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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.28 MB, 3984x2988, 20180121_164238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4538003 No.4538003 [Reply] [Original]

This is the pinnacle of controller design for 2d games. Try and prove me wrong. Protip you cant

>> No.4538006

it's either that or keyboard/mouse, depending on the game. you're half right.

>> No.4538010

Why not the Japanese Saturn one? A different style of D-pad and more face buttons.

>> No.4538018

Why would you need more than 4 face buttons?

>> No.4538029
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. They're all better than xbox.

>> No.4538035

Fighting games are more comfortable to me having all the attacks in the face buttons, I find it a bit awkward to use the shoulder buttons.

>> No.4538039

Enjoy your Street Fighter

>> No.4538097
File: 82 KB, 1280x843, 1280px-Nintendo-Super-NES-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The American SNES controller is.

>> No.4538105
File: 358 KB, 1138x692, SaturnPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the GOAT dpad?

SNES is up there though.

>> No.4538114

no prob theres some specialty controllers for that. im talking overall, not just for one or two games. look at that design, its aesthetic as fuck. genesis comes really, really close>>4538029 but lacks some shoulder action

>> No.4538117


This. Perfect for all 2D games. Capcom 2D fighters are frustrating with buttons 5 + 6 on the shoulders

>> No.4538119

>concave buttons

yes a.. uh so complex controller had to be adapted to american sensibilities (DURRR I CANT LOOK UP FROM THE CONTROLLER OR MEMORIZE A SIMPLE MECHANISM) with concave xy

>> No.4538126
File: 13 KB, 480x360, classiccontrollerpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this one is

>> No.4538127
File: 217 KB, 768x1024, Neo Geo Microswitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4538138

It also looks so much worse. I don't know whose idea it was to have colour-blind people do the design. Also how much worse the console looks than the PAL/J versions. And please noone humiliate yourself by trying to argue it. And yeah it matters. Looking nice matters, I'm sure you'd mind if someone makes a big scratch on your car you won't accept the argument of that it doesn't affect the output so it doesn't matter.

>> No.4538140
File: 651 KB, 1200x1044, PSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PlayStation controller is essentially an updated version of the SNES controller. It is best.

>> No.4538146

its a ripoff

>> No.4538172
File: 490 KB, 1006x1172, evos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom evo has a big scratch on it

>> No.4538185

both ugly as sin

>> No.4538186

I like the shape but the d-pad is basically shit

>> No.4538187

Prefer dual shock.

>> No.4538191

the d-pad is dogshit

>> No.4538197
File: 52 KB, 480x480, ClassicPro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more comfy but the d pad is worse
that's why this one is my fav

>> No.4538208
File: 46 KB, 600x450, 1228376120165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think less of anyone who actually claims any of the dpads used by Sony, Nintendo, or Sega are in any way worse than the others (barring the GCN dpad, but that's because of size mostly). If you are actually complaining about any of those controllers then you should try to play on some 90s madcatz shit with an IR sensor wireless gimmick. Complaining that "X controller is shit because I prefer the dpad on Y" is about the gayest thing you could be talking about, because we all know it would take you all of ten seconds to get used it. It's about as useful as complaining about someone's favorite color.

>> No.4538212

>things can't have a notable amount of difference in quality if there's something that's even worse

>> No.4538215

How do you guys do Zangief's 360 or 720 with a d-pad?

>> No.4538229

This is without a doubt the dumbest comment in the thread so far. I would actually agree people claiming one d-pad is brilliant and another very similar one is "shit" is over the top. However people are allowed to have preferences and no you they're not all the same at all.

>> No.4538231

im the OP and I'll have you know that my post was inspired by playing an off brand snes controller. jesus christ i wanted to be cheap but i just cant deal with that shit when in SMW

>> No.4538242


Except I didn't say they can't have preferences, tard. YOUR comment is without a doubt the dumbest.


Saying off brand is objectively shit is fine. If one of those pads turns out alright in the dumpster fire of third party controllers then I'm sure people will let everyone know. People up above have pointed out that there are specialty pads for fighting games, and point of fact there are several of those that are actually good.


No they don't, not the pads we're talking about, and we all know your greentext shitpost is just grasping for an argument against this fact.

>> No.4538264

I work best with rocking / sliding controls on a dpad. Nintendo and Sony dpads, while quality, don't allow for much of this due to the "plus sign" design and in the case of classic Nintendo controllers, a notable amount of either stiffness or mushyness, depending on the wear of the controller you get since SNES controllers hold up like dogshit.

For my needs, the Saturn dpad is infinitely better than any other, even though I can obviously get used to any piece of shit, including an old ass Madcatz controller.

And don't backtrack by claiming you only meant people who are saying there's an OBJECTIVE difference in quality or some dumb shit like that.

