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File: 53 KB, 400x400, patcontri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4537362 No.4537362 [Reply] [Original]

Buying, selling or producing bootleg reproduction cartridges or labels is wrong, it's illegal, and it is literally killing the hobby.

What say you /vr/?

>> No.4537368

It's literally doing the exact opposite by allowing those in the 3rd world to play video games at all. I'm not talking about artisanal etsy bullshit, but actual chinese bootlegs produced in the 10s of thousands. By introducing entire new generations to gaming via bootlegs and clones of classic hardware and software, it keeps 'retro gaming' alive and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Kids born to-day will have NES games as their first introduction to gaming, it's a good thing.

>> No.4537371

For the most part, I think it's ridiculous to buy reproduction carts when any toaster these days can play an SNES emulator. On the other hand though, getting a physical cart of a game that was only released in Japan with an English patch like Tales of Phantasia or just not released in the USA like Terranigma is kinda cool. Not worth the cost though when you've already played and enjoyed the game though.

>> No.4537376 [DELETED] 

It's wrong to be a Jew.

>> No.4537378


>> No.4537379

Good. This hobby needs to die.

>> No.4537380

Found one.

>> No.4537381

That guy has 0 screen presence. E-celebs, not even once.

>> No.4537390

According to >>4536336 he has zero personal presence too.

>> No.4537427

I don't care. I've never bought repros, and I don't care if people want to. I don't care if it's "killing the hobby." None of that matters.

Play games. Emulate them, run them on the actual hardware, pull out your wife's son's memebox that saves so much space and play them on that. It doesn't matter. Just play the damn games.

>> No.4537434

Damn straight

>> No.4537446

daily reminder that you shouldnt put new custom made labels on your private property because ypu are damaging Pat's investment, his private property loses its value everytime you do it.

>> No.4537461

I agree that putting on new labels is not morally wrong. So I disagree with Pat on that.

But he didn't get into retro gaming as an investment, nor does he expect to make money off of selling his collection. Some guys collect as a hobby and because they enjoy it. Not for any sort of financial security or anything like that

>> No.4537468

Pat is a cuck and has a faggot for a best friend(Ian).

With that said, I have no issues with Reproduction Carts or Labels because...

1) Earthbound is too expensive, give me a cheaper reprocart any day.
2) Reproduction Labels are good for cartridges that has damaged labels, otherwise no one's going to buy a cartridge with a damaged label, if they're unable to repair it with a replacement label. You don't see anyone complaining about end labels on N64 cartridges, do ya?

>> No.4537469

>nor does he expect to make money off of selling his collection
But he expects to make money off selling his duplicates. It's pretty well documented that he's a shithead in that regard.

>> No.4537493

>being a collector
>not just buying a flash cart or emulating

>> No.4537543

Pat is a raging faggot. I had most of the games I wanted for Genesis and SNES but I used some $10 repros to pad out the titles I was missing to save myself like $800. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.4537552

>$10 repros
See, when they cost that low and don't fry your console I'm completely fine with repros. When a repro comes to cost at least 60$ just because it's a meme title I'm like nah. Of course I'm not aware of what are the actual production costs, but I'm willing to bet the cheapest way to do repro carts would be reflashing over-abundant sports titles, which I'm not really fine with, but what can I do.

>> No.4537558

As long as people aren't selling them on ebay or other places as the real thing, I don't give a shit.

>> No.4537561

If it involves murdering real titles, it's 100% not worth it, even if the original titles are trash. Brand new boards and EPROMs are available in abundance now. If one wants to make a high quality repro it is generally doable without cannibalization for most titles. If the title can't be repro'd without murdering another game, just emulate that one game.

>> No.4537568

>Buying, selling or producing bootleg reproduction cartridges or labels is wrong, it's illegal, and it is literally killing the hobby.

Probably illegal, but it's up to the IP holders if they want to combat it or not. It's not killing the hobby of playing retro games. It might be hurting the hobby of collecting and is definitely hurting the hobby of being reseller scum.

I think ebay "buy it now" prices and smartphones have hurt it more than bootlegs/repros ever have. Now all it takes is one idiot to use buy it now and everyone suddenly thinks their $10 game is worth $25.

>> No.4537573

Not everyone wants to emulate or buy a flash cart. Some people prefer to collect games like baseball cards or comic books.

>> No.4537602

Ian is creepy. He seems like he might be some kinda pervert

>> No.4537876

I think he might actually be a registered sex offender.

>> No.4537908

lol maybe.

>> No.4537920

Dis niggas face is so fucking punchable.

>> No.4537939

Shit-eatin grin

>> No.4537941

Why would I want to risk damaging my consoles by using carts made in a shitty chinese factury using cheap parts? If you're gonna go that route at least get a fucking everdrive.

>> No.4537946

Nah, that guy is a bonafide beta cuck. He literally married an ugly mexican, she obviously wants a green card.

>> No.4537980

Scat the HIV Spunk

>> No.4537981
File: 40 KB, 650x366, Beta Cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. By the way, do you post in /asp/ by any chance?

>> No.4538025

I mean, if you're not passing them off as legit for epeen or trying to sell them as the original game, I don't really care.

>> No.4538027

Not really, mate.

>> No.4538043

Isn't it literally keeping the hobby alive as older carts and parts break?

>> No.4538050

I don't give a fuck about repros as long as people don't try and pass it off as the real thing.

