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453969 No.453969 [Reply] [Original]

What's Vretros opinion of this shitload of fuck?

>> No.453985

He is alright, recent videos haven't been very funny
His fanbase is terrible however, and I resent him for it

>> No.453996


Very well informed on retros games and knows what he's talking about, but the unnecessary swearing to attract viewers is a huge turn off from the series. Not to mention the horrendous sketches.

>> No.453998

How new do you have to be...

>> No.454012

can have funny moments / intro WAY too long!

>> No.454020

I like him and Mike but this: >>453985 and >>453996

>> No.454030

He has good videos.

He has shitty videos.


>> No.454031

I'm about the same age as he is, which means I can identify with his gripes about old games but am past the age where stringing together a few dozen cuss words is funny.

I especially identified with his video about TMNT on the NES because that game pissed me off so badly as a kid. I was about the biggest turtles fan there was, and the game was just so shitty.

I actually like a few of his more recent videos where he's out of character and just talking about old games because I typically share the same memories of those old games

>> No.454046
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His recent videos are just terrible.

>pic related, it's the moment when the AVGN became TGWTG tier crap.

>> No.454062

James is funnier when he's just playing games with Mike, such as their SimCity video. One of them will do something stupid and they both laugh in a hilarious way.

I like what Mike said in their Jaguar video. "They're beating the shit out of yooouuuuu!"

>> No.454074

Live like a windrammer as you fuck.

>> No.454085

Cringe worthy.

Why can't he just talk about game like a normal person? I like his videos when he just acts like a normal person and talks about a game, or when he's just playing a game with whoever that other dude is. He seems very knowledgeable about games, but I can't get past the barrier of over the top, idiotic rants and unfunny skits.

>> No.454095
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He has the potential to be funny.
But I can't watch him.
He makes me nervous.
I worry about him.
I really wish he'd calm down.
That can't be good for his organs.

>> No.454105

Those videos with him and Mike are just plain awkward. It feels like one of them forced the other into doing it and they are both extremely uncomfortable desperately trying to come up with something to talk about.

>> No.455635

That short skit is NOTHING compared to TGWTG shit, I actually liked that review the most, it was a mix of the Nerd with normal James

>> No.455659
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>liking Mike

>> No.455696

>I really wish he'd calm down.
>That can't be good for his organs.
I bet you think LtMKilla needs to calm down too.

>> No.455702

I have been following since Friday the 13th and still enjoy most of his videos.
The ones with solid criticism, bad games and/or gaming history are definitely more entertaining episodes than the ones with long live-action skits and mindless rage rants.

>> No.455739
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>20 second scene in one of his better videos that's entirely at the end when the review/playthrough is clearly finished and you can easily just not watch that part
>the moment when things went south
>not that Bugs Bunny episode where more than two thirds of the video is AVGN and Bugs Bunny fighting, and this lame skit is interspersed throughout the entirety of the review

>> No.455756

I like James Rolfe.

I dislike the AVGN.

That is all.

>> No.455797

My favorite review is still Spiderman.

Such a cozy episode.

>> No.455840

Early AVGN was pretty solid because a lot of the time it wasn't just James playing a character, it was clear that he was sharing his genuine thoughts and experiences from his childhood. There would be strings of profanity everywhere, but still, it was legit, not JUST acting, and when the AVGN episodes worked, it was because you could identify with his frustrations of trying to play a shitty game.
Some of the newer episodes are sort of like this as well. Aside from the infrequency of them, I'm not complaining.
I'd much rather watch someone who tries to be informative, or points out good games that are worth your time instead, though.

>> No.455896

►people actually thinking his videos have any legitimacy

he's an entertainer
his reviews are extremely inaccurate
he has admitted to this himself

>> No.455909
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His best stuff is his Monster Mash episodes.
Everything else is alright.

>> No.455916

Mike may be horrible at making videos and telling jokes, but he just seems like a really cool guy to be friends with. Just look at all the awesome stuff in his house.

>> No.455930

I like James Rolfe.

I like the AVGN.

That is all.

>> No.455920

Nah, I'm pretty sure Mike is a motherfucker.

>> No.455936

Go to bed Bootsy.

>> No.455939

when he is not interrupting you every 20 seconds sure. That nigga never let's people talk.

>> No.455946

You first john.

>> No.455969

he is too tryhard. I don't really like him and he screams too much.

>> No.455980
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unfunny tryhard normalfag bitch

>> No.455995


You want to load any more useless buzzwords into that post?

>> No.456005


>> No.456010

Only sketch I liked.

I fucking hated how the assistant beat two temples in the OoT review.