>> No.4538304
File: 83 KB, 677x509, Mad-Catz-BrawlStick-for-PS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, I meant people like you are exactly the whiners I'm talking about.

FYI you can't get used to an old ass madcatz controller, you should actually go back to 1996 and try one. It doesn't work, this isn't a "get used to it" thing unless you are trying to claim physically incorrect inputs is something you get used to. The dpads on those can stick, or drop inputs, or just break after a couple of weeks of non-abusive use.

I used to play fighting games in tournaments and there was a time when quality arcade parts were only in the arcade machines themselves. If you had an arcade stick meant to plug into a console, there was a real good chance it was complete shit. So if you went to a tournament and found your controller wasn't working, you would have to borrow one and it might end up being something like this.

THIS is a shit controller. Nobody claims it's a shit controller because it's small (that would easily fall under the "get used it" category). They claim it's a shit controller because it will, all by itself, make you lose games you'd otherwise win. If it was just preference as the stick's only problem, nobody would be able to get up after a tournament loss and said "I lost because the arcade stick's small." He'd be laughed out of the building.

>> No.4538310
File: 3.05 MB, 4608x3456, dscn7987[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was a time when quality arcade parts were only in the arcade machines themselves

>> No.4538351

I would love for you to point out some whining, I'm just telling you why one is significantly better than the others for how I use these controllers and you're throwing a fit about how there are $15 controllers 20 years ago that were worse.

Also some of the controllers here definitely misfire directional inputs, like the PS1 controller. It's an excellent layout but it was a big problem....that you can get used to and win EVO, sure, but it's still a problem. It's not as bad as a Madcatz controller but "there's way worse" isn't an argument when we're talking about what the best is.

>> No.4538872

I can do the 360 in a keyboard when playing Hyper Fighting on Fightcade. The trick is that it's not really a 360, you just have to hit the cardinal directions for these.

>> No.4538990
File: 212 KB, 1248x1049, sony_ps1_original_controller-8675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better d-pad and it's comfier to hold

>> No.4538998
File: 36 KB, 550x383, switchpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but this for 2D AND 3D is godlike.

>> No.4539000
File: 135 KB, 642x880, soysoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ameriblob controller is better because nostalgia

>> No.4539006

That's not a saturn pad.

>> No.4539015

Not for 2D

>> No.4539039

Those are my favorites, can't decide which one I like more. It's good that both exist.
>Way better d-pad
Now that's an unpopular opinion

>> No.4540458

How is the PlayStation D-pad that bad? Sure, it's not 10/10 yet I have never had any serious problem with it. And I've played fighting games with that series of controllers.
In fact, didn't someone win an EVO of SFIV not too many years ago with that controller? If you can get so far with it I don't get your issues with it other than not being used to it due to growing up with other d-pads while never touching this one. The worst thing about it is that if you play stuff like fighting games for a while it can be a bit of a pain to the left thumb, but this doesn't really affect the movement in-game.

>> No.4540462

It's just not confortable to use compared to the traditional Nintendo d-pad, or the Sega Saturn one.
And yeah you can beat some serious ass on Street Fighter with a keyboard if you're good at it.

>> No.4540479

The original PS1 controller's d-pad was awesome. I still use my for fighting games. The separation between the d-pad directions allows for super accurate and clean inputs.

I think the quality of the d-pads has gone down with time. I've had the d-pad wear out on my Dualshock 4 twice already, but somehow I'm still using the same PS1 controller I've had since 1997. Maybe that's why people don't like them?

I can't quite figure it out why people dislike it so much. It's always been one of my favorite d-pads, especially for fighting games.

>> No.4540557

In fact yeah, I do that on Fightcade, I can do everything except 720s.
Good luck doing this with stuff like the first American Satun D-pad or the one on 360. I'd say the PS one is pretty good at least, just not as ergonomic maybe.
>I think the quality of the d-pads has gone down with time.
Yeah, I thought about this, I think most of those that hadn't played with one back then have experiences with used and worn out d-pads. I know this isn't exactly what you meant, just wanted to say this. The DS4 is probably not meant for 2D games at all since, well, modern gayming. In the original PS controller that dpad was all you had so it HAD to be better.

>> No.4540560

When people say Saturn pad, they always refer to the model 2/jp controller.

>> No.4540561

patrician taste

>> No.4540583

Was Hauppoge any good?

>> No.4540589
File: 1.62 MB, 3008x2000, Gravis_pc_gamepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC always had better gamepads than consoles.

>> No.4540594
File: 1.24 MB, 257x200, 1514818687090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "d-pad"

>> No.4540597

shitty sunken feeling dpad

>> No.4540635


That d-pad was amazing for its time. I had this as a kid and regretted I couldn't plug it into anything other than pc.