>> No.4538056

Why wouldn't you use an everdrive or flashcart then?

>> No.4538065
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>> No.4538145
File: 301 KB, 614x819, UltimateSNESGuideBookPatreonPreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may have 0 screen presence but he's a better writer than you'll ever be.

>> No.4538163

OK, this is maximum turbo-cringe.

>> No.4538167

If you have to wonder whether retro gaming is about newer generations being introduced to great games or your profit margins, you're not doing the community any good

>> No.4538207

That doesn't make him less of a shitter.

>> No.4538240

This shit has to be fake. Has he even made a SNES book yet? Not that I think these cunts have any writing ability, I've heard their NES guide is pretty bad as far the writing is concerned but this is unbelievably awful.

>> No.4538283

i dont mind cheap repro carts. i know i could emulate but i like playing on my old sega.

>> No.4538289

This is what I've learned about 7th saga from this
>made by square enix
>you can pick a character at the beginning
>you can get stuck in a cave

brilliant writing

>> No.4538316

Him and Ian have been working on it for a year. That was a patreon exclusive preview.

>> No.4538323


Repros are fantastic as long as they're marked as such. Otherwise, there's a limited supply of carts for people who just want to play the games.

>> No.4538331
File: 454 KB, 614x819, OnPaste.20180121-191626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's par for the course. At least it looks better formatted?

>> No.4538337

whos the guy in the op? I dont follow youtubers

>> No.4538343

pat can suck my farts

>> No.4538365

Remember when people cared more about actually playing games than they did about mindlessly tracking down the most expensive shit they could find and buying it for the sake of completely mindless consumerism?
Why is the hobby "buying shit" and not "playing shit?" Fuck off, dumbass.

>> No.4538382

I listened to his explanation for this, and it sounds reasonable for a collector to dislike repro labels

>> No.4538415

What's the point of a repro if it's:

>not trying to pass off as the real thing to fool people
>not a fan translated game
>not some kind of beta/unreleased game

>> No.4538434

The only thing I can think of is that it's cheaper and it doesn't work on a flash cart but you want to play on the original system.

>> No.4538530

God damn pat. Hire a fucking graphic designer to composite your book together.

Who the fuck would buy blocks of text on a white background with some shitty, TINY screenshots?

>> No.4538540

People who buy repros of games that are already on their flashcart should literally be jailed for stupidity and waste. There is no way to defend it.

>> No.4538587

I don't care about repros as long as it states somewhere on the label that it's reproduction. What Pat has a problem with is people making repros to fool people who wants an authentic cart

>> No.4538660

You gotta be shitting me. Is that the kind of writing in the NES book too? Holy fucking shit, it's early 2000s GameFAQs tier.

>> No.4538672

To be fair, this reads exactly like a videogame magazine article from the 80s-90s. Not sure if that's what they were going for or if they unintentionally suck at writing but I kind of dog it for nostalgia's sake

>> No.4538681

Eh... I sort of see it, yeah, but at the same time, this isn't writers at a 90s game magazine just shitting out a blurb about a game because they literallt have no info and are just going off a screenshot they stole from Famitsu or something, which is the vibe I get from the 7th Saga thing if you're looking at it from a throwback to old mags angle.

However, this >>453833 screenshot from the NES book they already released is considerably better written (though still not good), which is leading me to believe that the screenshot of the SNES book is temporary placeholder text they threw on there to show to their pateons in the preview screenshot.

>> No.4538682

Er.. Meant to quote the NES book screenshot at

>> No.4538724


The only issue I have with it is the dishonesty involved. If someone is openly selling you a reproduction cart of Seiken Desnetsu 3 and it's a price you're willing to pay then you're free to do whatever you want. If someone tries to sell a bootleg Chrono trigger as the real deal then it's bullshit.

>> No.4538823

Literally killing the hobby of buying expensive games and putting them on wooden shelves, never to be played until your wife steps in

>> No.4538847

How can a hobby that centers around games on consoles that don't get new games die? The hobby's already pretty goddamn dead.

>> No.4538878

It won't die as long as you can still find the hidden gems.

>> No.4538906


There are only so many copies of so many games. The hobby shouldn't be locked out to only the handful of hoarders and scalpers. Be it emulation or reproduction the point is to enjoy games not stockpile them.

>> No.4539045

Stop taking fucking video games seriously.

>> No.4539085


I mean that's really the whole thing right there. I love me some retro games, hell I love me some modern games too. But they're a hobby. They're not my personality, they're not my identity. They're how I relax after work or have fun with friends. Putting anything more onto them turns them into an obsession. And that's messed up.

>> No.4539604


It was made by a developer called "Produce!" and published by Enix. There was no such thing as Square-Enix yet.

>I downloaded a romhack
>I put in as little effort as possible and looked everything up on GameFAQs
>Here's some pointless directions

Definitely buying this man's book!

>> No.4539692

hilarious garbage

>> No.4539727


>> No.4539743 [DELETED] 

is Pat the NES Punk a Jew?

>> No.4539753

>goes around flea markets
it's possible

>> No.4539759

>goes around flea markets
it's possible

>> No.4539760

>goes around flea markets
it's possible

>> No.4539823

I collect games I really want but rather than getting a reprod i'd stick to my everdrive

>> No.4539831

I bought a busted copy of MUSHA for the Genesis for 200 bucks a few years ago, but the seller didn't want to refund me and ebay just wanted to give me a partial refund. I wanted to get someone to make a repro of it so that I could at least play it, but lo and behold they've made repros of the game going for as little as 9 bucks. I am literally going /biz/ right here.