>> No.456023

I meant playthrough

getting mixed up here

>> No.456076

The guy makes obnoxious low-brow "reviews" filled to the brim with scatological humor.

Also, I never understood the controversy surrounding him. Or for that matter, why any discussion about him quickly heats up and deteriorates into insults directing at one another.

>> No.456098

at least AVGN doesn't constantly reflect on one single interaction with a quasi famous person.
>What was your favorite thing about being the Nostalgia Critic
>As a critic, what's your favorite movie out right now?
>What's your favorite moment of being the Critic?
>Who would you like to meet?
>But you've already met Mar..

>> No.456103
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He's pretty talented and funny, I wish I had something that I was as passionate about as he is with movies and video games

>> No.456106

I don't pay attention to him anymore, but I was always impressed with how entertaining those Video Game Nerd shows were. I don't think he's a good writer or anything, but he'd do a nice job editing or directing for television.

>> No.456129
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His informative videos are interesting.

His lolangrynerdbulldiarrhea videos are cringey now.

>> No.456171

he's past his prime for sure but he's alright. he's earned his long standing legacy.

>> No.456182
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I've enjoyed most of his videos, but some are just boring and/or obnoxious. I find both James as himself and James as the AVGN both entertaining in their own ways.

>> No.456195

I enjoy his videos very much, regardless of whether or not he is the Nerd. I always liked his videos, it's a great character and he seems like such a cool guy.

Honestly I disliked Mike at first, but he's kind of grown on me. As long as he has James to quality control, there should never be another moincrap

>> No.456197

oh and I forgot to mention, I really wish he was more explicit to the hoards of retards about his "reviews" not being actual reviews. It's awful that people who take him seriously exist.

>> No.456207

>there should never be another moincrap
Oh dear...
...You don't know about his Elmo in Grouchland review, do you?

>> No.456214

As the AVGN he's all right. Even during bad episodes I can usually find something to laugh at. James as himself is better than the AVGN character though.

>> No.456217

I hate his opening and skip his retarded cursing rants (who finds those funny? I would be able to stand them if he used any words other than shit, fuck, and ass) however he knows what he is talking about on the games (even if he exaggerates everything) and I share many of sentiments on games he has reviewed.

>> No.456219

You ready to cringe?

>> No.456224
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I wish he would start saying all games were shit, like FF+earthbound, that way all the hipsters would think he's actually telling the truth, and they'd stop buying them.
>mfw some hipster sold me festers quest, Castelvania 2, Top Gun, Deadly Towers, and Battletoads for a $5 total because the Nerd said they were shit.

>> No.456228
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He's great.

>> No.456229

Some of his videos are really informative but you can tell the true passion from the "swearing just because" videos. I mean, his earlier stuff covered shit that really did matter to him anyway (TMNT, BTTF) but you can tell his true passion is still in making the videos and covering movies (the fact he spliced his king kong reels to restore shit that was cut out tells you that much).
But yeah, Good when he's being genuinely passionate and informative, not so good when he's just doing it for the sake of doing it.

>> No.456231

He never said BattleToads was shit, though.
All he ever commented on was the difficulty and unfairness of the co-op.

>> No.456238

I've actually noticed the opposite effect, games he's reviewed seem to go up in price because people start buying them up, either to play them or just to say that they own a copy.

>> No.456239


>> No.456246

jesus christ I just look this up... Why would James even allow this disturbed asshole anywhere near his channel

>> No.456254

I'm convinced there's a massive amount of irony and self-reference in his videos. When he says 'what a shitload of fuck' or screams 'ass', there's a knowing, winking quality about it. He knows it's terrible, and we know it's terrible, and we're invited to join him in appreciating how bad it is.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.456253

Hey, dont take it out on me, I didnt say it was shit, I just bought the games.

>> No.456259

It's pretty obvious that he loves camp.

>> No.456272

I've been kind of on an AVGN roll this week. Been queuing up and re-watching all the old ones I haven't seen in awhile. They're still funny and I could listen to him talk about games all day.

>> No.456286

I like him.
I think a lot of people, him included, have forgotten what the videos started as: a playful satire of the THAT kid that lives on in all of us.

>> No.456297

I have been more or less going through all the episodes. I noticed that I find it really hard to determine where the nerd ends and James Rolfe begins. They blend in too much, and thus I find it hard to not take some of the more ridiculous statements at face value, like he actually means what he says.

I mean, according to him the whole joke is (or was) that the nerd complains about video games no one would care about. As the Internet has shown, many people still care about them, which I don't think is only because of him.

