recurring thing in /vr/ for years now.

>> No.4559302

Is this site down or is it just on my end?

>> No.4559450

>lack of knowledge on said topic is called out
>oh you’re just nerd rage angry triggered no reason

Neck yourself you nigger loving faggot.

>> No.4559481
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>> No.4559490

I think you're confused. These are two different people:
First one is me, second one isn't. Also you seem to have misunderstood my post. I didn't say most VNs don't have sex, I said most GAMES don't have sex, all genres. You said "I don't want every game I play to always be about sex", so I correctly pointed out that most games, when you look at all genres, aren't about sex.

>> No.4559491

Quoted the wrong post, meant to quote >>4558468

>> No.4559812
File: 55 KB, 640x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in this thread right now

>> No.4561769 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4563590

>tfw unironically like this

>> No.4563608

I quite liked the Sega Saturn music , I mean I still want to hear the remakes music as well.

I do also wonder if the anime will try to replicate some of the OST.

>> No.4563615


>> No.4563619

I believe I've downloaded this already, it has the PC-98 music translated into English.

What does this actually contain, that's different?

>> No.4563625

It's the 5 disc album that came with the remake. It contains the og soundtrack, the remake's soundtrack, the super soundtrack, and the music and voice collection for the saturn version.

>> No.4563631
File: 30 KB, 660x266, yuno soundtrack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've already got it.

I didn't know it came with the remake's music though, I thought it was some sort of weird rendition of it, much like how there's a SUPER soundtrack.

>> No.4563635

Disc 3 and 4 are the remake's soundtrack

>> No.4564551
File: 729 KB, 763x475, mitsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like it too. It goes well with how seductive Mitsuki sounds when she calls you a baka.

>> No.4565220

I meant the Saturn version in particular. (I love the original but I enjoy the Saturn version as a guilty pleasure.) Funny thing, Keishi Yonao's(that's the guy who's done most of the official rearranges for yu-no's soundtrack over the years) later rearranges tried to be more faithful (at least as far as the SSG pad in the original goes) but I feel they all ended up sounding worse for it, except for maybe the remake version.

>> No.4565228

Yeah I also don't really hate how the Saturn version sounds. There are some pretty bad ones in there but overall it's alright. Which is not to say that it isn't a step down from the PC-98, it clearly is. Even Ryu Umemoto commented on how he didn't like it.

>> No.4565232

>Even Ryu Umemoto commented on how he didn't like it.
Did he ever say that? Are you talking about the HG-101 article? Because if I recall correctly, he only said the soundtrack was ported directly from the 98 version due to, what he assumes to be, budget reasons, and that he would have tried to make the tracks make better use of the saturn hardware, had he been put in charge.

>> No.4565241
File: 465 KB, 764x476, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I finally finished the game. I actually ended up enjoying the epilogue a lot more than I thought I would. The first part of the epilogue with Sayless and Yu-no in the forest might have been my favorite part of the whole game, and it was also where Takuya seemed to be at his most human. The conclusion was somewhat disappointing and rush compared to what came before, but I certainly didn't hate it either.

The game has its fair share of flaws, but it's so interesting and unique in many ways that I'd encourage anyone to check it out.

Can we really forgive Ayumi for continuing to run those brutal labor camps? Also, who the hell was the devil woman from Ryuuzouji's diary?

>> No.4565248

>devil woman
When Takuya was ambushing the God Emperor, I was expecting her to be the aforementioned "devil woman", even more so when he heard his female voice. Then I expected her being Ayumi being some kind of disguise to fool Takuya. I was so disappointed when she turned out to be plain old Ayumi after all.