>> No.4539839

Repro carts are fine, collectorfags are just salty that they invested so much both financially and emotionally in pieces of plastic with no inherent value that can be easily replicated.

>> No.4539845

>But he didn't get into retro gaming as an investment, nor does he expect to make money off of selling his collection.
Except this is demonstrably false, the whole reason the Coleco Chameleon was killed was so Pat could retire from selling his collection.

>> No.4539853

> Repro carts are fine, collectorfags are just salty that they invested so much both financially and emotionally in pieces of plastic with no inherent value that can be easily replicated.

Case closed.

>> No.4540121
File: 105 KB, 875x675, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except this is demonstrably false, the whole reason the Coleco Chameleon was killed was so Pat could retire from selling his collection.
>citation needed

>> No.4540139

over pricing games for no reason other than muh retro is what is killing retro

>> No.4540157

truth and

>> No.4540205

>ITT: poorfags

>> No.4540219

don't even get that guy started

>> No.4540240

Holy shit

>> No.4540270

Where can I get a cheap repro of Starfox 2?

>> No.4540427

It should be fine as long as you don't try to pass them off as original products

>> No.4540592

Just buy the original cart :^)

>> No.4540613
File: 144 KB, 1728x631, right up there with other video game historians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh, patreon exclusive

>> No.4540709

>it is literally killing the hobby.
didn't buy repros before but hot damn you made me want to now

>> No.4540730

He's Italian. His real name is Pat Buonincontri, or at least that is how he is credited when he appeared a couple of times as a 'Video Game Historian' on that Spike TV show 1000 Ways to Die years ago.

>> No.4540878

It's different enough that it's not plagiarism.

>> No.4540962

>You don't see anyone complaining about end labels on N64 cartridges, do ya?

I think the argument is more people not mentioning the labels are repro-lables

>> No.4540965

I just never really got the point of repros in this day in age. I'm not against the idea, but why not just emulate the games if you don't wanna spend the money? Just curious.

>> No.4540975

Now this is something to consider!

>> No.4540978

See >>4537368

On the larger scale, bootlegs are simply not for us. Etsy 'repros' are a cancer though, they're just praying on stupid bandwagoners, in which case I'm surprised /vr/ isn't all for them. Never pay more than $10 for a bootleg.

>> No.4541106


There's a guy who goes to local cons that sells bootlegs and repros of stupidly rare and expensive games for 10 bucks a pop. I ended up buying boots of Twinkle Tale and Devil Crush MD from him. Ten bucks is certainly the right amount to pay for something that's "neat to have."

>> No.4541148

If you're trying to convince people to not buy repros, this is going to have the opposite effect.

I hope it hurts Pat's bottom line.

>> No.4541221

>"neat to have."
Amen to that. That guy sounds pretty cool, he probably bulk buys them from china and sells at a modest markup; totally reasonable.

>> No.4541369

>he probably buys them from from china one at a time for a few bucks and sells them for 2-3 times what he pays

>> No.4541420

If you're buying one at a time from China you're paying AliExpress prices which are ~$5-10 a piece; selling at $10 wouldn't be worth the effort.

>> No.4541635

Why am I not surprised someone who can't do simple math can't check prices on the internet

>> No.4541735

>Pat the NES Cuck
>Appearing on a TV show as a Video Game Historian

Wew lad

>> No.4541805

All the proof you need is recorded in the fan reaction to the project. Overwhelming support and interest changes overnight to bitter hate and vitriol as soon as the ecelebs tell their legions of adoring fans that the whole thing is a scam. Don't make your own judgements, just do what the collector overlords who are drowning in games being donated to them and then sold for profit say to do, they obviously know best.

>> No.4541821

Oh cool. I like theyre doing a difficulty rating. Looking forward to this one.

Looking forward to you guys pirating it out to here at least. I enjoyed the last one.

>> No.4541885

But it WAS a scam. Are you Mike Kennedy?

>> No.4541927


What it was, they had support by their fans, because it seemed like a good idea. But skeptics knew to hold off from getting excited.

Then once the evidence got out of it being a scam, in just about every sense of the word, BEFORE Pat reported it, the adoring fans fell silent, and the skeptics got vocal. And it turns out there was enough of them to cause what is perceived as 'mindless sheep listening to their eceleb' as you describe it, when it was actually just one group going silent, and the other getting validation.

Seriosusly, the eceleb hate on this board is so unwarranted and unnecessary it's not even funny.

>inb4 "durr hello pat"

>> No.4541936

>mounting proofs and evidence that Mike was pulling a fast one on everyone and had nothing he promised
>people calling bullshit on his 'prototype'
>silence when he had chances to explain how it was a misunderstanding if it really was
>people coming forward taking about how he had nothing even in the pipeline
The coleco chameleon failed because Pat talked bad about it in his little podcast, you guys. Totally what happened.

>> No.4542076

/v/ is in the other direction

>> No.4542367

>Ecelebs aren't cancer

Fuck me, you're stupid.