>> No.4540638

Those buttons are uncomfortable if you have to hold one while press the other at the same time.

>> No.4540904

Sure, but I was saying that the first american one had a truly bad d-pad.

>> No.4540918

Why not? Has all the default buttons and a better d-pad than the others. Note that I even posted the Xenoblade version that fixed the d-pad.

>> No.4541107
File: 5 KB, 296x170, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the Saturn controller but it rattles too much. not a lot of saturn games take advantage of all 6 face buttons either. i also would rather have the snes dpad but thats just preference.

>> No.4541135

There's a reason why the Saturn controller is held as the pinnacle for 2D fighters and arcade games.

Sorry, SNES faggot.

>> No.4541209

The games that also show how hard it is to move between buttons.
Like in Hercs Adventures you run with Z and jump with A or something so you either have to do a claw like grip to use your thumb on A and press Z with you index finger.

>> No.4541287

The Genesis/Saturn style rocker D-Pad feels closer to an arcade stick and is a bit nicer for shooters.

>> No.4541365
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best controller coming through. Even today this is the most accurate controller for both 3d and 2d games. D-pad is godlike.

>> No.4541379
File: 91 KB, 391x301, MAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven wrong

>> No.4541557
File: 1.74 MB, 3600x2320, PC-FX-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4541620
File: 11 KB, 500x271, snesamericanpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American model was better. Concave buttons are godly. I do agree that the color scheme on the JP controller is better.

>> No.4541621

contrarian af

>> No.4541623


>> No.4541631


these shits last about 4 months before they fall apart.

>> No.4541643

Not a controller, but the dpad/stick on Neo Geo Pocket Color is god tier.

>> No.4541649

My hands hurt just looking at this

>> No.4542381

I had this as a kid as well as the snes controller, believe this gravis shithole could not compare.

Best part I always found laughable was that you could stick a mini joystick into the dpad, looked like the controller grew a dick

>> No.4542480

Concave is trash. Buttons are made to be moved around on top of not rested into. Concave goes against this.

>> No.4542509
File: 323 KB, 2000x1500, squarefami_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah senpai, this is.
Just look at those square buttons made out of soft rubber, the same kind they use on remote controllers

>> No.4542925

The d-pads and buttons are exactly the same as in Game & Watch portables. Not that good but maybe this one is sturdier because the portable games were always quite thin etc.

>> No.4542947


Casual pad for filthy casuals. Disgusting :(

>> No.4542965

>not rested into
>what is the Mega Man franchise
>what are games where you hold to run
What you say is true for a lot of games, but not for all of them. Either way It's not that important.

>> No.4543026

>objectively the best controller for 2D games period
>only good USB reproduction is no longer made and expensive as dick
>no bluetooth options to speak of
>meanwhile modern snes controllers are being produced endlessly because they're iconic
>the only viable option for saturn pads on pc is to buy secondhand and hope they're not mangled and buy an overpriced adapter that constantly goes out of stock

>> No.4543096


No idea if they will be good or not, but retrobit recently announced a partnership with sega to release genesis, saturn and dreamcast controllers. I hope the saturn is legit good.

>> No.4543240

I saw some news of that. Retrobit doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence their partnership with 8bitdo spawned their lowest-quality controller to date, but since Sega is officially involved I would hope the end product is solid.

>> No.4543638

A tip for PSX Digital controllers, look for the ones with an H on the back, these are the most solid made ones cause they were made my hori.

>> No.4543641
File: 257 KB, 709x709, Segata%20Sanshirou%20Shinkenyugi%20(J)%20Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, proved wrong.

>> No.4543645

>How do you guys do Zangief's 360 or 720 with a d-pad?

With our thumbs? You can just circle the pad.

Unless it's a SNES or PSX pad, then you get your skin torn off if you do it often. But on the Saturn pad it's not an issue.

>> No.4543783

I unironically like using these because of how affordable they are, but fuck, I've never had one that didn't have a wobbly D-pad.

>> No.4544031

Sega Saturn Controller > SNES Controller

>> No.4544119


I do think perhaps the Saturn edges it... but the lack of a Select button on the Saturn controller is weak, so I'm back to the SNES.

>> No.4544129

>muh select button
Why tho

>> No.4544141


There's a reason every NON-Sega system since the late 80's has had 2 control keys: it's intuitive.

>> No.4544143

I can't remember the last time I used a select button, besides maybe an NES game's menu.

>> No.4544213

I wish it had the original colors but the concave buttons feel fucking nice. It’s the one thing american localization got right regarding the snes.

>> No.4544412
File: 103 KB, 227x230, 1516315895160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the lack of a Select button

But what are they for?

