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File: 569 KB, 827x832, Best grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4538083 No.4538083 [Reply] [Original]

The Dragon Quest thread was closed and i still do not have my answer...

They said DQ5 is overrated, i finished 8 now doing 9 and on future plan to do 6 and i still haven't found a more fun game (played all versions of 5 except for SNES).

>> No.4538086

Who the fuck says DQ5 is overrated? First time I’ve heard that

>> No.4538089

I prefer 3 SFC

>> No.4538090

I heard this one is the fan favorite for speedruns, as they need knowledge and last 3 hours or so max.

>> No.4538092

DQ5 being overrated isn't really a popular opinion, it's usually considered one of the best games in the series along with 8, 3 and 4

>> No.4538103

4 is enjoyable even after playing 5?

Like i will not stumble on missing features?

Or stuff they fixed on 5?

>> No.4538104

3 and 2's boys are so cute

>> No.4538125

>4DS will never get a retranslation
>4PS1 will never get translated
Why even bother living

>> No.4538131

4DS's translation is fine unless you hate the accents, right? And the NES one isn't that bad either, they toned down the whole thou thee thy art stuff in that one

>> No.4538139

Me, before playing 4DS:
>Seriously, how important can party chat be? These people are making such a big deal over a few lines of dialogue
Me while playing 4DS:
>Oh my god Healie is talking to me about his emotions this is fucking amazing

>> No.4538170

>4 is enjoyable even after playing 5?
for me it is, but your mileage may vary

>> No.4538180

Play 4 for mobile since it has fully translated party chat. Trust me, it's a great game, even after playing 5. The first half of the game is a non-stop story driven adventure like 5 is, and the second half of the game is more exploration based, like 3. Play it, it's good.

>> No.4538189

wait what? I played 4DS and recall no such thing..

>> No.4538238

DQ2 is seriously underrated. I always see it getting shat on online, but I've been playing it all weekend and enjoying this crazy ride coming straight off after DQ1.

The music is amazing and I've been really impressed by the scale of it while sailing around the ocean after 1's tiny world. NPC dialog is really important to pay attention to or you'll have no idea what's going on.

I'm playing the SFC cart with 1 + 2 though, so there might have been some rebalancing or whatnot, I don't know. Too busy enjoying my great adventure.

>> No.4538239

I sincerelly don't care on how people complaim about the new style of DQ started on 8 as 8 was my gateway to the series so the accents and puns will actually feel familiar to me.

>> No.4538245

I feel like people who hate DQ2 don't like RPGs and they just want to town portal to the next part of the story. It's such a fun game

>> No.4538252

I often hear about DQ2 being divisive what happened?

>> No.4538260

It's an exploration heavy game. It's not cryptic at all but you have to actively figure out what you need to do next, talk to all the NPCs, etc. You get around the world by exploring and finding these teleporters that connect distant major areas, instead of simply using Return (or Zoom, depending on the translation) to town portal. The world is much bigger than DQ1 but smaller than DQ3.

>> No.4538270

Simply trying to raid every dungeon and kill bosses to sequence break don't work?

>> No.4538279

I'm not exactly sure how your question pertains to my post but IIRC there's a classic 'get the 5 crystals' or whatever part after you get the ship. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get them in multiple different orders. But it is a JRPG after all, so when you do boss fights out of order you'll be overlevelled when you come around to the one you skipped

>> No.4538286
File: 1.43 MB, 600x540, DQIV Party.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played III, IV, V, and VII and kind of feel I already played the best the series has to offer me. tried VIII and wasn't a fan, the skill tree system was sort of borinng as skills are either broken or useless essentially and the 3d wasn't enough to save it for me. Any suggestions?

>> No.4538292

Seems you haven't played I, II, VI, or IX yet

>> No.4538302

8 is fun it has a fun feel of exploration and the OST is god tier.

The only problem is Dhoulmagus what annoying luck based fight.

9 is fun but kinda like Pokemon Silver the game is more of a event to do with your friends than a timeless singleplayer experience.

>> No.4538529
File: 5 KB, 160x144, 1482034798013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to replay 3 on gbc, and I love 5, but 7 is by far my favorite. I put over 200 hours into 7 on playstation. There's just something about it that stuck in me. It's got this pervasive melancholy that perfectly matches its sound track. And so many amazing memorable moments and hundreds of party chat opportunities.

Be ready for 7. It's by far the longest too.