>> No.4542372

Somewhere on my pc i got the pdf of this, never really was interested at looking at it... but if there are more crappy mini stories like this I might even give it a glance

>> No.4542492

Wow Pat. Getting defensive there? Ecelebs are cancer, whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.4542526

I got the ultimate nes guide pdf on my phone.
Got it from the last thread here.
Skimmed through it, nothing special.
You can just go on gamefaqs, same thing.
Maybe even better, because you get different people's opinions online.

>> No.4542528

>t. Reseller scum

>> No.4542594

repros are fine though
when I buy games or collect them it's because I really like them personally and want to own them physically in my collection -- hence my ownership of KOTOR1, GGXX, C&C First Decade (despite owning most of the games in it already) and many more.

Repros should not be a problem unless they have actual defects that render them unplayable. Only dipshit collectorfags who think collecting something to have it sit on a shelf forever have an issue with this.

>> No.4542606
File: 70 KB, 365x345, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4542679

How does it feel to be a mindless sheep who has no opinion outside of what is socially accepted on /vr/?

>> No.4542697

Again, not pat. I don't know why I should state that just because someone doesn't have a pure seething hatred for pat and ian, does not mean they are either pat or ian. But stay in your little groupthink bubble if that makes you feel better.

I don't think ecelebs are cancer, but I also don't think they are important or really that relevant or needed. I think they are harmless. They don't have near as much of an impact as people give them credit, which is pretty small minded to think they do. These ecelebs that you like to hate so much are a response to the rising popularity of retro gaming nostalgia, not the other way around.

>> No.4542723

>He couldn't have decided that ecelebs were cancer, propagators of nonsense and low quality entertainment on his own.

How does it feel to be a mindless sheep who has no opinion outside being a contrary idiot?

>> No.4542740

Sure, I bet GameFAQs are just as good as Pat and Ian.
Go back to red dit.
There is a reason Pat and Ian are two of the most respected reviewers on the planet.

>> No.4542751

>There is a reason Pat and Ian are two of the most respected reviewers on the planet.
Nice bait. Shit man, I don't share the same hatred for pat and ian that is prevalent on here, but even I don't think theyre important.

In fact, I am becoming convinced that neither pat nor ian ever really came here. Just one anon with this attitude posed as them on a thread once, which is really easy to do on an anonymous board, and acted like a couple whiny babies to give rise to his belief of how he perceives them.

>> No.4542754

Don't worry Pat, I believe you

>> No.4542761

I don't know. You tell me.

>> No.4542826

1. I don't think he ever said that
2. Bootleg is fine for your own use/collection
3. Don't be a fucking jew and try to make money off of it by selling fakes as reals

>> No.4542840

Just type in 'CUPodcast Repros' on Youtube to find tons of clips of him and Ian whining about repros and how people who make and sell them are scum.

Pat even dissed a guy who made a video specifically showing people how to replace labels on carts that were damaged for their own collections. He even gave the guys channel name and everything and the 12 yr olds who take what he says a gospel went and harrassed the guy.

The only repros they have ever said they thought were ok were for games not released in your region, and even then Ian acted like a pussy about it.p

>> No.4542845

Yeah it's haters taking it way out of proportion. I've been following him for a while now, and he never stated bootlegs are bad, period. He's only ever stated that selling them as real carts and in most cases selling them for as much as how the real carts go is bad. Which is hard to disagree with. He did go on that rant about relabeling carts, which i didn't agree with, but that's ok.

>> No.4542904

I feel like both Pat and Ian have mentioned 4chan on their podcast before.

>> No.4542921

Well duh, 4chan was everywhere in the media for the past years, it's not some secret club anymore

>> No.4543256

Sure Pat, sure.

>> No.4543314

Ecelebs knew that the chameleon would devalue their collections and they'd have to get real jobs instead of bragging on YouTube. Then all the games that people send them for free would be worth nothing and their livelihood would be gone. Pat was the most vocal about claiming the chameleon was a scam (but of course he was, none of his other videos never got nearly as many views as his Retro VGS/chameleon stuff) but he wasn't the only one. If you really want proof that the whole thing was a calculated plan by the collector elite, look at gamester81. He actually develops games for retro consoles instead of just hoarding cartridges, and he saw the value in the project. When the ecelebs and all their drones started denouncing the chameleon and calling it a scam, gamester81 didn't join the lynch mob. When he didn't speak out about, Pat went after him directly. Gamester81 didn't want his future projects to be endangered so despite his support for the chameleon throughout its life he came out and "apologized" for supporting it. The eceleb hate for the chameleon was so strong that when gamester81 didn't join in on it and instead waited for all the facts, the other ecelebs came after him. And of course, all their little YouTube drones followed suit and did what their masters said. Once gamester81 made his apology video, Pat got on his podcast with his little drunk husband and talked about how he and gamester81 were all good now and had no hard feelings. He just had to align with Pat's opinion. Is it really that surprising that the ecelebs who do nothing more than collect games (and show them off while they stand in front of them and rant on youtube about god knows what) thought the chameleon was a scam and told others to boycott it while gamester81 (who actually MAKES GAMES) saw the value in it and didn't just go along with the hivemind? The chameleon would have significantly devalued their collections and they knew it. They had to protect their investment.

>> No.4543323

Literally only 'wrong' in the eyes and thoughts of a reseller. Oh that's right it's fucking Pat.

>> No.4543348 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 800x1200, believe-the-chamemelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice juicy assumptions you got there.

>> No.4543390

>Yeah it's haters taking it way out of proportion

What proportion? This isn't a black and white issue. the only reason to get games is to play them. If you're collecting just to have then you're a cunt. There is no DEATH OF A HOBBY that's already dead.