>> No.456314


>complains about games no one would care about

No, the nerd gets ridiculously angry about games. That alone makes him a cartoonish character, maybe even an almost mean-spirited parody of the sort of people who take James' videos seriously.

>> No.456374

I can't help but love him.
I don't know if it's the nostalgia of having watched him since he was just starting. McKids was the newest at the time. I watch through an old episode at least once a week. I know it's often cringeably campy, but as long as it's not a shittier one of his skits (like the obvious Bugs Bunny, or the spider man one), it's alright. Some of his skits are fine; I liked the Jason one. It might be the voice acting that pushes it over the top for me.

>> No.456376 [DELETED] 

Calm down, jeez. Just from reading both of your posts, I can tell that >>456231 didn't say YOU said they were shit.
>hipster sold you games cheap
>hipster said they were shit
>other poster proclaiming Battletoads weren't shit
>basically saying that Hipster was dumb
no need to tard out.

>> No.456390

Yeah I think you're right. I think he belongs on /vr/ with us, and share our sentiments, but just does the shit spewing because, as he says, it became a tradition for The Nerd, much like drinking Rolling Rock.

I wish he would start making videos for games he likes (which he has started to do) to capture a little more of his original passion.

His Board James stuff is some of his best videos, hands down.

Yes. To be The Nerd, he has to start being ... More of a Nerd. I want him to start getting giddy about games he likes, start to passionately defend crap, and vent his frustrations again. That's the Nerd I love.

>> No.456419

It should have been "no one would care about anymore", or "are not relevant anymore".

I was more referring to some of his arguments and opinions. Although, embarrassingly and bizarrely, I can't think of any right now that I was bothered with the most. But I admit that a lot of his points probably have a truth to them.

Anyway, the episodes I consider the worst (opinions obviously may vary, I admit that some are on here because of pretty singular reasons):

Wizard of OZ
Super Mario Bros. 3
Dick Tracy (was that freakout at the end a movie reference that went over my head?)
Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle
Milon's Secret Castle (are the complaints he has made somewhat addressed in the game's manual?)
Lester The Unlikely
R.O.B. The Robot

And where he was at his most finest:

Generally, his console reviews are a notch above the usual.

>> No.456426
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>hipster said games were shit
>someone proclaimed that AVGN never said it was shit
you're legally retarded aren't you?

>> No.456472

I still get pissed at games, so I can relate to him. After 25 years of playing you just go so sick of the same BS time and time again, you gotta let that rage out somewhere.

>> No.456485


>Wizard of Oz
would've been better without the Lion
>Super Mario Bros. 3
would've been better without the "IT'S POSSESSED!!" bullshit
>Dick Tracy (was that freakout at the end a movie reference that went over my head?)
Hey, the Dickard line was hilarious.
>Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle
Why do there have to be so many episodes where these costumed assholes have to ruin it?
>Milon's Secret Castle (are the complaints he has made somewhat addressed in the game's manual?)
That one was OK.
>Lester The Unlikely
I actually had that game My dad's name was Lester and the character kinda looked like him with glasses on, so we thought it was funny. All the frustration he felt with it was justified. If he'd gotten a bit further though I think he would've been surprised by the changes Lester goes through.
>R.O.B. The Robot
Once again, stupid skit.

Also, I agree, the console ones are great, with Pong Consoles being God Tier.

>> No.456495


I hate him since he started to do this (and you know it's cringeworthy)

(excuse me for not being accurate)

"The musical tones of classical muses whispering into my ear and the appealing graphics of Mona Lisa's FUCKIGN BUTTHOLE CATASTROPHE OF ANUS SHITTITS"

I just hate it.

>> No.456513

I'd rather there be an attempt at comedy or a skit rather than someone setting in front of a camera for X amount of minutes.

>> No.456514

Best episodes:

1. Ghostbusters
2. Dick Tracy
3. Silver Surfer

>> No.456518


What was so bad about Milon and Dick Tracy? Would consider them as good episodes because he wasn't acting such a retard and not having shitty skits.

>> No.456531

>All the frustration he felt with it was justified. If he'd gotten a bit further though I think he would've been surprised by the changes Lester goes through.

That's why it's among my worst episodes from him. It's just really shoddy research.

And while the episodes featuring some costumed character are usually rather weak, I thought the Game Glitch one was alright. The gremlin was played by another guy, who is definitely better at acting that Matei.

As I said, some I just think are "worst" for very singular reasons, so they might not actually belong on there.

For Dick Tracy it was this overly emotional freakout that just felt out of place.

For Milon's Secret Castle it was that he never mentioned whether some gameplay stuff like the continue code were in the manual or not.

>> No.456537

>For Dick Tracy it was this overly emotional freakout that just felt out of place.