>> No.4546813
File: 2.32 MB, 2304x1728, Spot_the_combo_breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the Saturn controller for 2D games because the D-pad is accurate for my hands. The 3 over 3 layout works for many fighting games, the 3 horizontal buttons can be used for original Genesis games, the YZBC buttons can be configured to be the diamond formation of SNES buttons, and there's still the L&R buttons which makes up for the lack of them on the Genesis 6-button controllers.

The Playstation ones have select buttons.

>> No.4546824

How good are the PS2 and USB controllers?
Also, how come you don't have an OG white controller?

>> No.4546849
File: 2.23 MB, 2304x1728, Justice_League_also_used_6_buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them, that is how I get to use them on more modern consoles like the 360 and PS3. As for a white controller, I have the two Playstation ones. If you mean the newer, Saturn controllers, I had one, but I didn't like how the L&R clacked instead of clicked, so I used it when I was intensively playing Street Fighter Alpha 2, and after years of intense play that one broke causing me to get a few more Saturn controllers just in case.

I do like SNES controllers too, but more buttons allow for more functionality so the Saturn pad is still my answer. When emulating, sometimes the additional buttons are needed depending on the game. Or using the original controller sometimes works as well.

>> No.4546915

Where can I buy those Sega Playstation controllers?

>> No.4547023

>The Playstation ones have select buttons.

Sure. If I was in the market for a $250 used controller.

>> No.4547035


I've looked the playstation controllers, and it says:

>A = X
>B = Circle
>C = R1
>X = Square
>Y = Triangle
>Z = L1
>L = L2
>R = R2

How do you find those bindings for most games? Does it take much getting used to?

Also, is it compatible with the PS1 like the standard PS2 controller is?

>> No.4547037


*looked UP the playstation controllers

>> No.4547165
File: 43 KB, 698x333, cdicont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to worry anon! I've got the console just for you.

>> No.4547184

I can't, you're right

>> No.4547443

>segmented D-pad

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4547478


Do you have an opinion on brands for USB saturn controllers? A go-to perhaps?

>> No.4547570

Well, thank gods of all fucking pantheons they fixed the D-pad. The one on the first iteration was fucking dogshit. One of the worst ever. Good thing some manufacturers listen to feedback.

>> No.4547580
File: 514 KB, 1378x900, DSC01362a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---Meaning this one. One of the worst d-pads ever. The improvement made for the current version is so astromonical it isn't even funny.

>> No.4547612

>playstation controller has a segmented dpad

You are so fucking stupid.

>> No.4547623
File: 132 KB, 400x400, psx_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call the hilighted gaps then?

>> No.4547646

It doesn't count as segmented because it's still a single piece of plastic.

>> No.4547661

Whatever you wanna call it, it still sucks tranny dick.

>> No.4547663

I still prefer the first NA rounder version of the Saturn pad to this. Still my favorite.

>> No.4547740
File: 2.22 MB, 2304x1728, Until_I_can_afford_a_Wii-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the D-pad on those? I hear the weakness of those are the lack of analog triggers for racing games, which was the only thing I didn't favor about the Wii-U pro controller. The neat thing is the Wii-U pro controllers stay charged for a very long time.

Sadly when they were widely available, they were affordable. The have been abandoned since the move from PS2 to PS3. Fortunately the trick part is that they have that select button, so a replacement shell is hard to come by, while the replacement silicone contact pads are now in abundance. The buttons and D-pad can be replaced as well, but not the start/select buttons. I think they are adapatable since PS2 had so many adapters.

Yeah there are small beveled indicators of that mapping. That is the mapping when the PS2 controllers are plugged into both the PS1 and PS2 as it is a standard PS2 controller minus the analog sticks. Additionally, that is the same binding if you plug the USB controller directly into a PS3. I was referring to emulation, where I can set various functions to the buttons, like in MAME, I have L insert credits and R for the pause. On N64 emulation of No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000 I do have YZBC as the C-directions, XA as BA, LR as LR, start for the start, and I can bind keyboard buttons for the analog (taunts). When I emulate SNES and NES I prefer the buttons on the right side for the diamond layout.

At this time I only prefer the official Sega/SLS ones. The Play Sega, and cheap imitation knockoff ones everywhere will not do. I did read on this board someone is going to manufacture new USB Sega Saturn controllers, I will probably give one a try if they are reasonably priced.

>> No.4547758

the chink usb saturn controllers are pretty good actually, especially considering they're like 5 bucks a pop

>> No.4547759

Dpad and triggers are too mushy.

>> No.4547761

Set up an ebay alert for fukkokuban and try to snipe a buy it now. PS2 ones are fucking unicorns but you can still get official usb saturn for under $100 with enough patience.

>> No.4547764


>> No.4547765


>> No.4547790

That's how microsoft calls shoulder buttons.