>> No.4543465 [DELETED] 

Nice counter argument you got there.

>> No.4543471

wrong for who? collectors who hoard games simply because they think it's an investment? resellers who jack up prices and fuck up the market? devs who neglected their old games and IPs completely until they finally realized there's a multimillion dollar underground economy for retro games in emulation, reproduction and reselling?

i literally can't think of anyone else "hurt" by repro carts, so i couldn't care less

>> No.4543498
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>> No.4543508
File: 26 KB, 165x115, 31e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't a black and white issue
>If you're collecting just to have then you're a cunt

>> No.4543591

>Ecelebs knew that the chameleon would devalue their collections
Stopped reading there. I can only assume the rest of your wall of text is just completely contrived and far reaching 'explanations' to what you perceive. Completely ridiculous assumptions without basis and purely based on bias.

>> No.4543592

Call it bait all you want. It isn't my job to convince you. If eceleb lies are easier for you to believe then by all means, keep your head in the sand. The chameleon would have made playing retro games on original hardware easy and affordable for everyone instead of the select few, and if you seriously think those select few don't want to be the gatekeepers to that experience then you're just being willfully ignorant.

>> No.4543598

>It isn't my job to convince you.
And yet you try oh so hard, and fail. Your entire basis for argument are completely based on wild assumptions of 'the future' and what could have been, and nothing else.

>> No.4543607

>Your entire basis for argument are completely based on wild assumptions
You're thinking of all the critics of the chameleon who never actually saw the thing or talked to anyone involved and instead just parroted the opinions of their YouTube masters. The chameleon was murdered before it even had a chance to prove itself, but the design and technology was there to back up the proof of concept.

>> No.4544136

I asked Pat to sign a repro of Little Samson at a con last year and he refused and said that I was part of the problem.

He's a cunt to people when he is selling shit at these cons too and his prices are high as hell

>> No.4544158

I like collecting original games and hardware (not as an "investment," but because I generally enjoy the hunt, the history [the items actually had a physical existence from an era], and dicking around with hardware), but why would fanatic collectors dislike reproductions?

In the history of collecting anything ever, reproductions have never, ever hurt the value of the "originals." Original car parts have always demanded a premium, despite there being countless repros. Original LP pressings increase in value by the year, despite there existing countless later pressings, re-releases, and CDs of the material. Antique toys, guns, furniture, books, same thing. You can print a million Babe Ruth rookie cards, and it won't affect the original's price one iota.

Whining about repros makes the vintage gaming community look like a bunch of petulant children. However, to be fair, isn't Pat's complaint centered on when resellers try to pass off repops as legit/or are obtuse in their ebay descriptions? I agree, that's worth calling out, but being against repros full stop is silly. The original games from that era have a shelf life, and eventually, repros are all that will exist of the game in its physical form. Repros serve to keep that "physical" history alive, so to speak.

>> No.4544161

You're not fooling anyone but yourself

>> No.4544178

mfw googling his name gives me all his info

>> No.4544224

I've dealt with buying stuff from him at a con. He always talks about haggling and getting deals on his podcast but he was pretty rude whenever people made him any offer under what his stuff was marked and it was ebay prices at least.

>> No.4544250
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That's the fucking most retarded thing I've ever heard of on this forum. If you restore something you make it good as new. That's like saying hey lets leave this building created by famous architects in a dilapidated state. Ridiculous. There are people whose job it is to restore old books. It is an art form. The fact that it's easier to do for cartridges doesn't make it immortal or illegal.

>> No.4544252

What a cunt.

>> No.4544253

Well, restoring is not really the same as counterfeiting.
Which is what some people say repros basically are.

>> No.4544267

I saw Pat Contri at a Flea Market in New Jersey yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for an autograph or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with looking through boxes of old video games, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff I saw him trying to walk away with like fifteen Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cartridges in his hands without paying.
The girl manning the table was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took the cartridges to add up the prices he stopped her and told her to give him a discount since he was buying them in bulk and that he was a professional reprologist. He then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she tallied the cost and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.4544280

epic pasta

>> No.4544291

So ecelebs are the new illuminati? Manipulating the world of retro gaming from the shadows?

>> No.4544298

he talks like a fag

>> No.4544306

Imagine being this guy, holding such a grudge against people online he doesn't even know personally, that he has to come up with stories in order to try and discredit them.

>> No.4544321

imagine being this guy, being such a reddit tier newfag he doesn't notice a classic copypasta variation when he sees it

>> No.4544323


The Retro VGS/Coleco Chameleon was at best MAINLY supposed to be a NEW system with NEW games put on cartridges. The fact that it would be able to read any other existing retro game was a pipe dream. The original project creators struggled to deliver something that would back their claims from the beginning.

Do you really think a console that could read cartridges from different old systems would destroy the retro gaming market and devalue original games as a result?
What about the Retron5, then? Why didn't ecelebs try to destroy that project as well?
What about flash carts? What about emulation? What about repros, the original subject of this thread? Those are not an issue?

>> No.4544342

That's a dumb argument, because if you can't tell that the label is a reproduction, then it doesn't make a difference anyway, and if you can, then you can tell the difference and know to stay the fuck away from it.