I read somewhere he was genuinely pissed at still not being able to beat the first level after 20 years so his anger was real. No source, I can't remember where I read that. Might have been from Mike or some other commentary.

>> No.456589

I like James.

The really juvenile parts of AVGN are pretty much tradition now, and I can either suffer through them or have a stupid laugh every now and again. There's a little bit of That Kid inside of all of us, and the Nerd is an exaggerated parody of that. It's a fine concept.

>> No.456619

To be honest, I can't really blame him for not getting further into the game. I respect what the developers were trying to do, but nobody really wants to suffer through a game that isn't fun right off the bat. At least a mention of it would have been nice, though.

>> No.456658

>For Dick Tracy it was this overly emotional freakout that just felt out of place.

I think that was sort of the point, though; he'd gone on in that video about how much he loved Dick Tracy as a kid, and obviously it was close enough to his heart to dress up as him for Halloween, so it was a game that already had a direct line to an emotional attachment. I thought that made it funnier when he just fucking snapped.

>> No.456661
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what the fuck is this
what is the story behind this

>> No.456671

I loved Dick Tracy when I rented it as a kid. It was like an NES version of GTA, years before GTA was even a thing. I don't remember the snipers at all though, so that would probably piss me off a lot now.

>> No.456679

still a Nintendo fanboy, but hes alright.

>> No.456693

I like his reviews, and he's actually part of the reason why I started playing retro games. I don't like the AVGN's humour though, especially when it relates to fecal matter.

>> No.456698

>not liking fecal matter

And you call yourself a gamer...

>> No.456809

>I want him to start getting giddy about games he likes

Make sure you've seen his Sword Quest video, it's my favorite one and he's not angry.

>> No.457860

My favorite ones are when he reviews consoles. Especially the Atari 5200 one.

>> No.457890

He has his moments.

>> No.457901

I prefer anything CGR for my youtube /vr/ fix.

I also really like Derek because his dorky voice cracks me up, so there's that.

>> No.457913

Been watching him since 07 I believe. I like most of his work, and the man has a great passion for wanting to both preserve and restore films. I respect him deeply for this.
The only thing about James I don't like is some of his guests he brings in. That bootsy guy is fucking awful, he gets on my nerves. Oddly enough, I don't mind mind Mike, he's grown on me. Mike can be a little cringe worthy here and there, but I don't care.

Also that recent video with kyle annoyed the shit out of me. I don't like kyle's singing at all, and I hope I don't have to see him on the videos anytime soon. I always skip the intros because I can't stand his singing voice.

The AVGN videos are almost always good, they're great entertainment. I would give some credit to James for keeping me interested in retro games for the past few years, though now I'm completely just doing on my own.

James as a person has introduced me to lots of films and directors I might have other wise overlooked. I always look forward to his monster madness specials. I really want to see the AVGN movie as well.

>> No.457926
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I'm more of a PC / DOS guy, so I like Lazy Game Reviews.

He's actually really funny, his reviews remind me of the nerds, when the AVGN isn't bitching about games he hates.

here's his Youtube page.


Also, if you go to his playlists and watch some of his LGR Hardware reviews (and Oddware for a laugh) you'll see some great reviews like Nerds 2600. Plus lGR goes into detail about pricing, games to look out for, and other things.

all this, and he does a fucking SPOT on impersonation of Duke Nukem.

>> No.457932

Oh thanks man, I've been wanting to find a channel like this.

Gonna check it out now.

>> No.457953 [DELETED] 

Been watching LGR since his Blood review years back. Glad the guy is regularly making videos. He used to only make like three or four videos a year.

>> No.457960

just watched his check quest review, loved it

same guy here >>457932


>> No.457961

Been watching his stuff since around the time he did the Blood review. Really glad he has been getting more and more popular recently. The guy deserves it.

>> No.457962
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I like him and Mike's pretty cool as well when he's not trying to be funny (seriously, someone should have a hard talk to him about it).
And AVGN isn't really aimed at grown adults, I've always gotten the sense that James kind of makes those the way he does as something he himself would have loved as a kid. So people loosing their shit about it being juvenile are as embarrassing as its horrible adult fan base.
I personally prefer his cinema related stuff more though, such as Monster Madness or the odd top 10 list, and like it more when James is just being himself rather than acting.
The only thing of his that has made me genuinely rage was his SNES VS. Sega Genesis feature. Not because he's a self admitted Nintendo fanboy or that I think the Genesis should have "won", but because he was kind of ignorant when it came to both the technology and game library of the Genesis making his "fair" comparison a lot more biased than he himself might have realized.