>> No.4538536
File: 137 KB, 600x851, e82fe35d5c3aef5b975292ae376a4e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree you've played the best. Try 9 if you liked naming/creating your own party in 3 also if you like dressing up your characters. 1 and 2 are good too and flesh out 3.

>> No.4538539

V is hailed as a godsend by most DQ fans

After playing it I felt unimpressed. Characters were very shallow, world lacked charm apart from the music and cute graphics.

When I played the DS version I talked to every single NPC and tried every single party chat. Can't say I care much about anyone

>> No.4538615

what is happening in this image?

>> No.4538897
File: 93 KB, 675x506, dq1-2poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contrarian opinion.
This, the only true complaint you could have with II is finding one of the shards (i believe it was the star shard?) because the game doesn't gives you any clue and your only help is the Pixie Flute, over all II is a fun little game.

>> No.4539012

Reunion with Debora before the final dungen probably.

>> No.4539670

I like DQ7 the most.

>> No.4539748

Good boy

>> No.4539767

When the hell do I get Red in DQ7? I'm 43 hours into the game, and I just recently got the old man.
Now I have 3 different island to go to, but I'm guessing I'm not going to see her anytime soon.

>> No.4539851

>Red in DQ7

I think you have your Dragon Quests mixed up.

>> No.4539856

V is the best and Debora is the best. Great taste.

VII is the second best so you might want to try that next.

>> No.4539860 [DELETED] 

>Characters were very shallow
Did you make use of the party chat? That's where the characterisation is.

>> No.4539874

Every new version of DQ2 has some re-balancing. The original game wasn't play-tested past the ship and Hori regretted so much he made a point to ensure every re-release had a progressive easier end game as DQ2 final area is among the hardest jumps in difficulty in the franchise. The original release was probably straight up the hardest area ever in a DQ game.

>> No.4539947

You mean the 3DS one right?

Privileged info on RPGs usually breaks them so my first playthrough on them is usually blind and i ended up giving up on DQ7 PS1 after spending 7 hours without fighting stuck on a dungeon that i couldn't leave.

>> No.4539974

I'm being honest. I love games where you can talk to every single NPC and interact tons like, I dunno, going to every place in the internet every day in MMBN to talk to every Navi and Mr. Prog.

Can't remember a single interesting line in the entire game, for DQ V.

Besides Dad and the main character being kinda cool, I honestly was unfazed by the game.

Maybe I picked a shit wife with awful dialogue and should've gotten Debora instead. I don't know. But I felt very unimpressed after DQV. Which also felt kinda easy compared to DQ and DQII.

I've seen gameplay of DQVIII and it seems to have way more memorable characters, towns, enemies, everything, than DQV. Don't know if I have enough free time to play it to its fullest though.

>> No.4539985

I know, but they look rather similar. My question stands though

>> No.4540075

No I've only played the PS1 version and I didn't use a guide. 7 hours seems a bit extreme.

>> No.4540080

why do they have to sexualize everything

>> No.4540125

And i have experience with frustrating plot triggers i had played Terranigma and thought i would do well in the game.

>> No.4540138

This can only be meme.

A mom kissing her kids is sexual in what way?

Specially after everything they went through?

I agree there are some gross DQ5 porn out there but this image has nothing sexual going on.

>> No.4540153

The lower difficulty on DQ5 is more a drawn in than anything.

Targets, turn order and damage rolls being so random that you can't plan a freaking turn on a fair fight (same level) it's BS.

I always wondered what Yuji has with luck with a lot of DQ important combat stuff coming down to luck instead of memorization and a _bit_ of risk and reward.

As a joke i once said to myself, "heh this game is still scrub tier on randomness because the buttons doens't spin when you try to press then"

Then i looked into the control schemes for US audiences and the unwellcome intrusion of Sony ("westerners are to dumb to select stuff with X") the buttons actually spin depending of the version you play.

>> No.4540498
File: 515 KB, 961x1280, tumblr_o94ferPNr21tpb4zso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get Aira late. I hope you're not rushing this game.

>> No.4540505

The localized version had party chat removed because they were too lazy to translate it. It's restored in the mobile version.

>> No.4540627

Or, ya know, the bedroom eyes on the daughter.

>> No.4540689

* "Dumb to select with circle"

>> No.4540774

to be fair the earlier games, while incredibly hard, can all be rng manipulated.