>> No.4544352


See If I where you, I'd have taken a marker and just scribbled on it right in front of him

>> No.4544469

I know Pat. He's not a terrible person by any stretch. He's a definite nintendo fanboy and is very direct, but he's not a terrible person.

>> No.4544485

Imagine being this guy, thinking being able to tell if a post is a copypasta variation makes him cool.

>> No.4544521

honestly i'm fine with repros and label replacements, but there needs to an intentional mark that states it isn't official.

>> No.4545431

>Do you really think a console that could read cartridges from different old systems would destroy the retro gaming market and devalue original games as a result?
Yes. They wouldn't be worthless, but they would easily go down in value by 50% or more. The chameleon was able to play original cartridges but in addition to this it was going to feature multicarts of retro games made with new components that would outlive the originals. Data East and Jaleco were both on board with this, and with the chameleon gone they've gone ahead and released multicarts of their own because they understood what the goal of the chameleon was saw the money to be made there. Talks were also happening with Konami and Capcom but obviously fell apart once the chameleon was the victim of a smear campaign by ecelebs.

>What about the Retron5, then? Why didn't ecelebs try to destroy that project as well? What about flash carts? What about emulation? What about repros, the original subject of this thread?
Because all of those lack the vision and scope of the chameleon. Nobody from hyperkin is making new, physical copies of sought after games with proper components (not Chinese glob tops) that will outlast the original cartridges, and all the examples you mention above don't compare to original hardware. The retron 5 is just an emulation box, flash carts will short out your console due to voltage differences, and repros are cheap toys that don't last and are by no means a suitable replacement for original carts. The cycle accurate FPGA architecture of the chameleon would have allowed for a true 1 to 1 experience of playing on the real hardware without any of the downsides that come with maintaining and preserving the old components. The chameleon would have made retro games available to everyone, and without that mystique around them then the ecelebs have no income from reselling or their YouTube bragging videos.

>> No.4545820

>vision and scope of the chameleon
wew lad. The "vision" is what's called a pipe dream and the "scope" is what's called a scam. Accept it and move on with your life.

>> No.4546003

Gamester81 is a fucking knuckle dragging mongoloid.

I've dealt with Pat too on more than one occasion and he has always been an arrogant piece of shit without fail.

>> No.4546004

>Please don't devalue my thousands of dollars sunk into these meme Taito NES carts

>> No.4546050

Funny how every time I've laid out exactly the impact the chameleon was trying to have, every response is just "lol its a scam." Way to drink the YouTube kool aid.

>Gamester81 is a fucking knuckle dragging mongoloid
I don't support any ecelebs and I definitely won't jump to defend them, but gamester81 was the perfect example of ecelebs vilifying their own kind when they wouldn't fall in line. Also the fact that he actually makes games and was interested in the project while everyone calling it a scam merely hoards them is very telling.

>> No.4546058

Maybe in that specific situation, but that guy is the poster boy for insufferable mouth breathing collecter cunts. Can't stand Gamester81. He looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome or something.

>> No.4546065

>Funny how every time I've laid out exactly how badly I was scammed by something even the head of the company admits was fake people laugh at me

>> No.4546109

Ecelebs are all cancer who think they're the most important voice when it comes to retro games. They do far more damage to the hobby than good.

You seem to think I actually got scammed. I didn't lose a dollar and neither did anyone else. I just wanted the YouTube collector elite to stop being the gatekeepers of retro games, and anyone with half a brain who actually cares about the games should feel the same way.

>> No.4546114

>I've dealt with Pat too on more than one occasion and he has always been an arrogant piece of shit without fail.

fucking same. I've interacted with him 3 separate times and he's been a complete asshole not only towards me, but others as well. Surprisingly Ian is actually a nice guy who you can talk to about stuff. Pat just thinks he deserves all the fame he doesn't have and is mad because he doesn't have it.

>> No.4546157

You lost any credibility or respect you had with anyone anywhere. You lost countless hours of your life shitposting about a failed scam. Although since you probably never had any credibility or respect and your time is worthless you may be right that you didn't lose a thing.

>> No.4546165
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>flash carts will short out your console due to voltage differences, and repros are cheap toys that don't last and are by no means a suitable replacement for original carts

>> No.4546330

>flash carts will short out your console due to voltage differences, and repros are cheap toys that don't last and are by no means a suitable replacement for original carts
Fuck off Pat.

>> No.4546635

The Coleco Chameleon was a worse Ouya trying to use Nintendo's old "we produce your cartridge" bullshit. It failed because it was not a good product idea in the first place.

>> No.4546678

lol okay, I didn't realize that respect and credibility were such important parts of an anonymous imageboard. Thanks for enlightening me.

Enjoy your house burning down

Except the chameleon had a purpose where the ouya did not. The ouya was just a tablet with HDMI out. The chameleon had a unique FPGA core that would accurately recreate the experience you get from original hardware. No emulator is going to do that. It was also a deliberate attempt to step away from modern console conventions like DLC, 10 hour long updates when you put the game in for the first time, microtransactions and pay to win gameplay. The chameleon was going to bring gaming back to its roots for the better, but of course the masses can't think for themselves and would rather let the fat cat collector overlords think for them. Just look at this thread. It's absolutely filled with eceleb propoganda.

>> No.4546738

Hi Ian.

Hi Pat.