>> No.457967

Made it through many a late night of layout and writing at my old job with a justin.tv stream of old AVGN.

>> No.457972

>I personally prefer his cinema related stuff more though, such as Monster Madness or the odd top 10 list

This is what I like about James the most. As a movie buff I can really relate to his passion for movies. I really hope he does get to make a feature length movie that is not related to his AVGN stuff. Kinda feel bad that he pretty much has to stick with it in order to keep a large majority of his fans happy.

>> No.457982

I don't get why everyone hates the sketches. Granted, the ones in the AVGN reviews are usually mediocre, but I enjoy the Board James episodes which are basically short pseudohorror parodies.

>> No.457984

>3. Silver Surfer
Fuck no. He went trough the entire episode without mentioning the fuckawesome Follin score.
I like James, I sometimes like AVGN, but as things go that omission was a cardinal sin.

>> No.457992

I really like it when he sits down and honestly explain what makes a game terrible. There are so many moments where it's just like "Why can't I make this jump!? <5 hour 'fuck' chant>"

>> No.457990

Some things about the video just were "off" to me.

>Backwards comparability category
>SNES wins because Super 8
>Super 8 was 3rd party
Sure, that's all true, but the backwards compatibility thing shouldn't have even been a question in the first place because both of the consoles didn't even have it.

That sounds a lot like the intro to Solstice. Same guy, I assume?

>> No.458023

The funny thing is, I doesn't even feel as the most hardcore of AVGN fans were asking for that film. That had probably more to do with James's love of trashy cult flicks than actual demand. A shame really that he didn't do something more economically viable, I have a hunch that he'll go into debt because of it soon.

Yup. Tim Follin's the fellow's name. Do a youtube search, prepare for eargasms.

>> No.458029

>Lots of comments about $200,000

Please don't tell me that's how much he has made by doing that shit...

>> No.458032

You think he'll go into debt because of a film that his fans paid for?

>> No.458042
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Is he aware of Game Center CX?
If not, someone should maybe point it out to him and its cult following, might have a positive influence on him.

>> No.458048

They only paid for a part of it and it went over budget.

>> No.458053

Back when he made soundchip music for various computers and gaming consoles, Tim Follin had a reputation of making awesome, beautiful videogame soundtracks that in no way fit the games they were in, neither in quality nor theming.

As a result most people just seperate the man and the projects he worked on, like a British Shinji Hosue.

>> No.458056

>Yup. Tim Follin's the fellow's name.

That guy really knew how to work the NES's soundchip.

Pictionary has never been so awesome.

>> No.458079

He didn't always just deviate from the game's theme though.
Silver Surfer, Plok! and Spider Man Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge are examples of the score fitting the subject matter, even though the gameplay doesn't match up (well, Plonk! did, kinda) and both C64 ports of Bionic Commando and Ghouls 'n Ghosts build on the original arcade game score.

>> No.458263


AVGN is what got me into retro gaming.

>> No.458278

The swearing I don't mind. It's the scatalogical humour. He seems to have an abiding fascination with shit.

>> No.458538

Isn't that kind of the point though?

>> No.458552

funniest thing I've ever seen by AVGN. And it's not AVGN. So there's that.

>> No.458604

This is my favorite AVGN-related video. Great editing.


>> No.458630

Then the point itself is a turnoff, take from that what you will.

>> No.458639

Same here, but more seeing his collection.

I've always been into retro gaming, but I was fine with emulating before. Now I prefer to own the games myself.

>> No.458665

Early videos were great. Then he became soft and boring.

Also, his friends are worse than Sonic's.

>> No.458674

>I've always been into retro gaming, but I was fine with emulating before. Now I prefer to own the games myself.
Maybe you just, dunno, grew up and started having your own money?

>> No.458720

What I meant is that he has an obsession with shit in both the literal and figurative sense of the word.

>> No.458749
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I'm 32.

>> No.458761

Silver Surfer was his best video. But yeah its shit recently.

>> No.459015

Board James is the new best thing after AVGN.

>> No.459080
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I love the fact that he reminds me of the frustration and disappointment of renting a game during the weekend and then realizing it was shitty when I got back home.

However, I hate the fact that he keeps swearing and I also hate his overuse of fecal matter.

>> No.459108

I honestly think his NES accessories and Pong consoles reviews were the perfect mixture of interesting information and vulgarity, and those are what James should use as a reference point for his videos.

>> No.459163

Not funny. I have no idea why he's so popular

>> No.459196


He's toned down the swearing in the later episodes. According to him, he used every idea for a swear he had. All of them.

>> No.459423

cuz he's Tha Nerd.