>> No.4540857

Yeah i know i'm usually look for speedruns when i want to steal tricks to make long RPGs short as time for play sessions is starting to run low for me.

>> No.4541065
File: 138 KB, 850x1050, 1510360109941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been around 58 hours, and I just got her.
Christ, I like and enjoy this game, but the pacing is bad.

>> No.4541110
File: 252 KB, 332x598, 332px-Warrior3female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally click on these dragon warrior/quest threads but the OP got me in here

>> No.4541547

Google the source.

The artist does porn.

>> No.4542476

To be fair she is not bad for a 9 year old

>> No.4544479

Or she is just a cute girl.

>> No.4544517

She sucks anyway. If you're expecting Red you're in for a disappointment.

>> No.4545438
File: 45 KB, 640x481, treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing DQVI and I get pic related when I go to the treasury in dream Somnia but I can't actually open the treasury.

>> No.4545514

I fell for the mobile version meme, dealt with the horrendous controls for hours until getting to chapter 5 and finally realizing "party chat" is literally just your party saying little one liners about where you are in the game

I thought it was gonna be some major feature or like the support conversations in older Fire Emblem games but it is absolutely not worth putting up with garbage mobile controls

>> No.4545531

Opinions on the NES version of IV? Specifically the quality of the translation.

>> No.4545687

I actually love the pacing. I was delighted and surprised that the first battle was like two hours in, I didn't even notice it was missing. And it's ages before you get to class-change too. Then the game just keeps on going forever. Goddamn I love this game.

>> No.4545768

Don't ask this question, Dragon Warrior fanboys will apeshit Dragon Quest style because they went away from the machine translation and added puns and their own bullshit to make up with the language gap and meaning that is lost as EN and JP are really different languages.

You will lose on both fronts if you don't know japanese but i at least prefer to get extra content with the Dragon Quest Style.

>> No.4545952

I like the DS translations, and I've played about half the mobile version of IV. I just prefer to play the original releases when possible and am wondering if the original localization is notoriously bad and simplistic like a lot of NES translations were back then.

>> No.4545957

the thing that sucks about the NES translations is the thou art thy thee shit which they significantly toned down by IV

>> No.4546239

Thing is when is DQ originals will not do a lot for you.

It's either missing fun additions from other games or faster battles.

They don't do like other franchises and change almost everything and add the game name to it, it's just a better way to experience the game.

>> No.4546307

Bad picture. The hero's son and daughter had blonde hair.

>> No.4546383


To complete the post, DQ with re-releases are like how there is absolutelly no reason to play a old or first version of any Disgaea maybe with the second game and the Nekomata Trick being the sole exception of 6 games.


BST GRIL gives black hair to your children.

>> No.4546418
File: 349 KB, 600x800, 1508514829686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do I get Maribel back? I hate not haing her in my party, just finished the Casino town and all that.

>> No.4547406
File: 75 KB, 696x928, 1508513269696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When? I just got my flying stone thingy, how much longer must I wait?!

>> No.4547859

Why is the daughter looking at her brother so lewdly?

>> No.4548929

Played IV-IX and Swords. IV, my first is my favorite, V and VIII just behind it.
I hope XI gets a North America release date soon.

>> No.4548998

To me 2 felt like they were trying to make 3 but couldn't get it right, it feels like a beta version of what DQ would become.

>> No.4549031

play III

>> No.4549271

Soon enough IIRC, but you'll really have to go out of your way to use her since she'll be at the same level she left. Although I'm not sure if they changed this for the 3DS remake.

>> No.4549281
File: 61 KB, 408x552, 3B16BD8E-2715-441C-AE11-7090C9FCD33B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s the best dq town and why is it kol?

>> No.4549289
File: 15 KB, 371x355, 1325635774868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you return there in 3 and the flute is in the same place

>> No.4549305
File: 253 KB, 768x1024, 1501924733001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got her back now, She is 29 and Aisha is 31, pretty sure Maribel was 29 when she left as well. Is there a point where I have to leave one behind, as the max party size is 4? The plan was to leave either Gabo behind, but the good Sir is pretty much identical to Auster in terms of classes and such, so I am a bit tempted to leave him behind instead.

>> No.4549543

Where the hell is the teleporter in the Emberdale?! After I fought the Fire sprite I need to go back, but the fucking camera wount let me scout, and every mob in existence spawns on top of me at all times. I'm starting to hate this game

>> No.4549594

Because she knows she's really fucking sexy.