For the record, there is nothing wrong with Flash Carts, although I don't buy them anyways since I can just use my emulators on my PC. I prefer individual cartridges over flash carts. There's also nothing wrong with repro labels. If collectors want to replace their damaged labels, they bloody well can and there's nothing you can do about it. There's also nothing wrong with repro carts, especially since the original cartridges sell for insane prices($500 or more).

In other words Pat & Ian, fuck off.

>> No.4546864

If you're so convinced that the Coleco Chameleon would have been such a huge game changer like the second coming of Christ, why are you still here arguing about it with a bunch of children? Why don't you make a kickstarter yourself? Get a qualified team, build the damn console yourself, reap the benefits and prove everyone wrong.

>> No.4547068

Ah, fair enough, I suppose. Never thought of it that way.

>> No.4547072

Imagine thinking you have any authority to call someone else uncool

>> No.4547194

>Hi Pat
That's rich.

And face the same smear campaign from ecelebs that the chameleon did? No thanks. That whole project has shown very clearly that anyone who threatens the livelihood of the YouTube bourgeois will be completely obliterated and slandered before they even have a chance. The hordes of bandwagon retro gamers who do whatever their masters tell them to seem far more interested in doing what the ecelebs tell them to than doing anything in their own best interest that would benefit the hobby as a whole. The chameleon was a proverbial canary in the coal mine and it proved that when you're dealing with ecelebs and their money the air is 100% toxic.

>> No.4547873
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You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4547880

Pat makes me laugh.

His channel has been stagnant for so long. His podcast is garbage. All he cares about is retro bullshit and he's going to run out of things to talk about soon since he doesn't actually play any video games besides his fabled NES collection which he thinks is his retirement fund.

>> No.4548195

People like Pat are the reason why games like Mr. Gimmick have the true gimmick of being pricy as hell

>> No.4548218

>And face the same smear campaign from ecelebs that the chameleon did? No thanks.

Sadly I was expecting this kind of response. This just proves to me that you're a spineless slime.
All you can do is just whine and complain, but you'll never get anything done with this attitude.
You just created an indestructible allmighty enemy for youself so that you can justify just sitting on your ass and do nothing but complaining. Good job being useless.

>> No.4548329

LOL. Yeah, that's totally the reason you don't do it.

>> No.4549085

I have never once claimed that I would be able to create/design a comparable machine or that releasing something similar would be easy. It obviously wasn't, and would take some serious collaborative effort to bring a console like the chameleon to fruition. I would, however, support an effort for someone to pick up where the chameleon left off and attempt to serve the same purpose. I really don't see what you accomplish or prove by attacking me personally for laying out what the chameleon was attempting to do and telling me that I should design a console if I'm so confident in the idea. I have never said that I had the knowledge or expertise to do that. Understanding what a machine does and how it works does not equate to having the know how to build my own.

That being said, I do think something is going to come along eventually to bridge that gap, and you can bet when it does the collectors will have the same reaction and attempt to kill it before it even has a chance.

>> No.4549117

>That being said, I do think something is going to come along eventually to bridge that gap, and you can bet when it does the collectors will have the same reaction and attempt to kill it before it even has a chance.

We'll see. I would love to be proven wrong. I'm not really a fan of the mainstream retro community.
I just don't think they would be able to manipulate everyone else so easily.
Were there any other circumstances that made you think youtubers and collectors have that kind of power?

>> No.4549623
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You faggots sure are uppity about how you load your 1s and 0s aren't ya? I bet you also cry repro carts are not the way the developer originally intended their game to be played. You should be thankful for reproduction carts, they keep your shitty obscure games viable to a much larger audience, creating a market, so you can keep enjoying your "hobby." I swear /vr/ is full of contrarian luddite faggots.

>> No.4549984

But you're such an expert on the chameleon. So much so that you know the prototypes weren't fake even when the head of the company finally figured it out and admitted it. Surely you must be able to design a console if you know so much about them.
But more to the point, reading comprehension. Anon told you to "Get a qualified team". Surely someone with so much "vision" as yourself could manage this. Lots of crazy people who have visions have managed to amass large followings. Usually doesn't end well for them, but that's a plus in my book if it means an end to your shitposting.

>> No.4550030

I have no idea who this dude is, but I've been seeing his stupid face in the catalog for days now and I have to say, he looks like a total faggot. Picasso shirt is just icing on the cake.

>> No.4550142
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but I want my perfect port in english without breaking the wallet for a collection that is mine alone and not of any historic or monetary value other than my pleasure.

currently the only repro's i have are a few. I've taken them all apart and inspected them, they're all legit boards and chips, not some chinese bootlegs. Only difference is theyre translated and have the red genesis label sticker and are not square mega drive carts.

im against those chinese boards with the black "blobs" and snap-2-gether fake genesis carts. You gunna make a repro you gotta work with OG parts and hardware or throw it in a fire.

>> No.4550840

If you're honest and fucking tell people it's a repro, then I don't care. It upsets me when I buy a game and it happens to be counterfeit. THAT shit is annoying.

>> No.4551041

It's pretty hard for repros to be undistinguishable from the real thing.
Usually you can tell if you look at them very carefully.
Bad labels, wrong color plastic, different/fake screws.

If you're buying a really expensive game
and don't ask the seller to open it up and show you the board,
then you just get what you deserve.

>> No.4551050

I saw this cunt Pat at a con at his sellers table and his prices were way too high. He had a cart only black label NES Donkey Kong, with a tear on the label for 50 bucks. I asked if he would take 30 and he said scoffed and said "This ain't charity, I'll give it to you for 48." Needless to say I passed.