>that awesome feel when your fanart gets published on his site

>> No.459424


Yeah, I haven't got into later episodes. I think I stopped watching after the CD-I one.

Speaking of which, did he ever say the word retard in his show? I remember hearing it in his earlier episodes, but never heard it afterwards.

>> No.459459

Pray tell, which one is yours?

>> No.459501

Enjoy most of his simple reviews, but I get bored when he overdoes things to a point where it simply isn't funny.

>> No.459538

I'm pretty sure this horse has been beaten to death here in /vr/.

>> No.459548

That picture looks like two nipples on an uncut penis

>> No.459612


Check out his System Shock 1 review, he makes some good points about how ahead of it's time the game was. I like it when a reviewer delivers their thoughts coherently, and having a decent voice doesn't hurt either. The only things I cringe at are some of his jokes.


>> No.459991

I'm pretty sure not everyone who browses /vr/ took part in the first thread.

James rekindled the Nintendo fanboy within me, as well as accomplished his goal with the reviews. They're usually intentionally biased to demonstrate how a child might see it as, I know I've looked at games in a much different light. I hate that he's lost steam on his reviews and such, but after 110 episodes and a couple years of movie filming I am certain he's burnt out on the Nerd. I appreciate his hard work and I enjoyed watching his passion come to life. Some of the acting skits are a bit overdone, and as much as I hate Mike's obnoxious ass his role as the joker was done flawless. I still laugh uncontrollably along with his complete debacle on Batman Forever for the SNES. Return Recenge Return Revenge!

>> No.460098
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Been watching since 2006. I've noticed a decline in the campyness that first attracted me. His first couple videos are heralded as terrible, and he himself has said so, but I find them so surreal and bad that it makes them fun to watch somehow. I'm not sure if that makes sense but I liked the low quality of the older videos. Over the course of time he's sort of gradually become more concise and organized in how to make his videos, and the surprises and over the top aspect has been toned down. It also feels like at first he just did it for a little bit of fun and didn't give a shit if it was that great or not, but then later started to really get down to becoming humorous, or at least trying to be. Some shit was insanely unfunny like Shit Pickle, or the dread Bugs Bunnie's Crazy Castle review. So to me it's like any show I've ever seen, it's hit and miss.

However, the newer stuff isn't entirely bad or uninteresting. It seems like he is trying a bit too hard sometimes, and the ideas are flatter and uninspired maybe because he's running out of ideas after 100+ episodes.

I also personally thought the Ikari Warriors episode was cool just because I always liked Kyle. Mike is a total douche bag and ever since his introduction I've noticed more of Jame's videos becoming less and less funny. Whether that's because of Mike or not is something I don't know but it seems like a big coincidence. Oh and forget the Mike only episodes, he doesn't know what he's talking about and I can't believe James even let him make his own uninspired shit.

>> No.460204

You mention 2 reviews you find to be "insanely funny", that both feature Mike, and then proceed to say Mike is (potentially) responsible for the decline in funny-ness of the series.

>> No.460216
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Read it again.

>> No.460238


I've never watched his videos, but I really resent how people will claim you just followed his opinion if you happen to dislike a game he dislikes (i.e. Simon's Quest. Yes I'm that same person) as if no one else had ever played these games when they were actually released.

>> No.460253

I actually like him a lot. I don't think he gets too ridiculous with the immature/scat talk. The videos are still mostly legit complaints about the games, and as someone else said, it's often hard to tell where James ends and the Nerd begins. It's not outrageously exaggerated, it's still pretty self-aware.

I like his videos because he goes really in-depth into games, he edits very well and I honestly do find him really funny most of the time. I don't think he's gotten worse, I recall enjoying his Dark Castle review quite a bit.

>> No.460260


I'm not really familiar with the fanbase. What's so bad about them?

>> No.460282

i'm pretty hyped for the movie

>> No.460303


Amazingly immature, bad grammar skills, etc. I like how many of his fans actually leave messages for just him on his videos, as if he reads them all. I feel embarrassed for them.

Also they follow the whole "AVGN brought me here". They also fall easily for bait and will argue and go through all kinds of reactionary shit instead of ignoring someone.

>> No.460309

What does /v/r think of jewwario?

>> No.460365

I like James' work that isn't AVGN stuff.

Some of the AVGN stuff is okay.

>> No.460408

I'd just like to thank whoever linked this channel once again. I've already fallen in love with his reviews. I'll be plowing through more soon.

have any more similar ones?

Or if anyone else like to contribute, any old game / dos game channels. sorry to hijack the thread but, I sense there's a lot of people in here with good youtube subscriptions.