>> No.4565250 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 1212x1754, 1517751639053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we really forgive Ayumi for continuing to run those brutal labor camps?
That's probably a left over from when Mitsuki was going to be the god empress.(With Ryuuzouji controlling her behind the scenes, probably)

>> No.4565257

Yeah that's the article
>“Naturally to see your dream and hard work accomplished in such a way is very touching, but the music in the home console ports and PC version were not handled by me, and changes to the music and sound driver had a negative effect on my sound. I’m happy that it still seemed to be effective enough so individuals such as you felt a connection and would continue to support my music, but I wish I could have had more involvement with the ports to ensure that the music was properly implemented”

It seems pretty unambiguous at least to me that he did not like them, he's just putting it in a nice way.

>> No.4565267

I see. I wonder if he listened to the music of ports like the Sega Saturn version of Desire. That port in particular has a fairly different soundtrack, that is composed for the Saturn version, rather than just being a direct port of the pc-98 music.
For example, here's its version of Awake or Hard Scene 1:
There's some tracks the rearranger got lazy with, though. Like this version of Reflector/Responser/Dimensional Desire:

>> No.4565280

Well let's be real for a moment here, Emperors don't really have ultimate power, that's kind of an illusion. All they can do is delegate decisions to their subordinates. Sure she could have just decreed to abolish the slave camps, but if she keeps on making brash decisions that upsets the nobles below her, she's just gonna mysteriously lose her head one day.
All Kings and Emperors can do is try to steer in one particular direction, but with enough attrition they just get overthrown.
This is hardly a Yu-No discussion though, it's more a conversation about power politics, but if I'm afforded to be the Devil's Advocate in this situation, she probably didn't create the labor camps, she just inherited the Kingdom one day, and she's trying to manage it in whatever way she can. Can't really fault her for everything fucked up that's going on, she doesn't have the power to squash every wrong doing.

>> No.4565291

Nice. I never bothered listening to the Saturn version of Desire's music, but I'm gonna be honest here, a lot of the tracks are probably better than Umemoto's originals from the little I'm listening to now (I'm sorry Umemoto-chan, I still love you!). And I can't really be too sure but it seems that it's actually using the FM channels instead of relying mostly on samples like most Saturn games do.

You are correct about Reflector though, that's the killer track on the PC-98 version and they kind of botched it in the Saturn.

>> No.4565301

You can listen to the rest of the OST here: https://www.zophar.net/music/sega-saturn-ssf/desire
Also, Desire uses samples as far as I'm aware. In fact, here's a couple of the tracks converted to midi and an sf2 conversion of the soundbank that I had lying around: https://comfy.moe/hykuns.7z (The sf2 conversion is crap, but there's only like one tool for converting sega saturn sound banks to sf2 so you just have to make do with that.)

>> No.4565305

Yeah thanks, but I'm already emulating the tracks (in .SSF format), no problem.

>> No.4565469
File: 364 KB, 1212x1754, ayumi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's basically what I was thinking as well. Wish they had more time to flesh out that part of the story more, but, oh well.

What book is that pic from? Do you know if it's the same book as this one?

>> No.4565496
File: 469 KB, 1212x1754, _007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google this:
(一般画集) [elf] この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO 完全ガイド

Sorry I can't link directly since I got in trouble before for just posting e-hentai links

>> No.4566647

Those wonderful watercolors(?) REALLY didn't translate well into the game.

>> No.4566667

Also, how fucking hard could it be for the authors of the remake just to take the original artwork, and to make a different set of digital assets based upon it? Why the hell was it redrawn from the scratch?

>> No.4566921
File: 189 KB, 1135x558, Doukoku Soshite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have liked to see it get the el-dia treatment (EVE, Desire, Doukoku remasters).

>> No.4567306

I think eldia needs a background artist, since whenever they do do BG art (usually they just recycle the og game's backgrounds), it doesn't look too hot.

>> No.4567382

I think both the printed 2D art and the pixel art has its strong points. I wouldn't say one is strictly superior to the other. I agree with >>4566667 that the remake should have just used the art style from the guidebook if they really wanted to change things up, that would have been awesome.

>> No.4568635
File: 87 KB, 640x448, 1037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how that has a character that might as well be Mitsuki