As someone else previously mentioned, for as much as this guy bitches about resellers jacking up prices in his flea market videos and how sellers at cons should be giving deals on his podcast, he sure seems to be doing the same exact shit he whines about to others.

>> No.4551147

I wonder if Pat is autistic enough to bitch at The 8-bit Guy at the con for him ruining his investments by putting on repro labels.

>> No.4551248
File: 722 KB, 765x481, SOM Repro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased a Secret Of Mana Reproduction cart from Etsy. the label is legit and the game works perfectly fine. So far I'm at the Gold Isle Tower

>> No.4551397

Chinese Multicarts are the future of this hobby. Submit yourself to the clever 329-in-2 overlords.

>> No.4551410

The funny thing is it's such a petty trade you'd think someone with a following wouldn't have to involve himself anymore. Goes to show you just how much of a mental illness the reseller mentality is. Especially the self-loathing variety like Pat.

>> No.4551421

I hope you are enjoying yourself, that whats important.

>> No.4551584
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What if you not only replace the label but also replace the shell?

Some of my games are severly yellowed and it is something I'm kind of considering but I would like to get high quality front and back labels if I were to do it.

On a semi related note, I've seen people bitch and moan about how replacing save game batteries devalues the catridge but that's just retarded. If done properly (no ghetto duct tape/hot glue solutions) it would only increase it. You don't see car collectors complain if the cars had their oil and batteries replaced.

>> No.4551608

These are 80s/90s obsessed hipsters. They'd buy a used heroin needle if they knew it was used in the 80s.

>> No.4551627

Of course I am enjoying myself, couldn't be anymore satisfied. I'm almost finished with the game now. I plan on buying Seiken Densetsu 3, Chrono Trigger, Earth Bound, FF2&FF6, and Mario RPG from the same person who made SOM.

>> No.4551717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4551748
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his shit book https://mega.nz/#!BYUwnaYQ!zT1ey16Ff6aQhW9jnO0TRiZL6bC86HwL75o4zDEGHMY

>> No.4552043

Why can't we all talk about retro vidya

>> No.4552053

Maybe you could censor the cock and balls with Ian somehow.

>> No.4552140

I pirated your book pat

>> No.4552176

I pirated your are mom, faggot

>> No.4552246

I've been trying to type out a long argument to refute these stupid points, but then I realized this is just some kinda outrage bait made to get everyone mad at the literally who in the OP image.

>> No.4552264


Do you have the new book?

>> No.4552274

Who's hobby? Collectors? I'd kill the collectors' hobby. I'd kill their pets if that could get them to shut the fuck up and let normal people just play old games.

>> No.4552275

This. I was born in 92 but my first videogame experience was a famiclone, big part of the reason why I'm into retro games today( and why I don't obsess over hyperrealistic 3d graphics).

>> No.4552354

It's not out yet, just preview pages they've posted for Patreon backers.

>> No.4552428

i had a few aliexpress repros that died on me within weeks, i suspect its the shitty 3 volts pcb design.

Anyway, sold all my repro carts now and getting a mega everdrive x5 instead.

>> No.4552445

If you're willing to go the fake cartridge route I don't see why you wouldn't get the flashcart in the first place.

>> No.4552562

>shitty 3 volts pcb design
Hot damn, that must be a pretty shitty PCB design if the traces can't handle more than 3v. It wouldn't even be able to carry enough voltage to power the 3.3v ICs. lol

>> No.4552569

but muh collectables

>> No.4552589

same, except I'm 2 years older, and the hyperrealism just makes most modern games lack personality imo

>> No.4553450

Anyone who pays money for bootleg garbage is an idiot or a pathetic hoarder.

>> No.4553881

i should have

and the OCD prize of the month goes to... (YOU)

>> No.4555553

it's my money, I'll buy whatever I want with it bitch

>> No.4556259

It's retarded shit first worlders always say because they walk 5 blocks and buy every game they could ever want. Companies like to bitch a lot but they don't give support to 80% of the world and then complain when people don't buy their shit, well maybe if you gave them access they would buy it and i'm not even talking about the fact that they don't translate games.

There's a reason stuff like STEAM does so well in latin america because contrary to what stupid companies want you to believe people here actually buy games if they can get access to them, same goes for Netflix for example, people pay for things if you make it available.

It's literally impossible to find SNES games in my country and the only games that made it back in the day were the most popular ones.

>> No.4556279

Good thing Steam is thriving in those countries then.

>> No.4556353
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Don't bully the spics. I play CS1.6 with them. Thy're cool people except for the Brazilians.

>> No.4556361

I really need try watch animu through my pvm. Good thing i have a ps2

>> No.4556402

Reported for posting while Brazilian.

>> No.4556403

that shit will kill your ps2

>> No.4556545

I like buffs gaming world

>> No.4556547

Repros are lame, but their popularity means that it's easier to self-publish homebrew games.

But then some fucking asshole will dump and repro your homebrew.

>> No.4556695


>> No.4556728


>> No.4557014

There's a reason we're getting our currencies added.
I'm whiter than you'll ever be mutt.

Eh you can find those things in Brazil

>> No.4557256

Fuck off Pat

>> No.4557602

>my ancestors were nazi war criminals
No wonder you have so much jew gold

>> No.4559453

Christ, deport all you idiots back to /pol/