>> No.460419

Where would you even find that fanbase?
Do they have some sort of community hangouts or something?

I've been a "fan" of his videos since 2007 or 2008, and I've never seen or heard of any actual fandom.

>> No.460541

I don't know what's wrong with them, but they suck his dick in comments left and right. Especially on his personal site, it's disgusting.

He's a cool guy and all, and I can understand why so many people like him, I mean I do, but his fans are pretty awful.

>> No.461576


I don't really see the problem with leaving messages for him as he does occasionally reply to them.

The rest? I dunno. Maybe a bunch of twelve year old found out about him and retro gaming. I know there is a whole bunch that cannot write in English very well.

>> No.461658

The more sketches and shit he does the worse the episodes get. When it's just him playing games it's great. Even though it's not in full character I love his Castlevania marathon because it's really about the games and he doesn't get all bitchy about metroid-vania like egoraptor does.

>> No.461812


>> No.461841

there's kacho threads going on the whole time, though.

>> No.461850

The fuck? Why keep something like this up? Hasn't James already said that he doesn't give two fucks about what the Irate Gamer does? Isn't this enough?

Christ, my head hurts.

>> No.461894

I've followed James since 2007 and I think that the stuff where he is himself (movie related stuff etc) are the better ones, he really seems like a down to earth guy and I actually like to listen to his voice.
The skits in AVGN episodes are either a hit or a miss imo, the Batman episodes were just fine with all those skits, even though Mike was a little overboard.

also, to add - the way James says the word 'Ass' is in my everyday vocabulary.

>> No.461898

Haha, I do that to. AAAYYYAASSS

>> No.461903
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I really like some of the AVGN videos, while some others are just ok.
The videos of his collections or when they're just standing around talking about rental stores are pretty boring though.
Overall, good.
The best episodes are the ones where he really has something to say about the game, rather than just being obliged to put out a new episode. Also I was a sega kid growing up so I didn't know much about NES until his videos

>> No.461915

oh, favourite episodes:
CD-I part II, Castlevania I - II, Swordquest, Ghost'nGoblins.

>> No.461932

The Genesis vs SNES is great, watch it if you haven't.

>> No.461954

Yeah, I've seen it, good stuff - I was listing my favourite AVGN episodes, sorry for the confusion.

>> No.461982


I forget which video it was, but he said he was the voiceover guy for one of his former company's training videos. Even then they recognized his solid voice

>> No.461983

One of the episodes starts with the camera jsut shooting at his room and nothing's happening for a moment, then he sticks his head in and shouts that, and the intro starts. Strangely that is pretty funny.

>> No.461997

Nintendo Power one, love the opening.
That was his 'Making of AVGN episode', if I remember correctly.

>> No.462019

Video game "reviewers" are amongst the most retarded kinds of Youtube celebrities right up there with "I'm your buddy" LPers and Vloggers. They aren't contributing to mankind in any way, they aren't hitting on any kind of deeper wisdom. All they are doing is perpetuating the simple truth that Youtube rewards attention whoring and mass production over creativity.

>> No.462037

I may be inclined to agree with that, if James wasn't also an excellent film critic (which is really where is love lies).

Go watch Monster Madness if you want to see where he can really, really shine.

>> No.462045

Same here. That particular way of saying it is ingrained in my swearing vocabulary.


>> No.462048

>They aren't contributing to mankind
If this is the standard by which we should live, let alone use our free time, we can all just skip the fuck away from a retro video game site

>> No.462049

Bitching about them anonymously contributes leagues more than what they do anon.

>> No.462067

Amazing b8 m8

>> No.462076


You could argue that AVGN has a slight amount of artistic value for conveying a wasted childhood with many regrets.

>> No.462081

As far as I can see, they're not really looking to contribute anything to 'mankind.' They're just sharing some stuff they think is or isn't cool. Maybe help some people kill twenty minutes.

And Youtube themselves don't really reward those types of reviewers. In fact, they've scared a lot of them off to Blip.tv or Springboard.

>> No.462084

See, its important to remember that James as the Nintendo Nerd is a character. He's the angry, obsessive guy who's pissed off that these shitty games ruined many weekends of his childhood. He comes back to challenge them and warn the world of their awfulness, only to have to confront their terribleness once more, or rather, his percieved idea of their terribleness.

James doesn't hate Castlevania 2, and has said as much in several posts of his (and in his revisit where he reviews the entire series, basically). Its his character that does that. Smaller issues become huge problems. Look at Dr. Jykll and Mr. Hyde, for instance, where he took to drinking because "This game ruined my life".

If you watch all of it remembering its a character, it helps with certain things, such as the Dick Tracy freak out.