>> No.4549852

>Erdrick went back to the town after his journey was over to put the flute in the same place

>> No.4549863

I'm playing DQ Builders for the first time and it's so good and cute. Loving it.

Btw of the ones I've played the DQ I've enjoyed the most was the first one so maybe that's the reason.

>> No.4549865

He was in town for a Puff Puff and figured he might as well.

>> No.4550135

Was thinking of doing the original trilogy this year at some point. Lots of games I want to play.

>> No.4551171
File: 77 KB, 630x919, 1465697165785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shoulndt

>> No.4551271
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1467095287985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which hair color does Moonbrooke really have?

>> No.4551274

Does "overrated" mean "the best in the fucking series"? Because if that's that, then yeah it's overrated.

>> No.4551282

You should, to be honest with you 2 is perfectly skippable (and not very good), but you owe it to yourself to play 1 and 3.

>> No.4551301

2 is better than 1

>> No.4551306

Yeah but it still plays like a botched version of 3, 1 is still worth playing not only to see how the series started but because of the connections between 1 and 3.

>> No.4551321

No it's pretty distinct from 3, especially if you're playing remakes, because IIRC remakes had group-hitting weapons like whips and boomerangs to 3 but not 2. It's the most exploration-heavy game in the series and that alone makes it so worth playing.

>> No.4551327

The only reason it's so heavy on exploration is because they forgot to add any semblance of structure to the game. It may be a huge improvement over 1 but it's still half-baked.

>> No.4551339

Never played VII but I want to start it soon. Is the PS1 translation good or there is something I need to know?

>> No.4551340

So? The pure exploration is fun anyway. It's not that it's lacking in structure, if anything it has more, since they had to design it well enough to be played without Return, the existence of which effectively eliminates the need for careful overworld design.

>> No.4551674
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, DQXI-Restricted-Play_06-10-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they add voice acting and orchestral music to the localized version of this?

>> No.4551696

Yellow when she wants to be sexy, purple when she wants to be cute.
It's like mood hair.

>> No.4551703
File: 77 KB, 702x638, 1508273899539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know

>> No.4551716
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>> No.4552171

Agreed there, no teleport everywhere spells means that you actually have to put thought into traveling from one corner of the world to the other. Something the games after 2 messed up

>> No.4552348

They did the same with PS2 VIII, nothing new.

>> No.4552362

I'm revisiting the start of the series, haven't played them since I was a kid. 1 was a little more cryptic than I remembered, but it was fun. 2 is great so far though. Really enjoying it.

>> No.4553485

Getting close to the end of DQ2 after playing it for the past couple of weeks, and it sure has been a great run. This feels like a good runner-up for series favorite right after DQ7 in my personal ranking.

It's not so much a lack of structure as the game just not explicitly pointing you in what direction to go next. You're free to go basically wherever you want as soon as the sea opens up. NPCs offer hints for everything, I've been taking notes as I went along to keep track of what to get to later.

As for the grind, I honestly haven't found it very bad at all in DQ2SFC anyway. It's rebalanced, so surely that helps, but if you don't run away from every fight it seems to scale fairly. Once the magicians level up shit really starts to get real.

>> No.4553489

IIRC the grind is pretty much halved in that version.

>> No.4553575

Would recommend playing this version, then. I haven't had to grind at all.

>> No.4553578

I haven't played this in years (like 10) but afaik in the original you need to grind here and there unless you use speedrun strats to exploit encounters, AI, etc.

>> No.4553628

>I've been taking notes as I went along to keep track of what to get to later.
Wish I had done this with DQ3, the biggest problem I had with the orb hunting part is that I literally just forgot where certain people were and/or what they wanted.

>> No.4553632

The remake even has a spell for this, to remember NPC text.

>> No.4553637

Oh so that's what it did, I always found weird that some seemingly random lines showed up.

>> No.4554182

Is there a patch for the Super Famicom english patch of V that fixes names to the official localized ones?

I doubt it but thought I'd ask.

>> No.4555151

The DS version is all what you would want anyway.

>> No.4555184
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1506104272339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is V on the ds the same on the android?

>> No.4555540

I like playing the original releases first.

>> No.4555787

This is not a good idea for some games.