>> No.462116

I do think there are some instances where the anger is genuine. Not the "FUCK I'M SO ANGRY" parts but the parts where he just asks "Why?"

Sort of like his reactions to Super Back to the Future 2 or the recent-ish Godzilla fighting games.

>> No.462128

Oh absolutely.

If it wasn't genuine, I don't think it would be nearly as agreeable as it is.

I've played a lot of the games he's reviewed. Some of them are far worse than he gives them credit for, and others are not (due to the character, as I said. Such as Simon's Quest, which is okay).

>> No.462609

>did he ever say the word retard in his show

He says it in Rambo, I know because I just watched that one a couple hours ago. I think he says it in Castlevania 2 also. Maybe a few others.

>> No.463759

Not funny enough to be entertaining, not smart enough to make up for it

>> No.464832

que dice

>> No.464852

lel snix

>> No.464905
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I like him. I'm neutral towards his various curse sessions, but I definitely prefer when it's obvious that James is talking instead of the Nerd. His Plumbers Don't Wear Ties video is still one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen.

>> No.464941

Dragon in my Dreams gave me some serious feels.

>> No.464942

No that's how much he lost when he bought his own studio and hired some actors, then flopped.It's why he resurrected the NC. So he can try to make money again.

>> No.464951

I feel kind of bad for him. He couldn't do what he wanted to do, and has to fall back on something he probably wanted to leave behind. Doug himself also seems like an okay guy.

>> No.464965

I don't. He bought a studio then did terrible skits that could have been done in his living room.

>> No.464975

That was sort of a strange experience watching that for the first time, as I knew exactly what dragon and what playground he was talking about and going to (Fox Chase playground in Northeast Philly if anyone's curious) since I went there a bunch as a kid, myself.

>> No.465196

I find Bad Luck Bootsy hilarious.

Mother fucker wasn't supposed to wind Tornado Rex more than 3 times.

>> No.465257

LGR is the fucking best.

>> No.466024


Anyone from RetrowareTV is really good. I like LGR but have you seen Run, Think, Play from LaserFrog? Or Happy Video Game Nerd? Or even Rerez and Historic Game Nerd?

>> No.466032


LaserFrog and Rerez made a video together about LucasArts. There is a thread on it already. It's pretty cool. If you played the older LucasArts games it sorta brings tears to your eyes.

>That feels...


>> No.467124
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I like RetrowareTV. Pat the NES punk from the AVGN Nintendo Championship video is on that site.

>> No.467128

JewWario is good IMO.

>> No.467135


That sounds exactly like /v/.

>> No.467394


I just saw his latest video up on the site. I loved the little joke he did with the DS.

>> No.467479

Classic Game Room was here, reminding you will never play retro vidya with Mark.


>> No.467535

He's good overall, but in some episodes he goes overboard with the stupid shit, yet still he's popular so he can show "younger" generation about the past.

>> No.467587

I like CGR but seriously, the quality and has been lacking lately, along with the strange jokes.

>> No.467601
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The first part of his Ikari Warriors video was pretty good, just him talking about the game sharing some info that people wouldn't know and generally being cool.

But the second that fucking guitar player comes in it goes to shit fast.

>> No.467949

There's something a bit too try-hard with the recent AVGN videos. Some of the older ones are great. They capture the immaturity of the nerd- he's a child with an NES and taps into all of that juvenile frustration, only now that he is a grown up, he swears.

Irate gamer is fantastic 10/10 entertainment

CGR is great, but recent videos have been lacking something... I'm not quite sure what it is... I wonder if Mark is getting tired... maybe he no longer sees some of the spark that gaming held for him? Maybe he's got real world stuff going on...

>> No.468001


He is funny, and his videos are enjoyable and nice to watch. However, the fanbase is horrible and a lot of shit was said by James in the SNES vs. Genesis review. He lost my respect in that moment.

>> No.468054

Recently I've liked his non AVGN stuff the best.

He's at his best when he's just being James. I enjoy his Board James vids as well.

>> No.468171


art has no actual value tho

>> No.468464
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>Irate gamer is fantastic 10/10 entertainment

>> No.468539

>clicked away after 6 seconds
>couldn't last past the intro

>> No.468585

He exaggerates things too much.

>> No.469409

My opinion is that threads dedicated to online celebrities like AVGN and that Japanese fuck aren't really discussing games or systems so they should probably gtfo.

>> No.469472
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Dick Tracy, SMB3 and Crazy Castle wouldn't have been so bad without all the shit at the end (huge freakout, possesed cart shit) and Crazy Castle just went way overboard with the fight scenes towards the end