DQ5 is one of them, the whole game looks like a tutorial level on how easy not to mention is 8bitish on colouring as it is early on the SNES. lifecycle

>> No.4555814

I haven't played 5 yet but if any DQ game is overrated it's 8.
Playing the 3DS versions of DQ7 and then going on to DQ8 is like going from a masterpiece to a well-polished average JRPG.

>> No.4555834

Why do you like 7 so much?

>> No.4556048
File: 3.21 MB, 3700x2152, dragon quest v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got to this part in V, made a little image from screens I took

>> No.4556083

Vanilla 8 has some balance issues the tutorial NPC does not give you good hints of what weapons do, bet on the wrong one you you are out to a bad time.

But part of what makes people appreciate it so much is that the game is kinda like a FF9 where everything from the series is brought together one way or another gameplaywise without sacrificing many things because now it's 3D, a huge thing comes from the ability to change equips mid battle, feature missing since SNES on 3D RPGs because changing 3D models insaide a battle usually let to a small freeze for the console to load the model for the weapon... Well it's still missing party change but 3DS put it back.

3DS improved with the DQ9 Skill Tree explanation and no Random Encounters but the soundtrack for US version and the awesome visuals for a PS2 game are missing making it a game without a definitive version.

I wish i could play DQ7 3DS because the PS1 version is unbearable i gave up after 7 hours without fighting a single battle.

>> No.4556125
File: 395 KB, 1536x2048, 1514531337892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how every island is like it's own little sidestory that all tie together to the main plot and have three stages, the cursed ones you have to fix, the uncursed ones that are somehow off and the final, truly saved ones. The themes they deal with I find surprisingly deep for what amounts to JRPG NPC side-dialogues that are probably just a couple of hundred words per island. (a perfect example would be the Volcano island where Emberdale goes from spiritual people whose faith is co-opted and their community is stagnating, to a commercialized town losing all tradition and humanity and finally ends up realizing they can't just destroy everything they are over the economy.)
The job system is great fun too, even if it could have been introduced a bit earlier.
>I wish i could play DQ7 3DS because the PS1 version is unbearable
Yup. Even the 3DS start is a bit slow until you hit the second/third island and they cut like 20 hours of busywork out of the beginning/dealing with the map piece temple.

>> No.4556129

DQ7 is playable on Citra if you have a decent computer.

>> No.4556227

I think Citra or competition still needs to improve a bit, for now i only get 80% of FPS and choppy audio on my craptop.

>> No.4556274

i still kinda felt that they cut out some of the interesting parts of the islands and the temple despite doing it to improve pacing. They definately fleshed out the islands and the game's backstory a bit more and how it's foreshadowing what it's to come in the game

>> No.4556368

>PS1 version is unbearable i gave up after 7 hours without fighting a single battle.
>7 hours

The fuck? I took me about three hours to get to the first battle and I play RPGs slowly as hell. You just have to do some fetch quests that require walking between the town, the castle, and the ruins (with no random battles to slow you down), then go through a dungeon that's based around puzzles instead of fighting monsters.

I haven't played the 3DS version, but I loved the original DQ7, partly because of how it starts. The puzzle dungeon was fun and a pretty unique idea that I'd never seen in RPGs before. And entire opening sets an interesting atmosphere for this bizarre, empty world that you eventually end up filling. And the long wait makes the party's response when you finally run into that first group of slimes all the more interesting and funny.

>> No.4557218

Took me 5 hours on 3DS which is shortened. People play at different places. I'm slow as all hell, breaking every pot and grinding every bit of dialogue there is.

>> No.4557290

>gross DQ5 porn
God how sheltered do you have to be to be grossed out by shota/loli porn lmao.

>> No.4557293

>3DS DQ9
I'll stick to the non-4Kidz version, thanks.

>> No.4557305

I'm okay with puzzle dungeons as they fill with a mini-game a space that would be used mostly for walk and grind as long they aren't barriers that completely stop your progression and make you overleved if can't turn random encounters.

Tales of Symphonia (except for that wind vane one)

Lufias that aren't Fortress of Doom does masterfully.

But DQ7 PS1 does not, not to mention the hilariously bad recognition of your sprite on the field to interact with 3D objects like that one thing with blocks and a scale.

If i wasn't a fan of detecting small detailed arbitrary movement as i played Starcraft i would have dropped the game right there.

>> No.4557306

? I said 8 3DS version with a DQ9 Skill Tree that explains shit instead of pick a weapon and hope it works on game that already relies so much on luck for battle outcomes.